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Rev. int. Coll. Odonto-Stomatol. Afr. Chir. Maxillo-Fac ; 31(2): 13-19, 2024. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1566776


Introduction : Les traumatismes dento-maxillo- faciaux (TDMF) représentent l'ensemble des lésions intéressants la face et les maxillaires. De par leur gravité, ils constituent une urgence en odontostomatologie. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs étiologiques et d'identifier leurs différentes formes anatomocliniques dans notre contexte d'exercice. Méthodes : Il s'est agi d'une étude multicentrique transversale descriptive, à collecte rétrospective allant du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2018. Elle a été réalisé dans des trois services de chirurgie buccale et maxillo- faciale des Centres Hospitaliers Universitaires de la ville de Ouagadougou. Résultats : Au total 1221 cas ont été colligés dans ces 3 CHU. La tranche d'âge de ]15-30] ans a été la plus représentée. Les accidents de la circulation routière ont constitué les principales causes 1012 cas (82,9%). Au plan anatomoclinique les lésions des parties molles constituaient 1221 cas (100%) et les lésions osseuses 721 cas (59 %). Conclusion : Les lésions occasionnées par les TDMF peuvent constituer de véritables urgences vitale et fonctionnelle. La sensibilisation des populations sur la sécurité routière, le renforcement du plateau technique de ces services et la collaboration interdisciplinaire permettraient de renforcer l'efficacité de la prise en charge des TDMF.

Wounds and Injuries , Accidents, Traffic
S. Afr. respir. j ; 29(1): 6-11, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1437395


Background.The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. Shisha use has recently been gaining increased popularity in many developed and developing countries.Objective. To determine the prevalence of shisha use among students in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and associated knowledge, smoking practices and beliefs about health effects.Method. A total of 443 students were selected for this cross-sectional study, using a stratified sampling method. Data on shisha use, knowledge about shisha, shisha smoking practices, and factors associated with use of shisha were collected via a questionnaire. The association between the independent variables and shisha use was assessed using a χ2 test (p<0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine variables that were independently associated with shisha smoking.Results.Of the 421 respondents, 162 (38.5%) indicated that they had smoked shisha; 14.0% were regular smokers. We found that 183 students (43.5%) had poor knowledge about the health effects of shisha. The main reasons for shisha smoking were being in the company of friends who were users (57.4%), the pleasant flavour and fragrance of shisha (25.9%), and fashion (22.2%). Ninety-nine shisha smokers (61.1%) also consumed alcohol. Factors associated with shisha smoking included age <20 years (p<0.001), gender (p=0.034), and educational level of the respondent's father (p=0.0001) and mother (p=0.0004).Conclusion. We found a relatively high prevalence of shisha smoking among the students, and that 43.5% of them had poor knowledge about its effects on health. Developing surveillance, intervention and regulatory/policy frameworks specific to shisha has become a public health priority.

Humans , Male , Female , Students , Nicotiana , Tobacco Use Disorder , Smoking , Public Health Practice , Cross-Sectional Studies , Smoking Water Pipes , Culture
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 16(1): 4939-4948, 2022. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1410573


Contexte et objectif. Le stress au travail touche tous les secteurs d'activités dont celui de l'éducation. La présente avait pour objectif de déterminer la prévalence du stress chez les enseignants et d'identifier les facteurs associés au stress chez les enseignants du secondaire de Ouagadougou. Méthodes. Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale auprès des enseignants du secondaire de la ville de Ouagadougou. Le questionnaire teacher stress inventory de Fimian a été utilisé pour évaluer le niveau de stress chez les enseignants. Nous avons utilisé une analyse régression logistique multivariée pour identifier les facteurs associés au stress chez les enseignants. Résultats. Quatre cent trente-neuf enseignants ont été enrôlés. L'âge moyen des enseignants était de 43,5 ans. Ils avaient en moyenne un volume horaire hebdomadaire de 19,3 heures. Ils enseignaient en Moyenne depuis 15,6 ans. Les enseignants consommateurs de substances psychoactives représentaient 34,8 %, ceux qui avaient des pathologies en cours représentaient 37,1 %. La prévalence du stress professionnel chez les enseignants était de 16,4 %. Les pathologies en cours (OR ajusté =2,06, p=0,012), le volume horaire hebdomadaire supérieur à 22 heures (OR ajusté=1,92, p=0,024) augmentaient le risqué d'être stressé chez les enseignants. A l'inverse avoir des loisirs réduisait 3x ce risque (OR ajusté =0,31 ; p=0,020). Conclusion. La prévalence du stress chez les enseignants du secondaire est élevée. Les pathologies en cours chez les enseignants, un volume horaire hebdomadaire supérieur à 22 heures étaient des facteurs de risque tandis que les loisirs étaient un facteur protecteur.

Humans , Occupational Stress , Heat Shock Transcription Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , School Teachers
PAMJ - One Health ; 9(NA): 1-10, 2022. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1425843


Introduction: la qualité des farines infantiles utilisées pendant la période de diversification alimentaire est d´une grande importance. Malheureusement, les processus de transformation occasionnent des pratiques d'hygiène insuffisantes. L´objectif de cette étude était d´évaluer la qualité physico-chimique et microbiologique des farines infantiles locales vendues à Ouagadougou. Méthodes: les paramètres physico-chimiques et microbiologiques ont été déterminés selon les méthodes standards. Les données ont été traitées sur Excel 2016 et les moyennes comparées sur XLSTAT 2016. Résultats: sur 102 unités de 20 marques de farines infantiles locales analysées, les matières premières de base étaient constituées par les céréales locales, les légumineuses, les enzymes, les minéraux et les vitamines. La teneur en eau variait de 1,92±0,01% à 5,51±0,03% tandis que le pH variait de 5,55±0,01 à 6,36±0,00. La flore totale variait de 2,4.102 UFC/g à 1,1.104 UFC/g, les coliformes totaux de 0 à 2,8.103 UFC/g, les coliformes fécaux de 0 à 5,3.102UFC/g et les levures et moisissures de 4 UFC/g à 1,1.103UFC/g. Aucune colonie confirmée de salmonelles et d´Escherichia coli n´a été détectée. Concernant l´évaluation microbiologique, toutes les farines à cuire ont présenté une flore aérobie totale, des Escherichia coli et des salmonella satisfaisantes, 64,71% ont présenté des coliformes fécaux satisfaisantes et 94,12% ont présenté des levures et moisissures satisfaisantes. Toutes les farines instantanées ont présenté des charges microbiologiques satisfaisantes. Conclusion: globalement, les farines infantiles locales vendues à Ouagadougou sont de qualité physico-chimiques et microbiologiques satisfaisantes à l´exception de quelques farines à cuire.

Introduction: the quality of infant flours used to support dietary diversification is of great importance. Unfortunately, transformation processes result in poor hygiene practices. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological quality of local infant flours sold in Ouagadougou. Methods: physicochemical and microbiological parameters were determined according to standard methods. Data were processed on Excel 2016 and the averages were compared using XLSTAT 2016. Results: out of the 102 units of 20 local infant flour brands analyzed, the basic raw materials consisted of local cereals, legumes, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Water content ranged from 1.92±0.01% to 5.51±0.03%, while pH ranged from 5.55±0.01 to 6.36±0.00. Total flora ranged from 2,4.102 CFU/g to 1,1.104 CFU/g, total coliforms from 0 to 2,8.103 CFU/g, fecal coliforms from 0 to 5,3.102 CFU/g, and yeasts and moulds from 4 CFU/g to 1,1.103 CFU/g. No confirmed Salmonella and Escherichia coli colonies were detected. With respect to the microbiological evaluation, all the cooking flours showed satisfactory total aerobic flora, Escherichia ncoli and Salmonella, 64.71% showed satisfactory faecal coliforms and 94.12% showed satisfactory yeasts and moulds. All instant flours had satisfactory microbiological loads. Conclusion: overall, local infant flours sold in Ouagadougou are of satisfactory physicochemical and microbiological quality, with the exception of some cooking flours.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child Nutrition Sciences , Flour , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Nutritive Value
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206982


Background: Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability for women of childbearing age. Objective of this study was to study maternal mortality of direct obstetric origin at the Boulmiougou district hospital from 2010 to 2014.Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study of maternal deaths by direct obstetric cause at the maternity ward of Boulmiougou District Hospital during the period from January 1st 2010 to December 31st, 2014, i.e. 5 years.Results: The maternal mortality rate by direct obstetric cause of 147.68 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The average age of the patients was 27.09 years old. The direct causes of maternal death were hemorrhage (47.06%), hypertensive disorders (20.59%), infections (14.71%) and unsafe abortion (11.76%). Contributing factors to maternal deaths were delay in evacuation (47.06%) and delay in care (38.23%).Conclusions: Maternal mortality remains high in the Boulmiougou District Hospital. To effectively combat maternal mortality, it is important to focus on the continuous training of staff and the strengthening of the technical platform.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206952


Background: The quality of care perceived by the users of health care services is an important indicator of the quality of care. The aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction of patients received in obstetric and gynecological emergencies department of Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital before and after the introduction of free care.Methods: This was a cross-sectional investigation. Data collection was carried out from February to July 2016, covering the last three months before the start of free care and the first three months of implementation of this free policy in Burkina Faso.Results: A total of 620 patients formed the sample. The reception (p=0.0001), the waiting period (p=0.0001), respect for treatment schedules (p=0.0001), respect for intimacy (p=0.0001), communication between providers and patients (p=0.007), the comfort of the delivery room (p=0.003) and the comfort of the ward room (p=0.002) were more favorably appreciated by patients before the free treatment than during that period. Overall patient satisfaction was better before the effectiveness of free care (p=0.003).Conclusions: The realization of free care process was followed by a lower patient’s satisfaction reflecting an alteration in the quality of health care services. A situational analysis of this free health care process is necessary in order to make corrective measures. Also adequate preventive measures should be adopted before any implementation to a larger scale of this free policy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206360


Background: Female students are exposed to unsafe sex, sources of unwanted pregnancy and abortions. It is recognized that emergency contraception can effectively prevent pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and practices of Ouagadougou public university students in relation to emergency contraception in order to propose solutions to reduce the proportion of unwanted pregnancies among female students.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between May 1st and October 31st, 2016 in the public universities of Ouagadougou. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 732 students randomly selected.Results: The average age of female students was 22.7 years old. The age group 19 to 24 was the most represented (68.03%). Of the students surveyed, 87% knew or had heard of emergency contraception. The students only used the emergency contraceptive pill. The emergency contraceptive use rate was 44.42%. Approximately, 83% of users were aware of the delay in using emergency contraception. The reasons for using emergency contraception were condom breakage (25.10%) and unprotected sex (74.9%). Female students purchased the contraceptive directly in pharmacies (93.61%).Conclusions: Emergency contraception gives women a last chance to avoid an unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex.  Awareness and free availability of emergency contraception (EC) could improve the reproductive health of female students.