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Rev. argent. microbiol ; 35(3): 143-8, 2003 Jul-Sep.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1171723


The purpose of this study was to characterize the exposure of bovine aborted fetuses from beef and dairy herds of the humid pampas of Argentina to different infectious agents by the evaluation of fetal fluid antibodies. Presence of fetal antibodies to bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1 (BVDV-1), bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1), Leptospira interrogans, Brucella abortus, and Neospora caninum was determined. Of the 95 fetuses processed, 66 came from 49 beef herds and 29 from 12 dairy herds. The average gestational age of the aborted fetuses was 7.1 months. Antibodies to the mentioned agents were detected in 65 of the 95 fetal fluids (68.4

). In addition, antibodies to more than one infectious agent were detected in 32 fetuses (33.7

), suggesting fetal exposure to multiple antigens during gestation. There were antibodies to BVDV-1, BHV-1, N. caninum and Leptospira interrogans in 43 (45.2

) and 5 (5.2

) specimens, respectively. Antibodies to B. abortus were not detected in any of the fetal fluids. The results of this study provide information on the determination of antibodies in fluids from bovine aborted fetuses exposed to different infectious agents in the region.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 35(3): 123-7, 2003 Jul-Sep.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1171727


The diagnostic efficiency of two hemoculture media for the detection of different species of Brucella strains was evaluated. Strains of Brucella melitensis, Brucella suis, Brucella abortus, Brucella ovis, and Brucella abortus S19 were used. Each strain was diluted in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) to obtain a concentration of 10(5) colony forming units/ml (CFU/ml). Blood from goats, pigs, cattle, and sheep was mixed with the bacterial suspension to obtain a final concentration minor or equal to 10(3) CFU/ml. These blood samples were inoculated into the following media: (i) Hemobrucella (HB), (ii) Tryptose citrated broth 2

(CTB), and (iii) Controls without blood for B. melitensis and B.suis. Subculture in dishes and CFU/ml counts were made at the 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th, 20th, and 30th post-inoculation (PI) day. Best results were obtained in the HB medium for all strains, except for B. suis, which due to the presence of a contaminant did not reach its maximum development in this medium. All strains were recovered from both media at 24 h PI, except B. ovis that was isolated from HB at 72 h PI and was not recovered from CTB. All strains remained viable for a shorter period in CTB. Under the proposed experimental conditions the HB medium was more sensitive than CTB. Future experiments should evaluate the utility of this commercial medium in clinical cases of animal brucellosis.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-159550


Lactante menor del sexo masculino, quien presenta irritabilidad desde hace 2 días; fiebre y convulsiones tónico-clónicas en varias oportunidades. EXAMEN FISICO: Malas condiciones clínicas, febril, deshidratado y palidez cutáneo mucosa. Neurológico: Irritante con reflejos hiperactivos. Resto del examen físico con alteraciones patológicas IMPRESION DIAGNOSTICA: Meningitis bacteriana a germen no identificado. EXAMENES DE LABORATORIO: 18-05-85. Se practica PL saliendo líquido a goteo lento, turbio. Reporte de L.C.R.: color ligeramente amarillo, aspecto turbio. pandy: + glucosa: 4,5 mgrs por ciento proteinas: 370 mgr por ciento células: 127 mm3 seg. 30 por ciento linf: 70 por ciento. Hematología: Hb. 12.8 grs por ciento. Leuc: 6.100 mm3 Hto: 41 por ciento Eos: 2 por ciento Seg: 43 por ciento Linf: 56 por ciento. Química sanguínea: Urea: 10 mgrs por ciento Creatinina: 0,6 mgrs por ciento. Tratamiento: Clorafenicol y Ampicilina. 20-05-85. Se practica PL extrayéndose L.C.R. Xantocrómico, turbio goteo lento. Se pide cultivo y antibiograma y citoquímico. 21-05-85. Resultado L.C.R. Células:1730 Pandy ++++ Seg: 98 por ciento Proteinas: 460 mgrs por ciento Linf: 2 por ciento 21-05-85. Phadebact; L.C.R. para neumococo. 21-05-85. Identificado el gérmen se cambia a Penicilina cristalina. 16-06-85 VALORACION POR NEUROLOGIA PEDIATRICA Lactante de 2 1/2 meses en malas condiciones, llanto constante irritable, ojos cerrados y acentuada actitud hipertónica de extremidades en actitud de descerebración con retracción cefálica acentuada. Parálisis óculomotora y anisocoria, con midriasis derecha y pobre respuesta a la fotoestimulación. P.C.; 38o cm. Esto significa severo daño cerebral, herniación transistentorial que pudiera estar relacionada con lesión severa tipo hidrocefalia o cualquier otra lesión parenquimatosa. 21-06-85: Hidrocefalia comunicante. Se observa mejoría clínica del cuadro de ingreso posteriormente desarrolla cuadro de hipertensión endocraneal por hidrocefalia post-meningitis. 16-07-85. Se interviene quirúrgicamente y se coloca derivación ventrículo peritoneal con sistema Uni-shunt de baja presión. 19-07-85. PL (control) Aspecto: turbio, sanguinolento, pando: + glucosa: 16 mgrs por ciento. Proteinas: 100 mgrs por ciento Cel: 51 Seg: 8 por ciento Linf: 42 por ciento Eos: 1 por ciento L.C.R.; Cultivo y Antibiograma: 19-07-85. Negativo el crecimiento. No PMN ni bacterias. El día 30-07-85, es reintervenido por disfunción del sistema derivatorio, observándose cateter distal (abdominal) enrollado en cavidad ventricular con mal funcionamiento del sistema valvular derivativo al no realizar el mecanismo de drenaje del L.C.R. El día 16-09-85 egresa. Acude a consulta el día 15-10-85, encontrándose asintomático, observándose cabalgamiento de los huesos del cráneo, fontanela anterior deprimida y reflejos de inmadurez presentes

Infant , Humans , Male , Cerebral Ventriculography , Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts , Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure/complications
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 17(4): 203-8, 1985.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1171533


Thirty fecal samples of diarrheic calves from a beef herd with previous history of neonatal diarrhea were cultured for isolation of Escherichia coli K99 (+) and for enterotoxigenic tests. The age distribution of sampled calves was: 1 animal less than 6 days old, 21 between 7-15 days old and 8 between 16-30 days old. Although most strains were classified as Isaacson et al (16) biotype four, they were negative for detection of K99 antigen by slide agglutination test. The assay for heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins by intragastric infant mouse inoculation and ELISA tests, respectively, were negative. More than 93

of the E. coli strains were sensitive to ampicillin, colistin, gentamycin and nitrofurantoin .