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Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 32: e3630PT, 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565236


Resumo A legalidade da morte assistida é controversa em todo o mundo devido a aspectos bioéticos. Em países como Luxemburgo e Canadá, a eutanásia foi aprovada, gerando impactos positivos na qualidade de vida de pacientes; entretanto, há aspectos negativos, como o abandono de opções paliativas. Esta revisão bibliográfica descritiva considerou publicações dos últimos cinco anos com enfoques bioéticos a favor da morte assistida, com base na importância de aliviar definitivamente a sintomatologia do paciente, além de proporcionar qualidade de vida, mas referiu também que a longo prazo a legalidade desse procedimento pode acarretar desumanização médica. O Código Orgânico Integral Penal Integral do Equador apresenta artigos ambíguos a favor e contra a morte assistida, com brechas legais que não permitem sua aplicação no sistema de saúde. Embora haja argumentos sólidos a favor e contra a eutanásia, a decisão deve ser adaptada ao contexto do paciente e do sistema de saúde.

Abstract The legality of assisted dying is a controversial matter worldwide due to bioethical aspects. In countries such as Luxembourg and Canada, euthanasia was approved, with positive impacts on the quality of life of patients; however, there are negative aspects, such as not taking palliative options into consideration. This descriptive literature review considered publications from the last five years with bioethical approaches in favor of assisted dying, based on the importance of definitively alleviating patient symptomatology, in addition to providing quality of life, but also noting that in the long term the legality of this procedure may lead to medical dehumanization. Ecuador's Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code presents ambiguous articles for and against assisted dying, with legal loopholes that preclude its application in the health care system. Despite solid arguments for and against euthanasia, the decision must be adapted to the context of the patient and health care system.

Resumen La legalidad de la muerte asistida es controvertida en todo el mundo debido a aspectos bioéticos. En países como Luxemburgo y Canadá, la eutanasia ha sido aprobada, generando impactos positivos en la calidad de vida de pacientes; sin embargo, hay aspectos negativos, como el abandono de opciones paliativas. Esta revisión bibliográfica descriptiva consideró publicaciones de los últimos cinco años con enfoques bioéticos a favor de la muerte asistida, con base en la importancia de aliviar definitivamente la sintomatología del paciente, además de proporcionar calidad de vida, pero refirió también que, a largo plazo, la legalidad de este procedimiento puede acarrear la deshumanización médica. El Código Orgánico Integral Penal del Ecuador presenta artículos ambiguos a favor y en contra de la muerte asistida, con brechas legales que no permiten su aplicación en el sistema de salud. Aunque existan argumentos sólidos a favor y en contra de la eutanasia, la decisión debe ser adaptada al contexto del paciente y del sistema de salud.

Bioethics , Euthanasia , Life , Patient Rights , Personhood , Death
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535280


Objective: To identify the effect of workplace health promotion activities (WHPA) on the health status of health personnel. Methodology: A systematic literature review was performed. Six computerized databases were used to search for studies on the effect of at least one health promotion activity on the health status of health personnel. Studies were included if they were published in peer-reviewed and indexed journals and were written either in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Information such as study population, sample size, type of study, outcome, and health promotion activities performed were extracted from each publication. All the included articles were measured in terms of their methodological quality, including the risk of bias. Results: Lower scores on perceived stress, emotional exhaustion, and mood symptoms were reported. An improvement in sleep hours and quality and a reduction in dietary sodium intake were informed. Improvements in participants' dietary habits, weight loss, and body fat percentage, along with increased physical activity and a reduction in pain levels were reported. A reduction in the prevalence of cigarette smoking was found. Conclusions: WHPAs can enhance physical and mental health, and overall well-being, and encouraging healthier behaviors among health personnel. Most of the studies targeting mental health focused their efforts primarily on reducing healthcare workers' perceived stress. WHPAs that addressed both diet and physical activity behaviors were more effective at improving weight outcomes than those that used only one approximation. Overall, this study offers valuable information on the impact of worksite-based health promotion interventions, including the effect of different strategies applied.

Objetivo: Identificar el efecto de las actividades de promoción de la salud en el lugar de trabajo (APST) sobre el estado de salud del personal sanitario. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se utilizaron seis bases de datos computarizadas para buscar estudios sobre el efecto de al menos una actividad de promoción de la salud en el estado de salud del personal sanitario. Se incluyeron los estudios publicados en revistas revisadas por pares e indexadas y escritos en inglés, español o portugués. De cada publicación se extrajo información como la población del estudio, el tamaño de la muestra, el tipo de estudio, el resultado y las actividades de promoción de la salud realizadas. Se analizaron todos los artículos incluidos en términos de su calidad metodológica, teniendo en cuenta el riesgo de sesgo. Resultados: Se registraron puntuaciones menos elevadas en el estrés percibido, agotamiento emocional y alteración del estado de ánimo. Se informó de una mejoría en las horas y la calidad del sueño, y de una reducción de la ingesta de sodio en la dieta. Se registraron mejorías en los hábitos alimentarios de los participantes, pérdida de peso y porcentaje de grasa corporal, así como un aumento de la actividad física y una reducción de los niveles de dolor. Se observó una reducción de la prevalencia del tabaquismo. Conclusiones: Las AMPS pueden mejorar la salud física y mental, así como el bienestar general, y fomentar comportamientos más saludables entre el personal sanitario. La mayoría de los estudios dirigidos a la salud mental centraron sus esfuerzos principalmente en reducir el estrés percibido por el personal sanitario. Las AMPS que abordaron tanto los comportamientos relacionados con la alimentación como con la actividad física fueron más eficaces a la hora de mejorar los resultados en cuanto al peso que las que sólo utilizaron una aproximación. En general, este estudio ofrece información valiosa sobre el impacto de las intervenciones de promoción de la salud en el lugar de trabajo, así como el efecto de las distintas estrategias aplicadas

Objetivo: Identificar o efeito das atividades de promoção da saúde no local de trabalho (APST) sobre o estado de saúde do pessoal sanitário. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Utilizaram-se seis bases de dados computadorizadas para procurar estudos sobre o efeito de pelo menos uma atividade de promoção da saúde no estado da saúde do pessoal sanitário. Incluíram-se os estudos publicados em revistas revisadas por pares e indexadas e escritos em inglês, espanhol ou português. De cada publicação coletou-se informação como a população do estudo, o tamanho da amostra, o tipo de estudo, o resultado e as atividades de promoção da saúde realizadas. Analisaram-se todos os artigos incluídos em termos de sua qualidade metodológica, levando em consideração o risco de viés. Resultados: Registraram-se números menos elevados no estresse percebido, esgotamento emocional e alteração do estado de ânimo. Foi informada uma melhora nas horas e na qualidade do sono, e uma redução da ingesta de sódio na dieta. Registraram-se melhoras nos mejorías en los hábitos alimentarios de los participantes, pérdida de peso y porcentaje de grasa corporal, así como un aumento de la actividad física y una reducción de los niveles de dolor. Se observó una reducción de la prevalencia del tabaquismo. Conclusiones: Las APST pueden mejorar la salud física y mental, así como el bienestar general, y fomentar comportamientos más saludables entre el personal sanitario. La mayoría de los estudios dirigidos a la salud mental centraron sus esfuerzos principalmente en reducir el estrés percibido por el personal sanitario. Las APST que abordaron tanto los comportamientos relacionados con la alimentación como con la actividad física fueron más eficaces a la hora de mejorar los resultados en cuanto al peso que las que sólo utilizaron una aproximación. En general, este estudio ofrece información valiosa sobre el impacto de las intervenciones de promoción de la salud en el lugar de trabajo, así como el efecto de las distintas estrategias aplicadas.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(4): 405-416, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527717


Abstract Introduction: In Mexico, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) as an interdisciplinary intervention with therapeutic impact in patients with heart disease is growing. There is the need to know actual conditions of CR in our country. Objectives: The objective of this National Registry is to follow-up those existing and new CR units in Mexico through the comparison between the two previous registries, RENAPREC-2009 and RENAPREC II-2015 studies. This is a descriptive study focused on diverse CR activities such as assistance training, and certification of health professionals, barriers, reference, population attended, interdisciplinarity, permanence over time, growth prospects, regulations, post-pandemic condition, integrative characteristics, and scientific research. Results: Data were collected from 45 CR centers in the 32 states, 75.5% are private practice units, 67% are new, 33% were part of RENAPREC II-2015, and 17 have continued since 2009. With a better distribution of CR units along the territory, the median reference of candidates for CR programs is 9% with a significant reduction into tiempo of enrollment to Phase II admission (19 ± 11 days). Regarding to previous registries, the coverance of Phases I, II, and III is 71%, 100%, and 93%, respectively; and a coverance increases in evaluation, risk stratification, and prescription, more comprehensive attendance and prevention strategies. Conclusions: CR in Mexico has grown in the past 7 years. Even there is still low reference and heterogeneity in specific processes, there are strengths such as interdisciplinarity, scientific professionalization of specialists, national diversification, and an official society that are consolidated over time.

resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(5): 301-307, oct. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530018


INTRODUCCIÓN: El virus del papiloma humano (VPH), con más de 100 tipos, es de transmisión sexual. Varios países de América Latina han introducido las vacunas contra el VPH. Aunque América Latina es la región que más rápido avanzó en la vacunación contra el VPH, sus sistemas de seguimiento y vigilancia son aún deficientes. OBJETIVO: Comparar las diferentes estrategias de vacunación contra el VPH en Ecuador y América Latina. MÉTODO: Revisión bibliográfica, en la que se obtuvo información de documentos gubernamentales y artículos indexados en los últimos 5 años sobre las estrategias de vacunación contra el VPH en Ecuador y América Latina. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de los países de América Latina han logrado introducir la vacuna contra el VPH, excepto Venezuela, Martinica, Haití, Nicaragua y Cuba. CONCLUSIONES: Los protocolos de vacunación de Ecuador y América Latina necesitan mejorar sus sistemas de seguimiento y aumentar la expansión de datos de cobertura disponibles de manera consistente. Actualmente siguen existiendo desafíos para introducir las vacunas, lograr una alta cobertura y fortalecer el seguimiento, la evaluación y la notificación.

INTRODUCTION: The human papilloma virus (HPV), with more than 100 types, is a sexual transmission infection. Many Latin American countries have introduced the vaccines against the HPV. Although Latin América is the region which advanced faster against the HPV, its surveillance and follow-up systems are yet deficient. OBJECTIVE: To compare the different strategies to assume the vaccination against the HPV in Ecuador and Latin America. METHOD: Bibliographic review, in which information was obtained from government documents and articles indexed in the last five years on vaccination strategies against HPV in Ecuador and Latin America. RESULTS: Most Latin American countries have managed to introduce the vaccine against the HPV, except Venezuela, Martinica, Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba. CONCLUSIONS: The vaccination protocols of Ecuador and Latin América need to improve their systems of follow-up and monitoring, and increase the expansion of available data in a consistent manner. Now, there are still existing challenges to introduce the vaccines, manage a high reach and fortify the follow-up, the evaluation, and the notification.

Humans , Female , Immunization Programs , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Papillomavirus Vaccines , Immunization Schedule , Ecuador , Latin America
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(16): 116-128, abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442256


La epilepsia refractaria tanto generalizada como focal, es una patología sumamente incapacitante, para el tratamiento de la misma se ha establecido a la callosotomía desde hace décadas como primera línea quirúrgica para su control, la cual puede presentar efectos secundarios importantes como síndrome de desconexión y pérdida de memoria, sin embargo, existen pacientes que no responden a la callosotomía y necesitan nuevas líneas de tratamiento, buscando en la estimulación de nervio vago una respuesta a su condición. Descripción del caso de estudio. Se presenta el caso de paciente masculino de 24 años de edad con antecedente patológico de convulsiones tipo tónico clónicas generalizadas confirmadas por video electroencefalograma de 24 horas, de predominio nocturno de 13 años de evolución, es sometido a 2 regímenes farmacológicos antiepilépticos diferentes en un período de 7 años de duración, posteriormente diagnosticado con epilepsia refractaria, por lo que se realiza callosotomía sin control de su cuadro clínico, el mismo año se realiza estimulación de nervio vago, presentando resultados favorables en su evolución. Conclusión. Luego de evidenciar el presente caso de estudio se concluye que el tratamiento de epilepsia refractaria con la colocación de un estimulador de nervio vago izquierdo asociado a un correcto régimen FAE es una alternativa muy eficaz para considerar en estos pacientes.

Refractory epilepsy, both generalized and focal, is an extremely disabling pathology. For its treatment, callosotomy has been established for decades as the first surgical line for its control, which can present important side effects such as disconnection and loss syndrome. by heart, however, there are patients who do not respond to callosotomy and need new lines of treatment, looking for an answer to their condition in vagus nerve stimulation. Description of the case study. We present the case of a 24-year-old male patient with a pathological history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures confirmed by a 24-hour video electroencephalogram, predominantly nocturnal for 13 years, undergoing 2 different antiepileptic pharmacological mechanisms over a period of 7 years in duration, later diagnosed with refractory epilepsy, for which callosotomy was performed without control of its clinical picture, the same year vagus nerve stimulation was performed, presenting favorable results in its evolution. Conclution. After evidencing the present case study, it is concluded that the treatment of refractory epilepsy with the placement of a left vagus nerve stimulator associated with a correct AED regimen is a very effective alternative to consider in these patients.

A epilepsia refratária, tanto generalizada quanto focal, é uma patologia extremamente incapacitante. Para seu tratamento, a calosotomia se estabeleceu há décadas como a primeira linha cirúrgica para seu controle, que pode apresentar importantes efeitos colaterais como desconexão e síndrome de perda., há pacientes que não respondem à calosotomia e precisam de novas linhas de tratamento, buscando resposta para sua condição na estimulação do nervo vago. Descrição do estudo de caso. Apresentamos o caso de um doente do sexo masculino, 24 anos, com antecedentes patológicos de crises tónico-clónicas generalizadas confirmadas por videoeletroencefalograma de 24 horas, predominantemente nocturnas há 13 anos, submetido a 2 mecanismos farmacológicos antiepilépticos diferentes ao longo de 7 anos de duração, posteriormente diagnosticada com epilepsia refratária, para a qual foi realizada calosotomia sem controle de seu quadro clínico, no mesmo ano foi realizada estimulação do nervo vago, apresentando resultados favoráveis em sua evolução. Conclusão. Depois de evidenciar o presente estudo de caso, conclui-se que o tratamento da epilepsia refratária com a colocação de um estimulador de nervo vago esquerdo associado a um esquema correto de DEA é uma alternativa muito eficaz a ser considerada nesses pacientes.

Humans , Male , Adult , Electroencephalography
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 22(1): 1-9, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1445008


Professorswho sleep 6 or fewer hours are more likely to report voice symptoms. However, only three studies have been published on this topic, basingtheir conclusions on self-reported surveysand displayingan overall weak methodological quality, which hindersthe generalization of these results. This exploratory, correlational, and longitudinal study aimed to determine the association between sleep quality and duration andthree acoustic parameters linkedto voiceharmonicity and quality (jitter, shimmer, and Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio [HNR]) among 24 Colombian universityprofessors. Generalized linear models with gamma distribution were used to analyzethis association. Our results indicate that the professors who reported good sleep quality had significantly lower HNR values compared with thosewho had alow sleep quality. Additionally, increased jitter (B= 0.10)and shimmer (B= 0.10), and decreased HNR (B= -0.05) values were found when the duration of sleep increased. In contrast, participantswith good self-perceived sleep quality and a shorter sleep durationpresented lower voice harmonicity compared to those with bad sleep quality and shorter sleep duration, which may be associated with the physiological and emotional effects of sleep on voice production. Considering the multifactorial nature of voice production and the exploratory nature of the present study, it is important to note that a statistically significant correlationbetween sleep quality and duration andvoice harmonicity does not necessarily imply that sleep directly causes voice disorders, but rather suggests that sleep is a variable tobe considered when analyzing and treating individuals with voice issues. These findings provide insight into the complex interplay of variablesthat may contribute to voice disorders andhighlight the importance of considering sleep as a potential contributing factorin the assessment and management of individuals with voice issues.

Los profesores que duermen 6 horas o menos tienen más probabilidades de reportar síntomas de voz. Sin embargo, solo se han publicado tres estudios sobre este tema, los cuales basan sus conclusiones solo en auto reportes, lo que dificulta la generalización de esta relación. Este estudio exploratorio, correlacional y longitudinal tuvo como objetivo determinar la asociación entre la calidad y la duración del sueño con tres parámetros acústicos relacionados con la armonía y la calidad de la voz (jitter, shimmer y relación armónicos-ruido (HNR) en 24 profesores universitarios colombianos. Se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados con distribución gamma para determinar la asociación de estas variables con los parámetros acústicos de la voz. Nuestros resultados indican que los profesores con buena calidad de sueño tenían valores de HNR significativamente más bajos en comparación con aquellos con menor calidad del sueño. Específicamente, hubo un aumento del jitter (B= 0,10), shimmer (B= 0,10) y disminución del HNR (B= -0,05) al incrementar la duración del sueño. Por su parte, los profesores con una buena calidad del sueño y con una corta duración de este (medida a través de auto-reporte) tenían menos armonía vocal que aquellos con una mala calidad y una duración del sueño corta, lo que puede estar asociado con los efectos fisiológicosy emocionales del sueño en la producción vocal. Teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza multifactorial de la producción de voz y la naturaleza exploratoria del presente estudio, es importante destacar que una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la calidad y duración del sueño con la armonía vocal no implica necesariamente que la mala calidad o corta duración del sueño causen directamente trastornos de voz. Más bien, sugiere que el sueño es una variable que debe considerarse al analizar y tratar a personas con problemas de voz. Estos resultados proporcionan información sobre la compleja interacción de factores que pueden contribuir a los trastornos de voz y resaltan la importancia de considerar el sueño como un factor potencial que contribuye en la evaluación y tratamiento de las personas con dichos trastornos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Voice Disorders , Faculty , Sleep Quality , Sleep Duration , Universities , Voice Quality , Longitudinal Studies , Colombia , Noise
Vive (El Alto) ; 5(15): 781-790, dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424761


El virus del papiloma humano es una infección prevalente, que puede infectar cualquier mucosa del cuerpo y causar verrugas genitales externas o condilomas genitales y cáncer de cuello uterino. El tratamiento es difícil con una alta recurrencia y persistencia de las mismas, lo que afecta mayormente a mujeres jóvenes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una comparación entre inmunomoduladores y crioterapia para el tratamiento de lesiones genitales en mujeres con VPH. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica, entre inmunomoduladores y crioterapia para el tratamiento de lesiones genitales en mujeres con VPH de los últimos 20 años, donde se identificaron publicaciones de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis. Se concluyó que la elección de los inmunomoduladores al igual que la crioterapia es mejor utilizarlos cuando existe lesiones clínicas inducidas por el VPH en la región genital y perianal en mujeres, dependiendo de la cantidad, el tamaño, la gravedad, la ubicación de las verrugas y las preferencias del paciente.

Human papillomavirus is a prevalent infection, which can infect any mucosa of the body and cause external genital warts or genital warts and cervical cancer. Treatment is difficult with a high recurrence and persistence of the same, which mainly affects young women. The objective of the present study was to compare immunomodulators and cryotherapy for the treatment of genital lesions in women with HPV. A narrative bibliographic review of the scientific literature was carried out, between immunomodulators and cryotherapy for the treatment of genital lesions in women with HPV of the last 20 years, where publications of systematic reviews and meta-analyses were identified. It was concluded that the choice of immunomodulators, like cryotherapy, is better used when there are clinical lesions induced by HPV in the genital and perianal region in women, depending on the number, size, severity, location of the warts and patient preferences.

O papilomavírus humano é uma infecção prevalente, que pode infectar qualquer mucosa do corpo e causar verrugas genitais externas ou verrugas genitais e câncer cervical. O tratamento é difícil com alta recorrência e persistência da mesma, que acomete principalmente mulheres jovens. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar imunomoduladores e crioterapia para o tratamento de lesões genitais em mulheres com HPV. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa da literatura científica, entre imunomoduladores e crioterapia para tratamento de lesões genitais em mulheres com HPV dos últimos 20 anos, onde foram identificadas publicações de revisões sistemáticas e metanálises. Concluiu-se que a escolha de imunomoduladores, como a crioterapia, é melhor utilizada quando há lesões clínicas induzidas pelo HPV na região genital e perianal em mulheres, dependendo do número, tamanho, gravidade, localização das verrugas e preferências da paciente.

Cryotherapy , Papillomaviridae
Rev. méd. Maule ; 37(2): 23-27, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427980


Introduction: Periprosthetic infection (PPI) is one of the most devastating complications of total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The incidence described in the literature is 2.4% and the most frequently isolated bacteria are Staphylococcus Aureus and Staphylococcus Coagulase-Negative (Gram positive). Polymicrobial infections represent between 10 to 37% and negative cultures between 7 to 15%. Methodology: Descriptive and retrospective study that consisted of reviewing the TKA database of the Regional Hospital of Talca during the 2018-2020 period, where knee PPIs were identified according to the diagnostic criteria validated in 2018. The cultures of patients diagnosed with PPI were reviewed, analyzing the antibiogram and resistance profile. Results: During 2018-2020, 459 TKAs were performed in our center, diagnosing 30 PPIs of the knee. 47% of PPIs were acute and 53% chronic. The results of the cultures were negative in 26.6%, 23.3% Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus; 13.3% Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Epidermidis and 13.3% of the cultures were polymicrobial. Discussion: Highlights the high resistance to methicillin, especially of Staphylococcus Epidermidis. This opportunistic pathogen has the ability to form a biofilm and, thanks to its genomic flexibility, rapidly acquires resistance to antibiotics. Polymicrobial infections have a synergistic effect that favors the persistence of the infection, which is why they will require a greater number of surgeries and prolonged antibiotic therapy. Pruebas especiales como la sonicación podrían aumentar las posibilidad de identificar al microorganismo. Conclusion: In these three years of follow-up, the PPI rate has been higher than reported annually in the literature. Gram-positive microorganisms continue to predominate, but with an increase in the rate of resistant to methicillin. Also, highlight the number of negative cultures. There would be a possible benefit theoretical in optimizing antibiotic prophylaxis in view of the large percentage of methicillin resistance and in seeking new ways to reduce negative cultures.

Humans , Female , Aged , Prosthesis-Related Infections/surgery , Prosthesis-Related Infections/epidemiology , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/adverse effects , Staphylococcus aureus , Retrospective Studies , Biofilms , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Rev. méd. Maule ; 37(2): 28-36, dic. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428070


Tibial pilon fractures are a complex injury to treat due to the great involvement of soft and bone tissues. The classic surgical treatment is based on open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF), adding morbidity to the soft tissues, increasing the risk of complications. This has motivated the development of minimally invasive and/or percutaneous techniques to reduce complications, and with the advent of arthroscopy, achieve anatomical reductions. METHODS: A retrospective observational study of twelve patients with tibial pilon fractures who were treated in our center with minimally invasive and/ or percutaneous osteosynthesis with arthroscopic support was carried out between January 2019 and June 2021. Fractures were characterized using the AO/OTA classification for tibial pilon. Age, sex, fracture mechanism, exposure and initial management in the emergency department (cast immobilization or external fixation), definitive treatment, complications and clinical and functional evaluation twelve months after definitive osteosynthesis. For this last point, plantar flexion, dorsiflexion and the AOFAS and FAOS Score were measured. RESULTS: The operated patients were 12, 8 were men (67%) and 4 were women (33%). The average age was 49 (17-68) years. The definitive treatment was carried out after an average of 8 days (5-12 days). Surgical treatment schemes were as follows: percutaneous osteosynthesis with medial anatomical plate and arthroscopic support (OPAA), minimally invasive osteosynthesis with cannulated screws and arthroscopic support (OMIAA) and osteosynthesis with external circular guide and arthroscopic support (OTCAA). In the AOFAS Score, three patients had excellent results (≥ 90 points), 6 patients had good results (≥ 80 points) and 3 patients had acceptable results (≥ 70 points). In the FAOS Score, eight patients had over 80% (good results) and 4 patients had over 60% (accep - table results). DISCUSSION: Historically, tibial pilon fractures have been considered non-reconstructable and with poor long-term results. Initially this paradigm changed with the principles of Rüedi for the reconstruction of the tibial pilon and improve the results. ORIF has been widely used until today, it allows achieving an anatomical joint reduction, it allows to give stability and length to the fibula, graft contribution and sta - bilization with the medial plate. Today this concept is changing again, since the emphasis is on the care of the soft tissues to allow a better recovery of the patient and reduce the complications of the classic approach, it is in this context that the appearance of minimally invasive and/or percutaneous techniques with arthroscopic assistance has allowed us to have excellent functional and clinical results with less da - mage to the soft tissues. CONCLUSION: The proper management and care of the soft tissues in a high-energy fracture of the tibial pilon is essential to obtain favorable clinical results and thus achieve restoration of ankle function. Percutaneous and minimally invasive management has optimized management of the tibial pilon, redu - cing the rates of complications, amputation, and pri - mary arthrodesis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Arthroscopy/methods , Tibial Fractures/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Fracture Fixation, Internal/instrumentation
Rev. méd. Maule ; 37(2): 37-42, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428343


Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a safe and effective procedure in patients with end-stage ostheoarthritis. In the last years the indication for THA is increasingly in younger patients, associated with rising of life expectancy, this imply an increase in revision surgeries for various causes such as: aseptic loosening, fractures and infections. In this context and in view of the need to replace the femoral component, alternatives to the classic extended trochanteric osteotomy (ETO) arise, such as the anterior cortical window (ACW), which allows the rate of complications to be reduced with excellent results. We present the case of a 51-year-old patient who sustained one episode of dislocation, who required revision surgery due to aseptic loosenig, where the ACW was used for the extraction of the stem. In addition, a review of the literature was made to show advantages and complications regarding ETO.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Reoperation/methods , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Hip Prosthesis , Prosthesis Design , Prosthesis Failure , Periprosthetic Fractures/surgery , Femoral Fractures/surgery
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 41(2): 119-129, ago. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407759


Resumen: La Miocardiopatía Periparto es una patología que se presenta como una insuficiencia cardíaca aguda que aparece en el último mes del embarazo o los primeros 5 meses post parto, en ausencia de otra causa identificable. A pesar de ser más frecuente en países Afrodescendientes, el efecto migratorio ha provocado un aumento en su incidencia en los países de América latina, influyendo en la morbimortalidad materna. Si bien su etiología aún no está claramente definida, se han propuesto algunos mecanismos como el aumento del estrés oxidativo, el desequilibrio de la angiogénesis y las reacciones inflamatorias que, en un organismo genéticamente predispuesto, podrían ser los desencadenantes de esta enfermedad. Su manejo aún se considera de soporte, pero se sigue investigando en alternativas terapéuticas que puedan mejorar los resultados a largo plazo. Así, el motivo de esta revisión es evaluar la evidencia disponible hasta el momento, para el enfrentamiento del equipo tratante de estas pacientes.

Abstract: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy is a diseae presenting as acute heart failure that appears in the last month of pregnancy or within 5 months postpartum, in the absence of other identifiable cause. Despite being more frequent in Afro-descendant populations, the migratory effect has caused an increase in its incidence in Latin American countries, influencing maternal morbidity and mortality. Although its etiology is not yet defined, some mechanisms have been proposed such as increased oxidative stress, angiogénesis imbalance and inflammatory reactions that in a genetically predisposed organism, could be the triggers of this disease. Supportive therapy is still the initial management. Therapeutical alternatives that are still being investigated. The main purpose of this review is to evaluate the evidence available to improve the prognosis of the disease.

Humans , Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/therapy , Cardiomyopathies/diagnosis , Cardiomyopathies/therapy , Pregnancy , Heart Failure/etiology , Heart Failure/therapy
Rev. méd. Maule ; 37(1): 35-39, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395915


Total hip arthroplasty is a successful procedure with high rates of functional satisfaction and pain relief. A large number of patients with bilateral hip pathology will require both hip joint replacement, from there born the inquietude to knowing benefits and disadvantage of bilateral simultaneous hip arthroplasty. We present a female patient case who developed bilateral hip osteoarthritis secondary to development dysplasia of the hip which was surgically managed with bilateral arthroplasty at one time. We show a follow-up report of the case and a review of the literature to know the main advantages of this new current of hip arthroplasty in patients with bilateral hip pathology

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteoarthritis, Hip/surgery , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip/methods , Radiography , Osteoarthritis, Hip/complications , Osteoarthritis, Hip/therapy
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 91(2): 178-185, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248782


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la seguridad y el efecto del entrenamiento por intervalos de moderada y alta intensidad (EIMI, EIAI) y compararlo con el entrenamiento de intensidad moderada continua (EIMC) en pacientes de riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) muy alto. Método: Estudio cuasi experimental de 81 pacientes que ingresaron al programas de rehabilitación cardíaca y prevención secundaria (PRHCPS); en la estratificación de riesgo, todos los pacientes presentaron ≥ 2 factores de RCV alto. Entrenamiento concurrente: aeróbico supervisado: 2 semanas de entrenamiento de base de EIMC; luego el grupo EIMC con la misma prescripción, EIMI a 3 intervalos de 3' al 70 a 80% de FCR con pausas activas de 3' al 60 a 70% de FCR; EIAI, 3 intervalos de 3' a 80 a 90% de FCR con pausas activas de 3' al 70 a 80% de FCR, entrenamiento de fuerza con tres sesiones semanales de ejercicios isotónicos y una de calistenia e intervención multidisciplinaria. Resultados: 81 pacientes asignados en tres grupos: 61 a EIMC, 13 a EIMI y 7 a EIAI, sin diferencias significativas en las variables epidemiológicas. Hubo ganancias porcentuales en MET-carga de 45%, 60% y 86% (p = 0.17) y carga-vatios de 51, 44 y 48 en EIMC, EIMI, EIAI, respectivamente (p = 0.54). A pesar de no existir diferencias estocásticamente significativas intergrupales, sí se registró una ganancia mayor en MET-carga en el grupo de EIAI. No se observó desenlace adverso en ningún tipo de entrenamiento. Conclusiones: En cardiópatas de riesgo cardiovascular muy alto, el entrenamiento interválico EIMI/EIAI supervisado es seguro, con tendencia a mayor ganancia en tolerancia al esfuerzo (MET-carga) con el EIAI en comparación con el EIMC.

Abstract Objective: Evaluate safety and effects of training at moderate and high intensity intervals (MIIT, HIIT) compared to continuous moderate intensity training (MICT) in heart disease patient with very high cardiovascular risk (CVR). Method: Quasi-experimental study of 81 patients in a cardiac rehabilitation (CR) program, after risk stratification, all patients presented at least 2 factors with high CVR. All patients were provided supervised concurrent training: aerobic: initially 2 weeks MICT. subsequently MICT group with same prescription, MIIT 3 intervals of 3 ‘to 70-80% FCR with active pause exercise of 3' to 60 a 70% FCR, HIIT 3 intervals of 3'a 80-90% FCR with active pause exercise of 3 ‘70 a 80% FCR, resistance training 3 weekly sessions isotonic exercises and 1 calisthenics and multidisciplinary intervention. Results: 81 patients assigned to: 61 MICT group, 13 MIIT and 7 HIIT, no significant differences were observed. Percentage gains were obtained in METs-load 45%, 60% and 86% (p = 0.17) and watts 51, 44 and 48 in MICT, MIIT, HIIT respectively (p = 0.54). Although there are no statistical significant intergroup differences if there is a greater improvement in MET-load in the HIIT group. There was no adverse outcome in any training. Conclusions: In very high cardiovascular risk heart disease patient, supervised interval training (MIIT/HIIT) is safe, with a tendency to greater improvement in exercise tolerance (METs-load) with HIIT compared to MICT.

Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Exercise Tolerance , Resistance Training/methods , Heart Diseases , Physical Fitness/physiology , Risk Factors , Heart Disease Risk Factors
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 91(2): 190-195, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248784


Resumen Objetivo: La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por disminución en la capacidad funcional. Los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca y prevención secundaria (PRHCyPS) han mostrado mejorar la calidad de vida y tolerancia al esfuerzo en este grupo de pacientes, pero sus efectos son dependientes del volumen. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar el grado de correlación del volumen de entrenamiento medido en equivalentes metabólicos (MET)-min/semana con el porcentaje de ganancia de consumo pico de oxígeno (VO2p) (MET-carga) posterior a un PRHCyPS en pacientes con IC. Método: Estudio cuasiexperimental que evaluó la ganancia de VO2p (MET-carga) en 31 pacientes posterior a un PRHCyPS, antes y después de una prueba de ejercicio convencional, que consistió en 30 min de entrenamiento dinámico al 70% frecuencia cardíaca de reserva (FCR) durante seis semanas, así como entrenamiento de kinesioterapia e intervención interdisciplinaria. Se calculó el volumen de entrenamiento de cada paciente en MET-min/semana (método de Kaminsky). Se midió el índice de correlación con Rho de Spearman y se consideró significancia estocástica con valor de p < 0.05. Resultados: El 70.6% fueron de sexo masculino, promedio de edad 61.5 ± 8.9 años, con fracción de expulsión del ventrículo izquierdo promedio de 38 ± 4.6%; el 96.8% de la IC fue de origen isquémico; un 55.9, un 29.4 y un 5.9% en clase funcional según la New York Heart Association I, II y III, respectivamente. Con un volumen de entrenamiento promedio de 504.34 ± 164 MET-min/semana. La mayor correlación se obtuvo en las poblaciones de alto riesgo, con una Rho: 0.486 (p = 0.008) por VO2p-carga. Conclusiones: Si bien existe una ganancia sustancial en tolerancia al esfuerzo medido por VO2p-carga, no obtuvimos suficiente grado de correlación entre el volumen de entrenamiento aplicado y la ganancia obtenida.

Abstract Objective: Heart failure is a clinical syndrome characterized by a decrease in functional capacity. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention (CR&SP) programs have been shown to improve quality of life and excercise tolerance in this group of patients, but their effects depends on training volume. Our objective is to evaluate the level of correlation of the training volume measured in metabolic equivalents (MET)-min/week with the percentage of peak oxygen consumption (VO2p) gain (estimated MET) after a CR&SP in patients with chronic heart failure. Method: Quasi-experimental study that evaluated the gain of VO2p (estimated MET) in 31 patients after a CR&SP, prior and post-exercise test, which consisted of 30 min of dynamic training at 70% heart rate reserve (HRR) for 6 weeks, with strenght training and interdisciplinary intervention. The training volume of each patient was calculated in MET-min/week (Kaminsky's method). Spearman's Rho correlation index was measured and stochastic significance was considered whith a value of p < 0.05. Results: 70.6% were male, average age 61.5 years ± 8.9, with left ventricular ejection fraction average of 38 ± 4.6%; 96.8% of the heart failure had an ischemic origin; 55.9, 29.4 and 5.9% in New York Heart Association funstional class I, II and III, respectively. With an average training volume of 504.34 ± 164 MET-min/week. The best correlation was obtained in high-risk population with Rhol: 0.486 (p = 0.008) meassured by estimated VO2p. Conclusions: Although there is a substantial gain in excersise tolerance measured by estimated VO2p, we did not obtain a sufficient level of correlation between the volume of training applied and the gain obtained.

Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 52(3): 261-284, Julio 8, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155626


Resumen Introducción: la consulta de un particular que trajo un producto fitoterapéutico a base de caléndula cuyo consumo le causó fuertes reacciones adversas, originó esta investigación sobre la composición de este producto. Objetivo: caracterizar la composición química de muestras de lotes diferentes de un producto comercial denominado fitoterapéutico a base de caléndula (Calendula officinalis) (PFC) comercializado en Colombia. Metodología: se analizaron tabletas de ocho cajas del PFC de cuatro lotes diferentes de producción (2017 y 2018). Se llevó a cabo el análisis de espacio de cabeza (HS) de tabletas por microextracción en fase sólida (SPME), con una fibra PDMS/DVB (65 µm), expuesta al HS de la muestra durante 30 min a 50 °C. Las fracciones volátiles se analizaron por cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC/MS). Los extractos de tabletas obtenidos con mezcla de metanol:agua (1:1, v/v) se analizaron por cromatografía líquida (LC) de alta (HPLC) y ultra-alta eficiencia (UHPLC), con detectores de arreglo de diodos (DAD) y espectrometría de masas de alta resolución (HRMS), respectivamente; la cuantificación de diclofenaco se hizo por calibración con patrón externo y por adición de estándar. Los espectros de masas de baja y alta resolución y patrones de fragmentación de las sustancias detectadas se estudiaron, usando GC/HRMS y LC/HRMS-Orbitrap. Resultados: en tabletas analizadas por HSSPME, se encontraron monoterpenoides y sesquiterpenoides de origen vegetal, ftalatos, residuos de solventes (2-cloroetanol, etilenglicol) y sustancias químicas intermediarias en la síntesis de diclofenaco (2,6-dicloroanilina y 2,6-cloro-N-fenil-bencenamina). En los cromatogramas, obtenidos por GC/MS de los extractos de tabletas obtenidos con diclorometano, se detectaron diclofenaco, sus impurezas A, B y C, los ésteres de diclofenaco y algunas otras impurezas. Diclofenaco en cantidad ca. 40 mg (7-8%) se cuantificó por HPLC en tabletas (> 70 analizadas) escogidas al azar de ocho cajas del PFC, adquirido en el mercado local de Bucaramanga (Colombia). Conclusión: en cada tableta analizada se determinaron alrededor de 40 mg del compuesto sintético diclofenaco (sustancia no declarada en la etiqueta del producto) y en ninguna se detectaron ésteres de los triterpenoides oleanano o faradiol, constituyentes del extracto de caléndula que poseen actividad antiinflamatoria; se encontraron algunos flavonoides comunes a muchas plantas, en cantidades mil veces menores que la de diclofenaco.

Abstract Introduction: The consultation of a person who brought a marigold-based phytotherapeutic product whose consumption caused strong adverse reactions, originated this investigation of the composition of this product. Objective: to characterize the chemical composition of samples of different lots of a commercial product called calendula-based phytotherapeutic product (Calendula officinalis) (PFC) commercialized in Colombia. Methodology: Tablets of eight packs of the phytotherapeutic product from four different production batches (2017 and 2018) were analyzed. Headspace analysis (HS) of tablets by solid phase microextraction (SPME) was carried out with a PDMS/ DVB fiber (65 µm), exposed to the HS of the sample for 30 min at 50 °C. Volatile fractions were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Tablet extracts obtained with methanol:water mixture (1:1, v / v) were analyzed by liquid chromatography (LC) of high (HPLC) and ultra-high performance (UHPLC) with diode array (DAD) and high-resolution mass spectrometric (HRMS) detectors, respectively; diclofenac was quantified by external calibration and standard addition. Low- and high-resolution mass spectra (MS, HRMS) and fragmentation patterns of detected substances were studied, using GC/HRTOF-MS and LC/HRMS-Orbitrap. Results: in tablets analyzed by HS-SPME, monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids of plant origin, phthalates, solvent residues (2-chloroethanol, ethylene glycol) and intermediary chemicals in diclofenac synthesis (2,6-dichloroaniline and 2,6- chloro-N-phenyl-benzenamine) were found. In the chromatograms (GC/MS) of the extracts of tablets obtained with organic solvent (dichloromethane), diclofenac, its impurities A, B and C, diclofenac esters, and some other compounds were detected; diclofenac quantification by HPLC found amounts of ca. 40 mg (7 - 8%) in tablets (> 70 analyzed) chosen at random from eight packs of the calendula-based phytotherapeutic product, purchased in the local market in Bucaramanga (Colombia). Conclusion: each analyzed tablet contained around 40 mg of the synthetic compound diclofenac (substance not declared in the product's label) and no tablet contained detectable amounts of esters of the triterpenoids oleanane or faradiol, which are calendula extract constituents that possess antiinflammatory activity; a few flavonoids that are common to many plants were found in amounts a thousand times smaller than that of diclofenac.

Humans , Diclofenac , Calendula , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Chromatography, Liquid , Colombia , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396199


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created a new scenario for vocal and psychological morbidity among the entire population. Occupational voice users have had to adapt to these unique circumstances, confronting brand-new risks that increase the odds of developing and exacerbate vocal and mental health disor-ders. This paper addresses some of these challenges during and after COVID-19 pandemic. As a major outcome, we identified that work-related factors in online environments could be altering the vocal and mental health among occupational voice users. Interventions should focus on a comprehensive assessment of risk fac-tors, including poor mental health previous to a crisis, life-threatening circumstances, separation from family, panic and bereavement. Similarly, this type of worker must receive instructions in voice training, muscle relaxation and mindfulness techniques, and educational technolog

La pandemia del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) ha creado un nuevo escenario para la morbilidad vocal y psicológica entre la población mundial. Los usuarios ocupacio-nales de la voz se han tenido que adaptar a estas circunstancias únicas, enfrentando nuevos riesgos que aumentan las probabilidades de desarrollar y agravar desórdenes vocales y mentales. Este documento aborda algunos de estos desafíos durante y des-pués de la pandemia del COVID-19. Un resultado sustancial que fue identificado fue la incidencia de los factores relacionados con el trabajo online sobre la salud vocal y mental de los usuarios ocupacionales de la voz. Las intervenciones deberían enfo-carse en la evaluación exhaustiva de los factores de riesgo, incluyendo el estudio de la salud mental previo a una crisis, circunstancias que amenacen la vida, separación

Stress, Physiological , Voice , Voice Disorders/physiopathology , Risk Factors , Occupational Stress , Voice Training , Work , Occupational Risks , Health , Occupational Health , Environment , COVID-19
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(10): 1159-1166, dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978751


Background:: Epithelial tumors of the salivary glands, including benign tumors and aggressive malignancies with different prognoses, are uncommon. Aim: To describe the frequency and distribution of salivary gland tumors according to age, gender and anatomical location. Material and Methods: Review of pathological reports of salivary gland tumors of a Pathology laboratory at a clinical hospital from 2006 to 2016. Results: Five hundred ninety salivary gland biopsies were reviewed. Of these, 286 (49%) were primary epithelial tumors of the salivary glands. Two hundred thirty (80%) were benign and 56 (20%) were malignant tumors. Regarding location, 274 (96%) were in the major salivary glands, and 12 (4%) in the minor salivary glands. The most common histological types were pleomorphic adenoma for benign tumors in 172 cases, followed by papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum in 33 cases. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma was the most common malignant tumor in 14 cases. Conclusions: These results are similar to reports from abroad, however more studies are necessary to be able to establish a more representative and updated analysis.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Salivary Gland Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma/epidemiology , Adenoma, Pleomorphic/epidemiology , Biopsy , Salivary Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma/pathology , Chile/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Adenoma, Pleomorphic/pathology
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 25(5): 314-320, sep.-oct. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1042768


Resumen Introducción: Staphylococcus aureus es uno de los agentes causales más comunes de la endocarditis infecciosa. Se reportan pocos estudios en Latinoamérica acerca de las diferencias entre los perfiles de resistencia a la meticilina. Objetivo: Describir las características y el curso clínico de los pacientes con S. aureus sensible a meticilina frente al resistente. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo, cohorte histórica de pacientes adultos con diagnóstico confirmado de endocarditis entre los años 2011 y 2015. Se seleccionaron pacientes positivos para S. aureus comparando las características y el curso clínico entre los casos S. aureus sensible a meticilina frente al resistente. Resultados: Se estudiaron 86 pacientes con endocarditis. 28 (33%) tenían infección por S. aureus. 21 (75%) tenían endocarditis por S. aureus sensible a meticilina y 7 (25%) por S. aureus resistente a meticilina. En el grupo S. aureus sensible a meticilina, 11 (52,3%) fueron infecciones asociadas a atención en salud. La mayoría de casos de S. aureus resistente a meticilina fueron (85,7%) adquiridos en comunidad. La mortalidad de endocarditis por S. aureus sensible a meticilina fue superior a la causada por el resistente (33,3% vs. 14%). Conclusiones: S. aureus sigue siendo el agente más frecuente en endocarditis, más comúnmente el sensible a la meticilina. Los eventos embólicos y la gravedad fueron mayores en S. aureus sensible a meticilina. La mayor proporción de endocarditis debido a S. aureus resistente a meticilina se adquirió en la comunidad, por lo que se sugiere iniciar cobertura empírica contra S. aureus resistente a meticilina en todo caso de endocarditis adquirida en la comunidad.

Abstract Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most common sources of infectious endocarditis. There are few studies in Latin America that report on the differences between the methicillin resistance profiles. Objective: To describe the characteristics and clinical course of patients with methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) compared to methicillin-resistance S. aureus (MRSA) Methods: An observational, retrospective study was conducted on a historical cohort of adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of endocarditis between the years 2011 and 2015. Patients positive for S. aureus were selected and the characteristics and clinical course and the cases of MSSA were compared with those of MRSA. Results: A total of 86 patients with endocarditis were included, of whom 28 (33%) had an infection due to S. aureus, and 21 (75%) had endocarditis due to methicillin-sensitive S. aureus, and 7 (25%) due to MRSA. In the MSSA group, 11 (52.3%) were infections associated with health care. The majority (85.7%) of cases of MRSA were community acquired. The endocarditis mortality due to MSSA was higher than that caused by MRSA (33.3% vs. 14%). Conclusions: S. aureus continues to be the most common agent in endocarditis, with MSSA being more common. The embolic events and the severity were greater in MSSA. The majority of endocarditis due to MRSA is acquired in the community, and for this reason it is suggested starting empirical cover against MRSA in all cases of community acquired endocarditis.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Endocarditis , Mortality , Embolization, Therapeutic , Methicillin , Micrococcal Nuclease
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 69(2): 132-139, Apr.-June 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-960085


RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el diagnóstico y manejo de la hemorragia subaracnoidea secundaria a un aneurisma arterial cerebral accidentado en la primera mitad del embarazo. Materiales y métodos: se presenta el caso de una mujer de 26 años en su segundo embarazo, sin abortos previos y con una cesárea anterior, que fue atendida en un centro de referencia de atención materno perinatal ubicado en Quito, Ecuador, por diagnóstico de hemorragia subaracnoidea durante la decimoséptima semana de gestación. En la panangiografía cerebral se observó un aneurisma cerebral de cuello ancho en la arteria temporal anterior con sangrado. Resultados: se realizó un tratamiento con prótesis endovascular y microespirales, con control de la hemorragia. Posteriormente, la paciente requirió doble antiagregación plaquetaria con clopidogrel y ácido acetilsalicílico que se mantuvo hasta una semana antes del parto. A la paciente se le realizó una cesárea electiva en la que nació un niño sano de 37,2 semanas. Conclusión: el tratamiento endovascular con la colocación de microespirales, asociado al uso de antiagregantes plaquetarios, es una alternativa por considerar en gestantes en la primera mitad del embarazo. Se requieren más estudios clínicos para establecer conductas terapéuticas bien fundamentadas en el manejo de estos casos.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the diagnosis and management of a case of subarachnoid haemorrhage secondary to arterial cerebral aneurysm during the first half of gestation. Materials and methods: A 26-year-old woman during a second pregnancy, with no prior miscarriages, and one previous cesarean section seen at a maternal and perinatal care referral centre located in Quito, Ecuador, with a diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage at seventeen weeks of pregnancy. Cerebral pan-angiography showed a wide-neck cerebral aneurysm of the anterior temporal artery with bleeding. Results: Treatment was performed using endovascular stenting and coiling. Later, the patient required dual anti-platelet therapy with clopidogrel and acetylsalicylic acid, maintained up to a week before delivery. Elective cesarean section was performed and the patient was delivered of a healthy baby at 37.2 weeks of gestation. Conclusion: Endovascular treatment with the use of micro-coils, associated with anti-platelet aggregation therapy is an option to consider in pregnant women during the first half of gestation. Further clinical studies are needed in order to identify more fundamental therapeutic approaches for the management of these cases.

Female , Pregnancy , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage , Pregnancy , Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations , Platelet Aggregation , Aneurysm
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 89(1): 86-91, feb. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900073


Resumen: Introducción: El síndrome de Lesch-Nyhan (SLN) es un trastorno hereditario recesivo relacionado con el cromosoma X, causado por la deficiencia de la enzima hipoxantina-guanina fosforribosil transferasa (HPRT). La automutilación compulsiva y distonía ocurre antes del año de edad y se expresa con mordeduras persistentes en la mucosa oral, labios, lengua, dedos y hombros. La intervención odontológica realizada en la mayoría de estos pacientes es la extracción dental múltiple para prevenir lesiones graves secundarias. Objetivo: presentar un caso clínico de SLN y describir el manejo odonto-pediátrico en pacientes con conducta automutilatoria. Caso clínico: Paciente varón, 7 años de edad, portador de SLN. Fue referido a la Unidad de Odontología desde el Departamento de Neurología Pediátrica para la evaluación y manejo de heridas autoinfligidas en dedos, labios y mejillas asociadas a una pérdida de peso y disminución de la ingesta de alimentos. El procedimiento quirúrgico consistió en extracciones dentales múltiples, y remodelación quirúrgica de las crestas alveolares residuales, bajo anestesia general. Al segundo mes posquirúrgico el paciente fue dado de alta definitivamente, con un adecuado estado nutricional y sin signos de automutilación en manos ni en cavidad oral. Conclusio nes: A pesar, que el SLN es infrecuente, es esencial saber cómo proceder para dar la mejor calidad de vida a los pacientes y sus familias. Las extracciones tempranas del diente, como fase inicial en casos severos, parecen ser la alternativa más útil para minimizar el daño y el dolor por la automutilación.

Abstract: Introduction: Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) is an inherited recessive X-related disorder caused by the deficiency of the enzyme hypoxanthin-guanine phosphorribosyl transferase (HPRT). Compul sive self-mutilation and dystonia occurs before the first year of age and is expressed by persistent bites on the oral mucosa, lips, tongue, fingers, and shoulders. The dental intervention performed on most of these patients is multiple tooth extraction to prevent serious secondary lesions. Objective: To present a clinical case of LNS and describe pediatric dentistry management in patients with self-mutilating behavior. Clinical case: Male patient, 7 years old, LNS carrier. He was referred to the Dental Unit from the Department of Pediatric Neurology for evaluation and management of self-inflicted wounds on fingers, lips and cheeks associated with weight loss and decreased food intake. The surgical procedure consisted of multiple extractions, surgical remodeling of the residual alveolar ridges under general anesthesia. In the second postoperative month, the patient was discharged definitively, with an adequate nutritional status and no signs of self-mutilation in hands or oral cavity. Conclusions: Although LNS is rare, it is essential to know how to proceed in order to provide the best quality of life for patients and their families. Early tooth extractions, as an initial phase in severe cases, seem to be the most useful alternative to minimize damage.

Humans , Male , Child , Tooth Extraction , Self-Injurious Behavior/etiology , Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome/psychology , Self-Injurious Behavior/surgery