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Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 58(1): 66-73, mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115472


Resumen El Síndrome de Cotard es una condición neuropsiquiátrica poco frecuente, descrito inicialmente por Jules Cotard como un delirio hipocondríaco y luego como Delirio de negación, en que el paciente niega la existencia de partes de su cuerpo, la propia existencia y/o del mundo entero. La aparición de un Síndrome Catatónico junto al Síndrome de Cotard es aún más infrecuente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 72 años con una Depresión psicótica, que desarrolla un Síndrome de Cotard y posteriormente Catatonía. Logra buena respuesta tras la adición de Lorazepam y Venlafaxina al esquema farmacológico en curso, por lo que se desestima el uso de Terapia Electroconvulsiva. Se constata remisión total de síntomas y posterior recuperación funcional ad integrum, siendo evaluada a través de entrevista clínica, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale e Índice de Barthel. Además, se revisan otros reportes de caso sobre esta comorbilidad, y a diferencia de la mayoría de éstos, se destaca la favorable evolución de la paciente sin necesidad de Terapia Electroconvulsiva. Aún no se ha dilucidado la relación entre ambos síndromes, aunque algunos autores han planteado la hipótesis de vías neurobiológicas compartidas y otros han postulado la aparición de síntomas catatónicos como la progresión del Síndrome de Cotard. Para aclarar estas interrogantes, son necesarios más estudios al respecto que permitan conocer la etiopatogenia de esta inusual combinación.

Cotard's Syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric condition, initially described by Jules Cotard as a hypochondriacal delusion and then as Delusion of negation, in which the patient denies the existence of parts of his body, his own existence and / or the entire world. The appearance of a Catatonic Syndrome together with Cotard Syndrome is even more infrequent. We present the case of a 72-year-old patient with a psychotic depression, who developed Cotard's Syndrome and later Catatonia. She achieves good response after the addition of Lorazepam and Venlafaxine to the current pharmacological treatment, so the use of Electroconvulsive Therapy is dismissed. Total remission of symptoms and subsequent functional recovery ad integrum was observed, being evaluated through clinical interview, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale and Barthel Index. In addition, other case reports on this comorbidity are reviewed, and unlike most of these, the favorable evolution of the patient stands out without the need for Electroconvulsive Therapy. The relationship between the two syndromes has not been elucidated, although some authors have proposed the hypothesis of shared neurobiological pathways and others have postulated the appearance of catatonic symptoms such as the progression of Cotard's Syndrome. To clarify these questions, more studies are needed in order to know the etiopathogenesis of this unusual combination.

Humans , Female , Aged , Syndrome , Catatonia , Depression , Hypochondriasis , Lorazepam
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 56(4): 269-278, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990866


Resumen El concepto de Metacognición, definido inicialmente por Flavell, se refiere a la capacidad de tener estados mentales sobre otros estados mentales, propios y ajenos, en orden de resolver los desafíos que plantea la vida. A través de una hipótesis modular de Metacognición, Semerari y Lysaker han identificado dominios que abarcan diversas áreas de ésta, siendo de gran utilidad en la comprensión de los pacientes con trastornos psiquiátricos graves: Autorreflexividad, Comprensión de la mente de Otros, Descentración y Maestría. Estos dominios se han estudiado fundamentalmente por medio de la Metacognitive Assessment Scale-Abbreviated (MAS-A). El presente trabajo revisa el conocimiento actual de los déficits metacognitivos en Esquizofrenia, el método de evaluación, y su relación con la sintomatologia, función neurocognitiva, funcionamiento social y alianza terapéutica en estos pacientes. Finalmente, se presentan los diversos modelos de psicoterapias integrativas, que abordan con un enfoque rehabilitador los déficits metacognitivos de los pacientes con Esquizofrenia, profundizando en la evidencia existente sobre la más estudiada actualmente, la Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT).

The concept of Metacognition, initially defined by Flavell, refers to the ability to have mental states about their own mental states, and the mental states of others, in order to solve the challenges of life. Through a modular hypothesis of Metacognition, Semerari and Lysaker have identified domains that cover diverse areas of this, being very useful in the understanding of patients with serious psychiatric disorders: Self-reflectivity, Understanding of others' minds, Decentration and Mastery. These domains have been studied mainly through the Metacognitive Assessment Scale-Abbreviated (MAS-A). The present work reviews the current knowledge of the metacognitive deficits in Schizophrenia, the evaluation method, and its relation with the symptomatology, neurocognitive function, social functioning and therapeutic alliance in these patients. Finally, the different models of integrative psychotherapies are presented, with a rehabilitative approach over the metacognitive deficits of patients with schizophrenia, reviewing the most studied currently, the Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT).

Humans , Psychotherapy , Schizophrenia/physiopathology , Schizophrenia/therapy , Metacognition , Schizophrenia/diagnosis
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(7): 841-846, jul. 2015. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-757907


Background: Oral examinations are a useful tool to appraise certain medical skills compared to other examinations. However, they have some disadvantages that might be reduced with standardization. Aim: To compare students’ perception comparing a standardized oral exam (SOE) versus a traditional, non-standardized oral exam (NSOE). Material and Methods: During the first semester of 2013 a NSOE was applied to internal medicine undergraduate students. During the second semester, a SOE was applied. An anonymous and voluntary perception questionnaire, consisting in 10 questions based on a 5-level Likert scale, was answered by these students. Statistical analysis was done using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Among the 118 students, 50.8% were evaluated using NSOE and 49.2% using SOE. Questionnaire response rate was 84%. Among respondents, 52% took the SOE and 48%, the NSOE. Students evaluated using SOE perceived that the degree of complexity of clinical cases was similar for all examinees (p < 0.05), that exam duration was standardized (p < 0.05), and that grades obtained were less influenced by the clinical site where the exam was taken (p < 0.05). However, anxiety level remained high in both groups, as well as the overall satisfaction experience. Conclusions: Standardization of an oral examination improves the perception of medical students about levels of difficulty, duration and external influences on the final grade.

Female , Humans , Male , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/standards , Educational Measurement/standards , Internal Medicine/education , Students, Medical , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Educational Measurement/methods , Perception
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 47(2): 169-177, Junio 17, 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-752923


Introducción: Los metales se encuentran en todos los alimentos, siendo de mayor preocupación la presencia de metales tóxicos como el mercurio, debido a los efectos adversos que causa en la salud del hombre, lo que lo ha convertido en un grave problema de salud pública. Objetivo: Evaluar la concentración de mercurio en arroz (Oryza sativa) crudo y cocido procedente del municipio de San Marcos - Sucre y zona aurífera del municipio de Ayapel - Córdoba. Metodología: El presente estudio es de tipo exploratorio y experimental. La toma de muestras fue realizada en tiempo de recolección del arroz (septiembre) y se tomaron tres repeticiones de cada tipo o variedad de arroz (Fedearroz 2000 - LD 473). La cocción del alimento fue realizada en el laboratorio en condiciones similares a las utilizadas por habitantes de las comunidades donde fueron recolectadas las muestras. Para los análisis de relación estadística entre los tratamientos de cocción y la concentración de mercurio total en muestras, fue realizado un análisis de correlación simple. La determinación de diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las muestras de arroz crudo y cocido fue realizada mediante un t-test y Anova. Resultados: Se presentaron concentraciones bajas de mercurio total y metilmercurio en las muestras de arroz crudo y cocido. Además, fue detectado que el proceso de cocción del alimento disminuye las concentraciones de HgT, en los diferentes tratamientos de tiempo de cocción. Conclusiones: Los habitantes de los municipios en estudio están expuestos a concentraciones mínimas de mercurio que podrían ser perjudiciales para su salud, debido a la alta ingesta de este cereal en la dieta de las comunidades.

Introduction: Metals are found in mostly all kind of food. Presence of toxic metals such as mercury are relevant for public health safety, due to the adverse effects it has on human health. Objective: To evaluate mercury concentrations in raw and cooked rice (Oryza sativa) from San Marcos municipality in Sucre and Ayapel gold zone in Córdoba. Methodology: The present study is exploratory and experimental. Sample collection was conducted in rice harvesting time (September) and three repetitions of each type or variety of rice were taken (Fedearroz 2000 - LD 473). Cooking of rice was made under laboratory standards similar to those used by residents of the communities where the samples were collected. For statistical analysis of the relationship between cooking treatment and the concentration of total mercury in samples, we carried out a simple correlation analysis. Determination of statistically significant differences, between samples of raw and cooked rice, was performed using a t-test and Anova. Results: Low concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury were presented in raw and cooked rice. Furthermore, it was found that food cooking processes decreases HgT concentrations. Conclusion: Inhabitants of the municipalities under study are exposed to minimal concentrations of mercury that could be harmful to their health due to high intake of this cereal in their communities' diet.

Oryza , Public Health , Mining , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Colombia , Mercury
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 7(2): 92-95, ago. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716568


INTRODUCCIÓN: El Síndrome de Arteria Mesentérica (SAMS) o Pinzamiento Mesentérico es un trastorno adquirido poco frecuente. Su característica principal es la obstrucción de origen vascular de la tercera porción duodenal, entre la arteria mesentérica superior y la aorta abdominal. CASO CLÍNICO: Mujer de 42 años de edad con antecedentes de trastorno depresivo, colecistectomizada en 1994 y múltiples hospitalizaciones por hiperemesis desde 1995 con estudios no concluyentes. Ingresó en diciembre de 2011 por vómitos alimentarios, con gran compromiso nutricional. Se le realizaron múltiples estudios que descartaron enfermedades reumatológicas, hepáticas e infecciosas. Entre los estudios imagenológicos, la endoscopía digestiva alta mostró esofagitis congestiva leve y gastritis crónica antral, al igual que todas las endoscopias previas. En la radiografía seriada esófago-gastroduodenal se observa severo reflujo gastroesofágico,y compresión compatible con pinzamiento. La tomografía computarizada de abdomen y pelvis mostraba el estómago de mayor tamaño que lo habitual y el duodeno presentaba nuevamente esta compresión compatible con pinzamiento. En base a estos últimos hallazgos imagenológicos, y luego de descartar variados diagnósticos diferenciales se planteó un SAMS y se decidió realizar bypass duododenoyeyunal, con buena evolución posterior. DISCUSIÓN: El diagnostico de SAMS es muchas veces de exclusión, basado en la clínica y la imagenología abdominal que descarta otros cuadros clínicos. En este caso se tiene el antecedente de múltiples hospitalizaciones sin diagnóstico concluyente. Finalmente por la larga evolución del cuadro se decide una resolución quirúrgica.

INTRODUCTION: The Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (SMAS) is an uncommon acquired disorder. The main characteristic is the obstruction due to compression of the third portion of the duodenum, between the superior mesenteric arthery and the abdominal aorta. CLINICAL CASE: 42-year-old female patient with a record of depressive disorder, cholecystectomyperformed in 1994 and multiple hospitalizations due to hyperemesissince 1995, with inconclusive studies. Was admitted to the hospital on December 2011 because to alimentary vomit associated with great nutritional compromise. Multiple exams were performed to discard rheumatologic, hepatic and infectious diseases. The imaging test showed high digestive endoscopy with mild esophagitis and antral chronic gastritis, as in previous endoscopies. Stomach-esophagus-duodenum radiography with gastroesophageal reflux and extrinsic compression of the duodenum. Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography revealed a larger than usual stomach’s size and a compression in the duodenum compatible with pinching. Based on these last results and after we discard other options, we diagnosed a superior mesenteric artery syndrome and it was decided to perform a duodenojejunal bypass, with favorable evolution. DISCUSSION: The diagnosis of SMAS many times is made by exclusion based on the clinic and the abdominal images, discarding other pathologies. In this case, multiple hospitalizations with inconclusive diagnostics led to performing several tests for a variety of illnesses. Finally, based on the large evolution of the case it was decided a surgical resolution.

Humans , Adult , Female , Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome/surgery , Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome/complications , Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome/diagnosis , Anastomosis, Roux-en-Y , Diagnosis, Differential , Duodenal Obstruction , Duodenum/surgery , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Vomiting/etiology , Jejunum/surgery
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 12(1): 45-58, ago. 2012. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-704357


Objetivo: comparar la eficacia de la prevención no farmacológica estándar (PnFE) versus la prevención no farmacológica reforzada (PnFR), consistente en prevención no farmacológica estándar más terapia ocupacional (TO) precoz e intensiva, en la incidencia del delirium en adultos mayores (AM) ingresados a unidad de pacientes críticos (UPC). Diseño: ensayo clínico randomizado, en UPC del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH). Sujetos: 70 pacientes de edad igual o superior a 60 años, ingresados al HCUCH entre abril y octubre del 2011, con necesidad de ingreso a UPC para monitorización, hospitalización por enfermedad aguda/crónica descompensada, con consentimiento del paciente o familiar y sin presencia de delirium al ingreso ni deterioro cognitivo previo al estudio. Materiales y métodos: PnFE (grupo control) consiste en: reorientación, movilización precoz, corrección de déficit sensoriales, manejo ambiental, protocolo de sueño y reducción de fármacos anticolinérgicos, versus PnFR (grupo experimental), que considera las siguientes áreas de intervención de TO: estimulación polisensorial, posicionamiento, estimulación cognitiva, entrenamiento en actividades de la vida diaria básica, estimulación motora de extremidades superiores y participación familiar; durante 5 días, dos veces al día. Se evaluó la presencia del delirium, con el CAM dos veces al día durante 5 días, y la severidad de éste con DRS; previo al alta se evaluó, independencia funcional con FIM, estado cognitivo con MMSE y fuerza de garra con dinamómetro de Jamar. Resultados: la PnFR de TO se asocia a menor incidencia de delirium, afectando al 16,1 por ciento del grupo con prevención no farmacológica estándar versus un 3,1 por ciento del con prevención no farmacológica reforzada, así como a menos días de hospitalización (20,6 días versus 10,4 p=.009). La independencia funcional al alta se mantiene en aspectos cognitivos (32,5 versus 32,9) mientras que en aspectos motores aumenta...

Objective: to compare the efficacy of standard non pharmacological prevention of delirium versus intensified prevention of delirium (standard prevention plus early and intensive occupational therapy) in the incidence of delirium in older adults (OA) admitted to critical patient unit (CPU). Desing: randomized control trial, blinded to outcome evaluator, in the CPU of Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Subjects: 70 patients aged 60 years or older, admitted to CPU between April and October of 2011, with need for admission to CPU for monitoring, acute or decompensated chronic illness, without cognitive impairment and consent by patient or family member. Materials and methods: standard prevention group consisted in: reorienting, early mobilization, correction of sensory deficit, environmental management, protocol of sleep and reduction of drugs, and intensified prevention based on standard measured plus early and intensive Occupational therapy: multisensory stimulation, positioning, cognitive stimulation, training in activities of daily living, motor stimulation of the upper extremities and family participation, twice a day for 5 days. Delirium was evaluated (twice a day for 5 days) with CAM and severity with DRS. Primary outcome was delirium incidence, and secondarily were functional independence (FIM), cognitive status (MMSE) and strength of grip with jamar dynamometer at leaving. Results: early intervention and intensive occupational therapy is associated with lower incidence of delirium, affecting 16.1 percent of non-pharmacological standard prevention group and 3.1 percent of intensified prevention group, as well as fewer days of hospitalization (20, 6 days versus 10,4, p= 0,009). The functional independence at leaving keeps in cognitive (32.5 versus 32.9) and is increases significantly in motor aspects (46.5 versus 58.3 l, P =. 03). Conclusion: standard prevention plus early intensive intervention of occupational therapy is effective in...

Female , Middle Aged , Delirium/prevention & control , Occupational Therapy , Delirium/rehabilitation , Time Factors , Hospitalization , Incidence , Drug Therapy , Recovery of Function , Treatment Outcome , Length of Stay , Intensive Care Units
Rev. méd. Chile ; 140(2): 161-168, feb. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627622


Background: The identification of clinical and pathological forms of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD) started with the first cases of the disease. Genetic and biomolecular prion status assessment are allowing now a better classification. Aim: To identify the clinical forms of the disease that exist in Chile, based on clinical and neuropathological data. Patients and Methods: Review of records of 40 patients with CJD in whom a complete history, clinical details and neuropathological studies were available. Clinical aspects were grouped into five categories: behavioral and cognitive changes, sleep and alertness, visual impairment, motor disturbances, myoclonus and epilepsy. The neuropathological examination in each case allowed us to evaluate the damage of 13 areas of the central nervous system. Results: Five forms of CJD were identified. The classic form was present in 28 patients (70%), the Heidenhain form was present in five (12.5%), the ataxic form in four (10%), the form with Kuru plaques in two (5%) and the Vacuolar was present in one patient (2.5%). Conclusions: The variety and forms of CJD in Chile do not differ substantially from those found abroad.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome/pathology , Brain/pathology , Chile , Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome/classification
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 77(1): 64-71, 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627402


La embarazada es susceptible a cambios en la piel y fanéreos que pueden ser fisiológicos como patológicos. El reconocimiento de estas entidades es fundamental para un correcto manejo. La clasificación y nomenclatura de las dermatosis del embarazo ha sido controversial y confusa, principalmente dado el pobre conocimiento que se tiene sobre el origen de estas entidades. El objetivo de esta revisión es informar sobre el conocimiento actual del penfigoide gestacional a partir de un caso clínico, centrándose en su diagnóstico y tratamiento como patología multidiscilpinaria.

The pregnant woman is susceptible to both physiologic and pathologic changes of the skin and appendages. Recognition of these entities is important for appropriate management. The classification and nomenclature have been controversial and confusing, mainly because of the poor knowledge that we have regarding the origin of this entities. The purpose of this review is to contribute to the current knowledge of pemphigoid gestationis, based on a case-report its diagnosis and treatment as a multidisciplinary pathology.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Pemphigoid Gestationis/diagnosis , Pemphigoid Gestationis/drug therapy , Clobetasol/therapeutic use , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Chlorpheniramine/therapeutic use
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 76(4): 269-274, 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-603038


El cáncer de recto tiene baja incidencia en la mujer embarazada, su diagnóstico durante el embarazo suele ser tardío, pues sus síntomas son similares a los propios de la gestación. El diagnóstico tardío le confiere un peor pronóstico, aunque el embarazo en si mismo no afecta la evolución natural de la enfermedad. El pronóstico perinatal no se ve afectado por la neoplasia misma, incluso en casos con metástasis múltiples, sino por el tratamiento indicado. El manejo dependerá fundamentalmente del estadío de la neoplasia y de la edad gestacional. Se revisa la literatura médica acerca del cáncer rectal asociado con el embarazo y se plantea un protocolo de manejo.

Rectal cancer has low incidence in the pregnant women. Its diagnosis during pregnancy is usually delayed, since cancer symptoms are quite similar to normal symptoms of gestation. Delayed diagnosis confers worse prognosis, although pregnancy itself does not affect natural evolution of the disease. The perinatal outcome is not affected by the neoplasia, even in cases with multiple metastases, but may be affected by the treatment. The treatment of rectal cancer will depend of the stage of the neoplasia and gestational age. We review published data regarding rectal cancer associated with pregnancy and propose a management protocol.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/therapy , Rectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Rectal Neoplasms/therapy , Prognosis , Clinical Protocols
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 76(6): 449-456, 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-612146


Presentamos 2 casos de embarazos controlados en nuestro servicio con el diagnóstico de bloqueo aurículo-ventricular fetal. Este es un tipo de arritmia poco frecuente, relacionado con la presencia de anticuerpos antiribonucleoproteínas (Ro y La). El manejo es expectante en la mayoría de los casos ya que no existe forma de revertir el bloqueo; en caso de evidenciar una descompensación hemodinámica fetal, se pueden administrar corticoides como medida terapéutica con un éxito limitado. No existe contraindicación del parto vaginal y el uso de pH de cuero cabelludo y oximetría de pulso parecen ser métodos adecuados para la evaluación de la condición fetal intraparto. Recomendamos el enfoque multidisciplinario en esta patología para evitar intervenciones innecesarias, anticipar los riesgos fetales y obtener un mejor pronóstico postnatal.

Here we report the perinatal outcome of two patients with fetal complete atrioventricular (AV) block. This is an uncommon disease, related to the presence of autoantibodies against ribonucleoproteins (Ro and La). Management should be expectant in most cases because a treatment to revert the AV block is not available; when fetal hemodynamic problems are detected corticosteroids can be used, but with limited effectiveness. Vaginal delivery is allowed; fetal scalp pH and pulse oximetry are appropriate for intrapartum fetal surveillance. We recommend a multi disciplinary approach to avoid unnecessary interventions, anticipate fetal risk and obtain a better perinatal outcome.

Humans , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Atrioventricular Block/diagnosis , Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Antibodies, Antinuclear/blood , Atrioventricular Block/embryology , Atrioventricular Block/immunology , Echocardiography, Doppler , Pregnancy Outcome , Prenatal Diagnosis
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 19(4): 356-360, 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-530350


In Chile, there exists limited knowledge about quantity and life conditions of old people living in nursing homes. Also, there may be insufficient supervision and directions on how to run a long stay residential. Lack of information may not facilitate the process of selecting a nursing home. Regarding this process, support and education for families attains great importance. As a way of providing information and promote the educative role of healthcare professionals, this document intends to provide general guidelines to considerate for an appropriate nursing home selection.

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Aged , Homes for the Aged/statistics & numerical data , Homes for the Aged/standards , Homes for the Aged , Chile , Residential Facilities
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 73(1): 51-57, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-513814


El cáncer colorrectal asociado al embarazo es una patología extremadamente infrecuente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 38 años con antecedentes familiares de cáncer de colon, cursando un embarazo de 35 semanas en la que se diagnosticó un cáncer de colon derecho. Se efectúa una revisión de la literatura en relación al diagnóstico y manejo de esta rara entidad.

Colorectal carcinoma during pregnancy is a rare event. We report a case of a 38-year-old woman with family history of colorectal cancer with a right colon cancer diagnosed at 35 weeks of gestation. The problem of diagnosis as well as management of colon cancer during pregnancy is discussed.

Humans , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Adenocarcinoma/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/surgery , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/diagnosis , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Colonic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Treatment Outcome
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 73(3): 192-203, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-515859


Presentamos 3 casos de endometriosis profunda del tabique rectovaginal con compromiso intestinal, en los cuales se realizó resección segmentaria del rectosigmoides para lograr la remoción completa de la enfermedad. Se analiza el cuadro clínico, manejo quirúrgico, complicaciones y seguimiento posterior. Revisamos la literatura a fin de establecer algunas pautas de manejo de esta entidad.

We reported 3 cases of deep endometriosis affecting the rectovaginal space with intestinal disease in which a rectosigmoides resection was required to achieve a complete surgical removal of disease. The clinical course, surgical management, complications and follow-up are analyzed. We review the literature to define some guidelines in the management of this entity.

Humans , Adult , Female , Endometriosis/surgery , Endometriosis/complications , Vaginal Diseases/surgery , Rectal Diseases/surgery , Laparoscopy , Colon, Sigmoid/surgery , Endometriosis/diagnosis , Intestinal Diseases/etiology , Vaginal Diseases/etiology , Rectal Diseases/etiology , Postoperative Complications , Treatment Outcome
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(9): 1139-1146, sept. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-468202


Background: Human T lymphotropic virus type I is associated with tropical spastic paraparesis, that is a chronic and progressive disease which damages specially the cortiespinal tracts. The pathogenesis of this degenerative process remains unknown. Aim: To identify histopathological aspects that could suggest a pathogenic hypothesis we studied immunohistochemical features in spinal cords obtained from patients that died due to progressive spastic paraparesis. Patients and Methods: Five males and five females, who died between 1990 and 2000, with a mean age of 52 years and mean disease duration of 8.6, were studied. All had a complete clinical and virological diagnosis. Samples were obtained from the frontal motor cortex and spinal cord (cervical, dorsal and lumbar segments), were fixed in formol (10 percent), included in paraffin, and stained with Haematoxylin and Luxol-fast-blue. Immunohistochemical study was made with anti-neurofilament antibodies 1:100 (M0762, DAKO), anti-APP 1:20 (Rabbit Pre Amyloid protein 51-2700 ZYMED), anti-tau 1:100 (A0024DAKO) and anti-ubiquitine 1:50 (NCL UBIQm Novocastra). Results: All cases had demyelinization and axonal loss in the cortico-spinal tracts; distal and segmental demyelinization of Goll tract; axonal thickening, amyloid precursor protein deposits in the white matter; tau protein aggregation in the spinal cord oligodendrocytes; axonal ubiquitination of sensitive and motor tracts, and subcortical white matter. Neurona! injury was absent. Conclusions: The systematic damage of motor and sensitive tracts of the spinal-cord and the absence of neurona! damage, defines a degenerative process limited to axons. This central axonopathie could be caused by a disturbance of axoplasmic transport.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 , Nerve Degeneration/pathology , Paraparesis, Tropical Spastic/pathology , Spinal Cord/pathology , Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor/metabolism , Axonal Transport/physiology , Axons/pathology , Axons/virology , Immunohistochemistry , Nerve Degeneration/virology , Paraparesis, Tropical Spastic/virology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Spinal Cord/virology , Staining and Labeling , Ubiquitin/metabolism , tau Proteins/metabolism
Rev. méd. Chile ; 133(10): 1183-1190, oct. 2005. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-420146


Background: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) is a retrovirus that influences cellular metabolism modifying biological responses. This results in oncogenic, degenerative or inflammatory changes. The myelopathy associated to HTLV-I or tropical spastic paraparesia (HAM/TSP) is a mainly degenerative response to the virus infection. On the other hand, Sjögren syndrome has an inflammatory appearance. The immunohistochemical study of CD-4, CD-8 and CD45 lymphocytes, metalloproteinase MMP-9 and viral Tax protein in pathological samples of salivary glands may help to differentiate primary from viral Sicca syndrome. Aim: To perform an immunohistochemical study of salivary glands of patients with HAM/TSP and Sicca syndrome and control subjects. Material and Methods: Pathological samples of salivary glands from 53 patients with HAM/TSP and Sicca syndrome and 10 control subjects, were studied. Immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies against CD-4, CD-8 and CD-45 lymphocytes, metalloproteinase MMP-9 and viral Tax protein. Results: Only in patients with HAM/TSP and Sicca syndrome, the presence of Tax protein was observed in CD-4 and CD-8 lymphocytes and in glandular acini. Conclusions: Patients infected with HTLV-I express Tax protein in salivary glands. This finding has diagnostic and pathogenic implications.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Gene Products, tax/analysis , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1/immunology , Leukemia-Lymphoma, Adult T-Cell/pathology , Salivary Glands/pathology , Sjogren's Syndrome/pathology , Antigens, Viral/analysis , Biopsy , Gene Expression , Immunohistochemistry , Leukemia-Lymphoma, Adult T-Cell/immunology , Sjogren's Syndrome/immunology
Kinesiologia ; (65): 115-118, dic. 2001. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-313315


El rol específico de la actividad física en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es un asunto aún en discusión. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico de moderada intensidad de cuatro meses de duración, sobre el control glicémico en 10 pacientes diabéticos de mediana edad (47,3 5,9 años) y de más de un año de evolución conocida de su enfermedad (10 8 años). El programa de entrenamiento consistió en tres sesiones semanales de ejercicio dirigidas por kinesiologos, con intensidades entre 50 y 70 por ciento de la Frecuencia cardiaca de reserva y una duración de 30 a 50 minutos. Durante el estudio no se realizó intervensión sobre la dieta ni las dosis farmacológicas utilizadas por los pacientes. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la glicemia de ayuno, colesterol total, triglicéridos, HDL-colesterol, peso corporal luego de las 16 semanas de intervención. Los niveles de HbA1c a los 2 y cuatro meses mostraron disminuciones estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05) respecto de los valores iniciales (7,6 2,1 por ciento y 7,5 2,1 por ciento v/s 9,4 1,5 por ciento respectivamente) y los niveles de insulinemia aumentaron leve pero significativamente luego del entrenamiento (13,7 5,1 a 22,8 8,5 U/ml, p<0.05). Los niveles de LDL-colesterol a los meses disminuyeron respecto a los niveles basales (147,6 53,1 v/s 132 50,9 mg/dl; p<0.05) pero no mostraron diferencias significativas a los cuatro meses de entreno. En resumen nuestro estudio sugiere que la actividad física sistemática de moderada intensidad logra mejorías importantes en el control glicémico de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 no complicados

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Exercise Therapy , Blood Glucose , Cholesterol, LDL , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Glycated Hemoglobin , Hyperinsulinism , Hyperlipidemias
Rev. argent. cir ; 79(5): 198-203, nov. 2000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-288078


Antecedentes: El trauma es la primera causa de muerte entre el año de vida y los 35 años, para luego paulatinemente, ocupar la tercera y cuarta causa de mortalidad en edades superiores. La prevención primaria es una estrategia fundamental para el control de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Presentar la experiencia en el diseño y aplicación del proyecto Intersocietario de Trauma (P.I.T) en el cual participan la AAC, SAP, ACACI, y la UNMP-INE. La meta general apunta a la transferencia de conocimientos de las entidades científicas a las ciudades participantes mediante un proceso de autogestión comunitaria, destinado a generar programas de prevención primaria y secundaria en trauma. Lugar de aplicación: Cinco ciudades de Argentina con pobalción estable menor de 130.000 habitantes. Diseño: Análisis prospectivo de investigación y aplicación epidemiológica. Material y Método: Se desarrolló un Sistema de Información para el estudio sobre epidemiología y morbimortalidad de las lesiones traumáticas tanto en niños como en adultos. Se utilizó la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades, (CIE-10) para codificar las causas externas de morbilidad y mortalidad. La información fue codificada, validada e incorporada a una base de datos utilizando el paquete EPI-INFO. Se estableció un cronograma para el proyecto. Resultados: La fase de preparación del proyecto culminó con la firma del Acta del Convenio el 22 de abril de 1996 entre los representantes de cada entidad científica...

Humans , Information Systems/organization & administration , Wounds and Injuries/prevention & control , Accident Prevention , Argentina , Epidemiologic Studies , Health Education , Prospective Studies , Societies, Scientific , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 127(3): 295-303, mar. 1999. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-243793


Background: Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is considered pathogenic in non traumatic cerebral lobar hemorrhages. Aim: To study the frequency of cerebral amyloid angiopathy in brains of patients dying of non traumatic cerebral hemorrhages. Material and methods: Thirty seven brains from patients, 25 men and aged 65ñ10 years old, with cerebral hemorrhages (14 lobar, 18 in basal ganglia and 5 in cerebellum or brainstem) were studied. As controls, the brains of 30 subjects, 14 men and aged 64ñ16 years old, dying of non neurological causes were studied. Deep and cortical vessels were stained with hematoxylin eosin, Gomori, Thioflavin T and Bodian. Definitive cerebral amyloid angiopathy was diagnosed when amyloid deposition was observed in the media of vessels. Results: Twenty six out of 32 patients dying of cerebral hemorrhage and 3 of 21 controls had chronic hypertension. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy was present in 19 of 37 brains of patients with cerebral hemorrhage and 13 of 30 control brains. In patients with hypertension, vascular changes independent of the location and volume of amyloid deposition, were observed. Such changes were dilatation, tortuousness, thickening of walls specially in muscular and adventitia and hyaline degeneration. Thirteen brains with hemorrhage had fibrinoid necrosis and 10 had microaneurysms. Conclusions: In this series of patients, cerebral amyloid deposition was unspecific and its role in the pathogenesis of cerebral hemorrhages was not confirmed. Hypertension was associated with vascular degenerative changes that can lead to cerebral hemorrhages

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Cerebral Hemorrhage/etiology , Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy/complications , Hypertension/complications , Basal Ganglia/pathology , Cerebral Arteries/pathology , Cerebral Cortex/pathology , Cause of Death , Age Distribution , Sex Distribution , Histological Techniques
Rev. méd. Chile ; 127(2): 189-96, feb. 1999. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-243778


Background: Seventy percent of vasculitis are neurologically expressed as multiple mononeuropathy (MM) or asymmetrical neuropathy (AN). Concurrent nerve and muscle biopsy increases the diagnostic accuracy of the disease. Aim: To define the pathological features of vascular damage in nerve and muscle in patients with MM or AN. Patients and methods: Between 1980 and 1997, 50 patients with a MM or AN diagnosis, based on neurological and neurophysiological findings, were studied at the Neurology Department of Hospital del Salvador. All underwent nerve and muscle biopsy (of the superficial peroneal nerve and the short peroneal muscle). Slices were stained with hematoxylin eosin, luxol fast blue and Gomori staining. Results: Forty two patients, aged 52 ñ 15 years old (29 female) had a vasculitis. These subjects with MM or AN associated to vasculitis, corresponded to 22 percent of neuropathies subjected to nerve biopsy at the Department in the study period. Thirty two cases (76 percent) had necrotizing arteritis, characterized by wall fibrinoid necrosis and lumen occlusion in large vessels (>100 microns), with Iymphoplasmocytic and macrophage infiltration. Ten cases showed an inflammatory reaction and endothelial proliferation without wall necrosis, specially in small epineural arteries. Vascular recanalization was found in 33 percent of cases. Diagnostic vascular changes were found in 87 percent of nerve biopsies and 53 percent of muscle biopsies. No definitive relationship between the intensity of vascular and nerve lesions was found. All muscle biopsies showed some degree of neurogenic atrophy and 5 had micro infarcts. Conclusions: Superficial peroneal nerve biopsy is diagnostic in most patients with MM or AN associated with vasculitis. Nerve and muscle biopsies are complementary in the diagnostic work up

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vasculitis/complications , Neuritis/complications , Peroneal Nerve/pathology , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Biopsy , Neuritis/diagnosis , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases
Rev. méd. Chile ; 126(3): 309-14, mar. 1998. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-210580


We report a 56 years old male developed a transverse myelopathy with cuadriparesis,neurogenic bladder and a sensitive level at C4. Cerebral and spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging showed only one demyelinative lesion at the cervical level. Post morten neuropathological study showed segmental myelin loss without anatomical limits and with axonal preservation in the involved spinal cord segment. This lesion had the classical features of multiple sclerosis.The isolated lesion, the pathological findings and the delayed age of onset allow the definition of this case as an isolated nervous system demyelinative syndrome

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Central Nervous System Diseases/diagnosis , Demyelinating Diseases/pathology , Myelitis, Transverse/diagnosis , Multiple Sclerosis/diagnosis , Spinal Cord/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential