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Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1362049


La fibromyalgie est une affection de douleur chronique, peu connue sous les tropiques. Elle pourrait altérer le vécu quotidien des patients. Objectif : Présenter les caractéristiques des cas de fibromyalgie suivis en Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation au CNHU-HKM de Cotonou, de même que le retentissement socio-professionnel noté chez ces patients. Méthode : Etude transversale de type descriptif ayant porté sur 60 patients diagnostiqués fibromyalgiques selon les critères de l'ACR 1990 et suivis en rééducation fonctionnelle du CNHU-HKM du 31 décembre 2009 au 30 Avril 2015. Ces patients ont été réévalués du 31 octobre 2014 au 30 Avril 2015 avec l'auto-questionnaire de Dallas pour apprécier le retentissement socio-professionnel de leur affection. Résultats : L'âge moyen des patients a été de 48,55 ans. Il s'agissait de 91,7% de femmes. La douleur était de type variable. Sa durée d'évolution était en moyenne de 89,38±74,77 mois. Elle était d'installation progressive (73,4%), intermittente (50%) et d'intensité au moins forte (88,4%). Des points douloureux spécifiques ont été identifiés dans notre série. La principale étiologie évoquée par les patients était la dépression et l'anxiété (95%). Un important retentissement des activités quotidiennes, professionnelles et des interactions sociales a été noté chez la majorité des patients. Conclusion : Les répercussions de la fibromyalgie sur les patients sont assez marquées. Il paraît judicieux d'associer à la rééducation un accompagnement psycho-social chez ces patients.

Fibromyalgia , Diagnosis , Chronic Pain
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 14(3): 4256-4262, 2021.
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1292610


Contexte et objectifs. Les patients souffrant de syndrome fibromyalgique sont fréquemment rencontrés en pratique clinique et déconcertent bien souvent les médecins. Notre étude a pour but de déterminer la prévalence de la fibromyalgie chez les patients gonarthrosiques, son impact sur la présentation clinique et radiologique ainsi sur le cours évolutif de gonarthrose. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale analytique portant sur les patients atteints de gonarthrose définie selon les critères ACR, suivis au service de rhumatologie de l'hôpital militaire Moulay Ismail à Meknès ; entre novembre 2018 et avril 2019. La fibromyalgie était retenue chez les patients remplissant les critères ACR 2010. Résultats. Au total 101 patients (âge moyen : 57+11,5 ans, femmes : 65,3 % ; surpoids : 35.6% ; et obésité stade 1 (35,6 %) ont été examinés. La prévalence de la fibromyalgie était de 34,7%. Un tiers des patients fibromyalgiques avaient une réponse partielle au traitement (AINS et paracétamol). L'analyse bivariée a montré une association positive avec le sexe féminin (p =0,006) et l'IMC (p=0,017). Par contre on n'a pas noté de relation entre la fibromyalgie, l'âge, le stade radiologique de la gonarthrose, la présence d'un syndrome métabolique, et l'EVA douleur. Conclusion. La fibromyalgie est relativement fréquence chez les patients gonarthrosiques. Sa reconnaissance permet de mieux prendre en charge les patients gonarthrosiques et d'éviter les abus de traitements symptomatiques notamment les AINS.

Context and objective. Fibromyalgia syndrome cases are frequent in clinical practice and often disconcert physicians. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of fibromyalgia in patients with osteoarthritis, and its impact on the clinical and radiological presentation, as well as its evolutionary course. Methods. This was an analytical cross-sectional study including all patients followed for gonarthrosis in the Department of Rheumatology of the Moulay Ismail Military Hospital between November 2018 and April 2019. Fibromyalgia was retained in patients meeting the ACR 2010 criteria. Results. One hundred one patients (57 + 11.5 years old; Women 65.3%; overweight: 35.6%, obesity grade 1: 35.6 %; were examined. The prevalence of fibromyalgia was 34.7%. One third of fibromyalgia patients had a partial response to treatment. The bivariate analysis showed a positive correlation with the female sex (p = 0.006) and the BMI (p = 0.017). There was no correlation between fibromyalgia, age, the radiological class of gonarhtrosis, the presence of metabolic syndrome, and VAS pain. Conclusion. The fibromyalgia is relatively common in patient with gonarthrosis, especially in obese women. Early diagnostic of fibromyalgia offers the possibility of a better management of gonarthrosis patients and thus avoiding the abusive use of symptomatic treatments, notably NSAIDs

Humans , Osteoarthritis , Fibromyalgia , Mass Screening , Obesity , Women
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1269918


"Background: A growing body of literature supports the view that people infected with HIV suffer significant pain and that pain is not well recognised or managed by health care professionals. This study investigated the prevalence; severity; recognition and management of pain in adult patients with HIV infection in a South African hospital setting. Methods: The Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) (short form) questionnaire was administered to 100 consecutive; consenting HIV positive patients admitted to an urban district-level hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Convenience sampling was employed with participants recruited on consecutive days. Data sources comprised patient interviews and review of hospital records. A Pain Management Index derived from the BPI was calculated to establish the adequacy of pain management. Descriptive statistics were tabulated for the recognition of pain; pain severity and appropriateness of analgesia. Correlation analyses were used to assess the association between pain and daily life. Results: Ninety-one per cent of participants reported pain with 83 experiencing significant pain; in other words a ""worst pain"" rating of five or above on the BPI (short form) questionnaire. The correlation analysis between the severity of pain and its interference with daily life suggests that moderate and severe pain interferes with the patients' daily functioning. Pain was documented on 71 of the patients' medical charts that were reviewed; however; only 34 were considered to be adequately managed for their pain. Conclusion: Pain prevalence is high in the sample. While pain was recognised and noted in the majority of patients' medical records; the management of pain was considered to be inadequate in a third of those experiencing pain."

Carrier State , Fibromyalgia , HIV Seropositivity , Health Personnel , Pain Management , Pain Measurement , Quality Improvement
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1269844


Background: Fibromyalgia is considered to be a multifactorial condition in which a number of biological and psychological variables interact. However; the exact pathogenesis and effective treatment of fibromyalgia are still unknown. In this study the relationship between psychosocial variables of self-efficacy; helplessness; perceived social support; and pain-related beliefs and several measures of health status of patients with fibromyalgia were examined. Methods: Thirty-one patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia participated in the study. Patients diagnosed with concomitant rheumatological conditions were excluded from the study. Each patient was individually assessed by the same physician in terms of functional status and pain experience and then measured on psychosocial variables in a cross-sectional study. Correlations between these psychosocial and health status variables were calculated. Results: Significant correlations were found between the psychosocial variables and health status. Consistent with previous research; self-efficacy was found to be the most important psychosocial variable in the present study; correlating with several measures of health status. Quality of social support and cognitive beliefs hardly showed any relationship with health status. Conclusions: It is recommended that self-efficacy enhancement programmes be included in the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia. However; further research is still needed to investigate the effect of self-efficacy enhancement on the overall quality of life of these patients

Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/psychology , Health Status
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1269736


Fibromyalgia (FM) is a recognised chronic pain syndrome that is diagnosed without any special investigations. This syndrome constitutes widespread pain in a specific distribution; for a specific period of time; as well as tenderness over at least 11 out of 18 clearly defined tender points. This syndrome is a common cause of other conditions commonly encountered in general practice and this article provides a practical and clinical approach to diagnosis and treatment

Bread , Fibromyalgia