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Summa psicol. UST ; 18(1): 31-39, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401140


Los objetivos de la presente investigación fueron dos: a) analizar la relación entre los climas motivacionales generados por el entrenador y los iguales, y las características psicológicas en función del género y la edad de los jugadores y b) determinar las variables predictoras de los diferentes recursos psicológicos para el rendimiento deportivo de los jugadores de balonmano. Se administraron las escalas de Características psicológicas para el rendimiento Deportivo, Clima Motivacional Percibido en el Deporte y Clima Motivacional de los Iguales en el Deporte a 149 jugadores de balonmano (Medad = 15.11 años; Mexperiencia = 1.48 años; Mentrenamientos = 1.80 horas/semanales). Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones y predictivo, donde los resultados muestran que a medida que aumenta la percepción de un clima motivacional orientado a la tarea, aumenta el control del estrés y el número de horas de práctica del balonmano, y disminuye la evaluación sobre el rendimiento. Estos resultados sugieren que el entrenador, a través del diseño de entrenamientos orientados hacia la tarea, facilita que los deportistas dispongan de recursos psicológicos para sentirse eficaces y mantenerse en la actividad deportiva

The objectives of the present research were twofold: a) to analyse the relationship between the motivational climates generated by the coach and peers and the psychological characteristics as a function of gender and age of the players and b) to determine the predictor variables of the different psychological resources for the sport performance of handball players. The Psychological Characteristics for Sports Performance, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport, and Peer Motivational Climate in Sport scales was administered to 149 handball players (Maturity = 15.11 years; Mexperience = 1.48 years; Training = 1.80 hours/week). A correlational and predictive analysis was conducted, where the results show that as the perception of a task-oriented motivational climate increases, stress management and the number of hours of handball practice increases, and performance appraisal decreases. These results suggest that the coach, through task-oriented training, facilitates the athletes to have psychological resources to feel effective and remain in the sports activity

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Sports , Athletic Performance/psychology , Motivation , Psychological Tests , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age Factors , Peer Influence
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 22: e71427, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137249


Abstract Currently, the load quantification during training and competition in all sports is important to injury prevention, design specific training sessions, and player performance enhancement. The present study aimed to describe the external load profile of amateur-level handball players and to compare the playing position and match outcome-related differences in an official 2nd Regional Division male official match. 19 handball players were monitored by WIMU PROTM electronic performance and tracking systems (EPTS) with ultrawide-band (UWB) indoor location technology. Statistical analysis was composed of a t-student independent sample test and one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni posthoc. In amateur handball, most demands are composed of aerobic intensity displacements (<12 km/h, 76% playing time) and low-intensity impacts (<5G). Differences were found between playing positions where wingers obtained the greatest values in high-intensity actions, centers in the volume of demands, and defensive specialist players in impacts. Besides, the winning teams performed greater high-intensity demands both in displacements and speed changes. In conclusion, the present results realized the first approximation to handball amateur demands, considering the playing role and match status-related demands to design specific training plans.

Resumo Atualmente, a quantificação da carga durante o treino e competição em todos os desportos é importante para a prevenção de lesões, sessões de treino específicas e melhoria do desempenho dos jogadores. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram descrever o perfil de carga externa dos jogadores de handebol a nível amador e comparar a posição de jogo e as diferenças relacionadas com os resultados de um jogo oficial da 2ª Divisão Regional masculino. Foram analisados 19 jogadores de handebol por meio do WIMU PROTM electronic performance and tracking systems (EPTS) com tecnologia de localização em interiores ultrawide-band (UWB). A análise estatística foi composta por um teste T para amostra independente e ANOVA unidirecional com posthoc de Bonferroni. No handebol amador, as maiores exigências são compostas por deslocamentos de intensidade aeróbica (<12 km/h, 76% de tempo de jogo) e impactos de baixa intensidade (<5G). Foram encontradas diferenças entre as posições de jogo em que os alas obtiveram os maiores valores em ações de alta intensidade, centros no volume de exigência e jogadores defensivos especializados em impactos. Além disso, as equipes vencedoras realizaram maiores exigências de alta intensidade, tanto em deslocamentos como em mudanças de velocidade. Esses resultados fazem a primeira aproximação às exigências do handebol amador, considerando as exigências relacionadas com o papel de jogo e status de jogo para desenhar planos de treino específicos.

Univ. psychol ; 15(2): 39-49, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963141


El objetivo de este trabajo fue hallar un modelo de predicción de la satisfacción y diversión hacia la Educación Física partiendo del clima de aprendizaje y teniendo en cuenta el apoyo a la autonomía del profesorado y la propia percepción de autonomía del alumnado. Se utilizó una muestra de 758 alumnos de secundaria con edades entre 13 y 18 años. Se aplicó a los participantes de la investigación, la versión española adaptada a la educación física, de los siguientes instrumentos: Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Learning Climate Questionnaire, Sport Satisfaction Instrument y el factor autonomía del Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. Los resultados señalaron que el clima motivacional implicado en el aprendizaje predecía positivamente el apoyo a la autonomía por parte del profesor y esta predecía la propia percepción de autonomía del alumno. Asimismo, la percepción de autonomía predijo positivamente la satisfacción/diversión y negativamente el aburrimiento en las clases. Como conclusión, los docentes deben favorecer un clima de aprendizaje que apoye la autonomía y favorezca la percepción de esta en el alumno para conseguir que se diviertan en las clases de Educación Física.

The aim of this work was to find a model to predict satisfaction and fun to the physical education based on learning climate and considering supporting to the autonomy of teachers and the perception of autonomy of students. A sample of 758 secondary school students aged between 13 and 18 was used. The following instruments were used: the Spanish version adapted to Physical Education of Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Learning Climate Questionnaire, Sport Satisfaction Instrument and autonomy factor in Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. The results showed that learning motivational climate positively predicted perceived autonomy support on the teacher part and this predicted the self perception of autonomy on the part of students. In the same way, the perceived autonomy positively predicted satisfaction/fun and negatively boredom in class. In conclusion, teachers should foster a learning climate that supports and promotes the autonomy perceived autonomy in students for them to have fun in physical education classes.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(2): 222-231, abr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-746600


El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las diferencias motivacionales del alumnado en las clases de Educación Física, según las estrategias de disciplina del profesor y analizar las relaciones de los conglomerados con el clima motivacional, orientaciones de meta y satisfacción. Participaron 2002 alumnos (970 varones y 1032 mujeres) de educación secundaria de entre 12-19 años. Como instrumentos se utilizaron la versión española de: Strategies to Sustain Discipline Scale, Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Perception of Success Questionnaire y Sport Satisfaction Instrument. Se realizó un análisis de conglomerados que reveló tres perfiles de disciplina: uno con énfasis en estrategias autodeterminadas para mantener la disciplina en clase y dos con énfasis en estrategias no autodeterminadas Se hallaron el nº de horas semanales que practican ejercicio físico en su tiempo libre en función del perfil. El conglomerado de estrategias autodeterminadas está compuesto fundamentalmente por mujeres y los no autodeterminados por varones. En el de estrategias autodeterminadas se ubica el mayor número de estudiantes que practican dos o más horas semanales de ejercicio físico. Para mejorar el ambiente de clase y reducir las conductas de indisciplina, se deberían utilizar estrategias de disciplina fundamentadas en razones intrínsecas, de preocupación y responsabilidad.

The aim of the study was to detect the motivational profiles of high school students of Physical Education (PE) according to the teacher's discipline strategies and to analyze the relationships between the clusters and the motivational atmosphere, goal guidelines and satisfaction with lessons. A sample of 2002 students (970 male students and 1032 female students) was used. The instruments used were the Spanish versions of the scales: Strategies to Sustain Discipline Scale, Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Perception of Success Questionnaire and Sport Satisfaction Instrument. A cluster analysis was applied revealing three motivational profiles, one of them with emphasis on self-determined strategies to maintain discipline in class and the other two profiles with emphasis on non-self- determined-strategies. Profiles were determined according to the number of hours of exercise practiced in a week. The self-determined strategies cluster consists mainly of women, and the non- self-determined clusters were composed of men. In the self-determined strategies cluster, we can find the largest number of students who practice two or more hours of physical exercise per week in their free time. To improve the classroom environment and reduce indiscipline behaviors, the teacher should use discipline strategies founded on intrinsic reasons for concern and responsibility.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Motivation , Physical Education and Training , Education, Primary and Secondary , Faculty , Students
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(3): 443-451, 2014. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-722217


El objetivo de esta investigación fue doble: (a) analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) adaptado a la Educación Física (EF); y (b) analizar la predicción de la importancia y utilidad concedida a la EF a partir de las orientaciones de meta, percepción de competencia y satisfacción del alumnado. El cuestionario estuvo compuesto por los siguientes instrumentos: POSQ, Escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en el Ejercicio, Satisfacción con la EF e Importancia de la EF. Se administró a 846 estudiantes españoles de secundaria de 12 a 19 años. La estructura del POSQ se analizó mediante procedimientos confirmatorios y mostró una consistencia interna fiable y una estructura factorial estable (apoyando el modelo teórico hipotetizado: orientación al ego y a la tarea). Así, se considera un instrumento válido para medir la orientación de meta disposicional en EF. Para la predicción de la importancia de la EF a partir de las orientaciones de meta, competencia y satisfacción, se halló un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que confirmó que la orientación a la tarea es la que más influye en la percepción de competencia y ésta en la satisfacción/diversión, lo que predice que el alumnado considere más importante y útil la asignatura. (AU)

The present research has two main goals: (a) to analyze psychometric properties of the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) adapted to Physical Education (PE), and (b) to analyze the prediction of importance and usefulness granted to PE from goal orientations, perceived competence and student satisfaction. The questionnaire consisted of the following instruments: POSQ, Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, Satisfaction with PE and the Importance of PE. They were administered to 846 Spanish high school students aged 12 to 19 years. POSQ structure was analyzed by confirmatory procedures and it showed reliable internal consistency and a stable factor structure which supports the hypothesized theoretical model: ego and task orientation. Thus, it is considered a valid instrument to measure dispositional goal orientation in PE. For predicting the importance of PE from goal orientations, competence and satisfaction, it was used a structural equation model which confirmed that task orientation is the most influential on perceived competence, and the latter in satisfaction/fun. Fact that predicts the students consider the subject more important and useful. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Physical Education and Training , Psychometrics , Students , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Personal Satisfaction , Spain , Education, Primary and Secondary
Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 421-431, may.-agos. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-689605


Las altas tasas de sedentarismo y abandono deportivo y la escasez de estudios sobre motivos de práctica en el ámbito de la actividad física no competitiva han generado la necesidad de llevar a cabo investigaciones que establezcan perfiles motivacionales de usuarios de servicios deportivos. La finalidad de esta investigación fue diferenciar los perfiles motivacionales con respecto a la práctica físico-deportiva y analizar su relación con variables sociodemográficas (edad y sexo). La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por un total de 2707 usuarios de servicios deportivos, públicos y privados, de Andalucía (España), que cumplimentaron la escala de Motivos de Actividad Física-Revisada (Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised [MPAM-R]). Se realizó un análisis por conglomerados y, seguidamente, la prueba ji-cuadrado. Los resultados obtenidos en este análisis establecieron la existencia de tres perfiles motivacionales: uno altamente motivado, especialmente hacia la salud, con sujetos principalmente varones jóvenes de organizaciones públicas; un segundo grupo con motivación por debajo de la media en todas sus dimensiones, e inducido, especialmente por razones de salud, disfrute y apariencia, con un perfil de usuario privado, mujer, de edad media o avanzada; un tercer grupo en el que primaron los motivos sociales y de disfrute, conformado mayoritariamente por usuarios de organizaciones privadas y de sexo masculino.

High rates of inactivity and sport neglect and the lack of studies on the basis of practicing in the field of non- competitive physical activity has generated the need to carry out researches to establish motivational profiles in the users of sport services. The purpose of this research was to differentiate motivational profiles respect to physical and sport practice and analyze its relationship with sociodemographic variables (age and sex). The study sample comprised a total of 2707 users of sports services, public and private, of Andalusia (Spain), who completed scale Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised (MPAM-R). A cluster analysis was performed an then ji-square test. The results of this analysis established the existence of three motivational profiles: a highly motivated, especially on health, mainly young male subjects of public organizations, a second group with motivation below average in all its dimensions, and induced especially for health, taste and appearance reasons, with a private user profile, female, middle or advanced age, a third group in which social and enjoyment motives prevailed, composed mainly by users of private sport services and male.

Psychology, Sports , Motivation
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;41(3): 519-532, dic. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-541079


El objetivo de este trabajo es el de profundizar en las características de los universitarios, conociendo losmotivos que determinan su interés por la realización de actividades físico-deportivas e identificando los factoresmotivacionales como practicantes. Para ello se implementó el cuestionario sobre el análisis de los hábitos deportivosy estilos de vida a 664 universitarios que respondieron ser activos en el momento del estudio, del total de 1834 que conformaban la muestra representativa. Los resultadosmanifiestan que no existe un único motivo que impulse a los estudiantes a adquirir o mantener un comportamientoactivo, y expresan la importancia que tiene para ellos las motivaciones de carácter intrínseco, como el placer, lasalud y la evasión. Se confirma un cambio de tendencia, pues los varones se sienten más motivados por aspectosrelacionados con la salud, mientras que las mujeres son activas fundamentalmente por el placer o diversión que surge de la propia práctica físico-deportiva.

The objective of this work is to deep the characteristics of the university student, knowing the reasons that determine their interest in conducting physical andsporting activities and identifying the motivational factors as practitioners. This questionnaire was administered toanalyze sporting habits and lifestyles to 664 university student who answered to be active at the time of the study’s total of 1834 students who formed the core sample. The results demonstrate that there is no single reason that drives the university to acquire or maintainan active behaviour, along with the importance to them of intrinsic motivations, such as pleasure, health and evasion. It confirms a change in trend, because men feel more motivated by health aspects, while women are primarily active in the fun or pleasure that arises from the very practical physical sport.

Humans , Motivation , Sports