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Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(3): 1-19, 20230905.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530710


El protocolo de primera ayuda psicológica basado en el modelo de las 4 C (PAP-4C) establece pautas para brindar apoyo y rescatar a individuos afectados en el lugar y momentos inmediatos posteriores a un desastre. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron estudiar los efectos de la toma de decisión y el entrenamiento presencial breve en la PAP-4C sobre la propensión al comportamiento eficaz de rescate según ese modelo, evaluada una semana después de la capacitación recibida; e identificar otras variables psicológicas que se vinculan con dicha propensión. Para este estudio, se adoptó un enfoque explicativo, que involucró la implementación de un diseño experimental factorial 2x2, con los factores toma de decisión y entrenamiento presencial breve en la PAP-4C, en una muestra de 175 estudiantes universitarios de una academia militar sin entrenamiento previo en rescate en situaciones de desastre. Los resultados de un ancova mostraron que la toma de decisión basada en la emoción perjudica la propensión al comportamiento eficaz en la PAP-4C en comparación con una toma de decisiones basada en la racionalidad, luego de controlar estadísticamente a las covariables. Con relación a la identificación de estas, una serie de características psicológicas se habían mostrado asociadas con la propensión al comportamiento eficaz de rescate. En este sentido, se habían hallado correlaciones positivas con tenacidad, honestidad, apertura, jovialidad, agradabilidad, la atracción afectiva hacia los demás y la toma de la perspectiva del otro. Además, se habían hallado asociaciones positivas con las estrategias de afrontamiento cognitivo dirigido a cambiar la situación, y cognitivo y conductual motor para reducir la emoción. Finalmente, se habían encontrado también asociaciones negativas con la aversión afectiva hacia los demás y el afrontamiento evitativo. En conclusión, por una parte, los resultados de este estudio apuntan a mostrar la importancia de que los líderes de grupos de rescate indiquen a los rescatistas que, cuando realizan la tarea del rescate de personas afectadas por desastres, eviten tomar decisiones emocionales. Por otra parte, los resultados también ofrecen orientación para la selección de personal sin experiencia previa en la asistencia en situaciones de desastre, ya que se identificó una amplia serie de variables psicológicas asociadas a la propensión al comportamiento eficaz en la PAP-4C. En suma, esta investigación proporciona un valioso aporte al campo de la asistencia psicológica en situaciones de crisis, al identificar factores y variables psicológicas que podrían influir en los comportamientos de los rescatistas no profesionales y sin experiencia previa cuando se debe rescatar y brindar apoyo psicológico a personas afectadas por un desastre.

The psychological first aid protocol based on the 4 Cs model (PAP-4C) establishes guidelines for providing support and rescue to affected individuals at the scene and in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. The ob-jectives of this research were to study the effects of decision making and brief training in the PAP-4C on the propensity for effective rescue behaviour according to that model, assessed one week after the training received; and to identify other psychological variables that are linked to that propensity. For this study, an explanatory approach was adopted, involving the implementation of a 2x2 factorial experimental design, with the factors decision making and brief face-to-face training in the PAP-4C, in a sample of 175 university students from a military academy with no previous training in disaster rescue. The results of an ancova showed that emotionbased decision making impaired the propensity for effective behaviour in PAP-4C compared to rationality-based decision making, after statistically controlling for covariates. In relation to the identification of covariates, a number of psychological characteristics had been shown to be associated with the propensity for efficient rescue behaviour. In this regard, positive correlations were found with tenacity, honesty, openness to experience, cheerfulness, agreeableness, affective attraction to the other and taking the other's perspective. In addition, positive associations were found with cognitive coping strategies aimed at changing the situation, and cognitive and behavioural motor coping strategies aimed at reducing the emotion. Finally, negative associations were also found with an affective aversion towards the other and avoidant coping. In conclusion, on the one hand, the results of this study aim to show the importance of rescue team leaders instructing rescuers to avoid making emotional decisions when carrying out rescuing disaster affected people. On the other hand, the results provide guidance for the selection of personnel with no previous expe-rience in disaster relief, as a wide range of psycho-logical variables associated with the propensity for effective behaviour in PAP-4C were identified. In sum, this research provides a valuable contribution to the field of psychological assistance in crisis situations by identifying psychological factors and variables that may influence the behaviours of non-professional and inexperienced rescuers when rescuing and providing psychological support to disaster-affected people.

O protocolo de primeiros auxílios psicológicos baseado no modelo 4 C (PAP-4C) estabelece diretrizes para fornecer apoio e resgatar indivíduos afetados no local e imediatamente após um desastre. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram estudar os efeitos da tomada de decisão e do breve treinamento presencial no PAP-4C sobre a propensão para um comportamento de resgate eficaz de acordo com esse modelo, avaliado uma semana após o treinamento recebido; e identificar outras variáveis psicológicas que estão ligadas a essa propensão. Para este estudo foi adotada uma abordagem explicativa, que envolveu a implementação de um desenho experi-mental fatorial 2x2, com os fatores tomada de decisão e breve treinamento presencial sobre o PAP-4C, em uma amostra de 175 estudantes universitários de uma academia militar sem treinamento prévio em resgate em situações de desastre. Os resultados de uma ancova mostraram que a tomada de decisão baseada na emoção, prejudica a propensão para um comportamento eficaz no PAP-4C em comparação com a tomada de decisão baseada na racionalidade, após controlar estatisticamente as covariáveis. Em relação à identificação destas, uma série de características psicológicas mostraramse associadas à propensão para comportamentos de resgate eficazes. Nesse sentido, foram encontradas correlações positivas com tenacidade, honestidade, abertura, jo-vialidade, simpatia, atração emocional pelos outros e tomada de perspectiva do outro. Além disso, foram en-contradas associações positivas com estratégias de enfrentamento cognitivas destinadas a mudar a situação e estratégias de enfrentamento comportamentais cog-nitivas e motoras para reduzir a emoção. Finalmente, também foram encontradas associações negativas com aversão afetiva em relação aos outros e enfrentamento evitativo. Concluindo, por um lado, os resultados deste estudo pretendem mostrar a importância de os líderes dos grupos de resgate dizerem aos socorristas que, ao realizarem a tarefa de resgatar pessoas afetadas por de-sastres, devem evitar tomar decisões emocionais. Por outro lado, os resultados também oferecem orientação para a seleção de pessoal sem experiência anterior em assistência em situações de desastre, uma vez que foi identificada uma ampla série de variáveis psicológicas associadas à propensão para comportamentos eficazes no PAP-4C. Em resumo, esta investigação proporciona uma valiosa contribuição para o campo da assistência psicológica em situações de crise, ao identificar fato-res e variáveis psicológicas que podem influenciar os comportamentos de socorristas não profissionais e sem experiência prévia, ao resgatar e prestar apoio psicoló-gico a pessoas afetadas por um desastre

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 23-38, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149362


Resumen Se realizó un estudio explicativo y transversal con el objetivo de analizar la efectividad y los tiempos en la toma de decisiones al momento de brindar una primera ayuda psicológica (PAP) en las fases iniciales de un desastre en función del estilo y el proceso decisorio implicados. Se tomó una muestra no probabilística intencional de 165 voluntarios rescatistas de cuatro cuarteles de la zona de AMBA, se los dividió aleatoriamente en dos grupos (capacitados y no capacitados en PAP) y, a su vez, dichos grupos fueron divididos aleatoriamente respecto de la consigna impartida en la evaluación sobre el proceso decisorio a utilizar (decidir en función de lo que se piensa o de que lo que se siente). Asimismo, cada rescatista fue clasificado como "racional" o "afectivo" según el estilo decisorio urgente medido por el instrumento Bases for Urgent Decisions under Extreme Circumstances Inventory (BUDECI). Los resultados mostraron que los menos efectivos y más lentos fueron aquellos rescatistas capacitados con un estilo urgente decisorio afectivo, bajo una consigna que apelaba también a lo emocional. Este último grupo no presentó diferencias respecto de su efectividad cuando se lo comparó con el grupo de los no capacitados. La mayor efectividad la obtuvieron aquellos grupos que tenían un estilo o una consigna de tipo racional. La capacitación en PAP ha posibilitado la adquisición de estrategias de acción sencillas. Se concluye que el estilo decisorio y/o una inducción decisoria racionales favorecen una mayor efectividad de las acciones de PAP en las fases iniciales de un desastre.

Abstract The protocol on Psychological First Aid (PFA) establishes a number of actions to take on victims who are in the area of an event. Through these actions, the victims are assisted and helped to feel calm but not passive. Regarding the implementation of PFA in disaster situations, the type of decision-making, analytic or intuitive, could represent an important factor in the effectiveness of the actions of aid provided by volunteers in emergencies and disaster situations. Modifications of a PFA protocol are presented to apply to victims in the early stages of a disaster; these modifications are intended to clear the life-saving area for the rescuer and reduce the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Starting from the premises of the original model of Farchi, known as the Model of the 6 Cs, a simplified version for its application in Argentina was denominated the Model of the 4 Cs. In the same way, it is considered that, when assisting a person in a situation of crisis or disaster, the objective is to promote the activity of the prefrontal cortex and decrease the action of the limbic system. To do this, four guidelines are proposed: 1) Cognitive Communication, 2) Control and Challenge, 3) Commitment and 4) Continuity. Likewise, a PFA protocol based on the above mentioned model is presented. An explanatory and cross-sectional study was carried out with the objective of analyzing the effectiveness and the decision times when providing a PFA in the initial phases of a disaster, depending on the style and decision process involved. An intentional non-probabilistic sample, composed of 165 rescue volunteers from 4 fire stations in the AMBA area (Metropolitan Area and Greater Buenos Aires) and a headquarters of the Red Cross of the party of Tigre (San Fernando), was randomly divided into 2 groups (trained and untrained in PFA). Each volunteer was evaluated through the Software of the First Aid Interactive Psychological System (SIPAPSI); this consisted of a simulation of different crisis situations during which the participants must decide between different options presented in audiovisual format. The user must select the video that most closely approximates to what he or she would do in the presented situation. Then, the rescuers were randomly divided with respect to the slogan about the decision-making process used in the evaluation ("decide based on what you think", rational, or "decide based on what you feel", affective). The software SIPAPSI recorded the participant's response and the response time for each scene. Likewise, each volunteer was evaluated using the test Bases for Urgent Decisions under Extreme Circumstances Inventory (BUDECI). The BUDECI is composed of 8 elements that evaluate the decision-making style in unexpected and very important situations according to two dimensions: affective and rational. Rescuers were divided according to their urgent decision-making style: affective or rational. Therefore, the volunteers were classified according to whether or not they presented an adjustment between the decision-making style and the decision-making process induced by the slogan. This allowed us to study the influence of this adjustment on the effectiveness and decision time in disaster situations. The results showed that the least effective and, at the same time, slowest were those trained rescuers with an urgent affective decision style but induced under an emotional process. The PFA training has enabled the acquisition of simple action strategies in emergencies and disaster situations. It is concluded that the rational decision-making style or a rational decision induction favors a greater effectiveness of the PFA actions. These results allow us to build an optimal decisional profile for the rescuer's performance in crisis intervention tasks.

Summa psicol. UST ; 11(1): 115-126, 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-723033


Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo la adaptación y validación del Inventario de Virtudes y Fortalezas IVyF (Cosentino & Castro Solano, 2008) en niños de 10 a 12 años. El IVyF Niños constituye un instrumento útil para evaluar las virtudes y fortalezas humanas de acuerdo a la clasificación del carácter de seis virtudes y 24 fortalezas de Peterson y Seligman (2004). Participaron de este estudio 518 niños (254 varones y 263 mujeres) que tenían entre 10 y 12 años y que asistían a escuelas públicas y privadas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Respecto de la estructura factorial del IVyF Niños, el análisis factorial exploratorio permitió extraer seis factores que explicaron el 46.15 por ciento de la varianza. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró un adecuado ajuste al modelo. En cuanto a evidencias de validez convergente, se encontraron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas y positivas, entre las puntuaciones arrojadas por: el IVyF Niños y la Escala de Deseabilidad Social Infantil (EDESI, Lemos, 2005), el Cuestionario Argentino de Personalidad Infantil (C.A.P.I., Lemos, 2006) y la pregunta sobre satisfacción con la vida: "¿Cuán satisfecho o contento te encuentras con tu vida?".

This study aimed the adaptation and validation of the Inventory of Virtues and Strengths (I.V.&S., Cosentino & Castro Solano, 2008) in children aged 10-12 years. The I.V.&S. Children is a useful tool for assessing human virtues and strengths according to Peterson and Seligman´s (2004) six virtues and 24 strengths classification of character. 518 children (254 males and 263 females) between 10 and 12 years and attending to public and private schools of the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina) were part of this study. Regarding the I.V.&S. Children factor´s structure, the exploratory factor analysis allowed the extraction of six factors that accounted for 46.15 percent of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an adequate fit to the model. As to convergent validity evidence, statistically significant and positive correlations were found between scores by I.V&S. Children and Children's Social Desirability Scale (EDESI, Lemos, 2005), the Argentine Children's Personality Questionnaire (ICSC, Lemos, 2006) and the question about life satisfaction: "How satisfied or happy are you with your life?".

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Character , Personality Inventory , Psychology, Child , Virtues , Argentina , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Personal Satisfaction
Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 16: 25-31, ene.-dic. 2009. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-641755


El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar conductas, cogniciones específicas relacionadas con los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) y creencias básicas en adolescentes, y compararlas por género y grupos de edad. Participaron 553 estudiantes de escuelas medias de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y Conurbano Bonaerense (42.3% hombres y 57.7% mujeres). La edad media fue 14.83 años (DE = 1.5) y el IMC promedio fue 20.60 (DE = 2.8). Se administraron: una encuesta de síntomas alimentarios, el inventario ICA de conductas alimentarias y los cuestionarios de esquemas SQ y MAC-R de cogniciones. Un 13.79% de las mujeres y un 11.11% de los varones mostrarían sintomatología compatible con un TCA de acuerdo a la escala ICA y, un 11.2% de mujeres y un 10.68% de varones conforme a la MAC-R. Las mujeres y el grupo de 16 a 18 años mostraron conductas y cogniciones específicas de los TCA más severas.

The aim of this study is to assess behaviors, specific cognitions related to eating disorders (ED) and core beliefs in adolescents, and to compare them by gender and age groups. The sample was composed of 553 students of middle schools of Buenos Aires city (42.3% men and 57.7% women). The mean age was 14.83 years old (SD = 1.5) and mean BMI was 20.60 (SD = 2.8). The instruments used were: an eating habits self-report, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, the MAC-R eating cognitions ´ questionnaire, and the SQ schema questionnaire. A 13.79% of women and 11.11% of men showed symptoms related to ED according to the ICA scale, whereas an 11.2% of women and a 10.68% of men showed ED symptoms according to MAC-R. Women and the age group of 16 to 18 years old had more severe behaviors and specific cognitions related to ED.