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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436107


Introduction: the prison system in the Brazilian state of Acre, located in the Western region of the Amazon, is a branch of the criminal justice system that has been suffering from issues such as overcrowding and growth in internal organized crime. The prevalence of these matters directly affects the resocialization of prisoners and inhibits the successful re-engineering of their social values and beliefs.Objective: to analyze the epidemiological profile of jailed women in the State of Acre, Brazil.Methods: in a cross-sectional descriptive study, 129 participants were recruited from female penitentiaries in the state of Acre. Conducted between August and December of 2017, data was collected through a validated questionnaire, divided into modules, using both open and closed-ended items.Results: we found that most women who participated in the study were single (n = 86, 66.7%), had brown skin (n = 93, 72.1%), had children (n=102, 79.1%), resided in the state of Acre (n=117, 90.5%). The mean age of the sample was 27.69 years. Among those participants who reported having partners (n = 40, 31%), we found that half had partners who were also incarcerated (n = 20, 50%). The study results also indicate that drug trafficking (n = 86, 66.7%) was the major cause for female incarceration, followed by homicide crime (n = 16, 12.4%). Over half of the participants were in prison for the first time (n = 75, 58.1%), with a high recidivism rate observed in the total sample (n = 54, 41.9%). A majority of the participants (n = 97, 75.2%) kept in touch with members of their families and a smaller portion (n = 15, 11.6%) received conjugal visits. With regard to social activities, slightly more than half (n = 75, 58.1%) worked and the majority (n = 114, 88.4%) did not study while jailed.Conclusion: the difficulties associated with accessing inmate data and the lack of peer-reviewed studies on inmate health in Brazil suggests that the public policies recommended by the PNSSP and the National Policy for Comprehensive Health Care for Women should be reevaluated.

Introdução: o sistema prisional no estado brasileiro do Acre, localizado na região ocidental da Amazônia, é um ramo do sistema de justiça criminal que tem sofrido por situações como a superlotação e o crescimento do crime organizado interno. A prevalência destas questões afeta diretamente a ressocialização dos prisioneiros e inibe a preservação bem sucedida dos seus valores e crenças sociais.Objetivo: analisar o perfil epidemiológico das mulheres encarceradas no Estado do Acre, Brasil.Método: Estudo descritivo transversal, sendo que 129 participantes foram recrutadas em penitenciárias femininas no Estado do Acre. Conduzidos entre agosto e dezembro de 2017, os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário validado, dividido em módulos, utilizando tanto artigos abertos como fechados.Resultados: verificamos que a maioria das mulheres que participaram no estudo eram solteiras (n = 86, 66,7%), tinham pele castanha (n = 93, 72,1%), tinham filhos (n = 102, 79,1%), residiam no estado do Acre (n = 117, 90,5%). A idade média da amostra foi de 27,69 anos. Entre os participantes que declararam ter parceiros (n = 40, 31%), descobrimos que metade tinha parceiros que também estavam encarcerados (n = 20, 50%). Os resultados do estudo indicam também que o tráfico de drogas (n = 86, 66,7%) foi a principal causa de encarceramento feminino, seguido do crime de homicídio (n = 16, 12,4%). Mais de metade dos participantes estiveram na prisão pela primeira vez (n = 75, 58,1%), com uma elevada taxa de reincidência observada na amostra total (n = 54, 41,9%). A maioria dos participantes (n = 97, 75,2%) manteve-se em contato com membros das suas famílias e uma parte menor (n = 15, 11,6%) recebeu visitas conjugais. No que respeita às atividades sociais, pouco mais de metade (n = 75, 58,1%) trabalhou e a maioria (n = 114, 88,4%) não estudou enquanto esteve presa.Conclusão: as dificuldades associadas ao acesso aos dados dos presos e a falta de estudos revistos por pares sobre a saúde dos presos no Brasil sugerem que as políticas públicas recomendadas pelo Plano Nacional de Saúde no Sistema Penitenciário - PNSSP e a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher - PNAISM devem ser reavaliadas.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407801


Resumen Introducción: Las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) han incrementado su incidencia universalmente en la última década, incluido Chile. Una de las poblaciones afectadas es la privada de libertad. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia ITS en mujeres del Centro de Detención Preventiva de Arica y Parinacota (Chile) y su asociación con factores biodemográficos. Metodología: En 127 mujeres se realizó un análisis bivariado de los resultados de serología para VHB, VHC, VIH1-2 y VDRL, y un estudio de flujo vaginal convencional microbiológico incluyendo Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae y Chlamydia trachomatis. Resultados: El 33,1% de las reclusas tuvo al menos una ITS; aquellas menores de 34 años, las consumidoras de drogas y con más de una pareja sexual tuvieron mayor riesgo. Las ITS prevalentes fueron infección por VIH (15,7%) y sífilis (7,9%) asociadas al consumo de drogas y relaciones sexuales antes de 14 años. Trichomonas vaginalis (12,9%) se encontró en mujeres jóvenes con más de una pareja sexual. El 53,2% tuvo un cultivo de flujo vaginal positivo, principalmente con Gardenella vaginalis (32,3%), asociada al mayor número de parejas sexuales y menor tiempo de estadía en reclusión. Candida albicans (11,3%) tuvo mayor prevalencia en mujeres entre 19 y 24 años no heterosexuales. Chlamydia trachomatis, VHB, VHC y N. gonorrhoeae tuvieron prevalencias menores. Conclusión: Existe una alta frecuencia de infección por VIH, sífilis y T vaginalis, predominio de G. vaginalis en aproximadamente un tercio de las mujeres estudiadas y en sobre la mitad de los casos estudiados se comprobó una disbiosis vaginal.

Abstract Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have increased their incidence worldwide in the last decade, as well as in Chile. One of the affected populations is the deprived of liberty. Aim: To evaluate the STI prevalence in women from the Arica y Parinacota Preventive Detention Center (Chile) and its association with biodemographic factors. Methods: 127 women were studied who underwent a bivariate analysis of the serology results for HBV, HCV, HIV1-2 and VDRL, and a study of conventional microbiological vaginal discharge including Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis. Results: 33.1% of the inmates had at least one STI, where, women under 34 years old, drug use and more than one sexual partner were at greater risk. The most prevalent STI were HIV infection (15.7%) and syphilis (7.9%) associated with drug use and sexual intercourse before the age of14. Trichomonas vaginalis (12.9%) was identified in young women with more than one sexual partner. 53.2% had a positive culture, mainly with Gardenella vaginalis (32.3%) associated with an increase in sexual partners and a shorter stay in prison. Candida albicans (11.3%) had a higher prevalence in non-heterosexual women between 19 and 24 years old. Chlamydia trachomatis, HBV, HCV and N. gonorrhoeae had lower prevalences. Conclusion: There is a high frequency of HIV infection, syphilis and T. vaginalis, predominance of G. vaginalis in approximately a third of the women studied and about half of the cases studied had vaginal dysbiosis.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352783


RESUMEN: El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo determinar la condición física, el estado nutricional, el riesgo cardiovascular y la calidad de vida de mujeres privadas de libertad (MPL) del centro penitenciario de Concepción de la región del Biobío. El estudio fue de diseño no experimental-transversal de alcance descriptivo. La condición física fue valorada a través de las siguientes pruebas; test Sit and Reach para flexibilidad, CMJ para la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior y la prueba del escalón de 3 minutos para resistencia aeróbica. Para valorar la calidad de vida se utilizó la WHOQoL-Bref. Además, se calculó IMC e ICC, a través de la medición de la talla, peso y perímetro de cintura, utilizando una balanza con tallímetro (Seca 220) y cinta métrica Lufkin. Las mujeres privadas de libertad presentaron un promedio de 39,58 ± 15,30 años de edad, un IMC de 27,85 ± 6,08 kg/m2, y un ICC de 0,85 ± 0,05. Los valores promedios para la flexibilidad fueron de 35,91 ± 11,61 cm, para CMJ fue 13,46 ± 4,72 cm y en el test del escalón 28,32 ± 5,48 de eficiencia cardiovascular. La percepción de la calidad de vida general fue mala (2,41 ± 0,66) y las dimensiones de salud física, psicológica, relaciones sociales y ambiente se posicionan en el percentil más bajo (P5).

ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study was to determine the physical condition, nutritional status, cardiovascular risk and quality of life of women deprived of liberty (MPL) from the Concepción penitentiary in the Biobío region. The study was of a non-experimental-cross-sectional design with a descriptive scope. The physical condition was assessed through the following tests; Sit and Reach test for flexibility, CMJ for explosive lower body strength and the 3-minute step test for aerobic endurance. To assess quality of life, the WHOQoL-Bref was used. In addition, BMI and ICC were calculated by measuring height, weight and waist circumference, using a scale with a height rod (Seca 220) and a Lufkin tape measure. The women deprived of liberty presented an average age of 39.58 ± 15.30 years, a BMI of 27.85 ± 6.08 kg / m2, and an ICC of 0.85 ± 0.05. The mean values for flexibility were 35.91 ± 11.61 cm, for CMJ it was 13.46 ± 4.72 cm and test step 28.32 ± 5.48 of cardiovascular efficiency. The perception of the general quality of life was poor (2.41 ± 0.66) and the dimensions of physical, psychological, social relations and environment were in the lowest percentile (P5).

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Prisoners , Quality of Life , Health Status , Exercise , Chile , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Surveys and Questionnaires , Women's Health
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 52: 193-217, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251895


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos psicológicos asociados con la estancia en prisión en mujeres reclusas, así como su perfil psicosocial. Para esto se llevó a cabo una búsqueda de la literatura en las siguientes bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus, Psicodoc, PsycInfo, Pubmed y DOAJ. En la búsqueda se localizó un total de 1403 trabajos (1350 artículos y 53 revisiones), de los cuales se seleccionaron, finalmente, 106 estudios. Se observan importantes diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en cuanto al ajuste a prisión, además de que las mujeres reclusas tienen unas necesidades específicas. Como conclusión cabe señalar la necesidad de más estudios que complementen la información sobre los efectos psicológicos de las mujeres en países menos desarrollados.

Abstract The objective of this work was to analyze the psychological effects associated with the stay in prison in women prisoners as well as their psychosocial profile. For this purpose, a literatura search was carried out in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus, Psicodoc, PsycInfo, Pubmed and DOAJ. In the search a total of 1403 papers were located (1350 articles and 53 reviews), finally selecting 106 studies. There are important differences between men and women in terms of adjustment to prison, in addition to the fact that women prisoners have specific needs. In conclusion, more studies are needed to complement the information on the psychological effects of women in less developed countries.

Humans , Female , Adult , Prisons , Prisoners , Adaptation, Psychological , Systematic Review
Salud UNINORTE ; 32(2): 256-267, mayo-ago. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-962367


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar las principales características de las mujeres reclusas del Centro de Rehabilitación Femenino El Buen Pastor de Barranquilla, con enfoque de género, desde un programa de acción con énfasis en salud mental y educación social. Metodología: El tipo de estudio es investigación-acción. El enfoque es mixto, se emplearon técnicas de Estadística Descriptiva y Diseño de Comparación Multicaso. El muestreo realizado fue intencional, debido a la demanda de consulta psicológica individual de 18 mujeres, de un total de 130, recluidas en este centro penitenciario de mínima seguridad. Resultados: En las mujeres entrevistadas pudieron identificarse: Trastornos Depresivos de considerable gravedad, Trastornos de Ansiedad con ataques de pánico, Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático. Pudieron observarse eventos traumáticos y antecedentes de victimización, abuso de substancias y/o alcohol. Algunas ya habían iniciado el consumo antes de su reclusión y otras solo han consumido en la cárcel. Conclusiones: En las entrevistas pudo evidenciarse como factores de riesgo para los Trastornos Depresivos en las mujeres madres: la separación de sus hijos y no poder estar presentes de forma activa en su crianza. En las solteras, la angustia estuvo asociada a no poder realizar actividades productivas para ayudar económicamente a sus padres o por causarles sufrimiento. Otro factor de riesgo que cronificaba esos trastornos mentales es el abuso de substancias psicoactivas y la reclusión.

Abstract Objective: is to study the characteristics of female inmates in the Women's Rehabilitation Center El Buen Pastor in Barranquilla, Colombia, focusing on gender based on an action program with emphasis on mental health and social education. Methodology: The type of study is Action-Research. It consists of a mixed approach as Descriptive Statistics techniques were employed and the study is based on the framework of a Multiple-Case Comparison Design. Sampling was done intentionally due to the demand of psychological consultation from 18 out of 130 female inmates from the Rehabilitation Center. Results: The following disorders were identified among the interviewed inmates: Considerably severe Depressive Disorders, Disorders with Panic Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Traumatic events and history of victimization and substance and alcohol abuse were also identified. It is important to note that in some of the cases the alcohol and substance abuse was already present at the moment of internment; whilst in other cases it began during their internment. Conclusions: Through the interviews it becomes evident that the separation from their children, specifically not being present during their raising and upbringing, constitutes an important risk factor for Depressive Disorders in inmates who were mothers. On the other hand, in inmates without offspring the distress associated with the inability to work or carry out productive activities to help their parents economically was the main risk factor. Psychoactive substance abuse and interment also constitute risk factors associated with the chronification of mental disorders.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 9(2): 173-183, dez. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-791685


O texto percorre informações extraídas de ampla pesquisa que tem como objeto de estudo o Centro de Referência à Gestante Privada de Liberdade (CRGPL), situado na cidade de Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. Dedica-se, especialmente, à apresentação de dados estatísticos que configuram um perfil das detentas daquela instituição, trazendo também considerações advindas de observações e conversações realizadas com detentas, que temperam a aridez numérica e mostram outra face do perfil. Descrições quantitativas e qualitativas do perfil das detentas são marcantemente diferentes, sugerindo que, como práticas de pesquisa, os dois métodos mais disputam que se harmonizam em seus resultados.

The text covers information drawn from an extensive research that has as its subject matter the Reference Center for Pregnant Women Deprived of Freedom (CRGPL), located in Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. It is dedicated especially to the presentation of statistical data that configures a profile of the inmates of that institution, but it also brings considerations arising from observations and conversations held with inmates, tempering the numerical aridity and showing another side of the profile. Quantitative and qualitative descriptions of the inmates' profile are markedly different, suggesting that, as research practices, the two methods most dispute that harmonize in their results.

El texto cubre informaciones extraídas de una extensa investigación que tiene como objeto de estudio el Centro de Referencia à Gestante Privada de Liberdade (CRGPL), ubicado en la ciudad de Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. Se dedica especialmente a la presentación de los datos estadísticos que configuran un perfil de las reclusas de la institución, incluyendo también consideraciones derivadas de observaciones y conversaciones mantenidas con las reclusas, templando la aridez numérica y mostrando otro lado del perfil. Las descripciones cuantitativas y cualitativas del perfil de las reclusas son muy distintas, lo que sugiere que, como prácticas de investigación, los dos métodos más que armonizan, disputan sus resultados.

Prisons , Mother-Child Relations , Prisoners/psychology , Psychology, Social , Women
Salud ment ; 29(3): 68-74, may.-jun. 2006.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-985958


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract: Introduction. Social support has been useful as a key axis for different approaches on how positive human relations and social networks help the individual to achieve states of relative well-being and overcome stressful events which they have to cope with in their lives. This is particularly important in the case of imprisoned women, who generally lack social support, since many of them are abandoned by their relatives and friends with the consequent impact that this has on their physical and emotional well-being. Support from family and friends during imprisonment can imply an enormous difference in the living conditions of imprisoned women. It has been proved that the social support individuals receive through their social networks is a key factor for their well-being, specially at times of stress, transition or crisis, and protects them from the emergence of physical and psychic disorders. For these reasons, the objective of this article is to identify the main sources of social support in convicted women at two penitentiary centers in Mexico City and to determine whether the presence or absence of social support has an impact on their physical and mental well-being. Method. This is a descriptive field study carried out at two women's prisons in Mexico City: The East Preventive Center for Women and the Tepepan Center of Social Readjustment for Women. The type of sampling was non-probabilistic and selected by convenience. The final sample comprised of a total of 212 women. This study included current and lifetime female abusers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, aged between 18 and 65, who could read and write. The exclusion criteria used were having a psychiatric disorder or a physical disability that would prevent them from completing the interview. The instrument used for compiling the information was a semi-structured interview consisting of 62 pages on various areas from the lives of female prisoners. The following sections of the questionnaire were analyzed for this article: a) sociodemographic characteristics, b) social networks, c) depression, and d) perception of physical and emotional health. The procedure followed to gather information on the female prisoners began with the establishment of an agreement with the General Administration of Prevention and Social Readjustment of the Federal District. Through this agreement, the mental health team, comprising psychiatrists, psychologists and anthropologists -previously trained in the use of a structured interview-, were granted access to the correctional facility. The interviews were carried out after the women had given their informed consent and told of the objectives of the study. The interviews lasted two hours on average, although on some occasions they took up to four sessions of two hours. The field work lasted two years. Results. Socio-demographic profile: The majority of the interviewees were under 40 years old (84%). They had low schooling (with only 41% having completed elementary school), were unmarried (48.6%), and most of them did not live either with a partner or an offspring (40.5%). A total of 58.6% had left home when they were young and nearly 40% lived on the streets. Before being admitted to the institution, they had been shopkeepers (29.5%), employees (21.9%), housewives (13.8%), manual workers(7.1%) and informal workers (5.7%). Contact with relatives and friends in the past month: A high number of the women in prison reported not having received any visits during the past month, with only a small percentage receiving daily visits. Almost 60% of the women declared not receiving any visits from significant figures, such as their partners or children. Frequency of visits and perception of physical and mental health: A third of the women rated their physical and mental health as not so good. When frequency of visits was linked to the women's perception of health, it was found that women, who had not received any visits over the past month, tended to evaluate their physical health more negatively (bad-mediocre) than those who received visits (43.5% versus 38.5%). A similar percentage was observed in the evaluation of their mental health (47.8% versus 45.3%). Frequency of visits and depression: When relating the frequency of visits to the presence and/or absence of depression, it was found that women who had not received visits during the past month experienced more depressive episodes (72.7% versus 61.1%). Nevertheless, these differences were not significant. Discussion. One of the most outstanding aspects observed in this study was the high level of abandonment suffered by the inmates, which confirms findings from other studies about women being abandoned by their loved ones more often than men after commiting a crime. The study found that in terms of accessibility, the physical location of penitentiary centers, is not a factor that fully explains the abandonment suffered by these women, since most of the inmates' relatives and friends live in the same city and even in the same neighborhood where the penitentiary center is located. A high presence of present depressive episodes was also observed in female prisoners, both among those who reported receiving visits and those who did not. A possible answer here is that imprisonment itself is a highly stressful event for those undergoing it and the support received from relatives and friends is not enough to offset the effects of confinement. Conclusions. The results of this study indicate there is a certain positive association between the social support female prisoners received from relatives and friends and their physical and mental well-being. Nevertheless, this cannot be considered a causal relationship, a conclusion which agrees with other reports regarding the positive influence of social support on prisoners' well-being. However, it is also suggested that this is a complex relation that must be investigated more in depth, since this support does not necessarily has the same effect on all individuals. One of the main recommendations deriving from these results is the need to make prisoners' relatives aware of the importance of promoting and maintaining a continuous and permanent contact with them, since this type of support usually brings about an enormous benefit for their physical and emotional well-being. It is also necessary for penitentiary institutions to reconsider the suspension of visits as a means of punishment and control, since this entails a series of negative consequences for the internal population and the institution itself.