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Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550790


Introducción: Los desperdicios de alimentos en los comedores escolares son un problema que afecta al uso de recursos naturales, humanos y económicos. Objetivo: Identificar las opiniones y percepciones de manipuladoras de alimentos sobre factores relacionados al desperdicio de alimentos y posibles estrategias para disminuirlo en comedores escolares del Programa de Alimentación Escolar de la Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas en Chile. Métodos: Diseño cualitativo mediante técnica de grupos focales, con 33 participantes. Se aplicó un protocolo de investigación cualitativo que incluyó consentimiento informado, caracterización sociodemográfica, pauta de observación y guion con las dimensiones exploradas. Cada grupo contó con moderador experto y un observador. Se grabó y transcribió el audio de cada sesión y se analizó mediante ATLAS. Ti, versión 8. Resultados: Según las manipuladoras, los alimentos menos consumidos por los estudiantes son las legumbres, verduras frescas, productos marinos y algunas salsas. Estiman que el desperdicio de alimentos oscila entre los 25 a 100 Kilos al día. Las mujeres identifican factores claves en el rechazo de los alimentos por parte de los escolares; estética, olor y sabor del plato; repetitividad del menú; y aspectos culturales. Como estrategias para reducir el desperdicio proponen variar el menú, incorporar alimentos conocidos por los escolares, educar a los padres en la importancia de ofrecer alimentos y preparaciones saludables y sostenibles; fomentar la participación de toda la comunidad educativa en el proceso alimentario. Conclusiones: El estudio reveló que el desperdicio de alimentos en los comedores escolares es un problema complejo que requiere una intervención multidimensional que involucre a todos los actores del sistema alimentario escolar.

Introduction: Food waste in school canteens is a problem that affects the use of natural, human and economic resources. Objective: Identify the opinions and perceptions of food handlers about food waste factors and possible strategies to reduce them in school canteens of the School Feeding Programme of the Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas in Chile. Methods: Qualitative design using a focus group technique with 33 participants. A qualitative research protocol that included informed consent, sociodemographic characterisation, observation guidelines, and a script with the dimensions explored was applied. Each group had an expert moderator and an observer. The audio of each session was recorded, transcribed, and analysed using ATLAS. Ti, version 8. Results: According to the handlers, the foods least consumed by the students are legumes, fresh vegetables, seafood, and some sauces. They estimate that food waste ranges from 25 to 100 kg per day. Women identify critical factors in the rejection of food by schoolchildren: aesthetics, smell, and taste of the dish; repetitiveness of the menu; and cultural aspects. As strategies to reduce waste, they propose varying the menu, incorporating foods familiar to schoolchildren, educating parents about the importance of offering healthy and sustainable food and preparations, and encouraging the participation of the entire educational community in the food process. Conclusions: The study revealed that food waste in school canteens is a complex problem that requires a multidimensional intervention that involves all actors in the school food system.

Perspect. nutr. hum ; 23(2): 143-157, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375983


Resumen Antecedentes: los alimentos desperdiciados en ventas al detalle en Latinoamérica (15 %) podrían suplir las necesidades alimenticias del 64 % de quienes sufren hambre en la región. Objetivo: determinar los desperdicios de alimentos en tres servicios de alimentación de la sede Rodrigo Facio de la Universidad de Costa Rica a partir de la guía de medición de la Red Costarricense para Disminuir la Pérdida y el Desperdicio de Alimentos. Materiales y métodos: los desperdicios en los servicios de alimentación N1 y N2 fueron medidos en 2018 y 2019 y en el N3 en 2019; se realizaron 15 mediciones siguiendo la metodología de la guía y se reportaron como porcentaje del total de producción de sólidos. Resultados: los desperdicios en la producción total fueron 15,0-16,6 % en 2018 y 6,4-11,5 % en 2019. No se encontraron diferencias entre los servicios de alimentación en la producción promedio (p=0,1467), en el desperdicio del área de almacenamiento (p=0,1293) ni en la producción de alimentos (p=0,7718). Se encontraron diferencias en el desperdicio entre los servicios de alimentación en el área de servicio: desperdicios en barra (p=0,0197), en plato/ desayuno (p=0,0075) y en plato/almuerzo (p=0,0362). Conclusiones: la cantidad de desperdicios encontrados son menores a los reportados en otros estudios.

Abstract Background: Food wasted in retail in Latinamerica (15%) could supply the nutritional needs of 64% of the hungry in the region. Objective: To determine food waste in three food services of the Rodrigo Facio campus of the Universidad de Costa Rica, using the measurement guide of the Costa Rican Network to reduce food loss and waste. Materials and Methods: Waste in food services N1 and N2 were measured in 2018 and 2019, and in the N3 in 2019. In total 15 measurements were made following the methodology of the guide and they were reported as a percentage of total solids production. Results: Waste in total production was 15.0-16.6% in 2018 and 6.4-11.5% in 2019. No differences were found between food services in average production (p=0.1467), in the waste storage area (p=0.1293), nor food production (p = 0.7718). Differences in waste were found between food services in the service area: Waste in the service bar (p=0.0197), in plate/breakfast (p=0.0075), and in plate/lunch (p=0.0362). Conclusions: The amount of waste found is lower than that reported in other studies.

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 39(3): 170-175, jul-sep 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517284


Objetivo ­ Avaliar qualitativamente as preparações do cardápio mensal e a satisfação dos clientes de uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição institucional do município de Campinas-SP. Métodos ­ Trata-se de um estudo de caso, descritivo e de caráter qualitativo realizado no mês de fevereiro de 2020. Para a avaliação dos cardápios foi aplicado o AQPC. Este método avaliou a qualidade nutricional e sensorial das preparações. Para a obtenção do indicador de resto utilizou-se o total em quilos de desperdício de consumo diário. Já para a pesquisa de satisfação foram utilizadas informações do banco de dados do totem digital, como satisfação em relação ao cardápio, variedade, sabor, aparência e higiene do local. Resultados ­ O método AQPC constatou, como aspectos positivos, a ocorrência de folhosos, frutas, baixa monotonia e ausência de conservas e frituras e, como aspectos negativos, a oferta de alimentos sulfurados, ultraprocessados, carnes gordurosas e doces. Já o percentual de resto foi considerado como bom (3,23% per capita). Por último, com relação a satisfação dos comensais, 91% relataram satisfação em relação à qualidade do serviço, o restante (9%) relatou no feedback que o menu, sabor e variedade dos alimentos deveriam ser melhor adequados. Conclusão ­ O método AQPC, acoplado à realização de pesquisa de satisfação aos clientes e o indicador de resto, constituem boas estratégias para fornecer informações essenciais para a melhoria do serviço de alimentação

Objective ­ To qualitatively evaluate the preparations of the monthly menu and customer satisfaction at an institutional Food and Nutrition Unit in the city of Campinas-SP. Methods ­ This is a case study, descriptive and of a qualitative nature, carried out in February 2020. AQPC was applied to evaluate the menus. This method evaluated the nutritional and sensory quality of the preparations. In order to obtain the rest indicator, the total in kilograms of waste of daily consumption was used. For the satisfaction survey, information from the digital totem database was used, such as satisfaction with the menu, variety, flavor, appearance and hygiene of the place. Results ­ The AQPC method found, as positive aspects, the occurrence of leafy fruits, low monotony and absence of preserves and fried foods and, as negative aspects, the offer of sulfurized, ultra-processed foods, fatty and sweet meats. The percentage of rest wasconsidered to be good (3.23% per capita). Finally, with regard to the satisfaction of diners, 91% reported satisfaction in relation to the quality of the service, the rest (9%) reported in the feedback that the menu, flavor and variety of food should be better suited. Conclusion ­ The AQPC method, coupled with conducting customer satisfaction surveys and the rest indicator, are good strategies for providing essential information for improving the food service

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972809


Aims@#Researchers are focusing more on the isolation of new probiotic bacteria to increase varieties for the growing market demand. This study aimed to isolate lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains from sugarcane waste materials and evaluate its characteristic. @*Methodology and results@#In the present study, two strains of LAB (Isolates A and B) were isolated from sugarcane waste and investigated in vitro for their characteristics as potential probiotics. These isolates were evaluated on their characteristics based on four biochemical tests (acid tolerance, bile tolerance, microbial adhesion, and phenol resistance), with the commercial strain Lactobacillus isolated from Yakult ® served as a positive control. Both isolated strains (>8 log10 CFU/mL) displayed higher survivability than control (>6 log10 CFU/mL) in simulated gastrointestinal conditions at pH 2.0 and pH 6.9 after 24 h. Furthermore, both isolated LABs were resistant to inhibitory substances which are 0.05-0.3% bile and 0.4% phenol. For bile tolerance, isolate A (OD 6.83) had a higher absorbance at 0.3% bile concentration as compared to isolate B (OD 2.20). However, isolate B (7.49 log10 CFU/mL) showed higher resistance towards 0.4% phenol than isolate A (7.11 log10 CFU/mL) after 24 h. Both isolate A and isolate B displayed low cell surface hydrophobicity, strong electron donor, and basic characteristic.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#Both isolates were able to survive under gastrointestinal stress conditions, implying their potential as probiotics. This study demonstrated that valuable products such as probiotic strain could be isolated from sugarcane wastes to use in food production or medical treatment.

Lactobacillales , Waste Management
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21200102, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278441


Abstract The synergism of food waste associated with swine manure can provide an increase in biogas production, besides promoting greater stability in the anaerobic co-digestion process. To verify this effect, co-digestion tests were performed in two reactors, one with agitation, and the other without agitation. In both systems, gasometers were used to measure biogas production in an experiment lasting two hydraulic retention times (HRT). On each feeding day, the temperatures of the ambient and of the effluent taken from the reactors were measured, and samples of the food waste and effluent were collected to perform analysis of pH, total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), fixed solids (FS), volatile acidity (AV), and total alkalinity (TA). In addition, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) was determined every five days, and gas composition was determined at the beginning of the second HRT. As important results, in both reactors a decrease in pH was verified due to the weakening of the buffer effect of the medium. This was due to the low alkalinity found in the food waste, causing an increase in acidity in the contents of the reactors. The volume of biogas produced was higher in the reactor with agitation, which meant an increased efficiency of the process. Finally, a low methane content was verified through chromatographic analyses, indicating a reduction in the activity of the microorganisms present in the medium. Thus, it is concluded that agitation linked to anaerobic co-digestion of swine manure with food waste exerted a positive effect on biogas production.

Biofuels , Garbage , Anaerobic Digestion , Activated Sludges
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 66(3): 245-259, sep.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115766


RESUMEN Objetivo: caracterización organoléptica, nutricional, microbiológica y digestibilidad in vitro de ensilados de desperdicios de alimentos recolectados en un restaurante de un centro de estudios técnicos y tecnológicos con subproductos de cosecha. Metodología: se realizó un análisis organoléptico, microbiológico, proximal de la composición y digestibilidad in vitro de ensilajes con diferentes niveles de inclusión de desperdicios de alimentos. Resultados: se evidencian características de olor, color y textura óptimas para su palatabilidad, valores nutricionales favorables para el 30, 35 y 40% de inclusión de desperdicios, bajos promedios de proteína, pero con niveles de energía superiores a los del maíz, sorgo y soya. La digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS) fue mejor para el 35% de inclusión. Así mismo, la Unidad Formadora de Colonias UFC/g para el día 21 fue 1 x10 (Escherichia coli), que se ajusta a las normas para alimentos de animales. Conclusiones: la utilización de ensilados con un 35% de inclusión de desperdicios de alimento puede ser una importante herramienta de suplementación para la alimentación porcina.

ABSTRACT Aim: characterize organoleptic, nutritional, microbiological and in vitro digestibility of food waste silage collected in a restaurant of a technical and technological studies center with harvest by-products. Metodology: it has been make organoleptic analysis, microbiologic, proximal composition, in vitro digestibility of silages with different levels of inclusion of food waste. Results: it is evidenced characteristics of smell, color and texture optimal so as to palatability, favorable nutritional values for 30, 35 and 40% inclusion of waste, low protein levels, but with hight energy levels superior to corn, sorghum and soybeans. The dry mater in vitro digestibility in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS) was better for 35% inclusión. Moreover, In addition, the UFC/g colony forming units for 21th day was 1 X101 (Escherichia coli), that conforms to the standards for animal feed. Conclusions: to use silages with 35% inclusion of food waste may be one important tool of supplementation for swine feeding.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(4): 843-848, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039783


RESUMO O estudo de caso avalia uma ação para a redução do desperdício de alimentos em uma unidade de alimentação e nutrição (UAN) implantada em uma universidade pública. A avaliação do desperdício foi feita antes e depois das ações de capacitação dos funcionários da UAN e de uma campanha de conscientização e sensibilização dos comensais. Avaliou-se o desperdício pela análise da quantidade de alimentos consumida, do consumo per capita, do percentual de sobras, da quantidade média de sobra por consumidor, do percentual de resto de ingestão e do resto de ingestão per capita. Após as ações, as sobras de alimentos no balcão de distribuição e os restos de ingestão per capita foram reduzidos significativamente. As ações reportadas no presente estudo diminuíram de maneira expressiva a quantidade de alimentos desperdiçada.

ABSTRACT The case report evaluates an action for reducing food waste at a food and nutrition unit (UAN) located in a public university. The waste evaluation was performed before and after training actions of UAN employees and a campaign to raise awareness about the diners. The waste was evaluated by the analysis of the amount of food consumed, per capita consumption, percentage of leftovers, average amount of leftover per consumer, percentage of rest of intake and rest of intake per capita. After these actions, food leftovers at the distribution counter and per capita intake debris were significantly reduced. The actions reported in the present study have significantly reduced the amount of food wasted.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211507


Background: Globally, large quantities (tonnes) of diverse sources of food wastes derived from horticulture are produced and offer a valuable renewable source of biochemical compounds. Developing new recycling and food waste utilisation strategies creates unique opportunities for producing gold (Au) nanoparticles with desirable antibacterial properties. The present study used an eco-friendly procedure for biologically synthesizing gold (Au) nanoparticle shapes from waste Citrullis lanatus var (watermelon).Methods: The green chemistry-based procedure used in this study was straightforward and used both red and green parts of waste watermelon. The generated Au nanoparticles were subsequently evaluated using several advanced characterization techniques. The antibacterial properties of the various extracts and synthesised nanoparticles were evaluated using the Kirby-Bauer sensitivity method.Results: The advanced characterization techniques revealed the Au particles ranged in size from nano (100 nm) up micron (2.5 µm) and had a variety of shapes. The red watermelon extract tended to produce spheres and hexagonal plates, while the green watermelon extract tended to generate triangular shaped nanoparticles. Both red and green watermelon extracts produced nanoparticles with similar antibacterial properties. The most favourable response was achieved using a 5:1 green watermelon-based mixture for Staphylococcus epidermidis, which produced a maximum inhibition zone of 12 mm. While gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli produced a maximum inhibition zone of 10 mm for the same mixture.Conclusions: The study has shown both red and green parts of waste watermelon can be used to produce Au nanoparticles with antibacterial activity towards both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The study has also demonstrated an alternative method for producing high-value Au nanoparticles with potential pharmaceutical applications.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(2): 359-370, mar.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012040


RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do amostrador trier (NBR 10007/2004) na representatividade das propriedades de leiras de compostagem confeccionadas com resíduos sólidos urbanos, no início da degradação dos resíduos (8 dias) e no composto orgânico pronto (120 dias), utilizando como referência um método adaptado à compostagem a partir da Teoria da Amostragem de materiais heterogêneos. A compostagem foi conduzida em sistema de leiras revolvidas, e cada unidade contou com aproximadamente 30 toneladas de resíduos. O método do trier mostrou-se adequado para a caracterização do composto (120 dias), pois não apresentou diferenças significativas em relação ao método de referência na estimativa dos teores de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. Além disso, o revolvimento da leira antes da amostragem tem potencial para melhorar a representatividade do teor de água e do pH. Por outro lado, o amostrador trier mostrou-se limitado na amostragem de leiras em estágio inicial de compostagem, quando empregados resíduos com acentuada diferença de forma, tamanho e conteúdo de água das partículas. Embora reduza em menor magnitude os erros intrínsecos ao processo de amostragem, o método do trier é mais simples de ser conduzido e não demanda mecanização, espaço físico ou recursos humanos adicionais.

ABSTRACT This study was performed to assess the trier sampler performance (NBR 10007/2004) in representing the properties of windrows composting built with urban solid waste. It was evaluated in the beginning (8 days) and in the end of the composting process (120 days), using as a reference the Pierre Gy's Sampling Theory for heterogeneous materials. Composting windrows were built of 30 tons and carried out in turned windrow system. We found the trier method appropriate for characterizing mature compost (120 days) because it was similar to the reference method in estimating organic matter content, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Besides, turning windrow before sampling might improve the representativeness of water content and pH. In contrast, more heterogeneous particles (shape, size, water content) may have influenced the trier's performance at the beginning of waste degradation and consequently the sample's accuracy. Although trier method is less efficient to reduce sampling errors than the method based on Sampling Theory, the former is simpler and does not need mechanization, extra space or additional human resources.

Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 36(165): 37-41, dic. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011984


Introducción: en 2016 un Trabajo Final de Grado de la Licenciatura en Nutrición de la Universidad de Buenos Aires buscó desalentar el derroche de alimentos como parte del festejo de graduación de estudiantes. Esto dio lugar al Festejo Nutriconsciente (FNC) que utilizó redes sociales e intervenciones presenciales para cambiar este hábito. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto del Festejo Nutriconsciente. Materiales y método: encuesta online a una muestra no probabilística de 115 Licenciados en Nutrición graduados en la UBA durante el año 2017. Resultados y Conclusiones: el 81% de los encuestados festejó su graduación sin utilizar alimentos (95% refirió influencia del FNC); en el resto la decisión de arrojar alimentos fue de familia y amigos. FNC fue presentado en medios de difusión masiva y congresos nacionales e internacionales con muy buena repercusión. La marca se encuentra patentada. Se está trabajando con Carreras de Nutrición del resto del país para su reproducción y con la Comuna 2 del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires para extenderlo a otros niveles de la Educación Formal. Se recomienda llegar con la intervención a familias y amistades del graduado(AU).

Introduction: in 2016, a Final Degree Project coming from the Nutrition career of the University of Buenos Aires sought to discourage the waste of food as part of the students' graduation party. This led to the Nutriconscious Celebration (NC) that used social networks and face-to-face interventions to change this habit. Objectives: to evaluate the impact of the Nutriconscious Celebration. Materials and methods: online survey to a non-probabilistic sample of 115 Graduates in Nutrition graduated from the UBA during 2017. Results and Conclusions: 81% of respondents celebrated their graduation without using food (95% reported influence of the NC); in the rest the decision of throwing food away fell on family and friends. NC was presented in mass media and national and international congresses with very good repercussion. The brand is patented. Work is in progress together with careers in Nutrition of the rest of the country for its reproduction and with Commune 2 of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to extend it to other levels of Formal Education. It is meant with this intervention to reach the graduate's family and friends(AU).

Students , Food , Social Networking , Habits
Hig. aliment ; 30(262/263): 26-31, 30/12/2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-831762


Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado durante os meses de agosto a outubro de 2015, com o objetivo de determinar os Fatores de Correção (FC) de frutas e hortaliças em duas Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição localizadas em Salvador-Bahia, e comparar com os dados referidos na literatura. A amostra foi realizada em triplicata em dezoito tipos de hortaliças e nove de frutas, respeitando a incidência do cardápio e os procedimentos das unidades. Das hortaliças folhosas analisadas, a Unidade A foi a que apresentou maior desperdício quando comparada à Unidade B, destacando-se a alface crespa, cebolinha, coentro, repolho branco, rúcula e salsa. Essas perdas foram devido à má qualidade dos alimentos no momento do recebimento e de manipulação imprópria na seleção e no pré-preparo. Em relação às frutas, a Unidade A também apresentou maior variação, sendo a manga a que mais teve destaque. Cabe, portanto, ao nutricionista responsável pela UAN que apresentou maior desperdício, selecionar seus fornecedores exigindo matéria-prima de qualidade, além de treinamento adequado dos manipuladores responsáveis por realizar o pré-preparo, a fim de reduzir desperdícios e custos.

Humans , Vegetables , Food Services/standards , Fruit , Menu Planning , Brazil , Food Loss and Waste/standards , Food Handling
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 29(3): 178-187, jul.-set. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-959971


Summary Background: the high volume of mangos harvested during the season, associated with inappropriate management of the fruit after harvesting results in increased waste of this valuable resource. Mango fruit, rich in carbohydrates, has potential use in animal feeding. Objective: to evaluate the effect of replacing corn with whole mango meal (0, 330, 660, and 1000 g/Kg on dry matter basis) in the diets of dairy goats on rumen fermentation kinetics, intake, milk yield and composition, and economic results. Methods: eight lactating Saanen crossbred goats (48.7 ± 1.99 Kg body weight) were used in the experiment, which started 48 days postpartum and lasted until completing 124 days of lactation. The experimental design consisted of a double Latin square (4×4) with four treatments, four periods and four animals per square. Results: a reduction (p<0.05) was observed in gas production from total carbohydrates and fiber carbohydrates. Replacement of corn with whole mango meal showed no effect on DM intake (1,890 g/d), crude protein (278 g/d) and neutraldetergent fiber (959 g/d). Milk production (4% fat-corrected) and milk composition were not affected by the treatments, except for fat and myristoleic fatty acid contents. The economic evaluation showed a reduction in the total feeding cost and a better benefit:cost ratio. Conclusion: whole mango meal can replace corn up to 330 g/Kg in the diet of lactating goats.

Resumen Antecedentes: la alta producción de mango asociado con una gestión inadecuada durante la producción y pos-cosecha, resulta en un aumento de los residuos en el medio ambiente. Debido a que el mango es una fruta rica en carbohidratos (fuente de energía) es posible su utilización en la alimentación de los animales. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la sustitución de maíz con harina integral de mango (0, 330, 660 y 1000 g/Kg en base a materia seca) en las dietas de cabras lecheras sobre la cinética de fermentación ruminal, consumo, producción y composición láctea y evaluación económica de las dietas. Métodos: ocho cabras Saanen mestizas en lactación (48,7 ± 1,99 Kg de peso corporal) fueron utilizadas en el experimento desde el día 48 hasta el día 124 de lactancia. Se utilizó un diseño experimental doble cuadrado latino (4×4) con cuatro tratamientos, cuatro períodos y cuatro animales. Resultados: se observó una reducción (p<0,05) en la producción y volumen de gas de los carbohidratos totales y carbohidratos fibrosos. La sustitución de maíz con harina de mango integral no mostró ningún efecto sobre el consumo de materia seca (1890 g/d), proteína bruta (278 g/d) y fibra detergente neutra (959 g/d). La producción de leche (corregida al 4% de grasa) y su composición no fueron afectadas por los tratamientos, excepto para el contenido de grasa y ácido graso miristoleico. La evaluación económica mostró una reducción en el costo total de la alimentación y una mejor relación costo:beneficio. Conclusión: se recomienda sustituir el maíz por la harina de mango integral en hasta 330 g/Kg en las dietas de cabras lecheras.

Resumo Antecedentes: a elevada produção de manga associada a um manejo inadequado durante a produção e pós- colheita, resulta em aumento de resíduos no ambiente. Por ser uma fruta rica em carboidratos (fonte de energia) é possível a sua utilização na alimentação animal. Objetivo: avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho pelo farelo de manga integral (0, 330, 660 e 1000 g/Kg na matéria seca) na dieta de cabras leiteiras sobre a cinética de fermentação ruminal, consumo, produção e composição do leite, e também avaliação econômica das dietas. Métodos: oito cabras mestiças Saanen em lactação (48,7 ± 1,99 Kg de peso corporal) foram introduzidas no experimento 48 dias pós-parto e mantidas até 124 dias de lactação. Foi utilizado um delineamento em duplo quadrado Latino (4×4), com quatro tratamentos, quatro períodos e quatro animais por quadrado. Resultados: houve redução (p<0,05) na produção máxima de gás a partir dos carboidratos totais e o volume de gás produzido a partir de carboidratos fibrosos. A substituição do milho pelo farelo de manga integral não mostrou nenhum efeito sobre o consumo de matéria seca (1890 g/d), proteína bruta (278 g/d) e fibra em detergente neutro (959 g/d). A produção de leite corrigida para 4% de gordura e a composição do leite não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos, com exceção do teor de gordura e o ácido graxo miristoleico. A avaliação econômica mostrou uma redução no custo total da alimentação e uma melhor relação custo:benefício. Conclusão: recomenda-se substituir o milho pelo farelo de manga integral até 330 g/Kg na dieta de cabras leiteiras.

Pediatr. mod ; 49(2)fev. 13.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-677779


Objetivo: Inserir a promoção da saúde no ambiente escolar, favorecendo a construção de uma visão crítica sobre o processo saúde-doença. Métodos: Estudo de intervenção com 98 alunos de 6 a 12 anos de uma Escola Municipal de Belo Horizonte, MG, com oficinas educativas sobre higiene pessoal, alimentar e ambiental e desperdício de alimentos. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a merenda escolar e o índice resto-ingestão. Resultados: Identificou-se, antes da intervenção, maior aceitabilidade de alimentos do grupo das carnes e, posteriormente, das frutas (p<0,05). Segundo a opinião dos alunos acerca da qualidade do cardápio, demonstrou-se que a maioria a considerava "boa", em ambos os momentos (p>0,05). Quanto à avaliação da higiene pessoal e ambiental, observou-se melhora significativa das variáveis "não manipular os alimentos", "não compartilhar os alimentos" e "organização do refeitório", após a intervenção (p<0,05). Ao avaliar o índice resto-ingestão identificaram-se, anteriormente e após a intervenção, valores superiores ao desejável (10,0%). Conclusões: As atividades focadas na higiene foram positivas, visto as mudanças satisfatórias ocorridas. Entretanto, o desperdício de alimentos continuou elevado, sendo necessária a adequação do cardápio e do porcionamento das refeições...

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Students , Hygiene , Health Promotion
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(11): 1145-1147, Nov. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-658084


Descreve-se a epidemiologia da morte de suínos ocorrida entre 2002 e 2009 pela ingestão da neurotoxina botulínica do tipo C. A neurotoxina presente em resíduos de alimentos provenientes de cozinhas de restaurantes e hotéis, armazenados em tonéis sem abrigo do sol e administrado em cocho coletivo sem tratamento térmico prévio. Animais de diferentes idades morreram com sinais clínicos de botulismo caracterizados por paralisia flácida, emagrecimento, anorexia, fraqueza, incoordenação, dificuldade de locomoção com evolução para decúbito lateral com micção e defecação involuntárias. Nenhuma alteração evidente foi observada na necropsia e no exame histológico. O teste de bioensaio com soroneutralização em camundongos foi realizado com amostras de conteúdo intestinal dos animais afetados e alimentos e revelou a presença de grandes quantidades de toxina botulínica do tipo C.

The paper addresses the epidemiologic data of the death of pigs during the period of 2002 to 2009 following the ingestion of botulinum neurotoxin type C. This neurotoxin was present in food residues originating from restaurant and hotel kitchens, stored in barrels without shelter from the sun and administered in a collective trough without prior thermal treatment. Animals which died at different ages showed clinical signs of botulism characterized by flaccid paralysis, weight loss, anorexia, weakness, lack of coordination, locomotion difficulties with the evolution of lateral recumbency with involuntary urination and defecation. No alterations were observed at postmortem and histological examination. The bioassay with serum neutralization in mice was carried out on samples of intestinal contents from pigs affected and revealed the presence of large quantities of botulinum toxin type C.

Animals , Botulism/veterinary , Clostridium botulinum type C , Food Contamination , Food Microbiology , Swine , Diagnosis, Differential , Signs and Symptoms/veterinary
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 55(2): 183-192, Mar.-Apr. 2012. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-622696


The enzymatic hydrolysis of food waste by commercially available enzymes and the subsequent ethanol fermentation of the hydrolysates by Saccharomyces cerecisiae H058 were studied in this work. The optimum batch enzymatic conditions were found to be saccharification pH of 4.5, temperature of 55!, glucoamylase concentration of 120 u/g, α-amylase concentration of 10 u/g, solid-liquid ratio of 1: 0.75 (w/w). Fed batch hydrolysis process was started with a solid-liquid ratio of 1: 1 (w/w), with solid food waste added at time lapse of 2 h to get a final solid-liquid ratio of 1: 0.5 (w/w). After 4 h of reaction, the reducing sugar concentration reached 194.43 g/L with a enzymatic digestibility of 93.12%. Further fermentation of the batch and fed batch enzymatic hydrolysates, which contained reducing sugar concentration of 131.41 and 194.43 g/L respectively, was performed using Saccharomyces cerevisiae H058, 62.93 and 90.72 g/L ethanol was obtained within 48 h.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 55(1): 115-126, Jan.-Feb. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-622689


The goal of the present work was to produce lactic silage from food wastes. A factorial 2³ experimental design was applied using the following factors and levels: yogurt inoculum concentration (1 and 15%), sucrose (2 and 15%) and temperature (22 and 35 ºC) and as response variable, the soluble nitrogen content (SNC) at the end of the fermentation was considered. The best SNC output was for the treatment with 1 % of inoculum, 2 % of sucrose and temperature of 22ºC. The increase of SNC with regards to its initial content, from 0.17 % to 1.67 % for protein contents (PC) < 5 % corresponded to 882 % and from 0.65 % to 2.36 % for PC > 5 % represented 263 %. It was possible to produce a lactic silage and keep it stable for up to 30 days, which was enough storage time before being sent to a drying process for future use in animal feeding or compost.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-96685


The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school students' perception of food waste as well as to identify factors affecting the plate waste rate of school foodservice in the Gyeongnam area. Questionnaires were distributed to 280 students from June 20 to July 5, 2011 and a total of 279 were analyzed. The results of this study were as follows. First, the main reason of plate waste was 'big portion size', which suggests that portion size should be adjusted. Second, the attitude for food waste reduction was 3.67 based on a 5-point Likert scale (1: strongly disagree, 5: strongly agree). Third, the average plate waste rate of school foodservice was 18.65%. Fourth, there were four factors affecting plate waste rate; balanced/unbalanced diet, satisfaction of school foodservice, need for nutrition education related to food waste, and attitude towards food waste reduction. The plate waste rates of the students who ate a balanced diet were significantly lower than those of the students who ate an unbalanced diet (P<0.001). The plate waste rates of the students who were satisfied with school foodservice were significantly lower than those of the students who were unsatisfied (P<0.001). The plate waste rates of the students who recognized the need for nutrition education were significantly lower that those of the students who did not recognize this (P<0.01). Finally, the students' attitudes towards food waste reduction were significantly negatively correlated with plate waste rate (P<0.01). In conclusion, in order to successfully reduce plate waste in school foodservice, nutrition education should be provided on proper portion size, balanced diet, and food waste. Further, introduction of partial self-service by school foodservice should be reviewed, and strategies for the improvement of school foodservice satisfaction should be applied.

Humans , Diet , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-37725


The purpose of this study was to understand the management status of food wastes in school meal to find the effective ways that would reduce and recycle them. Data was collected using questionnaires from 223 school dietitians located in Jeonbuk area. The results were as followed : 1) Waste was managed by the dietitians(54.7%) and cook(42.2%). The waste disposal contract was made by dietitians(65.0%), executives(31.4%). Therefore, school dietitians had primary responsibilities in the waste management. 2) As disposal ways, 48.9% processed municipal solid waste and food waste together and 46.6% processed separately. 3) A half of schools(52.9%) produced food wastes weighed under 10~15kg daily and using food wastes as animal food for farms was most popular method to dispose(87.4%). 4) Reasons to have food-wastes were disliking the taste of menu(50.2%) and the inappropriate ways of dealing with remaining food(64.1%) and donating to food bank(33.6%) in order. 5) The suggested ways to reduce the food-waste was to improve on cooking method(72.2%), changing of portion size(61.0%), measuring the amount of leftover food(53.4%) and requesting cooperation to educators(52.9%). 6) The reported consequences of reducing the food waste were: lowered grocery expenses(46.2%), and inspiring students on helping environmental preservation(23.8%). Therefore, the administration should work on finding a method to reduce food-waste and a way to use these resources efficiently. It is important to induct student's attitude on recycling remaining products by using food bank via nutrition education. Dietitian also should consider to reduce the leftover of food by using a standardized recipe.

Animals , Humans , Contracts , Cooking , Food Services , Meals , Surveys and Questionnaires , Recycling , Solid Waste , Waste Management
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167955


The study was designed to investigate food waste management practices and to identify factors affecting food waste generation at school food services. A total of 202 dietitians employed at elementary schools participated in the survey. The mean food waste weight per school was 77.54 kg, forty percent of the schools generated food waste of 50~100 kg every day and 53% generated plate waste less than 50 kg. Three quarters of the dietitians perceived plate waste as a major component of the food waste and vegetable dishes were a major source of the plate waste. Half of the dietitians used a food waste pick-up service for waste disposal, which was the most preferred waste disposal method. Approximately 90% of the dietitians conducted education on plate waste reduction for students but their perceptions on the effectiveness of the education was inconsistent. The contents were environmental issues (70.3%) and unbalanced food choice (56.7%). According to factor analysis based on performance score, solid waste management practices were grouped into 'information collecting and education', 'supervision of production process', 'cooperation with related groups', and 'control over production planning'. Practices appertaining to 'cooperation with related groups', 'information collecting and education' factor need to be improved. Dietitians should pay attention to 'recycle and reuse of left over' practice. Waste generation differed significantly by dietitians' ages and working experience. In order to reduce plate waste, more effective education materials and methods need to be developed and support from principals, teachers, and parents is necessary.

Humans , Education , Food Services , Nutritionists , Parents , Solid Waste , Vegetables , Waste Management
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205696


This research was performed to evaluate the effects of nutrition education on food waste reduction at school food service. A dietitian conducted nutrition education on environmental protection and proper eating attitude and poor eating habits for 3rd and 5th graders at an elementary school in Seoul. The effectiveness of the education was evaluated by surveying the students before and after the education; 375 responses were analyzed. A questionnaire was designed to compare changes of the students' attitudes and plate waste before and after education. Plate wastes of boiled black rice(p<0.05), potato soup(p<0.05), amaranthus herb salad(p<0.01), and cabbage kimchi(p<0.05) decreased significantly after education. Students' eating attitudes improved significantly(t= -6.22, p<0.01) after nutrition education. Major reasons the students did not eat all foods they were served were large portion sizes (30.59%), low menu preference (29.79%), and tastes (17.82%). The menus with high plate waste rates were cooked vegetable items (35.64%) and soup items (26.6%). After education, students' attitudes on 'food waste pollutes the Earth(p=0.013)', 'food preparation for birthday parties(p<0.01)', and 'restaurant selection for eating out (p<0.01)' changed significantly. After education, plate waste and portion sizes that the students perceived were not negatively correlated. In conclusion, nutrition education on proper eating habits and source reduction is an effective method to reduce food waste generation and to improve students' eating attitudes and awareness on environment.

Humans , Amaranthus , Brassica , Natural Resources , Eating , Education , Food Services , Nutritionists , Portion Size , Surveys and Questionnaires , Seoul , Solanum tuberosum , Vegetables