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Agora USB ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533573


La pandemia del covid-19 causó gran impacto en el ámbito religioso de la sociedad colombiana. Por esta crisis sanitaria los templos se vieron en la obligación de cerrar sus puertas y trasladarse a las plataformas virtuales. Este desplazamiento no era un fenómeno nuevo; desde hace dos décadas, varias organizaciones religiosas, ya venían incursionando en el mundo virtual para transmitir sus actos religiosos, llegando incluso a la creación iglesias virtuales. Por consiguiente, el presente artículo realiza un acercamiento empírico a las parroquias de las cinco diócesis presentes en el departamento de Santander que usaron las redes sociales como elementos de comunicación con sus fieles, para la difusión de las actividades litúrgicas, pedagógicas y de acompañamiento a los feligreses en tiempos de cuarentena. En este sentido, metodológicamente se priorizó el acercamiento desde la etnografía digital la cual es una aplicación particular de la etnografía, dirigida hacia los usos del internet, permitiendo acceder a grupos vetados tradicionalmente. Por ende, es posible visualizar la cotidianidad de las comunidades, sus identidades y su información sensible o secreta, sin llegar a romper las barreras simbólicas que caracterizan sus espacios de interacción.

We can speak of three key stages to understand the use of social networks, during the pandemic (2020-2021), by Catholic parishes in Santander (Colombia). First, with the quarantine, parishes decided to improve the disinterested use of social networks, by expanding their use to content that alluded to the life of the parish and parishioners. Secondly, by extending the confinement, the pastors learned more about the use of networks. This allowed a quick and rapid adaptation, by improving the creativity and content of the broadcasts. This made it possible that, from May to October 2020, the community or virtual church was born. Thirdly, at the end of 2020, and in the course of 2021, the previous momentum would be reduced, but leaving lessons to be learned.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(2): 455-472, abr.-jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279142


Resumen El artículo explora la apropiación de la terminología psiquiátrica por parte de teólogos y párrocos franceses, en el contexto de la patologización de la religión del siglo XIX. Esta apropiación le sirvió al clero para demarcar la experiencia mística "auténtica" de la simulada o "desviada". En primer lugar, analizamos manuales médico-teológicos pensados para crear una oposición entre la histeria y la santidad, útil desde el punto de vista eclesiástico. En segundo lugar, presentamos los informes de tres párrocos sobre presuntas místicas y estigmatizadas. Concluimos que la apropiación de la retórica médica por parte del clero podía servir para definir los límites de la experiencia religiosa aprobada por la Iglesia católica.

Abstract This article explores the appropriation of psychiatric terminology by French theologians and priests, within the context of the pathologizations of religion in the nineteenth century. This appropriation allowed the clergy to differentiate "authentic" mystical experience from feigned or "deviant" ones. Firstly, it analyzes medical and theological manuals that sought to create an opposition between hysteria and saintliness, which was useful from the ecclesiastical point of view. Secondly, it presents the reports of three priests on supposed female mystics with stigmata. It concludes that the appropriation of medical rhetoric by the clergy could be used to define the limits of religious experience approved by the Catholic church.

Humans , Female , Catholicism , Clergy , Dissent and Disputes , France
Rev. psicol. polit ; 18(43): 543-556, set.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004459


Como teórico queer me sinto implicado em primeira pessoa na frente de resistência contra a cruzada católica "anti-gender". Consequentemente, neste artigo não assumirei uma posição neutra, mas sim, assumirei uma posição política. Durante minhas intervenções públicas na Itália, diante de padres e professores alarmados, ou estudantes e eleitores confusos, trato de esclarecer sobre o pânico criado ao redor do conceito de gênero e, deste modo, convido as pessoas a tomarem consciência sobre a radicalidade do conflito e a se posicionarem sobre isso. Com este objetivo, nas páginas seguintes trato principalmente das seguintes questões: "O que é a teoria do gender"? Por que os estudos contemporâneos e as teorias queer não são "teoria do gender"?

As a queer scholar, I consider myself personally involved in the Italian LGBTQI+ field of resistance against the Catholic "anti-gender" crusade. As a consequence, I will not keep a neutral stand-point throughout this article, but I am going to assume a partisan position. In my public speeches in Italy, when I am confronted with over-concerned parents and teachers, or equally confused students and voters, I try to clear away the panic around the concept of gender, and at the same time I invite people to become aware of how radical the conflict is, and to take a stance on it. With these goals in mind, I generally tackle two issues, each of which can be put into a question: what is "teoria del gender"? and why are current gender studies and queer theories different from "teoria del gender"? In these pages, once again, I am going to attempt to answer these questions.

Como teórico queer me siento implicado em primera persona em el bloque de resistencia contra la cruzada católica "anti-gender". Em consecuencia, en este artículo no asumiré una actitud neutral, sino um posicionamento partisano. Durante mis intervenciones públicas em Italia, frente a padres y a profesores alarmados o a estudiantes y votantes confundidos, trato de despejar el campo del pánico que se ha creado entorno al concepto de género y, a su vez, invito a las personas a tomar conciencia acerca de em qué medida el conflicto es radical, y a posicionarse al respecto. Con tal finalidad, afronto principalmente dos cuestiones, cada una de las cuales puede ser resumida en una pregunta. ¿Qué es la "teoria del gender"? ¿Y por qué los estúdios contemporáneos y las teorías que-er no son "teoria del gender"? Trataré de responder a estas preguntas también em las páginas que siguen.

En tant que chercheur queer, je me considère personnellement engagé dans le champ de la résistance LGBTQI+ contre la croisade catholique "anti-genre". Ainsi, dans cet article, je n'assumerai pas une position neutre, mais bien une position partisane. Lors de mes interventions publiques en Italie, lors-que je suis interpellé par des parents ou des enseignants hyper-inquiets, des étudiants ou des électeurs tout aussi confus, je tâche de balayer toute cette panique autour du concept de genre et, en mê-me temps, j'invite les gens à prendre conscience du conflit et de sa radicalité, et aussi à prendre position. Ayant en tête ces objectifs, généralement j'aborde deux problématiques, chacune pouvant être formulée dans les termes d'une question : qu'est-ce que la "théorie du genre" ? Et pourquoi les études de genre et les théories queer actuelles ne sont pas la "théorie du genre" ? Dans les pages qui suivent, encore une fois, j'essaierai de répondre à ces questions.

Acta bioeth ; 24(1): 85-94, jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-949311


Resumen: 12. Las formas en que la Iglesia católica interviene en los debates sobre anticoncepción, aborto y fertilización asistida invitan a abordar la capacidad de dicha institución para afirmar su pensamiento y doctrina en la emergencia de nuevos actores, prácticas y discursos. Este ensayo se propone como objetivo una lectura crítica de un conjunto de documentos y encíclicas vaticanas, comenzando por la lectura de Humanae Vitae de Pablo VI, ello a fin de reparar en la politización del conocimiento científico y médico y en el planteo de la sexualidad y la defensa del derecho jurídico de la vida de los fetos/embriones en el campo discursivo de la bioética católica personalista.

Abstract: 16. The ways in which the Catholic Church is involved in discussions about contraception, abortion and assisted fertilization invite to observe the ability of the institution to assert its thought and doctrine into the emergence of new actors, practices and discourses. This essay has as objective a critical reading of a set of documents and Vatican encyclicals, starting with reading of Humanae Vitae of Paul VI. This in order to repair in the politicization of scientific and medical knowledge and the posing of sexuality and defense the legal right to life of fetuses/ embryos in the discursive field of Catholic personalist bioethics.

Resumo: 20. As maneiras em que a Igreja Católica está envolvida em discussões sobre métodos contraceptivos, aborto e fertilização assistida nos convida para abordar a capacidade da instituição para fazer valer o seu pensamento e doutrina na emergência de novos atores, práticas e discursos. Este ensaio pretende direcionar uma leitura crítica de um conjunto de documentos e encíclicas do Vaticano, começando com a leitura da Humanae Vitae de Paulo VI, com a finalidade de destacar a politização dos conhecimentos científicos e médicos e a questão da sexualidade e a defesa do direito da vida dos embriões e fetos no campo discursivo da bioética Católica personalista.

Humans , Bioethics , Catholicism , Sexuality , Abortion
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (28): 51-70, jan.-abr. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-904052


Resumen La Iglesia Católica es uno de los actores sociales que históricamente ha contribuido al control de los cuerpos, siendo el aborto concebido como un pecado y un crimen. Sin embargo, la diversidad de vivencias sobre lo religioso da cuenta de un espectro plural, que no siempre se traduce en experiencias culpabilizantes sobre la sexualidad. Este artículo analiza, a través de relatos de mujeres católicas que abortaron, las maneras en que ellas negocian esta experiencia con su identidad religiosa. Desde una metodología cualitativa y un enfoque biográfico se realizaron diez entrevistas a mujeres de diferentes edades y sectores sociales. Se exploraron las diversas maneras en que se articula el aborto y la religiosidad en cada biografía, así como también las distintas negociaciones entre la religiosidad y el aborto: quienes politizan la experiencia, así como quienes reelaboran y resignifican su religiosidad.

Resumo A Igreja Católica é um dos atores sociais que historicamente contribuíram para o controle dos corpos, sendo o aborto concebido como pecado e crime. No entanto, a diversidade de experiências sobre religião mostra um espectro plural, que nem sempre se traduz em experiências indutoras de culpa sobre a sexualidade. Este trabalho analisa, através de relatos de mulheres católicas que abortaram, as formas como eles negociam essa experiência com sua identidade religiosa. A partir de uma metodologia qualitativa e de uma abordagem biográfica, foram realizadas dez entrevistas com mulheres de diferentes idades e setores sociais. As diversas formas de articulação do aborto e da religiosidade em cada biografia foram exploradas, assim como as diferentes negociações entre religiosidade e aborto: daquelas que politizam a experiência, bem como daquelas que retrabalham e re-significam sua religiosidade.

Abstract The Catholic Church is one of the social actors that have historically contributed to the control of bodies, conceiving abortion as a sin and a crime. However, the diversity of experiences about religion accounts for a plural spectrum, which does not always translate into guilt-inducing experiences about sexuality. This work analyzes, through narratives of Catholic women who aborted, the ways in which they negotiate this experience with their religious identity. Adopting a qualitative methodology and biographical approach, ten interviews were conducted with women of different ages and social sectors. The diverse ways in which abortion and religiosity are articulated in each biography were explored, as well as the different negotiations between religiosity and abortion: of those who politicize the experience, as well as of those who rework and re-signify their religiosity.

Humans , Female , Catholicism , Feminism , Abortion , Latin America , Morale
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (26): 262-278, maio-ago. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-904019


Resumen Instrumentos como la Ley de Educación Sexual Integral (2006), la Ley de Matrimonio Igualitario (2010) y la Ley de Identidad de Género (2012) colocan a Argentina a la vanguardia legislativa en el reconocimiento de derechos sexuales y ciudadanía plena de personas no heterosexuales y favorecen cambios significativos en relación a la visibilidad y la sociabilidad de colectivos LGTB. Sin embargo, tal camino de reconocimiento estatal no ha sido acompañado por la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica Romana, cuyos discursos y prácticas continúan estigmatizando la diversidad sexual. No obstante, numerosos católicos que se auto-perciben como parte de esa diversidad mantienen su vínculo institucional con la Iglesia. ¿Cómo conjugan estos sujetos su sexualidad y su pertenencia eclesial? ¿Qué tensiones surgen y qué negociaciones realizan con relación a ellas? ¿Cómo tramitan su visibilidad en ese contexto institucional? Este artículo explora estas cuestiones en relatos biográficos de dos miembros de comunidades eclesiales católicas que al ser entrevistados se auto-identificaron como gays.

Resumo Instrumentos tais como a Lei de Educação Sexual Integral (2006), a Lei de Matrimônio Igualitário (2010) e a Lei de Identidade de Gênero (2012), colocam a Argentina na vanguarda legislativa do reconhecimento das demandas em torno aos direitos sexuais e a cidadania plena de pessoas não heterossexuais favorecem mudanças significativas em relação à sociabilidade e à visibilidade da comunidade LGTBI. Porém, esse caminho de reconhecimento estatal não tem sido acompanhado pela hierarquia da Igreja Católica, cujos discursos e práticas continuam estigmatizando a diversidade sexual. Não obstante, muitos católicos que se auto-percebem como parte dessa diversidade mantêm seu vínculo institucional com a Igreja. Como conjugam esses sujeitos sua sexualidade e seu pertencimento eclesial? ¿Quais tensões surgem e quais negociações eles realizam com relação a elas? ¿Como elaboram sua visibilidade nesse contexto institucional? Este artículo explora essas questões em relatos biográficos de dois membros de comunidades eclesiais católicas que ao serem entrevistados se auto-identificaram como gays.

Abstract Instruments like the Comprehensive Sex Education Act (2006), the Same-Sex Marriage Act (2010) and the Gender Identity Act (2012) put Argentina at the forefront of the legislation on the recognition of sexual rights and full citizenship of non-heterosexual persons, and favor significant changes in terms of the visibility and sociability of LGBT communities. However, such state recognition has not been accompanied by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, whose discourses and practices continue to stigmatize sexual diversity. Nevertheless, many Catholics who self-identify as part of that diversity maintain their ties to the Church. How do these subjects combine their sexuality and their church allegiance? What negotiations do they make in relation to the tensions that arise? How do they manage their visibility in that institutional context? This article explores those questions in biographical accounts by two members of Catholic communities who self-identified as gay when they were interviewed.

Humans , Male , Homosexuality , Catholicism , Gender Diversity , Argentina , Sexuality , Fear , Homophobia , Human Rights
Acta bioeth ; 23(1): 137-149, jun. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886013


As the number of frozen human embryos continues to rise daily, with numbers not expected to fall, an answer must be found to this dilemma. Four possible solutions have been suggested: a) thaw the embryos and allow them to perish; b) thaw them and donate them for biomedical research; c) thaw them and donate them in adoption; and d) leave them frozen indefinitely. This paper will evaluate the morality of these four possible solutions, particularly frozen human embryo adoption in the light of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which in its Instruction Dignitas Personae, appears to have opted to consider this practice as illicit. We also review the various stances of expert moralists in favour of or against frozen human embryo adoption, and we reflect on the extent to which the doctrine contained in Dignitas Personae can bind the moral conscience of the Catholic faithful. Finally, we make a personal evaluation of frozen human embryo adoption, in an attempt to find moral reasons that substantiate the negative opinion manifested by the Catholic Magisterium on this matter. In conclusion, we suggest that the moral assessment of frozen human embryo adoption as set forth in Dignitas Personae might not be considered as settled. Therefore, we are of the opinion that there is no impediment to further research on the moral foundation of this adoptive practice; however, insofar as this occurs, we believe that the best attitude of the Catholic faithful is to follow the moral criteria presented in Dignitas Personae with respect to the adoption of frozen human embryos.

Cada día aumenta el número de embriones humanos congelados y no se prevé que su número disminuya, por lo que parece necesario buscar una solución a este problema. Se han planteado cuatro posibles: a) descongelarlos y dejarlos morir; b) descongelarlos y donarlos para investigaciones biomédicas; c) descongelarlos y donarlos en adopción; y d) dejarlos congelados indefinidamente. En este trabajo se evalúa la moralidad de estas cuatro posibles soluciones, y espacialmente de la adopción de los embriones humanos congelados a la luz del Magisterio de la Iglesia Católica, que en su Instrucción Dignitas Personae, se decanta por la ilicitud de dicha práctica. También se revisan distintas posturas de moralistas expertos favorables o no a la adopción de embriones humanos congelados. Igualmente se reflexiona sobre en qué medida la doctrina contenida en Dignitas Personae puede obligar a la conciencia moral de los fieles católicos. Finalmente se realiza una evaluación personal de la adopción de embriones humanos congelados tratando de buscar razones morales que fundamenten el porqué del juicio negativo manifestado por el Magisterio Católico. Los autores sostienen que la ilicitud ética de la adopción de embriones humanos congelados puede radicar en la ilicitud moral de la subrogación, que hace ilícito todo el proceso procreativo, constituido por: acto conyugal, fecundación del óvulo e implantación del embrión producido en el útero en su madre biológica. Finalmente se plantea que lo expuesto en Dignitas Personae posiblemente no da por zanjada la valoración moral de la adopción de embriones humanos congelados, por lo que somos de la opinión de que no existe impedimento alguno para poder seguir investigando sobre la fundamentación moral de esta práctica adoptiva; pero que, en tanto en cuanto ello se produzca, nos parece que la mejor actitud de los fieles católicos es seguir los criterios morales de Dignitas Personae, expone con respecto a la adopción de embriones humanos congelados.

Cada dia aumenta o número de embriões humanos congelados e não se espera o número diminua, portanto parece necessário encontrar uma solução para este problema. Foram levantadas quatro possíveis: a) descongelá-los e deixá-los morrer; (b) descongelá-los e doá-los para pesquisa biomédica; (c) descongelada-los e doá-los para adoção; e (d) deixá-los congelados indefinidamente. Nesse trabalho se avalia a moralidade dessas quatro possíveis soluções e especialmente a adoção de embriões humanos congelados à luz do Magistério da Igreja Católica, que em sua instrução Dignitas Personae, opta pela ilegalidade da prática. Também se revisam posturas diferentes dos moralistas especialistas favoráveis ou não à adoção de embriões humanos congelados. Igualmente, reflete-se sobre como a doutrina contida na Dignitas Personae pode obrigar a consciência moral dos fiéis católicos.Finalmente se realiza uma avaliação pessoal da adoção de embriões humanos congelados pretendendo buscar razões morais que fundamentem o porquê do juízo negativo manifestado pelo magistério católico. Os autores argumentam que a ilegalidade ética da adoção de embriões humanos congelados pode resultar na ilicitude moral de sub-rogação, tornando ilícito todo o processoprocriador, constiuído por: ato conjugal, fertilização do óvulo e implantação do embrião produzido no útero de sua mãe biológica. Finalmente, apresenta-se que o exposto no Dignitas Personae, possivelmente, não dá por resolvida a valoração moral da adopção de embriões humanos congelados, portanto somos da opinião de que não há nenhum impedimento para seguir pesquisando sobre o fundamentação moral desta prática adotiva; Porém, porquanto ele se produza, parece-nos que a melhor atitude dos fiéis católicos será seguir os critérios morais de Dignitas Personae, expostos no que se refere a adoção de embriões humanos congelados.

Humans , Adoption , Catholicism , Cryopreservation , Embryonic Structures , Morale
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (21): 85-110, sept.-dic. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-772047


Resumen La educación sexual y las condiciones para una "muerte digna" han sido objeto de debate parlamentario en la última década en Argentina. El artículo aborda comparativamente el proceso que desembocó en la aprobación de las leyes de Educación Sexual Integral y "muerte digna" por parte del Congreso de la Nación, examinando las estrategias de intervención y los fundamentos discursivos de instituciones religiosas -principalmente, de la Iglesia católica- en los debates públicos. El análisis de ambos procesos permite describir estrategias disímiles de posicionamiento de actores y discursos religiosos en la esfera pública, tendientes a incidir en la legislación y en las políticas públicas.

Resumo A educação sexual e as condições para uma "morte digna" foram objeto de debate parlamentar na última década na Argentina. O artigo aborda comparativamente o processo que desembocou na aprovação das leis de Educação Sexual Integral e "morte digna" por parte do Congresso da Nação, examinando as estratégias de intervenção e os fundamentos discursivos das instituições religiosas - principalmente da Igreja Católica - nos debates públicos. A análise de ambos os processos permite descrever diferentes estratégias de posicionamento dos atores e discursos religiosos na esfera pública, tendentes a incidir na legislação e nas políticas públicas.

Abstract Sex education and the conditions for a "death with dignity" have been the subject of parliamentary debates over the past decade in Argentina. This paper compares the process leading to the adoption of laws regulating the adoption of a Comprehensive Sex Education and the right for a "death with dignity" by the Argentinean Congress, focusing the analysis in the participation of religious institutions--particularly the Catholic Church--in public debates and the discursive arguments of those actors. The description of both processes shows the different strategies of religious actors and their discourses in the public sphere designed to influence legislation and public policies.

Humans , Public Policy , Religion , Sex Education , Right to Die , Catholicism , Argentina
Psicol. pesq ; 8(1): 115-126, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-728581


O texto analisa como os intelectuais católicos perceberam e enfrentaram a emergência da psicologia científica no Brasil entre 1920 e 1960. Foi utilizada como fonte a revista "A Ordem", criada em 1921 por componentes desse grupo com vistas a recuperar a hegemonia da Igreja Católica no País. Fez-se o levantamento dos textos publicados nas décadas citadas, por meio de seleção e análise daqueles que pudessem tratar de temas psicológicos. Embora o conteúdo moral esteja constantemente presente, bem como uma defesa da psicologia tomista, há uma mudança de tom entre os anos iniciais, de forte crítica à psicologia científica, e a década de 1960, quando se reconhece a existência de uma ciência que, por sua vez, deve respeitar e não se opor às verdades católicas.

The text looks at how catholic intellectuals realized and faced the emergence of scientific psychology in Brazil between 1920 and 1960. The source was "A Ordem" magazine, created in 1921 by members of that group aiming to recover the hegemony of the Catholic Church in the country. A survey of articles published between decades referred before was made, through selecting and analyzing those which could have something to do with psychological themes. The moral content is constantly present, although in the 1920s Thomism appear as the only possibility to explain psychic powers, and later, to acknowledge the existence of a science which, in turn, must respect and not to oppose the catholic truths.

Humans , Morale , Psychology , Religion and Psychology
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (15): 10-36, dez. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-698085


En las últimas décadas, las acciones por la legalización de aborto se han fortalecido en las agendas de los movimientos latinoamericanos que buscan el pleno reconocimiento de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. En este contexto, y desde una posición reactiva, la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica se ha posicionado como uno de los principales opositores a esta demanda. Buscando mantener un orden jurídico contrario al reconocimiento de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en general, y del derecho al aborto en particular, la jerarquía vaticana ha desarrollado un discurso fundamentado sobre la idea de la “defensa de la vida”, conjugando elementos científicos y jurídicos que pretenden presentarlo como una verdad objetiva y neutral. En el presente artículo reconstruimos y analizamos críticamente esta idea de “vida”, comprendiéndola no como una verdad imparcial e irrefutable, sino como una producción política que opera amparándose en discursos de “Verdad” que pretenden incidir jurídica y socialmente.

Nas últimas décadas, as ações pela legalização do aborto se fortaleceram nas agendas dos movimentos latino-americanos que procuram o pleno reconhecimento dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Neste contexto, e de uma posição reativa, a hierarquia da Igreja Católica se posicionou como um dos principais opositores a esta demanda. Procurando manter uma ordem jurídica contrária ao reconhecimento dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos em geral, e do direito ao aborto em particular, a hierarquia vaticana desenvolveu um discurso fundamentado na ideia da “defesa da vida”, conjugando elementos científicos e jurídicos que pretendem apresentá-lo como uma verdade objetiva e neutra. No presente artigo, reconstruímos e analisamos criticamente esta ideia de “vida”, compreendendo-a não como uma verdade imparcial e irrefutável, mas sim como uma produção política que opera se amparando em discursos de “Verdade” que pretendem incidir jurídica e socialmente.

In recent decades, actions in support of legalizing abortion have been strengthened within the agendas of Latin American movements demanding for full recognition of sexual and reproductive rights. In this context, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church has stood out, reactively, as one of the main opponents to this demand. With the purpose of maintaining a legal order against sexual and reproductive rights in general, and the right to abortion in particular, the Vatican hierarchy has developed a discourse based on the idea of the 'defense of life,' combining scientific and legal elements in order to present that argument as a neutral and objective truth. In this paper we reconstruct and analyze critically this idea of 'life,' understood not as an impartial and irrefutable truth, but as a political production which mobilizes discourses of 'Truth' seeking to impact on legal and social spheres.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Religion , Catholicism , Abortion, Legal , Life , Reproductive Rights , Abortion
Rev. chil. psicoanal ; 29(2): 115-129, dic. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-695687


Se define creatividad como la capacidad de ver y entender antiguas estructuras bajo puntos de vistas novedosos. Freud y el psicoanálisis han relacionado el acto creativo con el juego y con los procesos de elaboración de los duelos. Sin embargo, el misterio de la creatividad en sí misma escapa al psicoanálisis. Siguiendo la idea de ver lo antiguo con nuevos ojos, el autor intenta una reflexión psicoanalítica de la crisis por la cual está atravesando la Iglesia Católica; en especial, pretende arrojar luces sobre la aguda contradicción entre una institución que defiende oficialmente una moral sexual exclusivamente centrada en su fin reproductivo, condenando todos los aspectos meramente placenteros de la sexualidad, y un número creciente de destacados sacerdotes que han sido objeto en los últimos años de escándalos sexuales. La reflexión se centra en el carácter de “consagrados” de los sacerdotes, que los erigen frente a la comunidad de fieles como seres especiales con una autoridad fuera de control y que crea las condiciones para el abuso de poder. Que el abuso de poder tome características sexuales se explica por la dinámica represiva de la sexualidad que cobra su precio, manifestándose necesariamente de maneras que contradicen las normas eclesiásticas. Se muestra como el derecho canónico ha mantenido un estado de cosas donde el secretismo y la defensa corporativa ha sido la norma. Finalmente, el autor, que se define como educado en la fe católica, se pregunta si es posible seguir creyendo en estas circunstancias.

Creativity is defined as the ability to see and understand ancient structures under novel viewpoints. Freud and psychoanalysis have linked the creative act with children’s play and the process of grief and pain. However, the mystery of creativity itself escapes to psychoanalysis. Following the idea of seeing the old with new eyes, the author attempts a psychoanalytic reflection of the crisis which is facing the Catholic Church; in particular, he aims to shed light on the sharp contradiction between an institution that officially defends sexual morality focused exclusively in its reproductive purpose, condemning all purely pleasurable aspects of sexuality, and a growing number of prominent priests who have been in recent years objects of sex scandals The reflection focuses on the quality of "consecrated" of priests, erected in front of the community of the faithful as special, out of control. This generates a kind of authority that creates the conditions for abuse of power. That abuse of power take sexual characteristics is explained by the dynamics of repression of sexuality that takes its toll, manifesting necessarily in ways that contradict the ecclesiastical rules. It is showed how the canon law has maintained a state of affairs where secrecy and corporate defense has been the norm. Finally, the author, who defined himself as educated in the Catholic faith, wonders if it is possible to keep believing in these circumstances.

Humans , Creativity , Love , Psychoanalysis , Religion , Religion and Psychology , Narcissism , Power, Psychological , Rape , Sexuality
Educ. rev ; 27(1): 65-91, abr. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-590134


Este artigo analisa as ações e os discursos promovidos pelos intelectuais católicos em defesa da presença do ensino religioso nas escolas públicas paranaenses no período circunscrito entre 1922 e 1931. Apoia-se no pronunciamento do deputado Alcidino Pereira, com o qual justificou seu projeto instituindo o ensino religioso facultativo nas escolas públicas, no parecer da Comissão de Constituição e Justiça do Congresso Legislativo do Paraná elaborado pelo deputado Azevedo Macedo, na resposta do autor do projeto ao parecer da Comissão e na revista católica A Cruzada. Tais dados são analisados sob a perspectiva da história intelectual da educação, visando a restituir alguns dos sentidos da disputa entre católicos e anticlericais, ao longo da década de 1920 e início da década de 1930, sem esquecer o contexto nacional e internacional como pano de fundo desse movimento de discussão sobre a presença da cultura religiosa nos espaços escolares oficiais.

This article analyzes the actions and speeches of catholic intellectuals when defending the teaching of religion in state schools of Paraná from 1922 to 1931. The article bases itself on deputy member Alcidino Pereira's pronouncement, which justified his project for the organisation of optional religious education in state schools. The article is also based on the opinion of the Constitutional and Judicial Commission of the Legislative Congress of Paraná organized by deputy member Azevedo Macedo on the reply given by the author of the project to the opinion of the Commission and on the Catholic magazine A Cruzada. The data is analyzed from the perspective of the intellectual history of education, intending to restore some meaning to the dispute between catholics and anticlericals during the 1920s and early 1930s without, however, neglecting the national and international context as the background to all the activity over the discussion about the presence of religious culture in official teaching establishments.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 10(3): 700-728, dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-606080


Desde os primeiros séculos da era cristã, a sexualidade foi amplamente discutida pelo cristianismo, aparecendo nas pregações, nos tratados teológicos, nas orientações doutrinárias e nos códigos morais. A instituição eclesiástica preocupou-se com a vida sexual da sociedade ocidental, dispondo-se a orientá-la segundo suas prescrições. A partir da revisão da literatura histórica, o presente trabalho demonstra o interesse do cristianismo pela sexualidade a ponto de tentar torná-la domínio exclusivo da Igreja. Ao longo da história, a Igreja cristã desenvolveu mecanismos de observação e instrumentos de controle para manter desejo e sexo sob sua tutela com o propósito de ampliar seus dispositivos de poder. (AU)

Since the early centuries of the Christian era, sexuality has been broadly discussed by Christianity. It has appeared in sermons, theological treatises, doctrinal orientations and moral codes. The ecclesiastical institution has been concerned about the sexual life of Western society, and has decided to guide it according to its prescriptions. Based on a review of the historical literature, the present work shows the interest of Christianity in sexuality as it has tried to make sexuality become the Church’s exclusive domain. Throughout history, the Christian Church developed observation mechanisms and control instruments to keep desire and sex under its protection, aiming to extend its power devices. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Power, Psychological , Catholicism/psychology , Christianity/psychology , Sexuality/psychology , Protestantism/psychology , Sexual Abstinence/psychology
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 51(1): 75-105, 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-484636


Inspired by the proposal for a reading of modernity from Brazil, this paper focuses on three highlights in the history of the Christ the Redeemer statue on Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. The first analyzes the meanings acquired by the idea of freedom of religion that allowed erecting a Catholic symbol in the national capital. The second reveals the contemporary characteristics of the architectural form and devotional content in the image that served as the icon for a Christian restoration. The third analyzes the recent Catholic demand to reclaim the monument’s "religious meaning" - premised on a societal differentiation - as a presence in the public space. Emphasizing modern notions and arguments in the Catholic discourse, the article concludes with elaborations on the multiple and polyvalent nature of modernity.

Dans la perspective d'une lecture de la modernité au Brésil, on examine dans ce travail trois moments du monument érigé en l'honneur du Christ Rédempteur sur les hauteurs du Corcovado, à Rio de Janeiro. Dans le premier, on énonce ce que signifie l'idée d'une liberté de religion, qui a permis la construction d'un symbole catholique dans la capitale de la République brésilienne. Dans le deuxième, on souligne ce qu'il y a de contemporain dans son aspect architectural et son contenu pieux, de la figure devenu un icône de la restauration chrétienne. Dans le troisième, on examine la récente revendication catholique de réhabilitation du "sens religieux" du monument, ce qui suppose une différenciation sociétale comme façon de le rendre présent dans l'espace public. Tout en distinguant la présence de notions et d'arguments modernes dans le discours catholique, on établit, en conclusion, des concepts sur le caractère multiple et polyvalent de la modernité.

Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 49-62, 1997.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-201775


The introduction and practice of smallpox(cowpox) vaccination was officially done in 1879 by Chi Seok-young, but we know that already in 1835 Cheong Yak-yong, a great scholar and politician of the late period of Chos?n, got a small pamphlet about cowpox vaccination named New Treatise on the Smallpox Vaccination from Beijing. The second edition of the pamphlet was published in 1828 in Beijing. According to Kim Du Jong and Miki Sakae, Cheong Yak-yong might have got it through Korean Roman Catholic group corresponding with the French Catholic Missionary in Beijing but hided it secretly for the official oppression to the Catholicism. Cheong was a member of the group of young scholars that introduced Catholicism into Korea in 1784 and leaded this movement for a time, but officially betrayed his faith since 1791. So there is little historical documents to support the claim that two conflicting groups of scholars continue to debate. One group argues that Cheong betrayed his faith completely and left the Church since the persecution of Sinyu year(1801), but the other claims that he remained as believer in heart, only to hide his faith for the fear of official oppression. In such a horror of terrible persecution did he really communicate with Catholic group who often went to Beijing? We don't know what really was. Therefore the purpose of this article is to collect the circumstantial evidences for the assumption about 'the introduction of smallpox vaccination by Catholic group' and to evaluate the possibility. From the documents of the Church of that time we can know that a few of Catholic believers actively communicated with missionaries in Beijing for the employment of priests. The agents of Korean Catholic Church visited Beijing almost annually disguised in the official diplomatic visit, where they met French missionaries, discussed their route to Korea, sent letters, and traded of the bibles, holy books and religious materials from 1828(the publication year of the pamphlet) to 1835(the year Cheong Yak-yong died). It was a most active period in the History of Korean Catholic Church. Especially Cheong Ha-sang, nephew of Cheong Yak-yong, was the central figure leading this movement with Yu Jin-kil who was an official translator in a high position and a very erudite man. They often visited Beijing, and where they could have seen the pamphlet about smallpox vaccination and taken it to Cheong secretly. The Church of that time valued medical activity as an effective mean of their mission, which is well illustrated in the letters and documents of the missionary in Korea. Smallpox was a very severe health problem in Korea and the mortality of children was extremely high. The first Korean priest Father Kim asked the missionary in Beijing to send a prescription for smallpox. Cheong Yak-yong had a great interest in medicine, especially in smallpox, wrote some books devoting this subject. He also asserted continual study and introduction of new knowledge, which we can know from the statement that he rewrote MagwaHoetong for seven times. He knew and trusted the Western science and technology as other Korean Roman Catholics. It can not be completely confirmed that he really reacted religious practices after returned from his 18 year exile as the claim of Church, but at least he recorded the history of Korean Catholic Church and was interested in the affairs of it, that known from the notes of Bishop Daveluy who preached gospel in Korea, to be martyred in 1866. He said repeatedly in the notes and letters that Cheong wrote and provided the basic material necessary to construct the history of Korean Catholic Church. On the basis of that information Bishop Daveluy tried to edit the History, but the task was finally accomplished by his successor Father Dallet, who wrote History of Korean Catholic Church(1874). From his statement Cheong hided his records of Korean Catholic Church and showed it to very few number of selected people, small group of friends and relatives. The similar situation is shown in the statement of Yi Kyu-kyoung, a scholar of Silhak school of 19th century, about smallpox vaccination in Korea in mid 19th century. He said Cheong had a book of the vaccination but hided it and showed to some limited people. Cheong also wrote secretly memorial addresses for some of his friends died in Sinyu Persecution. His son Hak-sang was baptized too. From those facts we can assume that Cheong Yak-yong was not totally disconnected from the Church as officially documented but continued works relating with it secretly under the severe persecution. In this small pamphlet the phrases suggesting its own origin from the West were carefully erased, which might have disguised its relation with the Catholicism. Yi Kyu-kyoung also said he had heard about smallpox vaccination from Nam Sang-kyo, who was a sincere catholic. It is suggested that small group of Roman Catholics knew the method but it could not be widely practiced. Because it seemed to be strange and odd to general Korean people and the Catholic believers were generally isolated in the deep mountain valley or so from the general population to escape the persecution. Chos?n government rigorously prohibited the import of foreign(Western) books and materials from China for protecting the country from the invasion of 'Western barbarians' since late 18th century. The ones committing this regulation were destined to get severe punishments. So were the related. Thousands of people were tortured and sentenced to death under the accusation of "believing foreign superstition and betraying his mother country". In such a condition who dared to get foreign materials and expose it except Catholics? We can think other routes. For example Hong Seok-joo, a high ranking official of the Chos?n government, secretly asked a Chinese official to get some books including Western books when he visited Beijing in 1831. He was an editor of MabangTonghwi, medical book about smallpox edited on the base of MagwaHoetong of Cheong. It is possible that he introduced New Treatise on the Smallpox Vaccination to Cheong. He was a relative of Cheong and some of Catholic martyrs, so he might have understanding of Catholicism. If he did, it was also done in the context of Western culture imported by Korean Catholic Church. Considering the above facts we can suggest the higher possibility of the introduction of smallpox vaccination through Catholic groups with Cheong Yak-yong. Of course other routes could have been available, but its possibility seems to be comparatively low.