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Niger. j. clin. pract. (Online) ; 26(2): 294-299, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1436523


: The impact of Chlamydia trachomatis on semen quality has been studied with varied results. Aim: To determine the prevalence of antichlamydial antibodies and their relationship with sperm quality among male partners of infertile couples in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study of infertile male partners of couples attending infertility clinics at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria. Their sera were assayed for antichlamydial antibodies, and semen analysis and culture were done for each participant. Results: Two hundred and eighty-two (282) male partners of infertile couples were studied. Infertility was commoner among participants aged 40 years or more (45.1%) and was mainly of the "primary type" (62.1%). Antichlamydia antibody was detected in 156 (55.3%) participants and was significantly associated with sperm quality (P = 002; OR = 2.294; 95% CI = 1.36­3.88). Overall, 81 (28.7%) had abnormal sperm quality. The sperm count, progressive motility, and vitality were significantly lower in participants with abnormal sperm quality than those with normal sperm quality (P < 0.001) while morphology, volume, and liquefaction time did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). Staphylococcus aureus was the predominant organism isolated from culture (122/282, 43.3%) while Streptococcus species were the least (4/262, 1.4%). There was significantly more Staphylococcus aureus isolated from the semen of participants that were seropositive to antichlamydial antibodies than those that were seronegative (80/156, 51.3% vs. 42/126, 33.3%; OR = 2.105; 95% CI = 1.30­3.42; P = 0.003). Conclusion: The prevalence of antichlamydial antibodies among male partners of infertile couples in Enugu, Nigeria is high and there is a significant association with sperm quality, sperm count, and bacterial isolates in seminal culture. Male partners of infertile couples in Enugu should be screened for antichlamydial antibodies and appropriate treatment offered wherever indicated. There is a need for increased public awareness and advocacy campaigns on the impact of Chlamydia infection on male factor infertility. This primary preventive measure may help in reducing the burden of Chlamydia infection and male factor infertility.

Humans , Chlamydia Infections , Fertility Clinics , Infertility, Male , Spermatozoa , Chlamydia trachomatis
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1264173


Objectif : Analyser les résultats des spermogrammes dans une clinique privée de Cotonou prenant en charge les couples infertiles. Méthode d'étude : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive portant sur 210 spermogrammes réalisés au niveau du laboratoire d'analyses biomédicales de la Clinique HOUEYIHO à Cotonou sur une période de 3 ans allant du 1er Janvier 2014 au 31 Décembre 2016. Résultats : Ce sont majoritairement les adultes jeunes entre 31 ­ 40 ans qui ont effectué le spermogramme (139/210 soit 66.2%) avec un âge moyen de 37.15ans. Parmi ces 139 adultes jeunes, 105 sont concernés par le problème d'infertilité soit 75.5% (105/139). Sur les 210 patients, le spermogramme était anormal dans 152 cas, soit 72.4%. Les conclusions le plus souvent rencontrées sont l'azoospermie 18.5% (39/210), l'asthénozoospermie 17.1% (36/210) et l'oligoasthénozoospermie 14.3% (30/210). La diminution de la mobilité spermatique est majoritaire avec 43.3% (61/210), notamment entre 31 - 40ans où elle concerne 1 homme sur 3 (65/139). On observe également une décroissance du nombre de spermatozoïdes en fonction du vieillissement de l'homme: avant 30ans, 80% de normalité (24/30) qui chute à 51.8% entre 31 et 40 ans (72/139) puis à 33.3% après 50ans. Conclusion : Les anomalies du spermogramme concernent 72.4% de patients ayant consulté pour une difficulté à concevoir. Pour prendre en charge les couples infertiles, la nécessité d'une unité de PMA au coût accessible à Cotonou n'est plus à démontrer. Il est aussi grand temps de déculpabiliser le rôle unique de la femme tel que conçu culturellement dans l'infertilité du couple

Benin , Infertility, Male , Patients , Spermatozoa
Dakar méd ; 52(1)2007.
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1261052


L'oligo-astheno-teratozoospermie etant frequemment observee (44;1) chez les sujets masculins des couples hypofeconds explores; nous l'avons l'etudiee sur le plan ultra- structural. Nos investigations ont montre; qu'outre les anomalies morphologiques et fonctionnelles; les gametes de tels spermes presentaient egalement de graves desor- dres ultrastructuraux qui seraient determinants dans l'echec de la reproduction des couples concernes. Cependant en l'absence de traitement codifie et specifique pour la plupart des anomalies retrouvees dans les spermes et devant le cout eleve de l'analyse ultrastructurale; nous proposons de limiter cet examen a des cas precis de sterilite conjugale selectionnes par l'intermediaire des bilans de routine

Asthenozoospermia , Infertility, Male , Spermatozoa/abnormalities , Spermatozoa/ultrastructure
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1264436


Unilateral transection of cremaster muscle was done in young adults of the small East African goat. The animals were subsequently examined for libido; fertility; functional and morphological changes in the testis; semen characteristics and testosterone profile over a period of one year. Within three months of operation there was progressive testicular induration; oligospermia and reduction in fertility. It is concluded that cremaster transection impairs passage of spermatozoa from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis. The blocked tubules on bursting lead to the formation of sperm granuloma and anti-bodies; the latter causing further damage to both testes

Animals , Spermatozoa/anatomy & histology