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Rev. MED ; 24(2): 33-46, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-957293


La deshidratación en el paciente pediátrico es una de las causas de morbimortalidad más importantes en países en vía de desarrollo; por tanto, es imprescindible el correcto manejo de esta patología con el fin de disminuir los desenlaces fatales y prevenibles de la enfermedad. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura con respecto a la fisiología, la fisiopatología, la clínica, el mecanismo de acción, las indicaciones y las contraindicaciones de las sales de rehidratación oral y las soluciones de administración endovenosa, con el fin de brindar ciertas pautas y recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia actual, a todos los profesionales de la salud, que a diario enfrentan este tipo de patología. La investigación demostró que las sales de rehidratación oral siguen siendo el Gold Estándar en el tratamiento de la deshidratación leve a moderada en pacientes con indicaciones de uso y que las soluciones de administración endovenosa son de vital apoyo en aquel grupo de pacientes con deshidratación grave con intolerancia a la vía oral, shock, íleo paralitico, ciertas patologías quirúrgicas y con contraindicaciones de terapia con sales de rehidratación oral.

Dehydration in pediatric patients is one of the most common causes of mobility and mortality in developing countries; therefore, the right management of this disease is essential in order to reduce fatal and preventable disease outcomes. A review of the literature was made with respect to the physiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, mechanism of action, indications and contraindications of oral rehydration salts and intravenous solutions, in order to provide some recommendations based on current evidence, to all physicians, who daily work on this kind of pathology. The investigation showed that ORS remains the Gold Standard in the treatment of mild to moderate dehydration in patients with indications and intravenous solutions, are of vital support in the group of patients with severe dehydration, oral intolerant, shock, paralytic ileus, certain surgical pathologies and therapy contraindications ORS.

A desidratação em pacientes pediátricos é uma das causas mais comuns de mobilidade e mortalidade nos países em desenvolvimento; Portanto, o manejo correto desta doença é essencial para reduzir os resultados fatais e evitáveis da doença. Realizou-se revisão da literatura em relação à fisiologia, fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, mecanismo de ação, indicações e contra-indicações dos sais de reidratação oral e soluções intravenosas, a fim de fornecer algumas recomendações baseadas em evidências atuais a todos os médicos, que diariamente Trabalho sobre esse tipo de patologia. A investigação mostrou que a SRO permanece como padrão-ouro no tratamento da desidratação leve a moderada em pacientes com indicações e soluções intravenosas, são de suporte vital no grupo de pacientes com desidratação grave, intolerância oral, choque, íleo paralítico, certas patologias cirúrgicas e Terapia contra-indicações ORS.

Humans , Dehydration , Shock , Fluid Therapy , Crystalloid Solutions
Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl;34(2)jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-677950


A estabilidade físico-química de três formulações para nutrição parenteral neonatal com diferentes quantidades de cátions bivalentes e de emulsão lipídica foi avaliada. As formulações foram analisadas nos tempos: 0, 24 e 48 horas, em três condições de temperatura diferentes de armazenamento: 2ºC-8ºC, 25ºC e 37ºC, mediante os seguintes parâmetros: pH, potencial zeta, tamanho e distribuição de partículas, microscopia óptica, propriedades reológicas, osmolaridade e aspecto visual. Os valores de pH mantiveram-se em todas as condições de estudo, em torno de 6,00 e os resultados de potencial zeta, em média, mostraram valores de - 27,65 mV. O tamanho das gotículas lipídicas apresentou-se constante e estável, em escala nanométrica, com gotículas não superiores a 5 μm em diâmetro. Os valores de viscosidade mantiveram-se constantes e os índices de fluxo apresentaram-se todos acima e próximos de 1,00. As osmolaridades teóricas apresentaram, em média, 822 mOsmol/L, todas inferiores ao limite máximo recomendado. Os sistemas emulsionados permaneceram visualmente estáveis e não foram notadas alterações de coloração, tampouco foram evidenciados processos de separação de fases nas formulações. Pode-se afirmar que as formulações apresentaram-se estáveis nas condições avaliadas. Demonstrou-se a necessidade e a importância da adoção de procedimentos de avaliação físico-química, somando-se ao controle microbiológico das formulações parenterais, para a garantia da eficácia da terapia e, principalmente, da segurança dessas formulações para os recém-nascidos.

The physical and chemical stability of three formulations for neonatal parental nutrition, made up with different amounts of divalent cations and lipid emulsion, were assessed. The formulations were analyzed at 0, 24 and 48 hours, under three different conditions of storage temperature: 2–8º C, 25º C and 37o C, in terms of the following parameters: pH, zeta potential, size and distribution of particles, optical microscopy, rheological properties, osmolarity and visual appearance. The pH remained, under all conditions studied, around 6.00 and the zeta potential was - 27.65 mV on average. The lipid droplet size was constant and stable, in the nanometer range, and no droplets exceeded 5 μm in diameter. The viscosities remained constant and all the flow behavior indices were above and close to 1.00. The theoretical osmolarities were, on average, 822 mOsmol/L, all below the recommended maximum value. The emulsion systems remained stable and there was no visually noticeable color change or evident phase separation in the formulations. It can be reported that all the formulations were stable under the conditions studied. The need and importance of adopting physicochemical evaluation procedures, in addition to the microbiological control of parental formulations, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of therapy, and especially the safety of these formulations for newborns, was demonstrated in this study.

Hospitals, University , Neonatology , Parenteral Nutrition , Quality Control
Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter ; Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter;34(5): 334-338, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-654973


BACKGROUND: The development of nutrition care programs for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is necessity in view of the rapid and aggressive consequences frequently seen with this procedure. Patients require constant care to reduce complications and to contribute to the success of therapy. METHODS: In an attempt to ascertain the impact of systematic nutritional care on patients submitted to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, the present study assessed the nutritional and clinical status, use of parenteral nutrition, and complication and mortality rates in two groups of patients, who were submitted to transplantation between April 2003 and December 2004 (Non-intervention Group - NIG; n = 57) and between March 2006 and January 2008 (Intervention Group - IG; n = 34). RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups in terms of clinical or nutritional profiles. Additionally, the length of hospital stay and complication and mortality rates were similar for both groups. However, time on parenteral nutrition during treatment was shorter for the IG [median 6.5 days (range: 1-28) for related donor recipients and 11 days (range: 1-21) for unrelated donor recipients] than for the NIG [median 20.5 days (range, 4-73) for patients submitted to myeloablative conditioning and 18.5 days (range: 11-59 days) for those submitted to nonablative conditioning]. CONCLUSION: The implementation of a nutritional follow-up and therapy protocol for adult patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation shortens the duration of parenteral nutrition. It certainly has an impact on hospitalization costs and, potentially, on the rate of complications, even though this was not demonstrated in this study.

Humans , Nutrition Assessment , Bone Marrow Transplantation , Nutritional Support , Stem Cell Transplantation , Parenteral Nutrition Solutions