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CienciaUAT ; 14(2): 104-116, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124387


Resumen La asignación de recursos públicos a la investigación agropecuaria es un factor de desarrollo para el sector agroalimentario del país, pero deben estar orientados eficientemente hacia la generación de productos tecnológicos que otorguen beneficios a la población. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el beneficio económico a nivel sistema de producción y sociedad, derivado de la inversión pública en investigación y desarrollo, del paquete tecnológico para la producción de frijol en zonas de temporal de la región norte centro de México. Para evaluar el impacto en los sistemas de producción, se aplicaron 42 encuestas a productores adoptantes del paquete tecnológico en municipios de Aguascalientes y San Luis Potosí; mientras que, para el impacto a nivel sociedad, se estimó el retorno económico que produjo la inversión pública utilizada en el proceso de generación y adopción de la tecnología en el periodo 2009a 2025. La medición se realizó a través del valor actual neto (VAN), la tasa interna de retorno (TIR) y la relación beneficio costo (R B/C). El costo de producción de los adoptantes fue mayor en 36.3 % comparado con la tecnología tradicional; en tanto que, el rendimiento aumentó en 102 % y el ingreso neto incrementó en 322.6 %. A nivel sociedad, la evaluación reveló un VAN de $ 10.9 millones, lo que representó 4.1 veces lo invertido en la generación de la tecnología. La R B/C fue de 5.1 y la TIR fue mayor a la tasa media real de rendimiento considerada (9.5 %). El desarrollo y transferencia del paquete tecnológico para la siembra de frijol representó una buena inversión de recursos públicos, beneficiando a la población y a los productores, porque incrementa la producción alimentaria y el ingreso neto del agricultor.

Abstract The allocation of public resources to agricultural research is a factor of development for the agri-food sector of the country and should be efficiently oriented towards the generation of technological products that provide benefits to the population. The aim of this work was to evaluate the economic benefit at a level of production system and society, derived from public investment in research and development of the technological package for dry bean crop production in rainfed areas in north central Mexico. To evaluate the impact on the production systems, 42 questionnaires were administered to users of the technological package in municipalities of Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí. Likewise, in order to assess the impact at a society level, the economic return produced by the public investment used in the generation and adoption process of technology in the 2009 to 2025 period was estimated. The evaluation was performed through the net present value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) and the cost benefit ratio (B/C R). The production cost for adopters was 36.3 % higher compared to traditional technology; however, the yield increased by 102 % and the net income increased by 3226 %. At a society level, the evaluation revealed an NPV of $ 10.9 million, which represented 4.1 times more than what was invested in the generation of technology; the B/C R was 5.1 and the IRR was higher than the real average rate of return considered (9.5 %). The development and transfer of the technological package for sowing beans represented a good investment of public resources, benefiting the population and producers, because it increases food production and farmers' net income.

Agora USB ; 20(1): 210-225, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124127


Resumen El derecho comercial a través de la historia no ha dado cuenta de la economía solidaria, lo que ha provocado una serie de equívocos conceptuales que impiden observar que existen otras formas de interacción mercantil que no están mediadas por el intercambio monetario exclusivamente y sin que se haga referencia al trueque como única forma cooperativa, ya que ello desconoce otras formas de relaciones de cambio, tales como la donación, o la producción responsable de productos solo dirigidos al cubrimiento de necesidades básicas y no a la acumulación mercantil. En estas nuevas modalidades que podemos encontrar como el Blockchain, redes, plataformas, Apps, y otras cadenas logarítmicas que pueden ayudar a construir intercambios no capitalistas, que a su vez permitan repensar la forma de producir y consumir de las sociedades modernas.

Abstract Commercial law throughout history has not accounted for solidarity economy, which has led to a series of conceptual misunderstandings. These prevent us from observing that there are other forms of commercial interaction, which are not mediated by monetary exchange exclusively, and without being referred to barter as the only cooperative form since they do not recognize other forms of exchange relationships, such as donation, or responsible production of products. The latter are only aimed at the coverage of basic needs, and not to the commercial accumulation. In these new modalities, we can find Blockchain, networks, platforms, Apps, and other logarithmic chains, which can help build noncapitalist exchanges, which in turn, allow to reconsider the way of production and consumption of modern societies.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(1): 135-145, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026610


O artigo, inicialmente, problematiza a ampla utilização nos estudos sobre pobreza desde uma perspectiva marxista da "Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista", apresentada por Marx no capítulo XXIII do Livro Primeiro de O Capital. Tais estudos parecem considerar que, nesse capítulo, o objetivo específico de Marx é discutir a questão da pobreza. Em seguida, o artigo sustenta que a rigor a Lei não consiste, como costuma ser lida, em uma "teoria da pauperização" desenvolvida por Marx. Com isso, revela, na sequência, que o seu objetivo é examinar a influência que o aumento do capital tem sobre a sorte da classe trabalhadora a partir da apresentação da lei tendencial característica da dinâmica do capitalismo. Destaca-se que na exposição realizada por Marx são colocadas em questão as condições vitais e de trabalho de forma ampla, não limitando a análise à preocupação com possíveis aumentos salariais ou melhoria da qualidade de vida como resultado de um maior acesso ao consumo no interior dessa forma de organização social.

The article initially discusses the wide use of the "General Law of Capitalist Accumulation" in studies on poverty from a Marxist perspective, presented by Marx in Chapter XXIII of Capital, vol. I. Such studies seem to consider that in this chapter the specific goal of Marx is to discuss the issue of poverty. Then, the article argues that the Law actually does not consist in a "theory of impoverishment" developed by Marx. In opposition to this rather usual interpretation, it sustains that, after the presentation of the tendency of the law characteristic of the dynamics of capitalism, Marx's goal in that chapter is to examine the influence that the increase of capital has on the fate of the working class. It should be emphasized that in the explanation put forward by Marx questions relative to life and working conditions are examines in broad terms, so that the analysis is not limited to the concern with possible wage increases or improvements in the quality of life as a result of greater access to consumption within this form of social organization.

Work , Poverty , Capitalism
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 13(1): 31-38, abr. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-836290


Introducción: el Encefalocele frontonasal es poco frecuente y ocurre por una falla en el cierre del tubo neural durante el desarrollo embrionario. Se asocia a otras anomalías del Sistema Nervioso Central. El scanner y la resonancia nuclear magnética permiten decidir la estrategia de resolución según los defectos óseos, la lesión externa y la deformidad de las unidades faciales. Debe manejarse con equipo multidisciplinario para lograr mejores resultados.En la literatura se describe el tratamiento quirúrgico de los encefaloceles anteriores, pero no se menciona la reducción del excedente cutáneo. En la mayoría de los casos el abordaje bicoronal permite el manejo del encefalocele y la piel, pero el problema surge cuando la superficie de la lesión es mayor. Material y método: Reporte de un paciente con encefalocele anterior gigante tratado en nuestro centro. Descripción del caso: Recién nacido de término sin diagnóstico antenatal de encefalocele frontonasal gigante derivado desde región. Se realiza manejo multidisciplinario logrando cierre de defecto neural y manejo del excedente cutáneo considerando las subunidades estéticas faciales para lograr buenos resultados estéticos. Conclusiones: El encefalocele nasofrontal gigante es poco frecuente y requiere un manejo multidisciplinario. La cirugía consiste en la resección de la masa herniada, cierre del defecto y manejo cutáneo. Este caso muestra cómo manejar un colgajo residual considerando las subunidades faciales.

Introduction: The Nasofrontal Encephalocele is rare. It is triggered by a failure in the neural tube closure during the embryonic development. This is associated with other anomalies of the Central Nervous System. The Scanner and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance allow deciding the best surgical resolution strategy, according to the bone defects, external injury and deformity of the facial subunits. In order to achieve optimal results, a multidisciplinary team is required. In the existing literature, surgical treatment of the Anterior Encephalocele is described. However, the skin facial excess in cases of giant tumors is not described. In most patients, bicoronal incision allows handling both the encephalocele and tissue excess. The problem arises when the injury surface is too wide to be treated by abicoronal incision. Materials and methods: Report of a clinical case of a patient diagnosed with a giant anterior encephalocele, who was treated in our center. Clinical picture and performed surgical treatment are described, emphasizing he skin excess reduction, considering the subunits for the repair. Conclusion: The Giant Nasofrontal Encephaocele is a rare defect that requires a multidisciplinary treatment. This surgery consists of resection of the herniated mass and closure of the defect with or without a cranial vault reconstruction. This case sets an example of how to handle residual flap tissue in patients presenting a frontal facial tumors, considering the facial subunits as a reference for the repair that allowed a good aesthetic results.

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Encephalocele/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-641797


Actualmente transitamos lo que fue conceptualizado como modernidad líquida, etc., en donde hay un rasgo a destacar: la incidencia cada vez mayor en la cultura de la manifestación de lo que podemos llamar excedente. Marx denomina plusvalía a un excedente no valuado de la producción en relación con un valor de trabajo o de uso; obedeciendo a la ilusión de poder ser acumulada y gozar de su acumulación. Lacan, hace una lectura de la plusvalía y, al promover el objeto a como plus de gozar, promueve dicho plus a la categoría de condición de posibilidad de otros goces. Pero esta instancia implica otra lógica económica: la de la economía psíquica. Nuestro trabajo intenta articular y diferenciar el excedente y el plus de gozar como concernientes a dos lógicas distintas y rescatar lo que el psicoanálisis propone, como estrategia, en el marco del tratamiento de las adicciones.

Nowadays, we are going through what it was conceptualised as " liquid modernity", etc, in which there is a feature to be highlighted: the higher repercussion of the evidence of, what it could be called ,"surplus" in our culture. Marx calls "surplus value" to an excess of the production not valued in connection to a working value or use one; obeying to the illusion that this could be accumulated and that joy may be obtained of its accumulation. Lacan makes an interpretation of the "surplus value" and, promoting the a object as "joy plus", he turns, as well, that plus into the category of a determiner of the possibility of other joys. However, this resort implies another economical logic : the psychic economy. The following paper tries to articulate and differentiate the "surplus" from the "joy plus", with regards to two different logics and rescuing what psychoanalysis proposes, as a strategy, in the context of the treatment of addictions.