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Demetra (Rio J.) ; 18: 69252, 2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532277


Introdução: O ambiente alimentar que a comunidade está inserida pode influenciar, positiva ou negativamente no acesso à alimentação de qualidade e consequentemente na sua saúde. Objetivo: Identificar a presença de desertos alimentares em um distrito sanitário de uma capital brasileira. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, transversal e exploratório, utilizando dados secundários de diferentes fontes institucionais para mapear a distribuição espacial de estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos: restaurantes, padarias, supermercados, minimercados/mercearias, hortifrutigranjeiros, vendedores ambulantes e lanchonetes/fastfood. Os estabelecimentos foram agrupados nas categorias in natura, ultraprocessados e mistos, de acordo com a predominância do tipo de alimentos comercializados. Para a análise, a densidade de estabelecimentos in natura juntamente com os mistos por mil habitantes (usuários cadastrados nos centros de saúde) foram calculadas.  Resultados: Foram investigados 111 estabelecimentos, sendo 20% que comercializavam alimentos in natura (saudáveis), 27% alimentos ultraprocessados (não saudáveis) e 53% considerados mistos. Conclusões: Foram observadas áreas que podem ser consideradas desertos alimentares, locais onde há pouca (ou ausência) de oferta de alimentos in natura, e por consequência dificultando o acesso a alimentos saudáveis.

Introduction: The communities' food environment can positively or negatively influence access to quality food and consequently, people's health. Objective: Identify the presence of food deserts in a health district of a Brazilian capital. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional and exploratory study, using secondary data from different institutional sources to map the spatial distribution of food establishments such as restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets, minimarkets/grocery stores, fruit and vegetable stores, street vendors and cafeterias/fast food. The establishments were grouped into fresh, ultra-processed and mixed food categories, according to the predominance of the type of food offered. For the purpose of analysis, the density of fresh food establishments together with mixed food establishments per thousand inhabitants (as registered in the health centers) was calculated.  Results: A total of 111 establishments were investigated, 20% selling fresh foods (healthy), 27% ultra-processed foods (unhealthy) and 53% considered mixed food sellers. Conclusions: Areas that can be considered food deserts were found, i.e. places where there is little (or absence) of fresh food supply, and consequently making access to healthy foods difficult.

Commerce , Food Deserts , Access to Healthy Foods
Saúde Soc ; 32(3): e220169es, 2023.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515562


Resumen La crisis sociopolítica de Venezuela ha generado diversos problemas como la inseguridad alimentaria, la escasez de productos básicos y medicinas, el aumento del desempleo y la migración masiva hacia otros países de la región. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo identificar las estrategias de acceso a los alimentos vividas en Venezuela por los inmigrantes venezolanos que residen en Cuiabá, en Mato Grosso, Brasil. Esta investigación se realizó bajo el enfoque cualitativo para indagar cómo fue el impacto respecto al acceso y consumo de alimentos en Venezuela vivido por los inmigrantes venezolanos desde la documentación, descripción y comprensión de las experiencias que ellos enfrentan. Se incluyeron 13 participantes, la técnica de recolección de datos que se utilizó fueron las entrevistas individuales. Entre los principales hallazgos encontrados se evidenció que la mayoría de los entrevistados no se sentía a gusto con la alimentación que tenía en Venezuela, dadas las pocas condiciones de acceso y disponibilidad de alimentos, muchos de estos manifestaron percepciones de hambre y angustia por la falta de alimentos, y estas situaciones llevaron a buscar mejores condiciones de vida. La crisis en Venezuela que produjo la poca disponibilidad y acceso a los alimentos les generó estrategias para poder garantizar una alimentación permanente dentro de los hogares donde muchas veces estas estrategias no son acordes a una alimentación saludable y adecuada.

Abstract The socio-political crisis in Venezuela has generated various problems, such as food insecurity, shortages of basic products and medicines, increased unemployment and massive migration to other countries in the region. To identify the strategies for access to food experienced by Venezuelan immigrants residing in Cuiabá-MT, Brazil. This research was conducted under the qualitative approach, this approach allowed us to investigate how was the impact regarding the access and consumption of food in Venezuela lived by Venezuelan immigrants residing in Cuiabá - Brazil, from the documentation, description and understanding of the experiences they face; 13 participants were included, the data collection technique used were individual interviews. Among the main findings was that most of the interviewees did not feel comfortable with the food they had in Venezuela, given the poor conditions of access and availability of food, many of them expressed perceptions of hunger and anguish due to the lack of food and these situations led them to seek better living conditions. The socio-political crisis in Venezuela that produced the lack of availability and access to food, generated strategies to ensure a permanent food supply within households where often these strategies are not in line with a healthy and adequate diet.

Access to Healthy Foods
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507773


Introducción: Es poco lo que se conoce sobre aspectos biológicos y poblacionales de Acanthaster planci en México. Su tamaño se ha relacionado con la cantidad de alimento que consume, por lo que es relevante conocer esta variable. Objetivo: Describir la variabilidad en el diámetro del disco de la especie y de su alimentación en cuatro sitios al sur del Golfo de California. Métodos: De febrero 2008 a marzo 2009 se visitaron mensualmente los sitios. Se registró el diámetro del disco de un total de 389 individuos observados. El diámetro del disco se midió con una cinta métrica flexible colocada de lado a lado, en el borde donde comienzan los brazos. Para facilitar la descripción, el diámetro del disco se clasificó en tres grupos: pequeños ( 26 cm). Del total, 298 organismos se encontraron alimentándose. Se clasificaron los tipos de organismos consumidos en corales duros, otros invertebrados y algas. Para calcular la probabilidad de que individuos del mismo tamaño se alimenten de diferente variedad de organismos, se aplicó el índice de Diversidad de Simpson. Con el fin de detectar diferencias del diámetro del disco entre los meses de estudio y los sitios de muestreo, se aplicó un análisis permutacional de varianza. Resultados: Acanthaster planci tuvo un promedio de diámetro del disco de 18.23 ± 0.21 cm, con un mínimo de 7 cm y un máximo de 36 cm. La estructura de tallas fue unimodal y se caracterizó por la predominancia de individuos medianos, seguida por los pequeños y en baja proporción por los grandes. El diámetro del disco fue estadísticamente más grande en febrero y más pequeño en los últimos meses del año. En San Rafaelito se encontraron los ejemplares más grandes y en Ensenada de Muertos los más pequeños. Los individuos de tamaño mediano fueron más frecuentes a lo largo del año y en todos los sitios. Los individuos pequeños se alimentaron significativamente más de Porites panamensis, seguido de algas coralinas y tapetes. Los más grandes tuvieron los valores de diversidad más bajos, más del 90 % de los individuos en este grupo se alimentaron de Pocillopora spp. y algunos de macroalgas. Los medianos presentaron los valores más altos de diversidad y consumieron todos los tipos de alimento encontrados, sin embargo, como era de esperarse, muchos fueron selectivos hacia Pocillopora spp. Conclusiones: Acanthaster planci se considera un individuo de tamaño mediano en el área de estudio. Se detectó una evidente relación entre el diámetro del disco y la diversidad del tipo de alimento. Los tres grupos de tallas fueron positivamente selectivos hacia corales duros; los más pequeños se alimentaron preferentemente de Porites panamensis y en conjunto con los grandes, presentaron valores bajos de diversidad en el tipo de alimento, mientras que los medianos fueron los que consumieron una mayor diversidad de presas.

Introduction: Little is known about the biology and population dynamics of Acanthaster planci in Mexico. Its size is considered relevant because it is related to consumption rate. Objective: To describe the variability of the disk diameter and food type of the species in four sampling sites in the southern Gulf of California. Methods: Each site was visited on a monthly basis from February 2008 to March 2009. Disk diameter was registered from a total of 389 observed specimens. Measurements included only the main disk from side to side where the arms begin. A flexible tape was used to measure disk diameter. Three size groups were created for easier explanations: small ( 26 cm). From the total, only 298 asteroids were feeding. Preyed organisms were classified in hard corals, other invertebrates, and algae. The Simpson's Diversity Index was used to calculate the probability that any specimen would be feeding on different types of organisms. A permutational analysis of variance was used to detect differences of disk diameter amongst months and study sites. Results: This population of Acanthaster planci had an average disk diameter = 18.23 ± 0.21 cm, with a minimum of 7 cm and maximum of 36 cm. Size structure was unimodal and largely dominated by medium sized specimens, followed by small ones. The larger were less frequent. Disk diameter was statistically higher in February and lower in the last months of the year. San Rafaelito was the site with the largest and Ensenada de Muertos with the smallest organisms. Medium sized individuals were dominant throughout the year and sampling sites. The small sized fed significantly more on Porites panamensis and coralline algae and turf. Larger specimens had the lowest diversity values, more than 90 % of this size group fed on Pocillopora spp. and very few on macroalgae. Medium sized specimens showed the highest diversity, feeding on all the food types, although as expected, many of them were selective to Pocillopora spp. Conclusions: Acanthaster planci can be considered a medium sized species in the study area. There is an evident food selectivity regarding disk diameter size. The three size groups were positively selective to hard corals, but only the small favored Porites panamensis; and together with large individuals, they had the lowest diversity on food types, whereas medium sized asteroids fed on a high diversity of prey.

Animals , Starfish/growth & development , Echinodermata/growth & development , Mexico
Demetra (Rio J.) ; 16(1): e51091, 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417510


Introdução: Estudos que analisam fatores associados à (in)segurança alimentar e nutricional são imprescindíveis para o planejamento de ações e políticas públicas de promoção da saúde. Objetivo: Avaliar a disponibilidade domiciliar de alimentos de acordo com a classificação NOVA e sua associação com a situação de (in)segurança alimentar das famílias. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 199 famílias residentes na microrregião do Bico do Papagaio, no estado do Tocantins. Foram analisados dados socioeconômicos e demográficos das famílias. A situação de insegurança alimentar foi avaliada a partir da Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar. Para o cálculo da disponibilidade energética diária no domicílio, seguiu-se a metodologia sugerida pela FAO, agrupada conforme o grau de processamento dos alimentos. Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e teste de tendência linear para verificar a associação entre as variáveis. Resultados: No total, 69,9% da população apresentou algum grau de insegurança alimentar, e 43,2% não possuía disponibilidade calórica de alimentos suficiente. Observou-se que, conforme aumentava o grau de insegurança alimentar, reduzia-se o valor calórico disponível no domicílio, sendo que a maior contribuição calórica foi advinda dos alimentos in natura e/ou minimamente processados, seguida de ingredientes culinários, alimentos ultraprocessados e de alimentos processados, independentemente do grau de insegurança alimentar (p<0,05). Conclusão: Ressalta-se a importância de avaliar diferentes determinantes relacionados à (in)segurança alimentar nessa região, além de adotar políticas públicas que melhorem as condições de vida das famílias e implementem estratégias que incentivem a produção e consumo de alimentos regionais. (AU)

Introduction: Studies that review the factors associated with food and nutritional (in)security are essential for the planning of public health promotion actions and policies. Objective: To assess household food availability according to the NOVA classification and its association with the situation of families food (in)security Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with 199 families living in the Bico do Papagaio micro-region, in the State of Tocantins. Families socioeconomic and demographic data were reviewed. The situation of food insecurity was assessed using the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. To calculate the daily energy availability at home, the methodology suggested by FAO was followed, grouping according to the degree of food processing. The chi-square test and the linear trend test were used to verify association among the variables. Results: In total, 69.9% of the population had some degree of food insecurity, and 43.2% did not have sufficient food calories availability. It was observed that, as the degree of food insecurity increased, the caloric value available in the household got reduced, with the greatest caloric contribution coming from fresh and/or minimally processed foods, followed by culinary ingredients, ultra-processed foods and processed foods, regardless of the level of food insecurity (p<0.05). Conclusion: The importance of evaluating different determinants of food (in)security in this region is emphasized, in addition to the importance of adopting public policies that improve the families' living conditions and help implementing strategies that encourage production and consumption of regional foods. (AU)

Humans , Food Supply , Food Insecurity , Access to Healthy Foods , Brazil
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 48-56, Dec. 2020. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355134


Food scarcity or abundance are factors regulating termites' foraging behavior in general. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the influence of four amounts of Eucalyptus grandis on foraging behavior events shown by worker and soldier of Nasutitermes corniger during laboratory tests. The tests were carried out with adult and active N. corniger colonies found in nests collected in the field, which were stored in glass cubes connected to the test arenas. Four different amounts of wood blocks were used in the tests and each amount concerned a treatment and defined a different experimental group: 1, 2, 3 and 4 blocks/arenas, with 5 repetitions. Each test lasted 60 minutes and consisted in observing, or not, the occurrence of behavioral events shown by foragers when they had contact with the treatment. The duration of each event was recorded, whenever it was observed. The number of recruited foragers and the number of workers consuming the blocks were recorded at the end of each test applied to each treatment. Nasutitermes corniger presented the three behavioral events in all treatments; however, there was not significant difference between treatments in the occurrence of the two first events, in the time taken from test start to the occurrence of a new event, in the number of recruited termites and in the number of gnawing workers. Only workers' mass recruiting was influenced by the amount of wood available. The occurrence of this event was significantly higher in treatments with greater amounts of wood. Thus, N. corniger adjusts its mass recruitment behavior in response to available food amount, which should be considered when developing baiting system for its control. (AU)

A escassez ou abundância de alimento são fatores que regulam o forrageamento do térmitas em geral. No presente estudo, avaliou-se a influência de quatro quantidades de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis em eventos comportamentais do forrageamento exibidos por operárias e soldados de Nasutitermes corniger em testes de laboratório. Os testes foram realizados com colônias maduras e ativas de N. cornigerpresentes em ninhos coletados a campo, os quais foram acondicionados em cubas de vidro conectadas a arenas testes. Blocos de madeira de mesma dimensão foram ofertados aos térmitas em quatro quantidades: 1, 2, 3 e 4 blocos/arena, com 5 repetições. Cada teste durou 60 minutos e consistiu na observação ou não da ocorrência de eventos comportamentais exibidos pelos forrageadores quando foi dado acesso a cada tratamento. Quando cada evento foi observado, o tempo de sua duração foi registrado. Ao final de cada teste registrou-se, em cada tratamento, o número de térmitas forrageadores recrutados e o número de operários consumindo os blocos. Observou-se que N. corniger exibiu os três eventos comportamentais em todos os tratamentos. Todavia, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos com relação à ocorrência dos dois primeiros eventos, aos tempos transcorridos desde o início do teste até a ocorrência de cada evento, aos números de térmitas recrutados e ao número de operários em roedura. Apenas a ocorrência de recrutamento em massa dos operários foi influenciada pela quantidade de madeira ofertada, sendo que foi significativamente superior quando se ofertou os blocos de madeira na maior quantidade. Dessa forma, N. corniger ajusta seu comportamento de recrutamento em massa em resposta a quantidade de alimento disponível, o que deve ser considerado ao se desenvolver um sistema de isca para seu controle. (AU)

Isoptera , Feeding Behavior , Appetitive Behavior
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(4)2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507724


Introducción: El bentos constituye un eficiente indicador de disturbios ambientales, de biodiversidad y de dinámica trófica. En Cuba, los moluscos bentónicos han sido reportados como el principal alimento de la langosta Panulirus argus. Objetivos: Estimar variaciones espacio-temporales en la comunidad bentónica de fondos blandos del golfo de Batabanó, e inferir, haciendo énfasis en los moluscos, el efecto de tales variaciones en la disponibilidad de alimento para las langostas. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis histórico de las variaciones en la densidad y biomasa de megazoobentos (organismos ≥ 4 mm) y particularmente de moluscos megazoobentónicos, tomando como referencia los estudios realizados desde 1990 (muestreos del año 1983) y datos actuales (2007-2018) registrados in situ mediante metodologías comparables. Resultados: Se encontró que tanto la densidad como la biomasa eran significativamente mayores al final del pasado siglo y muestran tendencia a disminuir gradualmente hacia la actualidad. Respecto a los valores reportados en 1983, la densidad de organismos mostró un decrecimiento del 73 %, sin embargo, la biomasa experimentó una disminución aún mayor (86 %). Las áreas de mayor densidad y biomasa, tanto de bentos como de moluscos, han variado respecto a lo reportado para 1983 y actualmente se ubican hacia el centro del golfo. A pesar de ello, los bivalvos continúan estando mejor representados que los gastrópodos. En general, los moluscos mostraron un significativo decrecimiento (55 % y 88 % respectivamente). Conclusiones: Se corroboró el deterioro de la comunidad bentónica en las áreas pesqueras del golfo de Batabanó y se demostró, basado en el megazoobentos, que la malacofauna puede utilizarse como un indicador fiable de los parámetros generales de la comunidad bentónica de fondos blandos. Se estimó que la disponibilidad de alimento para las langostas ha disminuido en un 55.6 % respecto a 1983, lo cual, unido a las variaciones espaciales del megazoobentos, puede contribuir a explicar los actuales cambios en la abundancia y distribución de las langostas.

Introduction: Benthos is an efficient indicator of environmental disturbances, biodiversity and trophic dynamics. In Cuba, benthic mollusks have been reported as the main food for the lobster Panulirus argus. Objectives: To estimate spatio-temporal variations in the soft-bottom benthic community of the Gulf of Batabanó, and to infer, with emphasis on mollusks, the effect of such variations on the availability of food for spiny lobsters. Methods: A historical analysis of the variations in the density and biomass of megazoobenthos (organisms ≥ 4 mm) and particularly of megazoobenthic mollusks was carried out, taking as a reference the studies published in 1990 (with samples from 1983) and recent data (2007-2018) recorded on site using comparable methodologies based on sediment drags. Abundance was given as density (ind/m2) and biomass in g/m2. Results: It was found that both the density and the biomass were significantly higher at the end of the last century and show a tendency to gradually decrease towards recent times. Regarding the values reported in 1983, the density of organisms showed a decrease of 73 %, however, the biomass experienced an even greater decrease (86 %). The areas with the highest density and biomass, both benthos and mollusks, have varied from 1983 and are currently located towards the center of the gulf. Despite this, bivalves continue to be better represented than gastropods. In general, mollusks showed a significant decrease (55 % and 88 % respectively). Conclusions: The deterioration of the benthic community in the fishing areas of the Gulf of Batabanó was corroborated and it was demonstrated, based on megazoobenthos, that malacofauna can be used as a reliable indicator of the general parameters of the soft-bottom benthic community. The availability of food for lobsters have decreased 55.6 % compared to 1983. This could help to explain the current changes in the abundance, distribution and nutritional condition of lobsters, which could also be related to the recent megazoobenthos variations.

Benthic Fauna , Biomass , Cuba
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 9(1): 11-23, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-961339


Resumen En Zapotlán el Grande (ZEG) la producción de berries ha aumentado drásticamente, mientras que la de cultivos tradicionales ha disminuido. La disponibilidad de estos nuevos alimentos puede generar cambios en los hábitos alimentarios (HA) de la población. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la frecuencia y la cantidad de consumo de berries en población adulta de Ciudad Guzmán (ZEG, Jalisco, México), e identificar si estos han pasado a formar parte de sus HA. Participaron 384 adultos, de 18 a 65 años, residentes de Ciudad Guzmán, quienes fueron encuestados por medio de una versión adaptada de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos. El 34% de los participantes refirió nunca consumir arándanos, frambuesas o zarzamoras, mientras que 39% los ingería ocasionalmente. En promedio, ninguno de los berries fue consumido en la ración propuesta en el Sistema Mexicano de Alimentos Equivalentes (SMAE), y solo representó 18% de la ración sugerida por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Se concluye que aunque en cantidad inferior a la recomendada por la OMS o el SMAE, una cuarta parte de la población evaluada ha incorporado los berries a su dieta habitual, lo que demuestra que su disponibilidad está generando una modificación en los HA de la población.

Abstract In Zapotlán el Grande (ZEG) the production of berries has increased drastically, while traditional crops has decreased. The availability of these new foods may change eating habits (EH) of the population. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency and amount of berry consumption in the adult population of Ciudad Guzmán (ZEG, Jalisco, Mexico), and to identify if these have become part of their EH. A total of 384 adults, from 18 to 65 years old, residents of Ciudad Guzmán, were surveyed with an adapted version of a food consumption frequency questionnaire. The 34% of participants reported never consuming blueberries, raspberries or blackberries, while 39% eat them occasionally. On average, none of the berries was consumed in the amount proposed by the Mexican System of Equivalent Foods (SMAE), and only accounted 18% of the ration suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is concluded that although the amount of berries consumed is less than the recommended by the WHO or SMAE, a quarter of the population assessed has incorporated berries into their usual diet, which shows that their availability is generating a change in the EH of the population.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 35(2): e0060, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990752


To evaluate and compare household food security situations in the rural area of a Brazilian city by three different methods: Availability of food energy at home, nutritional status and Perception of food insecurity. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 79 families living in 19 rural communities in a small city in Minas Gerais, Brazil, including a total of 272 residents. Families were selected by drawing lots, respecting the proportionality of families per community. The inclusion criteria included living in rural areas, inhabiting a selected household, and using food products available for consumption, by purchase and production. During family visits, nutritional status was analyzed by anthropometry, the perception of food insecurity by Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA) and availability of food energy at household for 30 days. Results: Of the 79 families of family farmers, 12.7% were considered to be unsafe for availability of food energy at household, 24.0% due to the presence of low weight at the household and 49.5% by EBIA. There was a low correlation among the methods, with differences between them (Kendall W 0.162 p <0.001). Food insecurity was associated to the presence of at least one individual aged less than 18 years old in the household. Food security classified according to EBIA was associated with an increase in the number of people living in the household, the production of vegetables and fruits. Conclusions: No single indicator can cover several dimensions of food security. Food Security involves a broad and multifaceted approach; therefore, its thorough evaluation requires different classification methods.

O objetivo do artigo é avaliar e comparar a situação de segurança alimentar domiciliar por três diferentes métodos, em área rural de uma cidade brasileira: disponibilidade de energia alimentar em casa; estado nutricional; e percepção de insegurança alimentar. Trata-se de estudo transversal realizado com 79 famílias residentes em 19 comunidades rurais de um município de Minas Gerais, totalizando 272 moradores. Durante as visitas familiares, o estado nutricional foi analisado por antropometria, a percepção de insegurança alimentar pela Escala de Insegurança Alimentar (Ebia) e a disponibilidade de energia alimentar no domicílio por 30 dias. Os resultados mostraram que, das 79 famílias de agricultores familiares, 12,7% foram consideradas inseguras para a disponibilidade de energia alimentar, 24,0% devido à presença de baixo peso em casa e 49,5% por Ebia. Houve baixa correlação entre os métodos, com diferenças entre eles (Kendall W 0,162 p <0,001). A insegurança alimentar esteve associada à presença de pelo menos um indivíduo com idade inferior a 18 anos no domicílio. A segurança alimentar classificada de acordo com a Ebia foi associada a um aumento no número de pessoas que vivem no domicílio, na produção de vegetais e frutas. Concluiu-se que nenhum indicador isolado pode cobrir várias dimensões da segurança alimentar, a qual envolve uma abordagem ampla e multifacetada; portanto, sua avaliação completa requer diferentes métodos de classificação.

Objetivo: evaluar y comparar la situación de seguridad alimentaria domiciliaria en el área rural de una ciudad brasileña mediante tres métodos diferentes: disponibilidad de energía alimentaria en el domicilio, estado nutricional y percepción de inseguridad alimentaria. Métodos: estudio transversal realizado con 79 familias residentes en 19 comunidades rurales de un municipio de Minas Gerais, que abarca un total de 272 habitantes. Las familias fueron seleccionadas por sorteo y se respetó la proporcionalidad por comunidad. Los criterios de inclusión fueron residir en áreas rurales, vivir en un domicilio seleccionado y usar alimentos disponibles para el consumo. Durante las visitas familiares, el estado nutricional fue analizado por antropometría, la inseguridad alimentaria percibida por la escala de inseguridad alimentaria (EBIA) y la disponibilidad de energía alimentaria en casa por treinta días. Resultados: de las 79 familias de agricultores familiares, el 12,7% se consideró con inseguridad de disponibilidad de energía alimentaria, del cual el 24% tenía presencia de bajo peso en el domicilio y el 49,5% en EBIA. Hubo una baja correlación entre los métodos, con diferencias entre ellos (Kendall W 0,162 p <0,001). La inseguridad alimentaria estuvo asociada a la presencia de por lo menos un individuo con menos de 18 años en casa. La seguridad alimentaria clasificada de acuerdo con EBIA estaba asociada a un aumento en el número de personas que vivían en casa, en la producción de hortalizas y frutas. Conclusiones: ningún indicador aislado puede cubrir varias dimensiones de la seguridad alimentaria. La seguridad alimentaria implica un enfoque amplio y multifacético, por lo que su evaluación completa requiere diferentes métodos de clasificación.

Rural Areas , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Cross-Sectional Studies , Social Class , Brazil , Food Production , Food Supply/methods
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 38(4): 447-450, oct.-dec. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-831643


Cannibalism is influenced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the population, such as density, population structure, prey availability, habitat structure and famine. These factors acting either independently or in synergy determine the frequency of cannibalism. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the effect of density and food availability on the occurrence of cannibalism among Myrmeleon brasiliensis larvae (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae). In the present study, the occurrence of cannibalism among M. brasiliensis larvae was greater in the treatments that simulated an absence of food in situations of both high and low density. The search for food makes a larva move about to forage, thereby increasing the risk of falling into the trap of a neighboring larva. Thus, the cannibalistic behavior of M. brasiliensis larvae may be associated with opportunity rather than a direct attempt to pray on the same species.

O canibalismo pode ser influenciado por vários fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos à população, tais como a densidade, a estrutura da população, a disponibilidade de presas, a estrutura do habitat e o nível de fome. Todos esses fatores podem atuar independentemente ou de forma sinérgica para determinar a frequência de canibalismo. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o efeito dos fatores densidade e da oferta de alimento na ocorrência de canibalismo entre as larvas Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae). Foi observado que tanto em situações de baixa densidade quanto de alta densidade o canibalismo é maior nos tratamentos que simularam a falta de alimento. A busca pelo alimento faz com que as larvas se desloquem; esse deslocamento contribui para que uma larva M. brasiliensis caia na armadilha da larva vizinha. Dessa maneira, o comportamento canibal entre M. brasiliensis pode estar associado à oportunidade, e não a uma busca direta pela presa da mesma espécie.

Ants , Cannibalism , Food
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.2): 339-351, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958181


Abstract The relative size of the Aristotle's lantern of most sea urchins varies in relation to the food availability and it is often used to infer the availability of food of the environment. The aim of our study was to evaluate the lantern morphology plasticity of Arbacia dufresnii in populations with different environmental characteristics, either mussel beds or disturbed areas, by the invasive alga Undaria pinnatifida along the Patagonian Atlantic coast. The test diameter of the sea urchins along with the weight and height of the lanterns, the jaw lenght and rotula lenght were measured. Classic and geometric morphometric analyses were performed to test differences among populations. The length of the jaw was the best indicator of relative changes in size of the lantern. The largest length of the jaw was measured in individuals from disturbed areas dominated by the invasive algae U. pinnatifida. The rotula shape changed with the increase of the diameter of the sea urchins, it tends to be more elongated with larger sea urchins. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 339-351. Epub 2015 June 01.

Resumen El tamaño relativo de la linterna de Aristóteles en la mayoría de las especies de erizos de mar varía en relación con la disponibilidad de alimentos y se utiliza a menudo para inferir la disponibilidad de alimentos en el medio ambiente en que los erizos de mar habitan. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la plasticidad morfológica de la linterna de Aristóteles de Arbacia dufresnii en poblaciones con diferentes características ambientales, ya sean con bancos de mejillones o áreas modificadas por el alga invasora Undaria pinnatífida, a largo de la costa patagónica atlántica. Se midió el diámetro del caparazón, el peso y el alto de las linternas, la longitud de la semipirámide y la longitud de la rótula. Los datos se analizaron utilizando técnicas de morfometría clásica y geométrica con el objetivo de probar diferencias entre las poblaciones. La longitud de la semipirámide fue el mejor indicador para describir los cambios relativos en el tamaño de la linterna. La mayor longitud de la semipirámide se observó en las poblaciones que habitan áreas dominadas por el alga invasora U. pinnatifida. La forma de la semipirámide no varía entre las poblaciones ni con el tamaño de los erizos de mar, mientras que la forma de la rótula cambia en relación al tamaño de los erizos, siendo más alargada cuando el tamaño de los individuos es mayor.

Animals , Sea Urchins/anatomy & histology , Arbacia/anatomy & histology , Mandible
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149517


Food and nutrition security are intimately interconnected, since only a food based approach can help in overcoming malnutrition in an economically and socially sustainable manner. Food production provides the base for food security as it is a key determinant of food availability. This paper deals with different aspects of ensuring high productivity and production without associated ecological harm for ensuring adequate food availability. By mainstreaming ecological considerations in technology development and dissemination, we can enter an era of evergreen revolution and sustainable food and nutrition security. Public policy support is crucial for enabling this.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 11(2): 375-386, jun. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-679356


This study described the use of food resources and the distribution of fish trophic guilds along the longitudinal gradient of a coastal Atlantic stream, southern Brazil. Allochthonous resources (terrestrial insects) predominated in the headwaters, whereas autochthonous food items (algae, fish) and detritus predominated in the mouth section. Detritivorous, aquaticinvertivorous, and terrestrial- and aquatic-insectivorous species occurred throughout the gradient, while omnivorous and piscivorous in the headwaters and middle stretches, respectively, and herbivorous in the middle and mouth. Detritivores and aquatic-insectivores were significantly more specialized than the other guilds, however, there was no evidence of a longitudinal increase in trophic specialization. Density and biomass of aquatic-invertivores and aquatic-insectivores decreased, whereas that of detritivores increased longitudinally. The distribution of trophic guilds was significantly associated with the stream section, where aquatic and terrestrial insectivorous were more frequent in rocky and flowed stretches from the headwater and detritivores in deeper environments with finer particles of substrate from the mouth. This suggests that fish assemblages in coastal streams with a steep longitudinal gradient may follow patterns in the use of food resources according with the food availability along the river, as predicted by the River Continuum Concept.

Este estudo descreve o uso dos recursos alimentares e a distribuição das guildas tróficas de peixes ao longo do gradiente longitudinal de um riacho da encosta Atlântica, Sul do Brasil. Recursos alóctones (insetos terrestres) foram consumidos com maior frequência na cabeceira, entretanto, recursos de origem autóctone (algas, peixes) e detritos foram mais frequentemente registrados na foz. Espécies detritívoras, invertívoras aquáticas, insetívoras terrestres e aquáticas ocorreram ao longo de todo gradiente, enquanto que as onívoras e piscívoras na cabeceira e meio, respectivamente, e herbívoras no meio e foz. Detritívoras e insetívoras aquáticas foram significativamente mais especializadas em relação às demais guildas; entretanto, não houve nenhuma evidência de aumento longitudinal da especialização trófica. A densidade e a biomassa de invertívoras e insetívoras aquáticas diminuíram, enquanto que das detritívoras aumentaram no sentido cabeceira-foz. A distribuição das guildas tróficas foi significativamente associada com a secção do riacho, onde insetívoras aquáticas e terrestres foram mais frequentes em trechos rochosos e de elevado fluxo da cabeceira, enquanto que detritívoras em ambientes mais profundos com partículas finas de substrato da foz. Tais resultados sugerem que assembleias de peixes de riachos tropicais de encosta, os quais apresentam acentuado gradiente longitudinal, podem seguir padrões de uso dos recursos alimentares de acordo com a disponibilidade alimentar ao longo do rio, como previstos no Conceito de Continuidade de Rios.

Animals , Animal Distribution/physiology , Food Resources , Fishes/growth & development , Animal Feed/analysis , Feeding Behavior/ethnology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(2): 771-779, June 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657818


Trophic ecology in tadpoles of Rhinella arenarum (Anura: Bufonidae) in agroecosystems and their possible implications for conservation. The progress of the agriculture border has led an important loss of natural habitats, with significant consequences for biodiversity. In this sense, the studies in anuran amphibian tadpoles inhabiting these environments are relevant, because the larval stage is a phase of population regulation. The aim of this study was to analyze the body condition and diet in Rhinella arenarum, tadpoles, an anuran species widely distributed in South America and that inhabit agroecosystems. Three sites were sampled, two agroecosystems with different alteration degrees (C1 and C2) and an uncultured (SM) third place. The captured tadpoles were anesthetized, fixed and preserved in formaldehyde (10%). Subsequently, body measurements were made and the complete intestine was removed and analyzed for food items under a binocular microscope. The diet in R. arenarum tadpoles has a dominance of algae Bacillariophyceae, followed by Cyanophyceae. In particular, the class Bacillariophyceae, due to the presence of the genus Navicula, Nitzschia, Gomphonema and Hantzschia, was important in the diet of the anurans in those agroecosystems. Class Cyanophyceae, mainly represented by genus Oscillatoria and Euglenophyceae represented by Euglena and Strombomonas, were predominant in the diet of the anurans in SM. Some differences in the total items consumed by tadpole were observed between the studied sites. Tadpoles that inhabit the modified sites (C1 and C2) recorded a significantly smaller amount of food. Moreover, the tadpoles that inhabit these sites showed a lower body condition. The presence of certain algae associated with eutrophic environments, could indicate some pollution in agroecosystems (C1 and C2). Food resources would be lesser in places with strong agricultural activity, possibly with a greater degree of eutrophication. A smaller food amount could have consequences at population level for the short and long time terms, because of its impact on individual growth. Larval diet is suggested as a potential bioindicator of environmental health for these areas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (2): 771-779. Epub 2012 June 01.

El crecimiento de la agricultura produce perdida del habitat natural, con consecuencias para la biodiversidad de los anfibios. Se analizo la dieta y condición corporal de larvas de anuros de Rhinella arenarum que habitan agroecosistemas. Los muestreos fueron realizados en dos agroecosistemas y en un tercer sitio, no afectado por cultivos. Las larvas capturadas fueron anestesiadas, fijadas y preservadas en formaldehido, se realizaron medidas corporales y se analizo la dieta de las larvas. Se registro diversidad en la oferta alimenticia proporcionada por los distintos ambientes. La dieta tuvo una predominancia de algas Bacillarophyceae, seguidas por Cyanophyceae. Particularmente, los géneros Navicula, Nitzschia, Hantzschia y Gomphonema (clase Bacillarophyceae), fueron importantes en los agroecosistemas. Los géneros Osillatoria, Euglena y Strombomonas (clases Cyanophyceae y Euglenophyceae), predominaron en la dieta de las larvas de anuros en el sitio menos alterado. Las larvas de los sitios más alterados consumen menor cantidad de alimento y registran una menor condición corporal. La presencia de determinadas algas, indicarían un mayor grado de contaminación en los agroecosistemas. La eutrofización de lagunas podría alterar la disponibilidad de alimento para larvas de anuros que podría tener consecuencias poblacionales negativas. Se sugiere el análisis de dietas larvarias como un potencial bioindicador de salubridad ambiental.

Animals , Bufo arenarum/growth & development , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Argentina , Bufo arenarum/physiology , Environmental Monitoring , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Larva/growth & development , Larva/physiology
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;61(1): 13-19, Jan. 2011. ilus, graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-659094


La investigación tuvo por objetivo evaluar el impacto del conocimiento tecnológico, obtenido mediante Escuelas de campo, sobre la disponibilidad alimentaria de campesinos indígenas pobres dedicados principalmente a la producción de maíz para autoconsumo en la región Cuicateca de Oaxaca, México. Las variables analizadas fueron: 1) Nivel de conocimiento tecnológico; 2) Rendimientos de Maíz y 3) Tiempo en que la última cosecha, de maíz, abastece las necesidades alimenticias de los campesinos referidos (un indicador proxi de disponibilidad alimentaria). A una muestra aleatoria de 36 participantes en Escuelas de campo y un grupo testigo de igual tamaño se aplicaron cuestionarios al inicio y final del estudio. El análisis estadístico se realizó con las pruebas de contraste x2 de Pearson así como la de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y en virtud de no haberse comprobado una distribución normal, se aplicó la prueba de Wilcoxon para contrastar datos pareados, y finalmente se obtuvieron correlaciones. Se encontró que el aumento en el Nivel de conocimiento tecnológico de 7.29±1.01 a 46.64±18.40 no presenta correlación (P>0.05) con el tiempo en que la última cosecha, de maíz, abastece las necesidades alimenticias. Los resultados muestran que el incremento en el nivel de conocimiento tecnológico no aumenta la disponibilidad alimentaria de maíz.

This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of technological knowledge (acquired in Farmer Field Schools) on the availability of food for poor indigenous farmers, who are mainly dedicated to the production of maize for home consumption in the Cuicateca región, Oaxaca, Mexico. The variables analyzed were 1) Level of technological knowledge, 2) maize yield, and 3) time that the last maize harvest supplied the food needs of the farmers in question (a proxy indicator of food availability). A random sample of 36 participants in the rural training schools and a control group of the same size were given questionnaires at the beginning and end of their study. The statistical analysis was done using the Pearson x2 contrast test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. After finding that there was no normal distribution, the Wilcoxon test to contrast paired data was used, and finally, correlations were obtained. It was found that the increase in technological knowledge of 7.29±1.01 to 46.64±18.40 did not correlate (P>0.05) with the time that the last maize harvest lasted in providing food. The results show that the increase in technological knowledge does not increase availability of maize as food.

Humans , Agriculture/methods , Food Supply , Food Technology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Indians, North American , Zea mays , Mexico , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;36(4): 361-366, dic. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-571730


Los desastres naturales azotan a Cuba y se deben atenuar sus estragos sobre la salud y la alimentación de la población. El estado de nutrición de la población depende de la disponibilidad, el consumo y la utilización biológica de los alimentos. Los desastres naturales pueden perjudicar el estado nutricional de la población debido a su impacto sobre uno o varios componentes de la cadena alimentaria, que dependerán del tipo, duración y magnitud del desastre, así como de las condiciones de alimentación y nutrición que existían previamente en la zona. Se revisa la información disponible sobre alimentación y nutrición en los desastres y se identifican las medidas de control y prevención para evitar la desnutrición y conseguir la mejor alimentación en las situaciones de emergencia, incluido la alimentación de lactantes y niños pequeños. Se precisan los pasos inmediatos a dar para garantizar la eficacia de un programa de ayuda alimentaria, entre ellos, evaluar las provisiones de alimentos disponibles después del desastre, determinar las necesidades nutricionales de la población afectada, calcular las raciones alimentarias diarias y las necesidades de grandes grupos de población y vigilar el estado de nutrición de la población afectada. En los desastres es necesario mejorar el abastecimiento de alimentos con un mayor aprovechamiento de los productos cosechados y ampliar la cultura nutricional, lo que traería aparejado el incremento de la seguridad alimentaria y la prevención de la desnutrición

Natural disasters hit Cuba, and so, their effects upon health and feeding of the population should be mitigated. The nutritional condition of the population depends on the availability, consumption and the biological use of food. Natural disasters can damage the nutritional condition of the population due to their impact on one or several food chain components, which will in turn depend on the type, duration and size of the disaster, as well as the existing feeding and nutritional conditions in the area before the disaster. The available information on food and nutrition in disaster situations was reviewed. Also, the control and preventive measures to avoid malnutrition and to provide the best possible food under emergency circumstances, including food for breastfed babies and small children were identified. The immediate steps to assure the food assistance program efficacy were specified. These steps include evaluating the amount of food available after the disaster, determining the nutritional requirements of the affected population, estimating the daily food rations along with the needs of large population groups, and observing the nutritional condition of the affected population. It is necessary to improve the food supply by making a full use of collected products and to expand the nutritional culture, which will lead to increased food safety and to prevention of malnutrition

Emergency Feeding , Natural Disasters , Nutritional Status
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 28(131): 27-31, abr.-jun. 2010. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-562366


En abril de 2009 se conformó en la Asociación Argentina de Dietistas y Nutricionistas Dietistas el Grupo de Estudio sobre Soberanía Alimentaria, constituido por un grupo de Licenciadosen Nutrición con interés en el tema. Como primer objetivo, el Grupo se propuso estudiar tres temas: “el Derecho a laAlimentación”, “la Producción y Disponibilidad de alimentos enArgentina” y “la Canasta Básica de Alimentos”. En el presente artículo se expone un resumen de los avances en el segundo tema mencionado.

In April 2009, was formed in the Argentina Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists Dietitians the Study Group on FoodSovereignty, established by a group of graduates in nutrition with interest in the subject. As a first objective, the Group wasto examine three issues: "The Right to Food", "Production and Availability of food in Argentina" and "Basic Food Basket." This article is a summary of progress on the second topic mentioned.

Commerce , Economic Development , Economics , Food , Food Supply
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 6(4): 577-582, Oct.-Dec. 2008. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-507783


Morichales are lowland streams in South American savannas with riparian forest dominated by the moriche palm (Mauritia flexuosa). We sampled littoral habitats from ten flooded vegetated patches (dominated by Mauritiella aculeate) and six sand banks in two months of the dry season (Feb-Mar 2005) in a stream in the savannas of Apure State, Venezuela. We collected samples that compromised 12,407 individual fishes of 107 species. Small-bodied fishes (< 100 mm), representing diverse trophic and life history strategies, were abundant. The most abundant species were in the families Characidae and Cichlidae. Fish assemblages from flooded vegetated patches differed significantly from those on adjacent sand banks. High structural complexity along vegetated shoreline habitats of morichal streams likely contributes to species richness and affects assemblage composition.

Morichales ou buritizais são tipos de habitats de planícies de savana da América do Sul com vegetação ripária dominada por buritis (Mauritia flexuosa). Nós amostramos habitats litorâneos de dez fragmentos de buritis e seis bancos de areia durante dois meses de estação seca (Fev-Mar de 2005) em um curso de água de savana no Estado de Apure, Venezuela. Foram coletados 12.407 peixes pertencentes a 107 espécies. Espécies de pequeno porte (< 100 mm), representando diversas estratégias de vida e categorias tróficas foram abundantes. As espécies mais abundantes pertenceram às famílias Characidae e Cichlidae. As assembléias de peixes dos fragmentos de vegetação inundada (buritis) diferiram significantemente daquelas dos bancos de areia adjacentes. A elevada complexidade estrutural ao longo dos habitats marginais dos riachos que corriam pelos buritizais provavelmente contribuiu para a riqueza de espécies e influenciou a composição das assembléias nesses sistemas.

Animals , Fishes , Food Chain , Population Dynamics
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 33(1): 43-59, abr. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-485118


The aim of this work was to analyze the availability of nutrients with antioxidant properties and some compounds for families who live in rural and urban areas of Brazil. Data provided by the Household ExpenditureSurvey 2002-2003 were analyzed. The survey was carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). For the nutritional calculations, Virtual Nutri and SAS softwares were used. Beta-carotene and lycopene availabilities were determined using information contained in Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 19 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The results related reduced average availability of vitamin C, lower than the recommendation (82.5mg). The values found for vitamin E met recommended values for families who live in rural and urban areas of the Center-West Region (24.3mg and 15.7mg, respectively) and in rural areas of the Southeast Region (19.3mg). The average content available observed for vitamin A met the recommended value. Brazilian residences have an average reduced availability of beta-carotene and lycopene. Regarding minerals, the content of calcium and zinc observed were reduced. The access to iron, copper and selenium was lower than the recommended values for families who live in urban areas. It is very important to mention that the analyses are restricted to food consumption at home, but due to the average availability in the residences, which was lower than the reference values for some nutrients, and the importance of vitamins and minerals in health, an urgent search for strategies that contribute for the Brazilian population?s access to healthy foods is necessary.

El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la disponibilidad de nutrientes con propiedades antioxidantes para las familias brasileñas que viven en zonas rurales y urbanas. Para eso, fueron utilizadas las informaciones del censo de presupuestos familiares (2002-2003) del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE).El cálculo nutricional realizado con los softwares Virtual Nutri y SAS. Los datos del Nutrient Database Standard Reference Release 19 -United States of Departament of Agriculure (USDA) se emplearon para examinar la biodisponibilidad de beta caroteno y licopeno. Los resultados mostraron una reducida disponibilidad mediade vitamina C, menor que la ideal (82,5 mg). La disponibilidad de vitamina E observada solo atiende la recomendación para las familias que viven en zonas rurales y urbanas de la Región Centro Oeste (24,3 mg y 15,7 mg ,respectivamente} y para los habitantes de las zonas rurales de la región Sudeste (19,3 mg). Las concentraciones medias observadas paravitamina A atienden el valor recomendado. Las familias brasileñas tienen baja disponibilidad de beta caroteno y licopeno. La cantidad disponible de calcio y zinc es limitada. El acceso al hierro, cobre y selenio por las familias que viven en las zonas urbanas no alcanza los valores recomendados. Es importante mencionar que este análisis se limita a los géneros alimenticios que son adquiridos por las familias Sin embargo, debido a la baja disponibilidad media de algunos nutrientes, inferior a las recomendaciones, y la importancia de vitaminas y minerales a la salud, es necesaria la búsqueda urgente de estrategias que contribuyan al acceso de la población brasileña a alimentos saludables

O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a disponibilidade de nutrientes selecionados com propriedades antioxidantes e de alguns compostos para as famílias moradoras nas áreas rurais e urbanas do Brasil. Para as análises, foram adotadas as informações obtidas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística por meio da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares(2002-2003). Os cálculos nutricionais foram viabilizados por meio da utilização dos softwares Virtual Nutri e SAS. As informações contidas na tabela Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 19 - United States of Department Agriculture (USDA), foram adotadas para aanálise de disponibilidade de beta-caroteno e licopeno. Entre os resultados, destaca-se reduzida disponibilidade média de vitamina C inferior àquela considerada ideal (82,5mg). Os valores encontrados para a vitamina E, somente atenderam as necessidades dos indivíduos moradores nas áreas rurais e urbanas da Região Centro-Oeste (24,3mg e 15,7mg, respectivamente) e aqueles residentes no meio rural da Região Sudeste (19,3mg). Os conteúdos médios disponíveis observados para a vitamina A contemplaram o valor recomendado. Os domicílios brasileiros dispõem em média de quantidade reduzida de beta-caroteno e licopeno. O conteúdo disponível de cálcio e de zinco revelou-se aquém do desejado. O acesso das famílias residentes nas áreas urbanas ao ferro, cobre e selênio, mostrou-se inferior aos valores preconizados. Ressalta-se que as análises restringiram-se à aquisição alimentar domiciliar, contudo tendo em vista a reduzida disponibilidade média de nutrientes e a importância de vitaminas e minerais para a saúde, torna urgente a busca de estratégias que promovam o acesso da população brasileira à alimentação saudável.

Antioxidants , Eating , Minerals , Nutritive Value , beta Carotene , Feeding Behavior
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;142(3): 181-193, mayo-jun. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-569687


Objetivo: Describir las características demográficas y socioeconómicas al igual que sus cambios, así como la disponibilidad de alimentos y el gasto en alimentación en México, durante el periodo 1980-2000. Material y métodos: A partir de estadísticas oficiales (Censos de Población, hojas de balance de la FAO, Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares y Censos Económicos) se estimó la evolución de distribución de la población de acuerdo al tamaño de localidad, estructura ocupacional, participación de la mujer en el trabajo asalariado, salario mínimo, disponibilidad de alimentos per cápita, disponibilidad de establecimientos en los que se expenden alimentos y gasto destinado para alimentación. Resultados: Los cambios socioeconómicos que se observaron fueron: aumento del porcentaje de población que habita en zonas urbanas, de la población ocupada en el sector terciario, de la participación de la mujer en el trabajo asalariado, así como la disminución del valor real del salario mínimo. Disminuyó la disponibilidad de leguminosas, oleaginosas, aceites vegetales, pescados y mariscos, mientras que se incrementó la de grasas animales, verduras, frutas, bebidas alcohólicas, carnes y huevo. Aumentó el número de restaurantes, fondas y cocinas económicas. El gasto destinado para alimentación ha disminuido, no así el de bebidas y alimentos consumidos fuera del hogar. Conclusiones: En México, el aumento de las zonas urbanas y del trabajo en el sector terciario es paralelo al aumento en la disponibilidad de alimentos ricos en grasa y proteína, de una mayor variedad de la dieta y más oportunidades para consumir alimentos preparados fuera del hogar. Por la reducción de los empleos en el sector primario es previsible que la actividad física laboral cada vez tenga menos importancia. Por el contrario, se ha incrementado la venta de equipos y establecimientos relacionados con la actividad física recreativa.

OBJECTIVES: To describe the demographic and socioeconomic changes, food availability and food expense in Mexico during 1980-2000. METHODS: From official statistics (Population Census, FAO Food Balance Sheets, Family Income and Expense National Survey and Economic Census) we estimated the evolution of population distribution according to locality size, occupational structure, woman participation in the wage-earning labor force, minimum wage, availability of food establishments and expense in food. RESULTS: The percentage of the population that lives in urban areas has increased, they are employed in the tertiary sector, womens participation in the labor market has increased but real minimum wages have decreased. Vegetables, oleaginous, oils, fish and seafood availability have decreased whereas animal fat, vegetables, fruits, softdrinks, meats and egg availability have increased. The number of inexpensive restaurants (cocinas económicas and fondas) has also increased. Food expenses have decreased while amount of money spent in food consumed away from home has increased. CONCLUSIONS: In Mexico, the growth in urban areas and the tertiary job sector shows a parallel growth in the availability of high fat and protein food, a greater diet variety and more opportunities to consume food not prepared in the home. On the other hand, the sale of equipment and places designed for recreational physical activity have increased. By reducing employment in the primary sector it is foreseeable that labor intensive physical activity will become less important overtime.

Humans , Male , Female , Food Supply/economics , Food Supply/statistics & numerical data , Health Transition , Mexico , Socioeconomic Factors
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-649367


A case-control study was conducted in order to examine dietary behavioral factors associated with colorectal cancer risks. Data were collected from 128 cases with either colorectal cancer or large bowl adenomatous polyps and 129 controls regarding stages of dietary behavioral change, perceived barrier, self efficacy, nutrition knowledge, social support and food availability as well as body mass index and overall dietary quality. Cases showed less desirable behaviors with respect to fat reduction and vegetable intake compared with controls based on the analyses of the stages of dietary change. After adjustment of relevant covariates (age, gender and smoking), significant trends of increasing risk with higher level emerged for perceived barriers resulted from environmental conditions (OR = 1.6 - 2.0) and self-efficacy (OR = 2.2 - 2.3). No such relationships were found for nutrition knowledge and social support. The risk of colorectal cancer was associated with the kinds of foods available at home showing a borderline protective relation with milk (OR = 0.6) and respective significant and borderline direct associations for fresh meat (OR = 2.1) and soft drinks (OR = 0.6 when reversely scored). Within-group analyses presented best predictors of overall dietary quality as food availability for the case and self-efficacy and social support for the control. The findings of this study suggested a need for focusing on motivational and reinforcing factors in the development of nutrition education programs for colorectal cancer prevention.

Adenomatous Polyps , Body Mass Index , Carbonated Beverages , Case-Control Studies , Causality , Colon , Colonic Neoplasms , Colorectal Neoplasms , Education , Meat , Milk , Self Efficacy , Vegetables