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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019686


Objective Based on the theoretical connotation of"Dredge Du meridian remodeling god"intervention in PSD,two rounds of expert questionnaire were conducted in combination with Delphi survey method to optimize the diagnosis and treatment scheme of massage intervention in PSD,and to develop an optimal operation mode of Tuina for PSD.Methods Experts with rich experience in Tuina intervention in different provinces and cities in China were selected to participate in two rounds of questionnaires.Items were screened after statistical analysis of experts′ basic information,positive degree,coordination coefficient and authority coefficient of the two rounds of questionnaires.Results In the two rounds of Delphi survey,34 and 37 experts were selected for questionnaire survey,and the positive coefficients of experts were 94.44%and 94.47%,respectively.The average expert authority coefficients of the two rounds were 0.65 and 0.74.The expert coordination degree of the two rounds of questionnaires was medium,and Kendall coefficient W>0.4.Conclusion After two rounds of expert research in Delphi,the specific techniques,techniques and treatment frequency were screened and demarcated,and the optimized PSD diagnosis and treatment plan of"Dredge Du meridian remodeling god"Tuina intervention with high expert authority and good consensus was formed,which can be promoted and applied to PSD patients clinically.

Mental ; 13(23): 25-37, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1351111


O artigo surge de uma pesquisa, de viés psicanalítico, desenvolvida no programa de pós-graduação em Psicologia, que investiga a indagação formulada por Lacan, ao abordar em O Seminário XX, Mais, Ainda, o gozo feminino e a nominação Deus. O Deus freudiano ao ser interpretado, pela psicanálise, enquanto neurose universal da humanidade é franqueado enquanto Objeto a na clínica lacaniana. Há uma distinção importante no contexto epistemológico de Freud e Lacan que configura suas elaborações dos enunciados religiosos. Em duas partes, o autor faz, na primeira, uma leitura do que ele chama de contingência Deus e a religião nos ensaios de Freud, para situar seu modo de lidar com a emergência do Deus-Pai na clínica. E, num segundo momento, bordeja-se a inovação de Lacan, no seu último ensino, percebendo a face Deus como um dito que recobre o real de um gozo Outro.

The article arises from a research, psychoanalytic bias, which investigates the question formulated by Lacan, when discussing feminine enjoyment and the nomination of God in The Seminar XX. The Freudian God, being deposed by psychoanalysis, as the universal neurosis of humanity, is granted as an Object in the Lacanian clinic. There is an important distinction in the epistemological context of Freud and Lacan that configures his elaborations of the religious statements. In two parts, the author makes a first reading of what he calls contingency God and religion in Freud's essays, to situate his way of dealing with the emergence of the Father-God in the clinic. And, in a second moment, Lacan's innovation is bordered on in his last teaching, perceiving the face God as a saying that covers the real of an Other enjoyment.

El artículo surge de una búsqueda, de sesgo psicoanalítico, que investiga la indagación formulada por Lacan, al abordar en El Seminario XX, Más Aún, el goce femenino y la nominación Dios. El Dios freudiano al ser interpretado, por el psicoanálisis, mientras neurosis universal de la humanidad es franqueado como Objeto a en la clínica lacaniana. Hay una distinción importante en el contexto epistemológico de Freud y Lacan que configura sus elaboraciones de los enunciados religiosos. En dos partes, el autor hace, en la primera, una lectura de lo que él llama la contingencia Dios y la religión en los ensayos de Freud, para situar su modo de enfrentarse con la emergencia del Dios-Padre en la clínica. Y, en un segundo momento, se bordea la innovación de Lacan, en su última enseñanza, percibiendo la cara Dios como un dicho que recubre el real de un goce Otro.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766237


OBJECTIVES: There was also an observation about the “sleep” in the Greek era, which is called the primordial current of modern medicine, which is interpreted as a phenomenon organized by God and appears in various forms in Greek mythology. METHODS: We used the words ‘Greek mythology,’ ‘Sleep,’ ‘God of Sleep,’ ‘Greece,’ and ‘myth’ in English and Korean on Google site for information on sleep in Greek mythology. RESULTS: In Greek mythology, stories appeared about the sleeping god Hypnos, his wife Pasithea, and the dream gods Oneiroi, to explain the mystery of sleep. The various ideas of ancient Greeks' sleep are reflected in legends about Ceyx and Alcyone, Psyche, Endymion, Ariadne, Argos, and Polyphemus. CONCLUSIONS: The images of sleep in Greek mythology that have continued for decades include observations and experiences of mankind. This can be interpreted from a medical point of view as the important significance of sleep on humans.

Humans , Dreams , History, Modern 1601- , Mythology , Spouses
Junguiana ; 37(1): 241-249, jan.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020038


O artigo conceitua o Arquétipo da Sombra como o Arquétipo do Mal na Psicologia Simbólica Junguiana e busca integrá-lo como expressão do Arquétipo Central, ao lado do Arquétipo do Bem. A interpretação de Jung da limitação da imagem de Jeovah na relação com Job é aqui continuada com o reconhecimento do sadismo do Deus patriarcal, que necessita do filicídio sacrificial para transformar-se no Deus da compaixão e do entendimento, pois só assim se tornará a Trindade e expressará o Arquétipo da Alteridade. Em conclusão, o autor segue Jung na interpretação do Apoccomo a Sombra do Novo Testamento e chama a atenção para o texto ser escrito em nome de Jesus, o que sugere a integração do símbolo do Anticristo no mito, como a Sombra de Jesus. ■

The article conceives the archetype of shadow as the archetype of evil in Jungian Symbolic Psychology and tries to interpret it as an expression of the central archetype (Self) side by side with the archetype of good. Jung's interpretation of Jehovah's limitation in the relationship with Job is followed by the recognition of the patriarchal sadism within the Godhead which needs the sacrifice of the Son to be transformed in the God of compassion and understanding because only so will it become the Trinity capable of expressing the archetype of alterity. In conclusion, the author follows Jung in the interpretation of the Apocalypse as the shadow of the New Testament and calls attention for Jesus' shadow expressed in His name as symbol of the integration of the Anti-Christ in the myth. ■

El artículo conceptualiza el Arquetipo de la Sombra como el Arquetipo del Mal en la Psicología Simbólica Junguiana y busca integrarlo como expresión del Arquetipo Central, al lado del Arquetipo del Bien. La interpretación de Jung de la limitación de la imagen de Jeovah en la relación con Job es aquí continuada con el reconocimiento del sadismo del Dios patriarcal, que necesita del filicidio sacrificial para transformarse en el Dios de la compasión y del entendimiento, pues sólo así se convertirá en la Trinidad y expresará el Arquetipo de la Alteridad. En conclusión, el autor sigue a Jung en la interpretación del Apocalipsis como la Sombra del Nuevo Testamento y llama la atención sobre el texto ser escrito en el nombre de Jesús, lo que sugiere la integración del símbolo del Anticristo en el mito, como la Sombra de Jesús. ■

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704213


This paper reviews the huge promotion of Chairman Mao Zedong's two poems entitled"Farewell to the God of Plague"which were published 60 years ago,and the great achievements of the national schistosomiasis control programme in Chi-na.The publication of the two poems promotes the establishment of the mechanism for the national schistosomiasis control pro-gramme in China,and in addition,the schistosomiasis control spirit of the people from Yujiang County is still the source of power for the promotion of transferring the schistosomiasis control to elimination stage in China.Now,that we commemorate the 60th an-niversary of publishing Chairman Mao Zedong's two poems entitled"Farewell to the God of Plague"means we remain the true to our original aspiration to serve the people forever,which is also to promote the progress of schistosomiasis elimination in China according to the law,the scientific principle,and local conditions,so as to contribute our efforts for realizing the healthy China's dream.

Liberabit ; 23(2): 259-272, jul.- dic. 2017. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-884590


En este estudio se obtuvo evidencia de validez y confiabilidad de la escala de Locus de Control de la Salud en Dios (GLHC) en una muestra de 539 adultos mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. El análisis de validez se basó en el análisis del contenido de los ítems y de la estructura interna del GLHC. El primer procedimiento estuvo a cargo de seis expertos, quienes evaluaron la pertinencia de la adaptación de los ítems. El segundo procedimiento fue un análisis factorial confirmatorio de grupo múltiple, de acuerdo al sexo y edad, a fin de evaluar la invarianza de medición del GLHC. Finalmente, la confiabilidad fue calculada mediante los coeficientes ω y H. El análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró una estructura de un solo factor con seis ítems, interpretable para la población de estudio con invarianza de medición por sexo, aunque deben tomarse precauciones al interpretar comparaciones por grupos de edad. La confiabilidad del constructo obtuvo magnitudes elevadas (>.90). Los resultados indican que la GLHC puede brindar información válida y confiable para valorar el locus de control de la salud en Dios para mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

The validity and reliability of the God Locus of Health Control (GLHC) scale were determined in a sample of 539 Mexican adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The validity analysis was based on the analysis of the GLHC scale's items content and internal structure. The first procedure was conducted by six experts who evaluated the pertinence of the items adaptation. The second procedure consisted of a multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis by gender and age, aimed to evaluate the GLHC scale's measurement invariance. Finally, reliability was estimated by means of coefficients ω and H. The confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a six-item unifactorial structure, interpretable for the study population with measurement invariance by gender. Nevertheless, precautions should be taken when interpreting age-group comparisons. The magnitude of the construct reliability was high (>0.90). The results indicate that the GLHC scale may provide valid and reliable information to assess the God Locus of Health Control in Mexicans with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 23(2): 771-789, maio-ago. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002892


Considerando o crescimento vertiginoso do neopentecostalismo no Brasil nas últimas décadas e seu consequente impacto sociocultural, este estudo buscou investigar os bens simbólicos produzidos no contexto religioso com base na análise das representações sociais da doença e da cura divina, compartilhadas por membros da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD). Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas semidirigidas com membros da IURD que relataram ter vivenciado a cura divina. A análise, desenvolvida mediante a utilização do método da hermenêutica de profundidade, revelou a presença de princípios da teologia da prosperidade permeando as representações sociais de cura bem como diferenças importantes entre o discurso oficial da igreja e o reproduzido pelos fiéis. Essa pesquisa evidencia a complexidade e as contradições que caracterizam o processo da cura divina, o que justifica a necessidade de realização de novos estudos nesse campo.

In the light of the rapid growth of neo-Pentecostalism in Brazil in recent decades and its consequent social-cultural impact, the present study sought to investigate relevant aspects of the symbolic effects brought about in a religious context by investigating the social representations of disease and divine healing shared by members of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG). Five UCKG members who reported divine healing experiences were interviewed. The analysis used the methodology of depth hermeneutics and revealed the presence of elements of prosperity theology throughout the social representations of healing, as well as a significant difference between official church discourse and the one portrayed by the churchgoers. This research shows the complexity and contradictions present in the divine healing process, justifying the need for further studies in this field.

Teniendo en cuenta el rápido crecimiento del neopentecostalismo en Brasil en las últimas décadas y su consiguiente impacto sociocultural, este estudio buscó investigar los aspectos relevantes de los bienes simbólicos producidos en el contexto religioso basándose en el análisis de las representaciones sociales de la enfermedad y la curación divina, compartidas por los miembros de la Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios (IURD). Se realizaron cinco entrevistas semidirigidas con miembros de la IURD que relataron haber vivido la experiencia de curación divina. El análisis realizado con la utilización del método de la hermenéutica de profundidad reveló la presencia de los principios de la teología de la prosperidad que impregnan las representaciones sociales de curación, así como diferencias importantes entre el discurso de la iglesia oficial y el reproducido por los fieles. Esta investigación evidencia la complejidad y las contradicciones que caracterizan el proceso de curación divina, lo que justifica la necesidad de realizar nuevos estudios en este campo.

Spiritual Therapies , Psychology, Social , Hermeneutics
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 17(1): 225-237, jan.-abr. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-915741


O artigo propõe-se a pensar algo do pathos da Modernidade ­ a paixão pelo autômato ­, à luz do conceito nietzschiano Morte de Deus. Nesse sentido, toma como matéria de análise dois clássicos do cinema de ficção científica: 2001: uma odisseia no espaço, de Stanley Kubrick, e Blade runner, de Ridley Scott. Se a paixão pelo autômato consiste em uma forma do sujeito moderno denegar a finitude, nos filmes em debate tal condição é elaborada de um modo muito singular. 2001 e Blade runner oferecem ao espectador a possibilidade de resistir à assunção dessa inclinação da subjetividade moderna. Em 2001, o autômato é demasiado humano e uma narrativa trágica promove outro modo de enfrentar a finitude. Em Blade runner, o autômato é o portador das angústias fundamentais do sujeito moderno ­ origem e finitude ­ e a identificação a ele permite ao espectador ir além do homem. (AU)

The article proposes to address an issue from Modernity pathos ­ the passion for the automaton ­, in the light of Nietzschian Death of God concept. In this sense, it analyses two science fiction classic movies: 2001: a space odyssey, by Stanley Kubrick, and Blade runner, by Ridley Scott. If passion for the automaton consists in a form of the modern subject to deny finitude, in the films here discussed such condition is elaborated in a very peculiar way. 2001 and Blade runner offer the spectator the possibility of resisting the assumption of such tendency of modern subjectivity. In 2001, the automaton is too human and a tragic narrative promotes another way of tackling finitude. In Blade runner, the automaton is the bearer of fundamental anguishes of the modern subject ­ origin and finitude ­ and by identifying with him the viewer is allowed to go beyond man. (AU)

El artículo se propone a pensar algo respecto al pathos de la Modernidad ­ la pasión por lo autómata ­ bajo el concepto de Nietzsche Muerte de Dios. En este sentido, el análisis toma como materia dos clásicos del cine de ciencia ficción: 2001: una odisea del espacio, de Stanley Kubrick, y Blade runner, de Ridley Scott. Si la pasión por lo autómata consiste en una forma del sujeto moderno denegar la finitud, en esas películas tal condición es elaborada de una manera muy singular. 2001 y Blade runner ofrecen al espectador la posibilidad de resistir a la asunción de tal inclinación de la subjetividad moderna. En 2001, el autómata es demasiado humano y una narrativa trágica promueve otro modo de enfrentar la finitud. En Blade runner, el autómata es el portador de las angustias fundamentales del sujeto moderno ­ de origen y finitud ­ y la identificación a él le permite al espectador ir más allá del hombre. (AU)

Psychoanalysis , Motion Pictures
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;24(1): 59-74, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840692


Resumen Según Buffon, la diferencia entre las capacidades cognitivas del hombre y las de los demás animales no podía ser explicada por causas naturales. La constatación de esas diferencias obligaba a aceptar que el Creador había dotado al hombre de un alma inmaterial que no tenía parangón en los animales. Aquí se pretende mostrar que esa claudicación del naturalismo buffoniano no responde a un presupuesto teológico, sino a la imposibilidad de compatibilizar esa supuesta heterogeneidad existente entre las facultades cognitivas animales y humanas con la explicación materialista del origen de las especies que Buffon fue delineando a lo largo de sus escritos. Si se piensa al hombre como algo excepcional, su origen también tendrá que ser entendido como algo milagroso.

Abstract According to Buffon, the difference between man’s cognitive abilities and those of other animals could not be attributed to natural causes. Noting these differences necessarily meant accepting that the Creator had endowed man with an immaterial soul that was unparalleled among animals. This article seeks to show that Buffon’s abandonment of naturalism was not the result of a theological premise but of the impossibility of reconciling the presumed heterogeneity between animal and human cognitive faculties with the materialist explanation of the origin of species that Buffon outlined in the course of his writings. If man is assumed to be an exceptional being, the origin of the human race must also be seen as miraculous.

Humans , Animals , Humans , Cognition , Animals , Natural History
Educ. revEduc. rev ; 33: e164623, 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-891227


Resumo: O presente artigo analisa a constituição de sujeitos-jovens assembleianos na contemporaneidade, ancorando-se nos referenciais teórico-metodológicos dos Estudos Culturais em Educação, dos estudos sociológicos e antropológicos sobre juventudes e religião. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se mediante a inserção etnográfica junto a jovens da Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus no município de Novo Hamburgo, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, entre os anos de 2011 e 2012, bem como na comunidade assembleiana de Lisboa, Portugal, em 2013. Infere-se que há reconfigurações na constituição dos sujeitos na contemporaneidade, percebidas nas formas de pertencimento e nos sentidos de vivenciar a condição de ser evangélico, o que não remete a formas de resistência juvenil, mas a novos modos de existência evocados pela condição de ser/estar jovem, afinal, ao mesmo tempo que buscam se manter portadores da promessa de salvação, os jovens ensejam ser portadores da condição juvenil.

Abstract: This article analyzes the constitution of the young at Assemblies of God church in contemporary world, based on theoretical and methodological references of Cultural Studies in Education and sociological and anthropological studies in youth and religion. The research methodology has consisted of the ethnographical insertion next to the youth of Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, in 2011 and 2012, and in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2013. It infers that there are reconfigurations in the ways of the constitution of subjects in contemporary world, perceived in the ways of belonging and experiencing the condition of being evangelical. This fact does not remit the ways of juvenile resistance, but new ways of existence evoked by the condition of being young, since the young aim to live according to their juvenile condition and, at the same time, to keep on being carriers of the salvation promise.

Invest. clín ; Invest. clín;55(4): 392-399, dic. 2014.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-783092


Some cures carried out by Medium João Teixeira de Faría (John of God) are presented. He claims to channel spiritual entities (Drs. Augusto de Almeida, Oswaldo Cruz, and José Valdivino) that have instantaneous access to the physical, emotional and spiritual history of each patient who is then treated by physical or “spiritual” surgeries, herbs, meditation, prayers and the ingestion of “energized” water. People operated on have no pain during the interventions and infections have not been observed. The mechanisms responsible for the healings are unknown.

Se presentan algunas curaciones realizadas por el Médium João Teixeira de Faría (Juan de Dios). Al parecer, el Médium João canaliza entidades espirituales (Dres. Augusto de Almeida, Oswaldo Cruz y José Valdivino) que tienen acceso instantáneo a la historia física, emocional y espiritual de cada paciente, que luego es tratado mediante cirugías “espirituales” o físicas, hierbas, meditación, oración e ingestión de agua “energizada”. Los enfermos operados no sintieron dolor durante las intervenciones y las heridas no se infectaron. Aún se desconocen los mecanismos responsables de las curaciones.

History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Spiritual Therapies , Blood Loss, Surgical , Brazil , Faith Healing , Mind-Body Therapies , Models, Theoretical , Narration , Quackery , Quantum Theory , Religion , Spiritualism , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Spiritual Therapies/history , Treatment Outcome
Rev. chil. psicoanal ; 31(1): 32-40, jul. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-728117


El texto “El porvenir de una ilusión” ha sido un escrito que ha generado gran polémica, siendo discutido y criticado tanto dentro del psicoanálisis como fuera de él. En el presente artículo se resumen las ideas del texto de Freud, intentando, por una parte, discutir sus postulados a la luz del tiempo pasado desde su publicación, como, por otra, entablar una conversación con este importante texto. Se plantea que la actitud pro científica de Freud pudiera tener elementos ilusorios, como él mismo propuso

The text "The Future of an Illusion" was a writing that has generated much controversy, being debated and criticized both within and outside psychoanalysis. This article summarizes the ideas of Freud's text, trying to discuss their assumptions in light of the time elapsed since its publication and attempt a conversation with this important text. We propose that the pro-scientific attitude of Freud could have illusory elements, as he proposed

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis , Religion and Science , Catholicism , Culture , Religion and Psychology
Fractal rev. psicol ; 26(1): 3-16, jan.-abr. 2014.
Article in French | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-709722


La croyance aux Dieux ou en un Dieu unique c'est-à-dire à l'incroyable est fort répandue et semble normale comme avoir confiance en soi et en l'autre. Mais croire en soi et en l'autre apparaît étonnant car ce serait se mettre sur le même rang que Dieu. Effectivement l'homme essaie de ressembler à Dieu. Mais à Dieu blessé, faillible, s'interrogeant constamment. Ce Dieu nouveau est un "sujet amoureux" amoureux de soi, de l'autre et de la vie. Il se conduit comme un "Dichter" assumant une responsabilité morale. Il est difficile, voire souvent impossible de se situer comme un "Dichter". C'est pourtant la tâche à laquelle l'homme contemporain est confronté.(AU)

The belief in gods or in one God at the incredible is prevalent and seems normal like having confidence in yourself and in each other. But believing in yourself and in others appear surprising because it would be put on the same level as God. Actually the man tries to resemble God. But God wounded, fallible, questioning constantly. This new God loves himself, loves the other and loves life. It behaves like a "Dichter", witha moral responsibility. It is difficult, often impossible to be like a "Dichter". This is the task facing the contemporary man.(AU)

Humans , Humans , Trust , Loneliness , Narcissism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-475016


God Moxibustion Statecraft (Shenjiujinglun) was written by Wu Yi-ding in the Qing Dynasty. This book comprehensively summarizes moxibustion experience before and during the Qing Dynasty, has a perfect system and informative contents and is a practical moxibustion monograph involving both principles and methods. It enjoys a certain status in the history of acupuncture development.

Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 22(1): 68-74, 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-723021


Busca-se uma aproximação entre alguns conceitos de Moreno e Espinosa, levantando-se a hipótese de que o ponto comum entre ambos se encontra na filosofia da Cabala. O texto divide-se em uma introdução histórica e tópicos da concepção do divino, do conhecimento e da alegria na obra desses dois pensadores.

This article focuses on the connections between some of the concepts developed by Moreno and Spinoza, raising a hypothesis that the common denominator linking these two authors is the philosophy of Cabala.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 13(28): 489-506, dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-753890


Em decorrência da laicidade do Estado, as relações entre religião e política produziram reações de rechaço e desconfiança, dado que se acredita em seus efeitos maléficos para a consolidação da democracia. No entanto, verifica-se que, a despeito do desenvolvimento dos regimes democráticos na América Latina, os espaços políticos têm sido ocupados por distintos atores religiosos, que promovem o amálgama entre a política e a religião, tornando seus limites invisíveis e seus territórios flexíveis. A transcendência tem se retirado de suas instituições sacrossantas e ingressado nas esferas laicas da política. No caso específico do Brasil, desde o período da redemocratização do país, os segmentos evangélicos investem recursos simbólicos e materiais nos pleitos eleitorais com o intuito de inserir-se nos poderes legislativos e executivos em nível municipal, estadual e federal. O presente artigo analisou a dimensão ideológica do discurso religioso e do sistema doutrinário da maior denominação neopentecostal do país...

As a result of the secularism of the State, the relations between religion and politics have produced reactions of rejection and mistrust, as it is believed that such relations have harmful effects on the consolidation of democracy. However, it has been verified that, despite the development of democratic regimes in Latin America, political spaces have been occupied by distinct religious actors. These actors promote the amalgam between politics and religion, making their limits invisible and their territories flexible. Transcendence has withdrawn from sacrosanct institutions and entered into the secular spheres of politics. In the specific case of Brazil, since the period of the country's re-democratization, the evangelical segments have invested symbolic and material resources in election campaigns with the aim of being included in the legislative and executive powers in the municipal...

Debido a la laicidad del Estado, las relaciones entre religión y política han producido reacciones de rechazo y desconfianza, dado que se cree en sus efectos nocivos para la consolidación de la democracia. Sin embargo, parece que, a pesar del desarrollo de los regímenes democráticos en América Latina, los espacios políticos han sido ocupados por diferentes actores religiosos, que promueven la amalgama entre la política y la religión, convirtiendo sus fronteras invisibles y sus territorios flexibles. La trascendencia se ha retirado de sus instituciones sacrosantas e ingresado en las esferas seculares de la política. En el caso específico de Brasil, desde el periodo de la redemocratización del país, los segmentos evangélicos invierten recursos simbólicos y materiales en las elecciones para inserirse en los poderes legislativos y ejecutivos en nivel municipal, estatal y federal. En este artículo se ha analizado la dimensión ideológica del discurso religioso y el sistema doctrinal de la denominación pentecostal más grande del país...

Em raison de l'étatlaïc, la relation entre la religion et la politique produit des réactions de rejet et de méfiance, car il est admis que la religion porterait des effets nocifs pour la consolidation de la démocratie. Cependant, il semble que, malgré le développement des régimes démocratiques em Amérique latine, les espaces politiques ont été occupés par différents acteurs religieux qui font la promotion d'um amalgame entre la politique et la religion, rendant leurs frontières invisibles et leurs territoires flexibles. La transcendance a retire ses sacro-saintes institutions et ont rejoint les sphères laïques de la politique. Dans le cas particulier du Brésil, depuis la période de démocratisation du pays, les groupes évangéliques investissent des ressources symboliques et matérielles dans des pétitions électorales afin d'être integre dans le pouvoir législatif et exécutif, au niveau municipal, provincial et fédéral. Cet article analyse la dimension idéologique du discours religieux et le système doctrinal de la plus grande dénomination pentecôtiste dans le pays, à savoir...

Humans , Politics , Psychology , Religion and Psychology
aSEPHallus ; 8(15): 59-68, out. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-724433


Este trabalho propõe como temática a relação de um sujeito com Deus e suas implicações na clínica psicanalítica. O principal problema a ser discutido será a possibilidade de essa relação oferecer ao sujeito uma saída sintomática que lhe confira, em contrapartida, o apaziguamento de seu mal-estar sintomático. Este resumo anuncia a questão central deste trabalho: estaria a relação com Deus em um lugar que permite ao sujeito um encontro com o real que não seja devastador, conferindo-lhe também algum tipo de efeito terapêutico? Para esboçar uma resposta faremos uma breve visita nos pensamentos de Freud e Lacan a respeito de Deus, o que nos ajudará, por fim, a entender como a clínica psicanalítica pode se orientar quando desafiada pela relação com Deus de um paciente

This paper proposes the theme of the relationship between a subject and God and its implications for clinical psychology. The main issue to be discussed is the possibility of this relationship provide the subject with a sinthomatic exit would give in return, appeasement of his symptomatic unwellness. This summary announces the central question of this study: is the relationship with God in a place that allows the subject to an encounter with the real that is not devastating, giving it also some kind of therapeutic effect? To sketch an answer we will briefly visit the thoughts of Freud and Lacan about God, which will help us finally understand how clinical psychoanalysis can orient itself when challenged by God's relationship with a patient

Cet article propose comme thème la relation d'un sujet avec Dieu et ses implications pour la psychologie clinique. La principale question à examiner est la possibilité de cette relation fournir à la personne une sortie sinthomátque et donnerait en retour, l'apaisement de son malaise symptomatique. Ce résumé annonce la question centrale de cette étude: est-ce la relation avec Dieu a une place qui permet au sujet une rencontre avec le réel qui n'est pas terrible, ce qui lui donne aussi une sorte d'effet thérapeutique? Pour esquisser une réponse, nous allons brièvement visiter les pensées de Freud et de Lacan à propos de Dieu, qui nous aideront enfin à comprendre comment la clinique psychanalytique peut s'orienter en cas de contestation par la relation de Dieu avec un patient

Psychoanalysis , Religion , Therapeutics
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2011 Jul-Sept; 55(3): 207-212
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146037


Curcumin derived from the rhizome Curcuma longa is one of the primary ingredient in turmeric. Turmeric is used frequently as food additive in Asia, specially the Indian subcontinent. The daily intake of turmeric in the diet may therefore expose the gut to curcumin and affect its physiological functions, including the absorption of nutrients from small intestine. However, no published reports are available on the effect curcumin on absorption of nutrients from small intestine. To explore this possibility, transport of glucose from small intestine was studied in adult albino rats following feeding the animals curcumin intragastrically for five consecutive days. The controls were fed simultaneously, the vehicular fluid intragastrically in the identical volume. Transport of glucose from small intestine was studied using everted sac technique of Wilson and Wiseman (1954) on animals fasted for 16-20 hrs. Everted sacs were prepared from both jejunal and ileal portion of small intestine. Observations showed a significant increase in glucose transport from jejunal and upper ileal portion of small intestine suggesting that curcumin does influence the transport of nutrients from the gut.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 22(3): 609-620, dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-573686


O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o advento da experiência moderna e a questão da liberdade, a partir de uma reflexão sobre o acontecimento da morte de Deus. Seguindo as reflexões contidas nas obras de Foucault, Sartre, Sloterdjik, Blanchot, examinamos a especificidade do enunciado nietzscheano da morte de Deus e suas conseqüências para a vida e a experiência moderna. Assim, concluímos que a experiência moderna apontaria para um paradoxo que assinala um movimento que estaria entre a liberdade como tarefa contínua e as sombras de deus que obliteram o campo de experimentação e o exercício da liberdade.

This paper aims to analyze the relation between the advent of the modern experience and the question of freedom, from a reflection on the event of the death of God. Following the reflections contained in the workmanships of Foucault, Sartre, Sloterdjik, Blanchot, we examined the specificity of the nietzscheanïs thought of the death of God and its consequences for the life and the modern experience. Thus, we concluded that the modern experience would point out a paradox that designates a movement that would be between the freedom as continuous task and the shades of gods who obliterate the field of experimentation and the exercise of the freedom.

Freedom , Life , Thinking
Brasília méd ; 47(3)nov. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-567219


Júpiter é nome do maior e mais brilhante dos planetas do sistema solar e nome do mais poderoso deus da mitologia romana, Zeus na mitologia grega. Dotado de grande erotismo, amou muitas mulheres e veio a se casar com a própria irmã Juno (Hera). Teve muitos filhos, dentre os quais Apolo, Diana (Ártemis), Hermes (Mercúrio), Áries (Marte), Dionísio (Baco), Perseu, Helena de Troia, Pólux, Hércules. Zeus fez Hera amamentar Hércules, seu filho bastardo. Algumas gotas de leite escaparam e, sopradas ao vento, deram origem às estrelas da Via Láctea. Apolo amou Coronis, uma mortal que, mesmo grávida, foi infiel a Apolo e este mandou matá-la. Na pira funerária, com uma faca, Apollo retirou-lhe do ventre o filho ainda vivo, Esculápio. Este, com o centauro Quíron, aprendeu a arte de tratar doenças. Por seu dom de curar doentes e ressuscitar mortos, suscitou inveja e ódio de Júpiter, que o fulminou com raios. A pedido de Apolo, Zeus o tornou deus oficial da medicina e o enviou aos céus onde se encontra na constelação Serpentário.

Jupiter is both the name of the bigger and the most shining planet in the solar system and of the most powerful god in Roman mythology, Zeus for the Greek mythology. Endowed with intense erotism, he came to love several women and has finnaly married his own sister Juno (Hera). He had a number of children, namely Apollo, Diana (Artemis), Hermes (Mercury), Aries (Mars), Dionysius (Bacchus), Perseus, Helen of Troy, Pollux, Hercules. Zeus enforced Hera to breastfeed Hercules, his bastard son. Some milk drops have happened to scape and as they were blown away with the wind the Milky Way stars came to be. Apollo has loved Coronis, a mortal human being, but even pregnant from him, she was unfeithful to Apollo and he ordered her killing. In her funeral pyre, through a cut with a knife Apollo could rescue the still alive baby Aesculapius from her womb. As he became grown up, Aesculapius learned from the centaur Cheiron the art of curing diseases. Because of his ability of curing ill people and reviving the dead he raised against him Zeus? envy and wrath, who, then, killed him from a thunderbolt. Afterwards, before the Apollo?s pleas Zeus has turned Aesclepius the god of medicine and sent him away up to the heavens where he is until the present days in the Ophiucus constellation.