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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 24(41): 51-59, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1437853


Ante el riesgo de deshumanización de los profesionales que brindan el cuidado al paciente, a causa de la gran reestructuración administrativa de la mayoría de los sistemas de cuidado de salud en el mundo, se hace necesario el rescate del aspecto humano, espiritual y transpersonalObjetivo: describir la percepción de los usuarios sobre los comportamientos de cuidado humanizado en los hospitales públicos de Corrientes en el año 2022.Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, se encuestó a usuarios atendidos en hospitales públicos de la Provincia de Corrientes, se utilizó el cuestionario "Percepción de comportamientos de cuidado humanizado de enfermería (PCHE) Clinicountry ­ 3ª versión. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, frecuencias absolutas y relativas.Resultados: Se encuestaron a 175 usuarios de hospitales públicos de la provincia de Corrientes, la edad media fue de 45, 69 años (DS= 16,97 años), el 64, 4 % es de género femenino. En relación al análisis general de la percepción de comportamientos de cuidado humanizado en los usuarios de servicios de salud atendidos en hospitales públicos, se observó que 131 (74,9%) usuarios percibieron el comportamiento de forma positiva.Conclusión: Se logró describir que la percepción sobre el comportamiento de cuidado humanizado de enfermería en los hospitales públicos de Corrientes fue positiva en la mayoría de los usuarios, se identificaron dimensiones que requieren de estrategias para mejorar el cuidado[AU]

Given the risk of dehumanization in patient care, due to the great administrative restructuring of most health care systems in the world, it is necessary to rescue the human, spiritual and transpersonal aspect.Objective: describe the perception of users about humanized care behaviors in public hospitals in Corrientes in the year 2022.Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, surveying users treated in public hospitals in the Province of Corrientes, using the questionnaire "Perception of humanized nursing care behaviors (PCHE) Clinicountry - 3rd version. for the analysis of the data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies were used.Results: 175 users of public hospitals in the province of Corrientes were surveyed, the mean age was 45.69 years (SD= 16.97 years), 64.4% are female. In relation to the general analysis of the perception of humanized care behaviors in users of health services treated in public hospitals, it was observed that 131 (74.9%) users perceived the behavior positively.Conclusion: It was possible to describe that the perception of the behavior of humanized nursing care in the public hospitals of Corrientes was positive in the majority of the users, dimensions hat require strategies to improve care were identified[AU]

Diante do risco de desumanização no atendimento ao paciente, devido à grande reestruturação administrativa da maioria dos sistemas de saúde do mundo, é necessário resgatar o aspecto humano, espiritual e transpessoal.Objetivo: descrever a percepção dos usuários sobre condutas de atendimento humanizado em hospitais públicos de Corrientes no ano de 2022.Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo e transversal, pesquisando usuários atendidos em hospitais públicos da Província de Corrientes, utilizando o questionário "Percepção de condutas de cuidado humanizado de enfermagem (PCHE) Clinicountry - 3ª versão. para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas medidas de tendência central e dispersão, frequências absolutas e relativas.Resultados: foram pesquisados 175 usuários de hospitais públicos da província de Corrientes, a idade média foi de 45,69 anos (DP= 16,97 anos), 64,4% são mulheres. Em relação à análise geral da percepção de comportamentos de cuidado humanizado em usuários de serviços de saúde atendidos em hospitais públicos, observou-se que 131 (74,9%) usuários perceberam o comportamento de forma positiva.Conclusão: Foi possível descrever que a percepção do comportamento de cuidado humanizado de enfermagem nos hospitais públicos de Corrientes foi positiva na maioria dos usuários, foram identificadas dimensões que requerem estratégias para melhorar o cuidado[AU]

Humans , Humanization of Assistance , Nursing Care
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536123


Introducción: Antes de catalogar un proceso morboso como trastorno mental, es imprescindible tener presente la importancia del diagnóstico precoz de causas de origen no psiquiátrico para una posible presentación clínica. Por ello, trataremos de reflejar este hecho, que se antoja necesario recordar aunque sea bien sabido, ya que puede pasarse por alto en situaciones de urgencia en el ámbito hospitalario, con las consecuencias derivadas de un cribado incompleto y con el potencial riesgo vital para el paciente. Presentación del caso: Adolescente mujer, de 13 años, que presentó un cuadro clínico agudosugestivo de carácter disociativo. Se precisó su ingreso hospitalario para la aclaración diagnóstico-terapéutica, y mediante neuroimagen se diagnosticó inicialmente como lesión neoplásica en el tronco del encéfalo y, finalmente, como lesión isquémica de origen vasculítico en dicha localización. Discusión: Se planteó un diagnóstico diferencial a través de las diferentes etiologías tanto psíquicas como no psíquicas del cuadro clínico, pero fue necesaria la intervención del servicio de pediatría hospitalario para la orientación y filiación definitiva, ante la sospecha de enfermedad no psiquiátrica tras una evolución tórpida a pesar de intervenciones psicoterapéuticas y psicofarmacológicas. Conclusiones: A través de la presentación y revisión de un caso clínico que sucedió en nuestro hospital de trabajo, se debe insistir en un adecuado abordaje integral del paciente, especialmente con población infanto-juvenil, ante una presentación clínica aguda y sin previas evaluaciones físicas de relevancia.

Introduction: Before cataloguing a morbid process as a "mental disorder", it is essential to bear in mind the importance of early diagnosis of causes of non-psychiatric origin for a possible clinical presentation. For this reason, we will try to reflect this fact, which it seems necessary to remember even though it is well known, since it can be overlooked in emergency situations in the hospital setting, with the consequences derived from an incomplete diagnosis and with the potential life-threatening risk for the patient. Case presentation: A 13-year-old female adolescent, who presented an acute clinical picture suggestive of dissociative disorder. She required hospital admission for diagnostic-therapeutic clarification, and neuroimaging findings led to an initial diagnosis of a neoplastic lesion in the brain stem and, finally, as ischaemic lesion of vasculitic origin in said location. Discussion: A differential diagnosis was proposed through the different psychic and nonpsychic aetiologies of the clinical picture, being the intervention of the hospital's paediatric service necessary for orientation and definitive affiliation, given the suspicion of non-psychiatric illness after a torpid evolution in spite of psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological interventions. Conclusions: Through the presentation and review of a clinical case that happened in our hospital, we must insist on an adequate comprehensive approach to the patient, especially with the child-adolescent population, when faced with an acute clinical presentation and without previous studies at a relevant physical level.

Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Feb; 60(2): 137-141
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225389


Objective: To evaluate zonulin and occludin levels, potentially associated with immunological pathways in the gut-brain axis, in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: We examined the association between serum levels of zonulin and occluding, and behavioral/emotional problems in children with ADHD. 40 medicationnaïve children meeting Diagnostic and statistical (DSM-5) criteria for ADHD (11 females; mean (SD) age 9.4 (1.6) years) and 39 healthy comparisons (12 females; mean (SD) age 9.3 (1.9) years) were studied. Serum zonulin and occludin levels were measured by (ELISA). Result: We found higher mean (SD) serum zonulin levels [37.1 (28.2) vs 8.1 (4.5) ng/mL; P<0.001) and occludin levels [2.4 (1.6) vs 0.6 (0.4) ng/mL; P<0.001] in the ADHD group compared to control group. Serum zonulin levels had a positive correlation with weight (r=0.452; P=0.003) and BMI (r=0.401; P=0.01) among children with ADHD. Serum zonulin and occludin levels also had a positive correlation with Conners parent rating scale scores (r=0.58; P<0.001), and Strengths and difficulties questionnaire scores (r=0.49; P<0.001). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that age, sex, weight, conduct problems and oppositional sub-scores were significant predictors of increased serum zonulin levels. Conclusion: These data confirm an association between ADHD, and serum zonulin and occludin levels. Pathophysiological and clinical significance of these findings needs to be elucidated.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221319


For an organization to remain successful, having the right leader is crucial. The best employers know how they can participate with their employees in order to achieve the organization's objectives. There are a lot of different leadership styles; among which are the autocratic, administrative, free economy, charismatic, democratic, cooperative, situational, functional, transformational, transactional, and relationship-oriented styles. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour is the criterion variable of the study. In today's world of competitive work environment OCB taking an important phenomenon at workplace, it is that behaviour of employees at work that is related to their extra work related activities for which employees not get any financial reward by the management. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) as “discretionary and voluntary Behaviour being followed by formal reward system.” A modest attempt has been made to make survey of past studies related to leadership style and organizational citizenship behaviour

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 60(4): 490-496, dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423714


El presente artículo procura establecer que el denominado Parasitismo Social corresponde a una conducta disocial, lo cual es el resultado de fenómenos temperamentales con implicancias biopsicosociales, y hace referencia a pacientes que presentan una forma de vida pasiva, explotadora y crónica a expensas de otros. Basados en el Modelo de la Psicoterapia Focalizada en la Transferencia (TFP), analizaremos cómo esta manifestación clínica refleja una patología grave del superyó y corresponde a conductas del espectro disocial, pues implica una forma de conducta crónica de explotación e irresponsabilidad significativa en relaciones interpersonales, caracterizado por una Pobreza del Investimento Objetal. Nos proponemos propiciar la búsqueda y evaluación dirigida de todo el espectro disocial de manera de promover su evaluación, diagnóstico, registro, considerar su pronóstico y plantear objetivos a corto y largo plazo cuando sean posibles. Esto podría impedir, disminuir o por lo menos advertir sobre los eventuales daños, no solo a los pacientes sino a sus familiares y personas o instituciones implicadas.

This article seeks to establish that the so-called Social Parasitism corresponds to a dissocial behavior, which is the result of temperamental phenomena with biopsychosocial implications and refers to patients who present a passive, exploitative, and chronic way of life at the expense of others. Based on the Transferred Focused Psychotherapy Model (TFP), we will analyze how this clinical manifestation reflects a severe pathology of the superego and corresponds to behaviors of the dissocial spectrum since it implies a form of chronic behavior of exploitation and significant irresponsibility in interpersonal relationships, characterized by the Poorness of the Objectal Investment. We propose to encourage the search and directed evaluation of the whole dissocial spectrum in a way to promote its evaluation, diagnostic, registration, consider its prognosis and establish short- and long-term objectives when possible. This could prevent, decrease, or at least warn about the eventual damages, not only to the patients but to their families and the people or institutions involved.

Humans , Dependent Personality Disorder
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 13-19, out.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1414507


Introdução: A avulsão dentária é caracterizada pelo deslocamento total do elemento dentário para fora do alvéolo em decorrência de um trauma externo e as medidas emergenciais prestadas ainda no local do acidente são imprescindíveis para um bom prognóstico. Objetivo: Investigou-se o nível de conhecimento e atitudes de leigos sobre possíveis condutas frente à avulsão de dentes permanentes. Métodos: A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um questionário contendo perguntas sobre características gerais da lesão e as atitudes que os pacientes tomariam em um caso de avulsão. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Mann Whitney, considerando um nível de significância de 5% (p <0,05). Resultados: Questionários foram respondidos por 120 pacientes enquanto aguardavam atendimento. A média geral de respostas corretas / atitudes esperadas foi de 3,74. Os participantes que possuíam informação prévia acerca do tema, obtiveram médias significativamente maiores, o mesmo não foi verificado com aqueles que possuíam experiência prévia com trauma. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o conhecimento sobre avulsão dentária dos pacientes é baixo e que a educação em saúde, através da informação da população pode ser um fator relevante para a melhora da conduta emergencial no local do trauma pela população leiga... (AU)

Introduction: Tooth avulsion is characterized by the total displacement of the tooth out of the socket as a result of an external trauma and emergency measures provided at the accident site are essential for a good prognosis. Objective: We investigated the level of knowledge and attitudes of lay people about possible behaviors in the face of avulsion of permanent teeth. Methods: Data collection was performed using a questionnaire containing questions about general characteristics of the lesion and the attitudes that patients would take in a case of avulsion. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test, considering a significance level of 5% (p <0,05). Results: Questionnaires were answered by 120 patients while waiting for care. The overall average of correct answers/expected attitudes was 3.74. Participants who had previous information on the subject had significantly higher averages, the same was not verified with those who had previous experience with trauma. Conclusion: It is concluded that the knowledge about dental avulsion of patients is low and that health education, through population information can be a relevant factor for the improvement of emergency management at the trauma site by the lay population... (AU)

Introducción: La avulsión dentaria se caracteriza por el desplazamiento total del diente fuera del alvéolo como consecuencia de un traumatismo externo y las medidas de urgencia en el lugar del accidente son fundamentales para un buen pronóstico. Objetivo: Indagamos el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes de los legos sobre posibles comportamientos ante la avulsión de dientes permanentes. Métodos: La recolección de datos se realizó mediante un cuestionario que contenía preguntas sobre las características generales de la lesión y las actitudes que tomarían los pacientes en caso de avulsión. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba de Mann-Whitney, considerando un nivel de significación del 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: Los cuestionarios fueron respondidos por 120 pacientes en espera de atención. La media global de aciertos/ actitudes esperadas fue de 3,74. Los participantes que tenían información previa sobre el tema tuvieron promedios significativamente más altos, lo mismo no se verificó con aquellos que tenían experiencia previa con el trauma. Conclusión: Se concluye que el conocimiento sobre la avulsión dentaria de los pacientes es bajo y que la educación en salud, a través de la información poblacional, puede ser un factor relevante para la mejora del manejo de la emergencia en el sitio del trauma por parte de la población no especializada... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tooth Avulsion , Accidents , Health Education , Data Collection , Emergencies , Face , Mandibular Injuries , Maxillofacial Injuries
São Paulo med. j ; 140(3): 331-340, May-June 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377392


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Brazil is facing increasing cycles of numbers of infected people and deaths resulting from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This situation involves a series of factors, including the behavior of the population, that can be decisive for controlling the disease. OBJECTIVE: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the Brazilian population regarding COVID-19. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional survey-type study, conducted using a population sample from different Brazilian states. METHODS: A quantitative, descriptive and analytical approach was used. Sampling was done according to convenience and via snowballing. The data collection instrument was a knowledge, attitudes and practices system. RESULTS: 1,655 people from all over Brazil participated in the survey; 80% were living in the southern region and 70.15% were female. More than 90% had knowledge and good attitudes relating to the means of transmission, preventive care and symptoms associated with COVID-19, although their knowledge and attitudes were not fully reflected in daily practices, for which there was lower adherence (80%). Greater knowledge was correlated with older participants, larger number of children, female sex and marital status; better attitude, with female sex and complete higher education; and better practices, with greater age, larger number of children and female sex. CONCLUSION: A large part of the population has general knowledge about COVID-19, but not all knowledge was applied in practice. Older people, females and university graduates stood out as the best informed and most committed to controlling the disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Aged , COVID-19 , Brazil/epidemiology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 25(289): 8000-8011, jun.2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1379676


Objetivo: Investigar os fatores associados à segurança dos pacientes em cuidados paliativos domiciliares quanto ao uso medicamentos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com cuidadores familiares de indivíduos com doenças crônicas acompanhados na Unidade de Cuidados Paliativos e Tratamento da dor, em um hospital de referência em Recife - PE. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista, utilizando um roteiro semiestruturado. Os dados foram organizados em planilha construída no programa Microsoft Excel e analisados por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados: Verificou-se que a maioria dos cuidadores mantém o armazenamento dos medicamentos longe do calor e da incidência do sol, além da verificação rotineira da validade antes da administração. Entretanto, 43,75% dos cuidadores não possuem o hábito de ler a bula e 50% referem, em algum momento, já ter trocado a medicação e/ou horário do remédio do paciente. Conclusões: Foi evidenciado a atenção no armazenamento dos medicamentos, porém há necessidade da implementação de estratégias para garantir a segurança na administração dos medicamentos no domicilio.(AU)

Objective: To investigate the factors associated with patient safety in home palliative care regarding medication use. Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out with family caregivers of individuals with chronic diseases followed up at the Palliative Care and Pain Treatment Unit (UCPD), in a referral hospital in Recife - PE. Data collection took place through interviews, using a semi-structured script. Data were organized in a spreadsheet built in Microsoft Excel and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: It was found that most caregivers keep medication storage away from heat and sunlight, in addition to routinely checking the validity before administration. However, 43.75% of caregivers do not have the habit of reading the leaflet and 50% report, at some point, having already changed the patient's medication and/or medication schedule. Conclusions: Attention to the storage of medicines was evidenced, but there is a need to implement strategies to ensure safety in the administration of medicines at home.(AU)

Objetivo: Investigar los factores asociados a la seguridad del paciente en cuidados paliativos domiciliarios en cuanto al uso de medicamentos. Método: Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado con cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedades crónicas acompañadas en la Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos y Tratamiento del Dolor (UCPD), en un hospital de referencia de Recife - PE. La recolección de datos ocurrió a través de entrevistas, utilizando un guión semiestructurado. Los datos se organizaron en una hoja de cálculo construida en Microsoft Excel y se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se constató que la mayoría de los cuidadores mantienen el almacenamiento de medicamentos alejado del calor y la luz solar, además de verificar rutinariamente la validez antes de la administración. Sin embargo, el 43,75% de los cuidadores no tiene el hábito de leer el prospecto y el 50% refiere, en algún momento, haber cambiado ya la medicación y/o el horario de medicación del paciente. Conclusiones: Se evidenció atención al almacenamiento de medicamentos, pero existe la necesidad de implementar estrategias para garantizar la seguridad en la administración de medicamentos en el domicilio.(AU)

Palliative Care , Caregivers , Medication Therapy Management , Patient Safety , Home Nursing
Salud mil ; 41(1): e301, abr. 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531239


Introducción: escasos son los estudios que investigan el conocimiento sexual y las conductas sexuales de las mujeres dentro de un periodo tan importante como lo es el embarazo. En esta etapa se producen una serie de cambios que repercuten en su vida y por lo tanto en su sexualidad, por tal motivo es que surge realizar este trabajo de investigación. Objetivo: evaluar el nivel de conocimiento y conducta sexual durante la gestación, en un grupo de gestantes que acuden al Centro de Atención Periférica Número 8 perteneciente a la Dirección General de Atención Periférica de la Dirección Nacional de Sanidad de la Fuerzas Armadas. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un análisis observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo de cohorte transversal de los datos obtenidos a través de entrevistas realizadas a embarazadas. Se entrevistan gestantes que cursan los tres trimestres de embarazo y concurren a sus controles obstétricos en el periodo comprendido entre el 22 de abril y 22 de julio de 2021 que cumplen con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Para alcanzar el objetivo se aplicó un cuestionario con respuestas cerradas que consta de 11 preguntas basadas en conocimientos y conductas sexuales en gestantes. Resultados: el 52% de nuestras pacientes gestantes encuestadas tienen más de 30 años, 52% cursa su primera gestación y 51% un embarazo no deseado, pero si aceptado. El 61% de ellas dicen que el estar embarazadas afectó su actividad sexual, 39% refiere que son más satisfactorias las relaciones sexuales en el segundo trimestre, 78% manifiesta que el mantener relaciones sexuales no adelanta el parto, el 83% expresa que la posición menos recomendada es boca arriba, el 9% no saben dónde se localiza el tapón mucoso y el 100% de las encuestadas no tuvo educación sobre sexualidad en los controles prenatales. Conclusiones: durante el embarazo se producen cambios anatómicos, psicológicos y emocionales que provocan cambios en la actividad sexual. La educación que tienen sobre sexualidad es nula por lo que es recomendable la implementación de programas formativos de educación sexual en gestantes y sus parejas para afrontar una salud sexual plena.

Introduction: there are few studies that investigate the sexual knowledge and sexual behaviors of women in such an important period as pregnancy. During this stage, a series of changes take place that have repercussions in their lives and therefore in their sexuality, which is the reason why this research work has been carried out. Objective: to evaluate the level of knowledge and sexual behavior during pregnancy in a group of pregnant women attending the Peripheral Care Center Number 8 belonging to the General Directorate of Peripheral Care of the National Health Directorate of the Armed Forces. Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive and prospective cross-sectional cohort analysis of the data obtained through interviews with pregnant women was carried out. Pregnant women in the three trimesters of pregnancy and attending their obstetric check-ups between April 22 and July 22, 2021 who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were interviewed. To achieve the objective, a questionnaire with closed answers consisting of 11 questions based on knowledge and sexual behaviors in pregnant women was applied. Results: 52% of our pregnant patients surveyed were over 30 years of age, 52% were in their first pregnancy and 51% had an unwanted pregnancy, but accepted it. 61% of them said that the pregnancy was unwanted. Sixty-one percent of them say that being pregnant affected their sexual activity, 39% say that sexual relations are more satisfactory in the second trimester, 78% say that having sexual relations does not advance labor, 83% say that the least recommended position is on the back, 9% do not know where the mucus plug is located and 100% of the respondents had no education on sexuality in prenatal checkups. Conclusions: During pregnancy there are anatomical, psychological and emotional changes that cause changes in sexual activity. The education they have about sexuality is null, so it is advisable to implement sex education programs for pregnant women and their partners in order to achieve full sexual health.

Introdução: há poucos estudos que investiguem o conhecimento sexual e o comportamento sexual das mulheres durante um período tão importante como a gravidez. Nesta fase, ocorre uma série de mudanças que têm repercussões em suas vidas e, portanto, em sua sexualidade, razão pela qual este estudo de pesquisa foi realizado. Objetivo: avaliar o nível de conhecimento e comportamento sexual durante a gravidez em um grupo de mulheres grávidas que freqüentam o Centro de Atenção Periférica Número 8 pertencente à Direção Geral de Atenção Periférica da Direção Nacional de Saúde das Forças Armadas. Materiais e métodos: foi realizada uma análise observacional, descritiva e prospectiva de coorte transversal dos dados obtidos através de entrevistas com mulheres grávidas. Foram entrevistadas mulheres grávidas no terceiro trimestre de gestação e que compareceram aos check-ups obstétricos entre 22 de abril e 22 de julho de 2021, que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Para alcançar o objetivo, foi aplicado um questionário com respostas fechadas que consiste em 11 perguntas baseadas em conhecimentos e comportamentos sexuais em mulheres grávidas. Resultados: 52% de nossas pacientes grávidas pesquisadas tinham mais de 30 anos de idade, 52% estavam grávidas pela primeira vez e 51% tiveram uma gravidez indesejada, mas aceitaram-na. 61% deles dizem que estar grávida afetou sua atividade sexual, 39% dizem que as relações sexuais são mais satisfatórias no segundo trimestre, 78% dizem que ter relações sexuais não antecipa o trabalho de parto, 83% dizem que a posição menos recomendada é na parte de trás, 9% não sabem onde o plugue de muco está localizado e 100% dos entrevistados não tiveram nenhuma educação sobre sexualidade nos check-ups pré-natais.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Sexuality/statistics & numerical data , Pregnant Women , Pregnancy Trimester, Second , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225762


COVID-19 is global pandemic, indicating significant global spread of an infectious disease. COVID -19 pandemic has led to unprecedented and unanticipated challenges requiring collective actions and rules so, COVID appropriate behavior to fight the spread are being affectively led by central government and state government. There is need to reinforce the importance of preventive measures and practices in sustained manner to deal with the disease over the long run. Ayurveda is one world抯 oldest holistic approach which deals with the prevention and management of the disease. A healthy education system should have codes of conduct for work place, society and family. Ayurveda has explained these codes of conduct under the tittle Sadvritta. Ayurveda emphasizes on social and personal behavior as they both affect mental and physical aspects of health. The codes explained in Ayurveda texts plays important role for the reduction of the highly spreading corona virus which in the present scenario can be related to the COVID appropriate behaviors which are critical to winning this fight against the deadly virus. In this article an attempt has been made for explaining the leads of COVID appropriate behavior in ayurveda Samhita.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(1): 56-61, Jan. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360133


ABSTRACT Background: Impulsive compulsive behaviors (ICBs) can affect a significant number of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Objective: We have studied brain samples from a brain bank of PD patients who received apomorphine via continuous infusion in life to assess the prevalence and outcome of ICBs. Methods: A search on the Queen Square Brain Bank (QSBB) database for cases donated from 2005 to 2016 with a pathological diagnosis of idiopathic PD was conducted. Notes of all donors who used apomorphine via continuous infusion for at least three months were reviewed. Clinical and demographic data were collected, as well as detailed information on treatment, prevalence and outcomes of ICBs. Results: 193 PD cases, 124 males and 69 females, with an average age at disease onset of 60.2 years and average disease duration of 17.2 years were reviewed. Dementia occurred in nearly half of the sample, depression in one quarter, and dyskinesias in a little over 40%. The prevalence of ICBs was 14.5%. Twenty-four individuals used apomorphine infusion for more than three months. Patients on apomorphine had younger age at disease onset, longer disease duration, and higher prevalence of dyskinesias. The prevalence of de novo ICB cases among patients on apomorphine was 8.3%. Apomorphine infusion was used for an average of 63.1 months on an average maximum dose of 79.5 mg per day. Ten patients remained on apomorphine until death. Conclusions: Apomorphine can be used as an alternative treatment for patients with previous ICBs as it has low risk of triggering recurrence of ICBs.

RESUMO Antecedentes: Comportamentos impulsivo-compulsivos (CICs) podem acometer uma parcela significativa de indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP). Objetivo: Nós estudamos amostras de tecido cerebral de uma população de pacientes com DP de um banco de cérebros que receberam apomorfina por infusão contínua em vida, com a finalidade de avaliar a prevalência e o desfecho dos CICs. Métodos: Uma pesquisa no banco de dados do Banco de Cérebros de Queen Square foi conduzida à procura de doações recebidas entre 2005 e 2016 com diagnóstico anatomopatológico de DP idiopática. Os prontuários de todos os doadores que usaram apomorfina por infusão contínua por um período mínimo de três meses foram revisados. Dados clínicos e demográficos foram coletados, assim como informações detalhadas sobre o tratamento, prevalência e desfecho dos CICs. Resultados: 193 casos de DP, 124 do sexo masculino e 69 do sexo feminino, com idade média de início da doença de 60,2 anos e tempo médio de duração da doença de 17,2 anos, foram revisados. Aproximadamente metade dos casos apresentaram demência, um quarto depressão, e um pouco mais de 40% discinesias. A prevalência de CICs foi 14,5%. Vinte e quatro indivíduos usaram infusão de apomorfina por mais de três meses. Os pacientes que usaram apomorfina apresentaram DP mais cedo, maior duração da doença, e uma maior prevalência de discinesias. A prevalência de novos casos de CICs entre pacientes usando apomorfina foi de 8,3%. Infusão de apomorfina foi usada em média por 63,1 meses a um dose máxima média de 79,5 mg por dia. Dez pacientes permaneceram usando apomorfina até o óbito. Conclusões: Apomorfina pode ser usada como opção de tratamento alternativo para pacientes que apresentarem CICs no passado considerando seu baixo risco de causar recorrência de CICs.

Humans , Male , Female , Parkinson Disease/drug therapy , Parkinson Disease/epidemiology , Dyskinesias , Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders , Apomorphine , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Compulsive Behavior/drug therapy , Compulsive Behavior/epidemiology , Impulsive Behavior
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996015


Strengthening clinical research is an inevitable requirement for expediting the development of the medical and healthcare services, as well as enhancing the capability of the hospitals in China. On the basis of sufficient argumentation of the significance and the internal and external environment of developing clinical research according to structure-conduct-performance analysis model, Henan Cancer Hospital set the aim of transforming from clinical hospital to clinical research hospital. By constructing a high-level phase Ⅰ clinical trials center, establishing the department of clinical research management, promoting the collaborative innovation and cooperation among medical institutions, research institutions, and enterprises, and developing the accessory clinical trial management system, Henan Cancer Hospital has turned abundant patient resources into advantages of clinical research. The quality and quantity of clinical trials have been elevated significantly, which could provide strong impetus for hospital′s discipline construction and high-quality development.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-930419


Objective:To explore the parenting characteristics of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct problems.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study involving 84 ADHD children with conduct problems and 75 ADHD children without conduct problems treated in the Outpatient Department of Children′s Health and Mental Health Center, Shenzhen Children′s Hospital from September 2017 to December 2019, and 54 healthy control children (healthy children in ordinary primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen) were included.The Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran (EMBU) scale was used to access the parenting styles of participants. ANCOVA was used to compare the different score of all factors in EMBU among these 3 groups and Tukey′s post-hoc comparisons were also performed.All comparisons were corrected for age and sex. Results:Among the factor scores of EMBU scale, ADHD children with conduct problems scored significantly higher on parental and maternal harsh/punishment [Parental (22.10±4.92) scores vs.(19.40±4.01) scores vs.(17.40±2.51) scores; Maternal (15.10±3.54) scores vs.(13.70±2.78) scores vs.(12.40±1.97) scores] and the reject/deny factors [Parental(10.60±2.49)scores vs.(9.40±2.06)scores vs.(8.90±1.61)scores, Maternal(13.90±3.28)scores vs.(12.40±2.64)scores vs.(11.60±2.19)scores] than ADHD children without conduct problems and the healthy control group (all P<0.001). On parental overprotection factors, both ADHD groups scored higher than the healthy control group [(10.30±2.03) scores vs.(9.80±2.13) scores vs.(8.70±1.92) scores, P<0.001], while on maternal over-interference factor, ADHD children with conduct problem scored significantly higher than ADHD children without conduct problems and the healthy controls [(36.00±4.64) scores vs.(34.60±4.38) scores vs.(33.30±4.92) scores, P=0.009]. Conclusions:Parents of ADHD children with conduct problems tend to use more negative parenting skills like punishment, over-interference, rejection and denial.This kind of negative parenting style, to some extent, causes the conduct problems in children with ADHD.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1425297


Este artigo resulta de um estudo sobre a concepção de V. I. Lenin acerca da conduta subjetiva do trabalhador, buscando identificar proximidades ou divergências com a concepção presente em F. W. Taylor. Em 1918, após o processo revolucionário de caráter socialista na Rússia, Lenin defendeu a aplicação do taylorismo como método de organização do trabalho nas indústrias soviéticas, defesa que tem sido criticada politicamente e por teóricos do campo da teoria social marxista. Constatamos que Lenin identifica positividades no taylorismo no que se refere à possibilidade de uma melhor organização do trabalho, visando à sua simplificação e ao aumento da sua produtividade. Contudo, concluímos que a sua concepção no tocante à conduta subjetiva do trabalhador não é a mesma de Taylor. O taylorismo pressupõe um sujeito indolente por natureza e somente passível de adaptação. De forma distinta, em Lenin, a consciência e a conduta do trabalhador são resultado das relações sociais de produção e, muito embora contraditórias, suscetíveis de transformação. Mais do que isso, é o proletariado, a partir de um aprendizado, quem deve dirigir o processo de trabalho e a sociedade

This study stems from research on V. I. Lenin's conception about workers' subjective conduct, seeking to identify proximities or divergencies with that of Taylor. In 1918, after the revolutionary socialist process in Russia, Lenin defended the application of Taylorism as a method to organize labor in Soviet industries. A defense which has been criticized politically and by Marxist social theory thinkers. We note that Lenin identifies positivities in Taylorism regarding the possibility of better organizing labor, aiming at simplifying it and increasing its productivity. However, we conclude that his conception regarding workers' subjective conduct differs from that of Taylor. Taylorism presupposes a subject who is indolent by nature and only capable of adaptation. In Lenin, workers' consciousness and behavior result from social relations of production which are, although contradictory, susceptible to transformation. More than that, it is the proletariat, through a learning process, who must direct the work process and society

Work/history , Behavior , Efficiency, Organizational , Occupational Groups , Organizations , Social Theory
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 39: e200223, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1375428


The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of sandplay therapy in the treatment of children with symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder and/or conduct disorder. The intervention consisted of twelve weekly sessions of sandplay therapy. The Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 was used to assess symptoms before and after the intervention. Participants were 41 children of both sexes, randomly divided into two groups. The control group remained on hold while experimental group 1 underwent the intervention. After three months, control group participants who still met the inclusion criteria were placed in experimental group 2. Results were analyzed statistically, in order to compare the control group and experimental group 1, as well as to assess the evolution of the total experimental group, which included experimental groups 1 and 2. Results pointed to the effectiveness of sandplay therapy in reducing symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder.

O estudo visou avaliar a efetividade da terapia de sandplay no tratamento de crianças com sintomas de Transtorno Opositivo-Desafiador e/ou Transtorno de Conduta. A intervenção consistiu de 12 sessões semanais de terapia de sandplay. O Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 foi o instrumento utilizado para avaliar os sintomas antes e após a intervenção. Participaram do estudo 41 crianças de ambos os sexos, divididas randomicamente em dois grupos. O grupo controle permaneceu em espera enquanto o grupo experimental 1 passava pela intervenção. Após três meses de intervenção, os participantes do grupo controle que ainda atendiam aos critérios de inclusão formaram o grupo experimental 2. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente, de modo a comparar o grupo controle e o grupo experimental 1 bem como avaliar a evolução do grupo experimental total, que incluiu os grupos experimentais 1 e 2. Os resultados indicam que a terapia de sandplay foi eficiente na redução dos sintomas dos transtornos em questão.

Play Therapy , Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders , Conduct Disorder
Rev. crim ; 64(2): 35-46, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417776


El propósito principal de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre deseabilidad social (DS), el trastorno de conducta (TC) y el callo emocional (CE). En él participaron 150 adolescentes, entre los 13 y los 17 años (47% mujeres y 53% hombres), y se formaron dos grupos (con y sin probable TC). Se aplicó la escala de necesidad de aprobación social (ENAS), el cuestionario de detección del trastorno de conducta (CDTC), y el inventario de rasgos de insensibilidad emocional (IRIE). Se observó que el nivel de DS total resultó significativamente más bajo en el grupo con probable TC; también, una relación negativa baja entre la puntuación total del ENAS y las puntuaciones del CDTC, y negativas y moderadas con el IRIE. En conclusión se observó una relación negativa, aunque baja, entre la DS y el TC, y entre moderada y negativa con el CE. Las relaciones entre variables se modificaron en función de la edad y el género.

The main purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between social desirability (SD), conduct disorder (CD) and callous unemotional (CU).. A total of 150 adolescents between 13 and 17 years of age (47% female and 53% male) participated in the study, and two groups were formed (with and without probable CD). The Need for Social Approval Scale (ENAS), the Conduct Disorder Screening Questionnaire (CDTC), and the Emotional Insensitivity Trait Inventory (IRIE) were applied. It was observed that the level of total SD was significantly lower in the group with probable CT; also, a low negative relationship between the ENAS total score and the CDTC scores, and negative and moderate ones with the IRIE. In conclusion, a negative, albeit low, relationship was observed between SD and CT, and moderate to negative with CE. The relationships between variables were modified by age and gender.

O objetivo principal deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre a desejabilidade social (SD), desordem de conduta (CD) e calo emocional (EC). Envolveu 150 adolescentes de 13-17 anos (47% mulheres e 53% homens), e foram formados dois grupos (com e sem provável CD). Foram administradas a Escala de Aprovação Social (ENAS), o Questionário de Avaliação de Distúrbios de Conduta (CDTC) e o Inventário de Traços de Insensibilidade Emocional (IRIE). Foi observado que o nível de SD total era significativamente menor no grupo com provável CD; também, uma relação negativa baixa entre a pontuação total do ENAS e a pontuação do CDTC, e relações negativas e negativas moderadas com o IRIE. Em conclusão, houve uma relação negativa, embora baixa, entre SD e CT, e moderada a negativa com CE. As relações entre as variáveis foram modificadas por idade e sexo.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Social Desirability , Conduct Disorder , Adolescent , Mexico
Ciênc. cogn ; 26(2): 360-369, 31 dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353873


De acordo com variados estudos científicos, nas idades escolares os estudantes podem apresentar diferentes distúrbios comportamentais. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão da literatura sobre o Transtorno Opositivo Desafiador (TOD) e o Transtorno de Conduta (TC) de modo a favorecer o diagnóstico e intervenções escolares. Para isso, realizou-se busca por descritores no Portal da Capes e no Google Acadêmico em que foram selecionados trabalhos mais recentes escritos em português e inglês que continham no título dos manuscritos os termos da busca e os conteúdos destes foram divididos em categorias, tais como, fatores de causa/proteção; estratégias de trabalho com alunos acometidos de TOD e TC e a relação que os distúrbios podem apresentar com o cometimento de atos infracionais. Verificou-se que os autores abordam que ambos os distúrbios podem desenvolver-se pela influência do ambiente social das crianças e adolescentes, e que o professor pode exercer influência sobre o comportamento e rendimento escolar destes estudantes. O presente estudo contribui, portanto para a compreensão dos distúrbios a partir da exposição do debate de diversos autores o que pode auxiliar professores, alunos e pais no trabalho com pessoas acometidas de TOD e TC.

According to several scientific studies, at school age, students may have different behavioral disorders. Thus, this article aims to present a literature review on Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CT) to favourdiagnosis and school interventions. A search for descriptors in Capes Portal and Google Scholar was carried out, in which more recent works written in Portuguese and English that contained the search terms in the title of the manuscripts and their contents were divided into categories, such as causative/protective factors; work strategies with students suffering from ODD and CT, and the relationship that the disorders can present with infractions. We found that the authors state that both disorders can develop under the influence of the children's and adolescents' social environment and that the teacher can influence their behavior and academic performance. Therefore, the present study contributes to the understanding of disorders from the discussion of several authors' debates, which can help teachers, students, and parents work with people with ODD and CT.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Mainstreaming, Education , Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders/psychology , School Teachers , Conduct Disorder/psychology , Crime
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(11): 989-994, Nov. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350142


ABSTRACT Background: Impulse control disorders (ICD) occur frequently in individuals with Parkinson's disease. So far, prevention is the best treatment. Several strategies for its treatment have been suggested, but their frequency of use and benefit have scarcely been explored. Objective: To investigate which strategy is the most commonly used in a real-life setting and its rate of response. Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted. At the baseline evaluation, data on current treatment and ICD status according to QUIP-RS were collected. The treatment strategies were categorized as "no-change", dopamine agonist (DA) dose lowering, DA removal, DA switch or add-on therapy. At the six-month follow-up visit, the same tools were applied. Results: A total of 132 individuals (58.3% men) were included; 18.2% had at least one ICD at baseline. The therapeutic strategy most used in the ICD group was no-change (37.5%), followed by DA removal (16.7%), DA switch (12.5%) and DA lowering (8.3%). Unexpectedly, in 20.8% of the ICD subjects the DA dose was increased. Overall, nearly 80% of the subjects showed remission of their ICD at follow-up. Conclusions: Regardless of the therapy used, most of the subjects presented remission of their ICD at follow-up Further research with a longer follow-up in a larger sample, with assessment of decision-making processes, is required in order to better understand the efficacy of strategies for ICD treatment.

Resumen Antecedentes: Los trastornos del control de impulsos (TCI) son frecuentes en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson. A la fecha, la prevención es el mejor tratamiento. Existen varias estrategias sugeridas para su tratamiento, pero su frecuencia de uso y beneficio ha sido escasamente explorada. Objetivo: Investigar qué estrategia es la más utilizada en un entorno de la vida real y su tasa de respuesta. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal. En la evaluación inicial, se recopiló el tratamiento actual y el estado del TCI de acuerdo con el QUIP-RS. La estrategia de tratamiento se clasificó como "sin cambios", reducción de la dosis de agonista de la dopamina (AD), eliminación de AD, cambio de AD o terapia complementaria. En la visita de seguimiento a los 6 meses, se aplicaron las mismas herramientas. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 132 (58.3% hombres) personas. El 18.2% tenía al menos un TCI al inicio del estudio. La estrategia terapéutica más utilizada en el grupo de TCI fue sin cambios (37.5%), seguida de eliminación de DA (16.7%), cambio de AD (12.5%) y reducción de DA (8.3%). En el 20.8% de los sujetos con TCI se aumentó la dosis de AD. Casi el 80% de los sujetos tuvieron una remisión del TCI al seguimiento. Conclusiones: Independientemente de la terapia utilizada, la mayoría de los sujetos tuvieron una remisión del TCI. Se requiere más investigación con un seguimiento y una muestra mayor para evaluar l proceso de toma de decisiones para comprender mejor la eficacia de las estrategias.

Humans , Male , Female , Parkinson Disease/complications , Parkinson Disease/drug therapy , Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders/therapy , Longitudinal Studies , Dopamine Agonists/therapeutic use
Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 29(2): 138-143, maio-ago. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1357163


RESUMO A autora partilha experiências de atendimento psicodramático on-line com pacientes obesos, como em uma degustação, que inspira a criação de recursos e reflexões sobre a prática psicoterápica em tempos de pandemia do Covid-19, bem como em novos tempos, demonstrando a viabilidade do referencial psicodramático nesta modalidade.

ABSTRACT The author shares experiences of psychodramatic care online with obese patients, as a tasting, which inspires the creation of resources and reflections on psychotherapeutic practice in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as in new times, demonstrating the viability of the psychodramatic reference in this modality.

RESUMEN A través del relato de sessiones el autor comparte sus experiencias de atención psicodramática en línea con pacientes obesos, por lo cual inspira la creación de recursos y reflexiones sobre la práctica psicoterapéutica en tiempos de la pandemia Covid-19, así como en los nuevos tempos, demostrando la viabilidad del marco psicodramático en esta modalidad.

Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 29(1): 47-52, Jan.-Apr. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1289004


A escola é essencialmente reconhecida como local no qual a aprendizagem acontece, porém esse se amplia, podendo também apresentar condutas relacionais violentas entre: aluno-escola, professor-aluno e professor-docência. Diante desse tema, o objetivo deste artigo foi compreender as contribuições do sociodrama temático no manejo das condutas violentas. O ato socionômico apresentado caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa ação realizada com 19 professores em uma escola pública. A aplicação do sociodrama temático possibilitou a revelação, discussão e compreensão da dinâmica de violência que acontecia no contexto escolar.

The school is essentially recognized as a place where learning takes place, but it expands and can also present violent relational behaviors between: student-school, teacher-student and teacher-teaching. Given this theme, the objective of this article was to understand the contributions of thematic sociodrama in the management of violent behavior. The socioeconomic act presented is characterized as an action research carried out with 19 teachers in a public school. The application of the thematic sociodrama made it possible to reveal, discuss and understand the dynamics of violence that happened in the school context.

La escuela es esencialmente reconocida como un lugar donde se produce el aprendizaje, pero se expande y también puede presentar comportamientos relacionales violentos entre: alumno-escuela, profesor-alumno y profesor- enseñanza. Ante esta temática, el objetivo de este artículo fue comprender los aportes del sociodrama temático en el manejo de conductas violentas. El acto socioeconómico presentado se caracteriza por ser una investigación-acción realizada con 19 profesores de una escuela pública. La aplicación del sociodrama temático permitió revelar, discutir y comprender las dinámicas de violencia ocurridas en el contexto escolar.