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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993646


Objective:To investigate the prevalence and related factors of chronic kidney disease (CKD).Methods:A total of 42 223 subjects who received annual physical examination from January to December 2019 were selected as the research objects, a cross-sectional study was conducted. They were divided into CKD patients and healthy control groups. The basic information of the subjects was collected by questionnaire, including age, sex, marital status, education level, smoking history, drinking history, physical exercise and previous disease history, etc. The height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure of the subjects were measured through physical examination, and laboratory indicators including fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood uric acid, creatinine and urine routine were collected. The influencing factors of CKD were analyzed by logistic regression.Results:A total of 42 223 subjects were included in the study. The prevalence of CKD was 5.62%, with 7.77% in males and 3.39% in females. The prevalence of CKD increased with age. The prevalence of CKD was the highest in ≥80 years old (25.84%), followed by 70-79 years old (13.08%), the prevalence of CKD in males was higher than that in females in all age groups. Most of the detected CKD patients were in the early stage (stage 1-2), and the total prevalence of early CKD was 5.13%, and the total prevalence of stage 3-5 was 0.49%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age 70-79 years old ( OR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.17-2.27),≥80 years old ( OR: 0.82, 95% CI: 2.61-5.91), male ( OR: 1.55, 95% CI: 2.61-5.91), high diastolic blood pressure ( OR: 1.014, 95% CI: 1.007-1.021), high fasting blood glucose level ( OR: 1.22, 95% CI: 1.17-1.27), SUA ( OR: 1.001, 95% CI: 1.000-1.002), hypertension ( OR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.23-1.68), coronary heart disease ( OR: 1.36, 95% CI: 1.10-1.69) and stroke ( OR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.09-2.43) were independent risk factors for CKD (all P<0.05); Physical activity 15-30 min/day ( OR: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.71-0.93),>60 min/day ( OR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.70-0.96) was a protective factor for the prevalence of CKD (all P<0.05) Conclusion:The prevalence of CKD in the health check-up population is low, and most of them are in the early stage of the disease. The prevalence of CKD is related to male, old age, physical exercise, elevated diastolic blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, elevated blood uric acid, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 21(1)feb. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409451


Introducción: La diabetes mellitus es una afección grave y crónica que ocurre cuando los niveles de glucosa en la sangre de una persona son altos, porque su cuerpo no puede producir insulina o su cantidad es insuficiente. Constituye un importante e independiente factor de riesgo, para las enfermedades cardiovasculares y otros daños. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia y mortalidad por diabetes en Cuba, en el decenio 2010- 2019. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico, descriptivo, sobre la diabetes mellitus en Cuba. Se tuvieron en cuenta, la dispensarización, las tasas de mortalidad brutas por la enfermedad, en el decenio 2010- 2019. Los anuarios estadísticos publicados por la Dirección de Registros Médicos y Estadísticas de Salud, del Ministerio de Salud Pública de esos años, fueron la fuente de información. Resultados: La prevalencia de diabetes en Cuba en el decenio, ha tenido tendencia al incremento de 4,04 por ciento en 2010, a 6,67 por ciento en 2019. Fue más frecuente en las personas del sexo femenino. Las tasas brutas de mortalidad, disminuyeron en ese período de 23,9 a 20,6 por 100 000 habitantes. Conclusiones: Las tasas de prevalencia anuales de diabetes reportadas en Cuba, resultaron mayores en el sexo femenino. En el decenio, la prevalencia general de diabetes mostró un incremento, en tanto que la tendencia de la mortalidad bruta por esta enfermedad, fue al descenso. Murieron más mujeres que hombres(AU)

Introduction: Diabetes is a serious and chronic condition that occurs when a person's blood glucose levels are high because the body cannot produce insulin or its amount is insufficient. It is an important and independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and other damages. Objective: To describe the prevalence and mortality from diabetes in Cuba during the decade 2010-2019. Material and Methods: A descriptive ecological study on diabetes in Cuba was carried out. Dispensarization and gross mortality rates due to the disease in the 2010-2019 decade were taken into account. The statistical yearbooks published by the Directorate of Medical Records and Health Statistics of the Ministry of Public Health those years were used as a source of information. Results: The prevalence of diabetes in Cuba in the decade tended to increase from 4,04 percent in 2010, to 6,67 percent in 2019. It was more frequent in women. Crude mortality rates decreased in that period from 23,9 to 20,6 per 100 000 inhabitants. Conclusions: The annual prevalence rates of diabetes reported in Cuba were higher in females. In the decade, the general prevalence of diabetes showed an increase, while the trend in gross mortality from this disease was related to the decrease. Women were more likely to die than men(AU)

Acta colomb. psicol ; 21(2): 258-281, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-949393


Resumen El consumo de alcohol en adolescentes tiene una serie de consecuencias negativas desde el punto de vista de salud, comportamiento y riesgo de consumo problemático a edades tempranas. En este estudio, se aplicó un instrumento de 24 preguntas a 9348 estudiantes de ambos sexos en nueve ciudades de Colombia, de los cuales 7625 fueron incluidos en este análisis por haber consumido alcohol. Específicamente, se exploraron temas como la edad de inicio de consumo, el tipo de alcohol y las cantidades ingeridas, así como los sitios y la facilidad de adquisición, la presencia de adultos, el consumo en el colegio y las actitudes frente a las restricciones legales, entre otros. Se hizo un análisis de correspondencias múltiples que determinó inicialmente tres factores que fueron después clasificados en dos grupos y, por último, en cuatro subgrupos en función de cuatro categorías de consumo: experimental, selectivo, regular y alto, que representan dos grandes grupos: bajo y alto consumo. De este análisis surgieron perfiles bastante claros que muestran diferencias importantes, especialmente entre dos grupos: los de bajo consumo, que son los más jóvenes, no toman solos, no han estado en fiestas con alcohol, nunca toman en el colegio ni durante varios días seguidos; y los de alto consumo, que son un poco mayores, cuando toman se emborrachan, tienden a tomar todas las semanas, han tomado en el colegio y antes de entrar por las mañanas, se han metido en problemas por tomar y rechazan las restricciones a los menores de edad o que se sancione a quienes les venden.

Resumo O consumo de álcool em adolescentes tem uma série de consequências negativas desde o ponto de vista da saúde, do comportamento e do risco de consumo problemático em idades precoces. Neste estudo, aplicou-se um instrumento de 24 perguntas e 9348 estudantes de ambos os sexos em nove cidades da Colômbia, dos quais 7625 foram incluídos nesta análise por terem consumido álcool. Especificamente, foram explorados temas como a idade inicial de consumo, o tipo de álcool e as quantidades ingeridas, assim como os lugares e a facilidade de aquisição, a presença de adultos, o consumo no colégio e as atitudes frente às restrições legais, entre outros. Foi realizada uma análise de correspondências múltiplas que determinou inicialmente três fatores que depois foram desclassificados em dois grupos e, por último, em quatro subgrupos em função de quatro categorias de consumo: experimental, seletivo, regular e alto, que representam dois grandes grupos: baixo e alto consumo. A partir dessa análise, surgiram perfis bastante claros que mostram diferenças importantes, especialmente entre dois grupos: os de baixo consumo, que são os mais jovens, não bebem sozinhos, não estiveram em festas com bebidas alcoólicas, nunca bebem no colégio nem durante vários dias consecutivos; e os de alto consumo, que são um pouco mais velhos, embriagam-se quando bebem, tendem a beber semanalmente, já beberam no colégio e antes de ir para a aula de manhã, já se meteram em problemas por beber e se opõem às restrições aos menores de idade ou às sanções àqueles que vendem para menores.

Abstract Alcohol abuse in adolescents has several negative consequences on health, behavior and risk of becoming involved in problematic consumption at early ages. In this study a 24-item questionnaire was answered by 9,348 school adolescents of both sexes in nine Colombian cities. 7,625 students were included in this analysis due to their consumption of alcohol. The questions inquired about age of first intake, kind and amounts of alcohol consumed on each occasion, places and availability, presence of adults, alcohol use at school and attitudes toward legal restrictions, among others. A multiple correspondence analysis was carried out, generating four factors which were condensed later into two groups, and finally in four sub-groups based on categories of alcohol use: experimental, selective, regular and high, representing two categories: low and high use. The analysis produced identifiable profiles, quite different especially for two categories: the 'low consumption' group, that is younger, never drinks alone, does not attend parties where alcohol is offered to minors, has never drunk at school or during several days. In the 'high consumption' group are those over 16 years of age, who generally get drunk when they drink, have taken alcohol while at school and before arriving to school, have been in trouble because of alcohol and consider as inappropriate the legal restrictions to minors and the sanctions imposed to adults who sell or offer alcohol to minors.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Prevalence Ratio , Underage Drinking
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 54(1): 19-26, mar. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-781894


There are several descriptive studies of the use of mental health Services in the population served in the public system, however there are few references concerning the private system. Objective: To characterize a population with GES mental health pathology admitted in private mental health system in relation to the length of stay. Material and Methods: Medical charts were reviewed for 1,544 patients discharged from hospital admissions in private mental health centers. The following variables were recorded: age at diagnosis, sex, length of stay, number of hospitalizations and multiaxial diagnosis. Results: The average hospital stay for the sample was 21.05 days. The average hospital stay of men was 3.71 ± 2.46 days more than average women (p = 0.05). The average LOS was higher in younger patients. With regards to axis I, 68.52% of patients had severe major depression, 21.87% bipolar disorder in severe depressive phase and 6.87% schizophrenia. Axis I comorbidity was present in 17.94% of the sample. For Axis II, 57.97% of patients had personality disorders, with the borderline personality being the most frequent in both sexes (51.06% of patients with disorder of personality). The analysis of information shows that comorbidities did not significantly influence average days of hospitalization. Conclusions: This study is contributes to estimate the costs and the average stay in inpatient GES mental health patients in the private system.

Existen diversos estudios descriptivos del uso de servicios de Salud Mental en la población atendida en el sistema público, sin embargo, se encuentran pocas referencias respecto al sistema privado. Objetivo: Caracterizar a una población con patología de salud mental GES internada en centros privados de salud mental en relación a los días de hospitalización. Material y Método: Se revisaron 1.544 fichas de pacientes egresados de hospitalizaciones en centros privados de salud mental registrando las siguientes variables: edad al momento del diagnóstico, sexo, días de hospitalización, número de hospitalizaciones y diagnóstico según eje. Resultados: El promedio de días de hospitalización de la muestra fue de 21,05 días. El promedio de días de hospitalización de los hombres fue 3,71 ± 2,46 días mayor que el promedio de las mujeres (p = 0,05). El promedio de días de hospitalización fue más alto en los pacientes jóvenes. En el eje I, el 68,52% de los pacientes presentaron patología del ánimo en su forma monopolar; 21,76% patología del ánimo en su forma bipolar y un 6,87% fueron diagnosticados con esquizofrenia. La comorbilidad en el eje I se presentó en un 17,94% de la muestra. Respecto al eje II, el 57,97% presenta algún trastorno de la personalidad, siendo el trastorno de personalidad limítrofe el más frecuente en ambos sexos (51,06% del total de pacientes con trastorno de la personalidad). Del análisis de la información destaca que las comorbilidades no influyeron de forma significativa en el promedio de los días de hospitalización. Conclusiones: Este estudio constituye un aporte para estimar los costos y la estadía promedio en una hospitalización de pacientes GES de salud mental en el sistema privado.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Comorbidity , Mental Health , Hospitalization , Inpatients , Length of Stay
Salud pública Méx ; 55(supl.2): S144-S150, 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-704794


Objetivo. Describir la prevalencia, distribución y tendencias de la hipertensión arterial (HTA) en los adultos mexicanos de 20 años o más, así como conocer la prevalencia de diagnóstico oportuno y control de HTA. Material y métodos. Se consideró un total de 10 898 adultos. La medición de la tensión arterial se realizó mediante el uso del esfigmomanómetro de mercurio siguiendo los procedimientos recomendados por la American Heart Association. Se consideró que un adulto era hipertenso cuando cumplía con los criterios diagnósticos del JNC-7. Resultados. La prevalencia de HTA fue de 31.5%, del cual 47.3% desconocía que padecía esta enfermedad. Recibir tratamiento farmacológico no estuvo asociado con un mayor porcentaje de población bajo control. Conclusión. La tendencia entre los años 2000, 2006 y 2012 sugiere una estabilización. Un problema de salud con esta magnitud requiere mejor diagnóstico, atención y capacitación del sector médico para que éste prescriba tratamientos adecuados y mejore el control de la HTA.

Objective. The present study aims to describe the prevalence, distribution and trends of hypertension (HT) in Mexican adults ≥20 years, and to describe the prevalence of early diagnosis and treatment of HT. Materials and methods. A total of 10 898 adults were considered. The measurement of blood pressure was performed following the procedures recommended by the American Heart Association. An adult was considered, hypertensive when he met the diagnostic criteria of JNC-7. Results. The prevalence of HT was 31.5%, of which 47.3% were unaware of their condition. Pharmacological treatment was not associated with a higher percentage of subjects under control. Conclusion. Prevalences from 2000, 2006 and 2012 suggest that there is a stabilization. A health problem of this magnitude requires better diagnosis, care and training of the medical sector so that appropriate treatments are prescribed and HT control can be enhanced.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Hypertension , Early Diagnosis , Hypertension/diagnosis , Hypertension/epidemiology , Hypertension/prevention & control , Mexico/epidemiology , Prevalence
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-13529


PURPOSE: This study was intended to estimate the prevalence of cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) in the Korean population and to assess the clinical and radiographic characteristics of this condition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Panoramic radiographs from 10,646 patients (4,982 males and 5,664 females, age range from 6 to 91 years) were reviewed for evidence of COD. Their demographics, clinical characteristics, and radiographic features were retrospectively assessed. RESULTS: Of 10,646 panoramic radiographs, 33 radiographs (0.31%) exhibited evidence of COD. The prevalence of COD increased to over 1% in women over 40-years old. Of these 33 patients, 16 had florid cemento-osseous dysplasia (FCOD) and 17 had focal COD. Due to the multiplicity of FCOD, a total of 63 COD lesions were assessed. These lesions were most common in the mandibular molar area. Most of the COD lesions examined (61.9%) were less than 10 mm and the majority (82.5%) showed radiopacity. CONCLUSION: COD has a predilection for the mandibular molar area of middle-aged and older women.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Cementoma , Demography , Korea , Molar , Prevalence , Radiography, Panoramic , Retrospective Studies
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-76888


Early detection of glaucoma by mass screening is the most practical approach for prevention of blindness. An epidemIOlogical study gives the most essential information on prevalence an distribution of the disease in relation to diverse background factors. But, before now, an epidemiological study for glaucoma has not been carried out in Korea. Our glaucoma survey was conducted in the health examination center of Yongdong Severance hospital during 1990 and 1991. The total numbers of subjects examined was 4424 persons aged 30 years or older. A mainstay of the screening consisted of applanation tonometry and fundus photography with a non-mydriatic camera, followed by automated perimetry as a recall examination. Overall prevalences of glaucoma obtained were primary open angle glaucoma 0.23% (10 patients), low tension glaucoma 2.04% (108 patients), and ocular hypertension 0.23% (10 patients). The mean lOP obtained with applanation tonometry was 14.04 +/- 2.99 mmHg for men and 14,07 +/- 2.67 mmHg for women. In additon, our data have pointed out that the lOP in different ages tends to be constant, whereas prevalences of glaucoma and low tension glaucoma increase with aging.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Aging , Blindness , Epidemiologic Studies , Glaucoma , Glaucoma, Open-Angle , Korea , Low Tension Glaucoma , Manometry , Mass Screening , Ocular Hypertension , Photography , Prevalence , Visual Field Tests
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-87857


The Epidemiological study of glaucoma in Korean is essential because the prevalence and distribution of glaucoma can be different among race and country. We surveyed the prevalence and distribution of glaucoma in Korean careerrnen aged 20 years or older who visited Yongdong Severance Hospital to undergo a regular physical examination during the year of 1992 and the total number of subjects examined was 4959 adults. A mainstay of the screening consisted of applanation tonometry and direct ophthalmoscopy, followed by automatic perimetry as a recall examination. Patients with suspected abnormalities in either the IOP >or=22mmHg or the optic disc findings such as high cup/disc ratio (>or=0.7) were referred for recall examination as the second stage of the visual field test. Overall prevalence of glaucoma obtained was 2.04% (101 patients) and the most common type of glaucoma was low tension glaucoma, 1.71% (85 patients). The prevalence of glaucoma increase with aging especially in low tension glaucoma.

Adult , Humans , Aging , Racial Groups , Epidemiologic Studies , Glaucoma , Low Tension Glaucoma , Manometry , Mass Screening , Ophthalmoscopy , Physical Examination , Prevalence , Visual Field Tests