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Edumecentro ; 162024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557708


Fundamento: los proyectos de tesis de los residentes representan una de las actividades fundamentales en su desarrollo científico. Objetivo: describir las principales dificultades encontradas en los proyectos de investigación de los residentes de Estomatología General Integral. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Sagua la Grande en el periodo 2014-2022. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos para la fundamentación de la investigación y recogida de información. Se confeccionó un modelo para la recogida de datos extraídos de los proyectos, y se elaboró una base de datos para su almacenamiento. Resultados: las principales dificultades constatadas fueron: no sustentar adecuadamente la investigación, dificultades en la redacción del problema científico, específicamente en la relación entre el problema y el tipo de investigación, la conceptualización y/o operacionalización de las variables, la selección y elaboración de los métodos, técnicas e instrumentos para la recogida de la información y la acotación de la bibliografía por normas de Vancouver. Conclusiones: se constataron las principales dificultades en los proyectos de investigación de los residentes de Estomatología General Integral por la necesidad de que desarrollen habilidades investigativas desde el primer año de formación, para un mejor desempeño profesional, a partir de la aplicación del método científico en la solución de los problemas de salud bucal que se presenten en su quehacer diario.

Background: residents' thesis projects represent one of the fundamental activities in their scientific development. Objective: to describe the main difficulties found in the research projects of Comprehensive General dentistry residents. Methods: a retrospective descriptive observational study was carried out at Sagua la Grande Faculty of Medical Sciences from 2014 to 2022. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to support the research and collect information. A model was created for data collection extracted from the projects, and a database was created for its storage. Results: the main difficulties found were: not adequately supporting the research, difficulties in writing the scientific problem, specifically in the relationship between the problem and the type of research, the conceptualization and/or operationalization of the variables, the selection and preparation of the methods, techniques and instruments for collecting information and delimiting the bibliography according to Vancouver standards. Conclusions: the main difficulties were confirmed in the research projects of the residents of Comprehensive General Dentistry due to the need for them to develop research skills from the first year of training, for better professional performance, based on the application of the scientific method in the solution to oral health problems that arise in everyday life.

Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging ; (6): 554-558, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993635


Objective:To analyze the application and funding status of various projects of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) from 2013 to 2022, and explore the challenges faced by basic research and clinical transformation in this field.Methods:From 2013 to 2022, application and funding information of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging projects (secondary code H2704, H2706) from five departments of Medical Science Department of NSFC were retrospectively collected. The number of applications, number of funding, funding direction, funding intensity, distribution of supporting units and research hotspots of various projects in this field were analyzed.Results:From 2013 to 2022, the total number of applications of various projects in the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging reached 5 387, and the total number of grants reached 899. The number of applications and grants showed a steady growth trend. The overall funding intensity increased from 48.935 0 million yuan in 2013 to 59.495 4 million yuan in 2022, with the increase of 21.58%. Among all supporting units, Shanghai Jiao Tong University topped the list for both the number of applications (440) and the number of grants (82), Xiamen University ranked the first in terms of overall funding rate (25.42%, 30/118), and Peking University ranked the first in terms of total funding intensity (41.897 1 million yuan). Research hotspots focused on the construction of tumor targeted molecular probes and precise imaging of tumor internal molecular components.Conclusion:In the past decade, the number of related projects and total funding of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging supported by NSFC have steadily increased, and the types of funded projects are diverse and interdisciplinary, promoting the innovative development of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging disciplines in China.

Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520834


Fundamento: la evaluación del desempeño profesional y la competencia constituye el eje fundamental del modelo cubano para el análisis y evaluación de la calidad en la educación y práctica médicas. Objetivo: diseñar un modelo de evaluación de la competencia investigativa del licenciado en Imagenología. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo en los centros de atención secundaria del municipio Holguín desde 2021 a 2022. Se emplearon métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis, sistémico-estructural-funcional y modelación; y empíricos: análisis documental y cuestionario a licenciados en Imagenología. Para la valoración del modelo se empleó el criterio de 10 especialistas con reconocido prestigio en los centros de atención. Los indicadores fueron la pertinencia, utilidad, factibilidad. Resultados: se constataron insuficiencias en la competencia investigativa evidenciadas en el desempeño profesional. Se elaboró un modelo de evaluación compuesto por dos subsistemas: teórico funcional y contextualización; de sus relaciones deviene una nueva cualidad que se enuncia en la mejora del desempeño profesional investigativo para la solución de problemas tecnológicos y biomédicos. Conclusiones: los dos subsistemas que componen el modelo de evaluación de la competencia investigativa tienen una relación de coordinación. Los especialistas lo valoraron como pertinente, útil y factible de ser aplicado.

Background: the evaluation of professional performance and competence constitutes the fundamental axis of the Cuban model for the analysis and evaluation of quality in medical education and practice. Objective: to design a model for evaluating the research competence of the graduate in Imaging. Methods: a development investigation was carried out in the secondary care centers of the Holguín municipality from 2021 to 2022. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, systemic-structural-functional and modeling; and empirical: documentary analysis and questionnaire to graduates in Imaging. To evaluate the model, the criteria of 10 specialists with recognized prestige in care centers were used. The indicators were relevance, usefulness, feasibility. Results: insufficiencies in the researching competence were found, evidenced in professional performance. An evaluation model composed of two subsystems was developed: functional theory and contextualization; from their relationships becomes a new quality that is expressed in the improvement of professional researching performance for the solution of technological and biomedical problems. Conclusions: the two subsystems that make up the research competence evaluation model have a coordination relationship. The specialists valued it as pertinent, useful and feasible to be applied.

Research Support as Topic , Staff Development , Education, Medical , Job Description
Edumecentro ; 14: e1738, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404599


RESUMEN Introducción: la investigación cualitativa aplicada a la salud reconoce la interdependencia entre el investigador y los actores que participan en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento. La influencia de este paradigma viene dada por la importancia que le da al conocimiento del sentido común, la vida cotidiana, el espacio donde transcurre y se construye la existencia, a fin de encontrar respuestas y otras dimensiones al proceso salud-enfermedad. Objetivo: exponer la importancia de los principales elementos del paradigma de investigación cualitativa en la salud a través de la educación médica. Métodos: se realizó una revisión de fuentes bibliográficas y documentos obtenidos de búsquedas en Google Académico y SciELO, bases de datos en Infomed a partir de palabras claves definidas durante el período 2016-2020. Se seleccionaron 37 documentos que incluyeron normativas y estudios clásicos vinculados a la temática. El análisis de contenido de los documentos seleccionados permitió exponer la importancia sobre los principales elementos del paradigma de investigación cualitativa en salud los que fueron valorados críticamente teniendo en cuanta la experiencia de los autores. Desarrollo: la investigación cualitativa explora la concepción cultural y simbólica que la población tiene. Es útil para comprender los aspectos subjetivos de la salud y la enfermedad, genera información valiosa sobre el contexto-ambiente, vivencias y significados que construyen los sujetos. Conclusiones: lo cualitativo en la investigación en salud permite adentrarse en el mundo del sentido común y búsqueda de significados para poder encontrarle sentido al síntoma, al signo desde lo subjetivo vivido por quien lo padece.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Qualitative research applied to health recognizes the interdependence between the researcher and the actors who participate in the knowledge construction process. The influence of this paradigm is given by the importance it gives to the knowledge of common sense, daily life, the space where existence takes place and it is built, in order to find answers and other dimensions to the health-disease process. Objective: to present the importance of the main elements of the paradigm of qualitative research in health through medical education. Methods: a review of bibliographic sources and documents obtained from searches in Google Scholar, SciELO, and Info med databases was carried out based on keywords defined during the 2016-2020 period. 37 documents were selected that included regulations and classic studies related to the topic. The content analysis of the selected documents allowed exposing the importance of the main elements of the qualitative research paradigm in health, which were critically assessed taking into account the experience of the authors. Development: qualitative research explores the cultural and symbolic conception that the population has. It is useful to understand the subjective aspects of health and disease, it generates valuable information about the context-environment, experiences and meanings that the subjects construct. Conclusions: the qualitative paradigm in health research allows entering the world of common sense and search for meanings to be able to find meaning to the symptom, to the sign from the subjective experience of those who suffer from it.

Research Support as Topic , Students , Education, Medical , Learning
Edumecentro ; 14: e2006, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404633


RESUMEN Fundamento: la tarea docente constituye la célula básica del proceso docente educativo, a la vez que es una vía para la formación y desarrollo de las habilidades investigativas en los estudiantes. Objetivo: diseñar tareas docentes para la asignatura Farmacología I de Licenciatura en Enfermería como vía para el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos durante el primer semestre del curso 2018-2019 en los estudiantes de segundo año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico: analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico y sistémico-estructural; del nivel empírico: el análisis documental, criterio de expertos y matemáticos. Resultados: el análisis de los informes escritos de investigación realizados por los estudiantes permitió diagnosticar el comportamiento de las habilidades investigativas, donde se evidenció que la mayoría estuvieron evaluados de regular en las variables estudiadas. Se diseñaron las tareas docentes desde la asignatura de Farmacología I y se compararon los resultados al final de su aplicación en el proceso docente educativo, donde se constataron resultados favorables. Conclusiones: se diseñaron tareas docentes desde la asignatura Farmacología I de Licenciatura en Enfermería para desarrollar habilidades investigativas, a fin de elevar la calidad de los futuros profesionales, las cuales fueron valoradas satisfactoriamente por los especialistas.

ABSTRACT Background: the teaching task constitutes the basic cell of the teaching-learning process, at the same time that it is a way for the formation and development of researchingt skills in students. Objective: to design teaching tasks for the Pharmacology I subject of the Nursing Degree as a way to develop researching skills. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos during the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year in the second year students of the Bachelor of Nursing degree. Theoretical level methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and systemic-structural; of the empirical level: documentary analysis, expert and mathematical criteria. Results: the analysis of the written research reports made by the students allowed diagnosing the behavior of the researching skills, where it was shown that the majority were evaluated as average in the variables studied. The teaching tasks were designed from the subject of Pharmacology I and the results were compared at the end of its implementation in the teaching teaching process, where favorable results were verified. Conclusions: teaching tasks were designed from the Pharmacology I subject of the Nursing Degree to develop researching skills, in order to raise the quality of future professionals, which were satisfactorily assessed by the specialists.

Research Support as Topic , Education, Medical , Education, Nursing , Learning
Edumecentro ; 13(2): 172-191, abr.-jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286248


RESUMEN Fundamento: la comunicación de los resultados científicos resulta un proceso complejo máxime si se trata de describir, narrar o valorar el proceso investigativo desde el enfoque cualitativo de la investigación. Objetivo: valorar algunos aspectos de la comunicación de los resultados científicos en investigaciones que asumen un enfoque cualitativo, relacionados con su defensa oral, redacción y metodología de la investigación. Métodos: se realizó un estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo en la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas durante noviembre-diciembre de 2020. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: inductivo-deductivo, de lo abstracto a lo concreto y sistematización; empíricos: análisis documental de tesis, tesinas y otros trabajos de culminación de grado y la observación participante de los autores en diversos escenarios: defensas de doctorados y maestrías, actuando como oponentes o miembros de los diferentes tribunales, o como árbitros en la revisión de artículos científicos. Resultados: el análisis documental y la práctica contextualizada de los autores en diversos escenarios permitió constatar que no siempre los resultados científicos de estudios cualitativos se comunican con el rigor, claridad, exactitud y concreción que exigen las normas de este tipo de comunicación. A pesar de que se asume un enfoque cualitativo, en la lectura del texto científico no queda con suficiente claridad este posicionamiento, que en el área de las ciencias médicas suele ser altamente complejo por la versatilidad de su objeto de estudio. Otra de las problemáticas existentes consiste en la omisión de métodos y técnicas propios de la investigación científica. Conclusiones: la comunicación de resultados científicos en las investigaciones que asumen el enfoque cualitativo resulta un proceso dinámico y complejo por excelencia desde sus núcleos dialécticos a tono con el carácter social de la ciencia en sus análisis cualitativos.

ABSTRACT Background: the communication of scientific results is a complex process, especially when it comes to describing, narrating or evaluating the researching process from the qualitative approach of the investigation. Objective: to assess some aspects of the communication of scientific results in investigations that assume a qualitative approach. Methods: an exploratory study within the qualitative approach was carried out at "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas from November to December 2020. Theoretical methods were used: inductive-deductive, from the abstract to the concrete and systematization; empirical ones: documentary analysis of theses, theses and other degree completion works and participant observation of the authors in various health institutions: defenses of doctorates and masters' degree , acting as opponents or members of the different scientific boards or as arbitrators in the review of articles scientists Results: the analysis of documents and the contextualized practice of the authors in various institutions has shown that the scientific results of qualitative studies are not always communicated with the rigor, clarity, accuracy and precision required by the norms of this type of communication. Although a qualitative approach is assumed, in reading the scientific text this position is not sufficiently clear, which in the area of ​​medical sciences it is usually highly complex given the versatility of its object of study. Another of the existing problems consists in the omission of methods and techniques of scientific research. Conclusions: the communication of scientific results in researches' which assume the qualitative approach is a living, dynamic and complex process par excellence from its dialectical core according to the social character of science and with the approach that is assumed.

Research Support as Topic , Communication , Qualitative Research
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1289980


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To assess the determinants of embedded implementation research (EIR) conduct in seven Latin American and Caribbean countries. METHODS: This qualitative interpretative study conducted and analyzed 14 semi-structured interviews based on a grounded theory approach using Atlas-ti© 7.5.7. We grouped the conditions appointed by interviewees as determinants of EIR conduct into six domains. RESULTS: The participation of high-level engaged decision makers as research co-producers is an important EIR determinant that fosters research use. Nevertheless, EIR faces challenges such as dealing with key personnel changes and fluctuating political contexts. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its limitations, EIR is effective in creating a sense of ownership of research results among implementers, which helps bridge the gap between research and decision-making in health systems.

Humans , Government Programs , Brazil , Qualitative Research , Latin America
Salud UNINORTE ; 36(1): 140-157, ene.-abr. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252126


RESUMÉN Objetivo: Valorar el uso de la película comercial "Contagión" como estrategia para la enseñanza del método epidemiológico aplicado al campo de epidemias/pandemias. Materiales y métodos: Se trata de un proyecto de aula que involucró diversas tecnologías emergentes y de comunicación para disponer de herramientas atractivas y pedagógicas que favorezcan aprendizaje significativo para abordaje de temáticas complejas. La actuación pedagógica involucró diversos insumos: inicialmente se presenta la caracterización de un cuestionario "ah doc" que valoró creencias y percepciones ante una epidemia/pandemia y cómo visibilizaban entes de salud locales e internacionales, los científicos, la comunidad y el uso de película en el escenario de aprendizaje. Participaron 131 estudiantes. Resultados: En síntesis, los estudiantes identifican que este tipo de película muestra una realidad para el 70,2% (acuerdo y totalmente de acuerdo),favorece conductas de protección en un 80,2 % y al 78,6 % le modifica su conocimiento con respecto a la protección de salud. Favorece un aprendizaje en el aula, y para el 42 % se expresa de manera indiferente un estereotipo muy alejado de los científicos. Con este insumo inicial se desarrolló la sesión introductoria de abordaje de puntos críticos en la metodología epidemiológica ante una epidemia/pandemia; lo que permitió ilustrar la acción epidemiológica versus el contexto real o simulado, destacando actuaciones que involucran actos humanos. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes expresaron actitud positiva respecto a la estrategia utilizada en el aula, que se constituye en un insumo pertinente, activo, crítico y eficaz para el aprendizaje en el aula.

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the use of commercial film "Contagion" as a strategy for teaching the epidemiological method applied to the field of epidemics/pandemics. Materials and methods: This is a classroom project that involved various emerging and communication technologies in order to have attractive and pedagogical tools that encourage meaningful learning to address complex issues. The pedagogical action involved several inputs: Initially, the characterization of an "ah doc." questionnaire was presented, which evaluated beliefs and perceptions in the face of an epidemic/pandemic and how local and international health entities, scientists, the community and the use of film in the learning scenario made them visible, with 131 students participating. Results: In summary, students identified that this type of film shows a reality "in agreement and total agreement in 70.2 %, favors protective behavior in 80.2 % and 78.6 % modify their knowledge with respect to health protection. This positions that it favors a learning in the classroom and for 42 % it expresses in an indifferent way a stereotype very far from the scientists. With this initial input, the introductory session was held to address critical points in the epidemiological methodology in the face of an epidemic/pandemic, which made it possible to illustrate the epidemiological action versus the real or simulated context by highlighting actions involving human acts. Conclusions: Students expressed a positive attitude towards the strategy used in the classroom, which constitutes a relevant, active, critical and effective input for classroom learning.

Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 27(3): 1329-145, Jul-Sep 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1047289


Introducción: es ineludible revisar la situación de la investigación en enfermería en relación con las condicionantes y dificultades que entraña esta actividad para los profesionales de enfermería. Objetivo: identificar los factores relacionados con el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación científica disciplinar por el personal de enfermería de un hospital de tercer nivel de atención del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal que incluyó una muestra aleatoria de 177 enfermeras. Se aplicó un cuestionario diseñado para el estudio y estructurado con 25 preguntas, con alfa de Cronbach de 0.772. Las variables cualitativas se analizaron con porcentajes y frecuencias, y las cuantitativas con medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. El análisis de factores se hizo con chi cuadrada. Resultados: la media de edad fue de 41 ± 7.91 años. El nivel académico del personal fue técnico en 46.9% y de licenciatura en 46.3%. El 15.3% del personal ha hecho proyectos de investigación; no obstante que el 5.6% del personal opina que casi siempre dedica tiempo para hacer investigación, 4.5% cuenta con apoyo económico en su área laboral para realizarla y 4% ha publicado. Fue significativa la relación entre quien hace investigación con el tiempo para su desarrollo (p < 0.05), así como con la publicación de artículos (p < 0.05). Conclusión: el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación científica disciplinar por el personal de enfermería está relacionado con el tiempo que dedican para ello y la publicación de artículos.

Introduction: It is unavoidable to review the status of nursing research, concerning the conditions and difficulties that this activity entails for nursing professionals. Objective: To identify the factors related to the development of curricular scientific research projects by the nursing staff from a third level hospital of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study which included a random sample of 177 nurses. A questionnaire designed for the study and structured with 25 questions was administered; it had a Cronbach's alpha of 0.772. Qualitative variables were analyzed with percentages and frequencies and quantitative variables with measures of central tendency and dispersion. The factor analysis was carried out with chi-square test. Results: Mean age was 41 ± 7.91 years. The school level of staff was technical in 46.9% and undergraduate in 46.3%. 15.3% has done research projects; despite the fact that 5.6% of staff believe that they almost always dedicate time to do research, 4.5% have financial support in their work area to carry it out and 4% have published. It was significant the relationship between those who carry out research with the time they take to develop it (p < 0.05), as well as with the publication of articles (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The development of curricular scientific research projects by nurses is related to the time they spend on it and the publication of articles.

Humans , Research , Research Design , Research Support as Topic , Nursing Research , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Collection , Hospitals, Public , Hospitals, Special , Nursing Staff , Mexico
Rev. bras. enferm ; 72(supl.1): 204-212, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-990679


ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the meanings that nurse researchers and nursing assistants attribute to one another, and to the development of research produced by Nursing. Method: Qualitative research. The Grounded Theory and the Complexity Theory were used as theoretical and methodological frameworks, respectively. Ten nursing assistants and six research nurses participated in the research. The semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. The results were categorized by comparative analysis and validated by ten judges. Results: The valuation of nursing care research as well as interactions between research development and nursing care may be related to the way nursing assistants and nurse researchers perceive themselves. These perceptions are multifaceted. Conclusion: The meanings nurse researchers and nursing assistants attribute to each other reveal mechanisms of closeness and distance between these actors, as well as between research and nursing care.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprender los significados que enfermeros investigadores y enfermeros asistenciales atribuyen el uno al otro, y al desarrollo de la investigación producida por la enfermería. Método: Investigación cualitativa. La Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos y el Paradigma de la Complejidad se utilizaron como referenciales teóricos y metodológicos, respectivamente. Participaron de la investigación diez enfermeros asistenciales y seis enfermeros investigadores. La entrevista semiestructurada fue utilizada como técnica de recolección de datos. Los resultados fueron categorizados por análisis comparativos y validados por diez jueces. Resultados: La valoración de la investigación por enfermeros asistenciales, así como interacciones entre el desarrollo de la investigación y asistencia de enfermería puede estar relacionado a la forma como enfermeros asistenciales y enfermeros investigadores se perciben. Estas percepciones se presentan de forma multifacética. Conclusión: Los significados que enfermeros encuestados y enfermeros asistenciales atribuyen uno al otro revelan mecanismos de aproximación y distanciamiento entre esos actores, así como entre la investigación y la asistencia de enfermería.

RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender os significados que enfermeiros pesquisadores e enfermeiros assistenciais atribuem um ao outro, e ao desenvolvimento da pesquisa produzida pela Enfermagem. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa. A Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e o Teoria da Complexidade foram utilizados como referenciais teóricos e metodológicos, respectivamente. Participaram da pesquisa dez enfermeiros assistenciais e seis enfermeiros pesquisadores. A entrevista semiestruturada foi utilizada como técnica de coleta de dados. Os resultados foram categorizados por análise comparativa e validados por dez juízes. Resultados: A valorização da pesquisa por enfermeiros assistenciais, bem como interações entre o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e assistência de enfermagem pode estar relacionado à forma como enfermeiros assistenciais e enfermeiros pesquisadores se percebem. Essas percepções se apresentam de forma multifacetada. Conclusão: Os significados que enfermeiros pesquisados e enfermeiros assistenciais atribuem um ao outro revelam mecanismos de aproximação e distanciamento entre esses atores, bem como entre a pesquisa e a assistência de enfermagem.

Humans , Nursing Research/methods , Nursing Assistants/psychology , Brazil , Attitude of Health Personnel , Qualitative Research , Grounded Theory , Nursing Assistants/trends
Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 323-326, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-745789


Objective To analyze projects completed at the end of 2017 and funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in the field of skin and its appendages,in order to provide references for preparing concluding reports and making discipline development strategies in the future.Methods The concluding reports of projects completed at the end of 2017 and funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China in the field of skin and its appendages were collected from the Internet-based Science Information System.The achievements were analyzed,including journal articles,patents,talent training and monographs.Results A total of 91 projects were completed at the end of 2017 in the field of skin and its appendages,and the total cost of funds was 43.51 million RMB Yuan.A total of 452 journal articles were published,including 324 articles in the Science Citation Index (SCI)-indexed journals and 42 in the A Guide to the Core Journal of China-indexed journals.Additionally,0.74 SCI journal article and 0.10 Chinese core journal article could be produced per 100 000 RMB Yuan.The average impact factor of journals publishing these SCI articles was 3.972,and in average,100 000 RMB Yuan yielded 1 article in the journal with an impact factor of 2.92.Of the 324 published articles,46 and 102 were published in journals ranked within the first (Q1) and second (Q2) quartile,respectively,by Chinese Academy of Sciences.In all the SCI articles,14 were published in journals with impact factor of > 10.There were 4 institutions with more than 5 completed projects,and a total of 129 (39.84%) SCI articles were published.Published SCI articles in the field of immune skin diseases accounted for the highest proportion (148/324,45.68%).A total of 152 talents were trained.Conclusions The support of NSFC in basic researches in the field of skin and its appendages has led to substantial achievements.More attention should be paid to the writing of concluding reports.Innovation consciousness should be raised,and project leaders should make more original and leading achievements in the future.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 20(3): 65-77, set.-dic. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-989847


RESUMEN Fundamento: Las Ciencias Médicas se caracterizan por estudios profesionales en relación a la salud pública y al proceso de salud enfermedad, pero presentan debilidades en la formación del profesional de la Medicina, en el conocimiento y desarrollo de sus habilidades investigativas. Objetivo: Determinar las limitaciones del docente de las Ciencias Médicas en la investigación educativa en el colectivo de primer año de la carrera de Medicina. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal; la población estuvo conformada por 30 docentes del colectivo de año, 3 directivos de la facultad el resto profesores principales de las asignaturas. Se realizó el análisis de documentos, la entrevista a directivos, docentes y estudiantes, la encuesta a docentes, y la triangulación de datos en la carrera de Medicina durante el curso 2017-2018 de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus. Resultados: Reflejan la formación de un docente concentrado en el contenido de la enseñanza del saber disciplinar, en detrimento de su implicación hacia la investigación educativa, donde el colectivo del año académico no evidencia su potencial formativo. Conclusiones: La actuación del docente de las ciencias médicas se concibe desde lo individual y grupal en el ejercicio docente. Reconociendo que la investigación científica forma parte de sus funciones, pero se inclinan a la materia que imparten y el colectivo de año no los estimula hacia la investigación de los problemas educativos.

ABSTRACT Background: Medical Sciences are characterized by professional studies related to public health and the disease health process, but they present weaknesses in the training of the medical professional, also in the knowledge and development of their research skills. Objective: To determine the limitations of the Medical Sciences professors in the educational research in the first academic year group of the Medicine career. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out; the population consisted of 30 teachers from the teachers´ academic year group, 3 faculty directors, and the rest, some of the main professors of the subjects. The analysis of documents, the interview with managers, teachers and students, the survey of teachers, and the triangulation of data in the Medicine career during the course 2017-2018 at the Sancti Spíritus University of Medical Sciences were used. Results: The performance of teacher of medical sciences is conceived from both, the individual and the group in the teaching practice. Recognizing that the scientific research is part of their functions, but they are mainly interested into the subject they teach and the teachers´ academic year group does not encourage them to research about educational problems.

Research Support as Topic , Biomedical Research/methods , Education, Professional
Edumecentro ; 10(1): 183-206, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-891305


Las embriotecas humanas son valiosas colecciones de material embrionario humano que honran las instituciones que las poseen. Entre las más citadas actualmente están prestigiosas embriotecas en España, Estados Unidos y Argentina. Resultan de un laborioso trabajo de recolección y procesamiento de delicadas muestras embrionarias con potencialidades de uso docente e investigativo. Han sido múltiples las aportaciones al conocimiento científico a partir del estudio de sus series, además del inestimable valor didáctico de las imágenes que atesoran. La Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara presenta la modesta colección que posee, abierta a nuevas contribuciones y a los interesados en su consulta. El objetivo de esta revisión es exponer su relevancia científica y docente en un contexto de revisión histórica y actualidad.

Human embryos are valuable collections of human embryonic material that honor the institutions that own them. Among the most cited are currently prestigious embryos in Spain, the United States and Argentina. They result from a laborious work of collection and processing of delicate embryonic samples with potential for teaching and research use. There have been many contributions to scientific knowledge from the study of their series, in addition to the invaluable didactic value of the images they treasure. The University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara presents the modest collection that it has, open to new contributions and to those interested in its consultation. The objective of this review is to expose its scientific and teaching relevance in a context of historical review and current affairs.

Research , Research Support as Topic , Embryo Research , Education, Medical , Embryonic Structures
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 4(3): [111-116], set.-dez.2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-912592


O uso de rankings para mensuração de desempenho de universidades se tornou algo frequente e com ampla divulgação no meio acadêmico. A CWRU - Center for World University Rankings ­ tornou-se um dos mais conhecidos e anualmente divulga a escala de colocação de universidades de todo o mundo, inclusive por áreas de conhecimento. O ranking referente a 2016 colocou a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) como a melhor universidade na América Latina, sendo a área de Odontologia (cirurgia oral e medicina bucal) como a 1ª colocada e a Medicina Legal em 10º. A proposta deste artigo é analisar criticamente as colocações das áreas anteriormente mencionadas neste ranking e o contraste com o recém anunciado corte de verbas para pesquisa anunciado pelo governo federal no Brasil. Além disso, propõe colocar em discussão, em um enfoque bioético, como forma de avaliação de qualidade de produção científica, a análise do custo financeiro de um trabalho publicado versus seu fator de impacto, ou seja, levar em conta a relação custo/benefício de um trabalho científico. Essa seria uma forma de tornar mais justa e equitativa a avaliação comparativa entre pesquisadores que trabalham com grandes apoios financeiros frente àqueles que trabalham com poucos recursos em relação ao impacto de suas publicações.

The use of rankings to measure university performance has become frequent and widespread in the academic world. The CWRU - Center for World University Rankings - has become one of the most well-known and annually publishes the scale of placement of universities around the world, including by areas of expertise. The ranking for 2016 ranked the University of São Paulo (USP) as the best university in Latin America. The area of Dentistry (oral surgery and oral medicine) was ranked 1st and Legal Medicine ranked 10th. The proposal of this article is to critically analyze the placements of the previously mentioned areas in this ranking and the contrast with the recently announced cut of research funds announced by the federal government in Brazil. In addition, in some bioethics focus, to discuss the analysis of the financial costs of a published work versus its impact factor, as a way of evaluating the quality of scientific production, to allow a more fair and equitable comparative evaluation between researchers working with large financial supports when facing those who work with reduced funding and the respective impact of their publications.

Bioethics , Forensic Dentistry , Forensic Medicine , Research Support as Topic , Universities
Saúde debate ; 41(112): 208-220, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-846176


RESUMO Este artigo verifica a disseminação e o uso das pesquisas financiadas pelo Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Saúde. Trata-se de um estudo de seis casos com análise imbricada, em que se verifica que a política de descentralização do fomento contribuiu para a redução da desigualdade na produção de conhecimento em saúde, embora haja desigualdade no volume de recursos alocados. A disseminação dos resultados foi o limitador da incorporação dos resultados de pesquisa. Os formatos de acompanhamento das pesquisas devem ser melhorados. O fator determinante na incorporação de conhecimentos e tecnologias pelo sistema de saúde é a intencionalidade técnica e política para o uso dos resultados.

ABSTRACT This article verifies the dissemination and use of the researches funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Health. It is a study of six cases with imbricated analysis, where it is verified that the decentralization policy of the promotion contributed to the reduction of inequality in the production of health knowledge, although there is inequality in the volume of resources allocated. The dissemination of results was the limiting factor of the incorporation of the research results. Survey monitoring formats should be improved. The determinant factor in the incorporation of knowledge and technologies by the health system is the technical and politic intentionality for the use of the results.

Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 25(1): 65-70, Enero.-Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1031317


ResumenIntroducción: la investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud permite la toma de decisiones a partir de evidencias fundamentadas; sin embargo, es un campo de estudio poco abordado por los profesionales de enfermería.Objetivo: describir la experiencia de la implementación de una estrategia educativa en profesionales de enfermería y directivos para el desarrollo de capacidades individuales e institucionales en la realización de investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud en Cuba.Metodología: para la implementación de la estrategia se tomaron los referentes del constructivismo y la investigación-acción. Se realizaron talleres de familiarización, diseño y seguimiento. Sus resultados se concretaron en 13 proyectos de investigación para la toma de decisiones en las instituciones y los servicios de enfermería.Conclusiones: se desarrollaron capacidades individuales e institucionales en los participantes para la realización de investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud. Los resultados obtenidos respaldan una nueva etapa de sostenibilidad de la estrategia que implica la proyección de la estrategia a nivel nacional.

AbstractIntroduction: Research on health systems and health services allows the decision-making on the basis of well-founded evidence; however, this field of study has scarcely been addressed by nurses. Objective: To describe the experience of implementing an educational strategy in professional nurses and managers to develop individual and institutional capacities in the execution of research in health systems and health services in Cuba.Methodology: To implement the strategy, the referents of constructivism and action research were taken into account. Some workshops were set up for designing, monitoring and also for the participants to get familiar with the strategy. Their results were implemented in 13 research projects for decision-making in institutions and nursing services.Conclusions: Individual and institutional capacities in participants for conducting research in health systems and health services were developed. The results support a new phase of sustainability of the strategy, which entails the projection of the strategy at a national level.

Research Support as Topic , Nursing Research , Nursing Staff , Nursing Services , Health Services , Health Systems , Cuba , Humans
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 492-497, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-505637


Objective To analyze projects funded by NSFC and SCI paper publication in orthopedic research field (Code:H06) from 2010 to 2016,the current research status and development trend in this field were reviewed and discussed.Methods The data of the projects and funding subsidized by NSFC in orthopedic research field from 2010 to 2016 were collected and analyzed;the papers published were collected by searching in the Web of Science core collection by orthopedics as keyword (article included,conference abstract and book chapters excluded;data collected by December 25,2016) and compared for analyzing the global and China's SCI papers publication in orthopedic field and the role of NSFC in it.Results During the period of 2010 to 2016,1603 projects were funded by NSFC in orthopedic field and the total subsidy fund reached ¥ 730 850 000 (direct funding reported in 2015 and 2016);821 projects of General Program were funded and subsidy fund amount to ¥481 490 000;567 projects of Young Scientists were funded ¥ 118 130 000;130 projects of Fund for Less Developed Regions were funded ¥ 56 040 000;12 projects of Key Program were funded ¥ 33 560 000;3 projects of Distinguished Young Scholars were funded ¥ 7 500 000;5 projects of Outstanding Young Scholars were funded and funding up to ¥ 5 900 000.In the past seven years,the volume of SCI papers published in the world exceed 1 million per year and the papers from the orthopedics field accounted for 0.7% to 0.8%,ranked 54.The number of SCI papers published by Chinese institutions in the field increased year by year and country ranking climbed to No.3 in 2016 from No.8 in 2010.Among these SCI papers from Chinese institutions,the number of the papers from NSFC grants also increased year by year,ranked Top One in Chinese founding agency for 7 consecutive years.Conclusion In recent years,with the increasing of NSFC budget,the orthopedic research has been developed rapidly,but it still needs to be further strengthened in the advanced talents and high-level research.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 18(6): 731-736, Nov.-Dec. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-843413


Abstract Researchers receiving grant from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) are a reference group in Brazilian academia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the 30 journals with the highest number of publications of researchers in the Physical Education area who received grants in the 2010-2012 triennium. From this analysis, the relevance of journals in the Physical Education area was also evaluated. For the accounting of publications, the scriptLattes v8.07 software was used. The 88 researchers in Physical Education area published 2600 papers in 530 different journals in the 2010-2012 triennium. It was found that among the 30 journals with the highest number of publication, 19 are published in Brazil; from “Top 10”, eight journals are published in Brazil. Concerning journals that have publications of researchers who have received grants of all categories/levels, of the 11 journals that meet this requirement, seven are published in Brazil. It was concluded that, however Brazilian journals are minority in the upper stratum of Webqualis in the Physical Education area, they still stand as the main communication vehicle of elite researcher in the area.

Resumo Os pesquisadores bolsistas de produtividade do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) constituem um grupo de referência no meio acadêmico brasileiro. Objetiva-se, frente tal interpretação, analisar os 30 periódicos com maior número de publicações de pesquisadores bolsistas de produtividade da área da Educação Física no triênio 2010-2012. Com tal análise, intenta-se ainda, diagnosticar a relevância de tais periódicos para a referida área. Para a contabilização das publicações foi utilizado o software scriptLattes v8.07. Os 88 bolsistas de produtividade da área da Educação Física publicaram 2600 artigos em 530 periódicos distintos no triênio 2010-2012. Constata-se que dos 30 periódicos com maior número de publicações, 19 são editorados no Brasil; dos “Top 10”, oito periódicos são editorados no Brasil. Com relação aos periódicos que possuem publicações de bolsistas de produtividade de todas as categorias/níveis, dos 11 periódicos que atendem a essa condição, sete são editorados no Brasil. Conclui-se que, por mais que os periódicos brasileiros sejam minoria nos estratos superiores do Webqualis na área da Educação Física, estes ainda se apresentam como principal veículo de comunicação dos pesquisadores de referência na área.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 17(3): 103-117, dic. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-769343


Fundamento: La pertinencia y calidad de la educación superior es posible con actividad investigativa evidente e implícita, por ser consustancial con el proceso docente educativo. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de desarrollo de las habilidades investigativas en estudiantes de Medicina de segundo año de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spiritus, durante el curso 2013-2014. Metodología: Se revisaron y analizaron 73 informes de trabajos científicos estudiantiles mediante una guía estructurada según el Estilo de Presentación de Investigaciones Científicas o indicaciones de comités organizadores de otros eventos, se observaron concurrentemente exposiciones y defensas de trabajos en la Jornada Científico estudiantil, Fórum de Historia y Jornada de Infecciones de Trasmision Sexual. El procesamiento de datos obtenidos incluyó distribución de frecuencia absoluta y relativa, con triangulación de métodos técnica y fuentes. Resultados: Predominó un escaso desarrollo de habilidades investigativas relacionadas con diseño teórico, fundamentalmente en problema científico y formulación de objetivos, errores ortográficos, de transcripción, redacción, en el apoyo digital de la exposición, expresión oral y argumentación en la defensa. Conclusiones: Existen necesidades de preparación científica estudiantil, desde asignaturas y disciplinas, rol de tutores, y protagonismo de organizaciones laborales y estudiantiles, con intencionalidad en el trabajo, que propicie la motivación y participación efectiva, lo que tributa a mejores modos de actuación y formación integral del futuro egresado.

Background: The relevancy and quality of the superior education is possible with evident and implicit investigative activity, to be consubstantial with the educational educational process. Objective: To identify the level of development of the investigative abilities in Medicine students of second year at the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti Spiritus, during the academical year 2013-2014. Methodology: 73 reports of student scientific works were checked and analyzed by means of a guide structured according to the Style of Presentation of Scientific Investigations or indications of organizing committees of other events, exhibitions and defenses of concurrently works in the Scientist student´s Day, Forum of History and Day of Sexual Transmission Infections were observed. The prosecution of obtained data included distribution of absolute and relative frequency, with technical triangulation of methods and sources. Results: A scarce development of investigative abilities related with theoretical design prevailed, fundamentally in scientific problem and formulation of objectives, spelling mistakes, of transcription, writing, in the digital support of the exhibition, oral expression and argument in the defense. Conclusions: Necessities of scientific student preparation exist, from subjects and disciplines, tutors' list, and protagonist of labor and student organizations, with premeditation in the work that propitiates the motivation and effective participation, what pays to better performance ways and integral formation of the future graduated.

Humans , Universities , Education, Medical/methods , Education, Professional/methods , Students, Medical , Research Report , Research Support as Topic/methods , Scientific Domains
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 24(supl.5)nov. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-749307


São apresentadas informações sobre as ações indutoras da Diretoria de Gestão de Pessoas (DIGEPE) para integração das atividades de ensino e pesquisa na rede FHEMIG. Destacam-se o aumento inicial da produção cientifica com estabilização a partir de 2010 e o desafio de transformá-la em publicações de alto impacto científico.

This article presents information about the actions of Human Resources Department (Diretoria de Gestão de Pessoas - DIGEPE) to integrate teaching and research at Fhemig. It should be mentioned a steady increase in scientific production in the Foundation and challenge of high scientific impacts publication.