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Educ. med. super ; 36(3)jul.-set. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1439995


Introducción: Los especialistas de medicina general integral muestran un insuficiente desempeño en la detección, evaluación e intervención ante casos de violencia. Objetivo: Evaluar la preparación global en materia de violencia familiar del especialista de medicina general integral. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, durante el primer semestre de 2019, que incluyó a 55 especialistas de medicina general integral, a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario, a partir de las tres dimensiones derivadas de la preparación global: A. prevención del riesgo, detección temprana y patogenia; B. evaluación y diagnóstico; C. intervención y seguimiento. Estas se operacionalizaron a través de veinte indicadores y en su evaluación se definieron cinco categorías o niveles: muy elevado, elevado, medio, bajo y muy bajo. Resultados: En las tres dimensiones exploradas se constató un predominio franco de la alternativa regularmente preparado, seguida por mal preparado. Por su parte, bien preparado, muy bien preparado y excelentemente preparado mostraron los porcentajes más bajos en todas las áreas. El 92,72 por ciento exhibió un nivel de preparación global muy bajo. El nivel de preparación global medio representó el 3,64 por ciento; y el nivel bajo, el 3,64 por ciento. Conclusiones: Existen insuficiencias en el orden cognitivo, axiológico y procedimental, que demuestran que la preparación global de estos profesionales en materia de violencia familiar tiene un limitado alcance para afrontar las variadas formas de expresión de este reprobable comportamiento(AU)

Introduction: Family medicine specialists show insufficient performance in the detection, evaluation and intervention in cases of violence. Objective: To evaluate the overall preparedness of family medicine specialists with respect to family violence. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during the first semester of 2019 with 55 family medicine specialists, who were applied a questionnaire, based on the three dimensions derived from overall preparedness: A. risk prevention, early detection and pathogenesis; B. evaluation and diagnosis; and C. intervention and follow-up. These were operationalized through twenty indicators and, through their evaluation, five categories or levels were defined: very high, high, medium, low and very low. Results: In the three explored dimensions, there was a clear predominance of the category fairly prepared, followed by poorly prepared. On the other hand, the categories well prepared, very well prepared and excellently prepared showed the lowest percentages in all the areas. A very low level of overall preparedness was found in 92.72 percent. A medium level of overall preparedness accounted for 3.64 percent, while a low level corresponded to 3.64 percent. Conclusions: There are insufficiencies in the cognitive, axiological and procedural order, which shows that the overall preparedness of these professionals with respect to family violence has a limited scope to face the varied forms of expression of this reprehensible behavior(AU)

Humans , Domestic Violence/prevention & control , General Practice/education , Comprehensive Health Care/methods
Sudan j. med. sci ; 15(3): 257-267, 2020. figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1416813


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has hit hard both the affluent and poor countries. The objective of this article is to highlight the efforts of the Ministry of Health in Sudan in mitigating the pandemic and reflecting on counteracting factors. Methods: We traced the reports and plans of the Federal Ministry of Health and looked at the models projecting the pandemic in Sudan. Results: The fundamental plan of the government of Sudan to cope up with the pandemic included the control of the source of infection, blocking transmission, and preventing the spread. The response mechanism had a multi-sector approach with involvement of government, civil society organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The action plans involved protocols for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, surveillance, epidemiological investigation, and management of case contacts. However, several factors continued to jeopardize the mitigation efforts of these plans. At the time of writing this article (at the end of the May 2020), there were about 4,000 confirmed cases, 300 recoveries, and 170 deaths. Although these numbers are below the projected numbers in many proposed models, in the light of the limited testing capacity, case identification and contact tracing, the exact situation might not be ascertained. Conclusion: Sudan has prepared a national plan to prevent and contain COVID19 pandemic. However, tremendous challenges are opposing these efforts. The poor health infrastructure, fragility of the health system, and the economic crisis are the major obstructions

Humans , Male , Female , Disease Prevention , COVID-19 , Health Systems , Pandemics
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University ; (12): 754-756, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838551


Due to the extremely challenging climate of the Gulf of Aden and the complicated hygiene conditions of the surrounding countries, the soldiers of PLA Navy escort fleets are easily vulnerable to various regional infectious diseases. It is quite onerous to implement the plague controlling mission. This report described a case of hepatitis A virus infection during an operation of PLA Navy escort fleet on the sea in the Gulf of Aden area, introducing the basic symptoms, main management methods, and putting forward the countermeasures and recommendations from the perspective of infectious disease control and prevention on the sea.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 54-55, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-444810


Objective To observe the effect of tropisetron and tranquilizer on preventing nausea and vomiting induced by breast cancer chemotherapy,in comparison with using only tropisetron.Methods 78 cases of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy were randomly divided into the observation group (40 cases) and the control group (38 cases).The observation group used the method of antiemetic intravenous tropisetron,while the control group adopted intravenous drip of tropisetron combined with intramuscular injection of chlorpromazine.The incidence of nausea and vomiting of two groups was observed.Results The incidence of nausea and vomiting of the observation group was higher than that of the control group.The incidence of adverse reaction showed no obvious difference between two groups.Conclusions Intravenous injection of tropisetron combined with intramuscular injection of chlorpromazine can reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy of breast cancer,so this method is worthy of popularization.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 8(1): 1-20, jan.-mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-874394


O atendimento a crianças com traumatismos na dentição decídua requer uma abordagem diferente daquela utilizada na dentição permanente, isso porque existe uma relação muito próxima entre o ápice do dente decíduo afetado pelo trauma e o germe do dente permanente sucessor. As possíveis repercussões sobre o dente permanente devem ser consideradas ao se realizar o tratamento imediato, de modo a evitar danos adicionais. também precisam ser levadas em conta as prováveis seqüelas tardias do trauma, tanto para a própria dentição decídua como para a permanente. Diante da importância do assunto, este capítulo procurou abordar tal tema de maneira ampla, desde a anamnese até os exames gerais, intrabucal e radiográfico, com vistas a analisar integralmente o paciente. Além da classificação das lesões traumáticas nos tecidos dentários e de sustentação, enfatizam-se o diagnóstico, o tratamento indicado, o prognóstico e a proservação de cada situação clínica. Um tópico sobre lesão em tecido mole foi incluído, pois esta tem grande impacto para a criança e sua família e pode estar associada a outros tipos de traumatismos. Como a análise da situação vacinal da criança é sugerida, ante a existência de casos que exigem que a vacina antitetânica esteja na sua validade, acrescentou-se a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde quanto á imunização antitetânica. Há também um item sobre contenção, orientação aos pais e repercussões do trauma para os dentes decíduos e os permanentes sucessores. Ao final do capítulo, duas tabelas resumem o tratamento das lesões traumáticas em tecidos dentários e polpa e o tratamento das lesões em tecidos de sustentação na dentição decídua em situações de tratamento imediato e tardio.

The treatment of children presenting dental trauma in the primary dentition requires a different approach from that used in the permanent dentition, because there is a very close relation between the apex of the traumatized primary tooth and the successor permanent bud. The possible consequences on the permanent teeth should be considered when performing early treatment in order to prevent further damage. Also, the probable trauma?s late sequelae should be taken into account both for primary and permanent dentition. Given the subject?s importance, this chapter aimed to report this issue broadly. This comprises the anamnesis, general, intraoral, and radiographic examination and the comprehensive treatment of the patient. Additionally to the classification of dental injuries, we highlighted the diagnosis, required treatment, prognosis, and follow-up of each clinical situation. A topic on soft tissue lesion was included, because it has a great impact on both the child and family. Moreover, it could be associated with other trauma types. Since the analysis of the child?s vaccination status is suggested, in face of cases demanding that tetanus vaccine be valid, the recommendation of the Brazilian Ministry of Health was also informed. Furthermore, there is an item on dental splinting, parenting advice, and trauma consequences on primary and successor permanent teeth. At the end of the chapter, two tables summarize the early and delayed treatment of trauma involving primary tooth?s enamel, dentin, pulp, and supportive tissues.

Child , Tetanus Toxoid , Tooth, Deciduous/injuries , Tooth Fractures , Tooth Injuries
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention ; (12)2009.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-547601


The virus family Arenaviridae is a diverse group of RNA viruses and includes the etiologic agents of several emerging zoonoses that are characterized by high case-fatality rates.The purpose of this article is to review the major features of the zoonotic arenaviruses from the angles of their taxonomy and classification,epidemiology and ecology,mode of transmission,clinical signs,prevention and control,etc.Which are important for the reason that viruses causing severe disease in humans are re-emerging somewhere the world.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 19(1/3): 20-24, jan.-dez. 1995.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137414


Resumo: Este artigo tem a finalidade de colocar o impacto da violência social sobre a saúde para a educação e a formação médica. Apresenta as mudanças do perfil de morbi-mortalidade do País, quando a violência passa a ocupar o segundo lugar, apenas abaixo das doenças cardiovasculares. E mostra a necessidade de sensibilização dos profissionais para esse problema sócio-epidemiológico e, também, o quanto urge a formação de especialistas para emergências, reabilitação e gestão do serviços, voltados todos, generalistas especialistas para a prevenção e promoção da saúde.

Summary: The objective of this article is to discuss the impact of the social violence over the health of the education and medical formation. Showing the changes on the mortality pofile, when violence reaches second position, only after the heart diseases, and also indicate the necessity of attention by the part of the profissionals for this social-epidemiological ready, and also, on what matters the creation of especialists ready to face the emergencies, rehabilitation and control for services, al1 of them faces, general specialists for prevention and promotion of Health.