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Acad. anat. int ; 3(1): 36-42, 2017. tab
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1256021


Background: Statue determination has remained a basic requirement in determining human identity and ethnicity. Usually in situations when whole anatomical structures are unavailable, forensic expert would be expected to rely on smaller structures such as the phalanges, patella ribs and other fragmentary bones. Aim: The present study evaluates toe anthropometry and its usability as predictors of the stature of the Hausa ethnic group in Nigeria. Methods: Six hundred and sixty four (664) subjects comprising of equal percentage of adult males and females were included in the study group. Toe lengths of both feet (coded as big toe or first toe [1T] to the fifth toes [5T]) were measured using a digital Vernier calliper with accuracy of 0.01mm while stature was taken using a stadiometer with accuracy of 0.1m. SPSS (IBM®) t-test was to evaluate gender difference in the measured dimensions; while SPSS and XLSTAT (2015) Automatic & Generalized Linear Modelling were used to determine the predictability of stature from the toe lengths. The significance level was set at 95% as P ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The automatic (multiple) regression analysis showed that the males displayed significantly higher mean values than the females for all measured parameters (P<0.001). The general population regression formulae were derived and only three (3) variables (R2T, R5T and L3T) significant contributors to the models for stature prediction for the general Gp (R2=0.385, F[3, 660]=137.68, P<0.001) and female F (R2=0.137, F[3, 328]=17.367, P<0.001) population, while only the L.1T could predict male M stature (R2=0.139, F[1, 330] = 54.489, P<0.001). Single regression gender-specific formulae were derived for the measurements that provided significant R2 values. Conclusion: This study suggested that estimation of a stature of Hausa ethnic group could be made possible by using specific toe measurements. However, lengths of toe may not be so reliable in the estimation of stature, but could be used for sex discrimination in forensic investigation

Nigeria , Toes
Sudan. j. public health ; 4(4): 399-402, 2009.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1272439


Background: Feartherless broilers which are produced by a complex breeding programme from feathered parents carrying the Sc-gene; dissipates excessive body heat under hot and humid conditions. It has high body weight; and grows very rapidly when compared with standard commercial broilers. Their toe webs are bigger than standard commercial broilers; and could harbor fungi which can cause infections where there is the opportunity. Objectives: To isolate and identify the presence of fungi in toe webs of featherless broilers. Methods: A total of 50 featherless broilers' toe webs samples were examined microscopically for the presence of fungi. The samples were examined microscopically and culturally using standard microbiological techniques. Results: The fungi recovered were as follows. Microsporum gypseum 9 (22); Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes 5 (12); Microsporum gallinae 3 (7); Aspergilus flavus 10 (24); Fusarium sp 6 (15); Alternaria alternata 3 (7) Scopulariopsis brevicaulis 2 (5) and Candida albicans 3 (7); Conclusion: The featherless broilers' toe webs habour fungi which cause mycotic skin disease and cannot be regarded as ordinary normal flora of toe webs

Arthrodermataceae , Mycoses , Skin , Toes
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1268868


Ce present travail a pour objet d'une part de determiner le morphotype du pied de l'ivoirien base sur la longueur comparee des orteils et d'autre part d'apprecier son incidence sur certaines affections des orteils. Cette etude s'est realisee sur une population de 1041 personnes comprenant 540 hommes et 501 femmes. Dans cette approche epidemiologique; les auteurs notent que le pied egyptien est le morphotype dominant (58;60 pour cent) quelque soit le sexe et le groupe ethnique

Foot Diseases/epidemiology , Toes