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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 556-560, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005707


【Objective:】 To study the emotional experience of family caregivers of patients with Pemphigus, and to provide reference for them to formulate targeted intervention and support. 【Methods:】 Using the phenomenological research method in qualitative research and purposive sampling method, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 family caregivers of patients with pemphigus from September 2021 to June 2022. Colaizzi analysis method was used for data analysis. 【Results:】 The emotional experience of family caregivers of inpatients with pemphigus was summarized into five themes: lack of cognition, high financial and psychological burden, more concerns about the use of hormone drugs in treatment, provide positive guidance and support for patients, negative effect on the quality of life. 【Conclusion:】 Nursing staff should pay attention to the emotional experience of family caregivers, enhance disease knowledge and medication explanation, conduct psychological counseling, and increase treatment confidence, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting the rehabilitation of patients.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(2): 103-114, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288982


Este artigo trata da evolução do conceito de objeto psicanalítico no decorrer da obra de Wilfred R. Bion, trazendo questionamentos clínicos e ilustrações com trechos de sua autobiografia e uma vinheta clínica.

This article deals with the evolution of the concept of Psychoanalytic Object during the work of Wilfred R Bion bringing clinical questions and illustrations with excerpts from his autobiography and a clinical vignette.

Este artículo trata sobre la evolución del concepto de Objeto Psicoanalítico durante el trabajo de Wilfred R Bion trayendo preguntas clínicas e ilustraciones con extractos de su autobiografía y una viñeta clínica.

Cet article traite de l'évolution du concept d'objet psychanalytique au cours des travaux de Wilfred R Bion apportant des questions cliniques et des illustrations avec des extraits de son autobiographie et d'une vignette clinique.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(1): 115-130, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288971


O objetivo deste trabalho é propor reflexões, baseadas na teoria, na experiência clínica e na arte, sobre as profundas alterações que a técnica psicanalítica vem sofrendo, principalmente a partir da teoria das transformações, de Bion. Ampliada a regra fundamental de Freud, a experiência emocional ganha destaque na apreensão da dupla psicanalítica e mobiliza a necessidade de se aproximar do criar como fator essencial na construção de uma linguagem que coloque analista e analisando em comunhão. A linguagem de emoção passa a ser produto dessa criação e responde, quando exitosa, a questões práticas que nos desafiam em toda sessão analítica: O que falar? Para que falar? Quando falar? Como falar?

The purpose of this work is to propose reflections, based on theory, clinical experience and art, on the profound changes that the psychoanalytic technique has been suffering, mainly, from the "Theory of Transformations", by Bion. Having broadened "Freud's fundamental rule", the emotional experience is highlighted in the psychoanalytic concern and mobilizes the need to approach creation as an essential factor in the construction of a language that brings analyst and analyzing together. The "language of emotion" becomes the product of this creation and responds, when successful, to the practical issues that challenge us throughout the analytical session: what to say? what to talk about? when to speak ?, how to speak?...

El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer reflexiones, basadas en la teoría, en la experiencia clínica y en el arte, sobre las profundas alteraciones que la técnica psicoanalítica viene sufriendo, principalmente, a partir de la "Teoría de las Transformaciones", de Bion. Ampliada la "regla fundamental" de Freud, la experiencia emocional se destaca en la aprehensión del doble psicoanalítico y moviliza la necesidad de acercarse al crear como factor esencial en la construcción de un lenguaje que coloque analista y analizando en comunión. El "lenguaje de emoción" pasa a ser producto de esa creación y responde, cuando es exitoso, a cuestiones prácticas que nos desafían en toda la sesión analítica: ¿qué hablar ?, para qué hablar?, ¿cuándo hablar ?, ¿cómo hablar?...

I objectif de ce travail est de proposer des réflexions basées sur la théorie, l'expérience clinique et l'art, concernant les profonds changements que la technique psychanalytique subit récemment, principalement depuis la «Théorie des Transformations¼ de Bion. En élargissant la «règle fondamentale¼ de Freud, l'expérience émotionnelle prend de l'importance dans l'appréhension du duo psychanalytique et mobilise la nécessité de s'approcher de la création en tant que facteur essentiel dans la construction d'un langage qui met l'analyste et l'analysant en communion. Le «langage de l'émotion¼ devient un produit de cette création et répond, en cas de succès, aux questions pratiques qui nous défient en toute session analytique : de quoi parler ? Pourquoi parler ? quand parler ? Comment parler ? ...

Psychoanalysis/methods , Transfer, Psychology , Expressed Emotion
J. psicanal ; 51(95): 273-284, jul.-dez. 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-984679


Com base em duas experiências particularmente dolorosas de perdas, o autor dedica-se a uma reflexão sobre o impacto da morte em como o tempo é experimentado durante o trabalho do luto. Este trabalho de caráter autoral, quase biográfico, foi escrito no decorrer de longos meses entremeados por momentos de silêncio e inspiração, buscando-se deixar que lembranças de diferentes naturezas pudessem vir a formar uma rede de conexões afetivas que favorecessem a continência, a transformação e a sobrevivência às perdas experimentadas. Passagens teóricas de Freud e Klein sobre o trabalho do luto e a experiência estética da transitoriedade são convocadas para dialogar com o autor na tentativa de esclarecimento acerca da percepção do tempo durante a elaboração de perdas afetivas. Este trabalho é dedicado à memória de Paola Magnani e Pérsio Nogueira.

Taking from two particularly painful experiences of loss, the author devotes himself to a reflection on the impact of death on the way time is experienced during the work of mourning. This authorial, almost biographical, paper was written over long months interspersed by moments of silence and inspiration, whilst attempting to let memories of different natures come to form a network of affective connections that favoured continence, transformation and survival to the losses experienced. Theoretical passages from Freud and Klein on the work of mourning and the aesthetic experience of transience are summoned to dialogue with the author in an attempt to clarify the perception of time during the elaboration of affective losses. This work is dedicated to the memories of Paola Magnani and Pérsio Nogueira.

A partir de dos experiencias particularmente dolorosas de pérdidas, el autor se dedica a una reflexión sobre el impacto de la muerte en la manera como el tiempo se experimenta durante el trabajo del duelo. Este trabajo de carácter autoral, casi biográfico, fue escrito a lo largo de luengos meses entremezclados por momentos de silencio e inspiración, buscando dejar que recuerdos de diferentes naturalezas pudieran formar una red de conexiones afectivas para favorecer la continencia, la transformación y la supervivencia a las pérdidas experimentadas. Los pasajes teóricos de Freud y Klein sobre el trabajo del luto y la experiencia estética de la transitoriedad son convocados para dialogar con el autor en el intento de esclarecimiento acerca de la percepción del tiempo durante la elaboración de pérdidas afectivas. Este trabajo está dedicado a las memorias de Paola Magnani y Pérsio Nogueira.

De deux expériences particulièrement douloureuses de pertes, l'auteur se livre à une réflexion sur l'impact de la mort sur la manière dont le travail de deuil est vécu. Cette œuvre d'auteur, presque biographique, a été écrite pendant de longs mois entrecoupés de moments de silence et d'inspiration, essayant de laisser des souvenirs de natures différentes former un réseau de connexions affectives qui favorisaient la continence, la transformation et la survie aux pertes subies. Les passages théoriques de Freud et Klein sur le travail de deuil et l'expérience esthétique de l'éphémère destinée sont invités à dialoguer avec l'auteur pour tenter de clarifier la perception du temps lors de l'élaboration des pertes affectives. Ce travail est dédié aux mémoires de Paola Magnani et Pérsio Nogueira.

Time , Bereavement , Psychoanalysis , Learning
J. psicanal ; 51(94): 175-185, jan.-jun. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-954663


Em um mundo em transformação é indispensável que a formação psicanalítica seja um objeto de estudo constante e de atenção renovada às invariantes que lhe conferem identidade própria. Os Institutos têm a árdua função de se constituírem como centro de transmissão de um campo de conhecimento vivo, em constante evolução, fomentando discussões e estimulando o desejo de pertinência, para que se formem psicanalistas engajados e comprometidos com o método psicanalítico em suas práticas clínicas. Para tanto, consideramos como suas ferramentas fundamentais: a "fé" no processo psicanalítico, o com-prometimento com o desenvolvimento da escuta analítica e com o próprio processo de transmissão da psicanálise, pondo ênfase na análise do analista e sua imersão no processo de vir a ser psicanalista. Este texto foi escrito com base nas reflexões feitas no grupo que se reúne mensalmente para estudar Formação Psicanalítica, o GEF-SBPSP.

In a world in transformation it is indispensable that the psychoanalytic training be an object of constant study and renewed attention to the invariants that give it its own identity. Institutes have the arduous function of establishing themselves as a center of transmission of a constantly evolving field of living knowledge, fomenting discussions and stimulating the desire for pertinence, so that psychoanalysts are engaged and committed to the psychoanalytic method in their clinical practices. In order to do so, we consider as its fundamental tools: "faith" in the psychoanalytic process, commitment to the development of analytical listening and the transmission process of psychoanalysis itself, with emphasis on the analysis of the analyst and his immersion in the process of becoming psychoanalyst. This text was written from the reflections made in the group that meets monthly to study Psychoanalytic Training: GEF-SBPSP.

En un mundo en transformación es indispensable que la formación psicoanalítica sea elemento de estudio permanente, cuya atención se renueve a las invariantes que le otorgan identidad propia.Los Institutos tienen la trabajosa tarea de que se establezcan como centro de transmisión de un campo que posee conocimiento vivo, el cual se halla en constante evolución, a través del cual fomenta debates y estimula el deseo de pertenencia, logrando que se reciban psicoanalistas comprometidos con el método psicoanalítico al ejercer sus prácticas clínicas. Para ello, consideramos fundamentales: la "fe" en el proceso psicoanalítico; el compromiso con el desarrollo de la escucha analítica, como con el propio proceso de transmisión del psicoanálisis; que se destaque el análisis del analista y, asimismo, su inmersión en el proceso para llegar a ser psicoanalista. Este texto ha sido escrito basado en reflexiones llevadas a cabo mensualmente por el grupo de estudios que analiza la Formación Psicoanalítica: GEF-SBPSP.

Dans notre monde en transformation, la formation psychanalytique doit être constamment objet d'études et d'attention aux invariants qui lui donnent sa propre identité. Les Instituts ont la difficile mission de s'ériger comme centre de transmission d'un champ de connaissances en évolution permanente stimulant les débats et le désir de pleine intégration à ses propos. Le but est de former des psychanalystes engagés et endossant la méthode psychanalytique dans leur activité clinique. L'essentiel pour y parvenir c'est la "foi" dans le processus psychanalytique, la responsabilité envers le développement de l'écoute analytique et la transmission de la psychanalyse, en mettant l'accent sur l'analyse de l'analyste et sa progression dans le processus de devenir psychanalyste. Ce texte est le fruit des réflexions qui ont lieu chaque mois dans le groupe d'études sur la Formation Psychanalytique: GEF de la SBPSP.

Psiquiatr. salud ment ; 35(1/2): 33-48, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998482


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo poder conocer la experiencia emocional de mujeres diagnosticadas con anorexia nerviosa respecto de su tratamiento, el sí mismo y el otro. Era interesante conocer cómo estas se describen e identifican y además cómo se desenvuelven con la alteridad, pudiendo rescatar de ello las influencias en sus vidas y en el proceso de la misma anorexia y tratamiento, por ende, en la expresión de sus emociones y el surgimiento de éstas. Se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, de alcance descriptivo-exploratorio y realizado mediante una metodología basada en la Fenomenología hermenéutica. En cuanto a la muestra, las participantes fueron seis mujeres entre 15 y 37 años, con una anorexia nerviosa diagnosticada y encontrándose en tratamiento a la hora de su participación. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la entrevista en profundidad semi-estructurada. Los resultados dan cuenta acerca de la experiencia emocional en torno al tratamiento. Al respecto surgen distintas maneras de expresión de sus emociones, por lo general negativas, como la rabia, inseguridad, invalidez, reactancia, etc. Sumado a lo anterior, el sí mismo y el otro se relacionan con la experiencia en tratamiento, ya que la manera de ser de estas mujeres influye tanto en el proceso de recuperación como en la manera en que se enfrentan a la alteridad, donde pueden mostrarse complacientes, como opositoras y en su totalidad culpables. Es aquí donde el cuerpo emerge como regulador de la relación con la alteridad y, por ende, surge el síntoma. Se concluye que el otro ya sea dentro del tratamiento como en la vida influye en que la sintomatología actualmente se encuentre latente.

The present study aimed to know the emotional experience of women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa regarding their treatment, the self and the other. It was interesting to know how these are described and identified and also how they develop with the otherness, and can rescue from it the influences in their lives and in the process of the same anorexia and treatment, therefore, In the expression of their emotions and the emergence of these. A qualitative approach was used, with a descriptive-exploratory scope and carried out using a methodology based on hermeneutic Phenomenology. As for the sample, the participants were six women between 15 and 37 years old, with anorexia nervosa diagnosed and being treated at the time of their participation. The technique of data collection was the semi-structured depth interview. The results tell about the emotional experience around treatment. Regarding this arise different ways of expressing their emotions, usually negative, such as anger, insecurity, disability, reactance, etc. In addition, the self and the other are related to the experience in treatment, since the way of being of these women influences both the recovery process and the way in which they face alterity, where they can be complacent or opposers, and in their totality guilty. It is here that the body emerges as regulator of the relationship with the otherness and, therefore, the symptom emerges. It is concluded that the other -either within the treatment as in life-, influences in that the symptomatology is currently dormant.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Self Concept , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , Anorexia Nervosa/therapy , Emotions , Body Image , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 876-883, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717007


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate whether aberrant tendency of noncurrent emotion was present in individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis and to explore its associations with various clinical profiles. METHODS: Fifty-seven individuals at UHR and 49 normal controls were enrolled. The tendency of experiencing noncurrent emotion was assessed using various noncurrent emotional self-reported formats, including trait [Neuroticism and Extraversion of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire], hypothetical (Chapman’s Revised Physical and Social Anhedonia Scales), and retrospective [Anhedonia-Asociality Subscale of the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS)] measures. Self-related beliefs (Self-Perception Scale), clinical positive and negative symptoms (SA Positive Symptoms and SANS), psychosocial function (Global Functioning Scale: Role Function and Global Functioning Scale: Social Function) were also examined. RESULTS: Subjects at UHR for psychosis reported more trait unpleasant and less trait pleasant emotions, more hypothetical physical and social anhedonia, and more retrospective anhedonia than normal controls. In UHR, self-perception was correlated to trait unpleasant emotion and hypothetical physical and social anhedonia. Negative symptoms in UHR were associated with hypothetical physical anhedonia and retrospective anhedonia. Global social functioning was related to trait pleasant emotion, hypothetical physical and social anhedonia, and retrospective anhedonia. Neurocognitive function, positive symptoms, and global role functioning were not related with any noncurrent emotional experience measures in UHR. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the aberrant tendency of noncurrent emotional experience may be present at the ‘putative’ prodromal phase and are grossly associated with self-related beliefs and psychosocial functioning but not neurocognitive functioning.

Anhedonia , Extraversion, Psychological , Psychotic Disorders , Retrospective Studies , Self Concept
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 2187-2191, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-697319


Objective To describe the relationship status of breast reconstruction after mammary gland surgery, and to explore the changes of sexual and emotional experience in breast reconstruction. Methods A semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted in 19 patients admitted to Hunan Cancer Hospital from October 2015 to December 2017 for reexamination in the hospital from 2 to 26 months after breast reconstruction. The Giorigi method was used to analyze data in the phenomenological analysis of qualitative research. Data collection, transfer and analysis are conducted simultaneously, and the method and content of the next interview were constantly adjusted with the existing data analysis results. Results The sex and emotional experience of breast reconstruction after breast surgery could be summarized into 5 subjects. The first was cognition of sexual life . The second was sexual psychological change.The third was physiological changes. The forth was the desire for sexual information. The fifth was breast reconstruction surgery brings the emotional fluctuation of both husband and wife. Conclusions Understanding of breast cancer postoperative breast reformer sexual and emotional experience can help medical personnel through effective communication and evaluation, provide targeted health education and consultation, improve recovery quality of life of patients.

J. psicanal ; 50(93): 249-256, dez. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-894141


Considerando os autores Freud, Klein e Bion, a autora propõe que a passagem do trabalho centrado nas representações e interpretações do inconsciente em Freud e Klein para o trabalho centrado no aprender da experiência emocional e na teoria de pensamento de Bion expostas na "Grade" e em "Transformações" implica enorme turbulência na prática psicanalítica. Sugere a necessidade de uma teoria da técnica que se coadune com essa mudança, mas se pergunta se essa é possível. A referência aos conceitos pressupõe um leitor familiarizado com os referenciais, pois privilegia, na exposição, questões suscitadas pelas teorias, e não a clarificação destas. A questão é o que faz o analista da "experiência emocional" que vai ocorrendo na sessão?

The author takes into consideration Freud's, Klein's, and Bion's work. The author identifies a great turbulence in the psychoanalytic practice as a result of the transition (or change) from Freud's and Klein's work, whose core is on the Representations and interpretations of the Unconscious, to Bion's work, which is focused on Learning from emotional Experience and on Theory of Thinking, both exposed in The Grid and in Transformations. The author suggests the need of a new Theory of Technique in accordance with this change, although she wonders if it is possible. When the author refers to concepts, she assumes that the reader is familiar with these references. Rather than clarify these theories, the author favours the issues that are raised by them. The main question is: What does the analyst do with the emotional experience that keeps emerging during the session?

Considerando el pensamiento de Freud, Klein y Bion, la autora propone que el pasaje desde el trabajo centrado en las Representaciones e Interpretaciones del Inconsciente, en Freud y Klein, hasta el trabajo centrado en el Aprender de la experiencia emocional y en la Teoría del pensamiento, de Bion, expuestas en La Tabla y en Transformaciones, implica una enorme turbulencia en la práctica psicoanalítica. Sugiere la necesidad de una Teoría de la Técnica que acompañe esta transformación, pero se pregunta si esto es posible. La referencia a conceptos teóricos presupone un lector familiarizado con ellos, pues en la exposición, la autora privilegia cuestiones suscitadas por las teorías y no la explicación de las mismas.

En considérant les auteurs Freud, Klein et Bion, l'auteur de l'article propose que le passage du travail centré sur les représentations et sur les interprétations de l'inconscient chez Freud et chez Klein au travail centré sur l'apprentissage de l'expérience émotionnelle et sur Théorie de la pensée de Bion, exposé dans "La Grade" et dans les "Transformations", amène à une énorme turbulence dans la pratique psychanalytique. L'auteur suggère le besoin d'une Théorie de la technique qui soit d´accord avec ce changement, mais elle se demande si ce changement est-il possible. La référence aux concepts présuppose un lecteur familiarisé avec les référentiels, une fois qu'elle privilégie, lors de l'exposition, les questions suscitées par les théories, n'ayant pas l'intention de les clarifier. La question est; qu'est-ce que l'analyste fait de l'expérience émotionnelle qui a lieu dans la séance?

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-980219


El trabajo explora perspectivas y posicionamientos de agentes educativos ante violencias en escuelas, problemas que enfrentan e intervenciones que realizan. Su objetivo es analizar verbalizaciones de los agentes educativos en contexto de investigación, describiendo significados que construyen sobre problemas y situaciones de violencia en las escuelas. Los conceptos de violencia simbólica, efecto-institución, mediaciones invisibles y olvido social, en enfoques socioeducativos e histórico-culturales, constituyen el marco teórico. Se articulan resultados de: indagación durante 2015 para Tesis de Maestría e indagación-intervención de estudiantes y tutores a través de una Práctica de Investigación de la Licenciatura en Psicología durante 2016, ambos en una escuela secundaria del conurbano bonaerense. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, de metodología etnográfica. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a directivos y entrevistas semi-estructuradas a docentes, orientadores escolares, observaciones de clases, recreos, comedor y talleres. Emergen violencias De la escuela, hipótesis sobre procesos operantes en su invisibilización y propuestas de cambio.

The work explores outlooks and positionings of educational agents about violences at schools, the problems they face and the interventions they develop. Its aim is to analyze verbalizations of educational agents in the research context, describing the meanings that they build about problems and situations of violences at schools. The concepts of symbolic violence, institution-effect, invisible mediations and social oblivion into socio-educational and historical-cultural approaches constitute the theoretical frame. Outcomes of the research along the Master Thesis work, during 2015, were articulated with outcomes of action-research work of students and tutors through a Research Apprenticeship into Undergraduate Course of Psychology during 2016, in a secondary school in Buenos Aires Province. It´s a qualitative descriptive study, of ethnographic methodology. In-depth interviews with masters and half-structured interviews with teachers and school advisors were developed, classroom work and playtime space observations, and workshops were displayed. Violences OF school and hypothesis on processes operating in its in-visibilization, emerge, besides change proposals.

Humans , Mentoring , Interdisciplinary Placement
Pensando fam ; 21(1): 33-49, jul. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-895215


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o estresse e a experiência emocional, destacando as respostas de enfrentamento (coping) apresentadas ao longo da vida, a partir de trechos de entrevistas de uma pesquisa qualitativa com casais heterossexuais de famílias intactas, da classe média do Rio de Janeiro e de Curitiba. Para tanto, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com perguntas norteadoras, seguindo um roteiro, e sendo gravadas em áudio. O coping é um processo complexo que engloba o estresse e a experiência emocional. Desta forma, coping e sentimentos estão intrinsecamente associados e ao analisar as emoções temos uma perspectiva mais abrangente. Observamos que os cônjuges estabelecem diferentes formas de coping e, quando o estresse é compartilhado, há repercussões emocionais, individuais e para o casal. Concluímos que, ao elegerem determinadas estratégias de coping, os casais relatam o desencadeamento de emoções e de sentimentos, positivos ou negativos, que, embora inicialmente vividos com dificuldades, podem ser transformados pelas respostas de enfrentamento conjunto do estresse.(AU)

The aim of this article is to analyze stress and emotional experience highlighting coping responses shown throughout life, from excerpts of interviews of a qualitative research with heterosexual intact families of middle class in Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. To this end, semi-structured interviews were done with guiding questions, following a guide. All the interviews were recorded in audio. Coping is a complex process that embodies stress and emotional experience. Therefore, coping and feelings are intrinsically associated and by analyzing emotions we gain a broader perspective. We observe that couples establish different ways of coping and when stress is shared there are individual emotional repercussions and also repercussions to the couple. We conclude that when couples choose certain patterns of coping, they report unleashing emotions and feelings, positive or negative, that even though, they are initially lived with some difficulties, they can be transformed by the stress coping responses.(AU)

Humans , Stress, Psychological , Adaptation, Psychological , Marriage/psychology , Emotions
Medisan ; 21(1)ene. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1016253


Se describen las vivencias afectivas y los factores condicionantes de 2 adultos mayores sin relación de pareja, pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente José Martí Pérez de Santiago de Cuba. Ambos manifestaron vivencias afectivo- negativas, dado principalmente por la depresión, la soledad, la frustración y la infelicidad, asociado a sus características personológicas y agravado por pertenecer a una familia disfuncional. A tales efectos, se propuso una estrategia de intervención con enfoque individual, familiar y comunitario, a fin de contribuir al bienestar emocional de este grupo poblacional.

The emotional experiencies and conditioning factors of 2 elderly without couple relationship, belonging to José Martí Pérez Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba are described. Both manifested negative emotional experiencies, given mainly by depression, loneliness, frustration and unhappiness, associated to their personal characteristics and worsened by belonging to a dysfunctional family. To such effects, an intervention strategy with individual, family and community approach was suggested, in order to contribute to the emotional well-being of this population group

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Sexual Partners/psychology , Precipitating Factors , Affective Disorders, Psychotic , Health Services for the Aged , Pain , Health of the Elderly , Mood Disorders , Loneliness
J. psicanal ; 50(92): 163-180, jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-878093


Este trabalho é uma reflexão a respeito do método do psicanalista. A autora enfatiza a disciplina de trilhar o caminho do conhecimento sem perder de vista o desconhecido, mantendo, assim, uma atitude ética diante do sentido inapreensível de nossa existência. O modelo de Popper é trazido como analogia para ilustrar o método do psicanalista pautado na interação dinâmica entre os dois níveis: (i) acesso pelo conhecimento, representação, e (ii) acesso pela expressão, pela vivência da experiência emocional, Sendo

This paper is a reflection on the psychoanalyst's method. The author emphasizes the discipline to tread the path of knowledge without losing sight of the unknown. It enables us to maintain an ethical attitude when facing the inapprehensible sense of our existence. Popper's model is presented as an analogy to illustrate the psychoanalyst's method, which is based on the dynamic interaction between two levels: (i) access through knowledge, representation, and (ii) access through expression, as one undergoes the emotional experience, Being

Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre el método del psicoanalista. La autora destaca la disciplina de la senda del conocimiento sin perder de vista lo desconocido, manteniendo así una actitud ética hacia el significado de nuestra existencia, difícil de alcanzar. El modelo de Popper es utilizado como una analogía para ilustrar el método del analista fundada en la interacción dinámica entre los dos niveles: (i) acceso por el conocimiento, la representación, y (ii) acceso por la expresión, por la vivencia de la experiencia emocional, Siendo

Ce travail est une réflexion concernant la méthode du psychanalyste. L'auteur met en relief la discipline de suivre le chemin des connaissances, sans perdre de vue l'inconnu, en conservant ainsi une attitude éthique en face du sens insaisissable de notre existence. Le modèle de Popper est apporté comme une analogie pour illustrer la méthode du psychanalyste obéissant à l'interaction dynamique entre ces deux niveaux: (i) l'accès par les connaissances, représentation e (ii) l'accès par l'expression, par les vécues de l'expérience émotionnelle, en Étant

J. psicanal ; 50(92): 195-208, jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-878112


A autora, mobilizada pelo processo analítico vivido com Laura, uma criança que praticava tricotilomania desde tenra idade, apresenta algumas vinhetas clínicas. O diálogo analítico possibilita, gradativamente, a criação e restauração da subjetividade por meio da representação simbólica do que estava inominado. Contribuições de autores psicanalíticos iluminam as conjecturas sobre a experiência emocional vivida pela dupla analista-analisando, ressaltando a importância fundamental, para o trabalho do analista no aqui e agora da sessão, do contato com o seu mundo interno e o do paciente, contato em que se conjugam o sentir e o pensar

The author presents some clinical vignettes after being touched by the psychoanalytic experience with a patient: a child with trichotillomania from early age. The dialogue gradually enables subjectivity to be created and restored by using the symbolic representation of what was innominate. Contributions from psychoanalytic authors enlighten the conjectures about the emotions the psychoanalytic pair - analyst and analysand - have experienced. The author emphasizes that it is vital for the psychoanalyst's work in the session his contact with both his patient's and his own inner world. In this contact, feeling and thinking are combined

La autora, movilizada por el proceso analítico vivido por Laura, una niña que practicaba tricotilomanía desde su tierna infancia, presenta algunas viñetas clínicas. El diálogo analítico posibilita, gradualmente, la creación y restauración de la subjetividad por medio de la representación simbólica de lo que estaba innominado. Contribuciones de autores psicoanalíticos iluminan las conjeturas sobre la experiencia emocional vivida por el par analista-analizada, resaltando la importancia fundamental, para el trabajo del analista en el aquí y ahora de la sesión, del contacto con su propio mundo interno y con el del paciente, contacto en el que se conjugan el sentir y el pensar

Mobilisée par le processus analytique vécu avec Laura, un enfant qui manifestait la trichotillomanie depuis le premier âge, l'auteur nous présente quelques vignettes cliniques. Le dialogue analytique permet, peu à peu, la création et la restauration de la subjectivité, au moyen de la représentation symbolique de ce qui n'était pas nommé. Des contributions d'auteurs psychanalytiques illuminent les conjectures sur l'expérience émotionnelle vécue par le double, analyste/analysant, en soulignant l'importance fondamentale pour le travail de l'analyste dans l'ici et le maintenant de la séance, du contact avec son monde intérieur et celui du patient, contact où l'on conjugue le ressentir et le penser

Psychoanalysis , Trichotillomania
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 432-435, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609117


Anhedonia,the diminished ability to experience pleasure,is one of the core negative symptoms in schizophrenia.From the perspective of emotion processing,the present review adopted the emotional processing approach to explore the relationship of emotional regulation,emotion expression and anhedoniain patients with schizophrenia.The review suggests that deficits in anticipating pleasurable events in patients with schizophrenia is associated withemotion regulation and expression.Clinical implications for future study are highlighted.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 25(2): 221-232, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-830355


To prove the hypothesis of facial feedback (FF) for opposite emotional stimuli, 30 participants viewed a happy video, with 15 of the participants posing a sad expression; another 30 participants viewed a sad video, with 15 posing a joyful expression. Levels of joy, sadness, anger and anxiety were recorded before and after the videos. All observers of the happy video showed a decrease in sadness, but those who posed for sadness expressed lesser decrease. For their part, participants who posed joy during the sad video recorded an increase in anger and anxiety, attributed to having to pose for joy. No evidence was found that FF can counteract the effects of an intense emotional stimulus. The evidence related to the controlling of the intensity of an opposite emotion was also limited. The study found that posing for joy while undergoing sadness could provoke other negative emotions. The study questions the practical usefulness of FF.

Con el objetivo de probar la hipótesis del feedback facial (FF) para estímulos emocionales opuestos, 30 participantes vieron un video feliz, 15 posando una expresión triste; y otros 30 participantes vieron un video triste, 15 posando una expresión de alegría. Se registraron los niveles de alegría, tristeza, ira y ansiedad antes y después de ver los videos. Todos los participantes que vieron el video feliz mostraron una disminución en la tristeza, pero aquellos que posaron tristeza durante el mismo, mostraron una disminución menor. Por su parte, los participantes que posaron alegría durante el video triste indicaron un aumento de la ira y la ansiedad, atribuido a tener que posar alegría. No se encontró evidencia de que el FF pueda contrarrestar los efectos de un estímulo emocional intenso. La evidencia relacionada con la regulación de la intensidad de una emoción opuesta, también fue limitada. Se encontró que posar alegría durante la experimentación de tristeza, podría provocar otras emociones negativas. Se cuestiona la utilidad práctica del FF.

Com o objetivo de provar a hipótese do feedback facial (FF) para estímulos emocionais opostos, 30 participantes assistiram a um vídeo feliz, dos quais 15 posaram com uma expressão triste, e outros 30 participantes viram um vídeo triste, dos quais 15 posaram com uma expressão de alegria. Registraram-se os níveis de alegria, tristeza, ira e ansiedade antes e depois de assistir aos vídeos. Todos os observadores do vídeo feliz mostraram uma diminuição na tristeza, mas os que posaram tristeza durante esse vídeo expressaram uma diminuição menor. Por sua vez, os participantes que posaram alegria durante o vídeo triste registraram um aumento de ira e ansiedade, atribuído a ter que demonstrar alegria. Não se constatou evidência de que o FF possa neutralizar os efeitos de um estímulo emocional intenso. A evidência relacionada com a regulação da intensidade de uma emoção oposta também foi limitada. Constatou-se que posar alegria durante uma experiência de tristeza poderia provocar outras emoções negativas. Questiona-se a utilidade da prática do FF.

Rev. psicanal ; 23(3): 477-489, 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-914676


Valendo-se do relato de uma sessão analítica, o autor ilustra e discute a importância fundamental da oscilação permanente entre conhecer e tornarse a experiência emocional em desenvolvimento na relação analítica, nos moldes propostos por Bion. Propõe também que os fenômenos vigentes na sala de análise constituem uma propriedade emergente do par analítico. Assim, são sempre transubjetivos. Sua observação e trabalho analítico como fenômenos subjetivos (do analisando ou do analista) ou do par analítico dependem de um ato de distinção realizado pelo analista (ou pelo analisando) que, em cada caso, gera um fenômeno diferente(AU)

Using the report of an analytic session, the author illustrates and discusses the fundamental importance of the permanent oscillation between knowing and becoming the emotional experience in course in the analytic relationship, as proposed by Bion. He also proposes that the current phenomena in the analytic room represent an emerging property of the analytic pair. Therefore, these phenomena are always transubjective. Their observation and analytic work as subjective phenomena (belonging to the analysand, to the analyst or to the analytic pair) depends on an act of distinction carried out by the analyst (or by the analysand), creating, every time, a different phenomenon(AU)

Valiéndose del relato de una sesión analítica, el autor ilustra y discute la importancia fundamental de la oscilación permanente entre conocer y volverse la experiencia emocional en desarrollo en la relación analítica, en los moldes planteados por Bion. Asimismo plantea que los fenómenos que ocurren en el consultorio constituyen una propiedad emergente del par analítico. Por eso, son siempre transubjetivos. Su observación y el trabajo analítico, como fenómenos subjetivos (del analizante o del analista) o del par analítico, dependen de un acto de distinción realizado por el analista (o por el analizante), que, en cada caso, genera un fenómeno diferente(AU)

Emotions , Physician-Patient Relations , Psychoanalytic Therapy
Ide (São Paulo) ; 38(60): 175-185, out. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-953935


A autora apresenta trechos da primeira parte da Autobiografia de Wilfred Bion, fazendo conexões com outros autores, com o propósito de ilustrar a necessidade de conhecer e, também, de permanecermos numa área de desconhecimento, o segredo. A busca é pela expressividade e não por justificar-se a priori por meio do entendimento da obra. O psicanalista, assim como o poeta, arrisca, e tenta não resolver o conflito. Entretanto, a mente humana oscila sempre, sendo necessária no processo epistemológico de cada um para conhecer/desconhecer.

The author presents excerpts from the first part Wilfred Bion's Autobiography making connections with other authors in order to illustrate the need to know and also to remain in unawareness realm, the secret. The search is for expressiveness and not by justify oneself a priori through the search of understanding.

Ide (São Paulo) ; 38(60): 247-254, out. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-953941


Este artigo coloca em discussão a temporalidade que atravessa o ser humano, desde o nascimento até a morte, considerando a tecnologia que impõe uma velocidade que supera a condição sensorial e imaginativa da mente. Em outras palavras, baseando-se nas ideias de Bion, pretendemos considerar o confronto entre a protomente e a mente simbólica.

This paper discusses the temporality that impacts the human being, from birth to death, considering the technology that imposes a speed that surpasses the sensory and imaginative condition of the mind. In other words, based on Bion's ideas we will consider the confrontation between the proto-mind and the symbolic mind

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 160-162, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480185


Objective This research aims to provide a theoretical basis for the nursing care for adolescent malignant lymphoma patients by probing into their emotional experience.Methods In-depth interview of qualitative study is adopted in the interviews with 9 adolescent malignant lymphoma patients,while Colaizzi' s seven-step data analytical approach is utilized to analyze and sort the data before the main idea is concluded and refined.Results These adolescent malignant lymphoma patients,with complicated psychological changes and a suicidal tendency,find it hard to cope with stress.Conclusions Nursing care should be provided to such patients and there should be a respect for their rights to know their disease as well as a timely crisis intervention to those who have a suicidal tendency.Furthermore,due attention should be given to the mental states of the family members and the stability of the family of the patients.We also call for the love and more support for these patients from the government and caring people in society.