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Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 94(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441809


Introducción: El fallo de medro es la incapacidad de un niño menor de 3 años de conseguir un desarrollo y crecimiento óptimo. A menudo es confundido con las variantes normales del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Objetivo: Examinar las variantes normales del crecimiento infantil y diferenciarlas del verdadero fallo de medro. Métodos: Se localizaron y seleccionaron estudios relevantes en las bases electrónicas Medline, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, Google Académico, SciELO y en libros digitales. Para la búsqueda se emplearon los vocablos: fallo de medro, variantes de la normalidad del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Se hallaron 89 artículos publicados entre 2005-2020 sobre temáticas afines, se escogieron 41 que conformaron la muestra. Análisis y síntesis de la información: Se actualizaron diferentes aspectos del fallo de medro: definición, clasificación, criterios diagnósticos, factores de riesgo, causas potenciales, evaluación diagnóstica y conducta. Se examinaron las características clínicas de las variantes de la normalidad del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil que permiten diferenciarlas del fallo de medro. Conclusiones: El retardo constitucional del crecimiento y desarrollo, la talla baja familiar, la talla baja idiopática, la prematuridad, el crecimiento intrauterino retardado, la delgadez y el catch-down, constituyen variantes normales del crecimiento infantil que se diagnostican erróneamente como fallo de medro y genera medicalización injustificada, gastos innecesarios en análisis complementarios y angustia familiar. Diferenciar estas entidades del fallo de medro permitiría enfocar las acciones de salud hacia objetivos más concretos y ofrecer a cada niño un tratamiento individualizado de acuerdo a su condición real de salud.

Introduction: Failure to thrive is the inability of a child under 3 years of age to achieve optimal development and growth. It is often confused with the normal variants of child growth and development. Objective: To examine the normal variants of infant growth and differentiate them from true failure to thrive. Methods: Relevant studies were located and selected in the electronic databases Medline, Virtual Health Library, Google Scholar, SciELO and in digital books. For the search, the words used were: failure to thrive, variants of the normality of growth and child development. 89 articles published between 2005-2020 on related topics were found; 41 were chosen and made up the sample. Analysis and synthesis of information: Different aspects of failure to thrive were updated: definition, classification, diagnostic criteria, risk factors, potential causes, diagnostic evaluation and behavior. The clinical characteristics of the variants of the normality of child growth and development that allow them to be differentiated from the failure of growth were examined. Conclusions: Constitutional growth and development retardation, family short stature, idiopathic short stature, prematurity, delayed intrauterine growth, thinness and catch-down were normal variants of infant growth that are erroneously diagnosed as failure to thrive and generate unjustified medicalization, unnecessary expenses in complementary tests and family anguish. Differentiating these entities from the failure to thrive would allow health actions to focus on more specific objectives and offer each child an individualized treatment according to their real health condition.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994289


To characterize the clinical and molecular features of a patient with maturity-onset diabetes of the young 11(MODY11) and literature review. The patient was a 30-year-old female with hyperglycemia for 2 years. Failure to thrivea, primary amenorrhea, intellectual impairment, and severe hyperlipidemia were present at the same time. A novel mutations of the B lymphocyte kinase gene(BLK) c. 1025C>T(p.A342V) was found in the patient. Literature review revealed that there were more than ten mutation sites in BLK-MODY11. Some of them had hyperglycemia, over weight or systemic lupus erythematosus. To date, the clinical characteristics of the patient, such as growth retardation, primary amenorrhea, and intellectual impairment have not been reported in MODY11. Our clinical report further expands the clinical presentations and variabilities of MODY11.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2022. 136 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1435707


Introdução: a hiperplasia adenotonsilar (HAT) é uma das causas mais comuns da Síndrome do Respirador Oral (SRO) devido à obstrução de via aérea superior em crianças e adolescentes. Tal afecção pode causar alterações ortodônticas, miofuncionais orofaciais, posturais, cardiopulmonares, antropométricas e polissonográficas. O diagnóstico precoce e indicação de Adenotonsilectomia (A&T) é essencial para reversão dessas consequências deletérias da SRO e restauração do bem estar biopsicossocial da criança.Objetivo: avaliar o estado nutricional, patência nasal, distúrbios do sono e fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo 1 (IGF-1) em crianças de dois a doze anos de idade com SRO devido HAT grave e comparar com a reavaliação após seis meses de pós-cirúrgico das crianças operadas e com as demais que permanecem com obstrução da via aérea e aguardam a cirurgia na fila de espera do Sistema Único de Saúde. Métodos: trinta pacientes com SRO por HAT grave e indicação de A&T foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, polissonográfica, dosagem do IGF-1, rinomanométrica, teste alérgico cutâneo, questionário de padrão alimentar e prática de atividade física antes da A&T. Dez pacientes repetiram essa avaliação seis meses após o procedimento cirúrgico (grupo intervenção). Vinte pacientes aguardam a cirurgia na fila de espera do SUS e tiveram seus dados antropométricos e de IGF-1 reavaliados após seis meses com obstrução da via aérea (grupo controle). Resultados: trinta crianças realizaram a fase pré-operatória do estudo. A idade média foi de 5,6 anos (±2,17). Dezessete (56,7%) eram do sexo masculino e treze (43,3%) do sexo feminino. O teste cutâneo foi positivo em dezesseis indivíduos (53,3%) As médias dos escores Z de estatura por idade foi de -0,95 (±1,09); peso por idade de 0,17 (±1,42); índice de massa corporal (IMC) por idade de 0,31 (±1,36). A média do fluxo nasal inspiratório total (FNIT) foi de 444,63 ml/s (±161,02) e da patência nasal de 72,9% (±24,76). A média do índice de Apneia e Hipopneia (IAH) do sono foi de 4,95 ev/h (±4,07); da saturação mínima de oxihemoglobina no sono (Nadir de O2) de 78,93% (±6,00); da percentagem de sono com saturação menor que 90% (T90) de 4,16% (±5,48); da porcentagem do sono com ondas lentas (sono N3) de 37,62% (±9,61). A média do escore Z de IGF-1 foi de 0,72 (±1,30). O grupo intervenção e grupo controle não apresentaram alterações dos dados antropométricos com significância estatística. Houve diminuição do IGF-1 após a cirurgia sendo a média do escore Z de IGF-1 pré-operatório de 1,33 (±1,74) e pós-cirúrgico de -0,07 (±0,85); p=0,03. No grupo controle a variação do IGF-1 não foi significativa. O grupo intervenção não apresentou alteração com significância estatística do FNIT e da patência nasal. Nas dez crianças operadas foi constatada uma melhora da média do IAH de 5,25 ev/h (±4,29) para 1,99 ev/h (±1,16) e do T90 de 6,27% (±7,46) para 0,64% (±0,55) com p<0,05. Já o sono N3 e o Nadir de O2 não apresentaram alterações significativas. Não houve mudança qualitativa no padrão alimentar e na prática de atividade física nos dois períodos avaliados na vigência da pandemia de COVID19. Conclusão: Após A&T houve diminuição do IGF-1; p=0,03, melhora do IAH; p=0,03 e do T90; p=0,04. A cirurgia não modificou o estado nutricional com significância estatística nas dez crianças após 6 meses de pós-operatório. No pós-cirúrgico, não houve diferença estatística do FNIT e da patência nasal, assim como nessa amostra também não ocorreram alterações significativas do sono N3 e do Nadir de O2. O padrão alimentar e a prática de atividade física foram semelhantes qualitativamente no pré e no pós-operatório. Vinte crianças no grupo controle não tiveram alterações significativas dos dados antropométricos e do IGF-1 com seis meses de espera pela cirurgia e permanência da obstrução da via aérea. Não houve diferença estatística dos dados antropométricos e do IGF-1 entre o grupo controle e o grupo intervenção.

Introduction: adenotonsillar hyperplasia (ATH) is one of the most common causes of Mouth Breathing Syndrome (MBS) due to upper airway obstruction in children and adolescents. This condition can cause orthodontic, orofacial myofunctional, postural, cardiopulmonary, anthropometric and polysomnographic changes. Early diagnosis and indication of Adenotonsillectomy (T&A) is essential to revert these deleterious consequences of MBS and restore the child's biopsychosocial well-being. Objective: to evaluate the nutritional status, nasal patency, sleep disorders and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in children aged two to twelve years old with MBS due to severe ATH and compare with reassessment after six months post-surgical care of operated children and others who remain with airway obstruction and are waiting for surgery on the Unified Health System (UHS) waiting list. Methods: Thirty patients with MBS due to severe ATH and indication for T&A were submitted to anthropometric, polysomnographic, IGF-1 dosage, rhinomanometric, allergic skin test, dietary pattern questionnaire and physical activity practice before T&A. Ten patients repeated this evaluation six months after the surgical procedure (intervention group). Twenty patients were waiting for surgery on the UHS waiting list and had their anthropometric and IGF-1 data reassessed after six months with airway obstruction (control group). Results: Thirty children underwent the preoperative phase of the study. The mean age was 5.6 years (±2.17). Seventeen (56.7%) were male and thirteen (43.3%) were female. The skin test was positive in sixteen individuals (53.3%) The average Z-scores for height for age were -0.95 (±1.09); weight for age 0.17 (±1.42); body mass index (BMI) for age of 0.31 (±1.36). The mean total inspiratory nasal flow (TINF) was 444.63 ml/s (±161.02) and nasal patency was 72.9% (±24.76). The average sleep apnea and hypopnea index (AHI) was 4.95 ev/h (±4.07); minimum oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep (O2 Nadir) of 78.93% (±6.00); percentage of sleep with saturation lower than 90% (T90) of 4.16% (±5.48); percentage of sleep with slow waves (N3) of 37.62% (±9.61). The mean IGF-1 Z-score was 0.72 (±1.30). The intervention group and control group did not show statistically significant changes in anthropometric data. There was a decrease in IGF-1 after surgery, with a mean preoperative IGF-1 Z-score of 1.33 (±1.74) and postoperative value of -0.07 (±0.85); p=0.03. In the control group, the IGF-1 variation was not significant. The intervention group did not show statistically significant changes in TINF and nasal patency. In the ten operated children, an improvement in the mean AHI from 5.25 ev/h (±4.29) to 1.99 ev/h (±1.16) and T90 of 6.27% (±7. 46) to 0.64% (±0.55) with p<0.05. On the other hand, N3 sleep and O2 Nadir showed no significant changes. There was no qualitative change in dietary patterns and physical activity in the two periods evaluated during the COVID19 pandemic. Conclusion: After T&A there was a decrease in IGF-1; p=0.03, AHI improvement; p=0.03 and T90 too; p=0.04. The surgery did not change the nutritional status with statistical significance in the ten children after 6 months postoperatively. Post-surgery, there was no statistical difference in TINF and nasal patency, as well as in this sample there were no significant changes in N3 sleep and O2 Nadir either. The dietary pattern and the practice of physical activity were qualitatively similar before and after the operation. Twenty children in the control group did not have significant alterations in anthropometric data and IGF-1 after six months of waiting for the surgery and the remaining airway obstruction. There was no statistical difference in anthropometric and IGF-1 data between the control and intervention groups.

Tonsillectomy , Adenoidectomy , Failure to Thrive , Mouth Breathing , Sleep Wake Disorders , Child , Nutritional Status , Polysomnography , Academic Dissertation , Rhinomanometry
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(6)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409427


Introducción: El adecuado seguimiento del estado nutricional en el niño pequeño tiene una gran importancia para su futuro desarrollo. Objetivo: Validar la escala predictora de fallo de medro en lactantes en el municipio Arroyo Naranjo en la provincia de La Habana. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional de cohorte en lactantes procedentes de un municipio de La Habana, realizado durante el período de enero de 2016 a octubre 2018. La muestra fue no probabilística, conformada por 203 casos. La discriminación se realizó mediante el análisis de la curva Característica Operativa del Receptor y la calibración por el Test de Hosmer y Lemeshow. Resultados: Presentaron Fallo de Medro 25,1 por ciento de los lactantes, predominó el sexo masculino en la muestra (52,8 por ciento) y de los factores de riesgos estudiados la no lactancia materna exclusiva se presentó en 67,4 por ciento de los niños con fallo. La validación mostró un excelente poder discriminante con valor del área bajo la curva de 0,93, mientras la calibración por el Test de Hosmer y Lemeshow presentó valor global de p < 0,05 y un índice de fallo de medro de 0,86. Los parámetros de evaluación de la exactitud diagnóstica al aplicar la escala tuvieron una sensibilidad de 87,9 por ciento, una especificidad de 99,4, elevados valores predictivos y una razón de verosimilitud positiva de 40.5. Conclusiones: La escala predictora de fallo de medro en lactantes resultó de gran utilidad para pronóstico de casos con fallo en la nueva población estudiada(AU)

Introduction: The adequate monitoring of the nutritional status in young children is of great importance for their future development. Objective: To validate the predictive scale of failure to thrive in infants from Arroyo Naranjo municipality, Havana province. Material and Methods: An observational cohort study in infants from a municipality of Havana was carried out during the period from January 2016 to October 2018. It included a non-probabilistic sample that consists of 203 cases. The discrimination was carried out by means of the analysis of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and the calibration was done by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Results: The results show that 25,1 percent of the infants presented failure to thrive, the male sex predominated in the sample (52,8 percent) and of the risk factors studied, non-exclusive breastfeeding was present in 67,4 percent of children with failure. The validation showed an excellent discriminant power with a value of the area under the curve of 0,93, while the calibration done by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test presented a global value of p <0,05 and a failure rate of 0.86. When applying the scale, the evaluation parameters of diagnostic accuracy had a sensitivity of 87,9 percent, a specificity of 99,4, high predictive values, ​​and a positive likelihood ratio of 40.5. Conclusions: The predictive scale of failure to thrive in infants was very useful to predict cases of failure in the new population studied(AU).

Humans , Infant , Reference Standards , Nutritional Status , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity , Aftercare , Social Discrimination , Cohort Studies
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 41(3): 541-554, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345402


Abstract Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO) global estimates for 2017, 9.6% of children under 5 years old are stunted. Worldwide evidence shows that actions for preventing stunting and catching-up growth are relevant if addressed by all the sectors involved. Therefore, there is a need to identify 'intersectoral actions' to address the risk of stunting during pregnancy and the first 2 years of life. Objective: To identify and describe worldwide evidence for prevention, nutritional interventions, and 'intersectoral collaboration' efforts against stunting in infants. Materials and methods: We conducted a systematic review in 2019 (PROSPERO CRD42019134431). The search included PubMed, OVID, and Web of Science, as well as WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) official documents and expert recommendations. Results: We selected 231 studies: 86.1% described prevention-related factors, 30.7%, nutritional interventions, and 52.8% intersectoral collaboration efforts; 36.4% of the studies were conducted in multiple regions; 61% of the studies described the importance of interventions during pregnancy, 71.9% from birth up to 6 months old, and 84.8% from 6 months up to 2 years old. The most frequent variables described were antenatal care, nutritional counseling for the mother and the newborn, and counseling on micronutrient supplementation. Conclusions: Evidence-based understanding of actions geared towards monitoring the risk of stunting-associated factors from pregnancy up to 2 years old is critical.

Resumen Introducción. Según estimaciones mundiales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para el 2017, el 9,6 % de los niños menores de cinco años padecen retraso del crecimiento. La evidencia mundial ha demostrado que las acciones para prevenir el retardo del crecimiento o para tratarlo adquieren relevancia si las abordan todos los sectores involucrados. Por lo tanto, es necesario determinar las acciones intersectoriales para atender el riesgo de retraso del crecimiento durante el embarazo y los dos primeros años de vida. Objetivo. Rastrear y describir la evidencia mundial para la prevención, las intervenciones nutricionales y los esfuerzos de colaboración intersectorial contra el retraso del crecimiento en los lactantes. Materiales y métodos: Se hizo una revisión sistemática en el 2019 (PROSPERO CRD42019134431). La búsqueda incluyó PubMed, OVID y Web of Science, así como documentos oficiales de la OMS y la Organización para la Agricultura y la Alimentación de Naciones Unidas (FAO) y recomendaciones de expertos. Resultados. Se seleccionó un total de 231 estudios: 86,1 % describían factores relacionados con la prevención, 30,7 %, intervenciones nutricionales, y 52,8 %, esfuerzos de colaboración intersectorial; 36,4 % de ellos se llevaron a cabo en múltiples regiones. Del total, el 61 % de los estudios se enfocaba en la importancia de las intervenciones durante el embarazo, el 71,9 % desde el nacimiento hasta los seis meses y el 84,8 % desde los seis meses hasta los dos años. Las variables descritas con mayor frecuencia fueron la atención prenatal, el asesoramiento nutricional para la madre y el recién nacido, y el asesoramiento sobre la suplementación con micronutrientes. Conclusiones. La comprensión basada en la evidencia de las acciones orientadas a monitorear el riesgo de factores asociados al retraso del crecimiento desde el embarazo hasta los dos años, es fundamental.

Child Development , Failure to Thrive , Primary Prevention , Health Status Indicators , Intersectoral Collaboration , Malnutrition
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 78(4): 362-369, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345426


Resumen Introducción: El síndrome de Goldenhar es un trastorno heterogéneo, esporádico en su mayoría o por patrón de herencia autosómico dominante o recesivo, de la morfogénesis craneofacial asociada al primero y segundo arcos faríngeos, y forma parte del espectro oculoauriculovertebral. La incidencia es de 1 por cada 3500-45,000 recién nacidos vivos, con una razón de sexo masculino/femenino de 3:2. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido con fenotipo de síndrome oculoauriculovertebral. Se abordó con radiografía de tórax, ecografía abdominal y tamizaje metabólico y auditivo, que reportaron hemivértebra torácica, fusión costal, quiste renal e hipoacusia bilateral profunda, respectivamente. Fue alimentado con lactancia mixta desde el nacimiento, sin lograr una succión adecuada y con pérdida de peso. A los 3 meses de edad recibió terapia de rehabilitación oral con electroestimulación en conjunto de 10 sesiones con 10 mA de intensidad, al igual que a los 23, 24, 25, 27, 30 y 32 meses de edad. A los 4 meses, espesamiento de fórmula con cereal; a los 7 meses, sonda de gastrostomía; a los 20 meses, cirugía de paladar y macrostomía. Mostró mejoría en intensidad de babeo en las primeras 10 sesiones y mejoría en la deglución a las 30 sesiones. A los 3 años de edad consume el 100% de los alimentos por vía oral. Conclusiones: Con la escasa evidencia científica que este caso aislado aporta, el tratamiento con la terapia de rehabilitación en conjunto con la terapia convencional y la corrección anatómica dio resultados positivos para el trastorno de la deglución.

Abstract Background: Goldenhar syndrome is a heterogeneous disorder, mostly sporadic or due to a dominant autosomal or recessive pattern of inheritance, that exhibits craniofacial morphogenesis associated with the first and second pharyngeal arches and is part of the oculoauriculovertebral spectrum. Its incidence is of 1 in 3,500-45,000 live newborns, with a male to female ratio of 3:2. Case report: We describe the case of a male newborn with oculoauriculovertebral syndrome phenotype. It was approached with chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasound, metabolic and hearing screening, which reported thoracic hemivertebra, costal fusion, renal cyst, and profound bilateral hypoacusis, respectively. Although the newborn was fed with mixed lactation from birth, adequate suction and with weight loss were not achieved. At 3 months of age, as well as at 23, 24, 25, 27, 30 and 32 months of age, the infant received oral rehabilitation therapy with electrostimulation in a set of 10 sessions with 10 mA intensity. At 4 months, thickening of formula with cereal; at 7 months, gastrostomy tube; at 20 months, palate surgery and macrostomy. Improvement in drooling intensity was observed during the first 10 sessions, and improvement in swallowing after 30 sessions. At 3 years of age, the patient consumes 100% of food orally. Conclusions: According to limited scientific evidence that this isolated case provides, rehabilitation therapy together with conventional therapy coupled with anatomical correction gave positive results for swallowing disorder.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(2): e171-e175, abril 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1152122


Los tumores del sistema nervioso central representan la segunda enfermedad oncológica más habitual en niños y adolescentes. Entre los tumores intracraneales, los de células germinales son infrecuentes. Los síntomas que desencadenan son cefalea, náuseas, vómitos, déficits hormonales, alteraciones visuales, pérdida de peso, pobre crecimiento y pubertad precoz. Menos frecuentemente, producen trastornos del movimiento o psiquiátricos. Algunos de estos tumores pueden ser asintomáticos un largo período, lo que desencadena un diagnóstico tardío.Se presenta a una paciente femenina de 14 años con pérdida de peso y falla del crecimiento, con diagnóstico erróneo de trastorno de la conducta alimentaria. Tras estudios pertinentes, se arribó al diagnóstico de germinoma del sistema nervioso central. Al ser esta patología infrecuente y de presentación variable, requiere alto sentido de alerta por parte de la familia involucrada y del equipo de salud para evitar retrasos en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento

Central nervous system tumors are the second most frequent oncological disease among children and teenagers. Among the intracranial tumors, the germ cells ones are infrequent. The symptoms they cause are headaches, nausea and vomiting, hormonal deficits, visual disturbances, weight loss, poor growth and early puberty. Less frequently, they produce movement or psychiatric disorders. Some of these tumors can be asymptomatic for a long period leading to a late diagnosis.The case of a 14-year-old female patient is presented. She showed weight loss and growth failure, with wrong diagnosis of eating disorder. After proper study methods, we arrived to central nervous system germinoma diagnosis. Because this pathology is rare and has a variable form of presentation, it requires that the family involved and the health team to be alert, to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Germinoma/diagnostic imaging , Brain Neoplasms , Weight Loss , Germinoma/therapy , Failure to Thrive , Hypopituitarism
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212371


Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common clinical issue among pediatric population and might progress into renal scaring, hypertension as well as end stage kidney disease. This study was aimed at finding clino-pathological features of UTI and antibiotic sensitivity against most common causative agents involved at a tertiary care hospital of South Punjab, Pakistan.Methods: This descriptive case series study was conducted at department of Paediatric Medicine, Nishtar University Hospital Multan from July to December 2019. A total of 100 children fulfilling the inclusion criteria, presenting in outpatient department or emergency section of paediatric medicine department, having positive urine culture and sensitivity were selected. Their detailed history, clinical examination and relevant investigations were done.Results: Out of the 100 children, 73 (73.0%) were female and 27 (27.0%) were male. There were 57 (57.0%) children from 1 year to 4 years age group and 43 (43.0%) were of more than 4 years. Most common clinical presentations were fever 83 (83.0%), urinary symptoms, vomiting 52 (52.0%) and pain abdomen 48 (48.0%). Most common aetiological agents were Escherichia coli 74 (74.0%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae 9 (9.0%).Conclusions: UTI is more common in female children. Most common presentation observed was fever and/or urinary symptoms while most common aetiological agent was E. coli.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(2): e188-e190, abr. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1100470


La invaginación intestinal es la causa más frecuente de obstrucción intestinal entre los 6 y los 36 meses de edad. La mayoría son idiopáticas. Se ha descrito la asociación entre la enfermedad celíaca y la invaginación intestinal en la población pediátrica. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 23 meses ingresado por estancamiento ponderal en cuyo estudio ecográfico se observaron invaginaciones íleo-ileales asintomáticas repetidas.

Intestinal intussusception is the most frequent cause of intestinal obstruction between 6 and 36 months of age, the majority being idiopathic. The association between celiac disease and intestinal intussusception in the pediatric population has been described. We present the case of a 23-month-old male admitted due to a failure to thrive. In his ultrasound study recurrent asymptomatic ileo-ileal invaginations were found

Humans , Male , Infant , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Intussusception/diagnostic imaging , Celiac Disease/diet therapy , Failure to Thrive , Diet, Gluten-Free , Intussusception/diet therapy
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2020. 112 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1397467


Nos últimos anos, países da América Latina apresentam em suas populações a coexistência de agravos como a desnutrição infantil e excesso de peso materno, fenômeno denominado dupla carga de desfechos nutricionais. Baixa estatura e excesso de peso têm sido historicamente considerados como desafios independentes que afetam populações distintas e que apresentam determinantes contrastantes. Entretanto, há evidências de que existem fatores que contribuem para ambos os agravos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar como fatores de risco socioeconômicos e individuais se associam à dupla carga de desfechos nutricionais no binômio mãe-filho no Brasil, Bolívia, Colômbia e Peru. Trata-se de um estudo de delineamento transversal para o qual foram utilizadas bases populacionais: no Brasil, a Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher (PNDS) de 2006; na Bolívia, na Colômbia e no Peru, a Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud, respectivamente nos anos de 2008, 2010 e 2012. Foram avaliadas crianças de 0 a 5 anos e mulheres de 15 a 49 anos. Variável de interesse: mãe com ou sem excesso de peso e filho com ou sem baixa estatura, sendo dupla carga quando presentes ambos os desfechos. Variáveis exposição: condições socioeconômicas, características do domicílio, utilização de serviços de saúde, características maternas e infantis. Foi utilizado modelo de regressão logística multinomial hierarquizado. A prevalência de dupla carga foi de 2,01% no Brasil, 8,84% na Bolívia, 4,10% na Colômbia e 8,00% no Peru. Após os ajustes entre os blocos do nível proximal e pelos níveis hierarquicamente superiores em cada país, foram encontrados os seguintes resultados: diarreia na criança na semana anterior à pesquisa aumentou a chance de dupla carga no Brasil (OR = 4,38). Na Bolívia e no Peru, o aumento no tempo de amamentação aumentou a chance de dupla carga (OR = 1,04 e 1,02, respectivamente). O número de filhos maior que um aumentou a chance de dupla carga em mais de 2 vezes, tanto na Bolívia, como na Colômbia. Na Bolívia, Colômbia e Peru o aumento da estatura materna diminuiu as chances de dupla carga. Na Colômbia e no Peru, o baixo peso ao nascer aumentou a chance de dupla carga em mais de 2 vezes. A prevalência de dupla carga de doenças pode ser considerada indicador de baixo nível socioeconômico e do estágio de transição nutricional. No Brasil e na Colômbia, a prevalência de carga dupla não seria considerada um problema de saúde pública. Peru e Bolívia ainda apresentam prevalências acima de 5%. As estratégias dos serviços e das políticas de saúde devem ser focadas em ambas as formas de má nutrição ao mesmo tempo. Além disso, intervenções, como por meio de programas de transferência de renda e melhorias na educação, saneamento e no acesso e qualidade dos serviços de saúde, devem ser priorizados, principalmente no Peru e Bolívia.

In recent years, Latin America countries experience in their populations the coexistence of child stunting and maternal overweight, a phenomenon called the double burden of malnutrition. Short stature and overweight have historically been considered as independent challenges that affect different populations and that present contrasting determinants. However, there are factors that contribute to both issues. The goal of this study is to indicate the risk factors associated with the double burden of disease dyad mother-child in Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, and Peru. It is a cross-sectional study in which the following population bases were used: in Brazil the 2006 National Demographic and Health Survey for Children and Women (PNDS), in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, National Demography and Health Survey, respectively in 2008, 2010 and 2012. Children aged 0 to 5 years and women aged 15 to 49 years were evaluated. Variable of interest: a mother with or without overweight and a child with or without short stature, being double burden when both outcomes are present. Variables exposure: socioeconomic conditions, characteristics of the home and use of health services, maternal and child characteristics. The method of analyzing used was the hierarchical multinomial logistic regression. The prevalence of double burden was 2.01% in Brazil, 8.84% in Bolivia, 4.10% Colombia and 8.00% in Peru. Were adjustments between level 3 blocks and the hierarchically higher levels and they're the results in each country: diarrhea in the child in the week prior to the research increased the chance of double loading in Brazil (OR =4.38). In Bolivia and Peru, the increase in breastfeeding time increased the chance of double loading (OR = 1.04 and 1.02, respectively). The number of children greater than one has increased the chance of double burden in more than 2 times in both Bolivia and Colombia. In Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru the increase in maternal height decreased the chances of double loading. In Colombia, low birth weight increased the chance of double burden in more than 3 times and in Peru, increased almost 5 times the chance. The prevalence of double disease burden can be considered an indicator of low socioeconomic status and nutritional transition stage. In Brazil and Colombia, the prevalence of double burden may be considered low, but Peru and Bolivia prevalence still have above 5%. Health service and policy strategies must address both forms of malnutrition at the same time. In addition, interventions, such as through cash transfer programs and improvements in education, sanitation, access and quality of health services, should be prioritized, especially in Peru and Bolivia.

Child , Stature by Age , Failure to Thrive , Prevalence , Academic Dissertation , Overweight
Pediátr. Panamá ; 48(3): 4-12, Diciembre 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087644


Introducción.La presente investigación plantea como objetivo principal, describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de la fibrosis quística (FQ) en Panamá, que nos permiten hacer el diagnóstico temprano y dar a conocer las características bioquímicas, fenotípicas y morbilidades asociadas para así poder mejorar las necesidades de los pacientes con esta enfermedad. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes con diagnóstico de fibrosis quística entre el mes de enero 2008 a diciembre 2017, en los hospitales en Ciudad de Panamá: Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel, Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas y en Chiriquí Hospital José Domingo de Obaldía previa aprobación de las autoridades correspondientes.Se analizaron las características demográficas, fenotípicas, resultados bioquímicos, complicaciones y tratamiento de pacientes con diagnóstico de Fibrosis quística. Mediante un diseño descriptivo, se analizó la información de las mismas.Resultados.El promedio de edad para el diagnóstico de fibrosis quística fue de 2.8 años. El 52% correspondía a sexo masculino y 48% a sexo femenino. El promedio de hospitalización previo al diagnóstico de Fibrosis quística fue de 3.8. En el 72 % de los pacientes los primeros síntomas aparecieron antes del primer año de vida.En la mayoría de los pacientes las manifestaciones clínicas fueron una combinación de síntomas gastrointestinales y/o nutricionales y respiratorios (96 y 92% respectivamente).En el 44% de los pacientes se realizó examen genético molecular. De acuerdo con la clasificación del defecto genético, el 20 % de los pacientes eran del grupo delta F 508. La edad promedio de sobrevida es 8.2, años. Durante el período 2008-2017 se registraron 6 defunciones de pacientes con fibrosis quística, lo que corresponde a una tasa de letalidad del 22%.Conclusiones.Los resultados de nuestro estudio mostraron condiciones tales como falla de medro, infecciones respiratorias recurrentes, esteatorrea como la forma de presentación clínica más frecuente. Encontramos correlación con la literatura con la presencia de manifestaciones respiratorias asociadas a compromiso nutricional. El genotipo no se hace a todos los pacientes, reconociendo la importancia de esta valoración por la disponibilidad y costos de las pruebas genéticas. A pesar del diagnóstico temprano, nuestros pacientes cursan con compromiso nutricional importante. En los últimos años se ha evidenciado una media de edad de diagnóstico más temprana comparada con años anteriores. Es necesaria la estandarización de pruebas diagnósticas y de seguimiento, puesto que no todos los pacientes cumplen en su totalidad con los criterios diagnósticos. En la actualidad, un alto índice de sospecha clínica es obligatorio para su detección e intervención inmediata del tratamiento hasta actualización de las instalaciones de diagnóstico.

Introduction .The main objective of the present investigation is to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cystic fibrosis (CF) in Panama, which allow us to make a nearly diagnosis and make known the biochemical, phenotypic and associated morbidities in order to improve the needs of the patients with this disease. Materials and methodsA retrospective study of patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis was conducted between January 2008 and December 2017, in hospitals in Panama City: Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel, Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas Omar Torrijos Herrera and Hospital José Domingo de Obaldía, upon approval of the corresponding authorities. We analyzed the demographic, phenotypic characteristics, biochemical results, complications and treatment of patients diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Through a descriptive design, the information of them was analyzed. Results. The average age for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis was of 2.8 years, 52% corresponded tomale and 48% female. The average number of hospitalizations prior tothe diagnosis of cystic fibrosis was 3.8. In 72% of the patients the first symptoms appeared before the first year of life. In the majority of patients, the clinical manifestations were a combination of gastrointestinal and / or nutritional and respiratory symptoms (96 and 92% respectively). Molecular genetics examination was performed in 44% of the patients. According to the classification of the genetic defect, 20% of the patients were from the delta F 508 group. The average age of survival is 8.2 years. During the period 2008-2017 there were 6 deaths of patients with cystic fibrosis, which corresponds to a case-fatality rate of 22%.Conclusions.The results of our study showed conditions such as failure to thrive, recurrent respiratory infections, steatorrhea as the most frequent form of clinical presentation. We found correlation with the literature with the presence of respiratory manifestation associated with nutritional compromise. The genotype is not made to all patients, recognizing the importance of assessing the availability and costs of genetictesting. Despite early diagnosis, our patients have an important nutritional commitment. In recenty ears there is evidence of a lower age of diagnosis earlier compared with previous years.It is necessary to standardize diagnostic tests and follow-up, since not all patients fully meet the diagnostic criteria. At present, a high index of clinical suspicion is mandatory for early detection and immediate intervention of the treatment until updating of the diagnostic facilities.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741826


PURPOSE: Inadequate calorie intake is one of the most important causes of nonorganic failure to thrive (NOFTT) and is thought to lead to multiple micronutrient deficiencies. However, there have been few studies on NOFTT and micronutrients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the micronutrient status of children with NOFTT. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in 161 children (106 with NOFTT and 55 health controls) at a single institution. Data on weight for age, height for age, body mass index, and biochemical parameters, indicating the children's nutritional and micronutrient status were reviewed via electronic medical records, and the two groups were compared. RESULTS: Except inorganic phosphate levels, no statistically significant differences were seen in the laboratory findings indicating the children's nutritional and micronutrient status; notably, the inorganic phosphate levels were within the normal range in both groups. We then compared the severe NOFTT (weight for age below the first percentile) and control groups; however, no statistically significant differences were seen for any of the measured parameters. CONCLUSION: Most children with NOFTT in this study had normal micronutrient levels and other laboratory findings. Therefore, element deficiencies should not be considered a natural consequence of NOFTT or in healthy children. Close monitoring and additional evaluations are needed.

Child , Humans , Body Mass Index , Cohort Studies , Electronic Health Records , Failure to Thrive , Micronutrients , Reference Values , Retrospective Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719358


Pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) in infants is manifested by presence of hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and metabolic acidosis. At initial stages, PAH is generally suspected as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Transient PHA has been reported in infants with urinary tract infection and urinary tract malformation. We report a case of 5-month-old infant with failure to thrive and finally diagnosed with transient PHA due to urinary tract infection with vesicoureteral reflux.

Humans , Infant , Acidosis , Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital , Failure to Thrive , Hyperkalemia , Hyponatremia , Pseudohypoaldosteronism , Urinary Tract , Urinary Tract Infections , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux
São Paulo; s.n; 2019. 80 p
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1397986


Introdução: o uso de cocaína e/ou crack durante o período gestacional implica em alterações orgânicas e variabilidade nos dados antropométricos da criança. Ainda são escassos estudos sobre a relação entre o uso de cocaína e/ou crack durante a gestação e o crescimento infantil. Objetivos: sintetizar estudos sobre crescimento pôndero- estatural e descrever o diagnóstico nutricional de lactentes (crianças de 0 a 1 ano), filhos de mulheres que usaram cocaína e/ou crack durante o período gestacional. Método: foram realizados revisão integrativa e estudo epidemiológico observacional descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, apresentados em dois artigos. A revisão buscou estudos com medidas de peso, estatura e/ou perímetro cefálico, até o primeiro ano de vida, nas bases Scopus, Cinahl, Embase, Web of Science e PsycNET e nos portais Pubmed e BVS, que respondessem à pergunta: Como ocorre o crescimento pôndero-estatural de lactentes cujas mães fizeram uso de cocaína e/ou crack durante o período gestacional?. O estudo de campo usou dados de prontuários, do período de 2013 a 2017, em um ambulatório de seguimento neonatal e infantil em Curitiba (PR), sendo variáveis dependentes peso, comprimento e perímetro cefálico, e variáveis independentes dados do pré-natal, do parto, do nascimento e do período pós-natal. A análise dos dados utilizou os programas Antrho®, para crianças a termo, e Intergrowth-21®, para prematuros, construindo os diagnósticos nutricionais de peso para idade, comprimento para idade, perímetro cefálico para idade e peso por comprimento. O projeto teve aprovação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa (CAEE 99594818.7.0000. 5392 e CAEE 99594818.7.3001.0096). Resultados: o estudo de revisão incluiu 7 estudos, publicados entre 1992 e 2011, nos EUA. Os lactentes expostos apresentaram valores menores nas medidas de crescimento, quando comparados aos de grupo controle. As diferenças foram mais expressivas ao nascimento, tendendo à aproximação com o passar dos meses. No estudo de campo, a amostra foi composta por 94 crianças, com dados do nascimento, decrescendo nas mensurações seguintes, havendo apenas 17 com dados no final do primeiro ano. Eram filhas de mulheres brancas (48,9%), com baixa escolaridade (34,0% fundamental incompleto; 11,7% fundamental completo; 15,9% ensino médio incompleto); maioria com uso de crack (68,0%) e cocaína (39,4%). O número médio de consultas de pré-natal foi de 5,6, idade gestacional média de 37,65 semanas, peso de 2.724 g, comprimento de 46,74 cm e perímetro cefálico de 32,84 cm. Quanto ao diagnóstico nutricional, no grupo avaliado pelo Intergrowth-21®, uma parcela dos lactentes apresentou perímetro cefálico elevado nas primeiras medições, com aumento na última medida e demais parâmetros com diagnósticos adequados no nascimento e fim do primeiro ano. No grupo avaliado pelo Anthro®, a maior parte da amostra apresentou valores adequados de perímetro cefálico, comprimento e peso conforme a idade, no nascimento e na última medida. O total de perdas de seguimento nos dois grupos foi de 34 lactentes. Conclusão: segundo a literatura, o uso de cocaína/crack durante o período gestacional proporciona desfechos de crescimento pôndero-estatural diferentes, quando comparado a não expostos, ocorrendo catch-up entre o sexto e o décimo segundo meses de vida. No estudo epidemiológico, houve grande número de perdas de seguimento, demandando estudos mais robustos para a compreensão do fenômeno.

Introduction: The use of cocaine and / or crack during the gestational period implies organic alterations and variability in the anthropometric data of the child. There are still few studies on the relationship between cocaine use and/or crack during pregnancy and child growth. Objectives: To synthesize studies on weight and height growth and to describe the nutritional diagnosis of infants (children 0 to 1 year old), children of women who used cocaine and/or crack during the gestational period. Method: an integrative review and descriptive observational epidemiological study of quantitative approach were performed, presented in two articles. The review sought studies with measures of weight, height and / or head circumference, up to the first year of life, in the Scopus, Cinahl, Embase, Web of Science and PsycNET databases, and in the Pubmed and BVS portals, which answered the question: How is there weight and height growth in infants whose mothers used cocaine and / or crack during pregnancy? . The field study used data from medical records, from 2013 to 2017, in a neonatal and child follow-up outpatient clinic in Curitiba (PR), with dependent variables weight, length and head circumference, and independent variables data from prenatal care. childbirth, birth and the postnatal period. Data analysis used Antrho® for term infants and Intergrowth-21® programs for preterm infants, building the nutritional diagnoses of weight for age, length for age, head circumference for age and weight for length. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committees (CAEE 99594818.7.0000. 5392 and CAEE 99594818.7.3001.0096). Results: The review study included 7 studies, published between 1992 and 2011, in the USA. The exposed infants had lower values in the growth measures when compared to the control group. The differences were more expressive at birth, tending to approach over the months. In the field study, the sample consisted of 94 children with birth data, decreasing in the following measurements, with only 17 with data at the end of the first year. They were daughters of white women (48.9%), with low education (34.0% incomplete elementary school; 11.7% complete elementary school; 15.9% incomplete high school); most with crack (68.0%) and cocaine (39.4%). The average number of prenatal visits was 5.6, average gestational age 37.65 weeks, weight 2,724 g, length 46.74 cm and head circumference 32.84 cm. Regarding nutritional diagnosis, in the group assessed by Intergrowth-21®, a portion of infants had a high head circumference at the first measurements, with an increase in the last measurement and other parameters with adequate diagnoses at birth and at the end of the first year. In the group evaluated by Anthro®, most of the sample had adequate values of head circumference, length and weight according to age, birth and last measurement. Total follow-up losses in both groups were 34 infants. Conclusion: According to the literature, the use of cocaine/crack during gestational period provides different height and height when compared to not exposed, with catch-up occurring between the sixth and twelfth months of life. In the epidemiological study, there was a large number of follow-up losses, requiring more robust studies to understand the phenomenon.

Pediatric Nursing , Crack Cocaine , Failure to Thrive , Nutrition Assessment , Cocaine , Infant
ACM arq. catarin. med ; 47(4): 80-92, out.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1023254


A baixa estatura é a condição em que o paciente encontra-se abaixo de ­ 2 desvios-padrão da altura de crianças da mesma idade e sexo. Sua investigação, diagnóstico e tratamento, quando necessários e adequados, auxiliarão o paciente a atingir seu potencial de altura. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste na avaliação do perfil dos pacientes atendidos por baixa estatura no Ambulatório de Endocrinologia Pediátrica, e verificar sua resposta ao uso de hormônio de crescimento (GH), quando indicado. Para tanto, foi realizada análise de prontuários de 192 pacientes atendidos por baixa estatura, entre janeiro de 2000 a junho de 2014. Como resultado da análise, 55% dos pacientes apresentavam-se com estatura abaixo do normal para a idade e o sexo, e 43% abaixo do canal familiar de altura. A deficiência de hormônio de crescimento (DGH) foi encontrada em 27,6% dos pacientes, a baixa estatura familiar em 6,5% e a Síndrome de Turner (ST) em 3,9%. O tratamento com GH foi realizado em 30 pacientes, com média de idade de inicio de tratamento para os pacientes com DGH de 11,5 anos e de 9,5 anos para ST. A média do escore Z dos pacientes com DGH antes e depois do tratamento foi ­ 2,64 e ­ 2,15 (p<0,01); para a ST, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,79) após o uso de GH. Concluímos então que a deficiência de GH foi o diagnóstico mais encontrado, sendo o ganho de estatura com uso de GH estatisticamente significante nas pacientes com DGH, mas não nos pacientes com ST.

Short stature is a condition in which the patient lies down -2 standard-deviations of the hight of children of the same age and gender. The investigation, diagnosis and treatment when necessary, assist the patient to reach its full potential height. The objective of the study is to evaluate the profile of patients treated by short stature and verify the response to treatment with growth hormone (GH) when indicated. We analyzed medical records analysis of 192 patients treated by short stature, from January 2000 to June 2014. The results showed 55% of the patients presented with height below the minimum normal for age and sex and 43% were below the family hight zone. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) was found in 27,6% of patients, low family stature by 6,5% and the Turner Syndrome (TS) at 3.9%. GH treatment was performed in 30 patients, with a average age of initiation of treatment for patients with GHD 11.5 years and 9.5 years for TS. The average Z-score of GHD patients before and after treatment was - 2.64 and - 2.15 (p <0.01); for TS, there was no statistically significant difference (p = 0.79) after the treatment with GH. We concluded that GH deficiency was the most common diagnosis; the gain in height with the use of GH was statistically significant in patients with GHD, but not in patients with TS.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717799


Congenital antral webs are a rare but relevant cause of gastric outlet obstruction in infants and children. The condition may lead to feeding refusal, vomiting, and poor growth. Due to the relative rarity of the disease, cases of congenital antral web are frequently misdiagnosed or diagnosed with significant delay as physicians favorably pursue diagnoses of pyloric stenosis and gastric ulcer disease, which are more prevalent. We report a case of an eight-month-old female who presented with persistent non-bilious emesis, feeding difficulties, and failure to thrive and was discovered to have an antral web. The web was successfully treated with endoscopic balloon dilation, which resolved her symptoms. Two years later, the patient remains asymptomatic and is thriving with weight at the 75th percentile for her age.

Child , Female , Humans , Infant , Diagnosis , Endoscopy , Failure to Thrive , Gastric Outlet Obstruction , Pediatrics , Pyloric Stenosis , Stomach Ulcer , Vomiting
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714240


Chylomicron retention disease, also known as Anderson's disease, is a rare hereditary hypocholesterolemic disorder, recessive inherited, characterized by nonspecific symptoms as abdominal distension, steatorrhea, and vomiting associated with failure to thrive. We describe a patient with failure to thrive, chronic diarrhea and steatorrhea who the diagnosis of chylomicron retention disease was established after several months of disease progression. The genetic study confirmed a homozygosity mutation in SAR1B gene, identifying a mutation never previous described [c.83_84delTG(p.Leu28Argfs*7)]. With this case report the authors aim to highlight for this very rare cause of failure to thrive and for the importance of an attempting diagnosis, in order to start adequate management with low fat diet supplemented with fat-soluble vitamins, reverting the state of malnutrition and avoiding possible irreversible and desvantating complications.

Humans , Diagnosis , Diarrhea , Diet , Disease Progression , Failure to Thrive , Malnutrition , Rare Diseases , Steatorrhea , Vitamins , Vomiting
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 33(3): e848, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138920


RESUMEN Introducción: el fallo de medro es identificado cuando un niño presenta un crecimiento significativamente menor que sus semejantes, y está asociado frecuentemente con pobre desarrollo mental y psicoemocional. Objetivo: analizar y sintetizar, a través de la producción científica, las características del fallo de medro de un modo integrador, que facilite su abordaje desde la atención ambulatoria. Métodos: se realizó una revisión integrativa, conducida de acuerdo con las siguientes etapas: identificación del tema y elaboración de la pregunta de investigación, establecimiento de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, definición de las informaciones que serían extraídas de los estudios seleccionados, selección de banco y bases de datos para consulta, evaluación de los estudios incluidos en la revisión, interpretación de los resultados y presentación de la síntesis del conocimiento. Conclusiones: el fallo de medro tiene una etiología multifactorial, siendo su prevalencia variable. Se han identificado factores de riesgo biológicos, socioculturales y ambientales. Existe discrepancia entre los autores sobre los elementos diagnósticos para su identificación, constituyendo los criterios estáticos y dinámicos los de mayor aceptación. La clave del éxito radica en la prevención(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Failure to thrive is identified when a child has a significantly lower growth than its peers and is often associated with poor mental and psycho-emotional development. Objective: Analyze and synthesize, through scientific production, the characteristics of failure to thrive in an integrated way that facilitates its approach from outpatient care. Methods: an integrative review, conducted in accordance with the following steps are performed: identification of the subject and development of the research question, establishing the criteria for inclusion and exclusion definition of the information that would be extracted from the selected studies, selection of bank and databases for consultation, evaluation studies included in the review, interpretation of results and presentation of the synthesis of knowledge. Conclusions: The failure to thrive has a multifactorial etiology, with its variable prevalence. Factors have been identified biological, sociocultural and environmental risk. There is a discrepancy between the authors on diagnostic elements for identification, constituting the static and dynamic criteria the most widely accepted. The key to success lies in prevention(AU)

Humans , Child , Environmental Hazards , Failure to Thrive/epidemiology , Ambulatory Care/methods , Growth/physiology , Review Literature as Topic , Risk Factors
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 34(3): 451-458, jul.-sep. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902938


RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue identificar elementos del patrón alimentario que influyen en la ingesta y biodisponibilidad de zinc en niños con retardo del crecimiento (RC) entre 1-5 años en comunidades maya de la localidad de Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Estudio descriptivo, transversal aplicado en 138 niños de entre 1-5 años con RC. Se realizó un inventario de disponibilidad alimentaria de fuentes de zinc, se construyó un cuestionario frecuencia de consumo de alimentos, un cuestionario de condiciones de vida, prácticas alimentarias, antropometría, y se recolectó información acerca de enfermedades infecciosas. Hubo disponibilidad de 28 alimentos fuentes de zinc (54% de baja y 7% de alta biodisponibilidad). El consumo de alimentos de alta biodisponibilidad fue bajo y el de alimentos antagonistas, alto. Los niños consumían 3 mg de zinc al día (IC95% 2,65-3,35). Solo el 14,5% alcanzaba los requerimientos de zinc, y el 2,9% alcanzaba la recomendación diaria. La ocurrencia de diarrea e infecciones, en los quince días previos, fue del 29,71 y 45,65%, respectivamente. Concluimos que la mayoría de niños con RC tuvo un bajo consumo de fuentes de zinc, alto consumo de alimentos antagonistas.

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to identify the elements from feeding patterns that influence the intake and bioavailability of zinc in stunted children (SC) 1-5 years from Maya communities living in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed in 138 stunted children aged 1-5 years. It was applied: an inventory of zinc food sources availability, a Food Frequency Questionnaire, a questionnaire about living conditions. anthropometrics measurements and information on food intake habits, and information about disease prevalence. Twenty-eight food sources of zinc were available for consumption (54% low and 7% high zinc bioavailability). The consumption of foods with high bioavailability was low, while the antagonistic foods were high. On average the daily zinc consumption in diet 3 mg (95% CI: 2.65-3.35). Only 14.5% of the children met the zinc requirements, and 2.9% reached the daily recommendation. Episodes of diarrhea and respiratory infections were observed 15 days before the visit, in 29.71% and 45.6% of children, respectively. Most of children have a diet that does not cover the daily requirement.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Zinc/administration & dosage , Indians, Central American , Diet , Feeding Behavior , Growth Disorders , Zinc/deficiency , Cross-Sectional Studies , Growth Disorders/etiology , Guatemala
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 30(4): 455-461, July-Aug. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041206


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims to evaluate dietary intake, nutritional status, and growth rate in children and adolescents with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction and portal hypertension. Methods: Outpatients aged 1-18 years, diagnosed with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction and portal hypertension, who had no associated diseases, and who had not been subjected to a venous shunt were included in this study. Two evaluations were carried out in this study: an initial (evaluation 1) and a final evaluation (evaluation 2), with a three-month minimum interval between them. In each evaluation, dietary intake was analyzed comparing the results with recommended energy intake using the Harris & Benedict equation and participants' anthropometric data, such as weight, height, mid-arm muscle circumference, weight-for-age, height-for-age, and body mass index-for-age, based on the World Health Organization 2006 standards. Results: A total of 22 patients participated in this study. There was a significant improvement in weight, height, body mass index, and mid-arm muscle circumference measurements (p<0.001; p<0.001; p<0.017; p=0.0018 respectively) and in the relationship between dietary intake and energy recommended energy intake, according to the Harris & Benedict equation (p=0.0001) from the first and second evaluation. Conclusion: Extrahepatic portal vein obstruction and portal hypertension were not shown to be factors predisposing to malnourishment.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a ingestão alimentar, o estado nutricional e a taxa de crescimento de crianças e adolescentes com obstrução extra-hepática de veia porta e hipertensão portal. Métodos: Pacientes ambulatoriais com idades entre 1 e 18 anos, diagnóstico de obstrução extra-hepática de veia porta e hipertensão portal, sem patologias associadas e que não foram submetidos a um shunt venoso, foram incluídos neste estudo. O estudo compreendeu duas avaliações, no início (avaliação 1) e uma avaliação final (avaliação 2) com um intervalo mínimo de três meses entre ambos. Cada avaliação analisou a ingestão dietética comparando os resultados com as recomendações de energia usando a equação de Harris & Benedict e os dados antropométricos dos participantes, tais como peso, altura, circunferência muscular do braço, peso por idade, altura por idade e índice de massa corpórea por idade utilizando a norma da Organização Mundial da Saúde de 2006. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 22 pacientes. Foi observada uma melhora significativa entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação para as medidas de peso, estatura, índice de massa corporal e circunferência muscular do braço (p<0,001; p<0,001; p<0,017; p=0,0018, respectivamente) e a relação de ingestão dietética e recomendação energética equação de Harris & Benedict (p=0,0001). Conclusão: Obstrução extra-hepática de veia porta e hipertensão portal não se mostraram como fatores predisponentes para desnutrição em nosso estudo.

Humans , Male , Female , Hypertension, Portal , Portal Vein , Esophageal and Gastric Varices , Child , Nutritional Status , Adolescent , Eating , Failure to Thrive