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S. Afr. gastroenterol. rev ; 17(1): 45-46, 2019.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270171


On the 1st of February, a pristine day at Spier in the Cape ushered in the 10th annual Gastro Foundation Fellows meeting. The preceding meetings promised and delivered not only invaluable academic preparation for fellows sitting for the exit exams in various fields of gastroenterology, but the opportunity to network and form enduring friendships. This meeting would prove no different

Foundations , Gastroenterology , Stomach
Revue Tropicale de Chirurgie ; 3(2): 61-62, 2009.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1269450


Le leiomyome digestif est une tumeur benigne rare. La localisation gastrique est la plus frequente. Nous en rapportons un cas observe chez un homme de 73 ans dans le cadre d'une hemorragie digestive haute. Malgre un traitement medical bien conduit; l'hemorragie restait active et avait motive une exploration chirurgicale. L'origine du saignement etait une tumeur sous cardiale faisant 5;5cm de grand axe. L'histologie avait conclu en un leiomyome gastrique et l'evolution etait favorable. Les difficultes de la prise en charge dans notre contexte sont discutees

Histology , Leiomyoma, Epithelioid , Stomach
port harcourt med. J ; 2(1): 51-55, 2007.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1274030


Background: Paraquat is a herbicide; commonly used by farmers in agriculture to prevent weed infestation. The non-target organic toxicity effect of this chemical motivated this study.Methods: Utilizing male albino rats of 0.2 kg average body weight; the LD100(lethal dose that gave 100death) for Paraquat was obtained as 1g/kg body weight Furthermore LD50 (median lethal dose of paraquat; ip) was obtained as 0.45 g/kg body weight using arithmetic method of karber. Six dose levels of paraquat 0; 0.09; 0.18; 0.35; 0.70; 1.00 g/kg body weight were administered intraperitoneally into the various groups of the male rats. Within 24hrs; histopathological examination in the stomach; in the small intestine and testis of the rats were performed.Results: Histopathological examination of the organs studied revealed that the stomach had mild mucosal ulceration; muscular coat atrophy; stromal oedema and tubular hyalinization which were dose- dependent. The small intestine showed mucosal ulceration; loss of villi; luminal and stromal oedema and glandular necrosis which were also dose dependent. Furthermore; the testis had classical central fibrosis; cellular polarization; tubular disorganization; necrosis and lack of mitotic figures (no cell division); oligospermia; azoospermia and hyperchromasia which were dose dependent.Conclusion: Paraquat; a notable herbicide used in agricultural weed control; had deleterious effects on such organs as stomach; small intestine and testes. Need therefore arises for caution in the handling of these chemicals as the danger of impairment of the gastrointestinal tract and indeed the reproductive system in males is a possibility

Animal Experimentation , Herbicides , Intestines , Paraquat/adverse effects , Paraquat/toxicity , Rats , Stomach , Testis
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1277155


De septembre 2000 a mars 2004; nous avons effectue une etude retrospective et prospective sur onze patients atteints de sarcome gastrique dans le service de cancerologie du CHU de Treichville. L'objectif general de notre travail etait de determiner les aspects cliniques; therapeutiques et evolutifs des sarcomes de l'estomac. Il ressort de ce travail que : -La frequence des sarcomes gastriques a Abidjan ~st de 3;14 cas par an ; -Il existe une predominance masculine dans la proportion de huit hommes pour trois femmes ; -L'age moyen des patients etait de 49 ans ; -Le syndrome anemique et la masse abdominale dominaient l'examen physique ; -La fibroscopie oesogastroduodenale etait revenue generalement non contributive (9/11) ; -La localisation au niveau du corps gastrique etait predominante (5/11) ; -La taille moyenne des lesions etait de 13 cm avec des extremes de 3 cm et 25 cm ; -Les lesions etaient dans la plupart des cas des leiomyosarcomes (8/11) ; -Le traitement a comporte la chirurgie; traitement de base; la polychimiotherapie et l'inhibiteur selectif de la tyrosine-kinase ; -Onze gastrectomies (gastrectomies partielles: 10/11; gastrectomie totale: 1/11) ont ete realisees ; -Trois patients ont beneficie d'une chimiotherapie palliative a base d'ifosfamide; de doxorubicine et de cyclophosphamide ; -Un patient presentant une tumeur stromale maligne gastrique a beneficie d'un traitement adjuvant a base d'inhibiteur selectif de la tyrosine-kinase ; -Il y a eu cinq deces dont trois dans un contexte de metastases hepatiques metachrones

Gastrectomy , Sarcoma , Stomach
Arch. inst. pasteur Madag ; 67(1-2): 65-67, 2001.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1259531


"Trichobezoar : a case report"" : A voluminous trichobezoar was discovered in an 11-year-old girl without major clinical implications. The diagnosis was made by endoscopy and surgery was performed without complications."

Bezoars , Stomach