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Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264226


Des études récentes ont montré que l'élévation des aminotransferases et l'infection par Helicobacter pylori aggravaient l'évolution de l'infection par le virus de l'hépatite B chez les porteurs chroniques. Le but de la présente étude était de rapporter les facteurs associés à une élévation des ALAT chez des patients porteurs d'une infection chronique par le VHB. PATIENTS ET METHODES : Cette étude transversale était menée de mai à aout 2017 dans la clinique Universitaire d'Hépato gastroentérologie du CNHU de Cotonou (Benin). Etaient inclus tous les patients porteurs chroniques d'Ag HBs reçus en consultation au cours de cette période. Tous les patients inclus avaient un examen physique, une exploration fonctionnelle hépatique, incluant les ALAT (N<40UI/L), la recherche de l'antigène de l'Helicobacter pylori dans les selles et la détermination de l'ADN du VHB par PCR. RESULTATS : Sur les 121 patients porteurs chroniques d'Ag HBs (M/F 84/37, sex ratio 2.11, âge moyen 42. 3±11.6 ans [18-74], 70 (57.9%) étaient infectés par Helicobacter pylori. La valeur moyenne des ALAT (en UI/L) était de 70.7 ± 99.9 [13 - 665]. Etaient associés à une élévation des Amino transférases, la présence d'une infection par Hp (89.1 ± 15.3) vs (43.48 ± 5), p = 0.01, l'âge (entre 20 et 60 ans vs âge <20 ans ou >60 ans (p=0.000). N'étaient pas statiquement associés, le sexe, l'indice de masse corporelle p=(0.12), la consommation d'alcool (p = 0, 81), ni le niveau de la charge virale ADNVHB (p=0.07). CONCLUSION : L'infection par Hp et l'âge sont des facteurs indépendants d'élévation des ALAT chez ces porteurs chroniques de l'Ag HBs. Une recherche systématique d'infection par Hp et son éradication devraient être indiquées avant le traitement éventuel de l'hépatite chronique B

Benin , Infant, Newborn , Natal Teeth/pathology , Tooth Extraction
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1264486


Teeth are physiological phenomenon that appears in child and who begins around 6 to 8 months after birth. The aim of this work was to study superstitious knowledge of the phenomena of teeth eruption in the mothers peulhs of Ferlo in Senegal. The research method was a descriptive and qualitative study; comprising questioning the mothers of children in the phase of active teeth eruption by structured, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Information collected were related to the signs and symptoms of teeth, the superstitions associated with the dental age of eruption, the first type of tooth on the arcade, the rhizalyse and the practices of oral hygiene in the child. Data were analysed manually and presented in framed and of verbatims. From the findings, it is seen that fever, the diarrhoea, the vomiting and the dribbles constituted the principal signs. The native or neonatal tooth and the use of the stick rub-tooth to clean the teeth in the evening and the phenomenon of rhizalyse were related to superstitious interpretations. Programs of information and communication would make it possible to better sensitize the populations to optimize the good practices in the children in active phase of teeth eruption

Child , Health Education , Knowledge , Mothers , Natal Teeth , Senegal , Signs and Symptoms , Superstitions/psychology , Tooth Eruption
Niger. med. j. (Online) ; 54(2): 107-110, 2013.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267624


"Many symptoms had been associated with teething in children with the possibility of overlooking potentially fatal condition. Symptoms that had been associated with teething include diarrhoea; fever; vomiting and cough. The possibility that any of these symptoms could have been due to other causes call for thorough investigation of the child before concluding that it is only ""teething"". Objectives: The study was carried out to assess the beliefs of nursing mothers concerning symptoms that are associated with teething among children and to identify those that would seek medical treatments in case of their children having such symptoms during teething. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and ninety nursing mothers whose children had erupted at least a tooth were interviewed in the immunisation clinics of the University College Hospital and Adeoyo Maternity Teaching Hospital; both in Ibadan; Nigeria; on their beliefs and practice concerning teething in children. Results: One hundred and eighty-eight (64.8) of the mothers associated symptoms such as fever; cough; catarrh and diarrhoea with eruption of teeth in their children. Over half of the women agreed that a child having either fever (51.0); ear infection (57.6) or cough (50.3) should be promptly taken for medical consultation and not be tagged ""teething""; while for other symptoms such as gum pain (74.5); sleepless night (56.6); vomiting (51.4) and diarrhoea (51.7); over half of the mothers believed that the symptoms will resolve following the eruption of the teeth. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that mothers in the study attributes several symptoms to teething; which could be detrimental to the survival of their children as the symptom could have been due to other causes. There is; therefore; need for public enlightenment to create awareness on the possible effect of presumptuous belief that childhood diseases are due to teething process."

Child , Culture , Dentition , Mothers , Natal Teeth , Postpartum Period , Residence Characteristics , Tooth Eruption