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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040090


In light of the implementation of a quota system for electing the Society's Board of Directors, the Diversity Promotion Committee organized a workshop to explore women's leadership, followership, and sponsorship.This initiative identified unique characteristics associated with these roles for women and identified ways to support them in expressing these qualities effectively.The workshop also served as a peer meeting, and both needs and satisfaction levels were high. We aim to extend this workshop to other fields in the future.

E-Cienc. inf ; 12(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384771


Resumen Se identifican y analizan las principales problemáticas de las publicaciones científicas, estudiando los diferentes componentes del ecosistema en el que se producen, con énfasis en la realidad latinoamericana. A través del relevamiento y análisis bibliográfico, se identifican como problemáticas la forma de acceso, los criterios de calidad y evaluación utilizados, la visibilidad, la barrera de la lengua y la brecha de género. Al mismo tiempo que se conceptualizan, se establecen vínculos entre dichos componentes lo que agrega complejidad al fenómeno y permite visualizar los modelos de comunicación científica vigentes. Dicha identificación pretende abrir espacios para la proposición de propuestas a futuro, que aporten en el sentido de brindar mayor acceso y reducir las inequidades observadas. Al mismo tiempo, la exposición del tema permite a los investigadores contar con mayores elementos a la hora de pensar y hacer visibles sus publicaciones. Desde la perspectiva latinoamericana se observaron ciertas particularidades en relación al crecimiento del movimiento de acceso abierto, sostenido muchas veces por instituciones y editoriales que pugnan por mejorar las formas de circulación, distribución, visibilidad y acceso, aunque cuenten con recursos limitados. Finalmente, se insiste en la necesidad de defender y potenciar el modelo de información científica basado en acceso abierto, como uno de los objetivos a promover para hacer frente a la privatización y comercialización del conocimiento producido por las comunidades científicas.

Abstract Identification and analysis of the main problems of scientific researches by studying the different components of the ecosystems they are produced, emphasising in Latin America's reality. Through surveying and bibliographical analysis, problems such as access ways, quality and evaluation criteria, visibility, language barriers and gender gap are identified. As they are defined, these concepts are also threaded, adding complexity to the matter and allowing to visualize scientific media current's state. Its purpose is to open the field for future proposals regarding greater access and narrowing the inequality gap. Besides, the topic's exposure provides researchers with a wider group of elements when thinking about their work and how to publish it. From a latin american perspective, there is observance of certain aspects linked to the growth of the open access movement, which is mainly sustained by insitutions and publishers that try to improve ways of distribution, circulation, visibilty and access, despite limited resources. Finally, the importance of defending and boosting the scientific information access model based on open access is strongly outlined, as one of the main policies that will allow to keep corporate interests apart from the knowledge scientific communities produce.

Quality Control , Journal Article , Impact Factor , Health Research Evaluation , Scientific Publication Indicators , Gender Equity
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205027


Objective: In many Japanese medical schools, pass rates of males were higher than those of females although in Japan there are already fewer female candidates for medical schools in comparison with Western countries. Thus, we investigated some factors that cause an inordinately large effect on lower female success rates or higher female enrolment ratios for medical schools, from public medical schools by multiple regression analysis. Methods: A multiple regression analysis was conducted on the two dependent variables, female success ratio and female enrolment ratio. Explanatory variables included the weightage of the second exam; the value given to maths and science subjects; the quotas for the second intake; the ranking of the medical school; the year of establishment of the medical school; and the population of the city where the medical school is located. Results: Increased weightage accorded to maths and science subjects caused significantly severe difficulties in the candidature of female candidates. Furthermore, medical schools with significantly higher female enrolment ratios were relatively new. Conclusion: These results represent the backwardness of Japan in gender equality. To mitigate this situation, the entrance examination process of medical schools must first be reformed.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 35(5): e00043018, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001671


Abstract: In recent decades, the number of women pursuing careers in health has significantly increased. However, the physician labor market is still characterized by gender differences regarding payment. Using a nationally representative Peruvian sample of health providers (3,219 male and 1,063 female physicians), we estimated the gender gap in the likelihood of earning high wages for physicians and decomposed this gap in a proportion related to differences in individual characteristics (e.g. specialty, labor experience), and a residual proportion related to differences in returns to these characteristics. Our main results reveal that male physicians have on average an 81% higher likelihood of earning high salaries (monthly earning level > 5,000 PEN) relative to their female counterparts. Further, the main proportion of this gap is associated to the unexplained component (among 57% and 77%, according to the model specification), which may be associated to unobservable characteristics and discrimination in the Peruvian labor market.

Resumen: En décadas recientes, el número de mujeres realizando su carrera en el ámbito de salud se ha incrementado significativamente. No obstante, el mercado laboral de los médicos está todavía caracterizado por diferencias de género respecto a los salarios. Utilizando una muestra peruana nacionalmente representativa de proveedores de salud (3.219 hombres y 1.063 mujeres médicos), estimamos la brecha de género en la probabilidad para los médicos de ganar sueldos altos y la desglosamos según los porcentajes vinculados a las diferencias relacionadas con las características individuales (p.ej. especialidad, experiencia laboral) y un porcentaje residual vinculado a las diferencias relacionadas con estas características. Nuestros resultados principales revelaron que los médicos hombres contaban en promedio con un 81% mayor probabilidad de ganar sueldos más altos (nivel mensual de renta > 5.000 PEN) frente a sus compañeras mujeres. Asimismo, gran parte del porcentaje de esta brecha está asociado a un componente inexplicable (entre un 57% y un 77%, según la especificación del modelo), lo que tal vez esté relacionado con las características no observables y la discriminación en el mercado laboral peruano.

Resumo: Nas últimas décadas, o número de mulheres atuando em carreiras da saúde aumentou significativamente. Contudo, o mercado de trabalho médico continua caracterizado por diferenças de gênero nos salários. Usando uma amostra nacional representativa de profissionais da saúde peruanos (3.219 médicos e 1.063 médicas), nós estimamos a diferença de gênero na probabilidade de receber altos salários para médicos e decompomos essa diferença em uma proporção relacionada a diferenças em características individuais (p.ex.: especialidade, experiência profissional) e uma proporção residual relacionada a diferenças de retornos dessas características. Nossos resultados principais revelam que os médicos têm, em média, uma probabilidade 81% maior de receber salários altos (nível de rendimentos mensais > 5.000 PEN) em relação às médicas. Adicionalmente, a principal proporção dessa diferença está associada ao componente não-explicado (entre 57% e 77%, de acordo com a especificação do modelo), o que pode estar associado a características não-observadas e discriminação no mercado de trabalho peruano.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Personnel Selection/economics , Physicians/economics , Salaries and Fringe Benefits/economics , Sexism/economics , Personnel Selection/statistics & numerical data , Peru , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Salaries and Fringe Benefits/trends , Salaries and Fringe Benefits/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Women, Working/statistics & numerical data , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sexism/statistics & numerical data
Investig. psicol ; 23(2): 37-53, dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-980074


La persistencia de la brecha de género es un tema controversial en los análisis sobre participación política (PP). Con el objetivo de aportar elementos a este debate, se revisan las áreas en que lo político y el género se atraviesan, así como aportes que el estudio de la PP y de las Representaciones Sociales (RS) pueden hacer a este campo. Seguidamente, se presenta una investigación realizada con mujeres y varones estudiantes universitarios/as (N=500) sobre PP, brecha de género y núcleo de las RS sobre política, democracia, políticos y participación. Los resultados muestran que la brecha varía entre repertorios e indicadores de comportamiento político. El análisis de RS permite suponer un posicionamiento diferencial de mujeres y varones ante objetos del campo político, tanto en el contenido cuanto en la organización. Los hallazgos permiten discutir algunos posicionamientos teóricos y sesgos androcéntricos conceptuales y metodológicos habituales en el campo de estudio.

Gender gap persistence is a controversial issue in political participation (PP) analyses. With the objective of contributing to this debate, we review the areas in which politics and gender are traversed, as well as the contributions that the PP and Social Representations (SR) studies can make to this field. Below, we present a research carried out with female and male university students (N=500) on PP, gender gap and nucleus of SR on politics, democracy, politicians, and participation. Results show a gap variation among different repertoires and indicators of political behavior. The analysis of SR allows supposing a differential positioning of women and men when facing objects of the political field, regarding to both content and organization. Our findings allow further discussing some theoretical positions and conceptual and methodological androcentric biases that are usual to this field of study.

Humans , Public Policy , Gender Identity , Students
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 75(4): 216-223, jul.-ago. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-974046


Resumen Introducción: La participación de las mujeres en medicina ha incrementado en las últimas décadas, incluyendo mayor representatividad en la autoría de artículos científicos en diversos países y distintas especialidades. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las diferencias de género en la autoría de artículos a través de la historia del Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico de los artículos originales publicados en los años 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 y 2013. Se identificó el género de los autores, tipo de autoría (primer autor o autor correspondiente) y el diseño de estudio (descriptivo vs. analítico). Se evaluó la diferencia en la proporción de género y la tendencia en el tiempo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 272 artículos. Se observó una reducción en la brecha de género entre 1953 y 2013. La participación de las mujeres como primeras autoras incrementó del 2 al 63% (p < 0.001) y como correspondiente del 27 al 59% (p < 0.001). Al considerar únicamente estudios analíticos, el incremento fue del 25 al 50% como primera autora (p = 0.03), con un cambio similar como autor correspondiente, pero sin una tendencia significativa en el tiempo (p = 0.19). La reducción en la brecha de género fue más notoria a partir del periodo 1983-1993. Conclusiones: En las últimas décadas ha existido un incremento significativo en la autoría de las mujeres en el Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México, llegando incluso a una mayor proporción en relación con el sexo masculino. Lo anterior es un reflejo del papel actual de las mujeres en la medicina; en particular, en el área pediátrica.

Abstract Background: Women's participation in medicine has increased in the last decades, with greater representativeness in the authorship of scientific articles in many countries and different specialties. The objective of this research was to analyze the gender gap in the authorship of articles through the history of the medical journal Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México. Methods: In a bibliometric analysis, we reviewed original articles published during the years 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013. The gender of the author, type of authorship (first author or corresponding author) and the design of the study (descriptive vs analytic) were identified. We evaluated the difference between gender proportion and trends over time. Results: We included 272 articles. We observed a gender gap reduction between 1953 and 2013. The participation of women as first author increased from 2 to 63% (p < 0.001) and as corresponding author from 27 to 59% (p < 0.001). If we include only analytic studies, the increasing was 25 to 50% as first author (p = 0.03), with a similar tendency as corresponding author, but without a statistical significant on time (p = 0.19). We observed the most notable change since 1983-1993. Conclusions: In the last decades, there has been a significant increase in women´s authorship in the medical journal Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México, even reaching a greater proportion against male gender. This reflects the present role of women in medicine, particularly in pediatrics.

Female , Humans , Male , Pediatrics/trends , Periodicals as Topic/trends , Publishing/trends , Authorship , Pediatrics/statistics & numerical data , Periodicals as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Publishing/statistics & numerical data , Bibliometrics , Sex Factors , Mexico
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 25(2): 369-379, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-830363


This study examines the link between math anxietyand math performance in a group of Colombian students. A total of 296 students between 8 and 16 years of age took part in this study. Analyses by gender and grade were conducted, while controlling for other types of anxiety (i.e., general and test anxiety). In line with that reported in other countries, a negative correlation was found between performance in mathematics and math anxiety. Importantly, this trend was stronger in girls than in boys. Given the limited number of studies exploring the relationship between math anxiety and math performance in Latin America and, particularly, in Colombia, this study fills an important gap in the literature. The results are particularly relevant in view of the poor performance of Colombian students in mathematics, revealed by the most recent PISA reports.

El presente estudio examina la relación entre la ansiedad matemática y el desempeño matemático, en un grupo de estudiantes colombianos. Un total de 296 estudiantes entre 8 y 16 años de edad participaron en la investigación. Se realizaron análisis por género y grado escolar, controlando por otros tipos de ansiedad (i.e., general y relacionada con exámenes). En línea con lo reportado en otros países, se encontró una correlación negativa entre el desempeño en matemática y la ansiedad matemática. Aún más importante, esta tendencia fue mayor en las niñas que en los niños. Dados los pocos estudios que han explorado la relación entre ansiedad matemática y desempeño matemático en Latinoamérica y, particularmente, en Colombia, este estudio llena un vacío importante. Los resultados son particularmente relevantes a la luz del pobre desempeño de los estudiantes colombianos en matemáticas, revelado recientemente por las pruebas PISA.

O presente estudo examina a relação entre a ansiedade matemática e o desempenho matemático num grupo de estudantes colombianos. Um total de 296 estudantes entre 8 e 16 anos participaram da pesquisa. Realizaram-se análise por gênero e grau escolar, controlando por outros tipos de ansiedade (por exemplo, geral e relacionada com exames). Em consonância com o relatado por outros países, constatou-se uma correlação negativa entre o desempenho em matemática e a ansiedade matemática. Ainda mais importante, essa tendência foi maior nas meninas do que nos meninos. Tendo em vista os poucos estudos que exploram a relação entre ansiedade matemática e desempenho matemático na América Latina e, particularmente, na Colômbia, este estudo preenche um vazio importante. Os resultados são relevantes à luz do pobre desempenho dos estudantes colombianos em matemáticas, revelado recentemente pelas provas do Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Estudantes (Pisa, por sua sigla em inglês).

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177475


With state-funded health care that is free at the point of delivery, a sound primary health-care policy and widespread health-care services, Sri Lanka seems a good example of universal health coverage. Yet, health transition and disparities in provision and financing threaten this situation. Sri Lanka did well on the Millennium Development Goal health indicators, but the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for health has a wider purview, which is to “ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages”. The gender gap in life expectancy and the gap between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy make achievement of the health SDG more challenging. Although women and children do well overall, the comparative health disadvantage for men in Sri Lanka is a cause for concern. From a financing perspective, high out-of-pocket expenditure and high utilization of the private sector, even by those in the lowest income quintile, are concerns, as is the emerging “third tier”, where some individuals accessing state health care that is free at the point of delivery actually bear some of the costs of drugs, investigations and surgery. This cost sharing is resulting in catastrophic health expenditure for individuals, and delays in and non-compliance with treatment. These concerns about provision and financing must be addressed, as health transition will intensify the morbidity burden and loss of well-being, and could derail plans to achieve the health SDG.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 81(4): 316-321, ago. 2013. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708637


Introducción Existen antecedentes en la bibliografía científica que indican que las mujeres con enfermedad coronaria tienen peor pronóstico que los hombres y se observa asimismo una utilización menor de métodos diagnósticos e intervenciones en ellas, por lo que resulta de interés establecer si esta tendencia existe en nuestro país y las posibles asociaciones de valor pronóstico. Objetivos Investigar en una cohorte argentina de síndromes coronarios agudos las características clínicas, los tratamientos y la evolución a 2 años de seguimiento. Material y métodos Componente argentino del estudio cooperativo GRACE de 4.708 hombres y 2.027 mujeres con síndromes coronarios agudos sin supradesnivel persistente del segmento ST. Se analizaron antecedentes, tipo de presentación, diagnóstico definitivo, tratamientos farmacológicos, aplicación de revascularización e incidencia acumulativa de muerte e infarto recurrente en la etapa hospitalaria y a los 6 meses y a los 2 años de seguimiento. Resultados Las mujeres fueron mayores (69,4 ± 12,3 vs. 63,1 ± 11,9 años; p < 0,01), con mayor prevalencia de insuficiencia cardíaca e hipertensión. La proporción de signos de isquemia miocárdica en el electrocardiograma, así como la de enzimas miocárdicas en rango anormal fue similar para ambos géneros, con un uso significativamente menor de aspirina, clopidogrel y betabloqueantes en las mujeres, quienes tuvieron la mitad de chance de angioplastia (OR: 0,55, IC 95% 0,48-0,62) y de cirugía de revascularización (OR: 0,49, IC 95% 0,36-0,67), con mayores incidencias crudas de muerte e infarto en agudo y a los 2 años, pero sin diferencia en el riesgo relativo de eventos mayores una vez ajustado por edad y otras covariables. Conclusiones A pesar de un riesgo clínico similar en mujeres y hombres, las primeras recibieron menos intervenciones durante la fase hospitalaria. Nuestros resultados llaman a un adecuado alerta e intervenciones ajustadas al riesgo para el sexo femenino.

Introduction Bibliographic reports indicate that women with coronary disease have worse prognosis than men and are submitted to less diagnostic methods and interventions. It is, therefore, of interest to establish whether this tendency exists in our country and its potential prognostic associations. Objectives The aim of the study was to analyze in an Argentine cohort of acute coronary syndrome, the clinical characteristics, treatment and outcome at two-year follow up. Methods The Argentine component of the GRACE cooperative study included 4708 men and 2027 women with acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST-segment elevation. Previous history, type of presentation, final diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, revascularization and cumulative incidence of death and recurrent infarction were analyzed during hospitalization and at 6-month and 2-year follow-up. Results Women were older than men (69.4 ± 12.3 vs. 63.1 ± 11.9 years, p <0.01), and had greater prevalence of heart failure and hypertension. The proportions of ischemic electrocardiographic changes and abnormal cardiac enzymes were similar in both sexes. Use of aspirin, clopidogrel and beta blockers was significantly lower in women, who had 50% chance of undergoing either percutaneous coronary intervention (OR= 0.55;95% CI 0.48-0.62) or coronary artery bypass graft surgery (OR= 0.49; 95% CI 0.36-0.67) than men. The crude incidences of mortality and reinfarction during hospitalization and at two-year follow up were higher in women with no differences in the relative risk of major events after adjusting for age and other covariates. Conclusions Despite similar risk than men to that of men, women were exposed to fewer interventions during hospitalization. Our results should alert physicians to indicate antiischemic treatments and interventions adjusted to risk in women.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 690-695, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-318319


Objective To analyze the gender difference of life expectancy in urban people of China and to explore both age-specific and cause-specific contributions to the changing differences in life expectancy on genders.Methods Data on life expectancy (male and female) and mortality were obtained from the "Annual Statistics of public health in China".Male-female gender difference was analyzed by decomposition methodologies,including age-specific decomposition and the causespecific decomposition.Results Women had lived much longer than men in the Chinese urban citizens,with remarkable gains in life expectancy since 2005.Difference in gender reached a peak in 2007,with the gap of 5.3 years.Differences on mortality between men and women in the 60-79 age groups made the largest contribution (42%-47%) to the gap of 6 years on life expectancy in genders.With the widening of the gaps in gender on life expectancy between 2005 and 2007,faster declining of mortality among groups of women in age 0-1 age and over 75 years old groups made the largest contributions.Between 2007 and 2008,along with the reduction of gaps in gender,all the age groups except the 1-15 and 50-55 year-olds showed negative efforts.In 2009-2010,the widening gaps in gender on life expectancy were caused by the positive effect in the 60-70 age group.Among all the causes of death,cancer (1.638-2.019 years),circulatory diseases (1.271-1.606 years),respiratory diseases (0.551-0.800 years) made the largest contributions to the gender gap.33%-38% of the gaps in gender were caused by cancer and among all the cancers,among which lung cancer contributed 0.6 years to the overall gap.Contribution of cancers to the gender gap was reducing,but when time went on it was mostly influenced by the narrowing effect caused by liver cancer on the gap in gender.Traffic accidents and suicidal issues were the external causes that influencing the gender gap and contributing 10.60%-15.78% to the overall differentials.Conclusion Public health efforts in reducing the excess mortalities for cancer,circulatory and respiratory diseases,suicide,among men in particular,will further narrow the gender gap on life expectancy in the urban cities of China.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23560


OBJECTIVES: This study examined the trends in gender disparity in the self-rated health of people aged 25 to 64 in South Korea, a rapidly changing society, with specific attention to socio-structural inequality. METHODS: Representative sample data were obtained from six successive, nationwide Social Statistics Surveys of the Korean National Statistical Office performed during 1992 to 2010. RESULTS: The results showed a convergent trend in poor self-rated health between genders since 1992, with a sharper decline in gender disparity observed in younger adults (aged 25 to 44) than in older adults (aged 45 to 64). The diminishing gender gap seemed to be attributable to an increase in women's educational attainment levels and to their higher status in the labor market. CONCLUSIONS: The study indicated the importance of equitable social opportunities for both genders for understanding the historical trends in the gender gap in the self-reported health data from South Korea.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Age Factors , Data Collection , Educational Status , Employment/classification , Health Status Disparities , Republic of Korea , Sex Factors , Social Change , Social Class , Women's Health/trends , Women's Rights/trends