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Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511467


Introduction: The herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is one of the most widely used pesticides in the world. There is evidence that this herbicide can induce deleterious effects in non-target organisms, including impairment of reproduction function. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive effects of the chronic consumption of contaminated feed with 2,4-D in rats using food environmental spraying simulation. Methods: Animals orally exposed received nebulized chow with 2,4-D solution in different concentrations for 180 days: 0 (control - CG), 20.69 (LCG), 34.63 (MCG), or 51.66 ppm day−1 (HCG). Results: Sperm quality was impaired to 2,4-D. The percentage of sperm with progressive movement, number of sperm in the testis and daily sperm production were decreased in all exposed groups to the herbicide compared to CG. Sperm counts in the caput/corpus and cauda epididymis were reduced in MCG and HCG, and sperm transit time was delayed in the epididymis of LCG. There was a negative impact on sperm morphology and plasma membrane integrity in MCG and HCG, respectively. Germ cell exfoliation within the lumen of the seminiferous tubules and epithelial vacuolization in epididymis were found in the HCG. Conclusion: This is the first study to describe the negative impact on male reproductive morphophysiology after chronic exposure to 2,4-D using food nebulization in environmentally relevant concentrations, based on agronomic use of the herbicide. The reproductive injuries identified raise concerns about the impacts of wide population exposure to 2,4-D (AU).

Introdução: O herbicida 2,4- ácido diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) é um dos agrotóxicos mais utilizados no mundo. Há evidências de que este herbicida pode induzir efeitos deletérios em organismos não-alvo, incluindo prejuízo na função reprodutiva. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos reprodutivos do consumo crônico de ração contaminada com 2,4-D em ratos, utilizando simulação de pulverização ambiental de alimentos. Métodos: Animais expostos oralmente receberam ração nebulizada com solução de 2,4-D em diferentes concentrações por 180 dias: 0 (controle - GC), 20,69 (LCG), 34,63 (MCG) ou 51,66 ppm dia−1 (HCG). Resultados: A qualidade espermática foi prejudicada pelo 2,4-D. A porcentagem de espermatozoides com movimento progressivo, número de espermatozoides no testículo e produção diária de espermatozoides foram menores em todos os grupos expostos ao herbicida, quando comparados ao GC. A contagem de espermatozoides na cabeça/corpo e cauda do epidídimo foi reduzida em MCG e HCG, e o tempo de trânsito espermático atrasou no epidídimo em LCG. Houve impacto negativo na morfologia espermática e na integridade da membrana plasmática em MCG e HCG, respectivamente. Esfoliação de células germinativas no lúmen dos túbulos seminíferos e vacuolização epitelial no epidídimo foram encontradas em HCG. Conclusão: Este é o primeiro estudo a descrever o impacto negativo na morfofisiologia reprodutiva masculina após exposição crônica ao 2,4-D, utilizando nebulização de alimentos em concentrações ambientalmente relevantes, com base no uso agronômico do herbicida. As lesões reprodutivas identificadas levantam preocupações sobre os impactos da ampla exposição da população ao 2,4-D (AU).

Animals , Rats , Reproduction , Spermatozoa , Agrochemicals/toxicity , Pesticide Exposure , Environmental Exposure
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 491-498, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452595


O uso massivo dos agrotóxicos nas lavouras deu-se a partir de 1950 com a "Revolução Verde", como resultado da busca por aumento da produtividade e modernização dos campos agrícolas. Diante disso, na década de 1960, foi criado o Programa Nacional de Defensivos Agrícolas (PNDA), que veio para facilitar a introdução dos agroquímicos, colaborando para que, a partir de 2008, o Brasil passasse a ser o país com maiores percentuais de uso destes produtos. Essas substâncias geram efeitos deletérios sobre a resposta imune dos indivíduos expostos, principalmente relacionada aos macrófagos, células B, T e NK. Isso afeta a capacidade de fagocitose, apresentação de antígenos e produção de anticorpos, além de induzir a geração de radicais livres de oxigênio e disfunção mitocondrial, resultando em estresse oxidativo e danos ao DNA celular, apoptose em excesso, mutação no ciclo celular, desordem de regulação e, consequentemente, imunodeficiência. Dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de doenças imunomediadas, como asma e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC), está estreitamente ligado aos agrotóxicos, uma vez que esses variados mecanismos de toxicidade ao sistema imune induzem, dentre outras, manifestações respiratórias, tais como tosse, sibilo, irritação e inflamação. Além disso, estes pesticidas estão relacionados com doenças não imunomediadas ao alterar a função normal dos hormônios da tireoide, andrógenos e estrógenos. A fim de avaliar estes impactos, o presente estudo consiste em uma revisão integrativa da literatura e, diante da crescente utilização descontrolada dos agrotóxicos, assume grande relevância, refletindo a necessidade de maior atuação da vigilância epidemiológica, ambiental e da saúde do trabalhador.

Beginning in the 1950s, massive pesticide use began in what is called the "Green Revolution", a quest for increased agricultural productivity and modernization. In the 1960s, the Brazilian National Program of Agricultural Defense was created to facilitate the introduction of agrochemicals, leading the country to become one of the world's largest pesticide users by 2008. These substances have deleterious effects on the immune response of exposed individuals, mainly related to macrophages and B, T, and NK cells. This affects phagocytosis and antigen and antibody production, inducing production of oxygen free radicals and mitochondrial dysfunction, which results in oxidative stress and cellular DNA damage, excess apoptosis, cell cycle mutations, regulatory disorders, and, consequently, immunodeficiency. Thus, the development of immune-mediated diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is closely linked to pesticides, since these varied mechanisms of toxicity to the immune system induce respiratory manifestations, such as cough, wheezing, irritation and inflammation. Pesticide use is also related to non-immune-mediated diseases because exposure alters the normal function of thyroid hormones, androgens, and estrogens. To evaluate their impact, the present study performed an integrative review of the literature, which, due to the growing and uncontrolled use of pesticides, is of great relevance and demonstrates the need for greater epidemiological, environmental, and worker health surveillance.

Humans , PubMed , LILACS
Saúde debate ; 46(spe2): 89-101, 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390391


RESUMO Considerando a invisibilidade do trabalho feminino no cenário da agricultura familiar, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e analisar a relação da mulher com os agrotóxicos no processo de trabalho. Esta pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada com agricultoras familiares de São Miguel Arcanjo (SP), e tem como material de análise o conteúdo das entrevistas com as 14 agricultoras, segundo adaptação dos conceitos de Bardin. Os conteúdos das falas das entrevistadas foram organizados e delineados em duas categorias analisadas no corpo deste trabalho. Foi possível inferir que a mulher desempenha atributos historicamente designados à figura masculina, como as práticas do capinar, da colheita e da manipulação de agrotóxico, embora desprovida do direito a acesso à informação e orientação necessário para o desempenho do seu labor com segurança. A prática do agronegócio adentra as propriedades familiares, pautada na produção dependente de agrotóxicos, e é relatada por elas de maneira não naturalizada, quando identificam os agrotóxicos como venenos. Por fim, potencializar as competências identificadas nessas mulheres, sobretudo o poder de resiliência, preservando suas competências e identidades perante tantos fatores estressores vivenciados no contexto da margem feminilizada da agricultura, pode contribuir para o fim da miséria econômica, intelectual e sanitária das mulheres lavradoras.

ABSTRACT Considering the invisibility of female labor in the family farming scenario, this work aims to describe and analyze the relationship of women with pesticides in the work process. This qualitative research was carried out with family farmers in São Miguel Arcanjo (SP) and has as analysis material the content of the interviews with the 14 women farmers, according to the adaptation of Bardin's concepts. The contents of the interviewees' speeches were organized and outlined in two categories analyzed in the body of this work. It was possible to infer that women perform attributes historically assigned to the male figure, such as the practices of weeding, harvesting, and handling pesticides, although they lack the right to access the information and guidance necessary to safely perform their work. The practice of agribusiness enters family properties, based on pesticide-dependent production, and is reported by them in an unnatural way, when they identify pesticides as poisons. Finally, enhancing the skills identified in these women, especially the power of resilience, preserving their skills and identities in the face of so many stressors experienced in the context of the feminized margin of agriculture, may contribute to the end of economic, intellectual, and sanitary misery of women farmers.

Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1280608


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the maximum theoretical daily intake of pesticides potentially consumed, chronically, by the Brazilian population. METHOD By using data from the food consumption section of the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey to characterize the population diet, a database was built to group the foods based on the NOVA classification. Considering the maximum residue limit values of each pesticide authorized in the country until 2016, the limits of all consumed foods were added and multiplied by the amount consumed, resulting in the maximum theoretical intake index, which was compared with the acceptable daily intake. RESULTS The results show that, of the 283 pesticides considered in the database, 71 (25%) compounds had estimates of zero intake, 144 compounds (50.8%) reached acceptable daily intake values and 68 compounds (24%) showed median intake that exceeded the acceptable daily value. The pesticide intake estimation according to the different regions of the country showed a variation in the amount of compounds that exceeded the acceptable daily intake (48 to 69 substances) due to the different consumption patterns. The categories of products that most exceeded the limits were the insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. CONCLUSION The application of this methodology is valid for the first step in risk assessment, but the resulting values may be different from the actual exposure since they do not include other factors, such as the combined use of pesticides or unauthorized products. The importance of developing research on specific national food consumption data in a systematic way is emphasized, which generates data and analyses that allow a detailed risk assessment.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Estimar a ingestão diária máxima teórica dos agrotóxicos potencialmente consumidos, de forma crônica, pela população brasileira. MÉTODO Utilizando os dados do bloco de consumo alimentar da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares de 2008-2009 para caracterização da dieta da população, foi construído um banco de dados agrupando os alimentos com base na classificação NOVA. Considerando os valores de limite máximo de resíduos de cada agrotóxico autorizado no país até o ano de 2016, foram somados os limites de todos os alimentos consumidos, multiplicados pela quantidade consumida, gerando o índice de ingestão teórica máxima, que foi comparado com a ingestão diária aceitável. RESULTADOS Os resultados mostram que dos 283 agrotóxicos considerados no banco de dados, 71 compostos tiveram estimativas de ingestão zero (25%), 144 compostos (50,8%) atingiram aos valores de ingestão diária aceitável e 68 compostos (24%) apresentaram mediana de ingestão que excedeu o valor diário aceitável. Quando realizada a estimativa de ingestão de agrotóxicos discriminando as distintas regiões do país, houve variação (entre 48 e 69 substâncias) na quantidade de compostos que excederam a ingestão diária aceitável devido aos diferentes padrões de consumo da população. As categorias dos produtos que mais excederam as estimativas são inseticidas, herbicidas e fungicidas. CONCLUSÃO A aplicação dessa metodologia é válida para o primeiro passo na avaliação de risco, porém os valores resultantes podem ser diferentes da exposição real por não englobar outros fatores, como o uso combinado de agrotóxicos ou de produtos de uso não autorizado. É ressaltada a importância do desenvolvimento de pesquisas de dados específicos de consumo de alimentos nacionais de forma sistemática, gerando dados e análises que viabilizem uma avaliação pormenorizada sobre riscos.

Humans , Pesticides , Pesticide Residues/analysis , Brazil , Food Contamination/analysis , Risk Assessment , Eating
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210664


Cytochrome P450 family genes (CYPs) have common polymorphisms, which are evaluated for pesticide-inducedoxidative stress susceptibility. Variant alleles in CYP enzymes may uncover susceptibility biomarkers of environmentaltoxicity. This study aims to investigate the relationship between CYP2D6 (G1934A) gene polymorphisms and chronicpesticide exposures, and to evaluate the association between CYP2D6 (G1934A) gene polymorphism on biochemicaland hematological parameters. A cross-sectional study was carried out at a health promoting hospital, Suphan Buri,Thailand. Rice farmers and a control group (n = 50 for each) were recruited and their personal data were collected. Theirblood samples were obtained by venepuncture and drawn into plain and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tubes.Serum cholinesterase (SChE), liver function test, kidney function test, and complete blood count were assessed usingautomatic analyzers; and CYP2D6 (G1934A) genotyping was carried out by polymerase chain reaction-restrictionfragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). SChE in rice farmers was significantly lower (p = 0.033), which maybe related to the use of chlorpyrifos. The genotypes were significantly different between rice farmers and the controlgroup (p = 0.0001), and the GA variant in rice farmers was more frequent. The CYP2D6 (G1934A) (rs 3892097))gene and SChE level were negatively correlated (r = −0.258, p = 0.009). However, other biochemical parameters werenot different. Blood indices, including mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), andmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), values of rice farmers were significantly lower than the controlgroup; and MCH, MCV, and MCHC values of the GA variant were also significantly lower than the wild type. The GAgenotype was associated with hematological toxicity of organophosphate metabolite in chronic exposures.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 38(2): e331277, May-Aug. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115177


Abstract Objectives: to explore the decision-making process of agricultural workers associated with pesticide use and exposure; to deduce whether these processes differ between pesticide users and non-users; and to analyze the characteristics of these differences. Methodology: This study used a grounded theory approach to understand the decision-making process for pesticide use/non-use among agricultural workers in San Cristobal, Colombia. This study involved participant observation, individual interviews, and focus groups. Results: the theory developed to explain the decision-making process for pesticide use showed several categories including: the prospect of having a good harvest, efficient pest control, habituation to the use of pesticides, feeling obligated to use them, poor knowledge about pesticides, believing that pesticides increase the quality of the products, positive attitudes towards pesticide use, family support towards pesticide use, community pressure and acceptance, economic fear, and market pressure. In the non-pesticide user group categories included: having better health, pesticides considered harmful for human health, pesticides being deleterious for the environment, habituation to working without pesticides, family and economic support, and negative attitude towards pesticide use. The decision-making process for personal protective equipment (PPE) use encompassed categories such as: feelings of powerlessness, economic difficulties, and belief that equipment is not necessary. Discussion: The decision-making process for pesticide use in agricultural communities is complex and varies between pesticide users and non-users. Conclusions: It is important to consider the intricate process of pesticide use in order to orient interventions in the agricultural sector.

Resumen Objetivo: explorar los aspectos relacionados con el proceso de toma de decisiones en agricultores asociado con el uso y la exposición a plaguicidas; y descubrir si estos procesos difieren entre usuarios y no usuarios de plaguicidas y las características de estas diferencias. Metodología: Este estudio utilizó la teoría fundada para entender el proceso de toma de decisiones de agricultores de San Cristóbal, Colombia, para usar o no usar plaguicidas. Esta investigación incluyó observación participativa, entrevistas individuales y grupos focales. Resultados: la teoría para explicar el proceso de toma de decisiones de usar plaguicidas incluyó categorías como: la idea de tener una buena cosecha, controlar las plagas eficientemente, hábito de usar plaguicidas, pobre conocimiento sobre plaguicidas, creer que los plaguicidas aumentan la calidad de los productos, entre otras. En el grupo de no usuarios de plaguicidas, algunas categorías fueron: tener mejor salud, los plaguicidas son considerados peligrosos para la salud humana y el medio ambiente, y estar acostumbrados a trabajar sin plaguicidas. El proceso de toma de decisiones para el uso de equipo de protección personal incluyo categorías como poco poder, dificultades económicas, y la creencia de que el equipo de protección no es necesario. Discusión: el proceso de toma de decisiones para usar o no plaguicidas en comunidades agricultoras es complejo y varía entre usuarios y no usuarios de plaguicidas. Conclusiones: es importante tener en cuenta la complejidad del proceso de toma de decisiones sobre el uso o no de plaguicidas con el fin de orientar apropiadamente las intervenciones en la población agricultora.

Resumen Objetivo: explorar os aspectos relacionados ao processo de tomada de decisão em agricultores associados ao uso e exposição a pesticidas; e descubra se esses processos diferem entre usuários e não usuários de pesticidas e as características dessas diferenças. Metodologia: Este estudo conhecia a teoria encontrada para entender o processo de tomada de decisão dos agricultores em San Cristóbal, Colômbia, para usar ou não usar pesticidas. Esta pesquisa incluiu observação participativa, entrevistas individuais e grupos focais. Resultados: A teoria para explicar o processo de tomada de decisão do uso de pesticidas inclui categorias como: a ideia de uma boa colheita, controle eficiente de pragas, hábito de uso de pesticidas, pouco conhecimento sobre pesticidas, acreditando que os pesticidas aumentam a qualidade dos pesticidas. os produtos, entre outros. No grupo de não usuários de pesticidas, algumas categorias foram: ter melhor saúde, pesticidas são perigosos para a saúde humana e para o meio ambiente e estar acostumados a trabalhar sem pesticidas. O processo de tomada de decisão para o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual inclui categorias como baixo consumo de energia, dificuldades financeiras e a crença de que o equipamento de proteção não é necessário. Discussão: O processo de tomada de decisão para usar ou não usar pesticidas em comunidades agrícolas é complexo e modifica entre usuários e não usuários de pesticidas. Conclusões: é importante levar em consideração a complexidade do processo de tomada de decisão sobre o uso ou não de agrotóxicos, a fim de orientar adequadamente as complicações na população agrícola.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 133, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1145055


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To explore the association of occupational pesticide exposure with acute and mental health symptoms. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey carried out with 78 Brazilian family farmers, who were pesticide applicators and helpers conveniently selected. Symptoms and exposure data were collected by interviews, and mental health outcomes by the Self-Reporting Questionnaire. Blood samples were analyzed to assess cholinesterase levels. Exposure indicators and symptoms were compared between applicators and helpers, and Poisson regression was performed to estimate prevalence ratios. RESULTS: Farmers reported exposure to multiple pesticides from early ages; they worked without safety training, technical support, and full protective equipment, and they had a high prevalence of acute and mental health symptoms (e.g., headache, mucosal irritation, tachycardia, and depressive signs). Applicators had more cholinesterase changes than helpers, but less symptoms. Helpers used less personal protection and had significantly higher prevalence ratio of headache, dyspnea, wheezing, cough, poor digestion, tiredness, and feeling worthless, after adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: Acute and mental health symptoms were observed, both among farmers and helpers. Thus, surveillance actions must be reinforced in Brazil, technical support and safety training improved, focused on applicators and helpers, who are occupationally and environmentally exposed to pesticides. Agricultural practices of these groups with less pesticide use should receive incentive.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pesticides/poisoning , Pesticides/toxicity , Poisoning/epidemiology , Respiratory Tract Diseases/chemically induced , Tachycardia/chemically induced , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Depression/chemically induced , Farmers , Headache/chemically induced , Respiratory Tract Diseases/diagnosis , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Tachycardia/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Family , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Agriculture , Depression/epidemiology , Headache/epidemiology , Middle Aged
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201789


Background: Pesticides are extensively used in floriculture where workers are mostly unskilled and may not have appropriate knowledge about safety. Acute accidents during spraying are reported, chronic exposure goes unnoticed. There are not many Indian studies regarding health risks and safety practices among floriculture workers in India. Hence this study to assess pesticide exposure, to find their determinants and suggest appropriate preventive measures.Methods: Study was cross sectional in Floriculture Park, Talegaon (D), Pune, Maharashtra, India using cluster sampling from February 2018 to July 2019. Prevalence of morbidities being 63% sample size was calculated as 111 (allowable error 15%). Socio-demographic, work and health related variables were recorded using a pretested structured questionnaire. Clinical examination and laboratory investigations were done by medical experts.Results: A total of 118 workers participated. Only half (51.2%) were using personal protective devices. None were following reentry guidelines. 13.3% males and 4.1% females had low serum cholinesterase level which is a biomarker of pesticide exposure. Sprayers had significantly high risk of low serum cholinesterase levels (OR=3.31) as compared to others. With exposed subjects which included both sprayers as well as polyhouse workers the association increased with OR=4.27. However association was not significant when working in polyhouse alone was considered as a risk factor (OR=1.256).Conclusions: Presence of exposure was the only factor that had a statistically significant association with low Serum Cholinesterase levels. Safe occupational practices like use of personal protective devices, rotation of exposed workers, monitoring of serum cholinesterase levels and health education of workers should be undertaken.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 389-395, Out.-Dez. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024150


Introduction: Agrochemicals, also known as pesticides, are widely used in agriculture and in public health. They are organic and inorganic chemical substances with a high level of toxicity not only for the environment, but also for human health. Objective: To verify findings on labyrinthine assessment in endemic disease control agents, and to recommend the inclusion of the vestibular exam in the set of tests for pesticide-exposed populations. Methods: Descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional study with a sample comprising 15 endemic disease control agents, males, mean age of 51.6 years old (standard deviation [SD] = 5.9). All of the participants were submitted to anamnesis, otorhinolaryngological screening, and vestibular assessment. Results: Regarding the most reported complaints, dizziness (73.4%), headache (60%), and tingling in the extremities (53.4%) were observed. The findings of the vestibular exams were normal in 53.3%, while 46.7% showed peripheral vestibular disorder, of which 26.7% were of deficitary type, and 20% of the irritative type. Conclusions: Alteration in the vestibular system was verified in 50% of the workers, with a greater prevalence in the caloric testing. Several disorders related to pesticides intoxication are scientifically known. Actions promoting knowledge and qualification of this population for the proper handling of chemicals are suggested, in addition to the elaboration and inclusion of protocols of vestibular assessment in hearing health programs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vestibular disorders (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Occupational Exposure , Pesticide Exposure , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/chemically induced , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Agrochemicals/adverse effects , Nervous System Diseases/diagnosis , Nervous System Diseases/chemically induced
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 22: e190033, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003484


RESUMO: Objetivo: Analisar as tendências das taxas de incidência da intoxicação por agrotóxicos nas regiões brasileiras, de acordo com sexo e circunstância da intoxicação, no período de 2001 a 2014. Método: Estudo de séries temporais, com dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). As taxas de incidência foram calculadas por meio da razão entre o número de casos novos confirmados de intoxicações por agrotóxicos e a população residente no mesmo período e local. Foram realizados análise de regressão polinomial e testes de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. Quando encontradas diferenças significativas, os testes foram seguidos pela penalização de Bonferroni com a finalidade de identificar onde residia a diferença. Resultados: No Brasil, foram registrados 80.069 casos de intoxicação nesse período. Houve um crescimento linear de notificações de intoxicação por agrotóxico, cuja taxa de tendência de crescimento encontrada foi de 0,377 por 100 mil habitantes/ano. As regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste apresentam as maiores taxas de intoxicação. Em relação ao sexo, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas (p < 0,347), sendo a tentativa de suicídio a circunstância de intoxicação mais significativa (p < 0,001). Conclusão: A incidência de intoxicação por agrotóxico no Brasil segue em aumento no século XXI.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To analyze trends in pesticide poisoning incidence rates in Brazilian regions, according to sex and circumstances of poisoning, between 2001 and 2014. Method: Ecological time-series study, with data from the national Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). The incidence rates were calculated by dividing the number of confirmed new cases of pesticide poisoning by the total resident population in the same period and location. Both Polynomial regression analysis and Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed. When significant differences were found, these tests were followed by the Bonferroni penalty, in order to identify the difference more precisely. Results: In Brazil, 80,069 notified poisoning cases were recorded from 2001 to 2014. There was a steadily increasing growth of pesticide poisoning in this population, whose growth trend was 0,377 for 100,000 inhabitants per year. The highest incidence of poisoning occurred in the South and Midest Regions. Regarding sex, no significant differences were found (p < 0,347), and attempted suicide was the most significant circumstance of poisoning (p < 0,001). Conclusion: The incidence of pesticide poisoning in Brazil has been continuously increasing in the twenty-first century.

Humans , Male , Female , Pesticides/poisoning , Disease Notification/statistics & numerical data , Health Information Systems/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Regression Analysis , Sex Distribution , Statistics, Nonparametric
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18194, 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011639


Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects on health of pregnant female rats exposed to pesticides glyphosate and carbendazim. Glyphosate is used as herbicide and carbendazim as a fungicide; all are commercially available readily for various agricultural and domestic purposes. The hypothesis tested in this investigation is that pesticide exposure during pregnancy causes changes in biomarker responses like serum glucose level, total protein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, SGOT, SGPT, and billirubin level. Significant changes were observed in all above biomarker responses, when compared with the reference. Histopathology of skin and kidney of rat neonates showed marked damage. Degenerative changes and vacuolization with eroded capsule were observed in kidney sample and thinning of epidermis in skin sample was seen in pesticides exposed neonates of rats. The serum biochemistry and histopathological findings are valuable markers for observing the changes caused by pesticide exposure.

Animals , Female , Rats , Infant, Newborn , Biomarkers/analysis , Pesticide Exposure , Herbicides/toxicity
Entramado ; 14(1): 232-240, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090173


RESUMEN El uso de pesticidas es una práctica común en la industria agrícola para erradicar plagas. El objetivo de esta revisión fue documentar el efec to de los pesticidas en la relación ecológica de las abejas con el medio ambiente y los sistemas de producción agropecuaria. Se revisaron las publicaciones científicas y académicas en Science-Direct, Scielo, JSTOR, Springerlink y Google académico. Se encontró que las abejas proveen de servicios ecosistémicos poco valorados a nivel productivo y económico y, de acuerdo con estimaciones globales sus pobla ciones se encuentran en declive. Las abejas exhiben hipersensibilidad a la mayoría de diferentes pesticidas (especialmente insecticidas). Además, padecen diferentes alteraciones fisiológicas a nivel del sistema nervioso, respecto a su ciclo reproductivo e inmunosupresión. En conclusión, existe evidencia respecto a los efectos tóxicos de los pesticidas que alteran colateralmente las cosechas, específicamente en el proceso de polinización mediada por abejas.

ABSTRACT The use of pesticides is a common practice used in agricultural production to eradicate bugs. The review's aim was to document the pesticide effect regarding bee ecologic relationship with environment and agricultural production systems. Scientific and academic reports were retrieved from Science-Direct, Scielo, JSTOR, Springerlink and Google scholar Findings reveal that bees provide ecosystem services which are not well evaluated and according to global estimations bee's populations are endangered. Bees present hypersusceptibility to several pesticides (insecticides). Although, bees suffer physiologic alterations including neuronal system, impairment in the reproductive cycle and immunosuppression. In conclusion, there is evidence about toxic effects of pesticides which collaterally impact crop productivity through bee-mediated pollination.

RESUMO O uso de pesticidas é uma prática comum na indústria agrícola para erradicar as pragas. O objetivo desta revisão foi documentar o efeito de pesticidas na relação ecológica das abelhas com o meio ambiente e sistemas de produção agrícola. As publicações científicas e acadêmicas em acadêmicos da Science-Direct, Scielo, JSTOR, Springerlink e Google foram revisadas. Descobriu-se que as abelhas fornecem serviços ecossistêmicos que são pouco valorizados em um nível produtivo e econômico e, de acordo com estimativas globais, suas populações estão em declínio. As abelhas exibem hipersensibilidade aos mais diferentes pesticidas (especialmente inseticidas). Além disso, sofrem diferentes alterações fisiológicas ao nível do sistema nervoso, no que diz respeito ao ciclo reprodutivo e à imunossupressão. Em conclusão, há evidências sobre os efeitos tóxicos de pesticidas que colateralmente alteram as culturas, especificamente no processo de polinização mediada por abelhas.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 35(1): 99-110, ene.-abr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-896867


Resumen El Cinturón Verde de la Ciudad de Córdoba (CVCC) en Argentina está marcado por la reproducción de relaciones desiguales, la informalidad y débil institucionalidad para la regulación de la exposición laboral a plaguicidas. Objetivo: visibilizar situaciones de vulnerabilidad y riesgo como construcción social-material, que afecta a quienes trabajan en unidades productivas hortícolas del CVCC, asociadas a condiciones de vida y trabajo. Métodología: Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo correlacional. Se conformó una muestra de 101 trabajadores / productores, con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Se obtuvo información mediante encuesta, indagando aspectos sociodemográficos, condiciones de vida, prácticas laborales, cultivos, estilos de vida y condiciones de salud del productor / trabajador y su familia. Se calcularon estadísticas descriptivas, se usóxi 2como test de hipótesis y análisis factorial de correspondencias múltiples. Resultados: Encontramos diferencias en la situación de vulnerabilidad y riesgo en grupos de propietarios, arrendatario-medieros. En el primero se objetiva el riesgo vinculado a la falta de cuidados al usar plaguicidas; en el segundo se configuran situaciones de vulnerabilidad asociadas a la reproducción de relaciones desiguales. La comprensión de la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo desde la condición laboral, permite precisar aspectos de la exposición a plaguicidas a ser contemplados en programas de salud.

Abstract The Greenbelt of the City of Cordoba (CVCC) (in Spanish, Cinturón Verde de la Ciudad de Córdoba) in Argentina is characterized by the reproduction of unequal relations, informality and weak government institutions to regulate on-the-job exposure to pesticides. Objective: This study intends to visualize vulnerability and risk situations as a social- material construction which affects people working in productive horticulture units in the CVCC associated with living and working conditions. Methodology: This is a correlational descriptive epidemiological study, and 101 workers/producers were part of the sample with a 95% level of confidence. Information was collected using surveys asking about sociodemographic aspects, life, work practices, crops, lifestyles and healthcare conditions of workers/producers and their families. Descriptive statistics were calculated using Pearson's Xi2 test as a hypothesis test and a multiple correspondence factor analysis. Results: we found differences regarding vulnerability and risks in an owners' group, and a tenants-sharecroppers' group. In the first group, the objective is a risk related to a lack of caution when using pesticides, and in the second group, situations of vulnerability related to a reproduction of unequal relations. Understanding vulnerability and risk from a working condition allows a specification of aspects regarding exposure to pesticides which must be contemplated in healthcare programs.

Resumo O Cinturão Verde da Cidade de Córdoba (CVCC) na Argentina está marcado pela reprodução de relações desiguais, pela informalidade e pela fraca institucionalidade para regulamentar a exposição laboral a pesticidas. Objetivo: visibilizar situações de vulnerabilidade e risco como construção social-material que afeta às pessoas que trabalham em unidades produtivas hortícolas do CVCC, associadas a condições de vida e de trabalho. Metodologia: estudo epidemiológico descritivo correlacional. Conformou-se uma amostra de 101 trabalhadores / produtores, com nível de confiança de 95%. Obteve-se informação através de enquete, pesquisando aspetos sócio-demográficos, condições de vida, práticas laborais, culturas, estilos de vida e condições de saúde do produtor / trabalhador e da sua família. Calcularam-se estatísticas descritivas, usou-se xi2 como teste de hipóteses e análises fatorial de correspondências múltiplas. Resultados: encontramos diferencias na situação de vulnerabilidade e risco em grupos de proprietários, arrendador-agricultor. No primeiro grupo, objetiva-se o risco relacionado com a falência de cuidados no uso de pesticidas; no segundo grupo, configuram-se situações de vulnerabilidade associadas à reprodução de relações desiguais. A compreensão da vulnerabilidade e do risco da condição de trabalho permite determinar aspetos de exposição a pesticidas que devem ser levados em conta nos programas de saúde.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-52117


BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to measure malondialdehyde (MDA) and isoprostane which has been used as an index of lipid injury, 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), which has been used as an index of DNA damage, and dialkyl-phosphate (DAP), which has been used to quantify pesticide exposure, and to investigate the relationship between pesticide exposure and oxidative stress. METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional study that evaluated 84 male farmers exposure to pesticide. In this study, 8-OHdG, isoprostane, and MDA were measured as oxidative stress indices, and dialkyl-phosphate (dimethylphosphate(DMP), diethylphosphate(DEP), dimethylthiophosphate(DMTP), and diethylthiophosphate (DETP)) excreted in the urine was also measured to evaluate pesticide exposure. A linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between pesticide metabolites, and oxidative stress biomarkers. RESULTS: A Correlation analysis was performed for pesticide exposure month (PEI), cumulative exposure index (CEI), and DAP as well as the concentration of the oxidative stress biomarkers. The PEM significantly and positively correlated to the levels of 8-OHdG, isoprostane, CEI, and DMP. CEI showed a correlation to 8-OHdG and PEM. DMP, DEP, and DETP showed a positive correlation to 8-OHdG, isoprostane, and MDA. A correlation analysis was adjusted some demographic characteristics, such as age, smoking, drinking, and exercise to determine the relationship between pesticide exposure and oxidative stress. The 8-OHdG, isoprostane, and MDA levels were significantly related to the DMP (ß = 0.320), DEP (ß = 0.390), and DETP (ß = 0.082); DMP (ß = 0.396), DEP (ß = 0.508), and DETP (ß = 0.504); and DMP (ß = 0.432), DEP (ß = 0.508), and DETP (ß = 0.329) levels, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The concentration between oxidative stress biomarkers and the pesticide metabolite were a positive correlation. Indicators of oxidative stress was associated with a pesticide metabolite DMP, DEP, and DETP. Therefore, Pesticide exposure and oxidative stress were relevant.

Humans , Male , Biomarkers , Cross-Sectional Studies , DNA Damage , Drinking , Farmers , Isoprostanes , Linear Models , Malondialdehyde , Oxidative Stress , Smoke , Smoking
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 732-736, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-736248


Objective To analyze the association between pesticide exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women from the rural areas of China.Methods Data of "National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP)" from January 2010 to December 2012 was used for analysis.A total of 248 501 families that were planning to deliver a baby in the next 6 months were enrolled.Data on paternal exposure to pesticides before or during pregnancy was collected through questionnaires,with related outcomes on pregnancy recorded by doctors.Results Among all the 248 501 participants,1 806 (0.74%) women and 2 653 (1.09%) men reported to have been exposed to pesticide before pregnancy,with 505 (0.21%) reported of having been exposed to pesticide during the period of pregnancy.Maternal exposure to pesticide was found a risk factor related to stillbirth (OR=3.37,95 % CI:2.05-5.55),peculiar smell pregnancy (OR =3.17,95%CI:1.18-8.55) and low birth weight (OR=7.56,95% CI:5.36-10.66).Paternal exposure to pesticide was also found related to miscarriage (OR=1.37,95% CI:1.03-1.80),low birth weight (OR=3.65,95% CI:1.51-8.84),or giant infant (OR?=0.64,95% CI:0.44-0.93).Maternal exposure to pesticide during pregnancy appeared a risk factor on miscarriage (OR=4.65,95% CI:3.47-6.24).Other adverse outcomes on pregnancy would include premature birth and high birth weight.Conclusion Parental pesticide exposure appeared a risk factor on stillbirth,peculiar smell pregnancy,low birth weight and miscarriage.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 732-736, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-737716


Objective To analyze the association between pesticide exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women from the rural areas of China.Methods Data of "National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP)" from January 2010 to December 2012 was used for analysis.A total of 248 501 families that were planning to deliver a baby in the next 6 months were enrolled.Data on paternal exposure to pesticides before or during pregnancy was collected through questionnaires,with related outcomes on pregnancy recorded by doctors.Results Among all the 248 501 participants,1 806 (0.74%) women and 2 653 (1.09%) men reported to have been exposed to pesticide before pregnancy,with 505 (0.21%) reported of having been exposed to pesticide during the period of pregnancy.Maternal exposure to pesticide was found a risk factor related to stillbirth (OR=3.37,95 % CI:2.05-5.55),peculiar smell pregnancy (OR =3.17,95%CI:1.18-8.55) and low birth weight (OR=7.56,95% CI:5.36-10.66).Paternal exposure to pesticide was also found related to miscarriage (OR=1.37,95% CI:1.03-1.80),low birth weight (OR=3.65,95% CI:1.51-8.84),or giant infant (OR?=0.64,95% CI:0.44-0.93).Maternal exposure to pesticide during pregnancy appeared a risk factor on miscarriage (OR=4.65,95% CI:3.47-6.24).Other adverse outcomes on pregnancy would include premature birth and high birth weight.Conclusion Parental pesticide exposure appeared a risk factor on stillbirth,peculiar smell pregnancy,low birth weight and miscarriage.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2016. 253 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-983427


O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o processo de trabalho relacionado ao cultivo de tabaco no Brasil, com vistas a identificar elementos que possam estar associados aos casos de suicídios em municípios produtores de tabaco no sul do país - Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, e do nordeste Alagoas, Bahia e Sergipe. Para alcance dos objetivos a pesquisa foi delineada em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi analisado o processo de trabalho na produção de fumo no Brasil, e na segunda etapa foram analisadas ocorrências dos suicídios em 52 municípios produtores e 52 não produtores de fumo que compartilhassem características e indicadores sociais e econômicos semelhantes. A análise do processo de trabalho mostrou todas as etapas da produção do fumo pelo agricultor e sua família, os insumos necessários, as horas de trabalho, dentre outros aspectos. O processo apontou existir nesse tipo de atividade uma série de riscos aos quais os trabalhadores estão expostos, e que podem comprometer sua saúde física e mental. Na segunda etapa foram levantados dados sociodemográficos em banco oficial de acesso irrestrito do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE, e no Departamento de Informática do SUS - DATASUS, os dados de suicídios dos maiores municípios produtores de fumo em Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná. Igual procedimento foi adotado com 52 municípios não fumicultores dos mesmos estados, que guardavam similaridades sociodemográficas com os municípios fumicultores. Como resultado dessa etapa foram encontrados no período de 2004 a 2013, um total de 1.247 registros de suicídios nos municípios fumicultores, caracterizados nesta pesquisa, e 837 registros de suicídios nos municípios não fumicultores no mesmo período...

This work aims to analyze the work process related to tobacco cultivation in Brazil, with aview to identifying elements that could be linked to cases of suicides in tobacco producingin the south area of the country – Rio Grande Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, and northeastern Alagoas, Bahia and Sergipe. To reach the research objectives, two steps were outlined. The first step was to analyze the process of work in tobacco production in Brazil, and in the second stage the suicides occurrences were analyzed in 52 counties and producers also in 52 counties that don’t produce smoke and share similar characteristics and social and economic indicators.The work process analysis showed all stages of production of tobacco by the farmer and his family, the necessary inputs, working hours, among other things. The process pointed exist in this type of activity a number of risks to which workers are exposed, which can compromise their physical and mental health. In the second stage were collected demographic data on official bank of unrestricted access to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, and the SUS Department of Informatics - DATASUS were checked the number and character of suicides major producing municipalities of smoke in Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Rio Grande Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana. A similar process was executed with equal number of non tobacco growing municipalities in the same states, guarding socio-demographic similarity with tobacco growers municipalities. As a result of this phase were found from 2004 to 2013, a totalof 1,247 records of suicides in growers municipalities, featured in this survey, and 837 recordsof suicides in the municipalities not tobacco growers in the same period...

Humans , Adult , Pesticide Exposure , Rural Health , Suicide , Nicotiana , Tobacco Industry/economics , Crop Production/economics , Health-Disease Process , Mental Health , Socioeconomic Factors
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 35(spe): 110-119, ago. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-762723


Introducción. La exposición a contaminantes como plaguicidas y metales pesados, se asocia a problemas de salud. Diversos estudios revelan la presencia de estos contaminantes en Cali; sin embargo, no existe información sobre las rutas principales de esa exposición y su riesgo implícito. Objetivo. Estimar los riesgos asociados a la exposición a cadmio, plomo y mercurio, y a los plaguicidas ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético y diuron, debida al consumo de agua potable y alimentos en un grupo de población de Cali. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron datos ambientales e información sobre la población, y se valoró el riesgo empleando los modelos de la Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) de los Estados Unidos. Resultados. Las concentraciones de los contaminantes evaluados estuvieron por debajo de las permisibles establecidas por el Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial de Colombia (3 µg/L -1 de cadmio; 10 µg/L -1 de plomo; 1 µg/L -1 de mercurio; 1 µg/L - 1 de ácido 2,4 diclorofenoxiacético; 1 µg/L -1 de diuron). En las muestras de pescado "manteco" ( Peprilus snyderi ), se detectaron concentraciones de cadmio entre 20 y 80 µg/kg -1 por debajo del límite permisible establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (100 µg/kg -1 ). Los resultados de la valoración mostraron que el riesgo cancerígeno y no cancerígeno atribuible a la ingestión de alimentos y de agua potable con presencia de los contaminantes evaluados, estaba por debajo de los valores máximos admisibles según la EPA. Conclusiones. Se cree que los hallazgos sobre contaminantes en estudios anteriores, pueden deberse a eventos puntuales de contaminación y se recomienda vigilar la bocatoma de agua y emitir alertas tempranas. El reporte sobre la presencia de cadmio en las muestras de pescado, sugiere que el control de la calidad de los alimentos por parte de las entidades reguladoras debe mejorar.

Introduction: Exposure to pollutants such as pesticides and heavy metals has been linked to health problems. Several studies have revealed the presence of these contaminants in Cali; however, there is no information available about the main routes of exposure and risk of these contaminants. Objective: To estimate the risk associated with the intake of cadmium, lead and mercury, and pesticides 2,4-D and diuron through the consumption of water and food in a population in Cali. Materials and methods: Population and environmental data were obtained, and a risk assessment was performed using United States Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. Results: The concentrations of the evaluated pollutants were below permissible levels as established by the Colombian Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (3 µg/L -1 of cadmium; 10 µg/L -1 of lead; 1 µg/L -1 of mercury; 1 µg/L -1 of 2,4 D; 1 µg/L -1 of diuron). Salema butterfish ( Peprilus snyderi ) samples contained levels of cadmium between 20 and 80 µg/kg -1 , which are below the permissible limit set by the World Health Organization (100 µg/kg -1 ). The results of the risk assessment indicated that the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic attributable risk to population health from the intake of food contaminants was below the maximum level permitted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Conclusions: It is believed that the findings in previous studies on pollutants may have been due to specific contamination events; therefore, monitoring and early warning about water intake is recommended. Furthermore, the report of cadmium being found in fish consumed as food suggests the need for quality control by regulators.

Female , Humans , Male , Cadmium/analysis , Diuron/analysis , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Food Contamination/analysis , Mercury/analysis , /analogs & derivatives , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Colombia , Risk Assessment
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 113(2): 126-132, abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-750447


Introducción. En las últimas décadas, numerosos autores han investigado acerca de los daños genotóxicos producidos por la exposición a sustancias químicas, aunque no existen para Argentina reportes de estudios que analicen dichos efectos en los niños. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia de micronúcleos en células exfoliadas de la mucosa bucal en niños de plantas urbanas con exposición ambiental (por inhalación) y compararla con la frecuencia de micronúcleos en niños que habitan en plantas urbanas alejadas de zonas donde se pulveriza. Población y métodos. Se estudiaron cincuenta niños que habitan la localidad de Marcos Juárez (Córdoba), ubicados a diferentes distancias de exposición a la aplicación de productos plaguicidas, y veinticinco niños de la ciudad de Río Cuarto (Córdoba), considerados no expuestos a dichos productos, y se aplicó el ensayo de micronúcleos en células de la mucosa bucal. Resultados. Se encontró diferencia significativa entre los expuestos a menos de quinientos metros con respecto al grupo de niños no expuestos. El 40% de los individuos expuestos sufren algún tipo de afección persistente, que se podría asociar a la exposición crónica a plaguicidas. Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos permiten indicar que existe una exposición a sustancias genotóxicas en un grupo de niños con relación al otro y poner de manifiesto la relevancia del ensayo de micronúcleos en la mucosa bucal para el biomonitoreo genético y la vigilancia en salud pública. El ensayo utilizado detecta un nivel de daño que todavía es reversible.

Introduction. In the past decades, several authors have investigated the genotoxicity caused by exposure to chemicals, but there are no reports on studies analyzing such effects on children in Argentina. The objective of this study was to establish the micronucleus frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells in children from urban areas with environmental exposure (through inhalation) and to compare it with the micronucleus frequency in children from urban regions far from areas subjected to spraying. Population and Methods. Fifty children living in the town of Marcos Juárez (Córdoba) at different distances from pesticide spraying areas and twenty-five children from the city of Río Cuarto (Córdoba), who are considered not exposed to pesticides, were studied; the micronucleus assay in buccal mucosa cells was used. Results. A significant difference was observed between exposed children living less than 500 m from areas subjected to spraying and those who were not exposed. Forty percent of exposed children suffer some type of persistent condition, which may be associated with chronic exposure to pesticides. Conclusions. Results indicate that genotoxicity is present in a group of children compared to the other one, and highlight the importance of the micronucleus assay in buccal mucosa cells for genetic biomonitoring and public health surveillance. This assay is capable of detecting a level of damage that can be reversible.

Humans , Child , Micronucleus Tests , Pesticide Exposure , Environmental Monitoring , Mouth Mucosa , Pesticides/toxicity
Cad. saúde pública ; 30(5): 952-960, 05/2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-711839


A quantificação da exposição dérmica a agrotóxicos, utilizada no processo de avaliação do risco à saúde de trabalhadores rurais, pode ser realizada usando-se diferentes metodologias, como patches ou corpo total. A existência de diversos métodos pode ser considerada uma limitação relacionada ao processo, já que podem não produzir resultados similares devido às diferenciações nos princípios envolvidos na coleta das amostras. Dessa maneira, realizou-se uma revisão crítica das principais metodologias utilizadas para a quantificação da exposição dérmica, com o objetivo de ressaltar a importância da discussão sobre o assunto e de evidenciar a necessidade de ações que contribuam para o estabelecimento de uma metodologia única para a quantificação da exposição dérmica de trabalhadores rurais. Entende-se que a harmonização das metodologias contribuirá para o alcance de condições mais seguras e saudáveis de trabalho, principalmente por possibilitar a obtenção de resultados mais confiáveis e, portanto, estabelecer, garantir e aprimorar o processo de prevenção de agravos à saúde do trabalhador.

Quantification of dermal exposure to pesticides in rural workers, used in risk assessment, can be performed with different techniques such as patches or whole body evaluation. However, the wide variety of methods can jeopardize the process by producing disparate results, depending on the principles in sample collection. A critical review was thus performed on the main techniques for quantifying dermal exposure, calling attention to this issue and the need to establish a single methodology for quantification of dermal exposure in rural workers. Such harmonization of different techniques should help achieve safer and healthier working conditions. Techniques that can provide reliable exposure data are an essential first step towards avoiding harm to workers’ health.

La cuantificación de la exposición cutánea a los pesticidas, utilizada en el proceso de evaluación del riesgo para la salud de los trabajadores rurales, se puede realizar a través de distintos métodos como parches o totalidad del cuerpo. La existencia de varios métodos puede ser considerada como una limitación relacionada con el proceso, ya que puede producir resultados distintos, debido a las diferencias en los principios implicados en la recogida de las muestras. Por lo tanto, se realizó una revisión crítica de las principales metodologías utilizadas para la cuantificación de la exposición cutánea, con la finalidad de destacar la importancia de la discusión sobre el tema y poner en evidencia la necesidad de acciones que contribuyan a la creación de una metodología única para la cuantificación de la exposición cutánea de los trabajadores rurales. Se entiende que la armonización de las metodologías contribuirá a la consecución de condiciones de trabajo más seguras y saludables, porque permite obtener resultados más fiables y, por lo tanto, asegurar y mejorar el proceso de prevención de daños a la salud de los trabajadores.

Humans , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/prevention & control , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Occupational Exposure/analysis , Pesticides/analysis , Risk Assessment/methods , Brazil , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Occupational Health , Rural Population , Skin Absorption