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Curationis ; Curationis;47(1): 1-8, 2024. tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1554038


Background: Globally, enrolled nurses (ENs) are embarking on an educational journey to become registered nurses (RNs) in order to enhance their knowledge and career opportunities. However, their aspiration is not without challenges. In Namibia, the experiences of these nurses have not been extensively researched. Objectives: This study aims to explore and describe the experiences and challenges of ENs undertaking a Bachelor of Nursing Science at the University of Namibia. Method: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research strategy was followed as the basis of conducting the study. A sample of 15 nursing students was purposively selected from the target population of 73 nursing students. This sample size was determined by the saturation of data as reflected in repeating themes. The collected data were analysed thematically using an inductive approach. Results: Three main themes subsequently emerged from the study: ENs' positive experiences advancing in the Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc) programme; nurses' negative experiences advancing in the BNSc programme; and recommendations to ensure effective advancement in the BNSc programme Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that ENs positively experience becoming a RN when it comes to self-development; however, they have negative experiences such as not receiving exemptions for prior learning and having to learn a new curriculum. Contribution: These findings may be used by the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing and Public Health management in order to develop targeted interventions and ongoing strategies during their curriculum review cycles to ensure positive student experiences and success within the programme.

Health Sciences
Health SA Gesondheid (Print) ; 28: 1-9, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1524287


Background: COVID-19 pandemic placed pressure on global health systems, healthcare providers and undergraduate students in health sciences. Students experienced change in the teaching and learning as well as the clinical context resulting in increased stress levels. Resilience assisted students to adapt and develop competencies and effective coping mechanisms. Aim: The purpose of this integrative review is to identify resilience of undergraduate students in health sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Setting: Online platforms. Methods: An integrative review was conducted with keywords: resilience, undergraduate students, health sciences and COVID-19. Three different searches were conducted for the time frame 2020­2022 on the relevant electronic data bases with full text articles. A total of 1665 records were identified and 49 potentially relevant articles were identified. Screening resulted in 34 articles that were analysed using the John Hopkins critical appraisal criteria. Results: Four themes were identified: attributes of students' resilience, aspects enhancing the development of resilience, aspects hindering the development of resilience and recommendations to cultivate resilience. Conclusion: Resilience is key to withstand the challenges in the global health system. The development of resilience in undergraduate health sciences students should be prioritised to ensure cognitive adaptability, effective coping skills and sufficient support. Contribution: These findings can assist higher educational institutions to improve their undergraduate health science programs to cultivate resilient health care professionals.

Health Sciences , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Resilience, Psychological
Afr. j. health prof. educ ; 14(4): 2-12, 2023. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1425583


Background. University-based research capacity development (RCD) mechanisms tend to focus on staff and postgraduate students, with few structures targeted at undergraduate students. Support for undergraduate research must be tailored to the unique requirements of research at this level, while maintaining links with relevant structures in both the RCD and teaching and learning domains. Objective. To conduct a process evaluation of the Undergraduate Research Office (URO) in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, using RCD and characteristics of excellence in undergraduate research criteria as benchmarks. Methods. A process evaluation of URO's first 6 years was conducted using a logic model of URO's inputs, activities, and outputs. Through a retrospective document review, a descriptive analysis of URO's inputs and activities (narrative) and URO's outputs (statistical) was conducted. Results. Following a description of inputs and activities, results present URO's outputs as a measure of the uptake of these activities. From 2015 to 2020, 259 undergraduate research projects were completed. Research consultations, workshops and undergraduate presentations at the faculty's Annual Academic Day have more than doubled since URO's inception. The Undergraduate Research Ethics Committee has reviewed 243 ethics applications since 2015, with a 1 - 2-week turnaround time. A total of 134 funding applications worth ZAR705 986 have been awarded for research project, conference presentation and publication costs. Conclusion. Results show the potential impact of a formal undergraduate research support entity on the undergraduate research outputs of a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. This article highlights elements for success for formal undergraduate research support, and identifies gaps going forward.

Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Health Sciences , National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, U.S., Health and Medicine Division , Delivery of Health Care
Rev. Ang. de Ciênc. da Saúde/Ang. Journ. of Health Scienc. ; 3(Supl.1): 35-40, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1400030


A gestão das questões bioéticas deve alicerçar-se em princípios e recomendações bem estabelecidas. Neste estudo do tipo bibliométrico, fez-se o levantamento do volume de publicações científicas no âmbito da Covid-19 (e cumulativamente em Bioética), publicados na base de dados (BD) Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) durante o período de 1 de Janeiro de 2020 à 31 de Março de 2021, identificando-se diversos tópicos focados, visando disponibilizar aos profissionais e investigadores na área das ciências Médicas e da Saúde, particularmente em Angola, evidências que promovam a eticidade das políticas e práticas no combate a esta pandemia, na atenção às populações e na assistência aos doentes. No período de estudo estabelecido a BD devolvia 118 483 publicações (260/dia) para a expressão "Covid", e 158 (0,35/d) para Bioética e Covid". Destas, foram incluídas no estudo 57 artigos que possuiam como assunto principal o objectivo da nossa pesquisa. Os principais tópicos pesquisados foram ética da pesquisa 11(19,3%), a justiça/injustiça 10(17,5%) e a alocação de recursos escassos 6 (10,5%). As três questões adicionadas as 25 já existentes sobre Bioética e Covid foram: é ético não informar ou desinformar (infodemia)?, é ético o "nacionalismo vacinal"?, é ético penalizar alguém pela não-vacinação ou escolha da vacinação anti Covid-19?). Assim sendo, concluimos que a prevenção, combate e assistência à Covid-19 possui uma profunda dimensão Bioética, unida mas distinta de aspectos legais, organizativos e de gestão. É recomendável promover investigação bioética em Covid-19 e a sua translacção nas políticas e práticas. Deve aprofundar-se o estudo da "Ethosprudência" e elaborar antecipadamente "protocolos de ética médica" para apoiar o processo de decisão.

The management of bioethical issues should be based on well-established principles and recommendations. In this bibliometric study, we surveyed the volume of scientific publications on Covid-19 (and cumulatively on Bioethics), published in the database (DB) Virtual Health Library (VHL) from January 1st 2020 to March 31st 2021, identifying several focused topics, in order to provide professionals and researchers in the field of medical and health sciences, particularly in Angola, with evidence that promotes the ethics of policies and practices in combating this pandemic, in caring for the population and, patients. In the established study period, the DB returned 118 483 publications (260/day) for the expression "Covid", and 158 (0.35/day) for "Bioethics and Covid". Of these, 57 articles that had our research objective as their main subject were included in the study. The main topics searched were research ethics 11(19,3%), justice/injustice 10(17,5%) and allocation of scarce resources 6(10,5%). The three questions added to the 25 already existing on Bioethics and Covid were: is it ethical to not inform or misinform (infodemy)?, is "vaccine nationalism" ethical?, is it ethical to penalize someone for non-vaccination or choice of antiCovid-19 vaccination?). Therefore, we conclude that preventing, combating and assisting Covid-19 has a profound bioethical dimension, united but distinct from legal, organisational and managerial aspects. It is recommended to promote bioethical research on Covid-19 and itstranslation into policies and practices. The study of 'Ethosprudence' should be deepened and 'medical ethics protocols' developed in advance to support the decision-making process.

Humans , Male , Female , Vaccination , Bioethical Issues , Ethics, Research , Health Sciences , Ethics, Medical , COVID-19
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1379648


Internet has provided infrastructure that enables access to a variety of information resources for use by medical students at Gulu University in Northern Uganda. However, little attention has been put to explore prior internet knowledge of undergraduate medical students in Uganda. Cross-sectional research design was used. Fifty-six first year undergraduate health sciences students participated in the study. Self-administered structured questionnaire was used for data collection and analysis was done using SPSS version 16. Results shows that a majority of the participants had prior knowledge of computer 48 (86.0%) and internet 44 (79.0%). 38 (68.0%) participants had access to internet and 34 (61.0%) owned computer before joining the University. Majority owned mobile phones 41 (73.0%) and used it for internet access 43 (84.0%). Use of internet was high in social media 46 (86.8) and searching general information 44 (84.6%). Participants expected easy access to teaching materials 52 (94.5%) and communication 49 (90.7%) via internet. These findings suggest need for healthcare librarians to train incoming medical students on use of ICTs; including social media platforms and mobile phones to improve their ICT literacy skills to enable them access the best academic information resources to enhance medical education.

Humans , Male , Female , Teaching , Cell Phone , Education , Health Sciences , Social Media , Internet Access , Students , Knowledge
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1264096


Un Systeme d'Apprentissage Multimedia Interactif (SAMI) d'Hematologie (Travaux pratiques virtuels) developpe par la Faculte des Sciences de la Sante (FSS) de Cotonou et le Departement Communication; Audiovisuel; Multimedia (DCAM) de Bordeaux 2 a ete evalue.Vingt etudiants; choisis au hasard dans un groupe de 33 de 2eme annee de medecine; ont effectue; de facon autonome; les travaux pratiques virtuels (TPV) pour les groupages dans les systemes ABO et Rh ; les 13 restant ont fait les TP classiques. L'evaluation a ete theorique et pratique et les resultats en sont les suivants :Au plan global; 95des apprenants ont realise une performance allant de 80 a 100- Les performances realisees par les etudiants pour la maitrise des materiels et reactifs necessaires varient de 82 a 95en situation virtuelle et de 100en situation reelle - 85des etudiants ont obtenu une performance de 80 a 100en situation virtuelle pour la maitrise des modes operatoires et 95ont depasse 80de performance en situation reelle - Quant a l'interpretation des resultats; les performances varient de 92 a 100en situation virtuelle et de 80 a 100en situation reelle dont 100de score realise par 65des etudiants. En plus de ces acquisitions rapidement transmises par le SAMI d'Hematologie a la majorite des etudiants; seulement 30de la quantite de reactifs habituellement prevue pour les travaux pratiques classiques ont ete consommes ; les 70restant etant consommes par les 13 etudiants restant. Dans leur evaluation des TPV; les etudiants insistent sur le renforcement des exercices de l'auto evaluation et la systematisation de l'utilisation du SAMI pour tous les travaux pratiques

Humans , Learning Health System , Learning , Health Sciences , Video-Audio Media