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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023411


Objective:To investigate the medical narrative competence of pediatric staff, and analyze its influencing factors and correlation with psychological resilience, and to discuss strategies to improve narrative competence.Methods:From January 11 to February 25, 2022, by convenience sampling, we sampled pediatric personnel and those on refresher training at Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine for a questionnaire survey involving general information, the narrative competence scale, and the 14-item resilience scale. With the use of SPSS 26.0, the narrative competence of different populations was compared, and factors affecting narrative competence were determined through Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.Results:A total of 361 valid questionnaires were included in this study, and there was significant differences in the narrative competence score between different ages, professional titles, working years, income levels, and whether they wrote parallel charts ( P<0.05). The total score of narrative competence of pediatric staffs was (147.13±18.76), and positively correlated with the total resilience score and the score of each dimension ( P≤0.001). The regression analysis showed that writing parallel charts and resilience could explain 53.10% of the variation in narrative competence ( P<0.001). Conclusions:Pediatric staff's narrative competence is at low or intermediate levels. Parallel chart writing and resilience training can improve narrative competence and promote a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221405


Rape is the most universal offense against women in world. Especially in India nearly 32,000 rape cases were registered across the country and the report was produced by the National Crime Records of Bureau by the end of 2021. Such sexual assault and abuse in present scenario paves way to societal vulnerability. All the news channels, magazines and crime records are evident enough to telecast and focus the crime regularly. The worst thing to hear is nearly 89% of the rapes were committed by close relatives of the victims. The people are leading their life with multiple stressors, shocks, exploitation and also of social marginalization. It is evident to note many psychological changes in the attitude of people. People are not ready help the victims directly or indirectly. Typically, women face many sorts of hallucination and fear in private and public place. Margaret Atwood's Rape Fantasy pictures the rape fantasies of the working class women and the psychological trouble that they undergo. The lesson about sex and sexual violence are well reflected in many literary genres to give more awareness to the people and to safeguard oneself from the crime

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220716


The contemporary world's highlight is women and their harrowing experiences. Times gone by there are a perceptible unwillingness to acknowledge the reality of suffering. After independent India when a woman's life started altering owing to spread in education, the modern attitude woman started emerging. Women aware of their rights and when they started becoming economically independent, there was a striving for the realization of their own ambitions. Now, the new woman is a obsessive appearance out of the Indian existing ethos and not just a blind replication. Even in modern India, women are still caught between cultural values and traditional style of life and fast approaching new life. Caught among the burden of the administrative center, residence, childbearing, mothering, and struggling with principles; women's ?rst step to survive with equality is a far weep. The wide-ranging image of women in literature identi?es the real position according to woman in society – as daughter, mother, and wife in a familial setting.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991271


Objective:To study the methods of hormone-related teaching in standardized residency training of endocrinology.Methods:From February 2022 to June 2022, 25 residents in the Department of Endocrinology, Peking University Third Hospital were given a standardized residency training. The teaching mode combined with a hundred years of insulin development was adopted to practice insulin teaching, and questionnaires were evaluated before and after the teaching. Chi-square test was performed by SPSS 20.0.Results:A total of 31 physicians participated in the training, and 25 residents who were included in the first-stage standardized training were analyzed. Before the training, only 3 people (12%) knew the development history of insulin, and 10 people (40%) answered all the questions about clinical use of insulin correctly. After the training, 23 residents (92%) said they knew or were familiar with the history of insulin development, and 20 residents (80%) answered the questions about the clinical use of insulin correctly, all of which were higher than those before the training, and the difference was statistically significant.Conclusion:The integration of medical history in standardized residency training in endocrinology department can effectively improve the teaching effect, and enhance the humanity quality of young doctors, which can become an effective vehicle in standardized residency training.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991352


Objective:To investigate and analyze the status quo of death cognition and hospice care attitude of clinical medical graduate students, to compare the differences between the two groups, and to explore the correlation between death cognition and hospice care attitude, so as to provide the reference for the reform and construction of death cognition and hospice care education in medical colleges and universities in China.Methods:A survey was carried out on 496 doctoral and postgraduate students majoring in clinical medicine by using the "Questionnaire of General Sociology Survey", the Chinese version of the "Death Attitude Profile Revised Scale", and the Chinese version of the "Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale Form B (FATCOD-B)" to investigate the death cognition and hospice care attitude of 496 doctoral and postgraduate students majoring in clinical medicine, and classified and compared the survey results of the two groups. The results of this study were statistically analyzed by t-test, Pearson correlation analysis and other statistical methods. Results:A total of 469 valid questionnaires were recovered after excluding 27 unqualified questionnaires. Statistical analysis showed that the scores of each dimension in the death attitude description scale of doctoral students were ranked as follows: approach acceptance (4.28±0.53), neutral acceptance (3.99±0.41), death avoidance (2.74±0.63), fear of death (2.65±0.57) and escape acceptance (2.47±0.69) the scores of postgraduates were ranked as neutral acceptance (3.96±0.52), approach acceptance (2.84±0.61), fear of death (2.78±0.65), death escape (2.62±0.73), escape acceptance (2.39±0.77). At the same time, the scores of hospice care attitude in the doctoral group were higher than those in the master group [(110.63±8.96) vs. (106.78±6.52)], and the difference was statistically significant ( P<0.001). In addition, the scores of "fear of death" and the scores of hospice care attitudes were negatively correlated with the scores of doctoral and master students ( r=-0.25, r=-0.21), while the scores of hospice care attitudes were positively correlated with the scores of "neutral acceptance" in death cognition ( r=0.50, r=0.32). However, the hospice care attitude scores of doctoral students were negatively correlated with the "death avoidance" scores in death cognition ( r=-0.27). Conclusion:Doctoral and postgraduate students have a certain awareness of hospice care, while their death cognition and hospice care attitude still need to be improved and strengthened from sociology, psychology, ethics and other perspectives. The above will promote the harmony between doctors and patients while meeting the needs of an aging society in China.

Rev. direito sanit ; 22(2): e0002, 20221230.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419237


Este artigo teve por objetivo identificar pontos de encontro entre ação humanitária e direito à saúde. Para tal, foi realizada busca na plataforma Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e em publicações do Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria. Também se buscaram artigos diretamente pelo nome de autores consagrados no campo de saúde global. A associação entre ação humanitária e direito à saúde existe desde os primórdios do campo humanitário e ainda hoje é caracterizada pelo acesso a tratamento, bens e serviços e direitos do paciente, mas a dimensão moderna do conceito de saúde ainda não está muito clara na prática da ação humanitária. Sobre esta última, a diretriz geral, inclusive da Agenda pela Humanidade estabelecida pela Organização das Nações Unidas, é que ocorra concomitantemente a ações de cooperação para o desenvolvimento, mas pouco se discutem ações humanitárias paralelamente ao fortalecimento do Regulamento Sanitário Internacional. O encontro entre ação humanitária e direito à saúde ainda é permeado pelos paradoxos e desafios internos desses dois campos.

This article aimed to identify meeting points between humanitarian aid and the right to health. To this end, a search was performed on the Virtual Health Library and on publications by the Institute for Conflict Studies and Humanitarian Action. Articles were also searched directly by typing the name of renowned authors in the field of global health. The association between humanitarian aid and right to health comes from the origin of the humanitarian field and is still characterized by access to treatment, goods, and services and by the right of patients, but the modern dimension of the concept of health is not very clear in humanitarian actions. Regarding the latter, the general guideline, including the one proposed in the Agenda for Humanity, is that it must occur concomitantly with development cooperation actions; however, little is discussed about humanitarian aid in parallel with the strengthening of the International Health Regulations. The encounter between humanitarian aid and right to health is still permeated by the paradoxes and internal difficulties of these two fields.

United Nations , Human Rights
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535737


Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo tiene como propósito establecer una relación de complementariedad entre la propuesta o intuición del bioquímico norteamericano Van Rensselaer Potter en torno a la Bioética Global y la teoría de la individuación del filósofo francés Gilbert Simondon, con el fin de entender el papel de los objetos técnicos en la individuación humana. Metodología/Enfoque. El enfoque parte de las "categorías" de concretización y de juicio técnico como puntos clave para mostrar que el proceso de concretización técnica es fundamental para el desarrollo de la intuición bioética potteriana. Es decir, la relación entre la intuición bioética y la teoría de la individuación nos puede posibilitar una nueva relación con la cultura técnica y con la cultura natural de cara a la "supervivencia aceptable" de la especie humana en el planeta. Resultados/Hallazgos. La concretización técnica y el juicio técnico permiten la comprensión de los sistemas a partir de su dinamismo interno y no desde categorías externas, de modo que el juicio técnico no juzga ni valora un sistema, sino que lo organiza para evitar su obsolescencia o, en palabras de V.R. Potter, da lugar a nuevas formas de relacionarnos con los sistemas bióticos y abióticos. Discusión/Conclusiones/Contribuciones. La contribución principal del artículo es destacar la relevancia de una adecuada relación con la técnica y el modo como esta contribuye a nuestra individuación y supervivencia.

Purpose/Context. This article aims to establish a complementary relationship between American biochemist Van Rensselaer Potter's global bioethics proposal or intuition and French philosopher Gilbert Simondon's theory of individuation to understand the role of technical objects in human individuation. Methods/Approach. The approach starts from the "categories" of concretization and technical judgment as critical points to show that the process of technical concretization is fundamental for the development of Potter's bioethical intuition. In other words, the relationship between bioethical intuition and the theory of individuation enables a new relationship with technical culture and natural culture vis-á-vis the "acceptable survival" of the human species on the planet. Results/Findings. Technical concretization and technical judgment allow understanding systems from their internal dynamism and not from external categories; therefore, the technical judgment does not judge or assess a system, but organizes it to avoid its obsolescence or, in Potter's words, gives rise to new ways of relating to biotic and abiotic systems. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The article highlights the relevance of a good relationship with technique and its contribution to our individuation and survival.

Objetivo/Contexto. Este artigo tem como propósito estabelecer uma relação de complementaridade entre a proposta ou intuição do bioquímico norte-americano Van Rensselaer Potter em torno da Bioética Global e a teoria da individuação do filósofo francés Gilbert Simondon, a fim de compreender o papel dos objetos técnicos na individualização humana. Metodologia/Abordagem. O enfoque parte das "categorias" de concretização e de juízo técnico como pontos-chave para mostrar que o processo de concretização técnica é fundamental para o desenvolvimento da intuição bioética potteriana. Ou seja, a relação entre a intuição bioética e a teoria da individuação pode possibilitar-nos uma nova relação com a cultura técnica e com a cultura natural de face á "sobrevivéncia aceitável" da espécie humana no planeta. Resultados/Descobertas. A concretização técnica e o juízo técnico permitem a compreensáo dos sistemas a partir do seu dinamismo interno e náo a partir de categorias externas, de modo que o juízo técnico náo julga nem valoriza um sistema, mas organiza-o para evitar a sua obsolescencia ou, nas palavras de V.R. Potter, dá lugar para novas formas de nos relacionarmos com os sistemas bióticos e abióticos. Discussão/Conclusões/Contribuições. A contribuição principal do artigo é destacar a relevancia de uma adequada relação com a técnica e o modo como esta contribui para a nossa individuação e sobrevivéncia.

Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 9(2): 245-251, Julho 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254802


Em tempos de grande avanço tecnológico e retrocessos no que se refere a aspectos humanos, o "Homo" descrito pela Biologia como "Sapiens" evolui para "Homo Maquinizado". Essa nova configuração do homem regida pela Ciência, Tecnologia, Capitalismo e Globalização se reflete num novo paradoxo humano: a supervalorização da economia em detrimento da vida, impactando nas relações/configurações do viver. Dessa forma, o presente ensaio tem como objetivo fazer uma análise crítica do livro "Admirável Mundo Novo" de Aldous Huxley, que discute a relação homem que cria um sistema, e, que, quando atravessado pela sua criação, torna-se seu próprio produto no ciclo de se produzir. O livro "Admirável Mundo Novo" trata-se de uma parábola que romantiza a desumanização dos seres humanos. Identifica-se que, desde a sua primeira publicação em 1932, o mundo afundou-se a passos tão largos em direção errada semeando o mercantilismo da vida e a cultura da competitividade que corrói a sociabilidade e destrói os sentimentos intrínsecos da sociedade humana que, se o autor escrevesse hoje a mesma obra, a ficção não estaria a seiscentos anos do presente. E a consequência da liberdade, ou melhor, da simples humanidade, teria se revelado desumana.

In times of great technological advancement and setbacks regarding human aspects, the "Homo" described by Biology as "Sapiens" evolves into "Homo Machined". This new configuration of man governed by Science, Technology, Capitalism and Globalization is reflected in a new human paradox: the overvaluation of the economy at the expense of life, impacting the relationships / configurations of living. Thus, the present essay aims to make a critical analysis of the book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, which discusses the relationship between man who creates a system, and which, when crossed by its creation, becomes its own product in the cycle of producing. The book "Brave New World" is a parable that romanticizes the dehumanization of human beings. It is identified that, since its first publication in 1932, the world has sunk so far in the wrong direction sowing the commercialism of life and the culture of competitiveness that it erodes sociability and destroys the intrinsic feelings of human society that, if the author wrote the same work today, fiction would not be six hundred years from the present. And the consequence of freedom, or rather, of simple humanity, would have turned out to be inhuman.

Humanities , Technology , Capitalism
Salud bienestar colect ; 4(2): 18-28, may.-ago. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254386


Con este trabajo intentamos una aproximación crítica a las tensiones que caracterizan este hoy que sobrevivimos, precipitado por la pandemia del Covid 19 como catalizador inesperado de la crisis civilizatoria que parece atravesamos como Humanidad. Para ello contrastamos la crisis de los fundamentos, con algunos fundamentos de la crisis, quede manera esencialmente recursiva se hacen posibles. La racionalidad y fines del modelo civilizatorio en crisis, en una posible transición acelerada por la pandemia, permiten hacer visibles algunas condiciones de posibilidad para la construcción de contratos sociales, lógicas y racionalidades que apuntan a la Humanidad como fin y razón de ser; frente al individualismo liquidador del sujeto y la individualidad; y a la Armonía, frente a la metáfora del Desarrollo sin límites y la racionalidad instrumental que la sostiene en la Modernidad Occidental.

With this work we try a critical approach to the tensions that characterize this today that we survive, precipitated by the Covid 19 pandemic as an unexpected catalyst of the civilizing crisis that seems to be going through as Humanity. To do this, we contrast the fundamentals crisis with some fundamentals of the crisis, which in an essentially recursive way are made possible. The rationality and ends of the civilizing model in crisis, in a possible transition accelerated by the pandemic, make it possible to make visible some conditions of possibility for the construction of social contracts, logics and rationales that point Humanity as an end and a reason for being; against the liquidating individualism of the subject and individuality; and Harmony, against the metaphor of Development without limits and the instrumental rationality that sustains it in Western Modernity.

Humans , Civilization , Pandemics/statistics & numerical data , COVID-19 , Social Change , Chile/epidemiology , Western World
Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 22(3): 273-279, set.-dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1043579


RESUMO: Freud, apoiado em sua clínica, afirma o quanto é penoso para o homem viver em sociedade e como o uso da violência acaba sendo um modo de resolver este impasse. Propomos pensar esta questão a partir da passagem do narcisismo das pequenas diferenças que gera o preconceito desembocando na intolerância e segregação presentes no mundo contemporâneo. Para tanto, nos afastamos tanto da ideia de que traços e características inerentes ao psiquismo seriam responsáveis por determinadas ações, quanto da pretensão de situar no social a culpa por este estado de coisas.

ABSTRACT: Freud, based on his clinical work, affirms how arduous it is for mankind to live in society and how the use of violence ends up to be a way of solving this impasse. We propose to think this issue by starting from the narcissism of minor differences that generates the prejudice leading to intolerance and segregation present in the contemporary world. To do so, we move away from both the idea that traces and characteristics inherent in the psyche would be responsible for certain actions, as well as the claim to place the blame for this state of affairs in the social.

Humans , Prejudice , Psychoanalysis , Violence , Narcissism , Racism
Agora USB ; 18(2): 544-556, jul.-dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-989232


Resumen A partir de la identificación de las aporías del mal radical, se reconstruyen los presupuestos de la teórica ética kantiana, para demostrar que éstos son imprescindibles en la fundamentación de las acciones que se requieren para enfrentar las violaciones sistemáticas a los derechos humanos que consisten en los crímenes de lesa humanidad y genocidio. Precisamente estas tecnologías de poder atentan contra los pilares de la modernidad filosófica, razón por la cual a pesar de la perplejidad teórica y jurídica que ocasionó su aparición, sus remedios sin duda deben fundamentarse en el afianzamiento y supremacía del principio de dignidad humana.

Abstract From the identification of the aporias of the radical evil, the assumptions of the theoretical Kantian ethics are reconstructed, to demonstrate that these are essential in the foundation of the actions, which are required to confront the systematic violations to human rights consisting of crimes against humanity and genocide. Precisely these technologies of power undermine the pillars of the philosophical modernity, it is the reason why in spite of the theoretical and juridical perplexity that caused its appearance, and their remedies must certainly be based on the reinforcement and supremacy of the principle of human dignity.

Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer ; (12): 168-172, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-776331


The development of surgical techniques and the innovation of surgical instruments promote the changes in surgical methods, which in turn, leads to the reforms of surgical idea. The concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) results in the surgery connotation switching from "to treat an illness" to "to save patients". ERAS also causes the change of surgery denotation from "only operation" to "enhance recovery". The concept of ERAS is derived from but not only restricted to the development of surgical techniques. Also, ERAS pays more attention to patients than disease and thinks more about patient safety and recovery than surgical technique. Specifically, ERAS has three advantages: first, ERAS attaches importance to multidisciplinary assessment (patient-oriented) and select appropriate (personalized) treatment and tries to decrease the rate of complication and mortality. Second, ERAS pays attention to preoperative preparation and high-risk prevention performed by multi-disciplinary collaboration in order to prevent complication and save cost for patients. Third, ERAS always focus on optimizing the process of perioperative period and trying to change the working habits of surgeons and the old cooperation mode among doctors, nurses and rehabilitation physicians. To sum up, the goal is to apply the concept of ERAS to all the links of perioperative period and try hard to decrease patients' stress and pain, which finally helps doctors fulfill the ultimate aims of "no pain and no risk".

Humans , Humanities , Length of Stay , Postoperative Complications , Psychology , Recovery of Function
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 391-394, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-706105


In Traditional Chinese Medicine apprentice education mode, the heritages of medical skills, medical principles and medical knowledge are three important components. The important component of medical knowledge is the inheritance and development of medical humanistic ethics. With the progress of medicine, the increase of ac-ademic exchange between China and the West, the inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine medical knowledge has become an indispensable part, and has attracted the attention both at home and abroad. Traditional Chinese Medicine apprenticeship mode in the new period is based on the education in colleges and schools and shows its u-nique superiority in the inheritance of medical humanistic ethics thought through famous doctors' studio, apprentice-ship and other methods.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700545


Critical thinking is one of the core professional competences for medical students.The ultimate goal of critical thinking is to combine the highly individualized experience and comprehension with the generally applicable scientific cognitive system.Therefore in medical education,the cultivation of critical thinking should embody the objective and the characteristics of critical thinking,such as rational restriction,dialectical thinking,empathy practice and scientific evaluation,and great attention to the principles and conditions of the application must be given.In the course of teaching design and implementation it's necessary to choose the appropriate point,to set up the teaching situation suitable for developing critical thinking,to optimize the structure of teaching content,to strengthen the practice of critical thinking methodology and to value "asking questions" and so on.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700659


Medicine is a subject which is closely related to patients' health. Any error made by the doctor can be a threat to patients' life, so the administrative department of the hospital and medical special-ties conclude a set of principles and rules to ensure that the doctor can treat the patient correctly. By fol-lowing the principles and rules, physicians can not only improve the quality of treatment, but also protect themselves from litigation. Generally speaking, physicians should abide principles and rules and procedures for patients, the public and themselves. In another perspective, rules have limitations and they are usually lagged behind the development of the society and technology. In many cases, doctors need to make decisions by their own judgment without rules to follow.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700661


As an important element of contemporary values, "embracing diversity" has driven over-whelming attention from different fields of society, especially in medical field. Before seeking medical help, every patient has prediction, worry and expectation for the treatment to come, which is determined by their diversity. This article includes three sections to layer and substantiate the concept of "embracing diversity"— cultural diversity, socioeconomic diversity and philosophy diversity. Cultural diversity focuses on the concern about religion, LGBT and alternative medicine. Socioeconomic diversity illustrates the thought for patient's educational level, profession, changes in their living condition and so on. Philosophy diversity asks for the respect of people's lifestyle and their medical choice in the end of life.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700663


The core of medical humanity is to take care of patients. Many physicians treat patients at the bedside while trying to explore innovations to overcome the problems and obstacles that lie ahead of the patient. They are tracing the international front, learning to explore, promoting the growth of knowledge, increasing the clinical skills. They implement common induction and identification in clinical work, and strive for the personalized treatment of patients. They follow translational medicine, engage in research pro-jects, so that novel theories can be applied to technical practice, and promote the development and break-through of medical humanistic care.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-733729


According to the standards of undergraduate medical education, humanistic education has been gradually attached great importance in medical schools. To explore education of medical humani-ties, our school carried out a new course for clinical medical students, which combined video-based learn-ing, problem-based learning (PBL) and group discussion together. This article introduces the background, teaching design, practice and assessment of the course, and also summaries the strengths and limitations, put forward solutions to specific problems. Through our study, new course has been proved to be helpful to improve both the medical humanities and English levels of medical students.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(1): 59-74, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840692


Resumen Según Buffon, la diferencia entre las capacidades cognitivas del hombre y las de los demás animales no podía ser explicada por causas naturales. La constatación de esas diferencias obligaba a aceptar que el Creador había dotado al hombre de un alma inmaterial que no tenía parangón en los animales. Aquí se pretende mostrar que esa claudicación del naturalismo buffoniano no responde a un presupuesto teológico, sino a la imposibilidad de compatibilizar esa supuesta heterogeneidad existente entre las facultades cognitivas animales y humanas con la explicación materialista del origen de las especies que Buffon fue delineando a lo largo de sus escritos. Si se piensa al hombre como algo excepcional, su origen también tendrá que ser entendido como algo milagroso.

Abstract According to Buffon, the difference between man’s cognitive abilities and those of other animals could not be attributed to natural causes. Noting these differences necessarily meant accepting that the Creator had endowed man with an immaterial soul that was unparalleled among animals. This article seeks to show that Buffon’s abandonment of naturalism was not the result of a theological premise but of the impossibility of reconciling the presumed heterogeneity between animal and human cognitive faculties with the materialist explanation of the origin of species that Buffon outlined in the course of his writings. If man is assumed to be an exceptional being, the origin of the human race must also be seen as miraculous.

Humans , Animals , Humans , Cognition , Animals , Natural History
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607619


This paper summarizes the connotation and value of humanistic education. According to the characteristics of the ethicality and social ability of medicine and comparing to the international medical humanistic education standard, it analyzes the present situation and difficulties we are facing and puts for-ward some strategies and measures such as renewing humanity educational ideas, building two dimensional curriculum system of General and Professional Course, cultivating and strengthening teachers team with both professional ability and humanity equality and confirming principles of humanistic education. These measures can increase the connotation of humanistic education and extend its extension. They have great practical significance towards cultivating outstanding medical talents with high comprehensive quality and healthy personality.