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Ethiop. j. health sci ; 29(3): 369-376, 2019. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261918


BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia is a prevalent side effect of pregnancy. Different studies have reported different results about the relationship between mental stress and blood pressure disorders. In addition, social support is highly important to help women who experience risky pregnancy in adapting to the stressors they experience. This study aimed to compare perceived social support and perceived stress in women with and without preeclampsia. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Fifty pregnant women definitely diagnosed with preeclampsia and 50 healthy pregnant women visiting public hospitals including Hazrat Masoumeh, Motazedi,and Imam Reza in Kermanshah-Iran took part in a descriptiveanalytical study from June 2017 to January 2018. Data gathering tools included demographics questionnaire, social support appraisals scale and perceived stress scale. The collected data was analyzed with SPSS (v.20) using independent t-test. RESULTS: The mean score of perceived social support in the preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia groups were 69.88±7.3 and 76.80±7.6 respectively (P<0.01). The mean score of perceived stress in the preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia groups were 35.6±8.7 and 26.01±5.56 respectively (P<0.01). This means that compared with healthy women, women with preeclampsia perceived more stress and less social support. CONCLUSION: In comparison with healthy pregnant women, women with preeclampsia perceived more stress and less social support. Healthcare providers should recommended to pay more attention to improving social support and attenuating stress in pregnant women

Pre-Eclampsia , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Pregnancy , Pregnant Women , Stress, Psychological
Health sci. dis ; 19(1): 46-50, 2018. tab
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1262784


But : Déterminer la prévalence des troubles psychiatriques chez les femmes incarcérées à la prison civile de Lomé. Méthodologie : Il s'agit d'une étude transversale, à visée descriptive réalisée à la prison civile de Lomé du 15 au 20 décembre 2016. Résultats : Au cours de la période d'étude, 67 femmes (3,87% de la population carcérale) étaient détenues à la prison civile de Lomé. Ces femmes détenues provenaient du Togo, du Ghana et du Nigéria respectivement dans 44,3% ; 18,0% ; 13,1% des cas. Ces femmes avaient le niveau collège, primaire respectivement dans 29,5% ; 23,0% des cas ; et 21,3% n'ont jamais été scolarisées. Les revendeuses ont représenté 49,2% de l'échantillon. Elles étaient célibataires dans 31,15% des cas, mariées ou concubines dans 31,15% des cas, veuves dans 29,50% des cas et divorcées dans 8,20% des cas. 86,9% de ces femmes étaient des mères et avaient en moyenne chacune 3 enfants. La durée moyenne de l'incarcération a été de 22,8 mois. Le trafic de drogue a été le principal motif d'incarcération (50,8%) suivi de l'homicide et du vol (14,8% chacun). 4,9% des femmes détenues étaient alcoolo-dépendantes, 3,3% étaient dépendantes au cannabis et 3,3% étaient tabagiques. L'insomnie, l'irritabilité et la tristesse ont été les principaux symptômes soit respectivement 42,6%, 31,1% et 21,3%. 31,1% de ces femmes ont présenté un épisode dépressif et 14,8% un trouble anxieux. Conclusion. Les femmes sont peu représentées dans la population carcérale à Lomé. Il s'agit en règle d'adultes de faible niveau d'instruction. Le trafic de drogue, l'homicide et le vol sont les principaux motifs d'incarcération. Près de la moitié de ces femmes ont un trouble psychiatrique dépressif ou anxieux

Mental Disorders , Mental Health , Prisons , Stress, Psychological , Togo , Women
Health sci. dis ; 19(2): 97-103, 2018. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1262803


Introduction. Dans les pays émergents, les conséquences du stress demeurent sous-évaluées. Le stress cumulatif est associé au travail humanitaire. Une lourde charge de travail est souvent associée à un manque de reconnaissance du travail accompli et à des difficultés de communication. S'ajoutent la nécessité de faire face à des situations devant lesquelles on se sent désarmé (souffrance des bénéficiaires, guerre) ou au contraire des situations d'attente avec impossibilité d'agir pour des raisons de sécurité. L'objectif de notre travail était d'évaluer la prévalence du stress chez le personnel de l'UNHCR et de l'OFADEC à Dakar au Sénégal et de déterminer les facteurs caractéristiques du stress. Patients et méthodes. Nous avons mené une étude transversale descriptive et analytique du 30 mai au 30 décembre 2012. Soixante individus ont été sélectionnés grâce à un échantillonnage aléatoire. A l'aide d'un questionnaire auto-administré, nous avons enregistré les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, l'hygiène de vie, les conditions de travail, le plan de carrière et les propositions d'amélioration, l'appréciation du stress et les problèmes relationnels. La saisie et exploitation des données ont été effectuées par les logiciels Epi-Info 3.5.4 et Microsoft Excel 2010. Résultats. Cinquante-deux salariés ont participé à l'étude, 30 exerçant à l'OFADEC et 22 à l'UNHCR avec une prédominance masculine (sexe ratio = 1,73). Il s'agissait d'une population jeune, entre 20 et 39 ans dans 53,84 % des cas, tabagique dans 11,53 % des cas et présentant des troubles du sommeil dans 15,38 % des cas. 78.8% des enquêtés avaient un contrat à durée déterminé. La prévalence du stress était de 40,38 % (n = 21) avec une prédominance masculine (sexe ratio = 2). La quasi-totalité des stressés (92,9 %) travaillait en équipe et 66,7 % avaient travaillé sans arrêt durant les 12 derniers mois. 25 agents (42,9 %) se sentaient épuisés, 12 (23,8 %) inquiets ; 10 (19 %) avaient un mal être et 7(14,3 %) avaient plusieurs sentiments à la fois. 37 (71,4 %) stressés adoptaient une attitude agressive face au stress et 29(56,7 %) des agents déclaraient être victimes d'agression verbale. Conclusion. Une bonne gestion du stress au travail passe par la mise en place de modes d'organisation favorables à la santé physique et mentale des travailleurs

Refugees , Relief Work , Senegal , Stress, Psychological
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1263190


Background. In South Africa (SA), there is a high failure rate of students in the first year of nursing and many drop out after this year, a precarious situation considering the shortage of professional nurses faced by the country. Academic success does not entirely comprise one's application of intellectual capacity. Other factors may affect academic success, which could lead to stress, in turn hindering students' academic potential.Objectives. To determine the stressors experienced by first-year nursing students who attended a college of nursing in SA and to ascertain the stress-relieving mechanisms used by these students.Methods. Student nurses (n=248) at a college of nursing in KwaZulu-Natal Province, SA, were required to complete a quantitative questionnaire. Data were collected between September and November 2013.Results. Long working hours, difficulty of academic work, poor study methods and family illness caused considerable stress. Family pressure to pay for necessities at home was also a factor that caused stress among the students. There was insufficient money to pay for textbooks for their studies. Stress-relieving mechanisms included playing with cell phones and socialising with friends. Lecturers, parents and fellow nursing students' friends were a source of support.Conclusion. First-year nursing students experience a variety of stressors not directly related to their studies. Stress- and time-management workshops would be beneficial to these students. We also suggest that institutional support units be created to assist students in adjusting to the tertiary environment

South Africa , Stress, Psychological , Students, Nursing
Afr. j. disabil. (Online) ; 7: 1-12, 2018. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1256843


Background: An increasing body of empirical evidence suggests that early intervention has positive outcomes for parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Parental self-efficacy has been used as an outcome measure in some empirical studies; however, there is a lack of evidence of the impact of parent training programmes on parenting self-efficacy beliefs. Objectives: This systematic review sought to assess the effectiveness of parenting interventions to increase parental self-efficacy levels in parents of young children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.Method: We conducted a broad literature search, which included grey literature, such as dissertations and unpublished conference presentations, to identify all relevant prospective studies reporting on our study objective. Articles were selected for inclusion using predefined criteria and data were extracted onto a purposely designed data extraction form. Twenty-five articles met our search criteria. We extracted parenting self-efficacy scores before, and on, completion of parenting interventions and performed a meta-analysis using standardised mean difference. We also conducted a risk of bias assessment for all the included studies.Results: Parent training programmes resulted in a statistically significant increase in parental self-efficacy levels(standardised mean difference, 0.60 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.38­0.83]; I2, 74%) relative to baseline measurements. Parents of children younger than 5 years demonstrated the highest increase in levels of parental self-efficacy after parenting interventions. Furthermore, this review showed that psychologists and other healthcare practitioners are successfully able to implement training programmes that enhance parenting self-efficacy.Conclusion: Parent training programmes are effective in increasing parental self-efficacy in parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities

Developmental Disabilities , Disabled Persons , Parent-Child Relations , Stress, Psychological
Odonto-stomatol. trop ; 41: 42-52, 2018.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268185


Objectif : Evaluer l'impact de la Fluorose Dentaire (FD) sur la Qualité de Vie (QdV) et déterminer les traitements nécessaires parmi les adultes affectés qui fréquentent la clinique dentaire d'un Centre Hospitalier Universitaire dans un lieu endémique.Matériels et méthodes : L'évaluation de tous les patients consécutifs adultes fréquentant les cliniques de diagnostic et de restauration orales a été menée pour diagnostiquer la FD en utilisant l'indice de fluorose de Dean. L'impact de la FD sur la QdV avait été évaluée avec les questionnaires abrégées sur le profil de la santé bucco-dentaire (OHIP-14). La comparaison des résultats d'impact avait été menée en utilisant le test t de Student, les statistiques ANOVA, et les corrélations entre les caractéristiques des sujets et l'impact avait été évalué avec un modèle de régression multiple. Résultats : La fluorose dentaire a été diagnostiquée chez 172 sujets avec une moyenne d'âge de 27,89 ans (SD : 7,763), alors que 11,6% des sujets avait consulté la clinique à cause de FD. La moyenne OHIP-14 était de 2,4967 (SEM : 0,2394) avec le score le plus élevé pour le malaise psychologique 0,8930, (SEM : 0,0738), et le handicap psychologique soit 0,7942, (SEM : 0,0752), alors que ceux qui étaient préoccupés par l'apparence de leurs dents avaient les notes les plus élevées soit 0,61 (SEM : 0,05). La sévérité de l'impact psychologique était corrélée au motif de consultation (P = 0,00). Aucune association n'avait trouvée concernant l'impact et le sexe (P = 0,64), l'impact et le groupe d'âges (P = 0,32), et l'impact et la profession (P = 0,29). Des associations similaires ont été constatées concernant l'impact psychologique.Conclusion : L'impact général était faible, mais surtout en raison des effets psychologiques sur les malades avec une faible QdV et ressenti par ceux qui cherchaient un traitement et ceux qui avaient les fluoroses dentaires les plus sévères

Fluorosis, Dental , Fluorosis, Dental/etiology , Fluorosis, Dental/radiotherapy , Nigeria , Quality of Life , Stress, Psychological
Curationis (Online) ; 40(1): 1-8, 2017. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1260764


Introduction: Nursing staff working with intellectually disabled in-patients experience unique stress factors that can influence their personal well-being and work performance. Objectives: To compile a profile of stress factors experienced by nursing staff working with intellectually disabled in-patients at the Free State Psychiatric Complex (FSPC). Methods: This descriptive study included 89 nursing staff members from this environment. A questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic information and determine personal and occupational stressors. The data were summarised by frequencies and percentages (categorical variables) and means or percentiles (numerical variables). Results: Most participants were aged between 46 and 55 (41.2%), female (93.2%) and black (93.2%), and 76.7% had children or dependant minors. The main stressors among participants were pressure providing financially for their children and dependant minors (71.2%), caring for them (39.4%) and fearing them moving away (25.8%). Occupational stressors included high workload (66.3%), lack of decision-making by superiors (58.1%), underpayment (53.5%), endangerment of physical health (52.3%) and safety (50.0%), working hours (51.2%), pressure of expectations from superiors (48.8%), uncertainty of employment (48.8%), work responsibilities (47.7%) and perceiving that skills and training were not appreciated. They experienced stress regarding health issues such as hyper- and hypotension (35.3%). Because of stress 34.5% of participants took leave, 34.5% developed depression and 14.3% had panic attacks. Conclusion: Most of the respondents experienced personal and occupational stress that influenced their health, which poses serious challenges for the management of the FSPC. Security should be upgraded, medical and psychological support for the staff and care facilities for their dependants should be provided, and financial problems experienced by these staff members should be addressed. The workload of the nursing staff at FSPC needs urgent attention. This can be done by means of a workforce analysis to determine minimum staffing levels for nursing

Attitude of Health Personnel , Education of Intellectually Disabled , Nursing Staff , Psychiatric Department, Hospital , South Africa , Stress, Psychological
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1258654


To investigate the experience and coping mechanisms used by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel following exposure to daily or routine traumatic events. Methods A total of 189 respondents from three EMS in the Cape Town Metropole completed a questionnaire; containing close-ended quantitative questions. This was followed up by a semi-structured interview in order to get greater insight from in-depth qualitative data. Results The significant results of this study indicate that EMS personnel find dealing with seriously injured children most traumatic. They experience avoidance symptoms after exposure to a traumatic incident and apply emotion-focused coping to help them deal with their emotions. Very little or no training has been received to prepare them for the emotional effects of traumatic incidents or how to deal with the bereaved family; and there was consensus amongst the participants that their company debriefings and support structures are inadequate. Conclusion : EMS personnel are exposed to critical incidents on a daily basis. Commonly used emotion-focused coping mechanisms are not effective in long-term coping. A key recommendation emanating from this finding is that integrated intervention programmes are needed to assist EMS personnel working in this sustained high-stress environment. The findings can assist health care educators in the design of co-curricular activities intended to help in the development of resilience and the psychological wellbeing of EMS personnel. Policy makers and EMS managers may find the results useful as they evaluate the effectiveness of their current debriefing and support structures

Emergency Medical Services , Emergency Treatment , Occupational Exposure , Stress, Psychological , Wounds and Injuries
Afr. j. AIDS res. (Online) ; 13(3): 261-269, 2014.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1256592


This article discusses the identity of HIV/AIDS caregivers as constructed by a group of HIV/AIDS caregivers at a non-profit organisation in South Africa. During a 12-month period data were collected through interviews with the organisation's staff and volunteers. Using discourse analysis; the study identified a caregiver identity constructed by participants. This caregiving identity acts as a double-edged sword: while the rewards of caregiving act as a buffer against stressful experiences; the prescriptive nature of the caregiver identity is taxing; and may explain burnout among HIV/AIDS caregivers. The study concludes that for support systems for HIV/AIDS caregivers to be effective; the social culture and identity of HIV/AIDS caregivers must be considered

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Caregivers/psychology , HIV Infections , Healthy Volunteers , Organizations, Nonprofit , Social Support , South Africa , Stress, Psychological
S. Afr. j. psychiatry (Online) ; 19(1): 4-10, 2013. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270827


Background. Mental health research appears to be continually transforming. Recent literature reflects a greater appreciation for the ways in which pathoplastic features of culture modulate emotional regulation. This article introduces those aspects of the literature which explore the (re)consideration of culture as a dynamic and essential construct in the clinical formulation of psychopathology. Objectives. The study aims to review literature that focuses on the dynamic influence of culture in psychopathology. Furthermore; the researchers aim to present a view on the ways in which culture appeared to shape the topography of psychopathology nosology. Method. A literature review of 31 sources.Results. The review indicated that 29 literature sources were conceptual in design; suggesting a great need for more empirical research. This section also explored themes identified during the literature review. The literature was tabulated according to features and emerging themes. Three major themes were identified and included: the cultural context; the evolving definitions of culture; and culture and psychopathology. Conclusion/discussion. An analysis of the themes was offered. The authors concluded by highlighting the significance of the literature at present. Areas of particular interest suggested that health and behaviour are dependent; at least in part; on culture; psychopathology may also be appreciated as a social construct; culture influences psychopathology regardless of the aetiology; diagnostic classes do not adequately consider operational definitions; and a greater focus on hermeneutic perceptivity in appreciating cultural dynamics in psychopathology will benefit clinical assessment

Culture/psychology , Mental Health , Psychopathology , Review , Stress, Psychological
S. Afr. j. psychiatry (Online) ; 19(1): 15-18, 2013. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270829


Background. In the absence of medical literature reporting on homicide-unsuccessful-suicide (HUS) cases in which the perpetrator is referred for forensic psychiatric observation present an opportunity to explore psychiatric features pertaining to the event.Objective. To identify possible contributing psychiatric features in HUS cases.Method. A retrospective; single-centre; descriptive study was conducted; in which were reviewed clinical records of HUS subjects referred for observation to Weskoppies Hospital from December 2005 to January 2011. Socio-demographic and psychiatric information was obtained. Results. Nine cases were reviewed. The median age of the subjects was 29 years and 7 subjects were male. Five cases involved family members. Cases involving couples demonstrated male subjects and cases involving filicide demonstrated female subjects. Only 1 case involved the use of a firearm. At the time of the incident; 4 of the cases had no psychiatric diagnosis but notable interpersonal difficulties. Psychotic disorders were diagnosed in 3 subjects; a depressive disorder in 1 subject and a depressive and anxiety disorder in 1 subject.Conclusion. Subjects commonly used less lethal methods than shooting. The high rate of psychiatric disorders diagnosed is in keeping with court referrals occurring when a mental illness is suspected. Some cases may require specialised probing before psychosis becomes apparent. Identification of psychosocial stressors and failure of coping mechanisms during periods of strife within an intimate relationship may be a focus of future research in homicide-suicide cases. Separation should possibly be investigated as an independent factor which promotes the interpersonal difficulty associated with homicide-suicide

Homicide , Psychiatry , Stress, Psychological , Suicide
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1257779


Background: Globalisation and changes in the nature of work have resulted in increasing work-related stress in people in developing countries. Work stress is at present already acknowledged as one of the epidemics of modern working life. It is associated with a number of disease conditions; such as hypertension; cardiovascular diseases; affective disorders; depression; disturbed metabolism (risk of Type II diabetes) and musculoskeletal disorders. Objective: This study was a work site cross-sectional descriptive study carried out amongst the health workers at the Baptist Medical Centre Ogbomoso; Oyo State; south-western Nigeria. The aim of the study was to discern the prevalence of perceived work stress and to explore the relationship between perceived work stress and the presence of hypertension. Methods: A total of 324 consenting health workers of the institution were administered the job demand-control questionnaire to assess work stress. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic data and other personal data. Measurements of blood pressure; weight and height were carried out and body mass indices were calculated. Results: More than a quarter (26.2) of the subjects perceived themself as stressed at work. The single largest group of hypertensive subjects was seen amongst subjects with work stress. Conclusion: A significant number of health workers in this study is afflicted by work-related stress and perceived work stress was found to be significantly associated with higher hypertension prevalence

Health Personnel , Hospitals, Community , Hypertension , Nigeria , Stress, Psychological