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Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760


Background: Statin and its derivate (simvastatin, autorvastatin, etc...) are used for dyslipidemia treatment and preventing thrombose. However, the mechanism of the antithrombotic action is still being studied. Objectives: (1) To study coagulation parameters in dyslipidemia. (2) To evaluate the effects of simvastatin on coagulation parameters in dyslipidemia patients. Subject and Method: A prospective study was carried out in a sample of 22 patients with primary hypercholesterolemia (type IIa), who were treated with simvastatin 20mg/d for 1 month. The lipid parameters (cholesterol, triglycerid, HDL, LDL) and coagulation parameters (PT, APTT, fibrinogen, factor II, V, VII, X, VIII, IX, XI) were compared between pre and post therapy, and to the control group (59 healthy people). Results: Most of coagulation parameter values (except factor VIII and X) of the pre treatment group were significantly change towards hypercoagulation (p<0.05%) when compared to the control group. After treatment, PT rate, APTT, APTT rate, fibrinogen, factor VII and IX were significantly changed towards coagulation when compared to pre treatment (p<0.05%). The plasma coagulation and lipid parameters of more than 50% of the hypercholesterolemia patients returned to normal values after treatment. Conclusions: Simvastatin therapy on dyslipidemia patients can reduce not only the level of serum lipid, but also coagulation, and proved its effectiveness in the prevention of thrombosis.

Simvastatin , Dyslipidemias
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-650


Background: Dyslipidemia is an important risk factor of atherosclerosis. The endothelia can be injured by plaque that advantages for platelet adheadsion, aggregation and produces thrombosis. Objectives: (1) To evaluate the changes of platelet aggregation induced by ADP and collagen in hyperlipidemic patients; (2) To identify the relationship between platelet aggregation and various types of dyslipidemia. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross sectional non-randomised control trial method was employed in this study. A total of 128 hyperlipidemic patients (in which 40 patients were type IIa, 36 were type lib, and 52 were type IV), and a control group of 88 people were measured the aggregation in platelet - rich plasma (PRP) induced by ADP and collagen. Results: There was no significant difference about the platelet counts in both intervention and control groups (p>0.05). ADP and collagen induced platelet aggregation increased significantly (p<0.01) in intervention group when compared to control group. A significant correlation was found between the plasma triglyceride concentration and platelet aggregation induced by ADP and collagen with r = 0,335 and 0,332 respectively, while that of cholesterol and ADP was 0,304. Conclusion: Platelet aggregation increased in hyperlipidemic patients and had a significant correlation with plasma triglyceride concentration. \r\n', u'\r\n', u'

Dyslipidemias , Therapeutics , Platelet Aggregation