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Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne ; 10(1-2): 11-17, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1511807


Introduction : La pandémie de covid-19 a eu un impact sur les systèmes de santé, entravant la prise en charge optimale des maladies chroniques. L'objectif de notre étude était d'évaluer son impact sur le suivi des pathologies systémiques. Patients - Méthodes : Nous avons mené une enquête transversale multicentrique dans les services de Médecine Interne, de Rhumatologie et de Néphrologie à Dakar. Les patients étaient inclus en accord avec les critères de consensus internationaux. L'enquête a porté sur les dossiers concernant 13 questions et a été complétée par un entretien téléphonique avec 38 questions potentielles. Les réponses étaient collectées grâce à une application Web puis exportées et analysées avec le logiciel SPSS 26.0. Résultats : Du 1er Août au 31 Octobre 2021, 131 patients ont été inclus avec un âge moyen de 41,5 ans (+/-12,4) et un sex-ratio de 0,08. Les pathologies inflammatoires étaient dominées par la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (47,3%) et le lupus systémique (22,9%). Les patients ont rapporté avoir raté un ou plusieurs rendez-vous de suivi dans 45% des cas. Les motifs étaient dominés par une difficulté d'obtenir un rendez-vous de suivi (18,6%) et la peur de fréquenter les hôpitaux (16,9%). Une rupture médicamenteuse a été notée dans 33,6% des cas et concernait notamment l'hydroxychloroquine (40,9%) ou le méthotrexate (47,7%) avec comme raison principale les ruptures de stock en pharmacie et les difficultés économiques. Une poussée de la maladie systémique a été rapportée dans 31% des cas corrélée à la rupture médicamenteuse. Onze (11) patients ont présenté une infection confirmée à SARS CoV-2. Conclusion : La pandémie de covid-19 a eu un impact non négligeable sur le suivi des patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires systémiques. Elle a mis en exergue l'intérêt de la réorganisation de la prise en charge de ces patients en période de crise sanitaire, l'éducation thérapeutique des patients et le recours à la télémédecine pour assurer la continuité des soins.

Introduction: The covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on health systems, compromising the optimal management of chronic diseases such as systemic autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases. The aim of our study was to assess its impact on the follow-up of systemic diseases in Dakar. Patients - Methods: We conducted a multicentre cross-sectional survey in the departments of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Nephrology in Dakar. Patients were included in accordance with international consensus criteria. The survey was based on records of 13 questions and was completed by a telephone interview with 38 potential questions. Responses were collected using a web-based application and then exported and analyzed using SPSS 26.0 software. Results: From 1 August to 31 October, 131 patients were included with a mean age of 41.5 years (+/-12.4) and a sex-ratio of 0.08. Inflammatory diseases were dominated by rheumatoid arthritis (47.3%) and systemic lupus erythematosus (22.9%). Patients reported missing one or more follow-up appointments in 45% of the cases. The reasons were dominated by difficulty in obtaining a follow-up appointment (18.6%) and fear of attending hospitals (16.9%). A drug shortage was also reported in 33.6% of the cases and concerned in particular hydroxychloroquine (40.9%) or methotrexate (47.7%), with the main reason being stock shortages in pharmacies and economic difficulties. A flare-up of the systemic disease was reported in 31% of the cases correlated with the drug rupture. Only 11 patients had a confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection. Conclusion: The covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the follow-up of patients with systemic inflammatory diseases. It highlighted the interest of reorganizing the follow-up of these patients during a health crisis, the patient education and the use of telemedicine to ensure continuity of care

Autoimmune Diseases , COVID-19
Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne ; 9(2-2): 26-29, 2022. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1434329


Introduction Les maladies auto-immunes systémiques (MAIS) sont peu connues malgré les progrès diagnostiques et thérapeutiques réalisés ces dernières années. L'objectif de ce travail était de décrire le profil épidémiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique des MAIS dans les services de Médecine Interne et de Dermatologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bouaké (CHU). Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale descriptive réalisée dans les services de Médecine Interne et de Dermatologie du CHU de Bouaké, sur une période de 10ans (janvier 2009- décembre 2018). Résultats : Sur 30906 patients, 50 présentaient une MAIS soit une prévalence hospitalière de 0,16%. Les MAIS les plus fréquentes étaient le lupus érythémateux systémique (50%) et la sclérodermie systémique (42%). L'âge moyen était de 39,5ans ±15ans et le sex-ratio de 0,19. Le délai moyen de consultation était de 26,2 mois. Le tableau clinique était dominé par les signes généraux (98%), les manifestations cutanéomuqueuses (96%) et les manifestations articulaires (90%). Chez 37 patients ayant réalisé l'hémogramme, l'anémie représentait 51,3% des cas. Le syndrome inflammatoire était objectivé chez 67% des 12 patients possédant un bilan inflammatoire. Les auto-anticorps réalisés chez 05 patients étaient contributifs chez 03 patients. Les corticoïdes par voie générale étaient prescrits dans 56% des cas et les perdus de vue étaient observés dans 90% des cas. Conclusion : Les MAIS étaient rares dans notre étude, dominées par le lupus érythémateux systémique et la sclérodermie systémique. L'amélioration du plateau technique et l'accessibilité du bilan immunologique et la sensibilisation paraissent indispensables afin d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients.

Introduction: Systemic autoimmune diseases (SAID) are little known despite the diagnostic and therapeutic progress made in recent years. The objective of this work was to describe the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic profile of SAID in Internal Medicine and Dermatology departments of the university hospital of Bouake. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in the Internal Medicine and Dermatology departments of the university hospital of Bouake, over a period of 10 years (January 2009-December 2018). Results: Of 30,906 patients, 50 presented SAID with a hospital prevalence of 0.16%. The most common SAID were systemic lupus erythematosus (50%) and systemic sclerosis (42%). The mean age was 39.5 ± 15 years, and the sex ratio was 0.19. The average consultation time was 26.2 months. The clinical picture was dominated by general signs (98%), mucocutaneous manifestations (96%) and articular manifestations (90%). In 25 patients who performed the blood count, anemia represented 76% of cases. The inflammatory syndrome was objectified in 67% of the 12 patients with an inflammatory profile. The auto-antibodies made in 05 patients were contributory in 03 patients. Systemic corticosteroids were prescribed in 56% of cases and patients were lost to follow-up in 90% of cases. Conclusion: SAID were rare in our study, dominated by systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic scleroderma. Improvement of the technical platform and accessibility of the immunological assessment appears essential in order to improve patient's care.

Humans , Male , Female , Scleroderma, Systemic , Autoimmune Diseases , Therapeutics , Dermatology , Internal Medicine , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne ; 8(2): 75-80, 2021. tables, figures
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1435219


Introduction : Les patients présentant une affection systémique ont un risque accru d'infections. Leur prise en charge au cours de la pandémie au COVID19 constitue un défi qui doit prendre en considération plusieurs aspects. Nous rapportons les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, et évolutives des patients COVID positifs suivis pour une maladie auto-immune (MAI). Patients et méthode : étude rétrospective, descriptive et analytique menée au centre de traitement des épidémies du centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Le Dantec de Dakar durant les périodes du 30 Avril au 30 Octobre 2020 puis du 30 Décembre 2020 au 30 Avril 2021. Etaient inclus tous les dossiers des patients suivis pour une maladie systémique hospitalisés pour COVID-19 confirmée à la RT-PCR. Résultats : treize patients étaient inclus dans l'étude, composés de 8 femmes et de 5 hommes. L'âge moyen était de 59 ans [16 à 74 ans]. Il s'agissait de 8 cas de maladies auto-immunes systémiques (MAIS) : polyarthrite rhumatoïde (n=3 ; 37,5%), Sjögren primitif (n=2 ; 25%), lupus systémique, dermatomyosite, arthrite à cellules géantes chacun 1 cas (12,5%) et 5 cas de maladies auto-immunes spécifiques d'organes (MASO) : maladie de Basedow (n=1 ; 20% de MASO), thyroïdite de Hashimoto (n=1 ; 20%), myasthénie (n=1 ; 20%), diabète de type 1 (n=1 ; 20%) et maladie de Biermer (n=1 ; 20%). Les formes cliniques étaient modérées (6 cas ; 46,1%), sévères (2cas ; 15,4%) et critiques (2cas ; 15,4%). Huit patients (8/13) avaient au moins une comorbidité associée. Deux décès (2/13) étaient notés. Conclusion : il n'a pas été trouvé une augmentation des complications sévères dues au COVID-19 chez les patients suivis pour une maladie auto-immune. Leur pronostic n'est pas différent de celui de la population générale.

Humans , Male , Female , Arthritis , Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Prognosis , Autoimmune Diseases , Comorbidity , Dermatomyositis , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 , COVID-19 , Anemia, Pernicious
Rwanda med. j. (Online) ; 77(1): 1-6, 2020. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1269665


BACKGROUND: Autoimmune diseases complicate pregnancy in several manners. This study aimed at describing the most common complications in pregnant women with autoimmune diseases. METHODS: This was a descriptive and retrospective study. Two groups of pregnant women with autoimmune diseases were included: 1) Those who since the beginning of gestation received obstetrical care at a tertiary-level hospital and 2) Women who were treated first in a medical unit not specialized in rheumatological diseases. Odds ratio, logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression were used to determine risk of complicated pregnancy. RESULTS: The distribution of autoimmune diseases in our sample is as follows: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): 6, rheumatoid arthritis (RA): 4, primary anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS): 4, systemic sclerosis (SS): 2, mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD): 1. Eight patients were seen throughout their gestation at a tertiary-level hospital and nine were referred from other non-specialized hospitals. Patients in the first group had four complications, and those of the second group, 28. The Odds Ratio (OR) of having a complication in the hospitals of reference compared to the "Mónica Pretelini Sáenz" Maternal-Perinatal Hospital (HMPMPS) was of 29.8 (95% CI: 1.29-692.46; Z statistic 2.11, p = 0.03). In relation to the logistic regression, this test was not significant neither for the group nor the treatment scheme for the presence of at least one complication. The multinomial logistic regression did not show significant predictive probabilities of the different possible outcomes for the group and drug treatment scheme. CONCLUSION: Pregnant women with autoimmune diseases can have an OR up to 29.8 to develop complications when they are not cared for by specialized personnel

Autoimmune Diseases , Pregnancy Complications , Pregnant Women , Rwanda
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264252


Introduction : Les maladies auto-immunes (MAI) sont associées à des manifestations immuno-hématologiques de gravité variable. Objectif : Décrire les anomalies immuno-hématologiques retrouvées chez les patients atteints de MAI au CNHU-HKM de Cotonou. Matériels et méthode : Etude prospective, transversale à visée descriptive et analytique menée de novembre 2017 à février 2018 dans les services de Médecine Interne, de Rhumatologie et des Mala-dies du Sang du CNHU-HKM. Le laboratoire d'Hématologie Biologique et celui de Biochimie du même centre ont servi pour la réalisation des différentes explorations biologiques. Résultats : Quarante-quatre patients connus et suivis pour MAI ont été inclus. Parmi eux, 90,9% étaient des femmes. La moyenne d'âge était de 39,7 ans. La polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) et le lupus érythémateux systématique (LES) étaient les MAI les plus présentes avec des fréquences respectives de 59,1% et 29,5%. Au plan des analyses biologiques, 24 malades présentaient au moins une anoma-lie de l'hémogramme. Les principales anomalies quantitatives retrouvées étaient l'anémie et la lym-phopénie avec des fréquences respectives de 35,1% et 32,4%. Des anomalies qualitatives touchaient les hématies et les plaquettes. Sept patients sur les 44 possédaient des auto-anticorps anti-érythrocytaires. La présence de ces auto-anticorps était associée à des anomalies de l'hémogramme.Conclusion : Notre étude met en exergue la fréquence élevée des anomalies hématologiques chez les patients atteints de MAI et le rôle important du laboratoire d'hématologie dans leur prise en charge. La prise en charge de ces patients requiert une parfaite collaboration interdisciplinaire

Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Autoimmune Diseases , Benin , Hematology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1258787


Background: Systemic sclerosis is a multi-systemic autoimmune disorder characterised by the generation of autoantibodies, massive deposition of collagen and other matrix substances in the connective tissues and alterations of the microvasculature. Methods: This was a prospective study of all the cases of scleroderma seen between January 2012 and June 2015 at the Rheumatology Clinic of the Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital. All the patients with the diagnosis of scleroderma were included. Excluded from the study were patients with other skin lesions not typical of scleroderma. Results: Six hundred and six patients with rheumatologic disorders were seen over the study period but eight of them had scleroderma. All the eight cases of scleroderma were females. The age range was 36-52 years with a mean age of 45 years (SD ± 11.4 years). All the cases had arthritis and diffuse skin lesions. Other features included sclerodactyly, microstomia and salt and pepper skin appearance in all the eight cases while Raynaud's phenomenon and leg ulcers were not frequent. Inflammatory marker (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) was significantly elevated in all the cases. Renal and cardiovascular complications were the leading causes of death.Conclusion: Diffuse systemic sclerosis is a more serious disease than the limited form. Early referral of patients with skin lesions suggestive of scleroderma to a specialist centre is recommended as symptomatic treatment helps to improve the quality of life

Autoimmune Diseases , Connective Tissue , Nigeria , Organ Dysfunction Scores , Scleroderma, Systemic
S. Afr. fam. pract. (2004, Online) ; 55(4): 345-349, 2013.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270038


"Background: Over the last few years; the types of exercises prescribed for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have changed. There is also increasing knowledge on the physical status and physical activity levels of these patients. This article aims to give an overview of the physical status; physical activity levels and appropriate exercise prescription for patients with RA. Method: A literature search was conducted of scientific journals and text; including Medline and PubMed (1980-2012). Literature was selected for its in-depth data and well researched information. Key search terms included ""RA and exercise therapy""; as well as ""physical activity levels and physical status of patients with RA"". Results: The literature indicated that RA has a major impact on physical and psychological health. Over the past decade; there has been growing evidence of the health benefits of physical activity for patients with RA. Despite this evidence; patients with RA are less physically active than the general population. The types of exercises prescribed for patients with RA have changed from the traditionally prescribed isometric and range-of-motion exercises. However; proper choice and appropriate utilisation of exercise is essential in order to provide a therapeutic effect. Conclusion: Although pharmacological interventions have largely improved RA management; exercise therapy remains an important part of treatment. Despite the known benefits of physical activity and exercise; patients with RA are less physically active than the general population."

Arthritis , Autoimmune Diseases , Exercise Therapy , Prescriptions
Afr. j. respir. Med ; 8(1): 12-14, 2012. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1257928


Autoimmune (AI) diseases are secondary to lack of tolerance against self antigens. They may have systemic or organ-specific manifestations. All lung structures can be affected. The aim of our study was to determinate clues of diagnosis and treatment facilities for noninfectious lung manifestations of AI disease.A multi-centre retrospective study was performed from January 2006 to July 2009 in Douala, Cameroon.Twenty-nine patients were included (59% female),with an average age of 42±10 (18­58) years. The lung was the discovery mode of AI disease in 79%. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was the most frequently observed AI disease (48%). Thirty-eight percent have at least one cure against pleural or smear-negative tuberculosis. Clinical anomalies found were: cough 79%, dyspnoea 69%, and crackles 41%. Morphological anomalies were interstitial lesions in 55% of chest Xrays,50% of ground grass pattern, and 25% of fibrosis on CT scan; chest function test showed restrictive pattern in 41%. Three (10%) patients were HIV positive with a CD4 cell count more than 500/mm³. Two patients underwent talc pleurodesis for recurrent pleural effusion. General steroids were prescribed to all patients, hydroxychloroquine to 31% and azathioprine to 21%. At the time of writing, 18 patients were still being followed up and 3 (10%) had died. AIs exist in many countries. Clues of diagnosis of non-infectious pulmonary involvement are a patient presenting with chronic respiratory symptoms, crackles at physical examination, negative sputum smear,and unusual chest X-ray abnormality for tuberculosis

Autoimmune Diseases/diagnosis , HIV Infections , Lung , Signs and Symptoms