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Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1263390


Menopause and the climacteric period are associated with adverse risk factors for the development of vulvovaginal atrophy-related sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is a common problem in postmenopausal women; often underdiagnosed; inadequately treated; frequently overlooked; and most often impairing the quality of life of these women. To provide clinicians with current information on vulvovaginal atrophy-related sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. This study is a literature review on vulvovaginal atrophy-related sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. Relevant publications were identified through a search of PubMed and Medline; selected references; journals; and textbooks on this topic; and were included in the review. The prevalence of female sexual dysfunction increases with age. It is a common multidimensional problem for postmenopausal women that alter the physiological; biochemical; psychological; and sociocultural environment of a woman. Menopause-related sexual dysfunction may not be reversible without therapy. Estrogen therapy is the most effective option and is the current standard of care for vulvovaginal atrophy-related sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. Sexual dysfunction is a common multidimensional problem for postmenopausal women and often impairs the quality of life of these women. Estrogen preparations are the most effective treatment. Selective estrogen receptor modulators; vaginal dehydroepiandrostenedione; vaginal testosterone; and tissue-selective estrogen complexes are promising therapies; but further studies are required to confirm their role; efficacy; and safety

Atrophy , Postmenopause , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Vulvovaginitis , Women
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1265816


The prevalence of Candida albicans in symptomatic vaginitis in female patients aged 15 - 30 years attending the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) Clinics was investigated. A total of 120 High vaginal swab (HVS) samples were collected and examined by direct microscopy and culture. The investigation revealed that prevalence of vaginal candidiasis among these patients was 50. Candida albicans accounted for 38.3while other species of Candida accounted for 11.7. Susceptibility of C. albicans to fluconazole was examined using well-in-agar diffusion technique and 89.1of C. albicans colonies were found to be susceptible to the antifungal azole. Microscopic examination also revealed that both bacteria and Trichomonas vaginalis cause vaginitis

Candida albicans , Female , Patients , Prevalence , Vaginitis , Vulvovaginitis
Dakar méd ; : 125-127, 1996.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1260793


50 prelevements vulvo-vaginaux provenant de petites filles agees de 11 jours a 12 ans ont ete collectes au Laboratoire de Bacteriologie de l'Hopital d'Enfants Albert Royer (CHU de Fann) entre 1983 et 1994. Vulvo-vaginites et leucorrhees ont ete les principales indications de ces prelevements (82 pour cent des cas). Un examen microscopique et une culture sur toutes les souches ont permis d'identifier les agents pathogenes responsables. Les agents pathogenes specifiques representent 37;25 pour cent des isolements domines par Candidas albicans (19;6 pour cent); Neisseria gonorrhoeae a ete isole essentiellement chez les enfants les plus agees (3 a 10 ans). Escherichia coli a ete l'enterobacterie predominante (27;45 pour cent). Cette etude retrospective a montre la rarete des demandes d'examens bacteriologiques en cas de vulvo-vaginites chez l'enfant a l'Hopital d'Enfants Albert Royer. Les agents pathogenes specifiques des infections genitales de l'adulte tels que Neisseria gonorrhoeae; Trichomonas vaginalis sont rarement retrouves. Une etude prospective incluant la recherche de Chlamydia et de virus permettrait de mieux apprecier la question

Infant , Vulvovaginitis , Vulvovaginitis/diagnosis , Vulvovaginitis/epidemiology
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 42(4): 233-235, 1995.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1266027


Une etude retrospective d'une annee d'activite allant de janvier 1989 a decembre 1989 du laboratoire de parasitologie-mycologie de la Faculute de Medecine d'Abidjan; portant sur 124 prelevements vaginaux; a permis aux auteurs de trouver un taux de positivite globale de 56;45 pour cent. Par ordre de frequence; ils ont trouve Candida albicans a un taux de 38;70 pour cent; Candida tropicalis 5;64 pour cent; puis Candida guillermondii 0;80 pour cent. Au cours de cette meme etude; Trichomonas vaginalis a ete mis en evidence 17 fois par l'examen direct; soit une prevalence de 13;70 pour cent

Candidiasis , Vulvovaginitis/etiology , Vulvovaginitis/parasitology