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Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262338004, 22/11/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567020


Populações que vivem em condições de desigualdade social e econômica são mais vulneráveis à ocorrência de problemas nutricionais, os quais impactam negativamente o crescimento, desenvolvimento e a saúde da criança. Nesse cenário, os Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda apresentam-se como estratégias importantes para atenuar a situação de insegurança alimentar dessas famílias. Todavia, ressalta-se que tal transferência monetária não representa garantia de alimentação adequada. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o estado nutricional, o consumo qualitativo de alimentos e os níveis de (in) segurança alimentar de crianças assistidas pelo Programa Bolsa Família residentes no município de Nazária (PI). Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo 134 crianças com sete a dez anos de idade. Um questionário foi aplicado aos pais/responsáveis para coletar as informações sobre as variáveis socioeconômicas. O estado nutricional das crianças foi avaliado a partir da aferição da estatura e peso corporal, sendo classificado conforme os parâmetros de índice de massa corporal-para-idade, peso-para-idade e estatura-para-idade. Para a avaliação do consumo alimentar, foi utilizado o questionário do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional com marcadores sobre consumo alimentar para indivíduos acima de cinco anos de idade. A Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar foi aplicada para obtenção do nível de insegurança alimentar das famílias. As crianças beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família apresentaram, em sua maioria, estado nutricional adequado. Todavia, a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade identificada nesta população representa um fator preocupante à saúde. Associado a isso, as crianças realizavam ingestão diária de alimentos não saudáveis e consumo pouco frequente de alimentos nutritivos. Ademais, mesmo com o auxílio financeiro do programa, muitas famílias ainda se encontraram em situação de insegurança alimentar.

Populations living in conditions of social and economic inequality are more vulnerable to the occurrence of nutritional problems which negatively impact children's growth, development and health. In this scenario, the Conditional Cash Transfer Programs are important strategies to alleviate the food insecurity situation of these families. However, it should be noted that such monetary transfer does not represent a guarantee of adequate food. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the nutritional status, qualitative dietary intake, and levels of food (in) security of the children assisted by the Bolsa Família Program living in the municipality of Nazária (PI). A cross-sectional study was conducted with 134 children aged seven to ten years. A questionnaire was applied to parents/guardians to collect information on socioeconomic variables. Children's nutritional status was assessed by measuring height and body weight, and classified according to the parameters of body mass index-for-age, weight-for-age, and height-for-age. For the evaluation of dietary intake, the questionnaire with markers on food consumption for individuals over five years old of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System was used. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale was applied to obtain the level of food insecurity of the families. The majority of children benefiting of the Bolsa Família Program has adequate nutritional status. However, the prevalence of overweight and obesity identified in this population represents a concerning health factor. Associated with this, children have a daily intake of unhealthy foods and infrequent consumption of nutritious foods. Furthermore, even with the financial support of the program, many families are still in a situation of food insecurity.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 67(7): 918-925, July 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346950


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To verify the association between metabolic syndrome and its components, and intake of antioxidant nutrients in adolescents. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of the data of 327 adolescents in a high school in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, pertaining to their socioeconomic background, anthropometric measurements, dietary intake (selenium; copper; zinc; vitamins A, C, and E), hemodynamics, and biochemical tests. The criteria for diagnosing metabolic syndrome in adolescents were applied. Binary logistic regression was used to verify the association between metabolic syndrome and its components, and intake of antioxidants. The level of significance was established at p<0.05. RESULTS: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 7.0%, with a significant association between body mass index and blood pressure. Lower tertiles of copper and vitamins A and E intake were associated with high triglyceride and glycemic levels. The association with vitamins A and E remained after adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: A significant association between lower vitamins A and E intake and metabolic syndrome components (altered triglycerides and glycemic levels) was found. Besides further studies on this issue, the need for health interventions was found, which ensures the appropriate intake of antioxidant nutrients during adolescence.

Humans , Adolescent , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Antioxidants , Energy Intake , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet , Eating