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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(4): 933-952, oct,-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421579


Resumo Analisa o pensamento científico do engenheiro politécnico Heinrich August Anton Gerber, contratado pelo governo da província de Minas Gerais de 1858 a 1867. O artigo explora o significado cultural e intelectual das atividades do engenheiro, especialmente a ideia de criação de empresa privada no setor da infraestrutura viária, bem como a mediação para importação de instrumentos científicos e livros. Os resultados também indicam que Gerber participa do envio de brasileiros para estudar engenharia em Paris. Este texto investiga as trocas culturais entre Brasil e Europa, a aplicação do conhecimento científico e o encontro com problemas práticos de ordem econômica e social pelo engenheiro no interior do Império do Brasil.

Abstract This article analyzes the scientific thinking of the German polytechnic engineer Heinrich August Anton Gerber, who was employed by Minas Gerais province from 1858 to 1867. We explore the cultural and intellectual significance of his activities, particularly the idea of creating a private company within the roadway infrastructure sector and his mediating role in the importation of scientific instruments and books. Gerber also appears to have been part of efforts to send Brazilians to study engineering in Paris. Cultural exchanges between Brazil and Europe are investigated, along with the application of scientific knowledge and his encounters with practical economic and social challenges in the interior of the Empire of Brazil.

Cross-Cultural Comparison , Private Sector/history , Engineering , Transit-Oriented Development , Brazil , History, 19th Century , Europe
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(9): 3429-3440, set. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394242


Resumo O objetivo do artigo é discutir as percepções e ações do poder público sobre o processo de introdução, produção, conservação, distribuição e aplicação da vacina contra a varíola, o surgimento de instituições ligadas à vacina e à vacinação e seus principais entraves na Bahia do século XIX. O artigo enfatiza a dinâmica local e regional desse processo e aborda o problema da varíola na Bahia colonial, a chegada da vacina jenneriana, a difusão do método de vacinação, a constituição de instituições de saúde e as medidas de controle da doença implantadas a partir de 1808. No contexto do pós-independência e do Brasil Imperial, aborda os surtos de varíola e discute os problemas da vacina e da vacinação relacionados pelos presidentes da província da Bahia e os esforços locais para introduzir a vacina animal. O artigo se baseia em fontes primárias impressas publicadas na Bahia no século XIX e no diálogo com a literatura especializada.

Abstract This article aims to discuss the perceptions and actions of public authorities regarding the process of introduction, production, conservation, distribution, and application of the smallpox vaccine; the emergence of institutions associated with the vaccine and vaccination; and its main obstacles in Bahia in the nineteenth century. The article emphasizes the local and regional dynamics of this process. It addresses the problem of smallpox in colonial Bahia, the arrival of the Jennerian vaccine, the diffusion of the vaccination method, the establishment of health institutions, and the disease control measures implemented as of 1808. In the context of the post-independence and Imperial Brazil, this article addresses smallpox outbreaks and discusses the problems related to vaccine and vaccination listed by the governors of the province of Bahia and local efforts to introduce the animal vaccine. This article is based on printed primary sources published in Bahia in the nineteenth century, as well as through dialogues with specialized literature.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0178, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347238


Este artigo enfoca as circunstâncias que configuraram uma identidade específica a imigrantes identificados como "austríacos". O lócus principal da pesquisa é um núcleo de povoamento no interior do Rio Grande do Sul, reunindo dados que vão do final do século XIX ao final do século XX, período que contempla, em termos internacionais, a existência, ainda que a poucas décadas do seu final, do Império Austro-Húngaro e, em nível local, investimentos recentes no memorialismo étnico. Está sendo dado destaque aos agentes que realizam conexões entre mundos e tempos diferentes e aos modos pelos quais são operacionalizadas as representações do passado.

This article focuses the circumstances which shaped the creation of a specific identity forimmigrants recognized as 'Austrians' in the South of Brazil. The main locus of this research is a small settlement in Rio Grande do Sul's inland, as we collected data from the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentiethcentury, comprising the finalyears of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and locally witnessing late investment in ethnic memorialism. We highlight the agents who accomplish connections between distinct worlds and times, as well as the ways in which past representations are put into action.

Este artículo se centra en las circunstancias que dieron forma a una identidad específica para los inmigrantes identificados como austríacos. El lugar principal de la investigación es un asentamiento en el interior de Río Grande del Sur y fueron recolectados datos que van desde finales del siglo XIX hasta finales del siglo XX, un período que contempla, en términos internacionales, la existencia, aunque unas pocas décadas a partir de su fin, del Imperio austrohúngaro y, en lo local, las recientes inversiones en el memorialismo étnico. Se hace hincapié en los agentes que conectan diferentes mundos y tiempos y en las formas en las que las representaciones del pasado se hacen operativas.

Humans , Brazil , Emigration and Immigration , Austria-Hungary , Memory , Censuses , Photograph , Anthropology, Cultural
Rev. chil. infectol ; 37(4): 450-455, ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138569


Resumen El Imperio Romano sufrió entre el siglo II y III dos grandes pestes, la Peste Antonina, de la cual existe bibliografía, y la Peste de Cipriano, que es menos conocida. Como una visión de conjunto, ambas pandemias se asemejan a la crisis que en el 2020 el coronavirus está generando en muchos aspectos de la vida humana. Este artículo se centra en el impacto que la peste de Cipriano tuvo en el contexto de la crisis del siglo III; su mortalidad se estima entre 10-20% de la población en los lugares afectados y finalmente sus efectos generaron varias de las condiciones necesarias para la transición del mundo antiguo al medieval. Se trata de comprender cómo el ciclo de pestes que va desde el siglo II al siglo III cambió la fisonomía del mundo romano y que lecciones nos entrega la historia 1700 años después.

Abstract Between the 2nd and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire suffered two great plagues, the Antonine Plague, of which there is a bibliography, and the lesser known Plague of Cyprian. As an overview, both pandemics resemble the crisis that in 2020 the Coronavirus is generating in many aspects of human life. This article focuses on the impact that the Cyprian plague had in the context of the crisis of the third century, its mortality is estimated between 10-20% of the population in the affected places, finally its effects generated several of the necessary conditions for the transition from the ancient to the medieval world. It is about understanding how the cycle of plagues that went from the 2nd century to the 3rd century changed the appearance of the Roman world and what lessons history gives us 1700 years later.

Humans , Plague/history , Pandemics/history , Plague/epidemiology , Roman World , History, Ancient
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(supl.1): 195-213, out.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056278


Resumo O estudo examina o processo de constituição e operacionalização de uma confraria devocional na vila de Cachoeira, província da Bahia, ao longo do período imperial brasileiro. Merecerá destaque o decreto do imperador dom Pedro I que elevou o então centenário Hospital São João de Deus, equipamento do patrimônio régio administrado por dirigentes designados pela Câmara de Vereadores, à condição de Santa Casa de Misericórdia. Além disso, será analisada a política de concessão de privilégios e consignações orçamentárias do governo da província destinada às misericórdias baianas. Conclui-se que a política das finanças públicas do Estado brasileiro, na Bahia, representou um estímulo relevante para a fundação e para a sustentação econômico-financeira da irmandade cachoeirana.

Abstract The constitution and operationalization of a religious brotherhood in Cachoeira, Bahia province, during the Brazilian imperial period, is investigated. Deserving of particular attention is the decree issued by Emperor Pedro I, which raised the then centennial São João de Deus Hospital, a royal institution administered by officials designated by the city council, to the status of Santa Casa de Misericórdia. The policy regulating the granting of privileges and provincial monies to all the institutions of this designation in Bahia is also analyzed. The study concludes that the financial policy adopted by the Brazilian State in Bahia constituted a significant stimulus both for the founding and for the financial upkeep of the Cachoeira brotherhood.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Brazil , History, 19th Century
The Korean Journal of Parasitology ; : 575-580, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786648


The aim of this study is to determine the species of parasites that affected the inhabitants of the city of Acre on the coast of the eastern Mediterranean during the Ottoman Period. This is the first archaeological study of parasites in the Ottoman Empire. We analysed sediment from a latrine dating to the early 1800s for the presence of helminth eggs and protozoan parasites which caused dysentery. The samples were examined using light microscopy and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. We found evidence for roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), fish tapeworm (Dibothriocephalus sp.), Taenia tapeworm (Taenia sp.), lancet liver fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum), and the protozoa Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica. The parasite taxa recovered demonstrate the breadth of species present in this coastal city. We consider the effect of Ottoman Period diet, culture, trade and sanitation upon risk of parasitism in this community living 200 years ago.

Cestoda , Diet , Dysentery , Eggs , Entamoeba histolytica , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Fasciola hepatica , Giardia lamblia , Helminths , Microscopy , Ottoman Empire , Ovum , Parasites , Sanitation , Taenia , Toilet Facilities
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 61(1): 213-253, jan.-mar. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890993


RESUMO O artigo procura indicar como, na primeira década republicana, ganha força uma maneira de entender o Brasil numa referência americana mais ampla. Para tanto, examino como, no momento de passagem do Império para a República, certos autores monarquistas, como Eduardo Prado e Joaquim Nabuco, e escritores mais próximos da República, como Rui Barbosa, Manoel de Oliveira Lima e José Veríssimo, entendem o lugar do seu país na América. Busca-se, em especial, analisar como intelectuais brasileiros passam a se movimentar entre os EUA e a América Latina até como maneira de entenderem sua própria identidade e enfrentarem, principalmente, a questão da democratização. Finalmente, o artigo aponta que muitas de suas preocupações os aproximam de intelectuais hispano-americanos do período, o que pode ser tomado como sinal de que o Brasil do final do século XIX enfrenta ordem de problemas comparável ao resto da América Latina, em particular, o novo desafio representado pela ascensão dos EUA como potência mundial.

ABSTRACT The following article seeks to identify how Brazil came to be understood in a wider American context in the first decade of the First Brazilian Republic. To do so, it examines how certain Monarchist authors such as Eduardo Prado and Joaquim Nabuco and more Republican writers such as Rui Barbosa, Manoel de Oliveira Lima, and José Verissimo, viewed Brazil's role in the Americas in the former's transition from an empire to a republic. A particular focus is placed on analyzing how Brazilian intellectuals came to move between the US and Latin America as a means of understanding their own identity, mainly grappling with the issue of democratization. Finally, the article reveals how many of their concerns align them with the period's Hispanic-American intellectuals, reflecting how Brazil faced a series of problems at the end of the nineteenth century comparable to those experienced by the rest of Latin America, particularly in light of the fresh challenge posed by the rise of the US as a world power.

RÉSUMÉ Cet article cherchera à montrer comment, lors de la première décennie républicaine, s'est progressivement imposée une façon de voir le Brésil dans un contexte américain plus ample. À cette fin, nous avons examiné de quelle manière, au moment du passage de l'Empire à la République, certains auteurs monarchistes, comme Eduardo Prado et Joaquim Nabuco, et écrivains plus proches de la République, tels que Rui Barbosa, Manoel de Oliveira Lima et José Veríssimo, entendaient la place de leur pays en Amérique. On cherchera en particulier à analyser de quelle façon les intellectuels brésiliens ont commencé à voyager entre les États-Unis et l'Amérique latine, y compris comme une manière de mieux comprendre leur propre identité et d'affronter plus spécifiquement la question de la démocratisation. Finalement, cet article montrera que nombre de leurs préoccupations finirent par les rapprocher des intellectuels hispano-américains de la même période, ce que l'on peut interpréter comme un signal de ce que le Brésil de la fin du XIXe siècle affrontaient finalement des problèmes comparables à ceux du reste de l'Amérique latine, et en particulier le défi que représentait l'ascension des États-Unis en tant que grande puissance mondiale.

RESUMEN El artículo busca hacer hincapié en el hecho de que, durante la primera década republicana, ganó fuerza una forma de entender Brasil influida por una referencia más amplia a América como continente. Para ello, examino la forma en que, en el momento del paso del imperio a la república, ciertos autores monarquistas, como Eduardo Prado y Joaquim Nabuco, y escritores más cercanos a la república, como Rui Barbosa, Manoel de Oliveira Lima y José Veríssimo, perciben el lugar que ocupa su país en América. Se busca, en especial, analizar de qué manera algunos intelectuales brasileños comienzan a vivir a caballo entre Estados Unidos y América Latina como forma de entender su propia identidad y afrontar, principalmente, la cuestión de la democratización. Por último, el artículo señala que muchas de sus preocupaciones los acercan a intelectuales hispanoamericanos de la época, lo que puede ser tomado como indicio de que el Brasil de finales del siglo XIX afrontaba una orden de problemas comparable al resto de América Latina, en particular, el nuevo desafío representado por la ascensión de Estados Unidos como potencia mundial.

Politics , Latin America
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 151-184, 2018.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716254


The Korean Empire, its state sovereignty threatened by the Empire of Japan, joined the Geneva Conventions in 1903 for the purpose of neutral diplomacy and established the imperial Korean Red Cross Hospital in 1905. This hospital was a result of the effort of the Korean Empire to seek a new medical system based on the Western medicine. However, after the Russo-Japanese War, Japan interfered straightforwardly in the domestic affairs of Korea and eventually abolished the Korean Red Cross Hospital in 1907 to create Daehan Hospital under Japanese colonial rule. With newly-found historical records, this study investigates the whole process of the Korean Red Cross Hospital, which has remained unknown so far, despite its importance. From the very beginning, the Korean Red Cross Hospital was under strong influence of the Empire of Japan. The site for the hospital was chosen by a Japanese army doctor, Junryō Yoshimoto, and the construction was supervised by Rokurō Katsumata, who also later on are involved in the construction of Daehan Hospital. Moreover, all the main positions for medical treatments were held by Japanese practitioners such as Gorō Tatami and Kaneko Yano. Nevertheless, the Korean government had to shoulder the all operating costs. The office of the Korean Red Cross was relocated away from the Korean Red Cross Hospital, and the government of the Korean Empire was not willing to burden the expenses of the Hospital. Moreover, the list of employees of the Korean Red Cross and that of the Korean Red Cross Hospital were drawn up separately: the former is left only in Korea and the latter in Japan. These facts suggest that those two institutes were managed dualistically unlike any other nation, implying that this may have been a means to support the Daehan Hospital project. According to the statistics, health care services in the Korean Red Cross Hospital seems to have been carried out successfully. There had been an increase in the number of patients, and the ratio of female patients was relatively high (26.4%). Only Western medications were prescribed and surgical operations with anesthesia were performed routinely. The approach to Western medicine in Korea was changing during that period. The rise and fall of the Korean Red Cross Hospital represent the urgent situation of the Korean Empire as well as the imperialistic methodology of the Empire of Japan to use medicine as a tool for colonization. Although the transition process of medical policy by the Japanese Resident-General of Korea still remains to be fully elucidated, this paper contributes to a better understanding of the history of modern medicine in Korea.

Female , Humans , Academies and Institutes , Anesthesia , Asian People , Colon , Delivery of Health Care , Diplomacy , History, Modern 1601- , Japan , Korea , Red Cross , Shoulder , Social Change
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(4): 913-931, out.-dez. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-892557


Resumo O estudo demonstra como as traduções para a língua portuguesa influenciaram o mercado editorial, além de tentar compreender o estabelecimento da norma culta da língua portuguesa em fins do século XVIII. Fazendo um recorte temático sobre os textos de medicina, no universo de obras traduzidas, publicadas ou não, para o português no período 1770-1810, recorre aos paratextos dos tradutores - e, eventualmente, editores - dos livros médicos ou farmacêuticos, cruzando-os com as censuras dessas obras, feitas por médicos especialmente designados pelos órgãos de censura, ou por médicos/censores, a fim de buscar respostas, ainda que parciais, às perguntas sobre a circulação da palavra impressa, à difusão do conhecimento científico e aos debates relativos à definição da língua portuguesa.

Abstract This study demonstrates how translations into Portuguese influenced the publishing market in the late eighteenth century and sheds light on the establishment of standard Portuguese. Focusing specifically on medical texts translated into Portuguese from published works or manuscripts between 1770 and 1810, the translators' - and occasionally the editors' - paratexts in the translated books on medicine and pharmacy are investigated and cross-referenced against reports written by the censors on the same works, themselves physicians appointed by the censorship bodies or physicians/censors, in a bid to seek out answers, however incomplete they may be, to questions about the circulation of the printed word, the spread of scientific knowledge, and the debates concerning the definition of the Portuguese language.

History, 18th Century , Translations , Books/history , History of Medicine , Portugal
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 34(3): 635-648, set.-dez. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042235


Em finais do século XVIII a Coroa portuguesa implementou um sistema regular de colecta de dados demográficos nos seus domínios ultramarinos. A partir do modelo definido, cada governador deveria enviar anualmente o numeramento da sua jurisdição. O Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, em Lisboa, conserva mais de um milhar de tabelas estatísticas provenientes desde o Brasil até Macau. Esta documentação abre importantes horizontes para a história demográfica, social e colonial, apesar de relativamente negligenciada por historiadores e demógrafos. A partir destas fontes o projecto estuda a demografia e os processos estatísticos na construção do império português entre 1776 e 1875. Adiante discutimos o contexto desta investigação, com ênfase nas características da informação, variáveis e suas potencialidades, bem como uma agenda de investigação.

By the end of the 18th century, the Portuguese Crown implemented a system for the gathering of demographic data in its overseas domains. In accordance with the model defined, each governor was to send a population count for the area under his jurisdiction annually. At the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, in Lisbon, there are over a thousand "population tables" from Brazil to Macao. This documentation significantly broadens horizons for demographic, social and colonial history, despite having been relatively neglected by historians and demographers. These sources allow for the study of demography and statistical processes during the construction of the Portuguese Empire between 1776 and 1875. The context of this research, with an emphasis on the particular characteristics of the

A finales del siglo XVIII la Corona portuguesa puso en marcha un sistema regulado de recolección de datos demográficos en sus territorios ultramarinos. A partir del modelo establecido, cada gobernador debía enviar anualmente la numeración de su jurisdicción. El Archivo Histórico Ultramarino, en Lisboa, conserva más de un millar de tablas estadísticas que provienen de lugares como Brasil o Macao. Esta documentación abre importantes horizontes para la historia demográfica, social y colonial, pese a la escasa atención que han mostrado historiadores y demógrafos por ella. Con base en estas fuentes, el proyecto estudia la demografía y los procesos estadísticos en la construcción del imperio portugués entre 1776 y 1875. Analiza además el contexto de esta investigación, con énfasis en las características de la información, las variables y su potencial, junto con un plan de investigación.

Portugal , Population Characteristics , Demography , Censuses , Historiography , Brazil , Records , Colonialism , Map , History, 18th Century , Timor-Leste , Enslavement , Angola , Mozambique
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 34(3): 649-657, set.-dez. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042234


Resumo O projeto concernente a esta nota de pesquisa associa nos seus objetivos os interesses de vários pesquisadores que constituem o Grupo de Pesquisa Demografia & História, vinculados a diversos centros de pesquisa e programas de pós-graduação. Em síntese, a nossa intenção mais ampla é estabelecer as bases para a discussão dos regimes demográficos da população brasileira no passado. Com essa finalidade, estamos nos concentrando em "salvar" a memória populacional contida nas atas paroquiais de algumas freguesias selecionadas.

Abstract The project regarding this research note relates in its objectives the interests of several researchers who constitute the "Demography & History" Research Group, linked to several research centers and postgraduate programs. To sum up, our broader intention is to lay the groundwork for the discussion of the demographic regimes of the Brazilian population in the past. To that end, we are focused on "saving" the population memory contained in parochial records from selected parishes.

Resumen El proyecto de investigación vinculado con esta nota incluye en sus objetivos el interés de muchos investigadores que constituyen el Grupo de Investigación «Demografía e Historia¼, relacionado con varios centros de investigación y programas de posgrado. En resumen, nuestra intención más amplia es establecer las bases para la discusión de los regímenes demográficos de la población brasileña en el pasado. Con este fin, nos estamos centrando en «salvar¼ la memoria de la población contenida en los archivos de algunas parroquias seleccionadas.

Population Characteristics , Portugal , Research Personnel , Universities , Records , Demography , Research Groups , Historiography
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(3): 665-685, jul.-set. 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-953852


Resumo Com a perda da maioria de suas conquistas para os neerlandeses, o Oriente português ficou reduzido a feitorias residuais, e o Brasil passou a ocupar o centro das atenções nas políticas coloniais. Assim, no século XVIII, a Coroa portuguesa não demonstrou grandes interesses em desenvolver o conhecimento autônomo da natureza do Oriente. Tais interesses se apresentavam vinculados a propósitos de reconfigurar a economia das colônias brasileiras. Ganhava corpo o intuito de aclimatar no Brasil espécies orientais de interesse econômico, como a pimenta-da-índia, a noz-moscada, a canela, o cravo, a teca e o sândalo, propósito que não foi imediatamente bem-sucedido. O artigo acompanha essa tentativa de estender ao Oriente a rede científica portuguesa e o processo de transplantação de espécies.

Abstract As Portugal lost most of its conquests to the Dutch, Portuguese East Asia was reduced to the remaining trading posts (feitorias) and Brazil became the center of attention for colonial policies. Consequently, during the eighteenth century the Portuguese crown did not express greater interest in developing native Eastern knowledge of nature. These interests were tied to goals involving reconfiguration of the economy of the Brazilian colonies. The idea to cultivate economically important Eastern species such as pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, teak, and sandalwood in Brazil took shape, but was not immediately successful. This article examines this attempt to extend Portugal's scientific network to the East, as well as the process of transplanting these species.

Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , Science , Nature , Knowledge
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 545-578, 2017.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57732


The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male was an observational study on African-American males in Tuskegee, Alabama between 1932 and 1972. The U. S. Public Health Service ran this study on more than 300 people without notifying the participants about their disease nor treating them even after the introduction of penicillin. The study included recording the progress of disease and performing an autopsy on the deaths. This paper explores historical backgrounds enabled this infamous study, and discusses three driving forces behind the Tuskegee Study. First, it is important to understand that the Public Health Service was established in the U. S. Surgeon General's office and was operated as a military organization. Amidst the development of an imperial agenda of the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the PHS was responsible for protecting hygiene and the superiority of “the American race” against infectious foreign elements from the borders. The U.S. Army's experience of medical experiments in colonies and abroad was imported back to the country and formed a crucial part of the attitude and philosophy on public health. Secondly, the growing influence of eugenics and racial pathology at the time reinforced discriminative views on minorities. Progressivism was realized in the form of domestic reform and imperial pursuit at the same time. Major medical journals argued that blacks were inclined to have certain defects, especially sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, because of their prodigal behavior and lack of hygiene. This kind of racial ideas were shared by the PHS officials who were in charge of the Tuskegee Study. Lastly, the PHS officials believed in continuing the experiment regardless of various social changes. They considered that black participants were not only poor but also ignorant of and even unwilling to undergo the treatment. When the exposure of the experiment led to the Senate investigation in 1973, the participating doctors of the PHS maintained that their study offered valuable contribution to the medical research. This paper argues that the combination of the efficiency of military medicine, progressive and imperial racial ideology, and discrimination on African-Americans resulted in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

Humans , Male , Black People , Alabama , Autopsy , Discrimination, Psychological , Eugenics , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Hygiene , Military Medicine , Military Personnel , Observational Study , Pathology , Penicillins , Philosophy , Public Health , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Social Change , Syphilis , United States Public Health Service , United States
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 1-40, 2016.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167777


This paper explores the introduction process of Daehan Hospital from Japan as the modern medical facility in Korea, and the architectural planning characteristics as a medical facility through the detailed building process of Daehan Hospital main building. The most noticeable characteristic of Daehan Hospital is that it was designed and constructed not by Korean engineers but by Japanese engineers. Therefore, Daehan Hospital was influenced by Japanese early modern medical facility, and Japanese engineers modeled Daehan Hospital main building on Tokyo Medical School main building which was constructed in 1876 as the first national medical school and hospital. The architectural type of Tokyo Medical School main building was a typical school architecture in early Japanese modern period which had a middle corridor and a pseudo Western-style tower, but Tokyo Medical School main building became the model of a medical facility as the symbol of the medical department in Tokyo Imperial University. This was the introduction and transplantation process of Japanese modern 'model' like as other modern systems and technologies during the Korean modern transition period. However, unlike Tokyo Medical School main building, Daehan Hospital main building was constructed not as a wooden building but as a masonry building. Comparing with the function of Daehan Hospital main building, its architectural form and construction costs was excessive scale, which was because Japanese Resident-General of Korea had the intention of ostentation that Japanese modernity was superior to Korean Empire.

Humans , Asian People , Intention , Japan , Korea , Schools, Medical
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 21(3): 911-930, Jul-Sep/2014. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-725462


Na década de 1830, os navios da Marinha Real britânica tinham a missão de realizar mapeamentos precisos de costas e portos, contatar governos locais e estabelecer relações comerciais e diplomáticas. Ao voltar à Inglaterra, homens como Robert FitzRoy, comandante do His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Beagle, publicaram relatos de suas expedições. Descreveram e analisaram as sociedades visitadas, comparando-as com a atuação britânica no globo. No Brasil, entusiasmaram-se com as paisagens tropicais e criticaram seus habitantes, tidos como ineficientes na exploração econômica e socialmente atrasados. Naqueles anos, a ciência acompanhou a expansão imperial britânica, e os relatos dos comandantes legitimaram discursos sobre suas práticas de dominação.

In the 1830s, the Royal Navy’s ships were charged with precisely mapping out coastlines and ports, contacting local governments, and establishing trade and diplomatic relations. On returning to Britain, men like Robert FitzRoy, captain of the His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Beagle, would publish reports on their expeditions. They described and analyzed the societies they visited and compared them with Britain’s actions around the globe. Brazil’s tropical landscapes inspired their admiration, but its inhabitants were criticized for the inefficiency of their economic explorations and social backwardness. In this period, science accompanied the expansion of the British Empire, and accounts written by ships’ captains legitimized the discourse about its practices of domination.

History, 19th Century , Expeditions/history , Records , Ships/history , Brazil , Military Personnel/history , United Kingdom
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 21(3): 1011-1027, Jul-Sep/2014. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-725466


A partir de alguns textos escritos pelos cosmógrafos do Reino, entre os séculos XVI e XVIII, em Portugal, pretendemos evidenciar as bases técnicas e científicas que possibilitaram a expansão marítima europeia destacando as relações entre elas e a construção e o uso dos instrumentos matemáticos utilizados na navegação oceânica. Nosso objetivo, além de sublinhar os conteúdos científicos relacionados aos artefatos utilizados para as medições, é também verificar como a ciência e o conhecimento adquirem significado prático, estratégico e simbólico no contexto da expansão ultramarina de Portugal.

Based on certain texts written by Portugal’s cosmographers of the kingdom between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, we bring to light the technical and scientific foundations for the European maritime expansion, highlighting the relationships between them and the making and use of the mathematical instruments used in ocean navigation. Our objective is not just to underline the scientific aspects of the artefacts used for these measurements, but also to ascertain how science and knowledge acquired a practical, strategic and symbolic meaning within the context of Portugal’s expansion overseas.

History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , Astronomy/history , Astronomy/instrumentation , Oceanography/history , Portugal
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 203-238, 2014.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-226812


This paper explores the history of the biomedical construction of women's bodies as social bodies in the formation of colonial modernity in Korea. To do so, I engage with Michel Foucault's concepts of governmentality and biopolitics and the postcolonial history of medicine that has critically revisited these Foucauldian notions. These offer critical insights into the modern calculation of population and the biomedical gaze on female bodies on the Korean Peninsula under Japan's colonial rule (1910-1945). Foucauldian reflections on governmentality and colonial medicine can also shed light on the role of biomedical physicians in the advancement of colonial biopolitics. Biomedical physicians-state and non-state employees and colonizers and colonized alike - served as key agents investigating, knowing, and managing, as well as proliferating a discourse about, women's bodies and reproduction during Japan's empire-building. In particular, this paper sheds light on the processes by which Korean women's bodies became the objects of intense scrutiny as part of an attempt to quantify, as well as maximize, the total population in late colonial Korea. In the aftermath of the establishment of the Manchurian puppet state in 1932, Japanese imperial and colonial states actively sought to mobilize Koreans as crucial human resources for the further penetration of Japan's imperial holdings into the Chinese continent. State and non-state medical doctors meticulously interrogated, recorded, and circulated knowledge about the sexual and conjugal practices and reproductive life of Korean women in the agricultural sector, for the purposes of measuring and increasing the size, health, and vitality of the colonial population. At the heart of such medical endeavors stood the Investigative Committee for Social Hygiene in Rural Korea and Japan-trained Korean medical students/physicians, including Ch'oe Ug-sok, who carried out a social hygiene study in the mid-1930s. Their study illuminates the ways in which Korean women's bodies entered the modern domain of scientific knowledge at the intersection of Japan's imperialism, colonial governmentality, and biomedicine. A critical case study of the Investigative Committee's study and Ch'oe can set the stage for clarifying the vestiges as well as the reformulation of knowledge, ideas, institutions, and activities of colonial biopolitics in the divided Koreas.

Female , Humans , Colonialism/history , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , History, 20th Century , Human Body , Japan , Korea , Politics , Reproduction , Sexual Behavior , Women/history
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 27(4): 553-566, out.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-697248


Tendo em conta a relevância do material publicado nos primeiros folhetins brasileiros, olhares privilegiados sobre um momento importante da história do país, o objetivo deste estudo é discutir a presença do esporte no Rio de Janeiro dos anos iniciais da segunda metade do século XIX (1851-1855) a partir das representações de três pioneiros da crônica brasileira: José Maria Paranhos, Francisco Otaviano e José de Alencar. Estimulou-nos um conjunto de pioneirismos que de forma alguma são ocasionais: os momentos iniciais de uma prática, representados nos primeiros instantes de um gênero literário, em um período em que havia certa estabilidade política e econômica, no qual, entre alguns grupos, se fortaleceu o desejo de adoção de um ideário moderno.

Considering the relevance of the material published in the first Brazilian feuilletons, the aim of this study is to discuss the presence of the sport in Rio de Janeiro early years of the second half of the nineteenth century (1851-1855) from the representations of three pioneers of chronic Brazilian: José Maria Paranhos, Francisco Otaviano and José de Alencar. We were stimulated by some not casual coincidences: the initial moments of a practice, represented in the first moments of a literary genre, in a period when there was some political and economic stability, in which some groups began to aspire to adopt modern ideas.

Humans , Sports/history , Literature , Mass Media
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 20(2): 411-434, abr-jun/2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-680058


Analisa os congressos sanitários internacionais que aconteceram na América do Sul em 1873 e 1887, e que envolveram o Império do Brasil e as Repúblicas da Argentina e do Uruguai, numa perspectiva de integração a eventos similares ocorridos na Europa e na América do Norte a partir da segunda metade do século XIX. Discutem-se os interesses dos países envolvidos no que se refere às relações comerciais e ao fluxo imigratório europeu, diretamente atingidos pelas epidemias, e apontam-se as repercussões desses acordos sanitários nos demais países do continente americano. As convenções sanitárias americanas do final do século XIX representaram as primeiras iniciativas do continente para solucionar os problemas de saúde pública internacional.

This article analyzes the international sanitary conferences that were held in South America in 1873 and 1887, involving the Brazilian Empire and the Republics of Argentina and Uruguay, as an integral part of a series of similar events that took place in Europe and North America starting in the second half of the nineteenth century. The interests of the countries involved, namely trade relations and immigration from Europe - both directly affected by the epidemics - are discussed, and the repercussions of these sanitary agreements on the other countries in the Americas are indicated. The American health conventions in the late nineteenth century represented the first initiatives in the Americas to solve international public health problems.

History, 19th Century , Public Health/history , Disease Outbreaks , Congresses as Topic , History, 19th Century , Latin America
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 19(4): 1155-1170, out.-dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-660531


A formação e o estudo de coleções de história natural e de paleontologia participaram da instauração da ordem política do Império do Brasil, delineando também uma ordem científica. A simbiose entre ciência e nação encontrou em Peter W. Lund, iniciador dos estudos de paleontologia em nosso país, um agente ativo e constante. As coleções e escritos desse naturalista deram amparo à visualização do passado e à escrita da história em museus, instituições científicas e culturais brasileiras e europeias. As disputas pelo ordenamento político sob as Regências e a Maioridade foram acompanhadas de perto pelo estudo e a explicação das formas de vida e do globo no passado.

The formation and study of natural history and paleontology collections was part of the installation of political order under the Empire of Brazil, as well as the establishment of a scientific program. The symbiosis between science and the nation was actively promoted by Peter W. Lund, pioneer of paleontology studies in the country. The collections and writings produced by the naturalist lent support to the visualization of the past and the writing of history in Brazilian and European scientific and cultural institutions and museums. The disputes over the political order under the Regencies and the Majority were closely accompanied by the study and explanation of the forms of life and the planet found in the past.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Paleontology/history , Natural History/history , Museums , Brazil , History, 19th Century