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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(4): e00036223, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557399


Resumo: Com o passar do tempo, o Brasil vem apresentando avanços na assistência obstétrica em hospitais públicos e privados; no entanto, ainda existem pontos frágeis que necessitam de atenção. O Ministério da Saúde, ciente dessa necessidade, financiou a segunda versão da pesquisa Nascer no Brasil. Os objetivos gerais são: avaliar a assistência pré-natal, ao parto e nascimento, ao puerpério e ao aborto, comparando com os resultados do Nascer no Brasil I, e analisar os principais determinantes da morbimortalidade perinatal; avaliar a estrutura e processos assistenciais dos serviços de obstetrícia e neonatologia das maternidades; analisar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de profissionais de saúde que prestam assistência ao parto e ao aborto; e identificar as principais barreiras e facilitadores para essa assistência no país. Com escopo nacional e amostra probabilística em dois estágios (1-hospitais e 2-mulheres), dividida em 59 estratos, foram selecionados 465 hospitais com total planejado de, aproximadamente, 24.255 mulheres, 2.205 por motivo de aborto e 22.050 por motivo de parto. A coleta de dados, realizada por meio de seis instrumentos eletrônicos, ocorre durante a internação hospitalar para o parto ou aborto, com duas ondas de seguimento, aos dois e quatro meses. Com o intuito de expandir o número de casos de morbidade materna grave, mortalidade materna e perinatal, três estudos caso controle foram incorporados ao Nascer no Brasil II. O trabalho de campo foi iniciado em novembro de 2021 com término previsto para 2023. Os resultados permitirão comparar a atenção atual ao parto e ao nascimento com a retratada no primeiro inquérito e, com isso, avaliar os avanços alcançados no decorrer desses 10 anos.

Resumen: Aunque Brasil ha presentado avances en la atención obstétrica en hospitales públicos y privados, todavía hay puntos débiles que necesitan atención. El Ministerio de Salud, consciente de esta necesidad, financió la segunda versión de la encuesta Nacer en Brasil. Los objetivos generales son: evaluar la atención prenatal, el parto y el nacimiento, el puerperio y el aborto, comparando con los resultados del Nacer en Brasil I, y analizar los principales determinantes de la morbimortalidad perinatal; evaluar la estructura y los procesos de atención de los servicios de obstetricia y neonatología en las maternidades; analizar los conocimientos, prácticas y actitudes de los profesionales de la salud que brindan atención para el parto y el aborto; e identificar las principales barreras y facilitadores para esta atención en el país. Tiene un alcance nacional y muestra probabilística en dos etapas (1-hospitales y 2-mujeres), la cual se dividió en 59 estratos; y se seleccionaron 465 hospitales con un total planificado de aproximadamente 24.255 mujeres, de las cuales 2.205 tuvieron procedimientos por aborto y 22.050 por parto. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó seis instrumentos electrónicos, que se realizó durante la hospitalización por parto o aborto, con dos rondas de seguimiento, a los dos y cuatro meses. Con el fin de ampliar el número de casos de morbilidad materna grave, mortalidad materna y perinatal, se incorporaron tres estudios de casos y controles en Nacer en Brasil II. El trabajo de campo comenzó en noviembre de 2021 y finalizará en 2023. Los resultados nos permitirán evaluar la atención al parto y al nacimiento actual con lo que se retrató en la primera encuesta, de esta manera se podrá evaluar los avances alcanzados a lo largo de estos 10 años.

Abstract: Brazil has made advances in obstetric care in public and private hospitals; however, weaknesses in this system still require attention. The Brazilian Ministry of Health, aware of this need, funded the second version of the Birth in Brazil survey. This study aimed to evaluate: prenatal, labor and birth, postpartum, and abortion care, comparing the results with those of Birth in Brazil I; and analyze the main determinants of perinatal morbidity and mortality; evaluate the care structure and processes of obstetrics and neonatology services in maternity hospitals; analyze the knowledge, practices, and attitudes of health professionals who provide birth and abortion care; and identify the main barriers and facilitators related to care of this nature in Brazil. With a national scope and a 2-stage probability sample: 1-hospitals and 2-women, stratified into 59 strata, 465 hospitals were selected with a total planned sample of around 24,255 women - 2,205 for abortion reasons and 22,050 for labor reasons. Data collection was conducted using six electronic instruments during hospital admission for labor or abortion, with two follow-up waves, at two and four months. In order to expand the number of cases of severe maternal morbidity, maternal and perinatal mortality, three case control studies were incorporated into Birth in Brazil II. The fieldwork began in November 2021 and is scheduled to end in 2023. It will allow a comparison between current labor and birth care results and those obtained in the first study and will evaluate the advances achieved in 10 years.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4146, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565567


Objectives: to identify content on play and interaction with children with special health care needs recommended in clinical guidelines; analyze play and interaction activities applicable to children with special health care needs and complex care requirements. Method: qualitative documentary research based on guides, protocols, or guidelines on playing and interacting with children with special and living with complex care. Search terms in English (guidelines, playing OR play, complex needs, OR chronic disease) and in Portuguese ( guia, brincar ou brincadeiras, condições crônicas ) on the first ten pages of_Google Search ® . Thematic analysis was applied to the information extracted from the documents. Results: a total of nine documents with similar content were grouped into units of analysis, keeping only the interacting and playing activities applicable to children with special health care needs and living with complex care requirements, namely stimulation of potential, stimulation of adult-child interaction, and stimulation of the senses (touch, sight, and hearing), to be carried out by health professionals and family caregivers in the different care contexts. Conclusion: interaction and play are potential promoters of adult-child interaction, with application in the stimulating and life-delivering complex care for children.

Objetivos: identificar contenido sobre juego e interacción con niños con necesidades de especiales atención en salud recomendados en guías clínicas; analizar las actividades de juego e interacción que se pueden implementar niños con necesidades especiales de atención en salud y demandas de cuidados clínicamente complejos. Método: investigación cualitativa documental basada en guías, protocolos o directrices para jugar e interactuar con niños con necesidades especiales de atención en salud. Búsqueda de los términos en inglés ( guidelines, playing o play, complex needs OR chronic disease ) y en portugués ( guia, brincar o brincadeiras, condições crônicas ), en las primeras 10 páginas de Google Search ® . Se aplicó análisis temático a la información extraída de los documentos. Resultados: se agruparon en unidades de análisis nueve documentos con contenido similar, se extrajeron solo las actividades para interactuar y jugar que se pueden implementar con niños con necesidades especiales de atención en salud y demandas de cuidados clínicamente complejos, a saber: estimular las potencialidades, estimular la interacción adulto-niño y estimular los sentidos (tacto, visión y oído), que realizan los profesionales de la salud y los cuidadores familiares en diferentes contextos de cuidado. Conclusión: interactuar y jugar pueden promover la interacción adulto-niño e implementarse en el cuidado estimulante y vivificante de niños con condiciones clínicas complejas.

Objetivos: identificar conteúdos sobre brincar e interagir com crianças com necessidades de saúde especiais recomendados em guias clínicos; analisar as atividades de brincar e interagir aplicáveis às crianças com necessidades de saúde especiais e demandas de cuidados clinicamente complexas. Método: pesquisa qualitativa documental baseada em guias, protocolos ou diretrizes sobre brincar e interagir com crianças com necessidades de saúde especiais. Busca dos termos em inglês ( guidelines, playing ou play, complex needs OR chronic disease ) e em português (guia, brincar ou brincadeiras, condições crônicas), nas 10 primeiras páginas do Google Search ® . Aplicou-se a análise temática às informações extraídas dos documentos. Resultados: agruparam-se nove documentos com conteúdo similares em unidades de análise, mantendo-se somente as atividades do interagir e brincar aplicáveis às crianças com necessidades de saúde especiais e demandas de cuidados clinicamente complexas, a saber: estimulação das potencialidades, estimulação da interação adulto-criança e estimulação dos sentidos (tato, visão e audição), a serem realizadas por profissionais de saúde e familiares cuidadores nos diferentes contextos de cuidado. Conclusão: o interagir e o brincar são potenciais promotores da interação adulto-criança, com aplicação no cuidado estimulador e vivificante de crianças clinicamente complexas.

Humans , Child , Play and Playthings , Child Health , Guidelines as Topic , Material Resources in Health , Social Interaction
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960703


In 2022, the European Association for the Study of the Liver issued Clinical practice guidelines on sclerosing cholangitis. With reference to the 2017 edition of Role of endoscopy in primary sclerosing cholangitis: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Clinical Guideline (2017) and in comparison to the corresponding contents in Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of primary sclerosing cholangitis (2021) issued by Chinese Society of Hepatology, Chinese Medical Association, in 2021, this article summarizes the updates in diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and management of special populations and analyzes the basis for updated recommendations and their guiding significance in optimizing the clinical management of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). The comparative analysis shows that the new version of the guidelines is similar to the Chinese guidelines in terms of diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up, and it is worth learning from the technical details such as the recommended dose of ursodeoxycholic acid and long-term follow-up plan. Since PSC is a chronic refractory disease, the drugs recommended by current guidelines cannot delay or reverse disease progression, and there is still a lack of consensus statements on immunotherapy and screening protocols for end-stage complications, which might be the directions for further research.

ABCD (São Paulo, Online) ; 36: e1759, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513511


ABSTRACT This Brazilian multi-society position statement on emerging bariatric and metabolic surgical procedures was issued by the Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (SBCBM), the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery (CBCD), and the Brazilian College of Surgeons (CBC). This document is the result of a Brazilian Emerging Surgeries Forum aimed at evaluating the results of surgeries that are not yet listed in the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), the regulatory agency that oversees and regulates medical practice in Brazil. The Forum integrated more than 400 specialists and academics with extensive knowledge about bariatric and metabolic surgery, representing the three surgical societies: SBCBM, CBC, and CBCD. International speakers participated online and presented their experiences with the techniques under discussion, emphasizing the regulatory policies in their countries. The indications for surgery and the subsequent procedures were carefully reviewed, including one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB), single anastomosis duodeno-ileal with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S or OADS), sleeve gastrectomy with transit bipartition (SGTB), and sleeve gastrectomy with ileal interposition (SGII). The recommendations of this document are based on an extensive literature review and discussions among bariatric surgery specialists from the three surgical societies. We concluded that patients with a body mass index over 30 kg/m2 may be candidates for metabolic surgery in the presence of comorbidities (arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes) with no response to clinical treatment of obesity or in the control of other associated diseases. Regarding the surgical procedures, we concluded that OAGB, OADS, and SGTB are associated with low morbidity rates, satisfactory weight loss, and resolution of obesity-related comorbidities such as diabetes and arterial hypertension. SGII was considered a good and viable promising surgical alternative technique. The recommendations of this statement aim to synchronize our societies with the sentiments and understandings of most of our members and also serve as a guide for future decisions regarding bariatric surgical procedures in our country and worldwide.

RESUMO Esta declaração multissocietária de posicionamento sobre novos procedimentos cirúrgicos bariátricos e metabólicos emergentes foi emitida pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Bariátrica e Metabólica (SBCBM), pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva (CBCD) e pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (CBC). Este documento é resultado do Fórum Brasileiro de Cirurgias Emergentes, realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os resultados de cirurgias ainda não listadas no Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM), órgão regulador que fiscaliza e regulamenta a prática médica no Brasil. O Fórum integrou mais de 400 especialistas e acadêmicos com amplo conhecimento sobre cirurgia bariátrica e metabólica, representando as três sociedades cirúrgicas: SBCBM, CBC e CBCD. Palestrantes internacionais participaram online e apresentaram suas experiências com as técnicas em discussão, enfatizando as políticas regulatórias de seus países. As indicações para cirurgia e os procedimentos subsequentes foram cuidadosamente revisados, incluindo bypass gástrico de uma anastomose (OAGB), anastomose duodeno-Ileal única com gastrectomia vertical (OADS ou SADI-S), gastrectomia vertical com bipartição de trânsito (SGTB) e gastrectomia vertical com interposição ileal (SGII). As recomendações deste documento são baseadas em extensa revisão da literatura e discussões entre especialistas em cirurgia bariátrica das três sociedades cirúrgicas. Concluímos que pacientes com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) acima de 30 kg/m2 podem ser candidatos à cirurgia metabólica na presença de comorbidades (hipertensão arterial e diabetes tipo 2), sem resposta ao tratamento clínico da obesidade ou no controle de outras doenças associadas. Em relação aos procedimentos cirúrgicos, concluímos que OAGB, OADS e SGTB estão associados a baixas taxas de morbidade e com perda de peso satisfatória e resolução de comorbidades relacionadas à obesidade, como diabetes e hipertensão arterial. A SGII foi considerada uma boa e viável técnica cirúrgica, sendo considerada uma alternativa promissora. As recomendações desta declaração visam sincronizar nossas sociedades com os sentimentos e entendimentos da maioria de nossos membros e também servir como um guia para futuras decisões sobre procedimentos cirúrgicos bariátricos em nosso país e no mundo.

ABCD (São Paulo, Online) ; 36: e1727, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439004


ABSTRACT The field of medicine has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, constantly seeking new strategies to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. Guidelines for clinical practice to orientate medical teams regarding diagnosis, treatment, and prevention measures have increased over the years. The purpose is to gather the most medical knowledge to construct an orientation for practice. Evidence-based guidelines follow several main characteristics of a systematic review, including systematic and unbiased search, selection, and extraction of the source of evidence. In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has provided clinicians and patients with access to personalized, data-driven insights, support and new opportunities for healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. One of the most exciting developments in Artificial Intelligence has been the emergence of chatbots. A chatbot is a computer program used to simulate conversations with human users. Recently, OpenAI, a research organization focused on machine learning, developed ChatGPT, a large language model that generates human-like text. ChatGPT uses a type of AI known as a deep learning model. ChatGPT can quickly search and select pieces of evidence through numerous databases to provide answers to complex questions, reducing the time and effort required to research a particular topic manually. Consequently, language models can accelerate the creation of clinical practice guidelines. While there is no doubt that ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered, it is essential to note that it should not be used as a substitute for human healthcare professionals. Instead, ChatGPT should be considered a tool that can be used to augment and support the work of healthcare professionals, helping them to provide better care to their patients.

RESUMO A área da medicina sempre esteve na vanguarda da inovação tecnológica, buscando constantemente novas estratégias para diagnosticar, tratar e prevenir doenças. As diretrizes para a prática clínica são para orientar as equipes médicas quanto ao diagnóstico, tratamento e medidas de prevenção aumentaram ao longo dos anos. O objetivo é reunir o máximo de conhecimento médico para construir uma orientação para a prática. As diretrizes baseadas em evidências seguem várias das principais características de uma revisão sistemática, incluindo busca sistemática e imparcial, seleção e extração da fonte de evidência. Nos últimos anos, o rápido avanço da inteligência artificial forneceu aos médicos e pacientes acesso a informações personalizadas e baseadas em dados, suporte e novas oportunidades para os profissionais de saúde melhorarem os resultados dos pacientes, aumentarem a eficiência e reduzirem custos. Um dos desenvolvimentos mais empolgantes da Inteligência Artificial foi o surgimento dos chatbots. Um chatbot é um programa de computador para simular conversas com usuários humanos. Recentemente, a OpenAI, uma organização de pesquisa focada em aprendizado de máquina, desenvolveu o ChatGPT, um grande modelo de linguagem que gera texto semelhante ao humano. O ChatGPT usa um tipo de inteligência artificial conhecido como modelo de aprendizado profundo. O ChatGPT pode pesquisar e selecionar rapidamente evidências em vários bancos de dados para fornecer respostas a perguntas complexas, reduzindo o tempo e o esforço necessários para pesquisar um tópico específico manualmente. Consequentemente, os modelos de linguagem podem acelerar a criação de diretrizes de prática clínica. Embora não haja dúvida de que o ChatGPT tem potencial para revolucionar a forma como os cuidados de saúde são prestados, é essencial observar que não deve ser usado como substituto de profissionais de saúde humanos. Em vez disso, o ChatGPT deve ser visto como uma ferramenta que pode ser usada para aumentar e apoiar o trabalho dos profissionais de saúde, ajudando-os a prestar melhores cuidados aos seus pacientes.

Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 26(3): e007078, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1513073


Las guías de práctica clínica han contribuido a resolver un problema al sintetizar la evidencia y ponerla al alcance del profesional sanitario, pero su desarrollo e implementación creciente en los últimos años ha dado lugar a nuevos inconvenientes que aún no han sido resueltos. En este artículo editorial, la autora repasa cuestiones no tenidas en cuenta por las guías de práctica clínica, incluso aquellas consideradas de buena calidad de acuerdo a los estándares actuales, y reflexiona en especial sobre el uso del tiempo de los médicos en la consulta, aspecto desatendido que atenta contra la sustentabilidad del modelo actual de cuidado propuesto por estas recomendaciones. (AU)

Clinical practice guidelines have contributed to solving a problem by synthesizing the evidence and making it available to healthcare professionals, but their development and increasing implementation in recent years has given rise to new problems that have not yet been resolved. In this editorial article, the author reviews issues not taken into account by clinical practice guidelines, even those considered to be of good quality according to current standards, and reflects inparticular on the use of physicians' time in the consultation, a neglected aspect that undermines the sustainability of the current care model proposed by these recommendations. (AU)

Humans , Quality of Health Care , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Patient Participation/trends , Patient-Centered Care/trends , Decision Making , Evidence-Based Practice/trends , Patient Preference , Multimorbidity
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;22: e20230042, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521176


Resumo Trauma é uma causa importante de morbimortalidade, que acomete principalmente jovens. A hemorragia incoercível é o principal mecanismo de óbito precoce nessas vítimas, e as lesões vasculares não compressíveis representam grandes desafios para os cirurgiões. O traumatismo vascular impacta diretamente a viabilidade de membros traumatizados, aumentando o risco de amputação. Nas últimas décadas, muitas condutas de diagnóstico e tratamento de lesões vasculares traumáticas foram modificadas. A angiotomografia suplantou a angiografia como padrão ouro para diagnóstico, as técnicas endovasculares foram incorporadas ao arsenal terapêutico e o conceito de "controle de danos" foi estabelecido. No entanto, há lacunas na literatura nacional sobre a normatização de condutas em trauma vascular, principalmente considerando as limitações do Brasil. Por isso, a Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e de Cirurgia Vascular e a Sociedade Brasileira de Atendimento Integrado ao Traumatizado revisaram a literatura disponível sobre trauma vascular e organizaram diretrizes sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento dessas lesões.

Abstract Trauma is a leading cause of death, permanent disability, and health care cost worldwide. The young and economically active are the most affected population. Exsanguination due to noncompressible torso hemorrhage is one of the most frequent causes of early death, posing a significant challenge to trauma and vascular surgeons. The possibility of limb loss due to vascular injuries must also be considered. In recent decades, the approach to vascular injuries has been significantly modified. Angiotomography has become the standard method for diagnosis, endovascular techniques are currently incorporated in treatment, and damage control, such as temporary shunts, is now the preferred approach for the patients sustaining physiological derangement. Despite the importance of this topic, few papers in the Brazilian literature have offered guidelines on vascular trauma. The Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery has developed Projetos Diretrizes (Guideline Projects), which includes this publication on vascular trauma. Since treating trauma patients is a multidisciplinary effort, the Brazilian Trauma Society (SBAIT) was invited to participate in this project. Members of both societies reviewed the literature on vascular trauma management and together wrote these guidelines on vascular injuries of neck, thorax, abdomen, and extremities.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 70(2): e93814, Apr.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422754


Resumen La neumonía sigue siendo una de las principales causas de consulta y de hospitalización a la que, además de su un alto impacto en términos de morbilidad y mortalidad, se suma la actual problemática de resistencia a los antimicrobianos, por lo que establecer directrices que permitan su adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento es de gran importancia para obtener mejores desenlaces clínicos y promover un uso racional de antibióticos en estos pacientes. La presente guía de práctica clínica (GPC) contiene recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad en adultos, las cuales fueron realizadas mediante el proceso de adaptación de GPC basadas en la evidencia para el contexto colombiano.

Abstract Pneumonia continues to be one of the main causes of consultation and hospitalization to which, besides its high impact on morbidity and mortality, the current problem of antimicrobial resistance is added; thus, establishing guidelines that allow its adequate diagnosis and treatment is of great importance to obtain better clinical outcomes and promote a rational use of antibiotics in these patients. This clinical practice guideline (CPG) contains evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in adult population; these recommendations were made by means of the process of adaptation of evidence-based CPGs for the Colombian context.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405645


RESUMEN Introducción: En Cuba, la Estrategia Nacional de Control del Cáncer recomienda contextualizar las guías clínicas de diagnóstico y tratamiento a las condiciones específicas de cada provincia e institución sanitaria. Objetivo: Describir la metodología para la elaboración de la guía de diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón en Villa Clara. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en la Biblioteca Cochrane de revisiones sistemáticas y en la base de datos PubMed, en el periodo de 2007-2017. Se consultaron, además, las principales guías nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón. Se utilizó el consenso de expertos como sistemática de trabajo para la elaboración y validación de la guía. Resultados: Se estructuró un documento final en seis apartados (estadísticas de cáncer de pulmón, prevención y epidemiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento, seguimiento, conducta en la recidiva local y progresión de la enfermedad); con anexos relacionados con la pesquisa, descripción clínica, esquemas de tratamiento, instrumentos de calidad de vida e indicadores. La guía se encuentra implementada en hospitales y policlínicos de la provincia, desde el año 2013, y fue actualizada en 2017. Conclusiones: Esta guía fomenta la valoración multidisciplinaria de los pacientes, orienta a la Atención Primaria de Salud en la aplicación del algoritmo para la atención integral a los enfermos y el desarrollo de los ensayos clínicos con inmunoterapias, e incorpora indicadores de evaluación de desempeño en la red de atención médica.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the National Cancer Control Strategy, in Cuba, recommends contextualizing clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of the specific conditions in each health institution and province. Objective: to describe the methodology for the preparation of a diagnosis and treatment guideline for lung cancer in Villa Clara. Methods: a bibliographic search was carried out in the Cochrane Library of systematic reviews and in PubMed database, in 2007-2017. The main national and international guidelines related to the treatment of lung cancer were also consulted. The consensus of experts was used as a work system for the guideline preparation and validation. Results: a final document was structured in six sections (lung cancer statistics, prevention and epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, follow-up, conduct in local recurrence and disease progression); with annexes related to the research, clinical description, treatment schemes, quality of life instruments and indicators. The guideline has been implemented in hospitals and polyclinics in the province since 2013, and was updated in 2017. Conclusions: this guideline promotes the multidisciplinary assessment of patients, guides Primary Health Care in the application of the algorithm for comprehensive care of patients and the development of clinical trials with immunotherapies, as well as incorporates performance evaluation indicators in the health care network.

Guidelines as Topic/standards , Lung Neoplasms
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;80(6): 634-652, June 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393976


ABSTRACT The Guidelines for Stroke Rehabilitation are the result of a joint effort by the Scientific Department of Neurological Rehabilitation of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology aiming to guide professionals involved in the rehabilitation process to reduce functional disability and increase individual autonomy. Members of the group participated in web discussion forums with predefined themes, followed by videoconference meetings in which issues were discussed, leading to a consensus. These guidelines, divided into two parts, focus on the implications of recent clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses in stroke rehabilitation literature. The main objective was to guide physicians, physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, nutritionists, and other professionals involved in post-stroke care. Recommendations and levels of evidence were adapted according to the currently available literature. Part I discusses topics on rehabilitation in the acute phase, as well as prevention and management of frequent conditions and comorbidities after stroke.

RESUMO As Diretrizes Brasileiras para Reabilitação do AVC são fruto de um esforço conjunto do Departamento Científico de Reabilitação Neurológica da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia com o objetivo de orientar os profissionais envolvidos no processo de reabilitação para a redução da incapacidade funcional e aumento da autonomia dos indivíduos. Membros do grupo acima participaram de fóruns de discussão na web com pré-temas, seguidos de reuniões por videoconferência em que as controvérsias foram discutidas, levando a um consenso. Essas diretrizes, divididas em duas partes, focam as implicações de recentes ensaios clínicos, revisões sistemáticas e metanálises sobre reabilitação do AVC. O objetivo principal é servir de orientação a médicos, fisioterapeutas, fonoaudiólogos, terapeutas ocupacionais, enfermeiros, nutricionistas e demais profissionais envolvidos no cuidado pós-AVC. As recomendações e níveis de evidência foram adaptados de acordo com a literatura disponível atualmente. Aqui é apresentada a Parte I sobre tópicos de reabilitação na fase aguda, prevenção e tratamento de doenças e comorbidades frequentes após o AVC.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956676


Objective:To understand the actual situation of the implementation of “Diagnosis and therapy guideline of preterm birth(2014)”, “Guideline” for short, by front-line obstetricians, and to provide reference for the further update and supplement of the “Guideline”.Methods:This study designed a structured questionnaire for the prominent problems in the prevention and treatment of preterm birth, which was determined by the expert team drafting the “Guideline”. In October to November 2021, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among obstetricians, including members of the Perinatal Medicine Branch of Jiangsu Medical Association and the Obstetrics Subgroup,Chinese society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chinese Medical Association, on the implementation status of the “Guideline”. The recommendations of the “Guideline” were used as standard answers to determine the implementation rate. A total of 328 valid questionnaires were collected. The total score of the questionnaire was 12 points. The questionnaire was divided into low executive ability group (<7 points) and high executive ability group (≥7 points) with a score of 7 as the threshold value, and the differences in baseline information such as hospital grade and professional title between the two groups were compared.Results:The score of 328 obstetricians was (7.6±1.6) points, including 250 (76.2%, 250/328) in the high execution group and 78 (23.8%, 78/328) in the low execution group. The execution rates of “the use of uterine contraction inhibitors for short courses”[97.0% (318/328)], “late umbilical cord breakage after birth of premature infants”[87.8% (288/328)] and “should preterm patients with intact membranes be treated with antibiotics”[86.6% (284/328)] were all over 80%, indicating good implementation. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that hospital grade and professional title were independent factors influencing the performance of the “Guideline”(all P<0.05), and secondary hospitals had lower scores and worse execution than tertiary hospitals ( OR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.23-0.77; P=0.005). Senior titles had higher scores and better execution than junior titles ( OR=5.33, 95% CI: 2.35-12.07; P<0.001). When answering the question “gestational week at which premature infants could survive in your hospital”, only 3.4% (11/328) answered 22 weeks, and 44.5% (146/328) answered 28 weeks, accounted for the highest proportion. The gestational week of surviving premature infants in tertiary hospitals was earlier than that in secondary hospitals ( P<0.05). The gestational week of surviving premature infants answered by senior titles was earlier than that of junior titles ( P<0.05). Conclusions:Obstetricians generally have a good implementation of the “Guideline”, and their understanding of some recommended clauses in the guidelines needs to be improved. In the future, training of primary hospitals and physicians with junior titles should be strengthened.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958123


Perineal tear is a common complication of vaginal delivery and will seriously affect the quality of life of these women, if is severe. Given to there was no evidence-based clinical guideline for the prevention and management of perineal tear in China, this evidence-based guideline was developed, based on the methods of WHO handbook for guideline development. Systematic reviews were conducted according to the Cochrane handbook and GRADE was used to assess the quality and certainty of the evidence. Detailed recommendations are provided for 19 clinical questions in the prevention and management of perineal laceration, aiming to guide clinical practice and improve the quality of life of this group of women.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933932


Rh alloimmunization can lead to serious fetal complications, such as hemolysis, anemia, edema, and even intrauterine death. However, there is no domestic clinical guideline for prophylaxis and management of Rh alloimmunization. This review aims to interpret the key points from international clinical guidelines, consisting of the timing of routine antibody screening and anti-Rh(D) immunoglobulin prophylaxis strategies for Rh-negative pregnant women, possible sensitization events and anti-D prophylaxis of Rh alloimmunization, and postpartum prophylaxis for unsensitized Rh-negative pregnant women.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 776-783, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923276


Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a rare but critical obstetric disease with a high mortality rate, and it poses a serious threat to the safety of the mother and the child. The guidelines are developed to standardize clinical management and improve the outcome of the mother and the child. Based on multiple previous clinical questionnaire surveys, the guideline development group identified the nine clinical issues that clinicians are most concerned with and gave recommendations for each issue, including the outpatient screening for AFLP, diagnosis, preoperative risk assessment, selection of mode of delivery, selection of anesthesia method, perinatal complications, indication for artificial liver therapy, evaluation of prognosis, and monitoring during treatment, which covers the hot topics associated with the diagnosis and treatment of AFLP.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 1999-2004, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942650


In March 2022, EASL released a new version of the clinical practice guidelines on haemochromatosis. Haemochromatosis is characterized by elevated transferrin saturation (TSAT) and progressive iron overload mainly involving the liver, and early diagnosis and venesection can prevent liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, diabetes, arthritis, and other complications. For patients with p.Cys282Tyr homozygous mutation of the hemochromatosis gene HFE , haemochromatosis can be diagnosed if serum iron parameters show TSAT > 45% and ferritin > 200 μg/L in female patients, or TSAT > 50% and ferritin > 300 μg/L in male patients and postmenopausal female patients. If a patient has elevated TSAT and ferritin and belongs to other HFE genotypes, magnetic resonance or liver biopsy is needed to confirm iron overload in the liver. Liver fibrosis stage and damage to other organs should be carefully assessed at the time of diagnosis, which will help to determine management strategies. Hepatocellular carcinoma should be screened for patients with progressive liver fibrosis. The goal of venesection is to achieve ferritin < 50 μg/L during the induction stage and ferritin < 100 μg/L during the maintenance stage.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995036


Sepsis and septic shock are obstetric emergencies, which bring clinical issues for obstetricians to pay attention to, such as early identification and emergency intervention before transferring the patients to intensive care. Physiological changes during pregnancy and puerperium result in difficulty in identifying the clinical features of sepsis. Simple bedside screening tools can be used for early identification and screening for possible sepsis. If initial sepsis screening is positive with suspected or evidence of infection, regardless of the presence of fever, further evaluation of organ damage is required for the diagnosis of sepsis. Bundle therapy should be initiated within 1 h after the identification of sepsis: For pregnant women or puerpera with suspected or confirmed sepsis, bacterial culture (blood, urine, respiratory tract, and other body fluids) and serum lactate level detection should be conducted promptly, moreover, empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics given within 1 h are recommended; For patients with sepsis complicated by hypotension or organ hypoperfusion, it is recommended to administer 1-2 L crystal solution as soon as possible for liquid resuscitation; For those with persistent hypotension and/or organ hypoperfusion despite fluid resuscitation, vasopressors are recommended to maintain mean arterial pressure ≥65 mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa), with norepinephrine as the first-line vasopressor. When sepsis is suspected or confirmed, the focus of infection should be actively sought to effectively control the source. Termination of pregnancy should be considered individually and comprehensively on the basis of obstetric indications, gestational age, and maternal and fetal conditions, but not depend on sepsis alone. If intrauterine infection is confirmed, pregnancy should be terminated immediately. Cesarean delivery usually requires general anesthesia for pregnant women with sepsis and intraspinal anesthesia is relatively contraindicated. The diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in pregnancy and puerperium should be individualized in accordance with the corresponding guidelines.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 47: e21, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407734


Resumo Diferenças de sexo e gênero são elementos importantes para se considerar na pesquisa e na publicação científica. Diversos esforços têm sido empreendidos no meio científico para incorporar as dimensões sexo e gênero em todo o ciclo da pesquisa, especialmente na área da Saúde. As diretrizes sobre Equidade de Sexo e Gênero na Pesquisa (Sex and Gender Equity in Research - SAGER) dedicam-se a guiar autores na preparação dos manuscritos, mas também são úteis para editores e revisores de periódicos, bem como para avaliadores das agências de fomento, buscando promover a integração de sexo e gênero na pesquisa, em diversas disciplinas. Para facilitar a adesão às diretrizes SAGER e encorajar uma abordagem mais sistemática no relato dessas variáveis na pesquisa, foram desenvolvidas duas listas de checagem: uma para estudos com participantes humanos e outra para os demais estudos (ciência aplicada, biologia celular etc.). Esta nota apresenta as versões em português dessas listas e destaca sua relevância para o aprimoramento do relato das pesquisas comunicadas nos periódicos, como prática de integridade científica.

Abstract Sex and gender differences are important elements for consideration in scientific research and publishing. Many efforts have been made in scientific research to incorporate the dimensions of sex and gender throughout the research cycle, especially in the Health field. The Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines are dedicated to guiding authors in preparing their manuscripts, but are also useful for journal editors and reviewers, as well as for grant reviewers, seeking to promote the integration of sex and gender in research in different disciplines. To facilitate adherence to the SAGER guidelines and encourage a more systematic approach to reporting these variables in research, two checklists were developed: one for studies with human participants, and one for other studies (applied science, cell biology, etc.). This article presents the Portuguese versions of these checklists and highlights their relevance to improving the reporting of research reported in journals, as a practice of scientific integrity.

Sex , Catchment Area, Health , Guidelines as Topic , Ethics, Research , Gender Perspective , Gender Equity , Humans , Gender Studies
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 189 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BIGG | ID: biblio-1380163


A fibrilação atrial (FA) não valvar é a arritmia cardíaca mais comum em adultos, principalmente na população idosa. Para o tratamento da FA, recomenda-se a utilização de guias de prática clínica (GPCs), que são documentos que apresentam as melhores e mais atualizadas evidências para o tratamento dos pacientes acometidos por essa arritmia. Todavia, o processo de desenvolvimento dos GPCs requer recursos humanos, financeiros e tempo. Assim, a adaptação dos referidos documentos é uma opção para reduzir a duplicação de esforços e possibilitar sua adequação para uso local. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar uma matriz de recomendações farmacológicas para subsidiar o processo de adaptação de GPCs utilizados no tratamento da fibrilação atrial não valvar. Para tanto, aplicou-se o método ADAPTE: revisão sistematizada de GPCs, avaliação e seleção dos GPCs de qualidade e elaboração da matriz. Foram considerados elegíveis 26 GPCs com recomendações farmacológicas para assistência primária da fibrilação atrial não valvar em adultos, publicados em inglês, espanhol ou português no período de abril de 2014 a abril de 2019 e indexados às bases de referência: MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library e em 12 bases de dados específicas. A qualidade dos GPCs, foi avaliada pela aplicação do instrumento Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluarion II (AGREE II), sendo considerados de alta qualidade aqueles que apresentaram nota igual ou superior a 60 % no domínio Rigor de desenvolvimento. Todas as etapas foram realizadas por, pelo menos, 2 avaliadores e em caso de discrepância, um terceiro avaliador participou do processo. Dos 26 GPCs avaliados apenas 7 (26,9%) foram considerados de alta qualidade. A maioria dos GPCs utiliza o escore CHA2DS2-VASc, que indica a profilaxia tromboembólica em pacientes com FA não valvar a partir da pontuação 1 (fator de risco não sexual) e sugere a anticoagulação com anticoagulantes de ação direta. Houve pouca ênfase à complexidade da profilaxia de eventos tromboembólicos em idosos. Esta matriz visa contribuir para que sejam realizadas discussões e adaptações de GPCs destinado ao tratamento da FA não valvar com ênfase nas demandas e necessidades locais

Non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in adults, especially in the elderly population. For the treatment of AF, the use of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is recommended, which are documents that present the best and most up-to-date evidence for the treatment of patients who are affected by this arrhythmia. However, the CPGs development process requires human, financial and time resources. However, the adaptation of documents is an option to reduce the duplication of efforts and make it possible to adapt them for any local use. The objective of this work was to elaborate a matrix of pharmacological treatment to support the process of adaptation of CPGs used in the treatment of non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Therefore, the ADAPTE method was applied: systematic review of CPGs, evaluation and selection of quality CPGs and matrix definition. Twenty-six CPGs were considered eligible with pharmacological recommendations for primary care of non-valvular atrial fibrillation valid in adults, published in English, Spanish or Portuguese from April 2014 to April 2019 and indexed to the following reference databases: MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library and in 12 specific databases. The quality of the CPGs was assessed by applying the Assessment of Guidelines for Research and Assessment II (AGREE II) instrument, being considered of high those who had a grade equal to or greater than 60% in the domain Rigour of development. All steps were performed by a least 2 evaluators and in case of discrepancy, a third evaluator participated in the process. Of the 26 CPGs evaluated, only 7 (26.9%) were considered to be of high quality. Most CPGs use the CHA2DS2-VASc score, which indicates thromboembolic prophylaxis in patients with non-valvular AF from score 1 (non-sexual risk factor), and suggest anticoagulation with direct-acting anticoagulants. There was little emphasis on the complexity of prophylaxis for thromboembolic events in the elderly. This matrix aims to contribute to discussion and adaptations of CPGs for the treatment of non-valvar AF with the emphasis on local demands and needs

Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Evidence-Based Medicine/classification , Disease Prevention , Patients/classification , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , World Health Organization , Risk Factors , MEDLINE , Total Quality Management/classification , Health Services Needs and Demand/classification , Libraries/classification
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(4): 487-536, out.-dez. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357196


RESUMO Introdução: A Sociedade Portuguesa de Cuidados Intensivos e o Grupo de Infeção e Sépsis emitiram previamente recomendações visando à organização dos serviços de saúde e ao manejo dos doentes críticos com COVID-19. Em virtude da evolução do conhecimento, o painel de peritos voltou a se organizar para rever a atual evidência e emitir recomendações atualizadas. Métodos: Foi reunido um painel nacional de peritos que declararam não ter conflitos de interesse para o desenvolvimento das recomendações. Foram desenvolvidas perguntas operacionais conforme a metodologia PICO, e foi conduzida uma revisão sistemática rápida por meio da consulta de diferentes fontes bibliográficas. O painel determinou a direção e a força das recomendações com a utilização de duas rodadas de um método Delphi, conduzido seguindo princípios do sistema GRADE. Uma recomendação forte recebeu a redação "recomenda-se", e uma recomendação fraca foi redigida como "sugere-se". Resultados: Foram emitidas 48 recomendações e 30 sugestões abrangendo os seguintes tópicos: diagnóstico de infecção por SARS-CoV-2, coinfecção e superinfecção; critérios de admissão, cura e suspensão de isolamento; organização dos serviços; Equipamentos de Proteção Individual; terapêuticas de suporte respiratório e outras e terapêuticas específicas (antivirais, imunomodeladores e anticoagulação). Conclusão: Essas recomendações, especificamente orientadas para a realidade portuguesa, mas que podem se aplicar também aos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e ao Timor-Leste, visam apoiar os profissionais de saúde no manejo de doentes críticos com COVID-19. Pretende-se que sejam constantemente revistas, de modo a refletir o avanço de nossa compreensão e o da terapêutica dessa patologia.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The Sociedade Portuguesa de Cuidados Intensivos and the Infection and Sepsis Group have previously issued health service and management recommendations for critically ill patients with COVID-19. Due to the evolution of knowledge, the panel of experts was again convened to review the current evidence and issue updated recommendations. Methods: A national panel of experts who declared that they had no conflicts of interest regarding the development of the recommendations was assembled. Operational questions were developed based on the PICO methodology, and a rapid systematic review was conducted by consulting different bibliographic sources. The panel determined the direction and strength of the recommendations using two Delphi rounds, conducted in accordance with the principles of the GRADE system. A strong recommendation received the wording "is recommended", and a weak recommendation was written as "is suggested." Results: A total of 48 recommendations and 30 suggestions were issued, covering the following topics: diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, coinfection and superinfection; criteria for admission, cure and suspension of isolation; organization of services; personal protective equipment; and respiratory support and other specific therapies (antivirals, immunomodulators and anticoagulation). Conclusion: These recommendations, specifically oriented to the Portuguese reality but that may also apply to Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor, aim to support health professionals in the management of critically ill patients with COVID-19. They will be continuously reviewed to reflect the progress of our understanding and the treatment of this pathology.

Humans , Sepsis/therapy , COVID-19 , Critical Care , SARS-CoV-2 , Intensive Care Units
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 19(2): 139-144, abr.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379288


O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar as ferramentas diagnósticas e de manejo da colangite aguda, da tríade de Charcot aos critérios de Tóquio. Foi realizada revisão da literatura no PubMed® utili- zando a combinação dos descritores "Tokyo Guideline", "Char- cot's triad" e "Acute cholangitis". A tríade de Charcot foi a pri- meira ferramenta diagnóstica da colangite aguda. Apesar de sua contribuição, foram os critérios de Tóquio a primeira diretriz com evidência clínica para diagnóstico, classificação de severidade e estratégia para o manejo da colangite aguda. A literatura atual busca identificar marcadores de mau prognóstico do paciente, como a procalcitonina, assim como o tempo ideal para a terapia antibiótica e a drenagem biliar. É bem estabelecido o quanto a tríade de Charcot, juntamente dos critérios de Tóquios, contri- buiu para o melhor diagnóstico e manejo da colangite aguda. Todavia, mais estudos são necessários para validação científica dessas diretrizes na prática clínica-cirúrgica.

The objective of this study was to review acute cholangitis diag- nostic and management tools, from Charcot's triad to Tokyo guidelines. The keywords "Tokyo guideline", "Charcot's triad", and "Acute cholangitis" were searched in PUBMED® and used to review the literature. Charcot's triad was the first diagnostic tool in acute cholangitis. Despite its contribution, Tokyo guidelines were the first evidence-based parameters for diagnosis, severity assessment, and strategy for acute cholangitis management. The current literature searches for biomarkers of patient's bad prognostic, such as procalcitonin, as well the optimal timing of antibiotic therapy and biliary drainage. The good contribution Charcot's triad and Tokyo guidelines has made to improved diagnosis and management of acute cholangitis is well-esta- blished. However, further studies are required for scientific vali- dation of these guidelines in clinical-surgical practice.

Humans , Cholangitis/diagnosis , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Severity of Illness Index , Drainage/methods , Cholangitis/therapy , Acute Disease , Sensitivity and Specificity , Early Diagnosis , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use