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Ibom Medical Journal15 ; 15(3): 245-251, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1398763


Testosterone concentration is a contributing factor to rape tendency. Our research aimed to determine the plasma testosterone concentrations in male rapists. Subjects (100) recruited from Enugu state prison grouped viz: Violent-rapist (VR), nonviolent-rapist (NVR), violent child-molester (VCM), nonviolent child-molester (NCM), and none rapist (NR). The blood sample was collected in the morning (8-9) for four months by veno-puncture and used in the determination. The testosterone levels determination was by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. The results indicated the mean age of 33 (VR), 34 (NVR), 46 (VCM), 47 (NCM), and 32 (NR). The age at first intercourse was highest in NCM (18) and lowest in VR (13). Heterosexuals were highest in VR (14) and lowest in NCM (6). Homosexuals were highest in NCM (4) and non in VM, NVR, and NR (0). In bisexuals, NVR and NCM were the highest (4), the NR (1) was the lowest. The concentrations of testosterone (in ng/100ml) were 8.65 (VR), 9.23 (NVR), 9.63 (VCM), 7.73 (NCM) and 7.95 (NR). The testosterone concentration of the VR, NVR, and VCM is higher than NR. The NCM was lower than the NR. This result suggests that VR, NVR, and VCM are associated with higher testosterone concentrations in males. The modest associations indicate that there might be other influencing factors. The relationship between testosterone levels in rapists and child molestation is, at best, tentative. In some people, hormonal factors might influence the likelihood of rape and child molestation.

Humans , Crime , Research Subjects , Child Abuse, Sexual , Steroid 16-alpha-Hydroxylase
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 29(3): 27-32, 2014.
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1265678


Introduction : Le but de cette etude etait de faire une analyse synoptique des resultats de 10 annees d'autopsies judiciaires afin de disposer de donnees statistiques nationales au plan epidemiologique et medico legal. Patients et Methode : Il s'agissait d'une etude retrospective descriptive sur les autopsies judiciaires pratiquees de 2002 a 20011 (10 ans) dans le service d'anatomo-pathologie et de medecine legale du CHU d'Abidjan Treichville. Resultats : 834 autopsies judiciaires sur 24227 deces enregistres ont ete realisees sur la periode d'etude; ce qui representait 3;4 des actes medico legaux. La majorite des sujets autopsies etait des adultes jeunes (moyenne d'age = 37;6 ans); de sexe masculin (87) et les deces survenaient le plus souvent sur la voie publique (36;2) des suites d'une agression physique (26). Ainsi les morts violentes predominaient (71;7) et etaient volontiers d'origine criminelle (55). Ces agressions criminelles etaient dans la majorite des cas perpetrees avec les armes a feu (60;8) qui representaient en outre la premiere origine des morts violentes. Les deces accidentels representaient 30;8 et etaient en rapport avec les accidents du trafic (31) tandis que les morts naturelles (23;6) etaient liees essentiellement a des pathologies cardio vasculaires (41;6). Conclusion : L'autopsie medico legale joue un role important dans la manifestation de la verite au plan judiciaire mais permet egalement de participer a la collecte de donnees en matiere de sante publique; d'ou l'interet d'encourager la pratique de cet acte medico legal qui merite egalement d'etre valoriser au plan des frais de justice criminelle

Aggression , Autopsy , Autopsy/methods , Crime
Rev. méd. Gd. Lacs (Imprimé) ; 1(3): 145-157, 2012.
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1269203


Dans cette etude retrospective les auteurs ont analyse les registres du centre de sante Olame et de l'hopital provincial general de reference de Bukavu (HPGRB) qui contenaient les informations de 176 cas de victimes d'agression sexuelle.L'age des patientes a varie entre 10 - 60 ans; la majorite des victimes avaient l'age de 15 - 19 ans. La plupart de ces patientes etaient venues de Nindja; de Kanyola et de Kalehe. Elles etaient multipares et mariees dans 11 et 42 respectivement. Dans la majorite des cas; les actes d'agression sexuelle etaient commis a domicile et la nuit; en presence des autres membres de la famille terrorises.Le taux du VIH au premier check up a ete de 1;7; cependant; les autres IST avaient atteint un taux de 60;7. Certaines recommandations ont ete faites pour retablir les victimes dans leurs droits et dignite humaine

HIV , Battered Women , Crime , Restraint, Physical , Sex Offenses , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Harassment , Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1263464


Background: The present study examined common childhood fears, coping strategies and perceived efficacy of coping mechanisms among 8- to 13-year-old South African children (n = 141) living in four children's homes.Method: Fears were assessed by means of the Fear List Method (FLM) and the Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised (FSSC-R). For both measures, the content and number of fears were determined. The FSSC-R was also used to establish the levels of fearfulness, as well as the pattern of fears. Coping strategies and the perceived efficacy of these strategies were assessed by means of open-ended questions.Results: The rank orders of fears as obtained with the FLM were quite different from those derived from the FSSC-R. Girls expressed more fears as well as higher levels of fears than boys. Secondary coping strategies (i.e. seeking social and/or spiritual support) were most often engaged in and were also perceived as most effective.Conclusions: A greater sensitivity to the emotional needs, especially with regard to fears, coping and perceived efficacy, of special populations is recommended

Aggression , Crime/statistics & numerical data , Fear/psychology , Nigeria , Social Support
Non-conventional in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1276707


South Africa is reported to have one of the highest levels of alcohol consumption per drinker in the world. This article provides a brief review of the role played by alcohol in crime in general;and focuses specifically on the burden of alcohol in South Africa in terms of crime; violence and injury. Strategies likely to be effective in reducing the level of alcohol-related harm are discussed; with particular emphasis being given to initiatives aimed at restricting the physical availability and accessibility of alcohol; restricting alcohol advertising and marketing; placing restrictions on certain alcohol products/containers; introducing counter-measures to more effectively address drinking and driving; and ensuring effective treatment for drink-driving offenders and persons incarcerated for certain crimes. The paper concludes with some comments on the need for the effective translation of strategy into action

Crime , Ethanol/prevention & control , South Africa , Substance-Related Disorders , Violence , Wounds and Injuries
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1263433


Around the world there appears to have been an increase in child-perpetrated crimes; with South Africa being no exception. Of particular concern is the involvement of children in the perpetration of violent crimes; such as murder. This phenomenon is resulting in greater focus on the role of psychiatric and psychological testimony in the trials of accused youths. While mental health professionals have long been involved in the forensic assessment of adults; their role in the assessment of child accused is less well documented. As a result there is still a great deal of development and refinement needed in this area; in order that the task can be executed with more clarity and precision. Currently; South African law contains the presumption that a child under the age of seven years is doli incapax (i.e. he or she cannot be held criminally responsible); while there is a rebuttable doli incapax presumption in the case of children between the ages of seven and 14 years. The age of the accused; together with developmental and social competence indices; are crucial variables that influence the acceptance or rebuttal of the doli incapax presumption. The paper discusses the challenges in the forensic mental health assessment of children accused of murder

Crime/psychology , Criminology