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S. Afr. j. child health (Online) ; 16(1): 1-4, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1359342


Background. Tuberculosis preventive therapy (TPT) offered to children who come into contact with infectious adult pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) cases is an important childhood TB prevention strategy. Objectives. To document paediatric TPT coverage as per South African national TB guidelines, to measure basic knowledge of TPT in adult TB patients and healthcare workers (HCWs), and to determine challenges in TPT delivery in eligible children. Methods. We conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional study at primary healthcare clinics in South-West Tshwane, Gauteng Province, South Africa (SA). Structured interviews were conducted with adult TB patients to obtain socio-demographic data, TB and HIV history, data on child contacts and TPT knowledge. A separate questionnaire probed HCWs' knowledge of TPT. Patient folders and the clinical process flow of adult TB cases and children on TPT were also assessed. Results. We interviewed 100 adult TB patients and identified 28 child contacts who were eligible for TPT, including six children (21%, n=6/28) on TPT, all HIV-uninfected and <5 years of age. Instability in household configuration was the most common reason for eligible children not having been brought to health facilities for assessment (57%; n=4/7). Almost all adult TB patients were aware of their TB diagnosis (98%; n=98/100), but only half (48%; n=48/100) had knowledge of their TB type, and 55% (n=6/11) of the adult TB patients with drug-resistant TB were aware of the drug resistance. In addition, we interviewed 71 HCWs, and more than one-third of HCWs (37%; n=26/71) were fully knowledgeable about paediatric TPT eligibility criteria, with 63% (n=45/71) unaware that HIV-infected children of all ages qualified for TPT after exposure. Conclusions. TPT provision in eligible child TB contacts in an urban district in SA was found to be suboptimal, especially for HIVinfected children. Instability in household configuration was an important reason for suboptimal TPT provision. Training of HCWs on paediatric TPT guidelines is required, together with knowledge sharing on TPT with the TB patients

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Tuberculosis , Practice Guideline , Health Personnel , Disease Prevention
Abudja; Federal Ministry of Health; 2022. figures, tables.
Non-conventional in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1512034
Health SA Gesondheid (Print) ; 27(NA): 1-11, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1380095


Healthy work environments that maximise the health and well-being of nurses are essential in achieving good patient and societal outcomes, as well as optimal organisational performance. While studies have been conducted on healthy work environments, there is no available evidence that an integrative literature review summarising best-practice recommendations related to healthy work environments has been conducted before. This review aimed to summarise existing best-practice recommendations related to a healthy work environment for nurses. An integrative literature review following the approach adapted from Whittemore and Knafl was used. Existing guidelines related to healthy work environments for nurses were searched. EBSCOhost (CINAHL, Medline), Biomed Central, Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar and organisational websites via Google were searched, followed by a citation search. Twelve guidelines were identified for data extraction and synthesis, and themes were subsequently formulated. Four themes emerged from the integrative literature review regarding a healthy work environment for nurses: (1) the need for effective nursing leadership, (2) effective communication as central to enhancement of a healthy environment, (3) effective teamwork as an integral part of a healthy work environment and (4) the need for professional autonomy. In summary, a healthy work environment for nurses requires leadership, effective communication, teamwork and professional autonomy.

Humans , Female , Healthy Worker Effect , Practice Guideline , Health Facility Environment , Nurses , Nursing Staff, Hospital
South African Family Practice ; 64(3): 1-6, 19 May 2022. Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1380572


The use of telehealth is becoming a prevalent feature in clinical practice worldwide, partly because of advances in medical and telecommunications technology. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been a key driver in justifying the accelerated use of telehealth, leading to healthcare practitioners (HCPs) utilising virtual consultations more avidly. Although challenges remain, recent data have shown that remote consultations are feasible, safe and effective in South Africa (SA) and that HCPs should become proficient in conducting telehealth, virtual or remote consultations. These guidelines are based on the revised Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) General Ethical Guidelines for Good Practice in Telehealth (Booklet 10) and guidelines on remote or video consultations from the University of Oxford, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. These guidelines aim to equip HCPs with the basic knowledge and skills pertaining to medicolegal, communication and practical aspects of telehealth and how to practise telehealth safely and effectively in primary care settings in SA during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.Keywords: telehealth; virtual consultations; remote consultations; primary care; guidelines; ethics; medicolegal; communication.

Primary Health Care , Ethics, Clinical , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Clinical Telehealth Coordinator , User-Computer Interface , Practice Guideline , Communication
J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 13(2): 1-5, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1395700


Induction of labour (IOL) is defined as an artificial stimulation administered to initiate the delivery process before the onset of spontaneous labour. Setting-adapted guidelines need to be developed to promote safe maternal and neonatal care in line with the needs of a specific institution. This study aimed to describe and assess the current IOL practices at Botshabelo District Hospital, focusing on incidence, indications, induction methods, complications, and outcomes. A retrospective-descriptive study included all relevant data from IOL cases over six months between July and December 2017. From 168 attempted inductions of labour, 153 files were retrieved. The majority of cases (69.7%) were for post-dates. Normal vaginal delivery (NVD) was achieved in most patients (69.3%), while one patient had an assisted delivery. Thus, 30.1% of inductions failed and required caesarean sections. The incidence, indications, methods of induction, complications, and outcomes of IOL in BDH are in line with international guidelines; however, including the sweeping of membranes at term and balloon catheters as methods could improve the current guidelines.

Humans , Public Health Practice , Health Planning Guidelines , Organizational Objectives , Legislation, Labor , Practice Guideline
Niger. j. paediatr ; 49(3): 210-239, 2022. tales, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398949


The Paediatric Association of Nigeria first published management guideline for community-acquired pneumonia in 2015 and covered available evidence at that time. This update represents a review of available recent evidence statements regarding the management of pneumonia in children, while at the same time incorporating relevant materials from the first edition of the guideline. The guideline is developed to assist clinicians in the care of children with CAP. The recommendations provided in this guideline may not be the only approach to management, since there are considerable variations among children in the clinical course of CAP.The goal of this guideline is to reduce morbidity and mortality rate of CAP in children by providing recommendations that may be relevant in assisting clinicians to make timely diagnosis and institute appropriate antibiotic therapy of children with CAP. Summarized below are recommendations made in the new 2021 CAP guideline. As part of the recommendations, the quality of the evidence is provided and the grade of the recommendation indicated.The details of the background, methods and evidence summaries that support each of these recommendations can be found in the full text of the guideline.

Humans , Patient Care Management , Integrative Pediatrics , Child Health , Practice Guideline , Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 13(3): 3727¬3730-2020.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1259089


Les patients en hémodialyse présente un risqué élevé d'infection à SARS-Cov-2. Les stratégies préventives doivent donc être mises en place pour réduire le risque de transmission de la maladie en hémodialyse parmi lesquelles, l'éducation du staff médical ainsi que des patients, le screening de la maladie à COVID-19 ainsi que la séparation des patients infectés ou symptomatiques des non infectés

COVID-19 , Coronavirus Infections , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Dialysis , Hemodialysis Units, Hospital , Practice Guideline
Bull. méd. Owendo (En ligne) ; 18(48): 46-55, 2020. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1260161


Introduction. Le sondage urinaire ou vésical est une technique utilisée depuis l'antiquité qui repose sur l'utilisation de dispositifs médicaux invasifs pour le patient. Cet acte de soin doit se faire de façon sécurisée et s'appuyer sur des référentiels. Les objectifs ont été l'évaluation durespect des recommandations du protocole institutionnel sur la pose d'une sonde urinaire à demeure chez l'adulte, le respect del'hygiène et de l'asepsie et l'évaluation des conduites à tenir lors d'une fuite urinaire sur sonde.Matériel et méthodes. Dans le cadre d'une démarche d'évaluation des pratiques professionnelles, une enquête prospective basée sur le concept des « vignettes cliniques » a été menée, avec des mises en situations des soignants du CHU Charles Nicolle, Bois-Guillaume et Oissel en 2011.Résultats. L'enquête révèle un suivi des recommandations sur certains points comme le respect de l'asepsie et du système clos. Des divergences ont été mises en évidence concernant notamment l'usage de la bandelette urinaire chez le patient sondé, le choix du type de sonde et les couples de produits à utiliser pour la détersion et l'antisepsie.Conclusion. Des axes d'améliorations sont proposés comme la sensibilisation des équipes soignantes mais également médicales par le biais notamment d'une plaquette simple et illustrée de support d'information sur les bonnes pratiques de sondage vésical à demeure chez l'adulte et des kits «prêts à l'emploi » de produits pour la détersion et l'antisepsie

Adult , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization , Practice Guideline , Suburethral Slings
Non-conventional in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1278041


Les rhumatologues marocains, les marocains et tous les habitants de la planète sont en train de vivre en direct l'une des plus grandes crises sanitaires des temps modernes.Partie de la province chinoise de Wuhan courant novembre 2019, la pandémie à Coronavirus a rapidement progressé et touche maintenant tous les continents. Les courbes sont toujours en hausse et pendant l'élaboration de ce guide, la pandémie est toujours en train de progresser. Les réactions de riposte vis à vis de cette pandémie sont très variables en célérité et en nature de mesures prises, en fonction des pays mêlant le scientifique au politique, à l'économique et parfois au farfelu. Certains points communs se dégagent d'emblée. D'une part, l'énorme impact sur le quotidien du monde médical, tous pays et tous secteurs confondus. Une majeure partie des ressources matérielles, logistiques et humaines des systèmes sanitaires a été dévolue à la pandémie COVID. Ceci entraîne en ce moment même une répercussion cataclysmique sur toutes les spécialités médicales, potentiellement source de morbidité et de mortalité indirectes majeures. D'autre part, le confinement imposé par beaucoup de pays dont le nôtre, a vidé certaines cliniques, centres et cabinets médicaux de leurs malades à cause de la peur d'être contaminés. La rhumatologie est une spécialité particulièrement impactée vu la nature même des prestations médicales prodiguées au sein de notre discipline et dont une bonne partie ne relève pas de l'urgence

COVID-19 , Coronavirus Infections , Morocco , Pandemics , Practice Guideline , Rheumatology
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264201


Le lavage constitue la première étape du processus de stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux réutilisables (DMR) sous responsabilité pharmaceutique. Cette étape est primordiale car elle conditionne l'efficacité de la stérilisation. Dans le cadre de la réactualisation du système de management de la qualité en 2012, le pharmacien responsable de la stérilisation du centre hospitalier de Cambrai a évalué l'état des connaissances des agents sur les bonnes pratiques de lavage puis il a révisé l'ensemble des procédures. Suite au questionnaire, 50% des agents ont répondu correctement à 9 questions sur 10 ; 75% ont répondu correctement à 6 questions sur 10. 25% des agents méconnaissent les types de DMR pouvant être lavés en laveur-désinfecteur, leur chargement correct et la tenue appropriée en zone lavage. L'agent le moins expérimenté a eu le moins de réponses correctes. Il est constaté que le temps d'utilisation recommandé du bac à ultrasons est méconnu par tous les agents. Nous avons ainsi constaté que les agents suivaient des recommandations anciennes et caduques. Ceci a pour conséquence une moindre efficacité du prélavage en bac à ultrasons. Ce questionnaire a permis de sensibiliser les agents aux bonnes pratiques et sera un outil de validation de la formation des nouveaux agents en zone lavage du service de stérilisation

Practice Guideline , Sterilization
S. Afr. j. bioeth. law ; 8(1): 26-29, 2015.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270225


Background: The professional standards expected of individuals who commit to the practice of medicine require that they possess character traits that are consistent with and reflect the core values; principles and competencies of the medical profession. Objective: The aim was to evaluate final year Bachelor of Clinical Medical Practice (BCMP) students' experiences of professionalism during clinical rotations.Method: Hatem's definition of professionalism was the stimulus that guided 25 final year BCMP students' reflections on their experiences of professionalism during clinical rotations. The students' responses documented as portfolio entries were distilled into quantitative core values and subjected to an ethical analysis according to the guidelines as provided by the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Results: There was a positive association between frequency of reflections and the positive nature of the experiences of professionalism for the majority of the contextual attributes (53.8%). Negative experiences of professionalism (46.2%) were context-specific and perceived by students as denying them an opportunity to attain professionally required skills.Conclusion: BCMP students reflected on their professional development as a process that was influenced by individuals and a competency that was determined by the extent to which the team pulled together for the benefit of the patients and the students. The study has highlighted some of the ethical dilemmas related to context

Clinical Competence , Practice Guideline , Professional Competence , Students
Sahara J (Online) ; 10(1): 73-80, 2010.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1271418


Full Title:Le conseil post-test encourage-t-il les PVVIH a partager leur statut serologique? Pratiques et suggestions des conseillers au Burkina Faso (Does post-test counseling support PLHIV in disclosing their HIV status? Practices and propositions by counselors in Burkina Faso)Le partage du resultat du test VIH est; selon les normes; aborde lors du counseling post-test. Cependant; alors que les obstacles au partage d'un resultat VIH positif sont attestes; la litterature reste peu abondante sur la maniere dont les directives sont appliquees sur le terrain. L'objectif de cet article est d'examiner les pratiques de conseil concernant le partage du resultat avec l'entourage rapportees par les clients et les prestataires du conseil et test VIH (CTV) au Burkina Faso. Une enquete transversale a ete conduite en milieu urbain et en milieu rural en 2008. Un questionnaire integrant des questions semi-ouvertes a ete utilise. Un nombre total de 542 personnes qui ont realise le test depuis 2007 et 111 prestataires de services de conseil et test VIH ont ete interviewes. Les donnees ont ete analysees sur SPSS 12. Seulement 29des personnes testees declarent que le theme du partage du resultat avec l'entourage a ete discute avec elles lors du counseling post-test. Ce resultat s'explique par les incertitudes et les inquietudes des prestataires sur la maniere de partager et sur les risques de consequences defavorables du partage. Des strategies sont developpees par les prestataires pour soutenir les personnes dont la seropositivite a ete depistee a partager cette information avec l'entourage mais ils reconnaissent que ces actions sont insuffisantes. Les suggestions des prestataires pour ameliorer la situation incluent la lutte contre la stigmatisation vis-a-vis des personnes vivant avec le VIH; le renforcement des competences des prestataires et l'adoption de textes juridiques pour rendre obligatoire le partage du resultat avec le partenaire. En conclusion; l'etude a identifie plusieurs pistes pour ameliorer les pratiques de conseil concernant le partage des resultats au Burkina Faso. Ces observations pourraient avoir une portee globale pour la region Afrique

HIV Infections , Health Personnel , Information Dissemination , Physician's Role , Practice Guideline , Serologic Tests
Non-conventional in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1275018