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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535643


Introducción: Los trastornos funcionales son un reto clínico en la atención de pacientes con déficits neurológicos. Pueden generar manifestaciones clínicas típicas y gran discapacidad. Para su diagnóstico se requiere de una alta sospecha inicial asociado a una batería de examen físico completa. Hallazgos clínicos: Presentamos el caso de una paciente indígena embarazada de 19 años, con pérdida de la fuerza en sus extremidades inferiores, un nivel sensitivo y pérdida del control de los esfínteres. Luego de una evolución estacionaria con estudios imagenológicos e infectocontagiosos dentro de la normalidad. Se sospechó el diagnóstico de un trastorno neurológico funcional por lo que se realizó la prueba del Spinal Injuries Center (SIC) el cual fue positivo. Tratamiento y evolución: Realizamos una intervención multidisciplinar, incluyendo el servicio de rehabilitación, neurología, psiquiatría y psicología. Se utilizaron intervenciones con movimientos articulares, fortalecimiento muscular, estimulación eléctrica y psicoterapia. Posteriormente se obtuvo la recuperación completa de la paciente antes del alta hospitalaria, con la exigencia de seguimiento ambulatorio, además de una inserción satisfactoria en las actividades sociales y familiares. Conclusiones: Este caso refleja la importancia de un análisis neurológico detallado, el conocimiento de diferentes herramientas de semiología y el reto diagnóstico de los trastornos funcionales en neurológicos. La intervención de un equipo multidisciplinar favorece abordajes multidimensionales y resultados clínicos favorables.

Introduction: Functional disorders pose a clinical challenge in the care of patients with neurological deficits. They can generate typical clinical manifestations and great disability. Diagnosis requires a high initial suspicion together with comprehensive physical examination. Clinical Findings: We present the case of a 19-year-old pregnant indigenous patient, with loss of strength in her lower extremities, with a sensitive level and loss of sphincter control. After a stationary evolution with imaging and infectious studies within normal limits, a diagnosis of a functional neurological disorder was suspected; thus, the Spinal Injuries Center (SIC) test was performed, showing positive results. Treatment and evolution: A multidisciplinary intervention was carried out, including the neurology, psychiatry and psychology rehabilitation. Interventions amied towards joint movements, muscle strengthening, electrical stimulation and psychotherapy were used. Eventually, the patient's complete recovery was achieved before hospital discharge, in addition to a satisfactory integration into social and family activities, with a outpatient follow-up requirement. Conclusions: This case reflects the importance of a detailed neurological analysis, knowledge of different semiology tools and the diagnostic challenge of functional neurological disorders. The intervention of a multidisciplinary team favors multidimensional approaches and favorable clinical results.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(4): 554-558, abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409828


Severe respiratory alkalosis is a life-threatening condition, as it induces hypo- calcaemia and extreme adrenergic sensitivity leading to cerebral and myocardial vasoconstriction. We report a 37-year-old woman with previous consultations for a conversion disorder. While she was infected with SARS-CoV-2 (without pulmonary involvement), she consulted in the emergency room due to panic attacks. On admission, she developed a new conversion crisis with progressive clinical deterioration, hyperventilation, and severe respiratory alkalosis (pH 7.68, Bicarbonate 11.8 mEq/L and PaCO2 10 mmHg). Clinically, she was in a coma, with respiratory and heart rates 55 and 180 per min, a blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg, impaired perfusion (generalized lividity, distal coldness, and severe skin mottling) and tetany. She also had electrocardiographic changes and high troponin levels suggestive of ischemia, and hyperlactatemia. She was managed in the hospital with intravenous benzodiazepines. The clinical and laboratory manifestations resolved quickly, without the need for invasive measures and without systemic repercussions.

Humans , Female , Adult , Alkalosis, Respiratory/etiology , COVID-19/complications , Troponin , Benzodiazepines , Bicarbonates , Adrenergic Agents , SARS-CoV-2 , Hyperventilation/complications
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389735


Resumen Los trastornos somatomorfos (TS) corresponden a un conjunto de entidades de expresión polimorfa cuya característica común es la relevancia de los síntomas somáticos asociados a un malestar psicológico significativo evidente o no, pero sin una base estructural delimitada. Si la sintomatología se asocia al sistema nervioso se denominan trastornos conversivos (TC). Su etiología tiene una naturaleza multicausal y compleja y se expresan en todos los sistemas del organismo. Los TS y los TC han sido poco estudiados en la otorrinolaringología pediátrica y su enseñanza es escasa en la formación médica. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática sobre TS y TC en otorrinolaringología pediátrica en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, SciELO y Cochrane Library. Se incluyeron 49 referencias, principalmente estudios observacionales y revisiones narrativas. Los cuadros clínicos descritos fueron el estridor funcional, la sordera psicógena, el trastorno facticio y el vértigo psicógeno. El proceso diagnóstico requiere de la evaluación otorrinolaringológica y psiquiátrica. En todos los estudios se reconoció que los participantes tenían alguna alteración afectiva prominente, aunque a veces oculta. El análisis del contexto social y escolar, además de los antecedentes familiares de TS, TC o cualquier desorden mental son elementos primordiales. La terapia es multidisciplinaria, incluyendo intervenciones otorrinolaringológicas, fonoaudiológicas, psicológicas y psicofarmacológicas. Sin embargo, la evidencia que sustenta a las intervenciones especializadas es escasa. Los niños, niñas y adolescentes con TS y TC presentan hallazgos clínicos y biológicos que no se presentan en los simuladores. Un adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento se relacionan con un buen pronóstico.

Abstract Somatoform disorders (SD) make up a group of entities with polymorphic expression, characterized by the relevance of somatic symptoms associated to a significant psychological stress whether or not noticeable, but without a defined structural basis. When the symptomatology is related to the nervous system, they are known as conversion disorders (CD). Their etiology has a multicausal and complex nature, having expressions in all the body systems. SD and CD have been scarcely studied in pediatric otolaryngology and are poorly reviewed during medical training. We performed a systematic search on SD and CD in pediatric otolaryngology in PubMed/Medline, SciELO and Cochrane Library databases. We included 49 references, mostly observational studies and narrative reviews. The most described clinical pictures were functional stridor, psychogenic deafness, factitious disorder, and psychogenic vertigo. The diagnostic process requires otolaryngologic and psychiatric evaluations. All studies showed that participants had some relevant affective alteration, although sometimes unnoticeable. Thus, some essential elements are social and school context, family history of SD or CD or any mental disorder. Therapy involves a multidisciplinary approach, including otolaryngologic, audiological, psychological and psychopharmacological interventions. However, evidence supporting specialized interventions is still scarce. Children and adolescents who suffer from SD and CD show clinical and biological findings which are not found in malingering. Proper diagnosis and treatment are related to a good prognosis.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 87-91, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987575


This paper aims to explore the main points of diagnosis, treatment and misdiagnosis of conversion disorder characterized by paroxysmal abdominal pain. The general hospitals had a high misdiagnose rate and no effective symptomatic treatment for conversion disorder patients with physical discomfort as main symptoms, which leading to heavy physical and mental burden of patients and waste of medical resources, so this paper retrospectively analyzed the etiology, diagnostic process, treatment and therapeutic effect of a case of conversion disorder with paroxysmal abdominal pain as the main symptom. Case analysis showed that the physical discomfort as chief complain of conversion disorder patients affected the rate of early correct diagnosis and treatment, so clinicians' ability of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of conversion disorder needs to be strengthened. At the same time, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in the clinical treatment and recurrence prevention of conversion disorder.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032216


Objectives@#Soldiers can manifest a wide range of psychological symptoms that varies from anxiety, depression to somatic symptoms in combative and noncombative situations. This paper aims to discuss the issue related to the challenges of establishing the diagnosis of a soldier in a stressful non-battlefield condition. @*Methods: @#We herein report a young soldier with no underlying medical condition who presented with initial abnormal behaviour associated with progressive mutism for two years. Physical examination was unremarkable. Relevant blood investigations and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain revealed no abnormalities. He was initially treated as brief psychotic disorder and was revised into Schizophrenia based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and was started on antipsychotics. However, he showed no improvement after two years on treatment. He was on the verge of being discharged from the service due to medical reasons. Therefore, he was readmitted to the ward for evaluation of the diagnosis while all of his medications were withheld. Different psychological approaches including supportive therapy and occupational therapy were employed.@*Results@#Following series of individual supportive therapy sessions, we uncovered the unconscious psychological conflicts within him. He gradually started to communicate verbally and his psychosocial functions began to improve. Upon discharged, the soldier was diagnosed as Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder.@*Conclusion@#A thorough and careful evaluation was crucial in assessing patients with progressive mutism to ensure a correct diagnosis was made. In a patient who failed to improve after optimum treatments were given, a different approach may be utilized to explore the possible factors that hindered the patient’ recovery.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218372


Background: Research in past four decades show that recent life events do contribute to the onset of psychiatric illness but exact relationship between stress and psychiatric illness is still unclear and studies on life events are relatively less in North Eastern region of India. Aim: To examine the nature of life events, perceived stress, their association with various psychiatric illness and impact on duration of hospital stay in admitted female patients. Method: It is a cross-sectional study on 100 female patients admitted in psychiatry ward in Assam Medical College & Hospital, Dibrugarh, Assam, India, over a period of one year. Life events were examined using the Presumptive Stressful Life Events Scale (PSLES) and perceived stress was assessed by 14-item questionnaire, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Result: Four most common stressful life events were financial problem/loss, death of a close family member, excessive alcohol use, and illness of a family member. Patients of schizophrenia perceived more stress than mood disorder followed by conversion disorder. Similarly, duration of hospitalisation was also higher in patients with higher perceived stress. Conclusion: The results of current research suggest that higher levels of perceived stress and negative life events are encountered in patients with schizophrenia. Life events in manic patients are usually related to social life while in depressive patients, role of loss is found more important like bereavement, loss of job.

Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 83(3): 165-176, jul-sep 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150075


Resumen Los eventos no epilépticos psicógenos (ENEP) son episodios paroxísticos descritos como cambios conductuales, alteraciones sensorio-sensitivas, o manifestaciones motoras que se asemejan a las crisis epilépticas pero sin mostrar actividad epileptiforme subyacente, no son producidos deliberadamente por el individuo, y responden a mecanismos multifactoriales de índole biopsicosocial. La información epidemiológica es limitada debido a la naturaleza heterogénea de la población afectada, así como a la escasa accesibilidad al videoelectroencefalograma (vEEG) necesario para su diagnóstico. En este contexto, es necesaria la convergencia de dos elementos importantes: historia clínica detallada (características clínicas sugerentes de ENEP e identificación de los factores asociados) y la ausencia de cambios electroencefalográficos en el vEEG durante el episodio. La evaluación psicológica provee información adicional relevante para la corroboración diagnóstica y para su manejo. El diagnóstico debe realizarse de manera oportuna, para evitar complicaciones en su evolución y tratamiento. Es vital una actitud positiva y alentadora hacia el/la paciente al momento de comunicarle su diagnóstico, así como la coordinación entre el neurólogo tratante y los profesionales de salud mental involucrados en el manejo y seguimiento del caso. La psicoterapia cognitiva conductual, asociada a psicofármacoterapia -cuando pertinente-, constituyen el tratamiento más eficaz de estos pacientes. Existen limitados estudios en Latinoamérica sobre aspectos epidemiológicos y clínico-evolutivos de pacientes con ENEP, por lo que más investigación y publicaciones respecto a esta problemática son indispensables dado su impacto sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sobre el costo de su manejo en los sistemas de salud.

Summary Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Events (PNEE) are paroxysmal episodes described as behavioral changes, sensory- sensitive disturbances, or motor manifestations that resemble epileptic seizures without showing underlying epileptiform activity, are not deliberately produced by the individual, and respond to multifactorial biopsychosocial mechanisms. Epidemiological information is limited due to the heterogeneous nature of the affected population, and to the limited accessibility to the video electroencephalogram (vEEG) necessary for its diagnosis. In such context, the convergence of two important elements is necessary: a detailed clinical history (clinical characteristics suggestive of PNEE, and identification of the associated factors), and the absence of electroencephalographic "ictal" changes in the vEEG. A psychological evaluation provides additional information, relevant for the diagnostic corroboration and management. The diagnosis must be made in a timely manner, to avoid complications in its evolution and treatment. A positive and encouraging attitude to the patient is vital when informing him/her of the diagnosis, as it also is the coordination between the treating neurologist and mental health professionals involved in the management and monitoring of the case. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, associated with psychopharmacotherapy -when needed-- constitute the most effective treatment approach for these patients. There are limited studies on the current epidemiological and clinical evolution of patients with PNEE in Latin America, and additional research regarding this problem is much needed, given its impact on the quality of life of the patients and on the cost of its management in the health care systems.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 78(6): 331-336, June 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131720


ABSTRACT Background: Motor functional neurological disorder (mFND) is a common and disabling condition. There are no evidence-based guidelines for treatment. Long-term outcome is often poor. This study describes the epidemiological profile, symptom pattern and outcome of patients admitted to the Belo Horizonte unit of the SARAH Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals from 1997 to 2018 with functional motor symptoms resulting from functional neurological disorder. Methods: This retrospective study reviewed data from 185 patients who met inclusion criteria for mFND. Diagnoses were made by multiple professionals in the presence of positive signs and excluding other neurological and systemic conditions. Results: 75.1% were women; 48.3% were receiving social security benefits. The youngest was 3 years old, the oldest 69. 23.8% were in wheelchairs, 77.2% had psychiatric disorders, 69.7% participated in rehabilitation programs and, among them, 70% improved. Conclusion: Participation in rehabilitation is beneficial for patients with mFND. Symptoms lasting for less than 30 days and aged less than 18 years had better outcomes (p<0.001).

RESUMO Introdução: Alterações motoras decorrentes de Transtorno Neurológico Funcional (TNF) são comuns, incapacitantes e com prognóstico ruim. Não há protocolos de tratamento baseado em evidências. Esse estudo descreve o perfil epidemiológico, os sintomas e a evolução de pacientes com alterações motoras decorrentes de Transtorno Neurológico Funcional (TNF) admitidos na unidade de Belo Horizonte da Rede SARAH de Hospitais de Reabilitação no período de 1997 a 2018. Métodos: Este estudo retrospectivo analisou dados de 185 pacientes que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão para TNF. Os diagnósticos foram realizados por múltiplos profissionais considerando a presença de sinais positivos e a exclusão de outras condições neurológicas e sistêmicas. Resultados: 75,1% eram mulheres; 48,3% estavam recebendo benefícios previdenciários. O indivíduo mais jovem tinha 3 anos de idade, e o mais velho, 69 anos. 23,8% usavam cadeira de rodas, 77,2% apresentavam desordens psiquiátricas, 69,7% tinham participado do programa de reabilitação e, dentre esses, 70% apresentaram melhora dos sintomas. Conclusão: O processo de reabilitação é benéfico para pacientes com TNF. Pacientes menores de 18 anos de idade e com sintomas de evolução com duração inferior a 30 dias apresentaram melhores resultados no tratamento (p<0,001).

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Autonomic Nervous System Diseases , Motor Disorders , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Hospitalization
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 45(6): 154-160, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-978953


Abstract Background: Optical coherence tomography is a contactless and fast neuroimaging method. Previous Studies have observed thinning of the ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer in many neurodegenerative diseases. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the layers of ganglion cell complex in conversion disorder. Methods: This study involved 50 conversion disorder patients and 50 healthy volunteers as the control. The parameters were measured and recorded automatically by a spectral optical coherence tomography device. Results: There was no difference in the retinal nerve fiber layers between the conversion disorder group and the control group (p > 0.05). The left and right choroid layer thickness acquired from three regions of the choroid layer was higher in patients compared with controls (p < 0.05). The ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer volumes were also significantly lower in the patient group (p < 0.05). Discussion: These ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer findings suggest that neurodegeneration occurs during the course of conversion disorder especially in subtype involved motor component. The choroid seems to be more related to the sensory component and it may be used to determine the active stage of the disease and to monitor inflammatory process like other inflammation markers used in systemic inflammatory diseases.

São Paulo med. j ; 136(5): 479-483, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-979387


ABSTRACT CONTEXT: The aim of the present clinical review was to illustrate the diagnostic difficulty associated with psychotic experiences during adolescence, in the light of the multiplicity of circumstances interplaying during this period. It was also intended to illustrate the observation that not all hallucinations occur in the context of a declared psychotic disorder. Case Report: The patient was a 16-year-old adolescent girl who came to the Emergency Department of Coimbra Pediatric Hospital. On admission, she displayed mood and sensory perception disorders, with a bizarre gait abnormality. A diagnosis of conversion disorder was finally suggested, in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition. CONCLUSIONS: Conversive hallucinations are rare in the psychiatric literature. This diagnostic hypothesis only gained consistency over a long period of follow-up within a child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient service, which was fundamental for appropriate diagnostic clarification. The authors discuss psychotic experiences that can arise from a neurotic setting and share the reasoning that was constructed in relation to the differential diagnosis. The psychogenesis and phenomenology of this young patient's conversive hallucinations and the therapeutic strategies adopted over the course of the follow-up are also discussed.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Psychotic Disorders/diagnosis , Conversion Disorder/diagnosis , Hallucinations/diagnosis , Follow-Up Studies , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 47(3): 155-164, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-978316


RESUMEN Antecedentes: El trastorno conversivo es un reto para los clínicos por los vacíos conceptuales en lo que respecta a la patogenia y cómo confluyen otras entidades psiquiátricas y la falta de aproximaciones a las vivencias tanto de pacientes como de familiares con la enfermedad. Objetivo: Describir los modelos explicativos (ME) que utilizan los cuidadores de niños y adolescentes con trastorno conversivo que consultan al Hospital Pediátrico de La Misericordia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con una muestra por conveniencia de 10 casos atendidos entre mayo de 2014 y abril de 2015. La herramienta usada fue una entrevista en profundidad con padres y/o cuidadores. Resultados: Los cuidadores tienen diversas creencias en torno al origen de los síntomas, y consideran principalmente enfermedad, factores mágicos místicos y factores psicosociales. Se explican los síntomas en cada caso de varias maneras, y no se encontró una relación directa entre estas creencias, el patrón de síntomas y los comportamientos de búsqueda de ayuda. La presentación sintomática es polimorfa y genera interferencia principalmente en la actividad escolar de los pacientes. La atención médica se percibe como pertinente y la atención psiquiátrica, como insuficiente. Entre los itinerarios terapéuticos, se describen consultas con diversos agentes, además de la atención médica, incluidas medicinas alternativas y enfoques mágico-religiosos. Conclusiones: Los ME en trastorno conversivo son variados, pero incluyen con frecuencia elementos mágico-religiosos y factores psicosociales. Las creencias subyacentes no se relacionan directamente con la búsqueda de ayuda u otras variables.

ABSTRACT Background: Conversion disorder is a challenge for clinicians due to the conceptual gaps as regards its pathogenesis, the way in which it converges with other psychiatric disorders, and the lack of approaches to the experiences of both patients and family members with the disease. Objective: To describe Explanatory Models (EM) offered to caregivers of paediatric patients with conversion disorder who attended the Hospital de la Misericordia. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted with a convenience sample of 10 patients who attended the Hospital de La Misericordia, ¿Bogotá? between May 2014 and April 2015. The tool used was an in-depth interview applied to parents and/or caregivers. Results: Caregivers have different beliefs about the origin of the symptoms, especially considering sickness, magical-mystical factors, and psychosocial factors. The symptoms are explained in each case in various ways and there is no direct relationship between these beliefs, the pattern of symptoms, and help-seeking behaviours. Symptomatic presentation is polymorphous and mainly interferes in the patient's school activities. The medical care is perceived as relevant, and psychiatric care as insufficient. Among the therapeutic routes, consultations with various agents are described, including medical care, alternative medicine, and magical-religious approaches. Conclusions: EMs in conversion disorder are varied, but often include magical-religious elements and psychosocial factors. The underlying beliefs are not directly related to help-seeking behaviours or other variables.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Therapeutics , Caregivers , Conversion Disorder , Psychology , Referral and Consultation , Stress, Psychological , Complementary Therapies , Homeopathic Pathogenesy , Emergency Medical System , Medical Care , Help-Seeking Behavior , Mental Disorders
Psiquiatr. salud ment ; 35(1/2): 56-67, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998484


La conciencia: característica esencial de esta dimensión de autorepresentación es la interpretación de ciertos estados internos del propio cuerpo como identidad mental y somática. La neurociencia de la conciencia sugiere fuertemente que un nivel de sincronización y unión entre varias partes del cerebro hasta cierto punto refleja la accesibilidad de varios contenidos mentales. Janet (1889) propuso el término désagrégation para referirse a los fenómenos de «no integración¼ y lo situó en el terreno de la anormalidad. Trastornos disociativos: en estos trastornos hay pérdida parcial o completa de la integración normal entre ciertos recuerdos del pasado, la conciencia de la propia identidad, ciertas sensaciones inmediatas y el control de los movimientos corporales (conversión)

The conscience: essential feature of this dimension of self-representation is the interpretation of certain internal states of the body itself as mental and somatic identity. The neuroscience of consciousness strongly suggests that a level of synchronization and union between various parts of the brain to some extent reflects the accessibility of various mental contents. Janet (1889) proposed the term désagrégation to refer to the phenomena of "non integration" and placed it in the terrain of abnormality. Dissociative disorders: in these disorders there is partial or complete loss of normal integration between certain memories of the past, awareness of one's own identity, certain immediate sensations and control of bodily movements (conversion)

Humans , Conversion Disorder/classification , Conversion Disorder/history , Dissociative Disorders/classification , Dissociative Disorders/history , Conversion Disorder/epidemiology , Dissociative Disorders/epidemiology , Hysteria
Psiquiatr. salud ment ; 35(1/2): 141-151, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998519


La conciencia: característica esencial de esta dimensión de autorepresentación es la interpretación de ciertos estados internos del propio cuerpo como identidad mental y somática. La neurociencia de la conciencia sugiere fuertemente que un nivel de sincronización y unión entre varias partes del cerebro hasta cierto punto refleja la accesibilidad de varios contenidos mentales. Janet (1889) propuso el término désagrégation para referirse a los fenómenos de «no integración¼ y lo situó en el terreno de la anormalidad. Trastornos disociativos: en estos trastornos hay pérdida parcial o completa de la integración normal entre ciertos recuerdos del pasado, la conciencia de la propia identidad, ciertas sensaciones inmediatas y el control de los movimientos corporales (conversión)

The conscience: essential feature of this dimension of self-representation is the interpretation of certain internal states of the body itself as mental and somatic identity. The neuroscience of consciousness strongly suggests that a level of synchronization and union between various parts of the brain to some extent reflects the accessibility of various mental contents. Janet (1889) proposed the term désagrégation to refer to the phenomena of "non integration" and placed it in the terrain of abnormality. Dissociative disorders: in these disorders there is partial or complete loss of normal integration between certain memories of the past, awareness of one's own identity, certain immediate sensations and control of bodily movements (conversion)

Humans , Conversion Disorder/classification , Conversion Disorder/diagnosis , Conversion Disorder/epidemiology , Dissociative Disorders/classification , Dissociative Disorders/diagnosis , Dissociative Disorders/epidemiology , Hysteria
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 68(1): 91-95, Jan.-Feb. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897802


Abstract Background and objective Patients undergoing spinal surgeries may develop postoperative visual loss. We present a case of total bilateral visual loss in a patient who, despite having clinical and surgical risk factors for organic lesion, evolved with visual disturbance due to conversion disorder. Case report A male patient, 39 years old, 71 kg, 1.72 m, ASA I, admitted to undergo fusion and discectomy at L4-L5 and L5-S1. Venoclysis, cardioscopy, oximetry, NIBP; induction with remifentanil, propofol and rocuronium; intubation with ETT (8.0 mm) followed by capnography and urinary catheterization for diuresis. Maintenance with full target-controlled intravenous anesthesia. During fixation and laminectomy, the patient developed severe bleeding and hypovolemic shock. After 30 min, hemostasis and hemodynamic stability was achieved with infusion of norepinephrine, volume expansion, and blood products. In the ICU, the patient developed mental confusion, weakness in the limbs, and bilateral visual loss. It was not possible to identify clinical, laboratory or image findings of organic lesion. He evolved with episodes of anxiety, emotional lability, and language impairment; the hypothesis of conversion syndrome with visual component was raised after psychiatric evaluation. The patient had complete resolution of symptoms after visual education and introduction of low doses of antipsychotic, antidepressant, and benzodiazepine. Other symptoms also regressed, and the patient was discharged 12 days after surgery. After 60 days, the patient had no more symptoms. Conclusions Conversion disorders may have different signs and symptoms of non-organic origin,including visual component. It is noteworthy that the occurrence of this type of visual dysfunc-tion in the postoperative period of spinal surgery is a rare event and should be remembered asa differential diagnosis.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivo Pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos espinhais podem evoluir com perda visual pós-operatória. Apresentamos quadro de perda visual bilateral total em paciente que, apesar de apresentar fatores de risco clínicos e cirúrgicos para lesão orgânica, evoluiu com distúrbio visual conversivo. Relato de caso Masculino, 39 anos; 71 kg; 1,72 m; ASA I, admitido para realização de artrodese e discectomia em L4-L5 e L5-S1. Venóclise, cardioscopia, oximetria, PANI; indução com remifentanil, propofol e rocurônio; intubação com TOT 8,0 mm seguida por capnografia e diurese por sondagem vesical. Manutenção em anestesia venosa total alvo-controlada. Durante fixação e laminectomia, evoluiu com importante sangramento e choque hipovolêmico. Após 30 minutos obteve-se hemostasia e estabilidade hemodinâmica com infusão de noradrenalina, expansão volêmica e hemoderivados. Na UTI, evoluiu com confusão mental, fraqueza em membros e perda visual bilateral. Não foi possível identificar achados clínicos, laboratoriais ou de imagem para lesão orgânica. Evoluiu com episódios de ansiedade, labilidade emocional e distúrbio de linguagem; foi aventada hipótese de síndrome conversiva com componente visual após avaliação psiquiátrica. Apresentou melhoria total de sintomas visuais após educação e introdução de baixas doses de antipsicótico, antidepressivo e benzodiazepínico. Houve regressão dos demais sintomas com alta no décimo segundo dia pós-operatório. Encontrava-se assintomático após 60 dias. Conclusões Distúrbios conversivos podem apresentar diversos sinais e sintomas de origem nãoorgânica, incluindo componente visual. Destaca-se que a ocorrência desse tipo de disfunçãovisual no pós-operatório de cirurgias espinhais é evento raro e deve ser lembrado como diag-nóstico diferencial.

Humans , Male , Adult , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Spinal Fusion , Blindness/etiology , Diskectomy , Conversion Disorder/complications , Laminectomy
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 428-431, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714287


Neurologic symptoms that develop unconsciously and are incompatible with known pathophysiologic mechanisms or anatomic pathways belong to Conversion Disorder (CD). CD diagnosis is based on the clinical history and the exclusion of physical disorders causing significant distress or social and occupational impairment. In a subgroup of CD, called functional weakness (FW), symptoms affecting limbs may be persistent, thus causing a permanent or transient loss of limb function. Physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy, hypnotherapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have been proposed as treatment strategies for FW-CD. Herein, we report a 30 year-old male, presenting with lower limb functional paraparesis, having obtained positive, objectively, and stable effects from a prolonged r-TMS protocol associated to a multidisciplinary approach, including psychological and sexuological counseling, and monitored by gait analysis. We postulate that our rTMS protocol, combined with a multidisciplinary approach may be the proper treatment strategy to improve FW-CD.

Humans , Male , Brain , Conversion Disorder , Counseling , Diagnosis , Drug Therapy , Extremities , Gait , Hypnosis , Lower Extremity , Neurologic Manifestations , Paraparesis , Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 67(6): 644-646, Nov.-Dec. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897791


Abstract Background and objectives This case report describes the rare occurrence of paraplegia caused by conversion disorder in a woman who received general anesthesia for breast surgery. Case report A 46-year-old healthy woman received general anesthesia for excision of a left breast fibroepithelial lesion. In the post-anesthesia care unit, she reported bilateral loss of both sensation and motor function below the knees. Physical signs and symptoms did not correlate with any anatomical or neurological patterns; imaging revealed no abnormalities. Psychiatric consultation was performed wherein familial stressor circumstances were identified, leading to diagnosis and management of conversion disorder. Conclusion Conversion disorder is characterized by alteration of physical function due to expression of an underlying psychological ailment. Its diagnosis requires thorough evaluation including appropriate workup to exclude organic causes. The meshing together of anesthesiology and psychiatry - as demonstrated by this case report - offers an opportunity to highlight important information pertaining to the definition, diagnosis, and management of conversion disorder as it may be encountered in the postanesthesia recovery period.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos Descrever a rara ocorrência de paraplegia causada por distúrbio conversivo em uma mulher que recebeu anestesia geral para a cirurgia de mama. Relato de caso Mulher saudável de 46 anos recebeu anestesia geral para excisão de uma lesão fibroepitelial na mama esquerda. Na sala de recuperação pós-anestesia, a paciente relatou perda bilateral de sensibilidade e motricidade abaixo dos joelhos. Os sinais físicos e sintomas não se correlacionavam com qualquer padrão anatômico ou neurológico; exame de imagem não revelou anormalidades. Uma consulta psiquiátrica foi feita e constatou circunstâncias familiares estressantes, o que levou ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento de transtorno conversivo. Conclusão O transtorno conversivo é caracterizado por alteração da função física devido à expressão de uma doença psicológica subjacente. Seu diagnóstico requer uma avaliação minuciosa, incluindo tratamento adequado para excluir causas orgânicas. O entrosamento de anestesiologia e psiquiatria, como demonstrado neste relato de caso, oferece uma oportunidade para destacar as informações importantes relativas à definição, ao diagnóstico e ao manejo do transtorno conversivo, pois esse transtorno pode ser encontrado no período de recuperação pós-anestesia.

Humans , Female , Paraplegia/etiology , Conversion Disorder/complications , Anesthesia, General , Middle Aged
Arch. Health Sci. (Online) ; 24(4): 77-79, 22/12/2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046936


Introdução: A Síndrome do Sotaque Estrangeiro (SSE) é uma alteração da parte central do sistema nervoso, cuja manifestação principal é uma afasia que mimetiza foneticamente o sotaque de determinado idioma. Objetivos: Abordar a manifestação dessa síndrome secundária à causa psicogênica. Casuística e Métodos:Este estudo tratará do relato de caso de Síndrome do Sotaque Estrangeiro psicogênica e irá discutir os contrastes com a Síndrome do Sotaque Estrangeiro clássica. Resultados:A paciente deste relato procurou atendimento de saúde em virtude de cefaleia e se apresentou durante o atendimento com sotaque caracteristicamente hispânico, negando qualquer contato prévio com o idioma. Conclusão: Após inúmeros exames e investigação clínica detalhada, a paciente teve como diagnóstico final SSE psicogênica, secundária a Transtorno Dissociativo Misto, entidade pouco descrita e relatada em arquivos e estudos médicos.

Introduction: The Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) is a disturbance at thecentral nervous systemexpressed as an aphasia that imitate phonetically the accent of a determined language. Objective:Approach the secondary manifestation of a psychiatry disorder. Patients and Methods: This study will report a case of a Psychogenicand will discuss the contrasts between the classic Foreign Accent Syndrome. Results:the patient of this study sought medicalattentiondue to a headache. During consultation, the patient started speaking with a Hispanic accent. She denied any previous contact with this idiom. Conclusion: After countlesslab exams and a thorough clinic investigation, the patient was diagnosed with psychogenicForeign Accent Syndromesecondary to Dissociative Mixed Disorder, a little known disease andrarely reported in medical studies.

Humans , Female , Adult , Conversion Disorder/drug therapy , Language , Mental Disorders/diagnosis
Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(6): 808-811, June 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902549


Paradoxical vocal cord motion or vocal cord dysfunction is a descriptive term for an inappropriate adduction of the vocal cords during respiration, which can cause respiratory obstruction and stridor. It is associated with psychiatric conditions in the great majority of cases. We report a 23 year-old high performance female athlete, referred for a recurrent bilateral paralysis of the vocal cords, with a history of four intensive care unit admissions for severe dyspnea and stridor, which were treated several times with intubation and with tracheostomy on two occasions. Myasthenia gravis was suspected and she was treated with pyridostigmine and prednisone. She was discharged but despite the treatment, she presented new episodes of stridor and was readmitted six months later. This time the pharmacological treatment was suspended. The neurological study disclosed a normal brain magnetic resonance, normal cerebrospinal fluid analysis and a normal electromyography. A conversion disorder was suspected and the patient was successfully treated with psychotherapy.

Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Respiratory Sounds/etiology , Conversion Disorder/complications , Dyspnea/etiology , Respiratory Sounds/diagnosis , Unnecessary Procedures , Conversion Disorder/diagnosis , Conversion Disorder/psychology , Dyspnea/diagnosis , Delayed Diagnosis , Vocal Cord Dysfunction/diagnosis , Vocal Cord Dysfunction/etiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-106774


OBJECTIVES: The author tried to find out reasons why and how hysteria(and conversion disorder) patient numbers, which were so prevalent even a few decades ago, have decreased and the phenotype of symptoms have changed. METHODS: The number of visiting patients diagnosed with conversion disorder and their phenotype of symptoms were investigated through chart reviews in a psychiatric department of a University hospital for the last 12 years. Additionally, the characteristics of conversion disorder patients visiting the emergency room for last 2 years were also reviewed. Those results were compared with previous research results even if it seemed to be an indirect comparisons. The research relied on Briquet P. and Charcot JM's established factors of the vicissitudes of hysteria(and conversion disorder) which has been the framework for more than one hundred and fifty years since hysteria has been investigated. RESULTS: The author found decreased numbers and changes of the phenotype of the hysteria patients(and conversion disorder) over the last several decades. The decreased numbers and changes of the symptoms of those seemed to be partly due to several issues. These issues include the development of the diagnostic techniques to identify organic causes of hysteria, repeated changes to the symptom descriptions and diagnostic classification, changes of the brain nervous functions in response to negative emotions, and the influence of human evolution. CONCLUSIONS: The author proposed that the evolutionary brain discord reaction theory explains the causes of disappearance of and changes to symptoms of hysteria(conversion disorder). Most patients with hysteria(conversion disorder) have been diagnosed in the neurological department. For providing more appropriate treatment and minimizing physical disabilities to those patients, psychiatrists should have a major role in cooperating not only with primary care physicians but with neurologists. The term 'hysteria' which had been used long ago should be revived and used as a term to describe diseases such as somatic symptom disorder, functional neurological symptoms, somatization, and somatoform disorders, all of which represent almost the same vague concept as hysteria.

Humans , Brain , Classification , Conversion Disorder , Emergency Service, Hospital , Hysteria , Phenotype , Physicians, Primary Care , Psychiatry , Somatoform Disorders
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 44(4): 237-242, oct.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-779629


Introducción: Hay una amplia experiencia en adultos que no es extrapolable a los pacientes pediátricos. Se describe en la literatura que el pronóstico de los pequeños es mejor, pero esto cambia cuando incluimos variables tales como comorbilidades, diagnóstico tardío y una imagen social de enfermedad neurológica que es muy convincente. El cuidado y la atención de estos pacientes generan muchos interrogantes. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura médica sobre las características clínicas, el diagnóstico, las comorbilidades y el tratamiento de este trastorno. Métodos:Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en MEDLINE y PubMed de las palabras clave "trastorno conversivo", "pseudocrisis", "tratamiento", "clínica", "niños" ("conversion disorder" OR hysteria OR hysterical) (children OR child OR childhood OR pediatric OR paediatric). Se incluyó en esta revisión el material de mayor relevancia encontrado. Conclusiones: El trastorno conversivo es un diagnóstico impreciso, frecuente en los servicios de pediatría de alta complejidad. En la búsqueda no se encontró consenso sobre cómo actuar en la atención de los pacientes luego del diagnóstico inicial. No es contundente que se cronifique ni es convincente la evidencia para afirmar que los factores de comorbilidad son lo que se mantiene en el tiempo. Es claro que la experiencia médica no dispone de una historia natural de este trastorno en niños y adolescentes. En cambio, se sabe que se trata de un padecimiento complejo, sobre el cual se tiene experiencia en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del estado agudo, pero no en su atención a largo plazo. Se propone que se estudie con detalle a cada paciente para definir el diagnóstico psiquiátrico y su tratamiento.

Background: Conversion disorder is diagnosed late, by exclusion and with a high risk of complications. There is a wide experience in adults that is not extrapolated to paediatric patients. According to the literature, the prognosis is better in children, but this changes when other variables such are included, such as comorbidities, late diagnosis and a very convincing social image of the neurological disease. Objective: To review the medical literature on the clinical features, diagnosis, comorbidities and treatment of this disorder. Methods: A literature research was performed on Medline and Pubmed, the terms used were "conversion disorder", pseudoseizures, treatment, clinic, children ("conversion disorder" OR hysteria OR hysterical) (child OR children OR childhood OR pediatric OR paediatric). The most relevant material found is included in this review. Conclusions: Conversion disorder is often an imprecise diagnosis in high complexity paediatric services. No consensus was found in the literature search on how to treat patients after the initial diagnosis. The evidence that it becomes chronic is not strong enough, just as the evidence is not convincing enough to argue that comorbidity factors are those maintained over time. Clearly, there is no medical experience of the natural history of this disorder in children and adolescents. It is only known is that it is a complex condition, on which there is experience only in the diagnosis and treatment of the acute state, but not so in the long-term care. It is proposed that each patient is studied in detail in order to define the psychiatric diagnosis and its treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Conversion Disorder , Mental Disorders , Prognosis , Therapeutics , Comorbidity , Diagnosis , Delayed Diagnosis , Hysteria , Literature