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Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 16(2): 5058-5066, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1425738


Contexte et objectif. Malgré leur fréquence élevée, très peu d'études ont été menées sur les tumeurs bénignes du sein (TBS) en Afrique subsaharienne. L'objectif de la présente étude a été d'évaluer la valeur diagnostique des explorations clinique et échographique mammaire des TBS en milieu peu équipé. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude documentaire, sur les TBS suivies aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa, entre janvier 2016 et décembre 2021. La valeur diagnostique des explorations clinique et échographique mammaire des TBS (sensibilité, spécificité, valeur prédictive négative VPN, VPP, coefficient Kappa) a été calculée en prenant pour référence la découverte anatomopathologique des pièces biopsiques. Résultats. Au total, 81 dossiers de TBS ont été colligés. Le Fibroadénome 58 (71,6 %), la Maladie fibrokystique (MFK) 15 (18,5 %), l'Adénome tubuleux 6(7,4 %), la Tumeur Phyllode (TP) 1(1,2 %) et le kyste 1(1,2 %) étaient les tumeurs diagnostiquées à l'anatomopathologie, après tumorectomies. A l'examen clinique, la capacité diagnostique des TBS autres que le Fibroadénome était nulle. La spécificité, la VPN et le coefficient kappa étaient respectivement, de 60,0 %, 39,1 % et 32,2 % pour le diagnostic du Fibroadénome. L'échographie mammaire était faite dans 98,6 % tandis que la mammographie seulement dans 11,1 % des cas. La majorité des tumeurs étaient classées Breast Imaging reporting and Data system (BIRADS) 2 (70,0 %). La spécificité, la VPN et le coefficient kappa étaient respectivement, de 80,6 %, 40,9 % et 39,0 % pour le Fibroadénome, et de 84,4 %, 66,7 % et 1,9 % pour la MFK. La TP était classée BIRADS3. Conclusion. L'échographie mammaire très réalisée, est très performante dans la classification BIRADS des TBS; les cliniciens exerçant en milieu peu équipé peuvent donc sans équivoque suivre les recommandations sur la prise en charge des tumeurs classées BIRADS2 et BIRADS3 à l'échographie, bien que sa performance en ce qui concerne le diagnostic différentiel de ces tumeurs soit moindre.

Humans , Brain Neoplasms , Breast Diseases , Diagnostic Services , Breast Neoplasms , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Medical Laboratory Personnel
South African Family Practice ; 64(1): 1-5, 21 September 2022. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1396526


A palpable breast lump is a common presentation of breast disease to a general practitioner. Fortunately, investigation of most of these lumps will lead to a benign diagnosis. It is essential to have a clear and systematic approach when investigating a palpable breast lump to avoid over investigation with the resultant increase in healthcare cost and anxiety. This article will discuss an approach to evaluating and diagnosing a palpable breast lump in the primary care setting

Primary Health Care , Breast Diseases , Diagnostic Test Approval , Women
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1271827


L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer les difficultés liées au diagnostic mammographique des affections mammaires au Chu Yalgado ouédraogo de ouagadougou. il s'est agi d'une étude transversale descriptive menée du 1er janvier 2007 au 30 juin 2010 et qui a concerné 213 dossiers de patients ayant consulté pour une affection mammaire. nous avons recensé 213 patients dont les dossiers médicaux ont été retrouvés avec 95,4 % de femmes et 4,6 % d'hommes soit un sexe ratio de 0,05. la moyenne d'âge des patients était de 41,5 ans et la tranche d'âge de 43 à 52 ans était la plus représentée. la mammographie a pu être réalisée seulement par 44 patients soit 20,66 % du fait principalement du coût exorbitant de l'examen pour les populations majoritairement démunies, de la faible disponibilité de cette modalité d'exploration et de sa faible prescription. les comptes rendus d'examen étaient disponibles chez 27 patients (soit 61,3 %). des anomalies ont été retrouvées chez 73.1 % de ces patients, beaucoup plus chez les femmes (95 %) que chez les hommes (5 %). les lésions bénignes étaient l'apanage des tranches d'âge de 13 à 22 ans (68 %) et celles suspectes de malignité celui des patients plus âgés, de 43 à 52 ans (91 %). les principales lésions étaient représentées par les opacités (46,1 %) et les microcalcifications associées aux opacités (11.5 %). on notait une prédominance des lésions de type aCR 2 (22,2 %). la mammographie est l'examen de première intention dans le bilan sénologique mais elle reste relativement peu utilisée dans notre contexte

Academic Medical Centers , Breast Diseases , Burkina Faso , Mammography/methods , Mammography/trends
Niger. j. med. (Online) ; 17(2): 159-162, 2008.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267247


Background:Diseases of the breast are common and include problems; related to pregnancy and lactation; abscesses and other inflammatory conditions; nonneoplastic proliferative disorders and neoplasms. No known previous histopathological analysis has been done in our setting to classify breast lesions.The purpose of this study is to review all cases of breast diseases seen in the department over a six-year period and to determine the pattern of histological diagnosis of breast diseases in our setting.Methods: This was a hospital based retrospective study where our bench record books were used to identify all the breast lesions after which the Haematoxylin and Eosin stained slides and the request cards were retrieved. The slides were reviewed based on the diagnostic criteria by Juan Rosai. Results: A total of 291 breast lesions were seen in the department. One hundred and seventy three (59.5) of these were inflammatory; non-neoplastic proliferative and benign neoplastic disorders; while 118 (40.5) were malignant neoplasms. Fibroadenoma was the commonest benign breast lesion with 69 (23.7) cases. Of all the malignancies; invasive ductal carcinoma was the most frequent (68.6). Breast cancer was found most frequently in the 4th decade (32.2); followed by the 5th decade (24.6) of life. Conclusion: Female breast cancer was quite common in this study and most of our patients presented with advanced disease

Breast , Breast Diseases , Carcinoma , Fibroadenoma
Niger. j. med. (Online) ; 17(2): 159-162, 2008.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267259


Background:Diseases of the breast are common and include problems; related to pregnancy and lactation; abscesses and other inflammatory conditions; nonneoplastic proliferative disorders and neoplasms. No known previous histopathological analysis has been done in our setting to classify breast lesions.The purpose of this study is to review all cases of breast diseases seen in the department over a six-year period and to determine the pattern of histological diagnosis of breast diseases in our setting.Methods: This was a hospital based retrospective study where our bench record books were used to identify all the breast lesions after which the Haematoxylin and Eosin stained slides and the request cards were retrieved. The slides were reviewed based on the diagnostic criteria by Juan Rosai. Results: A total of 291 breast lesions were seen in the department. One hundred and seventy three (59.5) of these were inflammatory; non-neoplastic proliferative and benign neoplastic disorders; while 118 (40.5) were malignant neoplasms. Fibroadenoma was the commonest benign breast lesion with 69 (23.7) cases. Of all the malignancies; invasive ductal carcinoma was the most frequent (68.6). Breast cancer was found most frequently in the 4th decade (32.2); followed by the 5th decade (24.6) of life. Conclusion: Female breast cancer was quite common in this study and most of our patients presented with advanced disease

Breast , Breast Diseases , Carcinoma , Fibroadenoma
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1277303


Nous avons mene une etude sur les rechutes metastatiques des cancers du sein traite chez la femme noire en Cote d'Ivoire au service de cancerologie de CHU de Treichville. Les objectifs de cette etude etaient de rechercher les particularites des rechutes metastatiques; de decrire les aspects cliniques; d'etudier les protocoles therapeutiques et d'evaluer la survie des cas pris en charge. Il s'agissait d'une etude retrospective a partir des dossiers de 80 malades recues entre janvier 1997 et Decembre 2001 au service de cancerologie. Au terme de cette etude nous retenons que les metastases surviennent le plus frequemment chez les femmes jeunes non menopausees (64pour cent) qui consultent pour la plupart a un stade tardif (stade Il et III) (98.75pour cent) La douleur est le signe d'appel majeur (75pour cent). Les localisations metastatiques pleuro pulmonaires sont predominantes (55pour cent) suivies des metastases hepatiques (32.5pour cent). La prise en charge therapeutique repose essentiellement sur une association chimiotherapie et hormonotherapie (55.5pour cent). La survie des malades prises en charge est tres faible (2.5pour cent). Ces constats avec surtout cette survie pejorative nous amene a faire des propositions allant dans le sens d'une strategie de diagnostic precoce des cancers du sein

Breast Diseases , Breast Neoplasms , Neoplasm Metastasis
Uganda med. J ; 11(2): 20-23, 1994.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1273327


Seventy one consecutive patients presenting with breast symptoms to Mulago Hospital Radiology Department for the years 1990 and 1991 underwent breast sonography. They in addition all had conventional mammography performed. The results of sonography were analysed taking into consideration the clinical picture and mammographic findings. Breast biopsies were done where necessary. Abnormal sonographies were seen almost exclusively in patients with palpable lumps. The lesions were largely hypoechoic. Chronic inflammatory masses and carcinoma had similar appearance. Fibroadenosis a common entity showed no sonographic abnormality. Cystic lesions were well demonstrated with Ultrasound. Ultrasound is useful as a complementary breast imaging technique to mammography. It is ideal in demonstrating cystic lesions but shows no specific pictures for carcinoma. It cannot be used for routine screening

Breast Diseases/diagnostic imaging
Uganda med. J ; 11(2): 20-23, 1994.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1273333


Seventy one consecutive patients presenting with breast symptoms to Mulago Hospital Radiology Department for the years 1990 and 1991 underwent breast sonography. They in addition all had conventional mammography performed. The results of sonography were analysed taking into consideration the clinical picture and mammographic findings. Breast biopsies were done where necessary. Abnormal sonographies were seen almost exclusively in patients with palpable lumps. The lesions were largely hypoechoic. Chronic inflammatory masses and carcinoma had similar appearance. Fibroadenosis a common entity showed no sonographic abnormality. Cystic lesions were well demonstrated with Ultrasound. Ultrasound is useful as a complimentary breast imaging technique to mammography. It is ideal in demonstrating cystic lesions but shows no specific pictures for carcinoma. It cannot be used for routine screening

Breast Diseases , Ultrasonography
Congo méd ; : 597-598, 1993.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1260622


Ce travail a pour but d'evaluer la frequence des entites morbides du sein. Comme la plupart des maladies du sein s'expriment par l'apparition d'une masse; l'etude des prelevements biopsiques telle que les auteurs l'ont faite ici permet d'avoir une idee de leur frequence

Breast Diseases/epidemiology , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271946


In recent years there has been an increase in the number of both cancerous and non-cancerous lesions of the breast seen by doctors in Seychelles. The cancer registry held by the department of pathology reveals that 3 cases of breast cancer were reported in 1989; 4 in 1990; 6 in 1991 and 11 in 1992. Department of pathology records also reveal that 36 cases of non-cancerous breast lesions were reported in 1989; 30 in 1990; 48 in 1991 and 49 in 1992. These increases call for the development of a protocol for the management of all the palpable; nodular swellings of the breast; irrespective of marital status; age; parity and use of oral contraceptives

Breast Diseases/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Contraceptive Agents , Contraceptive Agents/adverse effects
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271949


The increasing use of mammography; both for diagnostic purposes and in screening programmes; is now well established. This brief review attempts to define and to outline some of the uses of mammography in current surgical practice; and to suggest that the introduction of mammographic facilities to the Seychelles should be seriously considered as an important advance in the management of women with breast disorders and in the earlier detection of breast cancer

Breast Diseases/diagnosis , Breast Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Breast Diseases/surgery , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammography/methods
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1263308


Although disease patterns vary from region to region; it must not assumed that malignant breast disease is uncommon in our region. A retrospective study of results of histological examination of breast lumps sent from the surgeons around the Freetown Area during the period October 1988 up to June 1990 showed that of 62 biopsies examined 14 were malignant

Biopsy/methods , Breast Diseases , Breast Neoplasms , Fibrocystic Breast Disease