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S. Afr. respir. j ; 22(1): 7-11, 2016.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271293


Tumours of the chest in children constitute an array of pathology and clinical symptomatology. These tumours can be benign or malignant; cystic or solid; primary or as a result of secondary metastases. Collectively; tumours of the chest in children are very rare; the exact incidence of which is largely unknown globally. Non neoplastic lesions of the lung including bronchogenic cysts; sequestrations; congenital pulmonary airway malformations as well as infective and inflammatory disorders are 60 times more common than neoplastic causes.1 A tumour of the chest is considerably difficult to diagnose since patients can be asymptomatic for many years before symptoms evolve. Even more so; the symptoms are non-specific and can suggest more common and less sinister pathology. Clinically patients present with a variety of symptoms that depend largely on the location of the tumour.Airway tumours can be symptomatic or can present with chronic cough; wheeze; haemoptysis; atelectasis or persistent pneumonia. Secondary malignant parenchymal tumours are likely to be symptomatic from the primary lesion. Anterior mediastinal tumours can cause compression of the large airways or superior vena caval structures.It stands to reason that the physician needs to have a very high index of suspicion when dealing with these non-specific signs and symptoms. This article provides an approach to tumours of chest and reviews the common aetiology in the different compartments of the chest. The article will focus on common tumours of the airway; lung parenchyma; mediastinum; cardiac and chest wall pathology

Child , Review , Thoracic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Thoracic Neoplasms/etiology , Thoracic Neoplasms/pathology
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1277319


Ce travail porte sur l'etude des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens non Burkitt a localisation thoracique notamment sur les aspects epidemiologiques; cliniques et evolutifs: etude realisee dans le service d'hematologie clinique du C.H.U. de Yopougon. Au terme de cette etude nous retenons que: AU PLAN EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE : -L'age moyen est de 39 ans ; -Sex-ratio egale 19 en faveur du sexe masculin ; -Predominance des niveaux socio-economiques moyens et bas ; -Predominance de l'ethnie Kwa ; -L'infection a VIH a constitue un facteur predisposant majeur (40pour cent). AU PLAN CLINIQUE ET BIOLOGIQUE : -Les adenopathies ont ete rapportees dans 25pour cent des cas ; -L'alteration de l'etat general a ete rapportee dans 30pour cent des cas ; -70pour cent de nos patients presentaient un signe d'evolutivite clinique ; -Tous les patients de notre serie etaient du groupe B d'evolutivite biologique ; -Predominance des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens de malignite intermediaire (70pour cent) et du type histologique G selon la WORKING-FORMILATION (55pour cent). AU PLAN RADIOLOGIQUE : -Les opacites parenchymateuses (40pour cent) ont constitue avec les adenopathies mediastinales (40pour cent) les lesions radiologiques predominantes. AU PLAN THERAPEUTIQUE : -Trois protocoles ont ete utilises: *COP (10pour cent); *CHOP (20pour cent); *CHOP-BLEO (70pour cent). -On a note une bonne compliance du traitement dans 70pour cent des cas. -La majorite de nos patients ont beneficie de mesures de reanimation. AU PLAN EVOLUTIF : -Remission complete dans 35pour cent des cas ; -Remission incomplete dans 40pour cent des cas ; -Pres de la moitie des patients ont ete perdus de vue (40pour cent) ; -Un taux d'echec estime a 25pour cent ; -decedes (45pour cent) ; -Guerison (10pour cent)

Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin , Thoracic Neoplasms