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Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 52(3): 507-526, May-June 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-957547


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é resgatar na biografia de Celso Furtado sua trajetória como servidor público entre 1943 e 1964. Mais conhecido por suas contribuições para o campo da economia, entretanto, Furtado iniciou sua carreira de funcionário e acadêmico, como pesquisador e professor, no campo da administração pública. Em 1943, Furtado entrou por concurso para o Departamento Administrativo do Serviço Público (Dasp) como assistente de organização e alcançou, 20 anos depois, a posição de ministro de Estado no governo de João Goulart (1961-1964). Durante o período investigado, Furtado trabalhou na Comissão Econômica para a América Latina (Cepal), em Santiago (Chile), entre 1949 e 1957, retornou ao Brasil para se tornar diretor do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico (BNDE), o que o levaria a organizar a Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (Sudene) da qual ele foi o primeiro superintendente. Furtado foi o principal disseminador das ideias da Cepal no Brasil que propunham a centralidade do Estado na promoção do desenvolvimento e a consequente necessidade de um novo perfil de gestor público para gerir esse processo. O período foi marcado pelo diálogo entre desenvolvimento econômico e administração do desenvolvimento, o que levou à tese da vinculação do desenvolvimento econômico ao desenvolvimento da técnica e arte de administração. Destarte, Furtado foi um dos pensadores cuja reflexão teórica e prática ajudou a consolidar as grandes empresas estatais do país. Resgatar a trajetória de Furtado como gestor público propicia uma reflexão ponderada sobre o papel do Estado na economia e sobre o papel do gestor público.

Resumen Este artículo investiga la trayectoria de Celso Furtado como administrador público entre 1943 y 1964. Más conocido por sus contribuciones para el campo de la economía, todavía, Furtado inició su carrera de funcionario y académico, como investigador y profesor, en la administración pública. En 1943, Furtado se unió mediante licitación al Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública (Dasp) como asistente de organización y alcanzó, 20 años más tarde, la posición de ministro de estado en el gobierno João Goulart (1961-1964). Durante el periodo investigado, Furtado trabajó en la Comisión Económica para América Latina (Cepal) en Santiago (Chile), entre 1949 y 1957, donde retornó a Brasil para ser nombrado director del Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico (BNDE), que lo llevaría a organizar la Sudene de la que fue el primer superintendente. Furtado fue el principal diseminador de las ideas de la Cepal en Brasil, que proponían una centralidad del Estado en la promoción del desarrollo y, en consecuencia, la necesidad de un nuevo perfil de gestor público para gestionar ese proceso. El período fue marcado por el diálogo entre desarrollo económico y administración del desarrollo, y que llevó a una vinculación del desarrollo económico al desarrollo de la técnica y arte de administración. Por lo tanto, Furtado fue uno de los pensadores cuyas reflexiones teórica y práctica han ayudado a consolidar las grandes empresas de propiedad estatal en el país. El rescate de la carrera de Furtado como gestor público ofrece una reflexión profunda sobre el papel del Estado en la economía y sobre el del administrador público.

Abstract This article presents a short biography of Celso Furtado, and his life as a civil servant between 1943 and 1964. Despite being recognized for his contributions to the field of economics, Furtado started his professional and academic career (as researcher and professor) in the field of public administration. In 1943, Furtado was hired as organizational assistant at the Public Service Administration Department (Dasp), after a competitive selection process. Twenty years later, he was appointed as Minister by President João Goulart for the administration 1961-1964. During the period covered in this study Furtado worked in the Economic Commission for Latin America (Ecla), in Santiago/Chile, from 1949 to 1957. After that, he returned to Brazil to become director at the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDE), where he created (and directed) the Superintendency for the Development of the Northeast (Sudene). Furtado was the main disseminator of Ecla's ideas in Brazil, which proposed a centrality of the State in the promotion of development and the consequent need for a new profile of the public manager to conduct this process. The period was marked by the dialogue between economic development and development management, which led to a linkage of economic development to the development of the technique and art of administration. In addition, he was one of the thinkers whose theoretical and practical thoughts have supported the consolidation of the big state-owned companies in Brazil. Studying the history of Celso Furtado as a public manager is a source of important reflections about the government's role in the economy and about the role of public managers.

Public Administration , Government Employees , Government , History
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607431


Objective To study the methods andfeasibility of re-entry of NAT reactive blood donors.Methods ELISA Non-Reactive(NR) and NAT Reactive(R) Blood Donors in 2012-2014 were selected and informed consent.Blood samples collected were tested:ELISA (HBsAg、Anti-HCV、Anti-HIV and Anti-TP) and NAT (HBV-DNA、HCV-RNA and HIVRNA).ELISA NR/NAT NR samples were tested by ECLA for HBsAg、HBeAg、Anti-HBs、Anti-HBc、Anti-HBe、Anti-HCV、Anti-HIV.Results 30 donors were called back,and 11 of them were ELISA NR/NAT R,which were deferred permanently.19 of them were ELISA NR/NAT NR,and the ECLA results were 89.5% ELISA NR/NAT NR donors were Anti-HBc R and/or Anti-HBe R (12 cases Anti-HBc/Anti-HBe R、5 cases Anti-HBe R).Anti-HBc R or Anti-HBe R donors had risk of infection,which were deferred permanently.2 cases all items Non-Reactive may be eligible for re-entry.Conclusion Re-entry of NAT reactive blood donors is very necessary and meaningful,but in the view of blood safety,it is important that establish a set of safe program for Chinese.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-71162


Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) were identified in 1980's, since then it has been intensively studied due to its various beneficial health effects such as anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-diabetic/obesity effects. Isomer specificity of a number of CLA isomers, especially predominant isomer 9Z,11E- and 10E,12Z-CLA, is now recognized. However, the less prevalent CLA isomers have not been well characterized. Recently, studies have reported the distinctively different effects of 9E,11E-CLA in colon cancer cells, endothelial cells, and macrophage cells compared to the rest of CLA isomers. In this review, various effects of CLAs, especially anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic effects, will be discussed with focusing on the isomer-specific effects and potential mechanism of action of CLA. At last, recent studies about 9E,11E-CLA in in vitro and animal models will be discussed.

Colonic Neoplasms , Endothelial Cells , Linoleic Acid , Linoleic Acids, Conjugated , Macrophages , Models, Animal , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-178267


The extracorporeal respiratory support has (ECMO) or extracorporeal lung assist (ECLA). Jugulocarotid(JC) ECLA, which drains venous blood via the internal jugular vein and perfuses via the common carotid artery, is recognized as a therapeutic modality for acute respiratory failure of neonates. But recent follow-up studies report the possible neurologic complications after the ligation of the carotid artery. Femoro-femoral (FF) bypass is reported to be effective in cardiac support during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Surgical approach of FF bypass is easier because of the superficial location of great vessels. To evaluate the cardiorespiratory support of FF bypass, twelve mongrel dogs were divided into JC and FF groups(n6 in each group) and ventilated artificially at F1O2 of 0.3 and 0.15 in a dog. While ventilating the oxygenator with N2 gas, control hemodynamic and blood gas values were obtained at FO1O2 0.3 and at F1O2 0.15. The values during VA ECLA in both groups were measured while flushing O2 gas into the oxygenator. We compared bypass flows and oxygenation effects between two groups. l) The comparison between JC ECLA and FF ECLA in F1O2 0.3 Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and cardiac output (CO) increased in both groups and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) decreased in JC group. Bypass flow rates were 86+/-6ml/kg/min in JC group and 62+/-8 ml/kg/min in FF group. 2) The comparison between JC ECLA and FF ECLA in FO 0.15 MAP and CO increased in both groups and MPAP decreased in JC group. VA ECLA increased the arterial oxygen tension from 49+/-12 mmHg to 93+/-20 mmHg in JC group and from 54+/-14 mmHg to 77+/-12 mmHg in FF group. Bypass flow rates were 103+/-21 ml/kg/min in JC group and 67+/-12 ml/kg/min in FF group. The amount of changes of deltaPaO2(y) related to bypass ratio(x) was same between two groups The systemic oxygenation effect of FF ECLA in hypoxia was as efficient as that of JC ECLA. In conclusion, FF ECLA can be adopted for acute respiratory failure in which PaO2 is maintained about 50mmHg.

Animals , Dogs , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Hypoxia , Arterial Pressure , Cardiac Output , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Carotid Arteries , Carotid Artery, Common , Flushing , Hemodynamics , Jugular Veins , Ligation , Lung , Oxygen , Oxygenators , Respiratory Insufficiency
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-36102


Neonatal venoarterial(VA) extracorporeal lung assist(ECLA) drains venous blood from the right atrium via the right internal jugular vein and perfuses oxygenated blood to the aortic arch via the right common carotid artery. Though VA ECLA supports cardiac function, it is not free from neurologic complications due to ligation of the carotid artery. Venovenous(VV) bypass is used early for acute respiratory failure. To reduce the number of veins ligated, a double lumen tube was developed. VV ECLA using the double lumen tube was tried on eight hypoxic dogs at F1O2 0.15. Control values of hemodynamics and blood gases were obtained while the 0.8 m kolobow lung ventilated with nitrogen gas. We measured the same parameters while ventilating the oxygenator with oxygen(ECLA on). Mean arterial pressure and mean pulmonary arterial pressure were decreased significantly during ECLA on. Bypass flow rate was 1042+/-72ml/min and bypass ratio(bypass flow rate cardiac output X100) was 40+/-15%. Arterial oxygen tension was increased from 52+/-14mmHg to 79+/-23mmHg during ECLA on, whose saturation was 94+/-2%. Venous drainage was limited with a double lumen tube, but it can be used clinically for moderate hypoxemia with ease.

Animals , Dogs , Hypoxia , Aorta, Thoracic , Arterial Pressure , Cardiac Output , Carotid Arteries , Carotid Artery, Common , Drainage , Gases , Heart Atria , Hemodynamics , Jugular Veins , Ligation , Lung , Nitrogen , Oxygen , Oxygenators , Respiratory Insufficiency , Veins
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-36105


After the heart-lung machine was used for the open heart surgery, it was hypothesized that the extracorporeal circulation might be applicable to the management of acute respiratory failure. The development of silicone membrane minimized the possible physical or chemieal damages to blood perfused into the oxygenator. Extracorporeal lung assist(ECLA) using a membrane oxygenator has been recognized as a therapeutic modality for acute respiratory failure, To simplify and reduce the voulme of the ECLA circuit, a small oxygenator, surface area 0.3 m2, was developed by Kurare Co., Japan. It was composed of non-microporous hollow fibers. We performed venoarterial(VA) ECLA to evaluate the gas transfer of the Kurare oxygenator. The priming volume of the ECLA circuit was about 150 ml. Venous blood was drained via the right external jugular vein. The maximum bypass flow rate was about l060 ml/min. Oxygenated blood was perfused into aortic arch via the right carotid artery. The increase of arterial oxygen tension was about 58 mmHg during VA ECLA. It was confirmed that Kurare oxygenator was adequate for the oxygenation support on hypoxic dogs. We tried this ECLA circuit on a postoperative cardiac patient on May, 20, 1991. After 90 hours VA ECLA, she recovered without any complicatioris.

Animals , Dogs , Humans , Aorta, Thoracic , Carotid Arteries , Extracorporeal Circulation , Heart-Lung Machine , Japan , Jugular Veins , Lung , Membranes , Oxygen , Oxygenators , Oxygenators, Membrane , Respiratory Insufficiency , Silicones , Thoracic Surgery