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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-674603


The peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets and ConA-induced suppressor cell activity (ConA-SCA) were determined in 37 patients with primary nephritic syndrome(PNS). The results showed that the patients in initial onset had the abnormal number and function of T lymphocytes, which returned to a normal level with treatment with steroid and improvement of patients'condition. The indings suggest that the immunoregulatory imbalance of this disease may be a primary change and play an important role in pathogenesis of PNS.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-535378


In order to determine the cellular immunestate in patients with multiple myeloma, T-cellsubsets in peripheral blood from 25 cases withmultiple myeloma were measured with SPA-Ig di-rect rosette assay, the activity of interleukin-2 wasinvestigated by using mice thymocyte proliferationassay. The results showed that in multiple myelo-ma, OKT_3~+, OKT_4~+ cell decreased significantly.OKT_6~+ cell increased markedly and the OKT_4/OKT_8 ratio was reduced. The activity of IL-2 in pe-ripheral blood lymphocytes of the patients withmultiple myeloma increased sharply and there wasa significant difference between the active diseaseand the remission disease. The activity of IL-2 inthe remission disease was lower than that in theactive disease but higer than that of the controlgroup. In conclusion, this study indicated thatthere were imbalance of T-cell subsets and abnor-mality of IL-2 production in patients with multiplemyeloma. The data might suggest that there wasdisorder of the cellular immunity in the course ofthe disease.