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Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 50(4): e302, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407952


Abstract The importance of breastfeeding with its positive impact on the wellbeing of the mother-infant pair is well established. Anesthesiologists should encourage the promotion of lactation by being willing to give reassurance during the preoperative period and preparing a plan that does not interfere with safe breastfeeding. There is concern regarding the transfer of drugs into breast milk, which may lead to inconsistent advice from many health professionals and to early discontinuation. However, evidence shows that most anesthetic drugs are safe in terms of transfer into breast milk, and hence, compatible with breastfeeding, which should be resumed after anesthesia as soon as the mother is alert and feels well enough to hold her infant, without the need to "pump and dump". This review provides pharmacokinetic information on commonly used anesthesia drugs and their passage into breast milk, to help practitioners discuss risks and benefits with the mother, emphasizing that anesthesia should not interfere with the benefits of breastfeeding. Four practical clinical scenarios are presented: pregnant women concerned about the effect of epidural analgesia on subsequent breastfeeding, spinal anesthesia for c-section and lactation, patients who will receive general anesthesia during cesarean section, and finally women who are breastfeeding and require anesthesia for elective or urgent surgery. Neuraxial anesthesia allows for better pain control and immediate skin-to-skin contact at the time of childbirth. Also, it interferes the least with the woman's ability to care for her infant. Regional techniques, opioid-sparing techniques and outpatient surgery are preferred. Drugs such as opioids and longer-acting benzodiazepines should be administered cautiously, particularly in repeat doses.

Resumen La lactancia materna tiene evidentes beneficios para el binomio maternofetal. El anestesiólogo debe ser un agente en la promoción de la lactancia, estar dispuesto a resolver dudas en el preoperatorio y elaborar un plan que no interfiera con su seguridad. Hay preocupación referente a la transferencia de los medicamentos (endovenosos y/o neuroaxiales) hacia la leche, que puede conducir a un consejo inconsistente de muchos profesionales de la salud, lo cual contribuye a la suspensión temprana de la lactancia materna. Sin embargo, existe evidencia de que la mayoría de los medicamentos que se utilizan en la anestesia (general y neuroaxial) son compatibles con la lactancia materna. Se debe iniciar la lactancia materna después de la anestesia tan pronto como la madre esté alerta y se sienta bien, sin necesidad de extraerla y eliminarla. Esta revisión entrega información farmacocinética sobre los medicamentos y técnicas anestésicas comúnmente utilizadas para que los profesionales realicen un balance riesgo-beneficio con la madre, enfatizando que la anestesia no debe interferir con los beneficios de la lactancia. Se presentan cuatro escenarios clínicos prácticos: embarazada preocupada por el efecto de la analgesia peridural en su lactancia posterior, anestesia raquídea para cesárea y efecto en lactancia, pacientes que requieren anestesia general para cesárea y, por último, paciente puérpera que requiere anestesia para cirugía. Las técnicas neuroaxiales permiten un mejor control del dolor y contacto piel con piel precoz en el parto vaginal o cesárea, lo que facilita que la madre inicie la lactancia más rápido. Si el escenario lo permite, se prefieren técnicas regionales, técnicas ahorradoras de opioides y cirugía ambulatoria, teniendo precaución con ciertos opioides y benzodiacepinas de acción larga especialmente ante dosis repetidas.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408160


Introducción: La cefalea pospunción dural es la complicación más habitual tras la anestesia neuroaxial, y es especialmente frecuente en obstetricia, un hallazgo común en el período posparto. Suele ser una complicación benigna y autolimitada, pero sin tratamiento puede conducir a otras complicaciones más graves. Objetivo: Describir la incidencia de cefalea pospunción dural en las pacientes obstétricas programadas para cesárea electiva con anestesia espinal y su relación con la deambulación precoz. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en una serie de casos (50), todas las pacientes propuestas para cesárea electiva bajo el método anestésico espinal subaracnoideo con trocar calibre 25 en el período comprendido entre mayo a diciembre del 2018. Resultados: De un total de 50 pacientes estudiadas con edades entre 18 y 35 años de edad, al 96 por ciento se le realizó punción única de la duramadre, en todas se utilizó trócar 25, atraumático y ninguna presentó cefalea pospunción dural. Conclusiones: Se concluye que la incidencia de cefalea pospunción dural puede disminuir cuando se utilizan agujas espinales atraumáticas, de pequeño calibre; lo cual facilita también la deambulación temprana de la paciente(AU)

Introduction: Postdural puncture headache is the most common complication following neuraxial anesthesia, and is especially common in obstetrics, a common finding in the postpartum period. It is usually a benign and self-limited complication, but if not treated, it can lead to further serious complications. Objective: To describe the incidence of postdural puncture headache in obstetric patients scheduled for elective cesarean section with spinal anesthesia and its relationship with early ambulation. Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out in a case series (50) of patients proposed for elective cesarean section under the subarachnoid spinal anesthesia method with 25-gauge trocar in the period from May to December 2018. Results: Out of a total of 50 patients aged 18-35 years who participated in the study, 96 percent underwent single dura mater puncture. In all cases, a 25-gauge trocar was used and none presented postdural puncture headache. Conclusions: The incidence of postdural puncture headache may be concluded to decrease when atraumatic spinal needles of small caliber are used, which also facilitates early ambulation of the patient(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Cesarean Section/methods , Early Ambulation/methods , Post-Dural Puncture Headache/complications , Post-Dural Puncture Headache/epidemiology
Rev Chil Anest ; 50(4): 561-567, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526223


We present the analysis and comments of a review of evidence of the impact of obstetric anesthesia on maternal and neonatal outcomes, based on an article previously published by Lim et al.[1]. The advances in obstetric anesthesia on analgesia and anesthesia for labor and delivery, anesthesia for cesarean section and outcomes in obstetric anesthesia.

Se presenta el análisis y comentarios de una revisión de evidencia del impacto de la anestesia obstétrica en los desenlaces maternos y neonatales, basado en un artículo previamente publicado por Lim y cols.[1]. Se analizan los avances en la anestesiología obstétrica sobre analgesia y anestesia para el parto, anestesia para cesárea y desenlaces en anestesia obstétrica.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Outcome , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Labor, Obstetric , Cesarean Section , Analgesia, Obstetrical
Rev. cientif. cienc. med ; 23(2): 184-191, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358299


El uso de coadyuvantes en anestesia obstétrica es útil para disminuir la dosis de los anestésicos locales. En boga la adición de un nuevo fármaco como es la dexmedetomidina espinal que abarca de 5 µg a 10 µg en el reporte mundial. OBJETIVOS: comparar el efecto de la administración espinal de la dexmedetomidina y morfina, más bupivacaina pesada en pacientes sometidas a cesárea. MÉTODOS: ensayo clínico, doble ciego y prospectivo de 99 pacientes randomizados en 3 grupos: grupo D2 (fentanilo 10 µg, bupivacaina 9 mg y dexmedetomidina 2 µg); grupo D3 (fentanilo 10 µg, bupivacaina 9 mg y dexmedetomidina 3 µg) y grupo M (fentanilo 10 µg, bupivacaina 9 mg y morfina 100 µg). Evaluación de parámetros hemodinámicos, duración de bloqueo motor, necesidad de vasopresores y complicaciones. Análisis estadístico: ANOVA para variables cuantitativas, para variables nominales se empleó chi cuadrado. Valor de p <0.05 es significativo. RESULTADOS: la duración más prolongada del bloqueo motor fue en el grupo D2 (140,3 ± 30,7minutos), seguido del grupo de D3 (142,4 ± 16 minutos) y el grupo M (107 ± 14,6). En los grupos con dexmedetomidina se tiene sedación y estabilidad hemodinámica, la necesidad de rescate fue en el grupo M; la cantidad de vasopresores que se utilizó fue de 1 ± 1,7 ml en el grupo D2; 1,8 ± 2,9 ml en el grupo D3 y 1,7 ± 2,1 ml en el grupo M. Hipotensión es la complicación más frecuente. CONCLUSIONES: dexmedetomidina 2 µg mejor estabilidad hemodinámica con prolongación del bloqueo motor y menor necesidad de vasopresores.

The use of adjuvants in obstetric anesthesia, useful to decrease the dose of local anesthetics. The addition of a new drug such as spinal dexmedetomidine ranging from 5 µg to 10 µg in the world report. OBJECTIVES: to compare the effect of spinal administration of dexmedetomidine and morphine plus hyperbaric bupivacaine in patients undergoing cesarean section. METHODS: prospective double-blind clinical trial, 99 randomized patients in 3 groups: group D2 (fentanyl 10 µg, bupivacaine 9 mg and dexmedetomidine 2 µg); group D3 (fentanyl 10 µg, bupivacaine 9 mg and dexmedetomidine 3 µg) and group M (fentanyl 10 µg, bupivacaine 9 mg and morphine 100 µg). Evaluation of hemodynamic parameters, duration of motor block, need for vasopressor and complications. Statistical analysis: ANOVA for quantitative variables. Chi-squared tes was used for nominal variables. P value <0.05 is significant. RESULTS: the duration of the longer Motor Block was in the D2 group (140.3 ± 30.7 minutes), followed by the D3 group (142.4 ± 16 minutes) and the M group of 107 ± 14.6; In the dexmedetomidine groups, it has sedation and hemodynamic stability. The need for rescue was in group M; the amount of vasopressor used was 1 ± 1.7 ml in group D2; 1.8 ± 2.9 ml in group D3 and 1.7 ± 2.1 ml group M. Hypotension is the most frequent complication. CONCLUSIONS: Dexmedetomidine 2 µg better hemodynamic stability with prolonged motor block and less need for vasopresor.

Female , Adolescent , Adult , Bupivacaine , Fentanyl , Anesthesia
Rev. chil. anest ; 48(4): 324-330, 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452404


Fetal surgery is a field that has experienced great progress in recent decades. Advances in prenatal imaging techniques have allowed treatment of in-utero fetal pathologies during the prenatal period, so that it is currently possible to intervene in the natural history of certain alterations in the development of the fetus, avoiding sequelae in the newborn and in its subsequent development in extrauterine life. The perioperative management of fetal surgery requires a multidisciplinary team, constituting a challenge for the anesthesiologist to maintain the homeostasis of the mother and the fetus. The understanding of the maternal-fetal physiology together with an adequate management of the anesthetic techniques constitute the cornerstone for the success of the surgery.

La cirugía fetal es un campo que ha experimentado gran progreso en las últimas décadas. El avance en las técnicas de diagnóstico prenatal por imágenes ha permitido tratamiento de patologías fetales in utero durante el período prenatal, de modo que actualmente es posible modificar la historia natural de determinadas alteraciones en el desarrollo del feto evitando secuelas en el recién nacido y en su posterior desarrollo en la vida extrauterina. El manejo perioperatorio de la cirugía fetal precisa de un equipo multidisciplinario, constituyendo un desafío para el anestesiólogo mantener la homeostasis de la madre y el feto. El entendimiento de la fisiología materno-fetal junto con un adecuado manejo de las técnicas anestésicas constituyen un factor fundamental para el éxito de la cirugía.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Fetal Diseases/surgery , Fetus/surgery , Preoperative Care , Anesthesia, Obstetrical/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714061


BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic procedures and ultrasonography are now commonly used in the obstetric field, and more non-obstetric procedures are being performed. However, little domestic data has been published on the topic. This present retrospective study investigated the clinical information and the effect on perinatal outcomes of non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy. METHODS: This retrospective study was performed using data of all adult pregnant women that underwent non-obstetric surgery at our institute between from July 2009 to December 2016. Data was collected from the institutional computerized database. The causes, types, and the gestational ages at surgery were collected as our primary outcomes. Basic characteristics of patients, operation times, anesthesia times, anesthetic methods, anesthetic agents, and adverse perinatal outcomes such as abortion or preterm delivery were evaluated as secondary outcomes. RESULTS: During the study period, there were 2,421 deliveries and 60 cases of non-obstetric surgery, an operation rate of 2.48%. The most common cause of non-obstetric surgery was abdominal surgery, followed by orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery. Most of abdominal surgeries were performed laparoscopically during the first trimester. The incidence of adverse perinatal outcomes was increased in the first trimester, was not related with anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of non-obstetric surgery was found to be 2.48%, which was higher than those reported in previous domestic studies. This increase seems to have resulted from early diagnosis by ultrasonography and non-invasive surgery using laparoscopy. Adverse perinatal outcomes are not related with age, surgery and anesthetic-related factors but seem to be associated with surgery exposure stage, especially the first trimester.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Anesthesia , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Anesthetics , Early Diagnosis , Gestational Age , Incidence , Laparoscopy , Neurosurgery , Orthopedics , Patient Outcome Assessment , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Pregnant Women , Retrospective Studies , Ultrasonography
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 67(5): 538-540, Sept-Oct. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897754


Abstract Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective α-2 agonist which has recently revolutionized our anesthesia and intensive care practice. An obstetric patient presented for emergency cesarean delivery under general anesthesia, with pre-eclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage. In carefully selected cases with refractory hypertension and postpartum hemorrhage, dexmedetomidine can be used for improving overall patient outcome. It was beneficial in controlling both the blood pressure and uterine bleeding during cesarean section in our patient.

Resumo Dexmedetomidina é um α2-agonista altamente seletivo que recentemente revolucionou a nossa prática de anestesia e tratamento intensivo. Uma paciente obstétrica foi admitida para cesariana de emergência sob anestesia geral, com pré-eclâmpsia e hemorragia pós-parto. Em casos cuidadosamente selecionados com hipertensão refratária e hemorragia pós-parto, dexmedetomidina pode ser usada para melhorar o resultado geral da paciente. O fármaco foi benéfico no controle tanto da pressão arterial quanto do sangramento uterino durante cesariana em nossa paciente.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Analgesics, Non-Narcotic/therapeutic use , Dexmedetomidine/therapeutic use , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Postpartum Hemorrhage/etiology , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Cesarean Section/methods , Emergency Treatment
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-32722


BACKGROUND: Cesarean section anesthesia requires adequate preparation because of maternal physiologic changes, a higher risk for massive maternal bleeding, neonatal considerations, and a higher frequency of emergency operations. Therefore, we retrospectively compared clinical outcomes of cesarean section patients between a high-risk group and non-high-risk group in order to improve anesthesia care. METHODS: We reviewed medical records from cesarean section cases at our tertiary medical center for 5 years (2009-2013). Parameters included the anesthesia and operative time; estimated blood loss, fluid volume and blood products administered during surgery, additional administration of maternal uterotonic medications; as well as the birth weight, Apgar scores, number of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions, and stillbirth rates of the neonate. RESULTS: The total number of delivery cases was 1935 during the 5 years, and the cesarean section cases accounted for 58.8% (1,138 cases). There were 735 emergency surgery cases (64.6%), and 813 (71.4%) patients were in the high-risk group. Estimated blood loss, fluid volume used, and the frequency and amount of blood transfusions were statistically higher in the high-risk group. Among 1,243 neonates, 918 (73.9%) were born from high-risk mothers. Neonatal birth weights and Apgar scores (1 and 5 minutes) from patients in the high-risk group were statistically lower than those in the non-high-risk group, and NICU admissions and stillbirths were statistically higher in the high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Anesthesiologists should be aware of unfavorable clinical outcomes in high-risk cesarean section groups and carefully prepare for anesthesia care in these cases.

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Anesthesia , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Birth Weight , Blood Transfusion , Cesarean Section , Emergencies , Hemorrhage , Intensive Care, Neonatal , Medical Records , Mothers , Operative Time , Retrospective Studies , Stillbirth
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 104-109, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-632886


The survival rate and prognosis for neonates with airway obstruction is poor if not managed immediately after delivery. Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) is indicated for cases in which airway obstruction is anticipated. The procedure establishes the fetal airway prior to complete delivery while maintaining an intact uteroplacental circulation. Maintaining uteroplacental circulation, ensuring uterine relaxation, and temporizing placental detachment during the EXIT procedure are achieved by administering a higher dose of inhalation anesthetic and intravenous nitroglycerine. However, this can lead to maternal hypotension and compromised feto-placental perfusion, reduced fatal cardiac output and acidosis. It is therefore essential that these be managed using vasopressors and inotropes. This paper reports the first institutional experience with the EXIT procedure in the Philippines, presenting two cases of neonates with large cystic hygroma. One case was performed as an elective procedure, the other as emergency treatment.

Humans , Female , Adult , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Acidosis , Airway Obstruction , Anesthetics, Inhalation , Cardiac Output , Emergency Treatment , Fetus , Hypotension , Lymphangioma, Cystic , Philippines , Placental Circulation , Prognosis , Survival Rate
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-113828


The number of women with major congenital heart defects reaching reproductive age is likely increasing. We herein describe the anesthetic management of a 33-year-old woman at 37 gestational weeks with a history of Glenn surgery who was undergoing an urgent cesarean section due to pathological cardiotocography. Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia was the most suitable technique for urgent cesarean section in our patient with a single ventricle and phasic flow in the pulmonary artery because it provided rapid-onset anesthesia with negligible hemodynamic effects.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Anesthesia , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Cardiotocography , Cesarean Section , Heart Defects, Congenital , Hemodynamics , Pulmonary Artery
Anest. analg. reanim ; 27(2): 5-5, dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-754116


Para todas las mujeres el trabajo de parto y el parto son experiencias dolorosas, sumado a esto, el miedo y la ansiedad pueden incrementarlo y dificultar su manejo. Así mismo el dolor durante la labor de parto es equiparable con el dolor post-quirúrgico, sin olvidarnos que además la atención del trabajo de parto es un procedimiento médico de alto valor y prevalencia a nivel mundial. En la analgesia obstétrica el estándar de oro es la técnica regional pero cuando esta se encuentra contraindicada o rechazada por la paciente, habitualmente se decide abandonar la analgesia y proseguir la labor de parto con dolor; dejando a un lado toda la información descrita en la literatura con respecto a que el adecuado tratamiento del dolor disminuye la morbilidad y mortalidad materno fetal, además de obtenerse mejorías en relación al costo-beneficio acortando el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria e impactando favorablemente en la economía de los pacientes. El uso de sedantes y narcóticos en la paciente en labor de parto siempre ha sido motivo de controversia ya que estos medicamentos tienden a cruzar la membrana placentaria y pueden tener efectos nocivos sobre el neonato. Sin embargo; los medicamentos más nuevos como remifentanilo debido a sus propiedades farmacocinéticas aunque cruzan la placenta no producen efectos secundarios clínicamente significativos en el binomio madre-feto. Además de que la dexmedetomidina no pasa a la circulación fetal, una razón de valor por la cual puede ser usada en conjunto con remifentanilo para la analgesia en labor de parto y obtener de esta manera un mejor control del dolor, estancia más confortable y hemodinámia estable aún en las pacientes obstétricas en estado crítico; ya que es de carácter imperativo ofrecer la mejor atención y cuidados posibles tanto a la madre como al neonato.

For all women in labor and childbirth are painful experiences, in addition to that, fear and anxiety can increase it and hinder its management. Also pain during labor is equated with pain after surgery, without forgetting also the attention of labor is a medical procedure of high value and prevalence worldwide. In obstetric analgesia the gold standard is the regional technique but when this is contraindicated or refused by the patient, usually you decide to leave analgesia and further labor pain, although there is enough information that the proper approach to pain decreases maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality, in addition to improvements obtained in a cost-effective shortening the length of hospital stay and impacting positively on patients economy. The use of sedatives and narcotics in the patient in labor has always been controversial as these drugs tend to cross the uteroplacental barrier and can have adverse effects on the neonate. But the newer drugs such as remifentanil and dexmedetomidine because of their pharmacokinetic properties do not cross the placenta so significantly further literature refers that dexmedetomidine does not pass into the fetal circulation. One more reason to value which can be used in conjunction remifentanil for analgesia in labor and thereby obtain better pain management, better state of comfort, and hemodynamics in obstetric patients and that it is mandatory to provide the best possible care and attention to both the mother and the neonate.

Humans , Analgesia, Obstetrical/adverse effects , Dexmedetomidine/therapeutic use , Dexmedetomidine/chemistry , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects , Analgesics, Opioid/pharmacokinetics , Labor Pain
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 42(4): 281-294, oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-726862


Introducción: El remifentanilo presenta un perfil farmacológico atractivo para definirse como analgesia obstétrica, dada la necesidad de una técnica de empleo masivo, con similares beneficios y satisfacción que la analgesia epidural. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia, la equivalencia y la seguridad del remifentanilo vs. analgesia epidural en analgesia obstétrica. Métodos: Revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de experimentos clínicos siguiendo la metodología Cochrane. Resultados: No hallamos equivalencia con respecto a analgesia epidural, pero sí eficacia en el grupo de remifentanilo a diferentes horas de evaluación. La incidencia de efectos adversos fue similar en ambos grupos, salvo para las náuseas. Conclusiones: El remifentanilo puede no ser equivalente a la analgesia epidural, pero podría disminuir la intensidad del dolor consonante con los niveles de satisfacción de cada artículo.

Introduction: Remifentanil has an attractive pharmacological profile for use in obstetric analgesia as a technique for mass application, with similar benefits and satisfaction as epidural analgesia. Objective: To assess the efficacy, equivalence and safety of remifentanil vs. epidural analgesia in obstetrics. Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials using the Cochrane methodology. Results: No equivalence was found in relation to epidural analgesia; however, efficacy was found in the remifentanil group at different time points during the evaluation. The incidence of adverse effects was similar in the two groups, except for nausea. Conclusions: Remifentanil is not equivalent to epidural analgesia but could certainly decrease the intensity of pain.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136219


Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) is a rare mitochondrial myopathy that usually develops before 20 years of age. It demonstrates multisystemic involvement with a triad of cardinal features: progressive ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinopathy, and cardiac conduction abnormalities. In addition, patients might have cerebellar ataxia, a high content of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid, proximal myopathy, multiple endocrinopathies, and renal tubular acidosis. We herein report the successful obstetric analgesic and anesthetic management of a 28-year-old parturient patient with KSS who required labor analgesia and proceeded to deliver by cesarean section. We extrapolate that regional analgesia/anesthesia might be beneficial for reducing the metabolic demands associated with the stress and pain of labor in patients with KSS. Efficient postoperative analgesia should be provided to decrease oxygen requirements.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Acidosis, Renal Tubular , Analgesia , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Cerebellar Ataxia , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Cesarean Section , Kearns-Sayre Syndrome , Mitochondrial Myopathies , Muscular Diseases , Ophthalmoplegia , Oxygen , Retinitis Pigmentosa
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136222


Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) is a rare mitochondrial myopathy that usually develops before 20 years of age. It demonstrates multisystemic involvement with a triad of cardinal features: progressive ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinopathy, and cardiac conduction abnormalities. In addition, patients might have cerebellar ataxia, a high content of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid, proximal myopathy, multiple endocrinopathies, and renal tubular acidosis. We herein report the successful obstetric analgesic and anesthetic management of a 28-year-old parturient patient with KSS who required labor analgesia and proceeded to deliver by cesarean section. We extrapolate that regional analgesia/anesthesia might be beneficial for reducing the metabolic demands associated with the stress and pain of labor in patients with KSS. Efficient postoperative analgesia should be provided to decrease oxygen requirements.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Acidosis, Renal Tubular , Analgesia , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Cerebellar Ataxia , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Cesarean Section , Kearns-Sayre Syndrome , Mitochondrial Myopathies , Muscular Diseases , Ophthalmoplegia , Oxygen , Retinitis Pigmentosa
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 40(4): 273-286, dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-669152


No existen publicaciones recientes basadas en la evidencia que contengan información específica del manejo anestésico de cesárea urgente, por lo que se propuso evaluar sistemáticamente la literatura existente del manejo anestésico en pacientes obstétricas sometidas a cesárea urgente con el fin de definir las intervenciones más adecuadas basadas en la evidencia. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en: MEDLINE, 1966 a diciembre de 2010; Cochrane Collaboration registro de ensayos clínicos; Cochrane database de revisiones sistemáticas, y LILACS. La selección de los estudios se llevó a cabo de manera independiente por 2 investigadores-revisores que identificaron estudios de ensayos clínicos controlados y estudios de cohorte de manejo anestésico de cesárea urgente. En duplicado, los datos fueron extraídos, revisados y evaluados en calidad. De cada una de las fuentes se obtuvieron, respectivamente, 2.297, 36, 221 y 16 artículos potencialmente relevantes, 9 ensayos clínicos y 7 artículos observacionales. Se realizó un análisis de heterogeneidad utilizando I2, el cual arrojó un resultado del 52%, por lo cual no se realizó metaanálisis. Conclusiones: El anestesiólogo es parte fundamental en el cuidado del binomio madre-hijo. La adecuada priorización de la urgencia en operación cesárea, la extensión anestésica peridural con lidocaína al 2% más coadyuvantes (fentanilo más adrenalina fresca), el uso de vaso-presores (fenilefrina, efedrina) para el manejo agresivo de la hipotensión, la utilización de oxígeno suplementario y un adecuado manejo de la anestesia general cuando está indicada permiten impactar favorablemente en los desenlaces del binomio madre-hijo. Los desenlaces neonatales a largo plazo no están influenciados por el tipo de anestesia suministrada a la madre.

There are no recent evidence-based publications containing specific information about the anaesthetic management in emergency C-section. Hence the decision to carry out a systematic evaluation of the existing literature on the anaesthetic management of obstetric patients undergoing emergency C-section, in order to determine the most adequate evidence-based intervention. A systematic review of the literature was undertaken in MEDLINE, 1966 to December 2010, Cochrane Collaboration registry of clinical trials, Cochrane systematic review database, and LILACS. The study selection process was undertaken independently by two researcher-reviewers, who identified controlled clinical trials and cohort studies of anaesthetic management in emergency C-section. The data were extracted, reviewed and subjected to quality evaluation in duplicate fashion. In total, 2,297, 36, 221, and 16 potentially relevant papers were found, respectively, 9 clinical trials and 7 observational studies. A heterogeneity analysis was done using I2, with a result of 52%, and for this reason no meta-analysis was conducted. Conclusions: The anaesthetist plays a critical part in mother-and-child care, prioritization of the C-section urgency, peridural anaesthesia extension with 2% lidocaine plus adjuvants (fentanyl plus fresh adrenaline), the use of vasopressors (phenylephrine, ephedrine) for the aggressive management of hypotension, the use of oxygen supplementation and the adequate management of general anaesthesia when indicated, contributing to a favourable impact on the outcome for both the mother and the baby. Long-term neonatal outcomes are not influenced by the type of anaesthesia given to the mother.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 22(supl. 4): 20-22, jan.-jun. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-876842


A associação de dor pós-operatória intensa com dor crônica suscitou pesquisa sobre a identificação de indivíduos susceptíveis à dor aguda. Além disso, aventou-se a hipótese de que a resposta variável a analgésicos sistêmicos ou neuroaxiais e a ocorrência de dor crônica pós-cesariana poderiam estar associadas a um perfil genético específico. Diversas publicações surgiram sobre farmacogenética recentemente e espera-se que com esses novos conhecimentos o anestesista possa desenvolver um atendimento personalizado às necessidades específicas de seu paciente. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar essa nova ferramenta e citar exemplos de possíveis aplicações práticas na anestesia obstétrica, no período periparto como um todo.(AU)

The association of intense postoperative pain with chronic pain has prompted our interests in carrying out a study to identify individuals that are susceptible to acute pain. In addition, we investigate the hypothesis that variable response to systemic or neuroaxial analgesia and chronic post-cesarean pain may be related to a specific genetic profile. Several publications have reported on pharmacogenetics recently, and the new knowledge emerging from this area is expected to enable anesthetists to provide customized care according to the specific needs of every patient. This review introduces this new tool and provides examples of possible practical applications to obstetric anesthesia in the periparturient period as a whole. (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Pharmacogenetics , Peripartum Period/drug effects , Polymorphism, Genetic , Analgesics, Opioid , Anesthesia, Obstetrical
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 38(2): 256-268, abr.-jun. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-642068


La punción lumbar o dural (PL), consiste en pasar una aguja a través de la duramadre hasta el espacio subaracnoideo, el cual está lleno de líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR). Siempre que la dura madre o la aracnoides sean puncionadas, los pacientes están en riesgo de desarrollar cefalea pospunción dural. El objetivo de este estudio fue hacer una puesta al día sobre las causas, diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de la cefalea pospunción dural. La cefalea pospunción dural (CPPD) se comporta como un dolor de cabeza bilateral que se desarrolla dentro de los 5 días posteriores a la realización de PL y desaparece en una semana...

The lumbar puncture (LP) or dural puncture consist of to pass a needle through the dura mater until the subarachnoid space, which is full of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Whenever the dura mater or the arachnoid be punctured, the patients are in risk of to develop headache post dural puncture (HPDP). The aim of present study was to update on the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of this type of puncture. The HPDP behaves likes a bilateral headache developed at 5 days post lumbar puncture and disappear at a week...

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Post-Dural Puncture Headache/complications , Post-Dural Puncture Headache/physiopathology , Post-Dural Puncture Headache/drug therapy , Blood Patch, Epidural/methods , Spinal Puncture/adverse effects , Spinal Puncture/methods , Anesthesia, Obstetrical/adverse effects
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-52313


The purpose of animal research in obstetric anesthesia is to find out the mechanisms of uterine contraction, to develop drugs for prevention of preterm labor, and to evaluate the effects of drugs on uterine contraction and the fetus in pregnant animals.Especially, anesthesiologists are interested in uterine contraction and fetal safety during pregnancy, labor, and cesarean section.As regional anesthesia and analgesia have come into widespread use for women in obstetric procedure, effects of local anesthetics on uterine contraction and umbilical blood flow that may be harmful to fetus are very important.A lot of animal studies about the effects of local anesthetics (e.g. lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine) on the uterine contraction and fetal safety have been carried.In addition, general anesthesia has also been still frequently utilized for cesarean delivery and nonobstetric procedure during pregnancy.A lot of animal studies about the effects of volatile and intravenous anesthetics on the uterine contraction and fetal safety have been carried.And there are many animal studies about the mechanisms of uterine contraction and effective drugs to prevent preterm labor. Animal research in obstetrics have been carried in vivo/vitro or during pregnancy/non-pregnancy.We need to study further in order to develop effective drugs for prevention of preterm labor, and also to develop neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or artificial placenta for achieving stable blood gas exchange and oxygen supply to the fetus.

Animals , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Analgesia , Anesthesia, Conduction , Anesthesia, General , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Anesthetics, Intravenous , Anesthetics, Local , Animal Experimentation , Bupivacaine , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation , Fetus , Lidocaine , Obstetric Labor, Premature , Obstetrics , Oxygen , Placenta , Uterine Contraction
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 13(1)2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-577820


Las técnicas combinadas espinales epidurales se han convertido en una alternativa a las intervenciones neuroaxiales tradicionales; las ventajas del bloqueo subaracnoideo o espinal fusionan con la flexibilidad de la técnica epidural; ofrecen un bloqueo espinal de instauración rápida, eficaz y de toxicidad mínima, con el potencial además para mejorar un bloqueo inadecuado y prolongar la duración de la anestesia con suplementos epidurales. Su uso ha tenido lugar en la analgesia y anestesia obstétrica. Se presenta el caso de una paciente gestante a la cual se le realizó la técnica a dos espacios para proporcionar anestesia en la cesárea como primera experiencia en el Hospital Ginecobstétrico de la ciudad de Camagüey.

The epidural spinal combined techniques have become into an alternative to traditional neuroaxial interventions; the advantages of subarachnoid or spinal block that fuses with the flexibility of the epidural technique; a spinal block of quickly setting-up, effective and of minimum toxicity it offers, with the potential also to improve an inadequate block and to prolong the anesthesia duration with epidural supplements. Its use has taken place in the analgesia and obstetric anesthesia. A case of a gestating patient to whom the technique at two spaces was carried out to provide anesthesia in the cesarean section as the first experience at the Gynecobstetric Hospital of Camagüey city.

Humans , Female , Analgesia, Epidural/methods , Anesthesia, Obstetrical/methods , Cesarean Section , Pregnant Women