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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(4): 1169-1187, out.-dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056271


Resumo 1978-2018: 40 anos da aprovação da lei 180 (Lei Basaglia), que decretou o encerramento dos hospitais psiquiátricos italianos (com quase cem mil internados), principal alvo da longa e incansável luta de Franco Basaglia, que dedicou a vida inteira ao combate da violência das instituições totais e, em particular, do manicômio. O presente artigo propõe-se a refletir sobre a trajetória humana, intelectual e profissional de Basaglia, realçando suas críticas contra o atraso das clínicas universitárias, seu interesse pela dimensão terapêutica do cuidado (Binswanger e Minkowski), sua aproximação da filosofia europeia mais aberta à complexidade do ser humano (Husserl, Jaspers, Merleau-Ponty e Sartre) e seu encontro com a perspectiva histórica (Foucault), sociológica (Goffman) e anti-institucional (Fanon) da doença mental.

Abstract 1978-2018: 40 years since the passing of the Basaglia law, which decreed the closure of psychiatric hospitals in Italy (where almost hundred thousand were confined), the primary goal of Franco Basaglia in his lifelong struggle against the violence of total institutions and, in particular, mental asylums. This article offers a reflection on the human, intellectual, and professional trajectory of Basaglia, highlighting his criticisms of the backwardness of university clinics, his interest in the therapeutic dimension of care (Binswanger and Minkowski), the influence on his thinking of European philosophy more open to the complexity of the human being (Husserl, Jaspers, Merleau-Ponty, and Sartre), and his encounter with historical (Foucault), sociological (Goffman), and anti-institutional (Fanon) perspectives on mental health.

Humans , Psychiatry/history , Violence