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Journal of Childhood Studies. 2015; 18 (67): 41-45
in English, Arabic | IMEMR | ID: emr-184586


Problem: Does use Fernald method to correct the problem of dyslexia or reading disabilities to improve and develop the performance of children who suffer from the problem of dyslexia can overcome the problem?, Are there significant differences between the Experimental and the Control group who suffer from the problem of dyslexia in the performance level on the strategies Fernald method to correct the problem of dyslexia?

Objectives: The Theoretical Objectives: This study will provide a different vision to correct the problem of dyslexia from which to direct assistance to this category, Identify the effectiveness Fernald strategies method with dyslexic children in the primary stage

Sample: The study sample consisted of 20 dyslexic children, aged between [9-12] years, divided into [10 students as an experimental group and 10 students as an control group]

Tools: Form of child primary data [prepared by researcher], Socioeconomic standard measure [prepared by Abd El-Aziz Al-Shakhs], and The tools related to correct reading disabilities using Fernald strategies method

Results: There are significant differences between the average degrees of the experimental and the control groups on all tests after applied Fernald method for correcting the reading disabilities in post measurement in favor of experimental group, There are significant differences between the average degrees of the experimental group on all tests after applied Fernald method for correcting the reading disabilities in pre and post measurement in favor of post measurement, and There are no significant differences between the average degrees of the control group on all tests after applied Fernald method for correcting the reading disabilities in pre and post measurement

Journal of Childhood Studies. 2015; 18 (67): 89-93
in English, Arabic | IMEMR | ID: emr-184594


Introduction: The problem of delays in the language growth in children with cerebral palsy of the problems that have a significant impact on the child, who is suffering from it, and affect the family and his relationship with his colleagues and those around him. The references studies Indicated to 50% of the infected children have cerebral palsy suffering from Delayed Language development [DLD]

Aim: To reveal the effectiveness of a training program proposal to develop language skills in a sample of children with cerebral palsy in age [4-6] years

Type: Experimental, case, control Study

Sample: 16 CP children, Both genders, aged: [3-7] Years Divided in 2 groups 8 children in each. The Two groups were matched, one was Experimental and the other was a control group. The duration of the implementation of the program 6 months individual Session, two Sessions each week in Centers with Special Needs children in [Helwan city and Maadi city]

Tools: Arab language test [NahlaAbd Al-Aziz, 1994], Stanford Binet 5 Version [Translated standardized by SafwatFraj, 2012], Basic data questionnaire [Leila KaramElden, 1994], and Language Development Program [prepared by researcher]

Statistical Method: Wilcoxon Test to detect the significance of differences within the group, Mann-whiteney Test to detect significant differences between groups, and KaSquar to reveal the significance of the differences between groups

Results: The existence of differences of statistical significance between children in the Experimental Group and children in the Control group after the application of the Program, linguistic growth on the scale in favor of language the Experimental group, also reached significant results to differences between statistical measurement Pre-After for the children in the Experimental Group scale for After tests, the results to the lack of statistical [No significance] of differences between males and females in the level of growth of language, and Also, the results showed significant statistical test in The control Group for test in the e Receptive language but we have found No significant differences in the two sides of the expressive language and content of the language

Journal of Childhood Studies. 2015; 18 (68): 69-76
in English, Arabic | IMEMR | ID: emr-184617


Objective: This study attempts to measure and evaluate the capabilities and cognitive processes of the study samples through psychometric aspect as per Stanford Binet Scale and cognitive aspect-Cognitive Assessment System for samples with learning difficulties and simple mental retardation [Educable] and ordinary to determine the distinctive characteristics and psychological cognitive features of each category, in order to define the discriminatory capacity of each and prepare cognitive page describes the strengths and weaknesses in capacity and processes

Methodology: the descriptive comparative method to identify the pattern of differences in performance between the study samples [with learning difficulties, with simple mental retardation, who are educable and ordinary people in the sub-areas of Stanford Binet Scale [SB5, and tries to draw a cognitive profile for each category showing strengths and weaknesses in characteristic cognitive abilities

Sample: The study sample consists of 86 male and female pupils divided into three groups 26 with learning difficulties of middle-IQ, [90-110] from the fourth to sixth grades at public schools, 25 with simple mental retardation [educable] their IQ rates [50-70] as per Stanford-Binet[SB5] coming from intellectual Education schools and 35 from ordinary pupils [middle-intelligence]. The sample selected through Purposive Sampling according to the study criteria and the available pupils at those schools

Results: Existence of significant differences between the mean scores of each sample group on each of the Stanford Binet Scale's [SB5] comparing to Cognitive Assessment System [CAS], Existence of significant differences in psychological Profhile of Stanford Binet[SB5] in determining the strengths and weaknesses of both study samples comparing to ordinary children sample, Existence of statistically significant variation between the means of total score and the means of the four processes scores for the three study groups on cognitive assessment system for the benefit of ordinary pupils. Existence of statistically significant variation between the younger groups comparing with the eldest on Stanford Binet scale and cognitive assessment system

Journal of Childhood Studies. 2015; 18 (68): 89-93
in English, Arabic | IMEMR | ID: emr-184620


Problem: The study problem is shown in negligence in submitting some of concepts of measurement [length, distance, size] for kindergartners despite awareness that increases for children of this stage with the technological revolution and opening to the world, to try to solve this problem, the current study is trying to implement a program for the development of the concepts of measurement and this by answer to the main question follows How effective is the program for the development of some of concepts of measurement with a kindergarten child?

Objectives: Verification of the program effectiveness to develop the concept of measuring the length, the distance and the size with a kindergarten child

Sample: Study sample is represented in a random sample of Kindergarten School [Hussein Bin Ali] of the Ministry of Education and educational peace management [second level for kindergarten], the age of the sample of 5 to 6 years old and consists of 32 children, child 16 males 0.16 females and divided into 16 children [8 Males and 8 Females] matched controls not exposed to the program of study, 16 children [8 Males and 8 Females] as a sample exposed to an experimental program of study

Instruments: Test drawing "A Man" [Good Enough Harris], A child Primary questionnaire [prepared by the researcher], The proposed program [prepared by the researcher]

Results: There are no statistically significant differences between the scores of the control group differences before and after the application of the test program as the value of [t] 1.41. There are statistically significant between the scores of the experimental group differences before and after the implementation of the program on the development of the skills test measurement [height, distance, size] of kindergarten children in favor of the post application, reaching 24.92 value [t] at the level of significance 0.01 There are significant differences between the control and experimental groups after the application of the program for the experimental group, reaching 22.31 value [t] at the level of significance 0.01

Journal of Childhood Studies. 2015; 18 (68): 117-123
in English, Arabic | IMEMR | ID: emr-184624


Background: Current study aimed at trying to ascertain from program effectiveness for developing some language communication skills for a sample of autistic male children aging between [5-6] years by using some forms of children's literature, it includes skills of [attention and concentration-imitation-recognition and understanding-expression], the researcher concluded that

Results: There are no significant statistical differences between degrees average of control group in pre and post measures on language communication scale for autistic child, There are no significant statistical differences between degrees average of experimental group in pre and post measures on language communication scale for autistic child, There are significant statistical differences between degrees of average of control and experimental group in post measure in favor of experimental group children on language communication scale for autistic child, and There are no significant statistical differences between degrees average of experimental group in post measure and follow-up measure on language communication scale for autistic child