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cont. j. biomed. sci ; 6(1): 13-17, 2012.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1273889


The study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intestinal nematodes infection in school children between February and April 2009. Eight hundred feacal samples were examined using direct smear method. Of this number; 204 (25.5;) infected with the parasites of intestinal nematodes were Ascaris lumbricoides (20.0); Strongyloides stercoralis; (0.4) Hookworm (3.5) and Trichuris trichuria (1.3) implicated. Sex was found to be a strong factor influencing their prevalence. Chi square test with statistical significance difference (p0.05) was used for the analysis. The study revealed that Ascaris lumbricoides had the highest prevalence of infection among the parasites implicated. However; regular deworming exercise with albendazole and other possible diagnosis methods will improve the health status of the infected children. Personal hygiene and health campaign programmes should be carried out to the general public on the importance of control and possible eradication of the parasite

Helminthiasis , Nematode Infections , Nigeria , Schools
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1256123


Direct effects of Nauclea latifolia extracts on different gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep is described. In vivo and in vitro studies were conducted to determine possible anthelmintic effect of leaf extracts of Nauclea latifolia toward different ovine gastro intestinal nematodes. A larval development assay was used to investigate in vitro; the effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of N. latifolia towards strongyles larvae. The development and survival of infective larvae (L3) was assessed and best-fit LC50 values were computed by global model of non-linear regression analysis curve-fitting (95CI). Twenty sheep harbouring naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematodes were treated with oral administration of ethanolic extracts at a dose rate of 125 mg/kg; 250 mg/kg and 500mg/kg to evaluate therapeutic efficacy; in vivo. The presence of the extracts in the cultures decreased the survival of larvae. The LC50 of aqueous and ethanolic extract were 0.704 and 0.650 mg/ml respectively and differ significantly (P0.05; paired t test). Faecal egg counts (FEC) on day 12 after treatment showed that the extract is effective; relative to control (1-way ANOVA; Dunnett's multiple comparison test); at 500mg/kg against Haemonchus spp; Trichostrongylus spp (p0.05); Strongyloides spp (P 0.01); at 250mg/kg against Trichuris spp (P 0.01) and ineffective against Oesophagostomum spp (p0.05). The effect of doses is extremely significant; the day after treatment is sometimes significant while interaction between dose and day after treatment is insignificant (2-way ANOVA). N. latifolia extract could therefore find application in the control of helminth in livestock; by the ethnoveterinary medicine approach

Anthelmintics , Nematode Infections , Rubiaceae , Sheep
Abidjan; UFR des Sciences Medicales; 2005. 108 p. carte.
Thesis in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1277242


Les helminthiases intestinales et urinaires sont tres frequentes en zone tropicale ou elles constituent un veritable probleme de sante publique; les enfants etant la cible privilegiee. Ce travail est une etude epidemiologique prospective realisee dans la ville d'Arrah de Decembre 2003 a Juin 2004 dans les differentes ecoles primaires. Elle a porte sur 400 eleves ages de 4 a 16 ans dont 240 garcons et 160 filles. Elle avait pour but d'etablir la prevalence des helminthiases intestinales et urinaires; etablir la relation entre certains facteurs et la survenue de ces affections et enfin evaluer l'impact du traitement. Il ressort que 21;25pour cent des enfants sont porteurs d'au moins un helminthe. Les helminthes rencontres sont par ordre de frequence decroissante Strongyloides stercoralis (8;75 pour cent); Necator americanus et Schistososnia haematobium (6pour cent); Ascaris lumbricoides (2;5pour cent); Trichuris trichiura (1pour cent) et Hymenolepis diminuta (0;5 pour cent).Par ailleurs; nous avons constate une absence de Schistosoma mansoni. Le polyparasitisme a ete retrouve chez 16;16 pour cent des enfants parasites. Le portage parasitaire est influence par le sexe; la profession de la personne en charge; le revenu mensuel de la personne en charge; le nombre de personnes par logement; le type de logement; le mode d'approvisionnement en Eau et les antecedents de deparasitage. Au controle post-therapeutique effectue apres un mois; nous avons obtenu un taux de guerison de 95;3pour cent. Au 3 eme mois ce taux est passe a 87;1pour cent avec un taux de re infestation de 12;9pour cent

Cestode Infections , Helminthiasis , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic , Nematode Infections , Urinary Tract
Afr. j. health sci ; 7(3-4): 103-106, 2000.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1257175


Biomedical studies accompanied by a questionnaire survey were carried out on 803 pupils of classes 3; 5 an 7 attending 17 primary schools in the Kumba Health District to determine the prevalence of soil - transmitted nematodes and infection-associated morbidity. The prevalence rate of worms in the sample population from the questionnaire survey was 42.3which correlates closely with 44.2recorded for abdominal pains. The biomedical studies gave a worm infection rate of 67.1. Ascaris lumbricoides; Trichuris trichiura and hookworm had prevalence rates of 54.9; 33.8and 20.3respectively. Mixed infections were recorded in 34.4of the sample population compared to 32.8for single infections. Hookworm infection rate was significantly higher in the rural areas than in the urban areas (27.5versus 14.8; P 0.001). A similar trend was observed for T. trichiura (38.4versus 30.3; P 0.02). Prevalence of A. lumbricoides was similar in the urban and rural areas (56.5versus 52.6). Males carried heavier burdens of Ascaris and Trichuris than females. The worm burden for all 3 species decreased as children moved to higher classes and with age after the first decade of life. There was a significant correlation between the intensities of infection of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura

Child , Nematode Infections/epidemiology , Schools , Soil