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African Health Sciences ; 22(1): 242-251, March 2022. Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1400536


Introduction: The prevalence of psychotic symptoms among prisoners is increasing rapidly throughout the world. It imposes considerable personal and public health burden. In recent years psychotic symptoms among prisoners has been widely emphasized and the current study aimed to assess psychotic symptoms and its association with substance use disorders among adult prisoners in correctional institution in Southwest Ethiopia. Method: Facility based cross-sectional study design was conducted in Jimma Correctional Institution among 336 prisoners selected by systematic random sampling method in June 2017. Data was collected by face-to-face interview using structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21.0. Multivariable logistic regression was computed to identify independent associated factors. Results: The prevalence of psychotic symptoms among prisoners was found to be 43%. Poor social support (AOR: 4.12, 95%CI: 1.39-12.66), alcohol use disorder (AOR: 4.03, 95%CI: 1.58-10.27), stressful life events (AOR: 2.19, 95%CI: 1.14-4.21), and common mental disorders (AOR: 5.53, 95%CI: 2.56-11.91) were independently associated with single psychotic symptom. Conclusion: This study showed high prevalence of psychotic symptoms. Psychotic symptoms were significantly associated with poor social support, alcohol use disorder, stressful life events and common mental disorders. It is essential to have screening mechanism and management practice for psychotic symptoms.

Psychotic Disorders , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Substance-Related Disorders , Prisoners , Ethiopia
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 16(1): 68-72, 2014.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1269149


Les conduites suicidaires en milieu carceral constituent un probleme majeur de sante publique a la prison civile de Conakry. Objectifs: Determiner la frequence des conduites suicidaires et d'identifier les facteurs pouvant conduire au suicide dans la prison civile de Conakry. Methodologie: Il s'agissait d'une etude prospective de type descriptif d'une duree de 6 mois ayant portee sur 133 detenus. Resultats: La frequence des conduites suicidaires chez les detenus etait de 66;17. La tranche d'age de 14 a 35 ans etait la plus touchee (83;96) avec une predominance masculine (91;73). Les detenus analphabetes et du niveau secondaire evoluant dans le secteur informel et les sans profession etaient majoritaires. Les motifs d'incarceration etaient varies ; le sejour carceral etait plus ou moins long alors que les detenus non juges etaient nombreux soit 82;71 de cas. Dans 54;14 de cas; les detenus avaient des antecedents de tentatives de suicide ; nous avons note les addictions dans 89;47 de cas ; les plaintes des detenus etaient surtout basees sur les troubles de l'appetit; l'insomnie; le decouragement; la baisse de l'estime de soi; la tristesse; l'anxiete; le pessimisme; les sentiments de honte et de remord; les idees suicidaires ; tous ces detenus presentaient une humeur depressive soit 100 de cas. Conclusion: Une etude portant sur toutes les prisons au niveau national semble indispensable pour mieux cerner l'ampleur du phenomene; elle devra etre suivie d'une analyse approfondie des differents facteurs impliques en vue d'apporter des solutions adaptees

Prisoners , Suicidal Ideation
S. Afr. j. infect. dis. (Online) ; 28(2): 96-101, 2013.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270713


Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among the world's prison populations. Prisons are reservoirs of tuberculosis and threaten inmates; prison staff; visitors and the surrounding community. This study was carried out to explore the associated factors with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment outcomes at Potchefstroom Prison. A retrospective record review of 202 inmates with tuberculosis; whose treatment outcomes as of March 2010 were known; was conducted. Data on sex; racial group; level of education; weight; smoking habits; existence and type of co-morbidity; diagnostic classification; treatment regimen; initiation date; completion date and outcome; use of directly observed treatment; allergy and hospitalisation were captured. The majority of the inmates (142; 70.3) were aged 21-37 years; while 48 (23.8) were aged 38-53 years. There were 198 (98) male and 4 (2) female inmates. Fifty-five inmates (27.3) had attained Grade 6 and lower; 71 (35.1) grade 7-9; 68 (33.7) Grade 10-12; and 8 (3.9) above grade 12. One hundred and fifty-eight (78.2) received occasional visitors. There were 121 (59.9) smokers. The adverse outcomes for tuberculosis were significantly increased by an age 37 years; human immunodeficiency virus co-infection; smoking; a lack of support and an absence of directly observed treatment. Inmates who received fewer visits and less social support must be supported by community volunteers; counsellors and psychologists in order to motivate them and enhance favourable treatment outcomes. Smokers need to stop smoking. Younger inmates require peer support groups

Comorbidity , Prisoners , Therapeutics/mortality , Tuberculosis
Niger. j. clin. pract. (Online) ; 16(4): 473-477, 2013. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267109


Objectives: To determine the effect of tobacco use on oral health status of inmates of a federal prison in Enugu, Nigeria.Materials and Methods: The study involved 230 inmates of the Nigerian Prison in Enugu. An interviewer­administered questionnaire was used to collect data on the demographic characteristics of the participants, oral hygiene methods, and smoking habits. An intra­oral examination to determine their oral health status was done using simplified oral hygiene index (OHI­S) for the oral hygiene status, the modified decayed missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index for caries status, and community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN) for the periodontal needs. Statistical Package for Social Sciences software, version 15 was used to analyze data.Results: One hundred and twenty participants (52.2%) were current smokers. Mean DMFT of smokers and nonsmokers were 2.38 ± 0.71 and 2.25 ± 0.83 respectively (P = 0.508) while mean Community Periodontal Index (CPI) scores of smokers and nonsmokers were 4.71 ± 1.26 and 2.27 ± 0.86, respectively (P = 0.276). Oral soft tissue lesions such as mucosal burn, oral leukoplakia­like lesions were found mainly in the tobacco users. Conclusion: Tobacco use had a negative effect on the oral health of the participants as smokers had worse oral health profile than non­smokers. They may benefit from counseling programs with the view to educate them on the effect of tobacco use on oral health and by extension, the general health. The full implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) treaty in Nigeria could help in curtailing these unwanted consequences of tobacco use

Disease , Health , Lobeline , Prisoners , Nicotiana
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 15(3): 237-243, 2013.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1269134


Introduction : L'ingestion volontaire de corps etrangers metalliques est un phenomene connu des medecins exercant en milieu carceral. Le but de cette etude etait de decrire le profil des detenus qui ont ingere des corps etrangers; de determiner la nature de ces corps etrangers et de preciser leur prise en charge. Methodes : Notre etude a porte sur 14 detenus ayant ingere 83 corps etrangers en 27 episodes colliges au sein de l'Unite de consultation et de Soins Ambulatoires (UCSA) de la maison d'arret de Nice.Resultats : La population d'etude etait constituee de 13 hommes et d'une femme avec une moyenne d'age de 31 ans. Les corps etrangers ingeres par les detenus etaient domines par les lames de rasoir (63). La majorite des corps etrangers etait au moment de leur decouverte; localisee principalement au niveau de l'estomac (14 cas) et du colon (6 cas). Huit detenus avaient ingere des corps etrangers dans un but de chantage et dans 6 cas il s'agissait de des troubles psychiatriques. Ces chantages etaient relatifs a des causes penitentiaires (4 cas); judiciaires (2 cas) ou familiales (2 cas). La radiographie de l'abdomen sans preparation (ASP) realisee au sein de l'UCSA; a permis de faire le diagnostic des differents corps etrangers et de definir la conduite medicale. Sur les 27 cas d'ingestion de corps etrangers; la majorite a fait l'objet d'une extraction endoscopique au sein du service hospitalier de proximite (55;5). Dans 12 cas; les corps etrangers ont ete elimines spontanement sous surveillance medicale au sein de la maison d'arret de Nice (9 cas); au sein de l'Unite de Soins Intensifs Psychiatriques (USIP) (2 cas) et au sein de l'hopital de proximite (1 cas). Aucun detenu n'a presente de complication secondaire ni necessite d'intervention chirurgicale au cours des differents episodes d'ingestions de corps etrangers. Conclusion : En milieu carceral; bien que les complications liees aux ingestions de corps etrangers soient rares ; il est important que les medecins du milieu carceral soient vigilants et n'hesitent pas a evacuer le detenu en milieu hospitalier pour une prise en charge

Endoscopy, Digestive System , Foreign Bodies , Foreign Bodies/complications , Prisoners
Sahara J (Online) ; 8(2): 74-81, 2011.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271500


Prisons often lack the basic health services required by HIV/AIDS patients. As with many other chronic illnesses; the treatment of HIV is expensive in terms of medication; hygiene; testing and staff training. Strategies to combat the disease have been thoroughly developed; particularly in Europe (WHO/UNAIDS; 2006). The purpose of this study was to assess quality of life (QOL) of the only 5 reported cases of HIV/AIDS patients in Roumieh prison (the country's largest male top-security prison) using the WHOQOL and the WHO guidelines on HIV infection and AIDS in prison. Virtually all prisoners reported that their rights had been violated. Isolation measures were taken to prevent the spread of the disease. According to UNAIDS; this particular measure has been proven ineffective. In conclusion; other approaches should be implemented to respect inmates' rights and reduce transmission of the virus

HIV , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Disease Transmission, Infectious , HIV Infections , Human Rights Abuses , Prisoners , Quality of Health Care , Quality of Life
Sahara J (Online) ; 8(3): 107-114, 2011.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271505


The Department of Correctional Services Policy on the management of HIV and AIDS for offenders include voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV as one of the priorities in the rehabilitation of inmates. The aim of this study was to determine factors associated with the utilisation of VCT services in the correctional centres in terms of level of satisfaction; their experiences and expectations; and motivating factors and barriers for VCT utilisation at Losperfontein Correctional Centre; South Africa. This was a case control study (cases being those who underwent testing and controls those who did not) examining predictors of HIV VCT utilisation among 200male adult sentenced inmates serving medium and maximum sentences. Results indicate that a poor health system (OR=0.34; 95CI:0.23 - 0.50) was inversely associated with HIV testing acceptance in prison; while age; educational level; population group; marital status; length of incarceration and access to HIV testing in prison were not associated with HIV testing acceptance in prison. Half of the participants (50) agreed that VCT services are accessible and are promoted at their correctional centre. Most were satisfied with different components of VCT services; ranging from 79 (fair to very good) for 'the way he/she received you' to 62 'clarified all your concerns'. This study demonstrated some challenges and benefits to the field of health promotion and HIV prevention in the correctionalcentres especially with regard to VCT services

HIV , AIDS Serodiagnosis , Counseling , Personal Satisfaction , Prisoners , Rural Health Services , Serologic Tests