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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 326-331, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532721


Introducción. La hidatidosis o equinococosis es una zoonosis parasitaria que se adquiere al ingerir huevos de cestodos del género Echinococcus. El diagnóstico clínico raramente se hace en sitios no endémicos. La mayoría de los pacientes se encuentran asintomáticos y los hallazgos incidentales en los estudios de imágenes o en procedimientos quirúrgicos permiten la sospecha diagnóstica. Caso clínico. Paciente masculino de 70 años, residente en área rural del municipio de Puerto Libertador, departamento de Córdoba, Colombia, quien consultó por masa abdominal en epigastrio y mesogastrio, parcialmente móvil e indolora. Resultados. En cirugía se identificaron lesiones quísticas mesentérica y hepática. Después de la cirugía y mediante estudios de inmunohistoquímica, se confirmó el diagnóstico de quiste hidatídico. El paciente tuvo una evolución satisfactoria. Conclusión. La hidatidosis quística mesentérica y hepática sintomática es una enfermedad rara en sitios no endémicos, donde la cirugía constituye un pilar fundamental en el diagnóstico y tratamiento, sumado al manejo médico farmacológico.

Introduction. Hydatidosis or echinococcosis is a parasitic zoonosis that is acquired by ingesting eggs of cestodes of the genus Echinococcus. Clinical diagnosis is rarely made in non-endemic sites. Most patients are asymptomatic and incidental findings on imaging studies or surgical procedures allow for diagnostic suspicion. Clinical case. A 70-year-old male patient, resident in a rural area of the municipality of Puerto Libertador, department of Córdoba, Colombia, who consulted for an abdominal mass in the epigastrium and mesogastrium, partially mobile and painless. Results. In surgery, mesenteric and hepatic cystic lesions were identified. After surgery and through immunohistochemistry studies, the diagnosis of hydatid cyst was confirmed. The patient had a satisfactory evolution. Conclusion. Symptomatic mesenteric and hepatic cystic hydatidosis is a rare disease in non-endemic sites, where surgery constitutes a fundamental pillar in the diagnosis and treatment in addition to pharmacological medical management.

Humans , Zoonoses , Echinococcosis, Hepatic , Echinococcosis , Laparotomy , Mesentery
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0012, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360916


ABSTRACT Objective: A unusual case of ocular toxoplasmosis with significant vitreomacular traction is reported. The patient improved significantly following pars plana vitrectomy combined with visual stimulation and occlusion therapy. Methods: The case of a 5-year-old girl with significant unilateral vision loss associated with vitreous condensation and macular traction is described. Results: Pars plana vitrectomy was carried out for vitreomacular traction release. This was followed by visual stimulation and occlusion therapy. Significant improvement was observed. Conclusion: Despite structural damage, the combination of properly indicated surgery and amblyopia management strategies allowed the achievement of maximum vision goals in this case, suggesting structural damage may be associated with functional amblyopia.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relata-se um caso de apresentação atípica de toxoplasmose ocular, com importante tração vitreomacular. A paciente apresentou melhora significativa após vitrectomia via pars plana, com estimulação visual e oclusão. Métodos: Descreve-se o caso de uma menina de 5 anos, com importante perda de visão unilateral associada à condensação vítrea e à tração macular. Resultados: Foi realizada vitrectomia via pars plana para alívio da tração vitreomacular, seguida de estimulação visual e oclusão. Foi observada melhora significativa. Conclusão: Apesar dos danos estruturais, a combinação de cirurgia bem indicada com estratégias de tratamento da ambliopia permitiu alcançar o máximo do potencial visual nesta paciente, sugerindo que os danos estruturais podem estar associados à ambliopia funcional.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Photic Stimulation , Vitrectomy/methods , Tissue Adhesions/surgery , Toxoplasmosis, Ocular/complications , Chorioretinitis/etiology , Epiretinal Membrane/surgery , Epiretinal Membrane/etiology , Traction , Chorioretinitis/complications , Vitreous Detachment/therapy , Vitreoretinal Surgery
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 41(3): 257-264, July-Sept. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346426


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic has had an important impact on colorectal cancer surgery, for hospital resources had to be redistributed in favour of Covid-19 patients. The aim of the present study is to analyze our results in colorectal oncologic surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic in patients with and without perioperative SARSCoV- 2 infection. Methods: In total, 32 patients (19 male and 13 female patients), with a mean age of 64 years (range: 57.2 to 69.5 years) with colorectal cancer underwent surgery under the recommendations of surgical societies included in a protocol. Data collection included clinical characteristics (gender, age, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, tumor location, preoperative staging, lymphopenia), data related to SARS-CoV-2 infection (postoperative symptoms, diagnostic tests), operative details (surgical procedure, approach, duration, stoma), pathological outcomes (tumor stage, number of lymph nodes harvested, distal and circumferential radial margins, quality of the total mesorectal excision), and surgical outcomes (morbidity, mortality, hospital stay, and the rates of reoperation and readmission). Results: A total of 3 (9.4%) patients who underwent colorectal surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic were infected by SARS-CoV-2 in the postoperative period. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was associated with Covid-19 (6.2% versus 33.3%; p=0.042), and surgical morbidity was higher among Covid-19 patients (100% versus 37.9%; p=0.039). There were not significant differences between COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients in relation to the rest of the analyzed outcomes. Conclusion: During the Covid-19 pandemic, colorectal cancer surgery should be performed according to the recommendations of surgical societies. However, Covid- 19 patients could present a higher morbidity rate. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Colorectal Neoplasms/therapy , Treatment Outcome , COVID-19
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 361-374, jul-sep 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144967


Resumen El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el conocimiento etnozoológico que conservan de los vertebrados silvestres los habitantes de la comunidad Bonifacio García en Morelos, México. Se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 30 informantes clave, mediante la observación participante y recorridos guiados se buscaron rastros como huellas, excretas, madrigueras, pieles y observación in vivo para la identificación de las especies citadas y se calcularon los siguientes índices: valor de diversidad de uso para cada especie (VDE) y de uso medicinal (VDM), así como el índice de diversidad de las enfermedades tratadas (IVDE). Se reportan 41 especies de vertebrados que los entrevistados reconocen, de los cuales 28 son aprovechados: mamíferos 39.3%, aves 32%, reptiles 18%, peces 7.1% y anfibios 3.6%. Los principales valores de uso fueron alimentario (0.54), medicinal (0.46) y ornamental (0.43). El venado cola blanca, la iguana negra y la víbora de cascabel registraron 0.57 de VDE y un VDM de 0.19. Las principales enfermedades tratadas son: cáncer, afecciones respiratorias, enfermedades de la piel y reumatismo con un IVDE de 0.17. La apropiación de los vertebrados silvestres se lleva a cabo por medio de la cacería de subsistencia en el campo (50%), terrenos de cultivo (43%) y el traspatio (7%) utilizando con mayor frecuencia escopeta como arma de captura. Se concluye que la apropiación de vertebrados permite complementar necesidades básicas de alimentación y salud; por lo que los conocimientos etnozoológicos deben de integrarse a políticas públicas que permitan la conservación y manejo de la fauna silvestre en la comunidad.

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the ethnozoological knowledge that the inhabitants of the Bonifacio García community, Morelos, Mexico, conserve about wild vertebrate. Semi-structured interviews were applied to 30 key informants, through participant observation and guided tours, traces such as footprints, excreta, burrows and pelts and in vivo observation were researched for the identification of the mentioned species and the following indexes were calculated: value of diversity of use for each species (VDS) and of medicinal uses (DVM), as well as the diversity index of the treated diseases (DITD). The study recorded a total of 42 wild vertebrate species, of these 28 are used: mammals 39.3%, birds 32%, reptiles 18%, fish 7.1% and amphibia 3.6%. The main use values were alimentary (0.54), medicinal (0.46) and ornamental (0.43). The white-tailed deer, the black iguana and the rattlesnake registered 0.57 of VDS and a DVM of 0.19. The main diseases treated are cancer, respiratory and skin diseases and rheumatism with an DITD of 0.17. The animals are obtained by means of subsistence hunting in the fields (50%), croplands (43%) and backyards (7%), using most frequently shotguns as arms for capture. We conclude that the appropriation of vertebrates complements basic needs for food and health; therefore, ethnozoological knowledge must be integrated into public policies that enable the conservation and management of wild fauna in the community.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 155(4): 423-427, jul.-ago. 2019.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286528


Resumen En el tercer trimestre del embarazo son frecuentes las alteraciones del sueño, las cuales generan cambios en la secreción de melatonina en mujeres gestantes que duermen menos de ocho horas o presentan alteraciones de sueño, promoviendo diversos cambios fisiológicos en la madre, que a su vez derivan en bajo peso al nacimiento (BPN) en el producto. El bajo peso al nacimiento está asociado con un fenómeno conocido como "programación metabólica", en la que el feto es sometido a estrés que tiene como resultado alteraciones metabólicas irreversibles que lo predisponen al desarrollo de obesidad en la edad adulta.

Abstract Sleep disturbances are common in the third trimester of pregnancy and generate changes in the secretion of melatonin in pregnant women who sleep less than eight hours or have sleep disturbances, which promote various physiological changes in the mother that in turn result in low birth weight (LBW) in the fetus. LBW is associated with a phenomenon known as "metabolic programming," in which the fetus is subjected to a stressful situation that results in irreversible metabolic alterations that predispose it to the development of obesity in adulthood.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Sleep Wake Disorders/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Obesity/etiology
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 18(2): 106-129, mar. 2019. tab, graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007690


The medicinal plants has been used since Prehispanic times by Mexican people to treat digestive diseases. Nowadays their use is a common practice in the poor communities. This work describes the traditional use of medicinal plants to cure these type of ailment in the community of Tetela del Volcán. Guided collect of botanical material and a total of 92 semi-structured interviews to 58 people were carried out. A total of 78 species, 70 genus and 36 families were registered. The families Asteracea and Lamiaceae predominanted culturally. Most of the species were cultivated and branches were preferably utilized. Of the total of 24 diseases, stomach pain and diarrhea were the most important. The species Matricaria chamomilla L., Mentha x piperita L., Artemisia absinthium L. y Psidium guajava L had the highest modified Friedman Fidelity Indexes. This biocultural heritage contributes to health, thus to the well-bearing of inhabitants of Tetela del Volcán.

Los mexicanos han utilizado las plantas medicinales para las enfermedades del sistema digestivo desde la época prehispánica, actualmente son particularmente empleadas en las comunidades pobres. Se describe el uso de las plantas medicinales para curar dicho tipo de padecimientos en la comunidad de Tetela del Volcán. Se realizaron colectas guiadas de material botánico y 92 entrevistas semi- estructuradas a 59 informantes. Se registraron 78 especies pertenecientes a 70 géneros y 36 familias. Las familias Asteracea y Lamiaceae dominan culturalmente. La mayoría de las especies son cultivadas y se usan preferentemente las ramas. De 24 enfermedades, el dolor de estómago y la diarrea fueron las más importantes. Las especies Matricaria chamomilla L., Mentha x piperita L., Artemisia absinthium L. y Psidium guajava L. tuvieron los mayores Índices de Fidelidad de Friedman modificados. Este patrimonio biocultural contribuye en la salud y, por lo tanto, al bienestar de los habitantes de Tetela del Volcán.

Plants, Medicinal , Ethnobotany , Digestive System Diseases/drug therapy , Medicine, Traditional , Mexico
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 23(1): 12-21, ene.-feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990899


RESUMEN Introducción: la analgesia por acupuntura produce una estimulación mecánica o eléctrica en diferentes puntos del cuerpo, provocando un aumento del umbral del dolor y ayuda al paciente a soportar diversos tipos de intervención quirúrgica. Objetivo: evaluar la aplicación de analgesia acupuntural en cirugía inguino genital urológica en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial Docente Pepe Portilla. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 260 pacientes operados con analgesia acupuntural entre 2011 y 2017. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Las variables (edad, sexo, área quirúrgica, eficacia del tratamiento, complicaciones, recuperación anestésica, tiempo de uso de analgésicos y gasto económico) se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino (78,1 %) y las edades comprendidas entre 13 - 18 años. La región inguinal fue el área más intervenida (76,1 %). El 93,9 % de los pacientes presentó buena respuesta al tratamiento, el 2,7 % mostró respuesta regular en cirugía genital y el 3,4 % respuesta mala en cirugía inguinal. Solo 19 pacientes (7,3 %) presentaron algún tipo de complicación, siendo el dolor la más frecuente (10 casos). La recuperación anestésica fue favorable en 241 pacientes (92,7 %). El valor de los recursos materiales usados representa $0,99 por cada cirugía, lo cual asciende al monto de $257,4 en las 260 intervenciones realizadas. Conclusiones: el uso de analgesia acupuntural en cirugía uropediátrica presentó buena respuesta al tratamiento, aparición escasa de complicaciones, recuperación anestésica favorable y amplio valor científico y socioeconómico.

ABSTRACT Introduction: acupuncture analgesia produces mechanical or electrical stimulation in different points of the body, increasing the pain threshold and helping the patient to support different types of surgical intervention. Objective: to assess the application of acupuncture analgesia in urinary genital inguinal surgery at Pepe Portilla Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study that included 260 patients undergoing surgeries applying acupuncture analgesia between 2011 and 2017 was conducted. The data were obtained from the patient's medical records. The variables were: age, gender, surgical area, effectiveness of treatment, complications, anesthetic recovery, duration of the analgesic action and economic expenses; which were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results: male sex predominated (78,1 %), the ages comprised between 13 - 18 years. The inguinal region was the most intervened area (76,1 %); 93,9 % of the patients showed good outcomes, 2,7 % had a regular response in genital surgery and 3,4 % a poor outcome in inguinal surgery. Only 19 patients (7,3 %) presented some type of complications, pain was the most frequent (10 cases). Anesthetic recovery was favorable in 241 patients (92,7 %). The cost of the surgical materials used represents $ 0,99 for each surgery, which amounts of $ 257,4 in a total of 260 surgical interventions performed. Conclusions: the application of acupuncture analgesia in pediatric urinary genital inguinal surgery presented a good response to this treatment, observing infrequent complications, favorable anesthetic recovery and an ample scientific value, as well as low socioeconomic expenses.

Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 24(3): 105-112, 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-907433


Objetivo: revisar sistemáticamente la bibliografía que reporten resultados de la reconstrucción artroscópica de las lesiones aisladas del tendón del subescapular con anclajes con súper-suturas; reportar el manejo del tendón del bíceps y la coracoides y evaluar la cicatrización del tendón al hueso mediante RNM. Material y Método: Realizamos una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en ingles y español en las bases de datos de PubMed MEDLINE, EMBASE y LILACS mediante los términos de: Lesiones Aisladas del Subescapular y Reparación Artroscópica. Incluimos solo estudios que evalúan técnicas, resultados funcionales e imagenológico de lesiones aisladas del subescapular. Realizamos un análisis descriptivo de la bibliografía incluida. Resultados: Incluimos 7 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los estudios incluidos se realizaron entre el 2003 y el 2013, con un total de 207 pacientes, 51 años de edad promedio. Las evaluaciones funcionales mejoraron significativamente al comparar los resultados pre y postoperatorios. La evaluación por RNM demostró alto índice de cicatrización con un bajo índice de re-ruptura. Las complicaciones fueron infrecuentes. Conclusión: Nuestra revisión sistemática demuestra que la reconstrucción artroscópica de las lesiones aisladas del tendón del subescapular es una buena opción de tratamiento con buenos resultados clínicos funcionales, buena integridad del tendón al hueso y un bajo índice de complicaciones. El bajo nivel de evidencia científica de la bibliografía demuestra la necesidad de realizar estudios prospectivos comparativos para obtener resultados de mayor poder estadístico. Nivel de Evidencia: IV. Tipo de estudio: Revisión sistemática de estudios

Purpose: to systematically review the literature to identify all studies reporting outcomes of arthroscopically repaired isolated subscapular tendon tears, the frequency and management of associated long head of biceps pathology, and the MRI integrity of subscapular tendon reconstruction. Methods: A systematic literature review in spanish and english language using the PubMed MEDLINE, EMBASE y LILACS databases with the term of: "Arthroscopic reconstruction of isolated subscapular tendon tears". Only studies evaluating the techniques, outcomes and MRI integrity of the reconstruction of isolated subscapularis repair were included. Descriptive analysis was provided for the available literature. Results: Seven studies were included in this review. The studies were done in between 2003 to 2013, 207 patients with 51 mean age. Uniformly, improvements in patient-reported outcome scores were substantial after arthroscopic subscapularis repair. Excellent MRI tendon to bone to integrity with very low complication rate. Conclusions: Arthroscopic subscapularis repair is a reasonable option to treat isolated tears of the subscapularis tendon to obtain successful functional outcomes. We need future prospective comparative studies. Level of Evidence: IV. Type of study: Systematic review of studies

Humans , Arthroscopy/methods , Rotator Cuff/surgery , Shoulder Joint/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (31): 67-74, ene.-jun. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-770907


La tristeza parasitaria bovina produce importantes pérdidas en Colombia y está asociada con la presencia de garrapatas. Es causada por parásitos hematrópicos endoglobulares microscópicos como Anaplasma spp. y Babesia spp. En el presente estudio se muestrearon 131 bovinos gyr puros de cuatro explotaciones ganaderas en Córdoba, Colombia. Se tomó una muestra de sangre de 5 ml de la vena coccígea para la determinación de hematocrito y para realizar el extendido sanguíneo y coloreado con tinción de Wright para evaluar formas parasitarias intracelulares morfológicamente compatibles con Anaplasma spp. y Babesia spp. Se usó Chi cuadrado, con el objeto de determinar si las variables condición corporal, color de mucosas, sexo y sistemas de producción (pastoreo, semiconfinamiento y confinamiento) eran independientes de la frecuencia de parásitos hematrópicos endoglobulares. En el presente estudio se encontró que el 24,43 % de los animales muestreados fue positivo a parásitos hematrópicos endoglobulares, de los cuales el 20,61 % (27/131) fue positivo a Anaplasma spp.; el 3,05 % (4/131), a Babesia spp., y el 0,76 % (1/131), a Anaplasma spp. y Babesia spp. conjuntamente. No existen diferencias significativas (p > 0,05) para las variables color de mucosas, sexo y sistemas de producción (pastoreo, semiconfinamiento y confinamiento). Esto permite registrar por primera vez la prevalencia de infección por parásitos hematrópicos endoglobulares en bovinos Bos indicus de la raza gyr, específicamente.

Bovine parasitic sadness produces significant losses in Colombia and it is associated with the presence of ticks. It is caused by microscopic endoglobular hemotropic parasites such as Anaplasma spp. and Babesia spp. In this study, 131 pure Gyr cows were studied from four cattle farms in Córdoba, Colombia. A blood sample of 5 ml was collected from the coccygeal vein for hematocrit determination and for blood smears stained with Wright's stain, in order to assess intracellular parasitic forms morphologically compatible with Anaplasma spp. and Babesia spp. Chi-square test was used to determine whether the variables of body condition, mucous color, sex and production system (grazing, semi-confinement, and confinement) were independent from the frequency of endoglobular hemotropic parasites. The study found that 24.43% of the sampled animals were positive for endoglobular hemotropic parasites; 20.61% (27/131) of them were positive for Anaplasma spp.; 3.05% (4/131) for Babesia spp., and 0.76% (1/131) for both Anaplasma spp. and Babesia spp. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found for variables of mucous color, sex and production system (grazing, semi-confinement, and confinement). This allowed to register for the first time the prevalence of infection by endoglobular hemotropic parasites in Bos indicus cattle, of the Gyr breed specifically.

A tristeza parasitária bovina produz importantes perdas na Colômbia e está associada com a presença de carrapatos. É causada por parasitas hemotrópicos endoglobulares microscópicos como Anaplasma spp. e Babesia spp. Neste estudo foram amostrados 131 bovinos gyr puros de quatro explorações e gado em Córdoba, na Colômbia. Foi tomada uma amostra de sangue de 5 ml da veia coccígea para a determinação de hematócrito e para realizar o esfregaço sanguíneo estendido e corado com corante de Wright para avaliar formas parasitárias intracelulares morfologicamente compatíveis com Anaplasma spp. e Babesia spp. Usou-se chi quadrado, com o objetivo de determinar se as variáveis condição corporal, cor de mucosas, sexo e sistemas de produção (pastoreio, semi-confinamento e confinamento) eram independentes da frequência de parasitas hemotrópicos endo globulares. Neste estudo determinou-se que 24,43 % dos animais amostrados foram positivo para parasitas hemotrópicos endo globulares, dos quais o 20,61 % (27/131) foi positivo a Anaplasma spp; o 3,05 % (4/131), a Babesia spp., e o 0,76 % (1/131), a Anaplasma spp. e Babesia spp. de maneira conjunta. Não existem diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) para as variáveis cores de mucosas, sexo e sistemas de produção (pastoreio, semi-confinamento e confinamento). Isto permite registrar pela primeira vez a prevalência de infecção por parasitas hemotrópicos endo-globulares em bovinos Bos indicus da raça gyr, especificamente.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 41(5): 1002-1007, Sept.-Oct. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-767042


ABSTRACT Meclofenamic acid is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has shown therapeutic potential for different types of cancers, including androgen-independent prostate neoplasms. The antitumor effect of diverse nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been shown to be accompanied by histological and molecular changes that are responsible for this beneficial effect. The objective of the present work was to analyze the histological changes caused by meclofenamic acid in androgen-independent prostate cancer. Tumors were created in a nude mouse model using PC3 cancerous human cells. Meclofenamic acid (10 mg/kg/day; experimental group, n=5) or saline solution (control group, n=5) was administered intraperitoneally for twenty days. Histological analysis was then carried out on the tumors, describing changes in the cellular architecture, fibrosis, and quantification of cellular proliferation and tumor vasculature. Meclofenamic acid causes histological changes that indicate less tumor aggression (less hypercellularity, fewer atypical mitoses, and fewer nuclear polymorphisms), an increase in fibrosis, and reduced cellular proliferation and tumor vascularity. Further studies are needed to evaluate the molecular changes that cause the beneficial and therapeutic effects of meclofenamic acid in androgen-independent prostate cancer.

Animals , Humans , Male , Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors/pharmacology , Meclofenamic Acid/pharmacology , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/drug therapy , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/pathology , Cell Line, Tumor , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Disease Models, Animal , Fibrosis , Immunohistochemistry , Mice, Nude , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Neovascularization, Pathologic/drug therapy , Prostate/drug effects , Prostate/pathology , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 14(4): 273-279, jul. 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-907490


We studied the effect of Rhizophagus irregularis on plant performance and volatile terpenes content of the Mexican native medicinal plant Satureja macrostema (Benth.) Briq. (Lamiaceae) in greenhouse conditions. The growth parameters considered in this research and the composition of volatile components were quantified monthly in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. The essential oil was collected from aerial parts and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Colonization by R. irregularis significantly increased biomass, shoot and root length, and the amount of volatile terpenes. The more concentrated volatile terpenes were limonene, β- linalool, menthone, pulegone, and verbenol acetate. It is concluded that the use of R. irregularis allows optimal growth of S. macrostema plants in low fertility soils and increased production of the main components of the essential oil.

El efecto de Rhizophagus irregularis sobre el rendimiento vegetal y la producción de los terpenos volátiles de Satureja macrostema (Benth.) Briq. (Lamiaceae), una planta medicinal nativa mexicana, fue estudiado en condiciones de invernadero. Los parámetros de crecimiento considerados en esta investigación y los componentes volátiles, fueron cuantificados mensualmente en plantas con y sin micorrizas. El aceite esencial fue colectado de la parte aérea y fue analizado por técnicas de cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas. La colonización de R. irregularis aumentó significativamente la biomasa, longitud de tallo y raíz, y la cantidad de terpenos volátiles. Los terpenos volátiles mayoritarios fueron limoneno, β-linalol, mentona, pulegona y acetato de verbenol. Se concluye que el uso de R. irregularis permitió un óptimo crecimiento de las plantas de S. macrostema en suelos de baja fertilidad, con un aumento de los componentes principales del aceite esencial.

Mycorrhizae/physiology , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Satureja/microbiology , Terpenes/analysis , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Plants, Medicinal
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 18(5): 893-905, sep.-oct. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740090


Se elaboró un conjunto de 100 ejercicios utilizando el programa Hot Potatoes con el propósito de contribuir al desarrollo de un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la morfofisiología de la célula eucariota para facilitar la enseñanza interactiva. Fueron generados ejercicios de diferentes tipos: como los de rellenar espacios en blanco, crucigramas, enlazar elementos relacionados en dos columnas, verdadero o falso, selección múltiple y ordenamiento de frases u oraciones. Las principales ventajas que ofrece el programa Hot Potatoes son: la corrección automática de los ejercicios (al finalizar cada ejercicio, el estudiante obtiene una calificación porcentual derivada tanto del número de aciertos como del de errores, así como del número de intentos que haya empleado antes de dar con la respuesta correcta) y, en segundo lugar, la posibilidad que se brinda al profesor de introducir información que explique por qué una respuesta es correcta o incorrecta (retroalimentación). Los ejercicios elaborados se incorporaron a las lecciones creadas para cada temática de forma tal que cada estudiante pudiera hacer una valoración de cuanto había aprendido al finalizar su estudio independiente. No existe en la actualidad una forma de organización de la enseñanza (clase taller) entre las conferencias y los seminarios en la que los estudiantes puedan profundizar y sistematizar los contenidos recibidos, de ahí que los ejercicios contribuyan significativamente al logro de las habilidades en cada tema.

A set of one-hundred exercises was elaborated using the software HotPotatoes aiming at contributing with the teaching-learning process of the eukaryote cell’s morphology and physiology, in order to facilitate interactive teaching. Different kinds of exercises were generated: fill-in the blanks, crosswords, matching, true or false, multiple-choice, and ordering of phrases and sentences. The main advantaged offered by the software HotPotatoes are: automatic correction of the answers (at the end of each exercise, the student obtains a percentage qualification derived from both the number of correct and incorrect answers, and also based on he number of attempt to give each correct answer), and secondly, the availability for the professor to enter information regarding why an answer ins correct or is not (back-feeding). The exercises elaborated were incorporated to the lessons created for each topic, so that each student could make an evaluation on how much he/she had learned at the end of his/her independent review or session. Now there is no way to organize the teaching process (workshop lesson) among the lectures and seminars in which student could consolidate and systematize the received contents, so that the exercises may contribute to achieve the skills in each topic.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 15(1): 28-41, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-696142


El desgaste de los insertos de Polietileno de Ultra-Alto Peso Molecular (UHMWPE pos sus siglas en inglés) continúa afectando la longevidad de las prótesis totales de rodilla (PTR) junto con el aflojamiento aséptico, y ambos constituyen las dos principales causas de falla de las prótesis. Considerando esto, es necesario encontrar soluciones adecuadas para evitar el desgaste excesivo y hasta la ruptura de los insertos de polietileno. En este trabajo se realizó el estudio mediante simulación numérica de una PTR Scorpio II® Stryker®, la cual se retiró por desgaste del inserto de UHMWPE en el Hospital 1° de Octubre del ISSSTE en México. Se utilizaron las hipótesis de Bartel et al. (1995) y Chillag et al. (1991) para la validación del método numérico utilizado, las cuales establecen que el desgaste del polietileno puede reducirse utilizando insertos tibiales de mayor espesor, lo cual disminuye las presiones de contacto. Los análisis se realizaron mediante MEF variando el espesor del inserto de 6, 8, 10, 12 y 14 mm, suponiendo cargas axiales de tipo cuasi-estático en la articulación a cero grados de flexión, para 1.33 veces el peso de un individuo de 75 kg (736 N) empleando el ciclo normalizado de marcha. Los resultados obtenidos muestran similitud con los reportados por Bei et al. (2004) y Deen et al. (2006). Después de validar el método, se desarrolló el modelo de MEF de la PTR y se determinaron las curvas de esfuerzo y de áreas de contacto del inserto de UHMWPE, con lo que se obtuvo información importante para modificar el diseño y obtener una prótesis de geometría conforme en los planos coronal y sagital del inserto femoral y el inserto de polietileno, de acuerdo con el fenotipo mexicano.

Wear of UHMWPE inserts continues affecting the longevity of total knee replacements (TKR) together with septic loosening, and both constitute two main causes of prosthesis failure. It is necessary to find appropriate solutions to avoid excessive wear and failure of polyethylene inserts. In this work a study was carried out by means of numeric simulation of a Scorpio II® Stryker® TKR, which was retired due to wear of UHMWPE in the Hospital 1° de Octubre of ISSSTE in Mexico city. Hypotheses of Bartel et al. (1995) and Chillag et al. (1991) were used, which settle down that wear of polyethylene can decrease using thicker tibial inserts, which can be reduced contact pressures. Analyses of this work was carried out by means of FEM varying insert thickness of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm, considered quasi-static axial loads actuating on the articulation with zero degrees of flexion and loads equivalent to 1.33 times of bodyweight of a subject of 75 kg (736 N) was considered. Normalized gait cycle was employed and results obtained are similar to those reported by Bei et al. (2004) and Deen et al. (2006). After validating the method, a model of study case of TKR in FEM was developed and the curves of stress and contact areas of UHMWPE were determined, with which important information was obtained to modify the design, as well as to obtain a prosthesis of optimal conformity in both coronal and sagital planes of the femoral and UHMWPE inserts, in agreement with characteristics of the Mexican phenotype.

Humans , Knee , Numerical Analysis, Computer-Assisted , Prostheses and Implants , Polyethylene , Pressure
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 16(3): 210-225, mayo-jun. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-739814


Debido al desarrollo científico técnico alcanzado, se han insertado las tecnologías de la informática y las comunicaciones al proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de la disciplina Morfofisiología Humana. Se realizó una investigación de innovación tecnológica, en el área de pregrado de la Educación Médica, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río; con el objetivo de elaborar un sistema de medios de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de la morfofisiología humana del sistema muscular. Se utilizaron los métodos empíricos, las encuestas a estudiantes, entrevistas a profesores de la asignatura y a los profesores asesores, criterio de expertos para validar el producto. Los métodos teóricos: histórico, lógico y sistémico, fueron utilizados en la revisión bibliográfica y el análisis documental que sustenta el estudio. Las guías de estudio se elaboraron por el modelo "WebQuest" y los ejercicios interactivos con el programa "exelearning". El sistema de medios de enseñanza se ubicó en el sitio Web "MioloWeb", elaborado con "Joomla 1.7". El contenido está estructurado en subtemas y en cada uno de ellos, se facilita al estudiante una variedad de materiales educativos computarizados, que permitirán el aprendizaje activo, consciente y desarrollador de la morfofisiología humana del sistema muscular, propiciando la interacción del estudiante de forma activa con los contenidos, la vinculación con las estrategias curriculares, la autoevaluación en la guía de estudio y en los ejercicios interactivos.

Communicative and information technologies have been introduced in the teaching-learning process of Human Morphology Subject. A research paper of technological innovation was carried out in the pre-graduate area of Medical Education belonging to the University of Medical Sciences in Pinar del Rio, with the purpose of creating a system of teaching aids to learn the human morphology of the muscular system. Empirical methods used were: surveys to students and interviews to professors and consultants of the subject, in addition to the criteria of the experts to validate the product; using also the theoretical methods: historical-logic and systemic to conduct the literature review and documentary analysis to support the study. Study guides were created following “WebQuest” model and interactive exercises using “exelearning” program. The system of teaching aids was built-in to “MioloWeb” Website, created with “Joomla 1.7”. The content is structured into subtopics and in every one of them, a variety of educational computerized materials is facilitated to the students, allowing this way an active, conscious and expanded learning of the human morphology of the muscular system, favoring at the same time a dynamic interaction of the student with the contents, the connection with the curricular strategies, and self-evaluation which was included in the guide of study plus interactive exercises.

Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 65(2): 124-127, mar.-abr. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-594314


O mucocele é uma lesão comum da mucosa bucal, que resulta da ruptura de um ducto deotglândula salivar e consequente derramamento de mucina para o interior dos tecidos moles circunjacentes. Pode surgir em vários sítios da cavidade bucal sendo o lábio inferior região mais prevalente, contabilizando mais de 80% dos casos. Como forma de tratamento, pode ser realizada a exérese local, com a enucleação e remoção da glândula salivar, e ou tratada por eletrocirurgia, criocirurgia ou pela vaporização com laser de C02. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão de literatura a respeito do mucocele, bem como um relato de caso clinico e a opção de tratamento escolhida.

The mucocele is a common injury of the oral mucosa, resulting from a ruptured salivarygland duct and consequent spillage of mucin into the interior of the surrounding soft tissues. Can arise in various sites of the oral cavity and the lower lip area was the most prevalent, accounting for more than 80% of cases. As a form of treatment can be performed local excision with enucleation and remova I of the salivary gland, and I or treated by electrosurgery, cryosurgery or laser vaporization of C02. The aim of this paper is to present a review of the literature regarding the mucocele and one case report and treatment option chosen.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Lip Diseases/pathology , Salivary Glands/anatomy & histology , Mucocele/pathology
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 28(3): 251-254, july-sept. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-606287


O eritema multiforme é um processo inflamatório agudo, que pode ser desencadeado por diversos fatores. Apresenta lesões muco-cutâneas com características próprias da doença. É dever do cirurgião-dentista saber diagnosticá-lo e tratá-lo, uma vez que, na maior parte dos casos, as lesões são evidenciadas na mucosa oral, podendo inclusive, serem restritas a esta área. Por esse motivo, este trabalho se destina, através de uma revisão da literatura, elucidar aos cirurgiões-dentistas conhecimentos relacionados aos aspectos clínicos, etiológicos, prognósticos, tipos de tratamentos e proservação dos casos de eritema multiforme.

The objective of the current research is to add dental surgeons information related to erythema multiforme. By means of literary review, this paper presents clinical and histological aspects, as well as etiology, prognosis, treatments and maintenance treatments for some specific cases. Erythema multiforme is an acute inflammatory process triggered by several factors. Patients may present characteristic mucocutaneous lesions and most cases present oral mucosal lesions which can often be limited to this site. Thus, it is the dental surgeon to diagnose and treat it.

Int. j. morphol ; 28(3): 749-754, Sept. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-577180


Osteoarthritis is the more frequent cause of disability in adult people and it is associated to cartilage degeneration of affected joints. This cartilage has a limited ability to repair. Several treatments have been tested including the use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. These cells are an attractive source for cartilage repair because of their availability to chodrogenic differentiation by progressing sequentially through the expression of cartilage specific extracelullar matrix molecules, as in the embryologic human development. The aim is to obtain, culture and differentiate rabbit Bone Marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in vitro to chondral lineage. By differential centrifugation the mononuclear cell level was obtained from rabbit bone marrow samples. This level was cultured until 70 percent confluence. Chondrogenic differentiation was performed in an aggregate culture system with TGF-b1. Sample quantity, culture efficiency, confluence time of cultures and differentiation quality were all evaluated. An average sample of 14.5 ml per side was obtained, culture efficiency was 80 percent, and average confluence time (70 percent) was 18 days. Differentiation culture had an 80 percent efficiency and optimal differentiation quality. Rabbit Bone Marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells culture is a reproducible technique and by the use of an adequate methodology chondrogenic cells can be obtained in vitro. This model permits the study of chondral differentiation process and could have direct clinical application. This is the first successful Latin-American report in Mesenchymal Stem Cells culture and chondrogenic differentiation.

La osteoartritis es la causa más frecuente de discapacidad en personas adultas y se asocia a la degeneración de los cartílagos de las articulaciones afectadas. Este cartílago tiene una capacidad limitada a la reparación. Muchos tratamientos han sido probados, incluyendo el uso de células madre mesenquimáticas. Estas células son una fuente atractiva para la reparación del cartílago debido a su disponibilidad a la diferenciación condrogénica progresando de forma secuencial a través de la expresión de moléculas de la matriz del cartílago específicos extracelular, como en el desarrollo humano embrionario. El objetivo es obtener, el cultivo y la diferenciación células madre mesenquimáticas de conejo procedentes de médula ósea al linaje condral in vitro. Por centrifugación diferencial a nivel de células mononucleares se obtuvieron muestras de médula ósea de conejo. Este nivel se cultivó hasta su confluencia al 70 por ciento. La diferenciación condrógenica se realizó en un sistema de cultivo de agregado con el TGF-b1. La cantidad de muestra, la eficiencia cultura, el tiempo confluencia de cultivos y la calidad de la diferenciación fueron evaluadas. Una muestra media de 14,5 ml por lado fue obtenida, la eficiencia de cultivo fue del 80 por ciento, y el tiempo promedio de confluencia (70 por ciento) fue de 18 días. En la diferenciación del cultivo se obtuvo una eficiencia del 80 por ciento y con una calidad óptima de diferenciación. El cultivo de células madre mesenquimáticas derivadas de médula ósea de Conejo es una técnica reproducible y con el uso de una metodología adecuada células condrogénica se pueden obtener in vitro. Este modelo permite el estudio del proceso de diferenciación condral y podría tener una aplicación clínica directa. Este es el primer informe de éxito de América Latina en el cultivo de células madre mesenquimáticas y diferenciación condrogénica.

Animals , Rabbits , Cell Differentiation , Chondrogenesis , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Cell Culture Techniques , Bone Marrow Cells/cytology , Osteoarthritis , Quality Control , Time Factors , Transforming Growth Factor beta1
Braz. j. microbiol ; 41(1): 6-14, Jan.-Mar. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-531726


Urogenital infections affect millions of people every year worldwide. The treatment of these diseases usually requires the use of antimicrobial agents, and more recently, the use of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) cultures for the management of vaginal infections has been extensively studied. In this work, 11 vaginal lactobacilli isolates, previously obtained from healthy patients, were studied to screen microorganisms with probiotic properties against Candida spp. The LAB were tested for their ability of auto-aggregation, coaggregation with C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis, adhesion to Caco-2 epithelial cells and production of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). All lactobacilli isolates tested were able to auto-aggregate (ranging from 25.3 percent to 75.4 percent assessed at 4 hours of incubation) and to co-aggregate with the four Candida species into different degrees; among them L. crispatus showed the highest scores of coaggregation. The highest amount of lactic acid was produced by L. salivarius (13.9 g/l), followed by L. johnsonii (6.5 g/l), L. acidophilus (5.5 g/l), and L. jensenii (5.4 g/l). All isolates produced H2O2 , but the highest levels (3 -10 mg/l) were observed for L. acidophilus, L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. johnsonii, and L. vaginalis. Only L. agilis, L. jensenii, L. johnsonii and L. ruminus were able to adhere to epithelial Caco-2 cells. Among the isolates evaluated, L agilis, L. jensenii, L. johnsonii, and L. ruminus exhibited simultaneously several desirable properties as potential probiotic strains justifying future studies to evaluate their technological properties in different pharmaceutical preparations for human use.

Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/isolation & purification , Candida , Culture Media , Lactobacillus/isolation & purification , Probiotics/isolation & purification , Urinary Tract Infections , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Methods
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 13(3): 75-83, jul.-sep. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-739318


RESUMEN Realizar una valoración crítica de los contenidos de la asignatura de Morfofisiología Humana I como parte de la evaluación del diseño curricular de dicha asignatura. La municipalización de la enseñanza de las Ciencias Médicas exige de un rediseño de los programas docentes del Plan de Estudio de Medicina en correspondencia a las exigencias básicas a las que deben atender los currículos de una educación superior en los inicios del siglo XXI, siendo una de estas exigencias, la integración del conocimiento, y actualmente la asignatura de Morfofisiología, el ejemplo de mayor importancia en el área básica, para cuya implementación exitosa se hace necesario contar con un programa integrado, y un elevado grado de esencialidad de los contenidos. Los contenidos seleccionados para su diseño se relacionan con los problemas de salud que aparecen en el Plan de Estudio de Medicina y permiten desarrollar habilidades relacionadas con la Atención Primaria, sin embargo, no se ha hecho una verdadera selección de las esencialidades de los contenidos de las asignaturas biomédicas individuales que la componen. La estructuración de los contenidos debe responder al reclamo moderno de formas globalizadas del contenido, más adecuadas a estructuras flexibles, a las que se les atribuye una mayor contribución al logro en los estudiantes, de representaciones cognitivas más integradas. Sin embargo, la integración de los contenidos no se logra de manera eficiente. En el diseño actual de los contenidos de la asignatura Morfofisiología I no se hace una selección adecuada de las esencialidades ni se logra el nivel de integración del conocimiento al que se aspira.

ABSTRACT To make a critical assessment of the contents of the 1 Human Morphology _Phisiology as part of the evaluation of the curricular design of this subject. The municipal teaching of medical sciences demands a re-design of the teaching programs of the Medicine Study Plan according to the basic demands that the current curricula should have as the knowledge a s a whole, as well as the morphology-phisiology subject, being the latest the most important example in the basic area. For a succesfull implementation it is necessary a whole program and a high grade of objectivity in contents. Those contents selected for its design are related to the health problems which appear in the Medicine Study Plan which allow the development of those skills related to the primary health care, however, a real selection of the objectivity of contents of the biomedical subject has not been done yet separately. The structure of these contents should attend the current demands. i e, more flexible structures for the students, more integrated cognitive representations, however, it is not observed a whole integrity. In the current design of contents of I Morphology Phisiology subject it is not observed a proper selection of the objectives as well as a level of integrity of knowledge which is expected.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 60(1)ene.-abr. 2008. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-506311


Objetivo: partiendo de que los anticuerpos preexistentes en la infección secundaria por dengue suprimen la acción de moléculas con acciones antivirales como el óxido nítrico, se determinó el comportamiento de esa molécula en suero de monos Macacus irus inoculados con virus dengue 2 como infección primaria y en monos con una infección secuencial dengue 4-dengue2. Métodos: los niveles de óxido nítrico referidos como niveles de nitritos fueron detectados mediante la reacción de Griess. Resultados: los niveles máximos de óxido nítrico se detectaron en los animales que sufrieron una infección primaria a partir del séptimo día posinoculación, a diferencia de los monos con infección secundaria en que no se obtuvieron niveles mayores de 100 µM. Conclusiones: al parecer existe una asociación entre la infección secundaria y la inhibición de la producción del óxido nítrico.

Objective: To determine the action of nitric Oxide (NO) in serum samples of dengue 2 inoculated Macacus irus monkeys as primary infection and in dengue 4 -dengue 2 inoculated monkeys as secondary infection, taking into account that preexisting antibodies in secondary dengue infection elicit the action of antiviral molecules such as nitric oxide. Methods: NO levels referred as nitrite levels were detected by Griess colorimetric reaction. Results: The highest nitric oxide levels were detected in those animals with primary infection seven days after inoculation monkeys whereas those monkeys with secondary infection did not show NO levels over 100 µM. Conclusions: Our results suggest that there seems to be a relationship between secondary infection and NO production inhibition.

Animals , Dengue Virus , Haplorhini/blood , Nitric Oxide/analysis