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Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550787


Tener peso alto es una característica que ha sido devaluada y denigrada socialmente, convirtiendo a las personas de cuerpos grandes en víctimas de estereotipos, prejuicios y discriminación, lo que se ha denominado estigmatización por el peso, fenómeno que ocurre especialmente en mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las experiencias de estigma de peso de mujeres con obesidad que viven en el sur de Chile. Participaron seis mujeres entre 20 y 57 años a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas de manera remota. Mediante Análisis Fenomenológico Interpretativo se identificaron cuatro supratemas y diversos subtemas, los supratemas son: 1. La obesidad como parte de la persona. 2. Las experiencias de sentirse discriminada. 3. Todo gira en función del peso. 4. Lo que la sociedad piensa de la obesidad, los que en su conjunto permiten caracterizar la experiencia de vivir con obesidad y sufrir el estigma asociado al peso en distintos ámbitos de sus vidas, incluso en contextos sanitarios. Las consecuencias de esta experiencia son diversas y negativas, destacando el impacto que tiene en su autoestima y las constantes emociones negativas que derivan de las situaciones de discriminación. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de avanzar hacia la diversidad y aceptación corporal, lo que supone un desafío a la sociedad en general y en particular a los proveedores de salud, ya que se requiere de intervenciones libres de prejuicios y orientadas a la salud y el bienestar de las personas.

Carrying a high weight is a characteristic that has been devalued and socially denigrated, turning people with large bodies into victims of stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination, which has been called weight stigmatisation, a phenomenon that occurs especially in women. The aim of this study was to describe the weight stigma experiences of women with obesity who live in southern Chile. Six women between 20 and 57 years of age participated in semi-structured interviews conducted remotely. Through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis four supra-themes and several sub-themes were identified, the supra-themes are: 1. Obesity as part of the person. 2. Experiences of feeling discriminated. 3. Everything is about weight. 4. what society thinks of obesity, which together allow characterising the experience of living with obesity and suffering the weight stigma in different areas of their lives, including in health contexts. The consequences of this experience are diverse and negative, highlighting the impact it has on their self-esteem and the constant negative emotions that derive from discrimination situations. These results highlight the importance of moving toward body diversity and acceptance, which is a challenge for society in general and health care providers in particular, as it requires interventions free from prejudice and orientated to the health and well-being of individuals.

Medisur ; 21(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448674


Fundamento: lograr que las personas con necesidades educativas especiales se formen sobre la base del mérito, las capacidades propias, el esfuerzo, la perseverancia y sobre todo que tomen en cuenta sus potencialidades, es un reto. Objetivo: diseñar videos accesibles para estudiantes, incluyendo aquellos con necesidades educativas especiales, así como evaluar su aplicabilidad. Métodos: se diseñaron videos y su aplicación en base al modelo teórico Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge: conocimiento curricular, conocimiento pedagógico y conocimiento tecnológico, con énfasis en la adaptación a necesidades educativas especiales para facilitar el aprendizaje. La evaluación consideró la aplicación del instrumento "Evaluación de herramientas educativas audiovisuales" desde los parámetros: atención, curiosidad, utilidad en repaso, estímulo a aprender, ayuda al entendimiento y el deseo de reutilizarlos. Resultados: se diseñaron tres videos con elementos de accesibilidad para estudiantes, incluyendo estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. En la evaluación se consiguió, de forma general, el aumento de la calificación en las pruebas parciales de la asignatura tras el empleo de los videos; la percepción de uso determinó la satisfacción como recurso de aprendizaje. Conclusiones: el diseño de recursos audiovisuales accesibles sin diferencia con estudiantes en condición de discapacidad beneficia a todo el grupo de estudiantes, en el marco de la igualdad.

Background: to achieve that people with special educational needs are trained on the basis of merit, their own abilities, effort, perseverance and above all that they take into account their potential, is a challenge. Objective: design accessible videos for students, including those with special educational needs, as well as evaluate their applicability. Methods: videos and their application were designed based on the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge theoretical model: curricular knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge, with emphasis on adaptation to special educational needs to facilitate learning. The evaluation considered the application of the instrument "Evaluation of audiovisual educational tools" from the parameters: attention, curiosity, usefulness in review, stimulus to learn, help to understand and the desire to reuse them. Results: three videos were designed with accessibility elements for students, including students with special educational needs. In the evaluation, it was achieved, in a general way, the qualification increase in the partial tests of the subject after the use of the videos; the use's perception determined the satisfaction as a learning resource. Conclusions: the design of accessible audiovisual resources without difference with students with disabilities, benefits the entire group of students, within the equality framework.

Ter. psicol ; 41(1): 19-38, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515601


Introducción: La pandemia por COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto negativo en el bienestar psicológico de la población, siendo los jóvenes un grupo especialmente vulnerable. Objetivo: El presente estudio se propuso examinar los niveles de búsqueda de ayuda (formal e informal) para problemas en salud mental y sus variables asociadas en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la Región de La Araucanía, en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19. Método: A través de un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, se reclutó a 500 estudiantes de entre 18 y 29 años. Se describió y comparó su nivel de búsqueda de ayuda, así como variables que podrían obstaculizarla o facilitarla, según género. Adicionalmente, se estimaron modelos de regresión lineal múltiple diferenciados por género, con la búsqueda de ayuda informal como variable criterio. Resultados: Se evidenció una renuencia general a buscar ayuda (formal e informal) tanto en hombres como mujeres, una mayor experimentación de malestar psicológico y mayor conocimiento sobre salud mental en mujeres. Finalmente, se observaron diferencias en los predictores de la búsqueda de ayuda informal entre hombres y mujeres, siendo el apoyo social y las emociones negativas en pandemia los únicos comunes entre géneros. Conclusión: Se discuten los bajos niveles de búsqueda de ayuda evidenciados, y las diferencias observadas en variables asociadas, en función de la brecha de género en salud mental.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the psychological well-being of the population, with young people being a particularly vulnerable group. Aim: The present study examines help-seeking intention for mental health problems and associated variables among male and female university students in La Araucanía Region during the COVI-19 pandemic. Method: A sample of 500 students aged 18 to 29 was recruited through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Help-seeking levels and facilitating or hindering variables were compared by gender. Multiple linear regression models were estimated separately by gender to predict the criterion variable of informal help-seeking. Results: The results indicate that both men and women are reluctant to seek help (formal and informal). Women reported higher levels of psychological distress and greater knowledge about mental health than men. Differences in predictors of informal help-seeking between men and women are evidenced, with social support and negative emotions in pandemic being the only common predictors between genders. Conclusion: The low levels of help-seeking evidenced, and the differences observed in associated variables based on the gender gap in mental health, are discussed.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Help-Seeking Behavior , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Stress, Psychological , Chile , Depression , Pandemics , Psychological Well-Being
Bol. venez. infectol ; 33(1): 7-13, ene-jun 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381958


Introducción: Los profesionales del área de la salud tienen un riesgo incrementado de contraer la infección por el virus de hepatitis B (VHB). Objetivo: Evaluar anticuerpos contra el antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B, en los residentes de pediatría del Hospital Central de Maracay en el período junio-agosto de 2021. Materiales y métodos: Estudio clínico epidemiológico, no experimental y de corte transversal, en el que se tomó muestra sanguínea a 54 médicos residentes para la determinación de anticuerpos contra el antígeno de superficie del VHB (Anti-HBs). Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 27,48 años con una desviación estándar de 1,6. El 83,33 % pertenecían al sexo femenino, 51,85.% cursaban el 1er año del posgrado, 33,33 % con esquema de vacunación documentado, de estos, 66,67.% completaron el esquema y 77,78 % cumplidos en la adultez. Con respecto al tiempo de la última dosis, el 66,67 % hasta 10 años. Se detectaron niveles de Anti-HBs mayores de 10 mUl/mL en el 94,44 %, con mayor prevalencia de niveles protectores a favor del sexo femenino. Se evidenció una correlación lineal positiva entre los niveles de Anti-HBs y el tiempo desde la última dosis de la vacuna contra la hepatitis B. Conclusiones: Aunque existe una debilidad en los médicos residentes en cuanto a la tenencia y cumplimiento del esquema de inmunización, la mayoría de ellos mostraron niveles protectores de anti-HBs. A mayor tiempo transcurrido desde la última dosis de la vacuna hay un descenso en los niveles de anti-HBs lo que justifica dosis de refuerzo a los 10 años.

Introduction: Health professionals have an increased risk of contracting hepatitis B virus infection (HBV). Objective: To evaluate antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen in residents of pediatrics of the Central Hospital of Maracay in the period June-August. 2021. Materials and methods: Clinical epidemiological, nonexperimental and cross-sectional study, in which blood samples were taken from fifty-four medical residents for the determination of antibodies against the HBV surface antigen. Results: The average age was 27.48 years with a standard deviation of 1.6. 83.33 % were female, 51.85 % were in the first year of postgraduate studies, 33.33 % had a documented vaccination schedule, of these, 66.67 % completed the schedule and 77.78 % completed it in adulthood. Regarding the time of the last dose, for 66.67 % of the study population, it was up to 10 years ago. Anti-HBs levels greater than 10mUl/ml were detected in 94.44 %, with a higher prevalence of protective levels in favor of the female sex. A positive linear correlation between the levels of Anti-HBs and the time since the last dose of the hepatitis B vaccine was evidenced. Conclusions: Although there is a weakness in the resident doctors in terms of possession and compliance with the immunization schedule, the most of them showed protective levels of anti-HBs. The longer the time elapsed since the last dose of the vaccine, there is a decrease in anti-HBs levels, which justifies a booster dose at 10 years.

MedUNAB ; 25(1): 42-51, 202205.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372552


Introducción. La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial y el cese del consumo de tabaco es la medida más efectiva para disminuir la incidencia y su progresión. Esta medida es especialmente eficaz en personas envejecidas, en quienes las consecuencias son más agudas a causa de los cambios biopsicosociales, cambios que aumentan la probabilidad de infecciones, dependencia funcional y fragilidad. El objetivo de este reporte es describir los cambios en el hábito tabáquico de una persona mayor con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, tras ser incluida en un plan de cuidado organizado y según las etapas del proceso de Enfermería dirigido al cese del hábito tabáquico. Metodología. Reporte de caso de Enfermería bajo el Modelo de Promoción de la Salud de Nola Pender y el proceso de Enfermería, articulado con la taxonomía diagnóstica North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International, la Clasificación de Resultados de Enfermería (Nursing Outcomes Classification) y la Clasificación de Intervenciones de Enfermería (Nursing Interventions Classification). Resultados. Tras el proceso de Enfermería se evidencia la cesación del hábito tabáquico en la persona mayor y se destaca en el proceso la participación del núcleo familiar y el reconocimiento de los riesgos en salud asociados. Conclusiones. Se reconoce el rol de Enfermería como preponderante en la prevención y el abandono del hábito tabáquico que, orientado por un proceso de cuidado organizado, con respaldo disciplinar y científico, ayuda a mejorar el estado de salud y manejo de los factores de riesgo.

Introduction. Quitting tobacco consumption is the most effective measure for reducing the incidence and progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is a global public health issue. This measure is especially effective in seniors, in whom the consequences are more acute due to biopsychosocial changes, changes that increase the probability of infection, functional dependence and fragility. The objective of this report is to describe the changes in the tobacco habits of a senior with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after being included in an organized health care plan according to the Nursing process' stages for quitting tobacco habits. Methodology. A nursing case report under Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model and the Nursing process, articulated with the diagnostic taxonomy North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International, Nursing Outcomes Classification and Nursing Interventions Classification. Results. It was evident the senior quit their tobacco habits after the Nursing process was carried out, and participation from family members and recognition of the associated health risks stood out in the process. Conclusions. The role of Nursing is pivotal in preventing and quitting tobacco habits, which, guided by an organized health care process with disciplinary and scientific support, helps improve health conditions and manage risk factors.

Introdução. A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica é um problema de saúde pública global e a cessação do consumo de tabaco é a medida mais eficaz para reduzir sua incidência e progressão. Essa medida é especialmente eficaz em idosos, nos quais as consequências são mais agudas devido a alterações biopsicossociais, alterações que aumentam a probabilidade de infecções, dependência funcional e fragilidade. O objetivo deste relato é descrever as mudanças no hábito de fumar de um idoso com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, após a inclusão em um plano de cuidados organizado e de acordo com as etapas do processo de Enfermagem visando a cessação do tabagismo. Metodologia. Relato de caso de Enfermagem sob o Modelo de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender e o processo de Enfermagem, articulado com a taxonomia diagnóstica North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International, a Classificação de Resultados de Enfermagem Nursing Outcomes Classification e a Classificação de Intervenções de Enfermagem Nursing Interventions Classification. Resultados. Após o processo de Enfermagem, evidencia-se a cessação do tabagismo no idoso e destaca-se a participação do núcleo familiar e o reconhecimento dos riscos à saúde associados no processo. Conclusões. O papel da Enfermagem é reconhecido como preponderante na prevenção e cessação do tabagismo, o que, pautado por um processo assistencial organizado, com respaldo disciplinar e científico, auxilia na melhoria do estado de saúde e no manejo dos fatores de risco.

Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Aged , Smoking Cessation , Evidence-Based Nursing , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Nursing Process
Rev. méd. Chile ; 149(8): 1134-1140, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389574


Background: Several risk factors are associated with cognitive impairment in older people, but little attention has been paid to cardiometabolic variables, as well as how cognitive reserve can mediate this association. Aim: To determine the association of cardiometabolic risk factors with cognitive functioning and whether the cognitive reserve mediates this association. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study with 300 participants with a median age of 56 years (53% male) was conducted. Participants had a cognitive functioning assessment. Fasting glucose, HDL-cholesterol, and blood pressure were measured. Results: A Structural Equation Modeling, revealed a direct effect of cardiometabolic latent risk factors on both a cognitive functioning (β = -.204; p = .056), and cognitive reserve factors (β = -.236, p = .04). Cognitive reserve was directly associated with cognitive functioning (β = .327, p = .01), but did not mediate the association between the cardiometabolic risk factors and cognitive functioning (β = .077, p = .07). The overall goodness of fitness was excellent χ2 (50) = 58.357, p = .195, comparative fit index = .980, Tucker-Lewis Index = .974, root mean square error of approximation = .023 and Standardized Root Mean Square Residual = .041. Conclusions: A direct effect of cardiometabolic risk factors on cognitive functioning was observed.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Cognitive Reserve , Cognitive Dysfunction/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cognition
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(4): e926, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156494


Introducción: El CIGB-258 es un péptido inmunomodulador con propiedades antiinflamatorias. Objetivos: Establecer la frecuencia de dosis y el tiempo de tratamiento con el péptido CIGB-258, para pacientes críticos con COVID-19. Además, definir los criterios de uso y el esquema terapéutico del péptido, para pacientes graves con COVID-19. Métodos: Se incluyeron 9 pacientes críticos y 3 pacientes graves. Las evaluaciones clínicas, radiológicas y de laboratorio se registraron de acuerdo al protocolo establecido. Se obtuvieron muestras de suero antes y después del tratamiento con la CIGB-258, para la determinación de los biomarcadores de la inflamación. Resultados: Se estableció el protocolo de actuación con el péptido CIGB-258, el cual consiste en la administración intravenosa de 1 mg del péptido cada 12 horas a los pacientes críticos. La dosis debe aumentarse a 2 mg cada 12 horas, para los pacientes que no muestren mejoría clínica y radiológica en 24 horas. Después de la extubación, los pacientes deben recibir 1 mg de CIGB-258 al día, durante otros tres días. Los pacientes graves deben recibir 1 mg de CIGB-258 cada 12 horas, hasta que resuelvan su condición clínica. Conclusiones: CIGB-258 mostró un buen perfil de seguridad. El protocolo de actuación establecido contribuyó a que todos los pacientes críticos se recuperaran de la dificultad respiratoria y fueran extubados. Los pacientes graves mejoraron considerablemente. Los niveles de los biomarcadores asociados con hiperinflamación y las citocinas disminuyeron significativamente durante el tratamiento(AU)

Introduction: CIGB-258 is an immunomodulatory peptide with anti-inflammatory properties. Objectives: To establish the therapeutic schedule with CIGB-258 peptide for COVID-19 critically ill patients. In addition, to define the criteria for use and schedule of this peptide for COVID-19 seriously ill patients. Methods: 9 critically ill patients and 3 seriously ill patients were included in this study. Clinical, radiological and laboratory evaluations were recorded according to the established protocol. Serum samples were obtained before and after treatment with CIGB-258, for the determination of the inflammation biomarkers. Results: The therapeutic protocol was established with the CIGB-258 peptide, which consists of intravenous administration of 1 mg of peptide every 12 hours for critically ill patients. The dose should be increased to 2 mg every 12 hours, for patients who do not show clinical and radiological improvement in 24 hours. After extubation, patients should receive 1 mg of CIGB-258 daily, for another three days. Seriously ill patients should receive 1 mg of CIGB-258 every 12 hours, until their clinical condition resolves. Conclusions: CIGB-258 showed an excellent safety profile. The established therapeutic protocol contributed to all critically ill patients recovering from respiratory distress and being extubated. Seriously ill patients improved considerably. The levels of the biomarkers associated with hyperinflammation and cytokines decreased significantly during treatment(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Critical Illness/therapy , Chaperonin 60 , Reference Drugs , Cytokine Release Syndrome/epidemiology , COVID-19/drug therapy
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 26(1): 38-46, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1127002


Resumen Introducción: El problema que se presenta en la atención de salud en los hospitales públicos es la alta cantidad de pacientes, generando un sostenido crecimiento en las listas de espera y provocando un aumento del tiempo de espera, generando un impacto negativo en los usuarios. Objetivo: Mejorar el proceso clínico de atención del prolapso de órganos pélvicos de un hospital público chileno. Metodología: Se identifican nudos críticos mediante diagramas de flujo, realizando un diagnóstico del proceso desde el ingreso del paciente hasta su alta del hospital. Resultados: Se identifican cada uno de los puntos críticos y se proponen soluciones para agilizar el proceso y con ello mejorar la atención a las usuarias, lo que en definitiva llevó a una disminución del tiempo de espera y, lo más relevante, a una disminución en la cantidad de personas en la lista de espera.

Abstract Introduction: The high number of patients is a common issue in public hospitals that causes a negative impact on the users due to the increment in the waiting lists and in the waiting time to be treated. Objective: To improve the clinical process for caring pelvic organ prolapse in a chilean public hospital. Methodology: The methodology was focused on identifying critical knots using flowcharts and diagnosing the patient's process from their admission until their discharge from the hospital. Results: Some solutions were proposed for each critical point identified so as to accelerate the process, thus improving users' health caring. As a result, the high number of people in the waiting lists and the waiting time decreased substantially.

Humans , Prolapse , Time , Delivery of Health Care , Pelvic Organ Prolapse , Patient Discharge , Chile , Waiting Lists , Hospitals
Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(4): 452-458, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127085


Background Several instruments are available to measure cognitive functioning in older adults. However, there is paucity of information about their factorial structure and psychometric properties. Aim To determine the factorial structure and the internal reliability of the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the Adenbrookke´s Cognitive Examination (ACE-R), and their cognitive impairment detection capabilities. Material and Methods MMSE, MoCA and ACE-R were applied to 203 older adults aged 54 to 88 years (77% women), excluding participants with dementia. Results The factorial structure of the MMSE suggested that items referred to memory process should be eliminated due to their low reliability and factor loading (b = 0.12; p = 0.146). Although the MoCA had a good reliability, object denomination process items also had to be dropped (b = 0.22; p = 0.003). The ACE-R demonstrated a single factorial structure for all cognitive processes and had a good internal consistency. MMSE, MoCA and ACE-R classified as having dementia 5, 27 and 42% of participants, respectively. Conclusions MoCA and the ACE-R scales appear as better instruments to detect dementia in older people.

Humans , Dementia , Psychometrics , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 10(1): 1-9, Jan.-Jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004312


Abstract Overweight and obese people are a frequent target of weight stigma. However, there are no Spanish-Language validated inventories measuring weight stigma situations. Therefore, we sought to validate a brief Spanish version of the Stigmatizing Situations Inventory (SSI) in a sample of Chilean adults. A psychometric study with 377 adults was designed (Mage = 45.0, SD = 8.7; 62% female). Twenty-four items available from two previous versions of the SSI developed were back-translated from English to Spanish, and semantically adapted to the Chilean sample. We explored the factorial structure with 173 participants, and then confirmed it with 204 subjects. We obtained evidence of concurrent validity with other psychological measures, as well as evidence of reliability. Our results identified a single factor structure grouping 10-items, with factorial loadings greater than .60. The overall fit indices are excellent. There is evidence of concurrent validity with body mass index (r = .43), anger (r = .19), anxiety (r = .29), and daily life discrimination (r = .26); all with p < .05. The reliability of our version is high (α = .91). The brief Spanish version of the SSI is a 10-items reliable and valid scale with one-dimensional factorial structure. This scale can be used by researchers and healthcare professionals studying psychological consequences of obesity.

Resumen Las personas con sobrepeso u obesidad enfrentan frecuentemente situaciones de estigmatización por el peso; sin embargo, no existen instrumentos validados en español que midan este constructo. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas una versión breve del Inventario de Situaciones Estigmatizantes (ISE) en población chilena. Participaron 377 adultos (Medad = 45.0, DE = 8.7; 62% mujeres). Veinticuatro ítems disponibles en versiones previas del ISE fueron retrotraducidos del inglés al español y adaptados semánticamente. La estructura factorial fue explorada con los registros de 173 de los participantes, y posteriormente confirmada con los 204 restantes. Fue identificada una estructura uni-factorial, con cargas factoriales > .60 e indicadores de bondad de ajuste excelentes. La consistencia interna del inventario fue alta (α = .91). Además se obtuvo evidencia de la validez concurrente del ISE con otras medidas: índice de masa corporal (r = .43), ira (r = .19), ansiedad (r = .29) y discriminación en la vida diaria (r = .26); todos con p < .05. La versión breve en español del ISE mostró ser válida y confiable. Esta escala puede ser utilizada por investigadores y profesionales de la salud que estudian las consecuencias psicológicas de la obesidad.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(3): 314-321, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004352


Background: Weight-based stigmatization is frequent among overweight and obese people. Aim: To determine the association between weight-based stigmatization, psychological stress, cortisol, negative emotions, and eating behavior in a sample of middle-aged women. Material and Methods: Eighty-two women aged 45 ± 8 years, 55% with overweight or obesity, were randomly allocated to watch a video called "Stigma: the human cost of obesity" or a control video about planet earth. The effect of watching either video on calorie consumption, psychological stress and cortisol reactivity was assessed. Cortisol was measured on four salivary samples. Psychological stress and negative emotions were self-reported. Results: Among women who watched the stigmatizing video, there was a direct association between psychological stress and calorie intake, but negative emotions did not mediate this association. Moreover, psychological stress moderated the association between watching the stigmatizing video and the cortisol output (β = 0.32; p = 0.005). Conclusions: Women with high psychological stress have a greater intake of calories. After watching the stigmatizing video, a greater psychological stress is associated with greater cortisol output.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Stereotyping , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Energy Intake , Overweight/psychology , Social Stigma , Obesity/psychology , Body Weight , Overweight/metabolism , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Obesity/metabolism
Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 7(2): 36-62, dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-975127


Resumen: Dado el contexto epidemiológico en Chile referente al alza de la cantidad de personas con VIH, cobra relevancia el fortalecimiento del cuidado otorgado a estos pacientes. Por esto, el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la percepción de enfermeras(os) respecto a la atención otorgada a personas que viven con VIH (PVVIH) en un servicio hospitalario de atención terciaria de salud, buscando contribuir a la enfermería. Para ello se utilizó un paradigma de investigación cualitativo tipo estudio de caso, recolectando la información con una entrevista semiestructurada, finalizando con un análisis del discurso de tipo semiótico. Se destacó que en las primeras atenciones se generaba "temor" en la atención a PVVIH, el que desaparecía a medida que aumentaban los conocimientos de la profesional. Enfermeras participantes refirieron la inexistencia de diferencias en la atención entre PVVIH y otros pacientes, evidenciándose una incongruencia entre el discurso y el actuar en enfermería al ocupar mayores medidas de precaución al realizar procedimientos a PVVIH. Como fortalezas identificadas en la atención a PVVIH se encontró el no discriminar a pacientes, la capacidad de enfrentar distintos contextos de atención y la destreza procedimental, entre otras, mientras que los aspectos a mejorar en la atención se vincularon con la relación que se genera con los PVVIH y sus familiares. Como conclusión, las enfermeras no hacen mayores distinciones en la atención con PVVIH. Es importante que las profesionales reconozcan sus habilidades y aspectos a mejorar para seguir humanizando la atención a PVVIH, siendo agentes educadores y de cambio.

Resumo: Dado o contexto epidemiológico no Chile referente ao aumento das pessoas com HIV, é relevante a necessidade de fortalecer os cuidados desses pacientes. Devido a isso, o objetivo de esta pesquisa é conhecer a percepção de enfermeiros(as) em relação a atenção fornecida para as pessoas que vivem com HIV num serviço hospitalar de atenção terciária em saúde, buscando contribuir para a disciplina e profissão de enfermagem. Para isso se utilizou um paradigma de pesquisa qualitativo tipo estudo de caso, o meio para reunir informação foi a entrevista semiestruturada, finalizando com uma análise de discurso. Destacou que nas primeiras atenções de pessoas portadoras de HIV o "temor" era perceptível. "Temor" que desaparecia à medida que o conhecimento do profissional aumentava. Enfermeiros participantes falaram que não existe diferença alguma na forma de atenção de pacientes portadores de HIV, mas se notou uma incongruência entre o discurso e a atuação da enfermagem ao tomar maiores medidas de precaução no momento de realizar procedimentos com esses pacientes. Pontos fortes identificados na atenção de portadores de HIV foram a não discriminação dos pacientes, a capacidade de enfrentar-se a distintos contextos na atenção, as habilidades de procedimentos, entre outras. Enquanto aos aspectos a melhorar na atenção se vincularam com a relação que se gera como os pacientes portadores de HIV e seus familiares Como conclusão os enfermeiros( não fazem maiores distinções na atenção de pacientes com HIV. É importante que os profissionais reconheçam suas habilidades e pontos para melhorar e assim continuar avançando na humanização da atenção dos portadores de HIV conseguindo ser agentes educadores e de mudança.

Abstract: Given the epidemiological context in Chile concerning the increased quantities of people with HIV, improving the care given to these patients becomes relevant. The objective of this research is to find about the perception of nurses concerning the care given to people living with HIV (PLHIV) in a tertiary health care hospital service, seeking to contribute to nursing improvements. In order to accomplish this task a qualitative research paradigm was used as a type of case study, collecting the information with a semi-structured interview, ending with a semiotic analysis of the discourse. It was pointed out that in the first sessions there is some fear generated in the attention to PLHIV, which gradually disappears with the increase of the professional's knowledge. Participating nurses referred to the lack of differences in care between PLHIV and other patients, evidencing an incongruence between the speech and the action by taking greater precautions when performing procedures for PLHIV. The strengths identified in the attention to PLHIV were the no discrimination to these patients, the ability to face different contexts of attention and the procedural skills, among others, while aspects to improvement in care were linked to the relationship that is generated with PLHIV and their families. In conclusion, nurses do not make noticeable distinctions in the care of PLVIH. It is important that professionals recognize their skills and the aspects that can be improved in order to continue humanizing the attention to PLHIV, acting as educators and agents of change.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(9): 1160-1164, set. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902601


Weight stigmatization is defined as the devaluation of others based on weight, a visible and specific characteristic that cannot be hidden. The consequences of weight stigmatization have been studied in victims and healthcare providers. This narrative literature review describes the consequences of weight stigmatization in victims and healthcare practitioners. According to several studies, high levels of psychological dysfunction in victims coexist with negative stereotypes in healthcare professionals, since the latter are exposed to the same negative media messages about obesity. Thus, weight stigmatization contributes to increase the burden of obesity, since when obese patients perceive that they are discriminated by healthcare professionals, their unhealthy behaviors persist and they have a low adherence to obesity treatment and medical recommendations.

Humans , Attitude of Health Personnel , Social Stigma , Obesity/psychology , Social Discrimination/psychology
Ter. psicol ; 35(2): 153-158, jul. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-904187


El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Negatividad Social de Newsom, la cual mide el efecto negativo de las interacciones sociales en el bienestar individual. Para ello, se seleccionó a 526 universitarios, realizando análisis factorial exploratorio con 50% de la muestra y análisis factorial confirmatorio con el restante 50%. A diferencia de la estructura de cuatro factores sugerida por los autores, los resultados de este estudio indican que la escala tiene una estructura factorial de dos factores, agrupando el primer factor 4 ítems y el segundo 8. Las cargas factoriales fueron superiores a 0,3 y se obtuvieron buenos indicadores de bondad de ajuste. La consistencia interna de la escala, medida con Alfa de Cronbach fue 0,86. La evidencia sugiere que la Escala de Negatividad Social de Newsom es un instrumento válido y confiable que puede ser utilizado en población Chilena.

The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Social Negativity Exchange Scale developed by Newsom et al, which is defined as the negative effect that social interactions have on individual wellbeing. Thus, a sample of five hundred and twenty two (n= 526) college-age students was non-randomly selected. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted with 50% of them, and then a confirmatory factor analysis with the others. A two-factor solution was identified, with the first factor grouping four items and the second factor eight items. Fit indexes were good, with factorial loadings greater than .3. the total scale reliability was .86. The evidence obtained in this study suggests that the Newsom´s Social Negativity Exchange Scale is a valid and reliable scale to be used with Chilean population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Rejection, Psychology , Students/psychology , Interpersonal Relations , Psychometrics , Chile , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Educ. fis. deporte ; 36(1):, Junio 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024377


Problema: los niños se enfrentan a múltiples factores conducentes a la inactividad física, lo que trae como consecuencia un grupo poblacional poco saludable. Objetivo: determinar los factores biológicos y socioambientales asociados a la práctica de actividad física en niños preescolares de jardines infantiles del municipio de Envigado-Colombia. Método: estudio empírico-analítico transversal, de fuente secundaria. Se seleccionaron 278 niños mediante muestreo aleatorio. Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia de baja actividad física del 43,9%. En los estratos socioeconómicos más altos, y en los niños que cuentan con personal capacitado para realizar educación física, existe mayor práctica de actividad física. Además, el sobrepeso/obesidad en los cuidadores está asociado a niveles moderados de actividad física en los menores. Conclusión: los bajos niveles de actividad física se asocian con factores socioambientales como los bajos estratos socioeconómicos y la clase de educación física a cargo de personal no capacitado.

Problem: Children face multiple factors that contribute to physical inactivity, which leads an unhealthy population group. Objective: to determine the biological and socio-environmental factors associated with the practice of physical activity in preschool children in kindergartens of the municipality of Envigado, Colombia. Method: a transversal empirical-analytical study was conducted from a secondary source. 278 children were selected by random sampling. Results: The study showed a prevalence of low physical activity of 43,9%. There is more practice of physical activity in the highest socio-economic levels and in children who had staff trained to carry out physical education. In addition, overweight/obesity in caregivers is associated with moderate levels of physical activity in children. Conclusion: low levels of physical activity are associated with socio-environmental factors such as low socio-economic status and physical education class in charge of untrained instructors.

Problema: os meninos enfrentam-se a múltiplos fatores conducentes à inatividade física, o que traz como consequência um grupo populacional pouco saudável. Objetivo: determinar os fatores biológicos e sócios ambientais sócios à prática de atividade física em meninos pré-escolares de jardins infantis do município de Envigado-Colômbia. Método: estudo empírico-analítico transversal, de fonte secundária. Selecionaram-se 278 meninos mediante amostragem aleatória. Resultados: encontrou-se uma prevalência de baixa atividade física de 43,9%. Nos estratos socioeconômicos mais altos, e nos meninos que contam com pessoal capacitado para realizar educação física, existe maior prática de atividade física. Ademais, o sobrepeso/obesidade nos cuidadores está associado a níveis moderados de atividade física nos menores. Conclusão: os baixos níveis de atividade física associam-se com fatores sócios ambientais como os baixos estratos socioeconômicos e a classe de educação física a cargo de pessoal não capacitado.

Biological Factors , Child, Preschool , Movement , Socioeconomic Factors
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349294


La calidad de atención y del cuidado enfermero, depende en gran medida de hacer a la investigación uno de los pilares más importantes de la enfermería como ciencia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las características de los protocolos de investigación presentados por los cursantes de la asignatura de Metodología de la Investigación en Enfermería de la carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste durante los años 2005 al 2015. Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal, y se consultaron los protocolos archivados en la biblioteca de dicha Facultad. Se trabajó con 230 protocolos. El 100% de los trabajos eran de tipo cuantitativos y de estos el 65% descriptivos y 35% analíticos. El 94% de los trabajos fueron de tipo transversales superando ampliamente a los longitudinales. En cuanto al área temática las principales fueron la clínica y la salud pública. El 67% de los protocolos fueron retrospectivos y el 33% prospectivo. Según el contexto de realización de los estudios se observó que la mayoría de los trabajos fueron realizados en instituciones del segundo y tercer nivel. Las investigaciones que se publicaron en revistas con referato ascendieron a 12 lo que representó solo el 5% del total. El promedio de protocolos por año fue de 20, con un valor mínimo de 5 en el 2005 y un valor máximo de 51 en el 2015. Los resultados mostraron buena productividad en los futuros licenciados en enfermería, con un predominio de estudios de tipo cuantitativo, principalmente abocados a la clínica, aunque se evidencio escasa publicación de los protocolos de investigación.

The quality of care and nursing care depends of a large extent on making research one of the most important pillars of nursing as a science. The objective of this work was to determine the characteristics of the research protocols presented by the students of the Nursing Research Methodology course of the Bachelor's degree in Nursing of the National University of the Northeast during the years 2005 to 2015. It was carried out a quantitative, descriptive, retrospective and transversal study, and the protocols filed in the library of said Faculty were consulted. We worked with 230 protocols. 100% of the works were of quantitative type and of these 65% descriptive and 35% analytical. 94% of the works were of transversal type surpassing extensively to the longitudinal ones. As for the thematic area the main ones were the clinic and the public health. 67% of the protocols were retrospective and 33% prospective. According to the context of the studies, it was observed most of the work was done in institutions of the second and third level. Research published in peer-reviewed journals amounted to 12 which represented only 5% of the total. The average number of protocols per year was 20, with a minimum value of 5 in 2005 and a maximum value of 51 in 2015. The results showed good productivity in future nursing graduates, with a predominance of quantitative studies, mainly in the clinical setting, although there was little publication of the research protocols. Key words: research, research methodology, nursing, students

Research/statistics & numerical data , Schools, Medical/organization & administration , Methodology as a Subject , Nurses, Male/statistics & numerical data , Nursing Research , Public Health
Ter. psicol ; 34(1): 53-58, abr. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-787139


El Optimismo Disposicional se asocia con mejores resultados de salud física y mental. Disponer de instrumentos válidos y confiables para su medición es fundamental. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo confirmar la estructura factorial y la confiabilidad de la versión en Español del Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) en una muestra de 526 estudiantes universitarios Chilenos (65% hombres), cuyo promedio de edad fue 21 años. Se realizó Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio, con estimación de máxima verosimilitud, corrección Satorra-Bentler y análisis de consistencia interna. Los resultados confirman una estructura factorial unidimensional de seis ítemes, cargas factoriales superiores a .35 e indicadores de bondad de ajuste excelentes. La confiabilidad del instrumento fue adecuada, estimándose un Alfa de Cronbach equivalente a .72. Los resultados obtenidos, sumado a que esta escala tiene tan sólo seis ítemes, sugieren que el LOT-R es un instrumento válido y confiable, fácilmente utilizable en población Chilena para medir Optimismo Disposicional.

Optimism is a variable associated with better physical and mental health outcomes. Thus, a valid and reliable measure that account for this construct is needed. Therefore, this study had as purpose to confirm the factorial structure, and reliability of the Life Orientation Test-Revised Spanish version with a large sample of 526 Chilean College age students (Mage = 21 years old; 65% Male). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, with Maximum Likelihood, and Satorra-Bentler correction was performed. The internal consistency was estimated with Cronbach Alpha. The results confirmed a single factor solution with six indicators, and factorial loadings greater than .35. The overall goodness of fit is excellent, and the internal consistency was adequate (.72). These results, in addition to the short lenght of the scale, suggest that the LOT-R is a valid and reliable measure of optimism that can be easyly used with Chilean population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Orientation , Students/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Optimism/psychology , Chile , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Motivation
Int. j. morphol ; 28(1): 127-133, Mar. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-579292


We studied the respiratory surface density and the thickness of the air-blood barrier in the Picui Ground Dove (Columbina picui), and compared it with Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) and Blacked-winged Ground Dove (Metropelia melanoptera), two larger species. As expected, Columbina picui BMR and VO2max showed higher values than those of the larger species according to the expected for their body size. The respiratory surface density and the thickness of the blood-air barrier were not different among the different species of doves. However C. picui showed an anatomical diffusion factor lower than M. melanoptera and Z. auriculata. Picui Ground Dove had low values of oxygen diffusion capacity, such as cursorial birds. A differential oxygen partial pressure of 7.5 Kpa, an usual value at sea level, it can hardly meet their maximal energy requirements and it means that Picui Ground Dove, would have serious limitations to live at high altitudes, which is consistent with the observation that this species inhabits lowlands and at the foot hills of the Andes.

Se estudió la densidad de superficie respiratoria y el espesor de la barrera sangre-aire en la Tortolita cuyana (Columbina picui), y se comparó con la Tórtola cordillerana (Metropelia melanoptera) y la Tórtola (Zenaida auriculata), dos especies más grandes. Como era de esperar, en C. picui el metabolismo basal y el metabolismo máximo fueron más altos que los de especies más grandes, pero de acuerdo a lo esperado para el tamaño corporal. La densidad de la superficie respiratoria y el espesor de la barrera sangre-aire no fueron diferentes entre las diferentes especies de tórtolas. Sin embargo C. picui mostró un factor de difusión anatómica inferior a M. melanoptera y Z. auriculata. C. picui tuvo valores bajos de capacidad de difusión de oxígeno, como las aves cursoriales. A una diferencia de presión parcial de oxígeno de 7,5 Kpa, un valor habitual a nivel del mar, apenas podría satisfacer sus necesidades de energía máxima y esto significa que tendría serias limitaciones para vivir a gran altura, lo cual es coherente con la observación de que esta especie habita en las tierras bajas y en la zona precordillerana de los Andes.

Animals , Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity/physiology , Columbidae/anatomy & histology , Columbidae/physiology , Chile