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Braz. dent. sci ; 23(4): 1-12, 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1121307


Objective: to evaluate the clinical performance of the dual shade layering and polychromatic resin composite layering techniques using a randomized controlled trail. Material and Methods: 42 participants (84 restorations) of class IV or class III through and through within a pair of anterior contra-lateral teeth were randomly allocated into two groups according to technique of composite restoration placement: control "polychromatic layering" and intervention "dual-shade layering". Follow-up was done at 1 month (baseline) and 1 year. Restorations were evaluated using Visual Analog Scale (VAS), restoration color shade match using Vita Easyshade V ®, and blinded assessor using FDI criteria for assessment of dental restorations measuring (aesthetic properties). Chi-square test was used to compare between restorations of both techniques. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between restorations of both techniques for patient satisfaction outcome, restorations color match outcome, and for all tested FDI outcomes except surface luster with 100% success. Conclusion: Bothdual-shade layering and polychromatic natural layering techniques, exhibited acceptable clinical and esthetic performance (AU)

Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento de desgaste do esmalte humano e lascamento de zircônia de cobrimento e monolítica para restaurações posteriores de cobertura total. Material e métodos: Trinta e quatro restaurações de zircônia de cobertura total (dezessete em cada grupo) foram fabricadas. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o tipo de zircônia utilizada; grupo 1 (grupo comparador) coroas com zircônia de cobrimento e grupo 2 (grupo de intervenção) coroas únicas de zircônia monolítica. Todas as coroas foram fabricadas e polidas em laboratório. Para medidas de desgaste de dentes opostos, foi utilizado um perfilômetro 3D sem contato, onde réplicas de resina epóxi foram construídas para o arco oposto imediatamente após a cimentação das coroas, três, seis e doze meses. O lascamento da restauração foi medido usando critérios modificados dos Serviços de Saúde Pública dos Estados Unidos (USPHS). Resultados: Todas as restaurações foram relatadas como alfa sem lascamento. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre (Grupo 1) e (Grupo 2) para o teste de desgaste. Conclusão: As restaurações monolíticas e de cobrimento revelaram propriedades mecânicas satisfatórias sem lascamento após um ano de uso clínico. O desgaste do esmalte oposto foi clinicamente aceitável para ambos os materiais (AU)

Humans , Ceramics , Dental Restoration Wear , Tooth Wear
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185615


An in vitro study was conducted to compare microleakage in nanohybrid composite restorations in Class V cavities using total etch and self-etch adhesives and two different horizontal layering techniques. Cavities were made on buccal and lingual surfaces of forty extracted premolar teeth and divided into groups A and B containing buccal surface cavities treated with total etch adhesive system and lingual surface cavities treated with Single step adhesive respectively. Cavities were restored using nanohybrid composite and randomly divided into four subgroups depending on incremental technique used. Specimens were then immersed in methylene blue dye for 24 hours and analysed under stereomicroscope for dye penetration. Results indicated microleakage with all groups with total etch group showing superior results than self etch group and group in which occlusal increment was placed first showing superior results than group with gingival increment placed first.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-707067


Treatment of clunial nerve entrapment syndrome with needle knife has the advantages of quick efficacy and easy application. However, because of the surgeons' lack of knowledge of the disease and the operation of different proficiency, there are differences in the treatment effects. This article introduced the guidance principle of"staging, segmenting and layering", which can improve the efficacy during treatment and be beneficial to the clinical application of all levels of clinical doctors.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186634


Background: It won’t be wrong to admit that composite resins are currently the back bone of aesthetic and conservative dentistry. However a major drawback of composite resins is that their setting reaction involves formation of polymer chains leading to polymerization shrinkage. Aim: To compare microleakage in silorane composite using oblique, vertical and horizontal layering techniques to microleakage of nanofilled composite using oblique, vertical and horizontal layering techniques. Materials and methods: 120 extracted maxillary premolar teeth were assigned to 2 groups based on the material used Group A nanocomposite and Group B-silorane and each group was divided further into 3 subgroups depending on incremental technique used for restoration into horizontal, oblique and vertical (sub groups A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3). A Class 1 cavity measuring 3mm3mm2mm was prepared in all the teeth. In group A teeth Clearfil TMSE Bond (Kurary Medical inc. Okayama, Japan) was applied. Group A teeth were filled with FiltekTM Z350 XT (nanocomposite) (3M ESPE, St Paul, USA) using horizontal (A1), oblique (A2) and vertical (A3) incremental layering technique and each Shafia Sarfi, Neerja Sharma, Ekta Garg, Dildeep Bali. Comparing microleakage in Silorane based composite and nanofilled composite using different layering techniques in class I restorations: An in vitro study. IAIM, 2017; 4(7): 23-32. Page 24 increment was cured for 30 seconds. In Group B teeth P90 system adhesive was applied and teeth were filled with FiltekTM P90 silorane (3M ESPE, St. Paul, USA) using horizontal (B1), oblique (B2) and vertical (B3) incremental layering technique. Specimens were thermocycled for 1000 cycles (5/55ºC, 30 seconds) and immersed in 2% methylene blue dye for 24 hours. Following immersion teeth were sectioned and observed under a stereomicroscope. Results were analysed using KruskalWallis test followed by Mann Whitney U test. Results: Siloranes showed significantaly less microleakage than nanofilled composites. The difference between the horizontal group, oblique group and the vertical group was found to be statistically non-significant (P value >0.05) but mean microleakage was more in vertical group compared to oblique and horizontal group. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, we found that Siloranes exhibit significantly less microleakage as compared to nanofilled composites irrespective of the layering technique used.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-71465


PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the fit of zirconia ceramics before and after veneering, using 3 different veneering processes (layering, press-over, and CAD-on techniques). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty standardized zirconia CAD/CAM frameworks were constructed and divided into three groups of 10 each. The first group was veneered using the traditional layering technique. Press-over and CAD-on techniques were used to veneer second and third groups. The marginal gap of specimens was measured before and after veneering process at 18 sites on the master die using a digital microscope. Paired t-test was used to evaluate mean marginal gap changes. One-way ANOVA and post hoc tests were also employed for comparison among 3 groups (alpha=.05). RESULTS: Marginal gap of 3 groups was increased after porcelain veneering. The mean marginal gap values after veneering in the layering group (63.06 microm) was higher than press-over (50.64 microm) and CAD-on (51.50 microm) veneered groups (P<.001). CONCLUSION: Three veneering methods altered the marginal fit of zirconia copings. Conventional layering technique increased the marginal gap of zirconia framework more than pressing and CAD-on techniques. All ceramic crowns made through three different veneering methods revealed clinically acceptable marginal fit.

Ceramics , Crowns , Dental Porcelain
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-431687


Objective To evaluate the curative effect of layering fibula feet cushion to prevent deep venous thrombosis(DVT) after total hip replacement(THA).Methods 100 patients who underwent THA were divided into two groups at random.The research group was applied layering fibula feet cushion while the control group was applied general feet cushion.VAS,the occurrence rate of DVT,disappearance time of feet swelling and Harris hip function score were used to evaluate the curative effect.Results In according to these four observation indexes,the score of the research group was better than the control group.The effective rate of the research group was 96%,while the control group was 82%.There was a significant difference between the two groups.Conclusions The layering fibula feet cushion can effectively prevent deep venous thrombosis after total hip replacement.It can be generalized and applied in clinical nursing.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151285


An oral controlled onset dosage form intended to approximate the chronobiology of rheumatoid arthritis was proposed for colonic targeting. The multiparticulate system comprising of non-pareil seeds coated with Eudragit S100 was designed for chronotherapeutic delivery of valdecoxib. The drug was coated onto non-pareil seeds by powder layering technique using the conventional coating pan. Different coat weights of non-aqueous dispersions were applied onto the drug-coated pellets using spray coating technique. In vitro dissolution tests of the coated pellets were performed in different pH media for a period of 11 hours. The in-vitro dissolution tests showed that the release of valdecoxib from the coated pellets depended on the pH of the dissolution fluid and the coat weights applied. All the formulations exhibited no release of drug in the pH 1.2 and pH 4 buffers; drug release took place in phosphate buffer of pH 7.4. Further intactness of the drug in the formulation and the uniformity of the polymer coating were checked by the infrared study and scanning electron microscopy. Stability studies inferred that the drug undergoes no considerable degradation pattern at room temperature and 40oC even after three weeks. All the above results show that the formulation could be highly advantageous in the chronotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis with appreciable drug release and physiochemical properties.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-94347


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface color of indirect resin restoration according to the layering placement of different shade of incisal composite. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, CIE L*a*b* value of 16 Body composite of Tescera ATL (Bisco, Schaumburg IL,USA) was measured by spectrophotometer (NF999, Nippon Denshuku, Japan), and compared to CIE L*a*b* value of Vitapan shade guide. Nine shade Incisal composite of Tescera ATL were build-up to 1 mm thickness on Body composites inlay block, and CIE L*a*b* value was measured. Incisal composite was ground to 0.5 mm thickness and CIE L*a*b* value was re-measured. Color difference between Body composite and Incisal composites layered on Body composite was calculated as a function of thickness. RESULTS: Color difference between corresponding shade of Tescera Body composite and Vitapan shade guide was from 6.88 to 12.80. L* and b*value was decreased as layering thickness of Incisal composite on Body composite was increased. But, a* value did not show specific change tendency. CONCLUSIONS: Surface color difference between Body composites and Incisal composites layered on Body composite was increased as the layering thickness of Incisal composite increased (p < 0.05).

Composite Resins , Inlays
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 34(spe): 1658-1663, dez. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-573671


O jambeiro vermelho [Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry] se apresenta como opção ao fruticultor por apresentar frutos atrativos e bem aceitos pelo consumidor. A dificuldade de cultivo dessa espécie reside no fato de que a planta possui um porte demasiadamente alto e longo período juvenil quando propagada por semente, com isso, é desejável sua multiplicação vegetativa visando a antecipar o período produtivo e diminuir seu porte. Foi estudada a possibilidade de clonagem dessa espécie pelas técnicas de estaquia, alporquia e enxertia. No experimento por estaquia, testaram-se três doses de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) (0, 1.000 3.000 e 5.000 mg L-1) em dois comprimentos de estacas herbáceas (15 e 25 cm). No experimento de alporquia, avaliaram-se duas épocas de realização do alporque (verão e outono) e quatro doses de AIB (0, 1.000, 4.000, 7.000 e 10.000 mg kg-1). Na enxertia, analisou-se a compatibilidade do jambeiro vermelho (S. malaccense) sobre o jambeiro rosa [Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston] com dois diâmetros de porta-enxertos (0,5 e 0,8 cm) em duas épocas (inverno e verão), pelo método de enxertia de topo em fenda cheia. A estaquia obteve até 20 por cento de enraizamento, independentemente da dose de AIB, exceto na dose de 5.000 mg L-1, que apresentou efeito negativo ao enraizamento entre estacas de 15 cm; não houve sucesso para alporquia e enxertia, nas condições estudadas.

The Malay Apple [Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry] is an option for the producer as its fruits are attractive and well accepted by the consumer. The difficulty of culture of this species is that the plant is very tall and has a long juvenile period when propagated by seed, making its vegetative propagation necessary to anticipate the productive period and decrease its size. The possibility of vegetative propagation of this species was studied by cutting, layering, and grafting. In the cutting experiment, three doses of indolbutyric acid (IBA) (0, 1,000, 3,000, and 5,000 mg L-1) were tested in two lengths of herbaceous cuttings (15 and 25 cm). In the layering experiment, two periods of layering (summer and autumn) and four doses of IBA (0, 1,000, 4,000, 7,000, and 10,000 mg kg-1) were evaluated. For grafting, the compatibility between S. malaccense and S. jambos (L.) Alston as rootstock was studied with two diameters (0.5 and 0.8 cm) and in two periods (winter and summer), by method of full graft. For cuttings, the percentage of rooting was 20 percent, independently of the IBA doses, except for 5,000 mg L-1 that showed negative effect on 15 cm cuttings; layering and grafting were not successful in the studied conditions.

Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 46(3): 463-471, July-Sept. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-564912


Blends of aqueous dispersion of a hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymer, namely Surelease®: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (Surelease®: HPMC E15) were used as coating materials to control the drug release from coated pellets of the highly water soluble drug metoprolol succinate. Varying the polymer blends, ranges of drug release patterns were obtained at pH 6.8. The present study dealt with diffusion of drug through plasticized Surelease®/ hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC E15) films prepared by coating of drug and polymers onto non-pareil seeds using the solution layering technique. The release of metoprolol succinate from coated pellets was decreased with increased coating load of polymer. The optimized formulation was obtained by 3² full factorial design. The release profile revealed that the optimized formulation follows zero order release kinetics. The stability data showed no interaction for storage at 25ºC and 60 percent relative humidity.

Misturas das dispersões aquosas de polímero hidrofóbico e de polímero hidrofílico, a saber, Surelease®: hidroxipropil metilcelulose (Surelease®: HPMC E15), foram utilizadas como material de revestimento para controlar a liberação de fármacos de péletes revestidos de fármaco altamente solúvel, o succinato de metoprolol. Variando as misturas de polímeros, obtiveram-se faixas de padrão de liberação do fármaco em pH 6,8. O presente estudo tratou da difusão do fármaco através de filmes de Surelease®/hidroxipropil metilcelulose(HPMC E15), preparados pelo revestimento do fármaco e dos polímeros em sementes nonpareil, utilizando técnica de solução em camada. A liberação de succinato de metoprolol dos péletes revestidos diminuiu com o aumento da carga de polímero de revestimento. A formulação otimizada foi obtida por planejamento fatorial 3². O perfil de liberação revelou que a formulação otimizada segue a cinética de liberação de ordem zero. Os dados de estabilidade mostraram não haver interação por armazenamento a 25 ºC e umidade relativa de 60 por cento.

Drug Evaluation , Particulate Matter/analysis , Delayed-Action Preparations , Drug Design , Solubility
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158128


Multiparticulate is one of the most widely accepted technologies in the pharmaceutical industries. Present study aim is to prepare controlled release multiparticulate of Ketoprofen by drug powder layering technology using two different release retardant (Ethyl Cellulose & Cellulose Acetate) in five different drug: release retardant concentrations (5%, 10%, 20%, 30% & 40%). The most widely used multiparticulate system in pharmaceutical industries is Dry Powder Layering Technique. Powder layering involves the deposition of successive layers of dry powder(s) and excipients on preformed nuclei or cores with the help of binding liquids. The prepared multiparticles were evaluated for friability, drug content uniformity, density and percentage yield. The release rate was evaluated by dissolution studies. To establish drug polymer compatibility DSC and FT IR was done. Study concluded that Dry Powder Layering of Ketoprofen can be effectively used for drug loading on non-pareil seeds. It was also found that formulation having Ethyl Cellulose have more retarding capacity than the Cellulose Acetate in both formulations and drug release follows Zero order kinetics. DSC and FT IR study concluded that there is no interaction between EC and CA. From dissolution parameter of the prepared multiparticles it is concluded that formulation EC3 (20%) and CA4 (30%) posses the required characteristics of oral controlled release formulation. It is assumed that above 90% of the drug will be released within 24 hours. Hence this formulation can be used as once daily dosage regimen for the controlled release of Ketoprofen.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-30007


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Delamination of veneering porcelain from underlying ceramic substructures has been reported for zirconia-ceramic restorations. Colored zirconia cores for esthetics have been reported that their bond strength with veneered porcelain is weaker compared to white zirconia cores. PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the shear bond strength by manufacturing the veneering porcelain on the colored zirconia core, using the layering technique and heat-pressing technique, and to evaluate the clinical stability by comparing the result of this with that of conventional metal ceramic system. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A Metal ceramic (MC) system was tested as a control group. The tested systems were Katana zirconia with CZR (ZB) and Katana Zirconia with NobelRondo Press (ZP). Thirty specimens, 10 for each system and control, were fabricated. Specimen disks, 3 mm high and 12 mm diameter, were fabricated with the lost-wax technique (MC) and the CAD-CAM (ZB and ZP). MC and ZB specimens were prepared using opaque and dentin veneering ceramics, veneered, 3 mm high and 2.8 mm in diameter, over the cores. ZP specimens were prepared using heat pressing ingots, 3 mm high and 2.8mm in diameter. The shear bond strength test was performed in a Shear bond test machine. Load was applied at a cross-head speed of 0.50 mm/min until failure. Mean shear bond strengths (MPa) were analyzed with the One-way ANOVA. After the shear bond test, fracture surfaces were examined by SEM. RESULTS: The mean shear bond strengths (SD) in MPa were MC control 29.14 (2.26); ZB 29.48 (2.30); and ZP 29.51 (2.32). The shear bond strengths of the tested systems were not significantly different (P > .05). All groups presented cohesive and adhesive failures, and showed predominance of cohesive failures in ceramic veneers. CONCLUSION: 1. The shear bond strengths of the tested groups were not significantly different from the control group (P > .05). 2. There was no significant different between the layering technique and the heat pressing technique in the veneering methods on the colored zirconia core. 3. All groups presented cohesive and adhesive failures, and showed predominance of cohesive failures in ceramic veneers.

Humans , Adhesives , Ceramics , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Porcelain , Dentin , Esthetics , Hot Temperature , Zirconium